The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, March 16, 1883, Image 5

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The Tm* Citizen. WA YN’KH ftoit.O, G A.. P-I'ILm. V, fct.lia/H 30. lftW; Surr-totti e>! fJit. FHMeitf." en. Toombs, dco’ajcd for Born ton. h k »md, has JteatT The Atla-ti'a Georgia Major baa bmi pla-eed in ihc band* of ft receiver on aceouut of difagrcenicntR mjiong the proprietors. JC3T The increase of cotton manu factories m the South is causing many of the Northern journals great solici tude, for fear the capital invested here in that iuterest will be thrown ftway.— How wonderous kind these Yankee scribblers arc becoming all at once. Iggf” Senator Brown does not cou aider it his duty "to interfere” in the coming guberua orinl canvass, and as ex Governor Colquitt h is been provi cl6.1 for during the next six years-- these terribly disturbing elements out of the way—it is probable that the com - ing canvass will be conducted in a de cent manner. The Fort Valley girls have a “cooking olnb,” and the Mirror goes almost into spasms over the nice bread and cakes which they bake. If one of these beautiful little amateur cooks was brought down to “bard pan,” and forced to cook a dinner of bacon and collards, etc., in earnest, she would not only lose her enthusiasm for the art culinary, but whimper over her ‘‘hard destiny” worse tb’wj ajpanked baby. STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. On our first page wc print the pro ceedings in full of the Democrat!® 1 State Executive Committee, which was held in Atlanta on the 4th inst., and oommend them to a caroful peru sal of our readers. The disturbing ele ment are all out of the way, and the present occasion offers and opportunity for harmonizing the Democrats and we hope our party leaders will take ad- yau age of it to cement the parly as of old into a unit, and that the Democrats will in the future present an unbroken front. The State Executive Committee, by resolution, requests the county Execu tive Committees in all the counties of tbe State to hold their county meetings and select delegates to the Gubernatorial Convention on the first Tuesday (the 3d day) of April next. Acting-Governor Boynton has ordered the election for governor to take place on the 24th day of April, and as the convention to nominate a candidate for governor will meet in Atlanta on the 10th df April, there will remain on'y 14 days from the meeting of the nominating con vention to the day of the election.— This will leave but a short time for the canvass—too short we hope for the ac rimonies of the last canvass to be aroused. Indeed, it is to be hoped that the coming gubernatorial conven tion wid use every means in its power encourage harmony and discouiagc a 1 dissentions of the party. BIG BONANZA BOX The Big Bonanza uift Stationery Box co.itaius 12 sheets good note paper. 12 good assorted en velopes, 1 good lead pencil, 1 good pen holder, 1 Uss the Old Brands, The most Popular Fertilizers in the Market. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO » AND HIJO WILL BE THE CANDIDA TE. Of the distinguished gentlemen who have been announced by the State Press »s aspirants for the now vacant guber natorial chair, Jud^e Simmons, lion. Win. E, Smith. Gen. Phil. Cook and .fudge Crawford withdraw their names, and positively refuse to make the race. This narrows the list of supposed can didates down to Hon. A. O. Bacon, Acting-Governor Boynton and Hon. H. D. McDaniel. Of these, our preference is for Bacon. In his favor it may bo urged, that when, during the last can vass, he was convinced that Mr. Steplir «na was the choice of the Democratic party, ho retired gracefully from the contest, and proved himseif to be too good a Democrat to a 1 low his name to he made a disturbing element in the party, though urged by influential but over zealous friends to go before the people in opposition to the action of the nominating convention. This is certainly good evidence of his fealty to l»he party, to which he has devoted h’s whole.political life. Besides his devo tion to the Democratic party and prin ciples, his long experience in the State Legislature gives him an accurate ami minute knowledge of the State govern ment, his exalted talents, and stern in legritv