The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, March 16, 1883, Image 3

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The True Citizen. WAYNESBORO.«A.. FRIDAY, MARCH IB, 1883 Entered at tho post office at Waynesboro, Ga. hs second (das* matter. The eweeiest Clams that can be found k for sale by S. A. GRAY. mr9 — Easter Sunday occurs this year on the 2f>tli of March, within two days of the earliest period at which it can occur. J. S. BL0U1TT has a lot of the nicest Poultry Butter on hand that,.ever was soil in this market- --W. A. Wilkins <$r Co have sold two oar loads of bacon per month since the first of Jauuary. S. A. GRAY has a fine lot of Geor gia Syrup on hand. Buy of him mr9 —Our town was well represented in Augusta on Thursday evening ns quite a number went there to witness the ope ra of Iolanthe, and returned full of en thusiasm for operatic music. Who can p'case the yoqpg, midd p aged and o d with Shirts and CoMars ? S. A. GRAY. nil9 • Col. J, F. Stone, of Statesboro, Bul loch county, was in to see us Wednos day. Messrs Stone & Co. are prepar ing to uncage the Statesboro Eag e. and we anxiously listen to hear its ini tial scream. Just received at S. A. GRAY'S some daisy Ladies’ Slippers, made by ihe reliable house, Evitt & Bro— Ponlt fail to see them before you pur chase. mr9 — Mr. McGarve is in tow* taking subscriptions tor the Encyclopedia of Business and School Forms, which we pronounce 1 to be a useful and entertaing work, and we are g'ad to learn that our citizens are subscribing freely. --Up to the 15th inst., there had been 547 mortgages recorded in the Clerk’s office on personalty, on crop# nr on both to obtain s»pp ! ies to make this year’s orop. What a terrible comment on ‘‘the all cotton’’ policy of our far mers. Why do the young men at S. A. Gray's store smile all the time ? Be cause Bacon will rule and it is con- ceeded their employer so Is ♦he very hes f of goods, which gives umversa' sat isfaction. mr9 —At a depth of little more than 150 feet our artesian well borers struck an oyster shell stratum, from which speci mens of shells have been brought up which at some time in the countless ages of the past, evidently incased very large oysters. —Mr .Jim Lawson has just received a pure strain Cuban Dominique game ohioken, from which he proposes to raise A cross upon the common barn-yard fowls with the game is said to render :hem much hardier, more active and less liable to disease. S. A. GRAY offers a few of the Oozier Long Staple Silk Cotton seed for sale. They make one and a half bales of cotton to the acre, which sells for onmtent more than cotton made from other seed. mr 16 —Small-pox is reported to be on a Mr., V\ ade’s place in the upper part of Soriyeo county adjoining Burke. Our town authorises should at once take - stops to enforce vaccination, as this terrible disease is liable to break out in our town at any time. —Mother, think of the battle that is being waged by worms against the life of your child. There is no night of rest with them : they fight to kill.—- 1-briner’s Indian ^ggifuge will anni hilate them. Only 25 cents a bottle. For sale by W. F. Holleyman. —Dr. Holleyman has in store and is still adding to his stock of those beautiful Japan cane fishing po'es, end is also re ceiving a large assortment of the latest s.iyes of hooks and the finest tackle made. If you want a comp'ete outfit of fishing apparatus, call on Holleyman. S. A. GRAY keeps constantly on hand a, full supply of Ladies' Shoes made, by Evitt tfc Bros, lie buys direct from the factoreis and. war rants every pair, mr9 —Two weeks ngo we announced that Mr. L. B, Clay was about to commence tiie boring of an artesian well at Midville, this county, On Thursday we received a note from that gentleman announcing that he had struck water at the depth of *125 feet, and that the flow was steady end copious. Mr. C. SHys that