The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, March 23, 1883, Image 4

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The (’itizen. citizens simply for the purpose of forcing a compromise. But, as the matter will under fi° ) udicial investigation, we tor- ‘'7V«f Sw*Ae>oi oTtbe PW*ri." For Governor, subject to tho action of the State Democratic Convention, H 0 N. J J . JONES, of Bnrke, COL. JONES AND THB GOVERNORSHIP. Last week we suggested the name of Col. J. J. Jone,;) for governor, and in the short time whioh has since elapsed we are more than pleased to know that our suggestion has been applaud ed and endorsed by tho intelligence of bear making any further comment, but ask that the public at large will wait and hear the evidence. Our people are anxious for emigra tion, but they want good citizens— French, German, Irish, English, or any nation of the Caucasian race, who bring with them capital, talent, mechanical skill, or muscle, and who add something to the wealth of the country. But no* ther Indians or Chinese. The West has already been sufficiently cursed by both of these heathen races, and we have yet to learn of a single community whioh has ever in any way been bene fited by Chinese emigration—from Burke county, while several of our ex- , , , , ..I i, every place where these heathens tin” a changes afiord evidence that he would , , | lodgement the people writhe and groan j under the affliction. be cheerfully supported by the Demoo racy of the whole State. The Citizen stands upon that broad platform which allows it to disorimmaie between party hacks and real merit, and we earnestly advocate the name of Col. Jones for the all important offioe of Chief Executive of the State, fahy convinced that he would administer the duties of that re sponsible office not only with credit to himself, but would reflect honor ou the grand old Empire State of the South, and who is worthy to become the sue oessor and have his name written next upon the rail of governors of Georgia to that of the immortal Alexander H. Stephens. We, therefore, urge his name not only as an act of justice to the people of this section of the State, or for lrs long devotion and important services to the Demoeratic party, but because we UW™ The Waynesboro Citizen brings out the name of Hon. J. J. Jones, of that town, as a candidate for governor. ‘‘.Jenks” Jones is the peer of any man aspiring to that honorable position, but he lacks the endorsement of Atlanta.—Macon Graphic. e copy the above compliment to our candidate for governor, merely to say that we had an ' eye single’’ to that very point from the beginning We do not believe that “ he endorsement of Atlanta” has heretofore done the Stale any too much good Besides that, we think that the people of other sections of the State are entitled to recoguition. SNOWING SAND. San Francisco Chronicle. At last Monday night's meeting of the Microscopical Society H- G. Hanks read an interesting paper on ‘Some know him to possess the high talents j Notable Features of the Great San wbieh would insure au intelligent ad j Francisco Snowstorm” I he lecturer. t ,, „ c . . . it seems being desirous of getting some ministration of the State government,' , „ & 7 . i . " . ’.chemically pure warer, collected some and that stern integrity which neituer j 0 f the snow, and found to his surprise, fawning sycophancy or glittering bribes j that the water from it was muddy and can reach or influence. Then let our j miiky. On placing it under the micros- deleg&tes to the gubernatorial conyen- I c P e he f° un d that, the water contaiueu lion to assemble in Atlanta on the 10th ll " u “ nd "ambling that of ll >' prox., to nominate a gubrnatorial can didate, be instructed to support the name of Col. Joues, and, as we said last week, use every honorable means in their power to secure his nomination, We to-day place the name of Col. rado and Mojave deserts. While tnak itig further experiments he happen *d to read a te egram from Fresno announc ing that a shower of mud had fallen, although the atmosphere had been per feeijy quiet fur a week. He hen pro cured some of this mud, and f.mud that it was almost identical with that, oh Jones at our mast head, subject to the tained from the snow The lecturer action of the Democratic Convention, where we hope it will remain until he is triumphantly inducted into the Gu bernatoria! Chair. THE CHINESE. The Waynesboro Chinese affair has had the attention of the Press generally, and much injustice has been done in the case —in fact, the mountains have bceu in labor, and a very small mouse has been brought forth. Some of our pub lic journals seeming to forget that there were always two sides to a uues tion, have lavished abuse upon certain of our citizens as unjust as it was vitu perative. Conspicuous among these, was the last Dumber of the Jesup