eminently fit him for the position of Chief Executive of Georgia, and we therefore give our voice for Baeon. Pi:EDI.EX' ESSOLUTIOX. ft will he ooserved that among the resolutions passed by the State Execu tive Committee, was one offerod b» Hon. Tyler M. Peeples, a proxy for T. C. Tate, of iho ninth district, contain ing a clause requesting the county oon yen'.ion? to pass resolutions requesting Ih^gubcrnaforial nominating conven tion ‘ Not to admit -my d dogate unless he be regularly elected as a delegate or altarrate.” This peculiar clause of tho honorable proxy’s resolution is difficult to understand in the a’ seuce of an ox illicit explanation Besides (his, as every deliberative body has the power to determine the eligibility of its own members, it strikes us that this clause of the honorable proxy's resolution was ciktirely superfluous. We assume tbe p^elege of advising the honorable proxy to issue a circular letter explain ing any hidden meaning bis foggy woids "e chairman of tbe Demo iOee of each gOKioIl pttll, 1 lliclIlUl (VlUIUIli UUUit| X ottol ring, 1 ladies' set jet breast pin ana ear dropi line plated heavy finder riug. 1 friondsi ip b, ring 1 set gent’s se •, bean sLeve buttons, 1 set Kent’s (jilt shirt, studs. 1 Kent’s bosom pin with stone set, .1 cold plated collar button, and 1 leather money purse with metal clasp. Homeni- ber. all the above articles in an elegant paper box with handsome ohroiuo cover, only 30 cents by m;dl to any address. Send ten postage stamps and we will send you one box by return mail.— It will be the most goods you ever bought for the money. You will be more than pleased. It iv the largest and and best Stationery Package ever gotten up, and is selling like wildfire, wo are bound to sell 50,000 boxes during 18S3. Order one now and you will want a dozen more, lic- niember 1 box postpaid for 30 edits, or 4 boxes for $1. Agents wanted to sell these boxes and other goods. No money required until goods are sold. Scud 30 ccuts for a sample box, and terms to agents. Address, HILL & BULKIN) IT, mriu’83bm. 40 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE They have given the Best Satis faction of any Manure in the market for the past eighteen years. FOR i>ALE BY W. A. Wilkins & Co., Waynesboro, Ga., and G. W. Perkins, Perkins Junction, Ga. J. O. MATTHEWSON & CO., General Agents, Augusta, Ga, inar9 , 83 , m. Syn.psiu ;i Le al Adv rtis ments- Many farmers in Decatur county are through planting core, and are Im-ily engaged pnp*ring their cotton lands. Paternal message to erring son : “Yes. Bill, you may come h one, but ’lnTe won’t be any y*ul lt>r dinner,” —1,0 0 0 BOXES— FLORIDA ORANGES, Wilt be given away in Premiums to subscribers. For particular*, address Herald Publishing Co., Jan.S.’SS.ct. Tavaiuis, Obakub Co., FTobida ~^d7qIotr7 _ ATTORNEY A. 'I' I. A. W . WAYNESBORO, GA. Will practice in the Augusta, Eastern and middle circuits. Special attention given to Justice Court practice. may5,’S2.b-y. E. F. Lawson, Attorney-at-Law, WAYNESBORO, ... • GA. Will promptly attend to all business intrnstod to his care, and give special attention to the practice in the Court of Ordinary. Office next door to Arlington Hotel. novlO’Ssfby. NEW BARBER SHOP T beg leave to inform my old patrons, and the general public, that I have opened a Barber Shop over Mr. N. A. Gray's store, where . evening malls, is eight pt 1 am prepared to do Hair (Til ting, Shampooing, markets and telegraphic rep “* ’ ’ workmanlike manner. My place of the tri-weekly edit ordinary's W. R. Zorn, guardian of Ruth and Redding Hardwick, applies for leave to sell all the real estate of said minors. Will be passed upon the first Monday In April. A. H. Sconyers applies for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of A. J. Scon yers. Will be passed upon the first Monday in April, next. Francis A Jones, administratrix on the estate of Mary T. Jones, applies for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, and one share of stock of the Central Railroad. Will be passed •poll the first Monday in April, next. Mrs. Lucy Hill, administratrix of Wm. J. Hill, applies for leave to sell a house and lot in the town of Waynesboro. Will be passed upon the first Monday in April. I)r. L. D. Johnson, administrator on the estate