when he gets in his lufgor piping the flow .will he 20 gallons per rainiffo. Mr, •iscob Dtvis whs in town Thursday fr«*m that village, and brought a jug full of the water with him, which was clear «s crystal and of excellent quality. We are very glad t<> hear of hlr. Clay’rt suer*as, and hope lie mav C9L. ./• ,/. JOS MS F -R GO Y Mil son. It is a notorious fact that of all the governors of Georgia, not one has been taken from this part of the State, and fudy impressed with the justice of the claim, so believe that the time has already come when the people of this section of the State should be recogniz ed iu ibis matter, and we. therefore, suggest the name of our distinguished townsman, Col. J. J. Jones, for the ollice of governor. Col. Jones has spent a long political life in the advocacy of Democratic prneiples —never wavering, his devotion to the party has amounted to enthusiasm. Mo is familiarly and minutely acquainted with all the politi cal economy of the State ; fixed in his opinions and stern in his integrity, and if there is a man in the State who de serves a recognition for important ser vices, at the hands of the party, Col. Jones i; the man. In the dark days of the party in Georgia, Col. Jones never If you wan a handsome suit of spring j >n<l summer c o', lies. v Wide Ves:s and Diners. (load and >'ery eh<>ap,\ buy of S. A Gray before his s ouk is exhausted that has just arrived. mr9 — Mr IT, F. Green, of Green's t'ut, owns a guinea fowl that is a bonanza in itself This famous fowl commenced 11 HO IS UK* 'Hit Augtis a Chrou'cle of Friday morning published an article pa port ing to i>e a telegram from this pla-e t i the Now York Herald, in regard t ■ the Chinese, which is au unmitt ga ted slander of the poop's of this com munity. It does not contain one word of tiuth from beginning to end.— We know of no one whom wc bo'ieve to be mean en< ugh to perpetrate -uch a deed, and wc have no suspicion as to . who he is. We wid pub mb the arti We learn from the Sylvania Tele-i ole next. week. laying on the V>th month before the of February, a al time for these fowls to lay, and ht\luid an egg every day since Who says'-there is money in cotton ? ABRIHSTOH.fc CO. nflOTtniiMArUERS W fiyfii^boro, <j2 n * Pictures taken iu cloudy as wd ; ’ as fair w*viUur. Photo^roplns enlarged, size 8x10 i> oho, without frame, $2 eaeh. A largo Ha.ior tin tut of frames to aehut from. Photographs and -Ferro’j pea as cheap ^ you get ihe-ni .in any city and in the best style. .. nirl6’S3 f ■ phone that the Perkins ’Manufacturing Company is contemplating an extension of their railroad at an early day to By 1 vania. Wc.congratula e the ditizens of the metropolis of Scriven MA SS MEETING CM LLED. 1 he Democratic party of Burke eoun- ounty upon j ty is hereby requested to meet iu mass their prospect, of being con aec.ted with meeting, at W.aynesboro, on Tuesday, he rest of he worid. the 3d day of April, at 10 o’clock, to select delegates to the State Democnitn Convention, to assemble in Atlanta.. KnU line of Bay Stale Standard. Scruir Fastened Shoes at S. A. G 11 A VS. ]'he lust shoe made. Ferry pair warranted and will give perfect satisfaction. rnr\) —MissPeurl Napier, who his bten visiting Miss Lillian \\ ilkins for some. faltered, and had lie like o hers, pressed j t"-»o past, left for hej/uome in Twiggs his claim i for preferment, we have not b;'»>*ty, on Sunday' morning much t, ., ,. | . ,, • , iii j the regret of hemjatr hostess and her the slighte d doubt he would long ere y , ■ ,, , “ . | many ’any Inetmsm U ayucsbr.r ). hey this hayo reached to high political dis I er;i j 0 f tinctibn. \A'ith these facts in view, and con vinced that the interests of our grand old State would be safe in his hands, we suggest that our county delegates oast their votes for Col. Jones, and use every honorable means in their power to have him nominated. our voting