The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, March 16, 1883, Image 8

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PARSING A IT A T. BY MRS. V. O. TV (.ED. New Attractions Ptoslng mv*y, *o whV'i-rrB Hip wlri<J, As It treads in it* trnckii** cruirst; And passing away, doth the bright I'.ll my, As it leaps from it* crve.;*1 source. All passing away on the Ptiearn of time, To oblivion’s vale in a far-off cliiuo. Matter and man, we make no dcley, To eternity’s gulf we stp parsing wa-ay. rawing away, mark the weirhied brow. And the bead with !ho silvery hnir. And the furrowed oheok, how they plainly «|nV That they’re leaving a world ot one. Tea, passing away, even beauty’s flower Is fading fast ’neiilii the spoiler's power, And fair and frail, to their tied of tiny, Adown In the tomb are passing sway. Passing away, shrieks the ocean’s wave, A* it breaks on the beaten shore; And the tortured tide is left to abide The cliffs with a hollow roar. Aye, passing away, both from castle and cot, The places which know ns will soon know us nt t Whether peasant or Prince nature’s last debt to At the flat of God we are passing away. Passing away, eves time himself Benda under his load of tears, His limbs are frail and hi* oheclt grows pato With the furrows of sorrowing tears. IVjth his broken scythe, with a silent tread. He 1* passing on to the home of Miu dead: With a bending form aud with lochs grown gray, liven time himself is passing away. Passing away, how swiftly they go! Those scenes of our youth once dear; Tfiose friends we loved are by doath removed, And tha world waketh strange and drear 1 And tha hopes of our youth, see, they all depart, And the Chords *f love round the human heart; B’en the soul groweth tired of its cot of clay, And the essence immortal would folu pass away. Passing away, all but God’s bright throne, And His servants’ home above, And His grace divine and the boundless mine Of His eternal love. And His will to save, through a Savior's blond, The child of faith who hath washed in the flood; Even earth to Its frame-work doth all decay, Hut God and His love will ne'er pass away. —Chintv Ledger. Savannah News : Tito steamship, City of Augusta, which left Saturday t venlirg for New York, took as part 1 f her cargo 8.000 bushels of core; of the new elevator, for G'a umv, o:i through bill of lading of Ocean Steamship Company and State Line. This is the fir-t cargo of the kind that has been shipped this way, a previous C.irpo for Europe havin ' been s uit direct in hu'k. It is another evidence of what can be done in the wav of ex portation of produce through this {.) rf, an 1 w-‘ truafcth it it will load ’<> other shipments. Messrs. S. (J. .llayix s & Bro., > re the shippers of Ibis jis widl as the nrevb us cargo in bu k. and 'hey deserve the c tn- lu-'-indatioii of our people for being pioneers in an effort which may do *•> much for our port. The furious Walled Like, i » the State <:f Iinva, 150 miles west of Du- ■ b.njiie, has reo-nrly attracted much •■Mention. T is in the midst of prai-j rie ia d, and is two or three fei-i j above the earth’si surface. It i- en- j closed by h wall of stones in some i places ten feet high, fifteen feet wid- at the bottom, and five feetewide at. the top. The stones vary in weight trout three tons to 100 pounds.-- Tntre are no stones on the surface of .the ground within ton miles of the lake. A few years ago the ice on the bike broke the wall ii several places, su l the farmers weie obliged to re pair it to prevent inundation. The first instance in America wl ere a lady officiated at a wedding cerem' ny was at Coiambus, Ohio, a few days lisp 1 , when Mrs. Lydia G. liocl ick, the evangelist, performed the* marriage service for Charles Pirn, of Damascus, Ohio, and miss Emma Bryant. Both bride and gro on are .members of the S>’*ciety of Friends One of the deserted uiiiing towns of Nevada has been taken by the In dians, who are now living in grand style in abandoned rows of good brick houses, which they have im proved to th ,j ir tastes as far as possi ble by knocking out the doors nnd windows and punching hoiea in the roofs- Walker county h«s the olde«' groom in the State. R >tx;rt Anderson, of the Cove, who married Miss Je mima Catlett a few days ago, was ill town last week. He i« 87, but car ries his uge well, while bis bride is years of age. The grand jury of Chatham coun ty f und 112 indictments against ill' ll of Savannah for gambling. That look4 like business for the courts, fun for the gamblers, und money for %the solicitor-general. Gov. Lowrcy, of Mississippi, has oved a charter* for a company > reposes to engage extensive- uitiviffion of jute in that AT The Music House of the South. if Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments• (r. II U.