of John Rollins, applies for letters of dismission from said administration- Will be passed upon the that .Monday in May next. BHEIUFF’b SALK*. Will he sold before the court houSo door, on the first Tuesday in April, next, the following property, to-wit; Two mules, 6000 pounds of :,oed cotton, 50 bush els of corn, 500 bushels of cotton seed, 1,000 pounds of fodder, levied on as the propel ty of Ned Sherod to satisfy a mortgage ii. fa - in favor of M. Zacharies & Co. 25 acres of land, levied upon as the property of Mrs. Laveina A. Palmer, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by G A. Ward. 50 acres of land, levied upon as the property of Mrs. Rebecca Hudson to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by G. A Ward. HARDWARE. Iron, Steel, Cut-ery, Guns, Pistols, Sadtlb'S and Bridles Wheels, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Etc., Etc. Sluiving, etc., in a work will show for Itself. feblO’SStf. nuuli^o manner. My HENRY JONES, ARLINGTON HOUSE BARBER SHOP. WILLIAMS A BROWN, Pnon’s. Wo beg leave to Inform tho citizens o f Burke and the public generally, that we have n ov formed a co-partnership, and combined our two barber shops, we thank tho , ublio for past patronage and ask a uontlmjauce of tho same, llalr Gutting, Hair Dressing, Shaving, etc., *)oiiu 'KRTlo.fb in tho m.»at artistic stylo ninUht! Musical Instruction. Tin undersigned respectfully informs those who desire a THOROUGH COURSE IN MUSIC, tlmt. he is prepared to give lust ructions upon the VIOLIN, PIANO and ORGAN. Pupils for KLVl’Euml GUITAR nan also enter the class. Ills prices are reasonable. {*- For rates and in thor particulars apply to OHAH. J. WALLACE. Iiur2’83tf. Waynesboro, Ga. THBATLANTA_ POST-APPEAL T ie only dally In the state published every morning, Monday Included. Fearless In combating wrong In cliques rings or parties. Gives full market reports, corrected dally Containing all the latest Telegraphic News.— Is newsy, sprightly and progressive. All articles, editorial or otherwise, snort, spicy and pointed, containing the pith of all subluete treated. Hunday’s edition contains all the news, Tele graphic, General and Local, as well as literary articles of general merit. Monday’s edition alona worth the price of subscription. The Atlanta Post-Appeal, 7 luenes every week. Is onlr |H per annum, <4 lot »U months, fc.Hb for a months, 7A oeuU for trial month. ■, I’oo-Am asL ronLURi ve Co. 83 Atlanta. GA. At Lowest Pr ices. General Agent I^oi* Eclipse Steam Engine, Winship Gin, Manure, Spreader, Oliver Chilled Plow, Duplex Harrow, Walter A. Wood Mower, Reaper and Binder. aept.22,’ HENRY P. MOORE. 809 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA Sheehan‘s Excelsior Bottling Works. 1025 GREENE STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Pure Soda Water, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale manufactured from Fresh and First-class material. Lager Beer in kegs and bottles always on hand. Orders solicited aud promptly filltd. N T) ICE of Good Quality ancl Just Weight shipped to my cub- . Jd.i .turners at Market Price. feb9’83cm DEBTORS AND CREDITORS NOTICES. Charles Bunn, administrator on tho estate (KM, W. Bunn, notifies all persons having olinnis against said estate, to present them as prescribed by law. H- E. W. Palmer, administrator on tho estate ofG. C. Brown, notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present them as prescribed by law, IT. L. Phillips, administrator on the estate, of Mary .4. Harrell, notifies all persons having claims against said estate, to present them as prescribed by law. Cbronicle *»» Constitutionalist . Augusta, Ga The Chronicle & Constitutionalist is rapidly approaching the completion of the first century of existence. The paper we publish is essential ly a type of modern progress, which demonstra tes that this established journal has become bet ter and stronger as it increases in years. The men who have, from one generation to another, worked upon it, and helped to make it a power in (lie land, submit, and will submit, to the coin mon lot of humanity, and pass away from this earth and its struggles, but the result of their la bor remains, and will continue to remain. The workmen die, but the work goes on. The Chronicle enters the