gentlemen are discon solute uni iuconSoleab e. — Mrs. Eliza Mead, of the GRth dis trie*, this county, was taken with a chi i on Wednesday, week ago. which passed off as usual with chill and fever. On Thursday following she missed the I chi 1 but on Friday morning was taken again, and died in about fifiecn minutes after the chill occurred. CUBE FOR UOG CHOLERA. Some weeks ago we published a rem tdy for hog cholera, which we know to be good. Below we publish another remedy, sent to us by Dr. W. B. Jones, proprietor of Birdsville stock aud seed farm, near Herndon, this county, whose experience in stock raising make him authority upon all matters connected with the subject of stock. Dr. Jones says : “Hogs invariably need spring medi cine. A simple harmless alterative is found in the following recipe: One- quarter pound copperas, one pound of sn'phur. twenty pounds of salt, two bushels charcoal, pulverized or ground fine, and mixed well, and a small quan tity given in mea 1 nr grits liree times a week to the herd during the spring months: so given iu troughs, each aui- mal will get his share. I have found this mixture cure hogs of that debi itvand feebleness which invaria bly ensues in spring, after the high keeping of winter feed.” ANOTHER REMEDY FROM E. P. GODLEY. “To keep bogs healthy: Take one quart of tar, run from the lightwoed of the long-leaf pine, a half gallon of lard, one quart of sulphur, one quart of tine salt, mixed well together, give it to the hogs by rubbing over the corn in the ear once a week, give each hog one ear, and then give them an ear each without the mixture to clear their mouths.— When you give them slop water, rub the sides of the trough with the mix ture. It is also profitable to rub % little of the mixture over the hogs and in the mouths of horses, mules and milch cows-it is good for all stock. The writer has been using it for 40 years, and has suffered very little from sickness of any kind among his stock, It is also ajgood medicine torpoultry. It should be used regularly throughout the year, • JEFFEIISOS COUNTY DOTS. Mr- J. D. Ham, father of Cnl. H. W. J. Ham, of the Gainesville JS'gle, died at his residence in Jefferson county about four weeks ago. Mrs. Cln a>hum, u very aged lady, died at the residence of Ivr son, Dr. Thomas Cheatham, iu Davigbqfu, on the 12th inst. J. I). Parker died at hi« residence in that county last tvm k. Many of die planters of Jefferson are through planting corn. They arc said to bo pushing ahead. One of tho e pleasant dancing parlies tor which Waynesboro society is so fa nious came off gt MX R. C. Neely’s on Tuesday evenin'gS^fid- is pronounced one of the most enjoy rbj.e occurrences of the season Mr and Mrs. N. are re ceiving the thanks of the young peop e for an evening's enjoyment. —The reason why tho Estey Organ Company has doubled its business in the last, year, is that thei-experience, capital and fair uea'ing insure music buvers better goods, lower prices and easier terms than are obtained else where. (J. H. Taylor, agent, 621 Broad s root., Augusta, Ga. —We rep-ret to leirn of the death of Mr. B M. Blocker, which occuired nt his roHidepce in .this county oo Monday Ih-o. Mr. Rb'cker was h well known and good citizen of our coun t", rind hhng«t man. “die noblest work of G U*’ Our sympathies arc tendon d the l>eyeav< d t irii'y. — Prof. J. P. Rodgers in the early part of last winter bough* a load of ligli wood from a da ky, who to induce the Professor to purchase, said : “Loss, dat lightwood is gwiue to stay wid you.” Prof. It. has no reason to complain of its f aying quali'ies, as he says it has stayed with him all the winter, and is likely lo remain all summer. —We learn that on last Tuesday evening, about 2:30 o’clock, the ’store of Mr. L B. Elliott, in Bath, Richmond county, was destroyed by fire. Mr. E. bad just gone home to dinner, when he heard the cry of fire, and upon rush ing saw his store enveloped in flames. Only a fraetional part of th« slock was saved. The po.xtofficc which was run in connection with the store was also de stroyed, No insurance. —On Tuesday we had a pleasant call from Mr. Geo. W. Sapp, an old citizen of Burke couuty, but who now resides in Whitfield county. Mr. S. is the general traveling agent for that live journal, the Atlanta Post-Appeal, and we were glad to be informed by him that the circula ion of the P.