—E. I O. M.—L. P. Q. S. An extended visit among the principal piano and organ factories has enabled us to make the idlest selection of instruments ever brought to Augusta. Our stock, which will be replenished weekly i from the best manufacturers, wid be the largest j and most complete in the South, t Our prices the lowest and terms of pay i meat tiie easiest ever offered. Sheet music and music books—largo discount from publisher’s prices. Best Italian strings, and evcrythiuK desired in the line ot music. Save money by visiting or corresponding with IS. O. Ilobinson cfc Co. oct.20’ 831 broad St., Augusta, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICE. From tins date the services of Mr, C. H. Taylor, as tuner and repairer for us terminate. All or ders for same will receive the prompt attention of Mr. '1'. Harry Oates, who guarantees entire .satisfaction. G. O- Robinson & Co. Augusta, Ga., October 3 1882. *' J. B. Reedy. GROCER. ANII- I in D o r t 6 v of E r u i i COH. BAY & WHITAKER STREETS, AVANNAH, GA Headquarters and First Hands for Fine Fancy Grocers. Green and Dried Fruits of all kinds in Season. Ik T am the only importer of Fruit in tiie State, >md c'iiscquentiy Headquarter*-. A 1 ig stock of Holiday Good*, Fireworks, eU'., etc <b cl5’82,b-y BLACKSMITHING IN ALL ITS B R AH CHSS. -- :0 Horseshoing Specialty• :0: CARRIAGES. BUGGIES AND WAGONS Repaired at Short Notice aud in the Best Style. : O: T. DOWN THEY CO! I'rcpared anti Solti ONLY by HARRIS REMEDY CO.Mfg.Chemists, | Market ano 8th 8ts., ST. LOUIS, MO. junl6,’82.b-v. TUTT’S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Xioss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow skin. Headache generally over the right oye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly eolored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT’S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system i3 nourished, and by their Tonic Action on tho Digestive Organs, Regular Slools arc pro duced. Price 25 cents. 35 Murray St., Ji. Y. <—■—O——P—B—»P—Mlimi W ■1—1 tr.M TUTTS HAIR OYE, Gray Hair or Wuiskrus changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this 11 yis. Itiin- g arts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold y Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $L OFFICE, 35 MURRAY ST., NEW YORK. ( Dr. TUTUS MANUAL of Valuable Information murt-v Ewfnl Receipt, will be mailed VlUUt or appUcaUiuay deu.8 Dress Goods and all Sorts of Dress Tiimwingm Tney must go between now and the new year At YOUR.PRICE, HOT MINE. Blankets, Shawls, Skirts, Underwear and Cashmeres must go I intend to have a general clearance pule of my entire stock, so as to com mence the new year with a brand new outfit in every department. Cashmere?, in all the new shades, Including evening colors, besides Jer sey cloths and Basket Flannels are included in the above sale Kid Gloves in all the newest shades for the street and for evening wear Tyrol or Ghamoise Glove?, Driving Gloves f<>r doctors, Buck and L°jiu>r Glove?, now lot Mousquetuires, Foster’s Patent Lacing Gloves, Buffalo Robes, buggy blanket?, comforts and crumb cloths, call, see and get prices JAMES M I L L E ® » oct!3’82am MILLER’S CORNER, Augusta, Ga Stands at the Head THE light-running DOMESTIC. That it is the acknowledged Lea der in tho Trade is a fact that can not be disputed. Many imitate if. None equal it. The largest armed, the lightest Running, the most beautiful wood-work, m and is warranted To be made of the best materi? 1 . YisSs&r? To do any and all kind? of work. - To be complete in every respect.' For Sale by Fulc 1 er & Co., Wavresboro, G». Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address Domestic Skiving Machine Co. Richmond, Va. oct27,* y “*ws’«*wHrv»■ H E undersigned begs leave to inform the public that lie is prepared to do black- smithing in all its branches, at liis shop, opposite Mr. S, A. Gray’s Stables, and asks a share of the public patronage. He makes Horse Slicing a Specialty, and does his work promptly and well. He has secured the services of a competent carriage maherand Wheelright, and is prepared to make your broken or worn Carriages’ Buggies and Wag ons as good as new. Prices to suit the times. Give him a trial. apr 141-0-0 I. O. BYRNS. RE-OPENED. Tiie citizens cf Waynesboro are in formed that I have rt-opend M Y ME A T M A II K K T, Wucre I shall keep on hand the best. Meats to he found »uy where. Eish, Oysters, Shrimp^ Crabs, and everything in my line. jfjr 1 have heretofore been faithful to mf 1 customers and ask a coulinuauc'? of their patronage. Polite attention, fair dealing, low price* and Freeh G»>"ds to all. Give i me h trial. THOH. TANT. 18.’82hm PLEASANT! SAFE! POSXTTVE! »G0N0RRHBIGIEET« Alsc Prevents Contagion No lossot Time or change of Diet Overwhelming sates, unmis takable cures and unbounded satisfaction Ail Agent wanted tu every eiiy and town in South Bent by express on receipt of price, Address BONKOCINE CO , fell AsantaScutneru States ATLANTA. Ga dw8’82bv % Howto Cure Consumption! _ The great num- ‘|LJ O her of deaths from J*v^this destroyer of the human race, [JN O and its rapid in crease, call with trumpet voice for the gijpiusofsome one to devise means for the de thronement of its power. The cure tas been discov ered and is sav ing thousands. GenittB has in vented a detect or; nature has lurnished the remedy. Avail yourself of it be- ifore it is too late. A slight cold, if NASHVILLE, TENN. neglected, often terminates in consumption. To guard against this sure and fatal destroyer use the only antidote, Coussens’Compound Honey of Tar. For sale by W- F. Holleyuanp. junl6/82.h.y. ~ 2? O’ TJCj ZFT HORSE AND CAYTLL POWJLRC Goussens&Tabler! Mo Honra will die of Colio, Hots or Lena Fit V*r, If Koutx’s Powders nre used In time. Fotity.’H Powders will euro nnd prevent lion < 'iiott n.\. Founds Powders will prevent (Ia!m i< I .vts. I'ontz'b Powders will Im res u the f|muit!»v o' i u? and cronni twenty per vent., uud nuke v:.e Lutter aud sweet. • _ Fontz’s Powders will Hire or prevent nlmoet kviBy Disp.akk to wlileli Horses und < uttlonre Hidi|eet. FoUTy.’H PoWlIKlIB VlLL (live 3AT1SFA0V10N. Bold everywhere. pAvm r. r'rr; rroprtotor, pal" • • - ?r r , mu. For.s'le l.y W. F. IIoli.kyman. Deo.lo/SS.b-y. ,y - h v E fP VtiiKlb ■s*<r*>w«> •.*.»«•: I>i4 / i.}.-uMVIVUai B-EV.A. I. HOBj3y Wi-itos:— Aftor a tnoroutrh trial of the IT.CN rONIG. I sake ydeasore in sta-.ii’-g that X have been greatly benefited by its use. ministers and i’ub' lie Speakers will find it of the e-rentast value where a Tonic in neces sary. I recommend it ao a reliable remedial agent, possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative-properties. Louisville, Ky., Oil. 2, 1SS2. JL combination of Pro. toxride of Iron, Peruvian Bark and Phosphorus in a palatable forme Par Debility f Boss of Appe tite, Prostration of Vital Powers it ia indispensti- ble. REV. J. L. TOWNER, ■ays:— I consider it a most excellent remedy ioi the debilitated vital forces. ,/puaiFiESA^Z, BLOOD CMPABID TEB DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 213 H. HAIH 8T., BT. LOUIS. junl6,’82.b-y. Ihe Old Established Furniture House OfE <i Rogers, 549 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia.-■■■— ■■ H?s a large stock of Furniture, fine and medium, all latest styles aud bottom prices. UNDERTAKING.—Full stuck of wood and metallic case* conetantly ©n baud. - uov3’82am JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS. -DEALERS lN- C?rpet«, Oil Olothp, Cbromos Si Upholstery Goods. Window Curtains it Shades, W all Papers & Borders, Choice Family Groceries & 'Plantation Supplies. 713 Broad street, Augusta (ieo. miAl9.’83.b-V. Pt ndleton Foundry and Machine Works (H AS. I’. LOMBARD, (Successor to Pendleton & Brother.) No. G15. 617 and 619 Kollock Street, Augusta, Geprgia. Manufacturer und dealer in mill machinery, engines and supplies. Bran" and iron casting of every variety and style. Special attention sriveu to repair?. Give me a cull. Chas. F. Lombard, Proprietor. Wm. Pendi.kton, Superintendent. #ept,22,’82.b-y. C otv^UTVcilTwrnQ 1 KS5 JJ*1jVJ I lo Iona Ia eurlnR dliasnai •( tb. Illood, Skla aa4 Bom**.—Nervous UeblUto, lmpotener. .OmuIu laoiptMi __ ___ __ Graip lo be bp thuM dMlrtas bp in.ll. MIS. .Ulr.rlnp froai Rapture U.uld wad thalr lMra.,1 l.aru HMn.lulai to ndiwnUfu. llbnUlnaJ _ *»«, DM. BCTTS, IS N. HA St.. R. Uak, ■*. ■ITAfiUHtU DVBB THIRTY YRAHB juu.l6,’82h-y. ^RE A flavoi FREE I RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A favorite pmacriptlon of one of the 2 at noted aud aucccaeful Mnecialista In the V. H. (sow retired) for theoure I Manhood, VVoohnoompixi Decay. Heal >1 a sealed eavulupe/Vee. Drugfisi* eon Hllit Address M. WATO A 00.. LeeMsss. Ms. juuiO.^b-jr,