new year with excep tional advantages. Its daily edition i> a wvll-lul- od eight-page paper. Its second edition, irr the evening mails, is eight pages, with the afternoon markets and telegraphic reports, it takes the place of the tri-weekly edition. Its mammoth weekly paper will compare wit h any in the coun try. Into this edition the choicest and creamier i news of the week is collected, and upon its-lap the best and freshest editorial and misccllano ous matter from tho dally is poured. Its market reports, covering nearly one page, will ho an especial feature, prepared each week for the country reader. Its news service will sustained by trained and scholarly correspondents, in tiio three enpouin - Atlanta, Columbia and Washington—while ii will strive to have a news representative in neighboring town. The mall facilities ol this paper are now super’' Four tlaiiy trains distribute its editions in f-outh Carolina and three in Georgia. It readies all me principal points in South Carolina curly on t he day ot publication, reaching Columbia a' 11 a in. The fast mail schedule of the Georgia Railroad lands the Chronicle and Conslliuiionulist in all towns along the line early in the forenoon, while its issue is unfolded in Atlanta and Athens by noon each day. Ti'rvh, Per Yxv.n; Morning edition ., .110 00 Evening edition 0 0t* Sunday edition, 2 00 Weekly edition 2 00 Address all le tors to the fi Constitution am ht. Patrick Walsh, Pres. Augusta, Ga. ^ r*- ~ S C § s.3 13 c s ; Sr“|& fBlffii ca c- P g 'ty-*? «»Lr 7? dS C -t Jjr3 fr* (5 -y— ^ ” - -. c -1 X —Or, ^ r Js -■ £ £ — * ® 2 t'b'O rrSa.k'dct— ® a PS ‘-g Wir.®'-) E i - ® Lr* ^ js- 5. J tj ii SJ; 1 - 3 2 a S0£?-i g 3 3 0.3 g, a .5? OB. 0, go-’ 1* b:2 ^ OD BT O -a g er^ ! "’“-site,. « C '"g CT3= tr.. ® » Cl 3 D. L. FULLERTON, A UG USTA, G A. THE oldest STOVE DEALER*u the city Hundreds of families in lturkc, Jefferson and Richmond counties are using our stoves sold to them during the last fifteen years. Every housekeeper, will attest to their useful ness, economy, aud comfort. Call at. FULLERTON’S for tl « The newest and largest and best wood bum lug stove in the market. At FULLERTON’S you will find TINWA RE, WOODENWAIJK. CROCK KRY. . & UOUSEKEKPEIIS * HARDWARE. D. L. FULLERTON, 628 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. aug.25 'ea.t-f. Garden Seeds 1! -AT- H o 11 e y in a*n‘s DRUG & SEED STORE. of BUIST’S ever brought to Ed. A. Carter, —DEALER IN- Mew Boarding House C. wThURST. Prop. Having taken the Dixon House, I am prepared to accomodate both Transient and RekalW' Boarders, on the most reasonable terms. Norfolk and Savannah Oystori, Fresh Fish, of all kimiti. Fresh Fork and Bwuf. Fresh home-inudu Sausages, • The oboicert Fruits, etc. Lari i rooms, nicely furnished, nfn «#i Clean and comfortable beds. Prompt and attentive seiTante. ri.bbs furnished with Ills bu>$. Cent rail) locator. WcHltby louaMty. febl8’83b||i WAYNKSBORO, deel ,'82*in. GA. Subaoriptiooa w* pos.itively cahh Tho Largest stock GARDEN SEED Burke county. ONION SETS.—Two Barrels, white and red at Holley man’s Drug and Seed Store. FINE GARDEN PEAS.—Bull’s Extra Early, BuLt’a Premier Extra Early, McLean's Little Gem, Dwarf Early Tom Thumj^Suist’a Ameri can Wonder, of England Large White Marrowfat, for sale at Holley man’s Drug and Seed Store. BEANS.—Buist’s Giant Wax, pok Buist’s Southern Prolific,pole, Buist* German Wax, dwarf, Buist’s Golden Cream Wax, dwarf, Buist’s White Wax, dwarf, Early Valentine, dwar Buiat’s Small Lima, pole, Large Limi pole, all fresh and pure at HoHeyman Drug ant' Seed Store. CABBAGE SEEDS.-Buist’a Earl York, Buist’s Early Large York Early Sugar Loaf, Early Winnigstadt Early Drumhead, Late Drumhead, Late Flat Dutch, Rod Dutch, for pickling, Early French Oxbeart, Drumhead Savoy, Green Glazed, Early Jersey Wakefield at Holley- •man’s Drug and Seed Store. Turnip Seeds, Radish Seed*, Seed Potatoes, Irish, Beet Seeds, Carrots, Okra, Celery, and many other kinds of seeds which are all fresh and pure at IIOLLEYMAN’S. iun23 ? 82tf Augusta Hotel, Bread Street, - AUGUSTA, GA. L,. Leirli, Prop, Near railroad crowing. Bar and BftUnni Rvoma lathe rear. Choice Wines and LkpjoM always on band. Table suppll id in best sty* ah Kuropwui plan. AUenHys torrent*, iksnfcrlo boil*. jamitfBt