-A. was rapidly increasing. We congratulate brother Thornton upon his good fortune in securing the services of so efficient an agent. ^Mr J. D. Sanders, of Waynesboro, has invented a plow and stock which combine every requisite to make it a complete cultivator. /I he plow is a large one horse Wping plow, which does its work easily and thorough y. The stock is so arranged that it can he made to take on any class of plow, aud precludes tho necessity of having a stock for each kind of plow. Taken all together, we consider it a complete triumph, and recommend its adoption by our farmers. April 21th, to nominate a candidate for governor. KandoM'H RidgF.i.Y.Chairman, J. H. Mackenzie, Secretary. In the aboye notice, as pub i,bed, wc most respectfully cull the attention of our chairman of the Democratic Ex- ecuiive Committee lo an important er ror contained therein. '1 he notice says the State Democratic Convention will asseinb e in Atlanta on the 21th of April, when the time appointed for the meeting of tho State Convention is tin 10th of April, the 24th of April being election day. The error being one likely to mislead those who depend upon the local prints for their informa tion, wo suggest the propriety of its correction. LETTER LIST. The following is a list of unoluirv.- ed letters remaining in the P-*st Office at Waynesboro, Burke county, Morel) 1st, 1883: John Allen, A’l’red Cooper, Lizizie Crocket, James Chance, Laura Cul ver, G M DioV'-i (2). Tilus D uiu, Ned Drat<Mi, L A Exams, Mary Gr en. Nudotn Green, Cliford Ccdhee, J B Hiimerlvn, Bill Hatcher, George C link, Louisa H >r !cn, Laura Jeffers, EHa Jenkins, llachcl Jones, Manila Ileus, John Nurgar, Thomas M< ore, Schoiat Meliin, L 'sy Mahoncv, Man Murphey, Jamrnin McN >rre', Jack R-mey, Carrie Shewmnke, Sel n r Gmail, M P Scruggs (2), M H Torhit*, Ran Wdchie, Oliver Williams. James Wite, York Williams, Henry Wright, Malla Via k«'.r, Eiizbcth Washington, Jm.o Williams, Paul Williams. POSTAL CARDS. Baldwin Avery, E L Anderson (2). Obe Buhls, Clark Bar, GeorgoBlnunt, W S Carpenter, John Carro l, Anth ony Clark, A K Dickey (3), Jack Green, C\ rus George, Paullain Hous ton, Amos Jones, Julian Jones, W G Johnson, Sarah Jenkins, Denir, C B Keliv, Gilbert Johnson, Rebecca Lovett, Pholson Mulkey, Sam Millage, Clem Williams, Peter Willi *m«. S War* r, Thos. S. Blanchard, P. M. The Georgia Major. A NEW SOUTHERN LITERARY AND HUMOR OUS JOURNAL. —»' PL: BLISIIKD WEEKLY AT ATLANTA, Q A., BY SMALL A WILLIAMS. .. If. is oTi electrical sucoesu. Ou tho aiiAeiiUuv niou*, of its nnWioation. we are in rt< eif.t 9t luindrtds ot orders from all er.rui oi.'t'ne Uoiou. ll vi',1 lie tne duly representative! journal of S.-.idUL'in life customs, humor and popnlar bis torv. O.d Si. the famous ne^ro jihiio*opher, airs ills we .-ted w sdoin in every iasue. Headquarteix o?'I'lw Georgia Major are at Atlanta, Ga. Semi one (ioltar for six month* or tvo (lolhua for one year. Those ure our only terms and are for cash in advance. Address-,. SMALL & WILLIAMS, Atlanta. Ud. * -•? t-*a W «*.»*» »*••«-♦ t. it f*. VNf * j stills 11 5 1 1 1 » T • >aif s. I ONLY SliLL BUIST'S SEEDS, and am eon - stantly receiving them in quantities **» tin* wEaj.TmwpwaBa——mw————a—i demand. I buy what I can sell each season.- it iwwwaw'.-w. ' Tlmsly avoiding SEED BONFIRES, anti ftnawm- «ncaaa>MBBaBSjiaia—h—b——wmPm tee to my customers none hut fresh and ser.uinw i ir-ir mil-qi •TnMwr—Mnamrm frm—— seasonable Seed. in 11 > ii mi mi m mm —in l HAYL m Ruisl’.i Early Rose Potatoes, Verm out, thinly Good Rich Potatoes, Vermont* White and Red Onion Sets, Clinmpion of England Pens. Eye Marrowfat Peas, Extra Karl;• Pea*x Me- I..-ail’s Liitle Gun Peas Dwarf Early Tofjj Thumb Peas, Yorkshire Hero. CABBAGE Early York, Early Sugar Loaf, Raarly IFinaiinr- st adt. Early Large. York, Early Drumhead: , I.uie Drumhead, i.ate Flat Dutch, Green Glazed-. Mot», Th inns 1 Early Jersey Wakefield Early Hartwell. GEORGIA RAISED COLLAR# SEED. SU(’flWiil, iN boring many Well, id Otir •jea.ihed. which theater , ’ w e / Ihe mtvk Horn ou nig'.t aud d county. —We loarn from tho Athens Univer sity Repirtor that our young friend, T. B. Felder, was appointed ono of the emu mil tee to attend the funeral servioos of Mr. Stephens in behalf of the Phi Kappa Society, and also on tho oom- mitteo to inform Larry Gantt and Gov. lloynton of their eleotion us honorary •louihers of the above debating society. We oongra’uUto brother/iantt apd Gov. Boynten on their election to. sd exalted n position, and arc, indeed, very „uu U-, glad to loa.-n Tom is so fast climbing eioun to LoubU* to water, ltiuder ui l4'no ( Tho latest fashion Ladio-’ tmd Gents’ .Hats can ho found at S. A. GRAYS, ami tlie price is in tho reach of all. uii’9 THE AiPTASIAN WELL. The iirtoMau vrnH regimored/this-iSaturday) morning i!l« hsjt in lougth, ? Mo upptr stratum "’U« JWl'of-t of oUy utid (iiiloluAud, 4 stratum of oystershell was struck at abou some90 feet through, at 90tl fe iJOtoet, and was marl rook was now passlmr. iiut wj> hope BEANS. BE A m. White wtfx Black Wax, Giant Wax. pole, dwarf, Lima, large and smalt. at FOLHILL’ft BEETS. Extra Early, F.urly Blood Tusnip, White «*Ugur r.ud Long .Blood. BABISJL Early Long Scarlet, Early French JSWaiktsi and Early Turnip. PRINS & SUMMER TURHIF Rod or Purple Tojwflat, Red or Pnrr>In Top )Xov Horn, Yellow A tier- strap lea red, Largo Y3ow Horn, Yellow A dino, Golden Ball, Early Flat Dutch. —There is a certain young man in town who is eutiiled to the belt as the champion go-as you-please walkist.— Having made an appointment to spend List Qnmt'iv wifV, Llg mrl Lo to,d- too Trophy, Selected Tilden, New Karly Aciui-, Inst Sunday with ms girl, ne took too ii a iiu- v <,ys Tomato .Golden Trophy, BuUt’s se- niuch time in dressing and beautifying , lec-ted Tropy, etc. his manly form, and ^paohed the depot just in time to see the cars leave with out him. In fact he was left, lie stopped to consult for a moment, and London Long Green, Early Chester, concluded it would never do to di*«ap- j au ^\^^“,^fe r ^ eo u“»utot'aiSSn»5S3?ViISS5 , [ point her, and wilfi a sneer at the < ars and all schedule time, he defiantly took thi people’s linn. It was onlv thirteen miles, and though the roads were in to.eiitbly bad, he made the trip in jusi two hours and twenty uiinules. If his girl don't recognize and reward suuh devotion she deserves to live and die an oid maid. TOMATOES- Cucumbers Sp Squash CrcevBKRs.--Early white Spine, Bnrljr KurtMnn. London Long Green. Eerly Chest*r. Miirhlnhcad, etc. coun. I Golden Dent, iiulat’u l.arfcp fFbit« lfilj-t Early CAiiiidii. Our readers will be pleased to learn from an advertisement in another col umn, that Messrs. Arrington <fc Co. havo purchased all tho equipments of Mr. A. ill run a i W. Clarke, and wil permanent photograph gallery in Waynesboro.— Mr. Arrington who will have charge of the gallery, has ulroadv proved to the sutifaotion of our people that ho is ar accomplished artist, and we bespeak for the now firm an appreciation of that opinion by giving them a liberal pat ronage. See advertisement,. .. . John D. Ashton. 1 ’ At torncv at L n I guaruntco alt of the above seed at. Au£<i.-fa iMHMaaaHMMMHaMMMIh Price#. Consult your in crest and call befou- buying elsewhere. Very Respectfully, A* PolhilL WAYNES BO Il v