Sen tinel, whose virtuous pen so ‘’quivers with indignation” that the editor of that paper volunteers to abuse gentlemen who never knew, and never wished to know him, his assertion that ho ‘ knew all the parties” to the contrary notwith standing. It really seems to be a small matter to be so magnified as to assume inter national importance, and while, like the balance of the Press, we condemned it on a one-sided representation, upon in vestigatiou we learn that no bodily harm was intended or done the Celes tials. They were badly frightened, but not a shred or can of their handful of goods were touched or injured, and the whole affair amounts to a repetition of fho story of the three black crows Maj. Wilkins and several others of the geutlemen agaiust whom the heathen brought suits, have employed able ling suits against false, unfound agaiust them. »arties sta ed further that ho. had ui de a cal culation as to the amount of sand which fell in that meinoiable s.orm. and that he had fouud it to be seven y five tons to the square mile, supposing the fail to have been equal. A White man was recently arrested in West Point, on the charge of st,'sl ing hogs am! chickens from a i eer>>. It is the opinion of tho Macon r |\;!< grsph, that, if he i* guilt), he ought to be hanged. Use the Old Brands. The most Popular Fertilizers in the Market. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AND HARDWARE. Iron, Steel, Cuticry, Guns, Pistols, Saddles and Bridles. Wheels, Hubs, Spoke*, ftims, Axles, At o w e s t Pr Etc., Etc ices. General Agent For DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE They have given the Best Satis faction of any Manure in the market for the past eighteen years. fob hale by W. A. Wilkins & Co., Waynesboro, Ga., and G. VV. Perkins, Perkins Junction. Ga. J. 0. MATTHEWSON & CO , General Agents, Augusta, Ga, mar9’88 : m. S/n psis f Le al Adv r is merits- ordinary's _W. E. Zorn, guardian of Ruth and Redding leave to .-.ell nil the real Will he passed upon the HardwieK, applies for estate of said minors, first Monday in April. A. H. Soonyers applies for permanent letters of administration upon the estate ot A. J. Scou- yers. Will be passed upon the first Monday tn April, next. Francis A .Tones, administratrix on the estate of Mary T. Jones applies for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, and one share of stock of the Central Railroad. Will be passed upon the first Monday in \prll, next. Mrs. Lucy Hill, administratrix of Wai. J. Hill, applies for leave to sell a house and lot in the town of Waynesboro. Will be passed upon the first Monday in April. Dr. L. D. Johnson, administrator on the estate of John Rollins, applies for letters of dismission from said administration. Will he passed upon the first Monday iu May next. sheriff’s SALES. Will be sold before the court house door, on the first Tuesday iu April, next, the following property, to-wlt; Two mules, tiOOO pounds of seed cotton. 50 bush els of corn, 500 bushels of cotton send, 1,000 pounds of fodder, levied on as the property of Ned Sherod to satisfy a mortgage ft. fa - in favor of M. Zaeliurias & Co. 25 acres of land, levied upon us the property-of Mrs. Laventa A• Palmer, U satisfy a tax fi. fa. Issued by U A. Ward. 50 acres of land, levied upon as the property of Mrs. Rebecca Hudsou tosatisfy a tax ti fa issued by G. A Ward. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS NOTICES. Charles Bunn, administrator on the estate of M. W- Bunn, notifies ail persons having claims against said estate, to present them as pre^ribed by law. 11. E. W. Palmer, administrator on the estate ofG. Brown, notifies all persons havingcluims against sai l estate to present them as prescribed by law. IF. L. Phillips, administrator on tho estate, of Mary A. Harrell, notifies all persons having claims against said estate, to present them as prescribed by law. Eclipse Steam Engine, Winship Gin, Manure, Spreader, Oliver Chilled Plow, Duplex Harrow, Walter A. Wood Mower, Reaper and Binder. sept.22,’ HENRY P. MOORE. 809 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA Sheehan's Excelsior Bottling Works, ** fi jar xj *• ga* a Jfe • @ Jet JbD Jmb msi , 1025 GREENE STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Pure Soda Water, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale manufactured from Fresh and First-class material. Lager Beer iu kegs and bottles always on haud. Orders solicited and promptly filled. N T) ICE of Good Quality and Just Weight shipped to mv cus- . 15.1 .turners at Market Price. feb9’83cm s.2.£ai* ® o£G*~ Sf’’3'»®5* &.?£ ® 3 5’. g S a.g g OB « a a 2 ® z ? 55 C TJ-i C" 1 ■3 _ a.= , o3 : 3--3 I 2.x s * Fine Fishing Tackle JAPAN POLES. A splendid as sortment at H'dlevmun’s Drug Store, IslH'ttS The largest slock ever brought to Burke county at Holleyman’s Drug Store. -^cia'Sea o ■ rf c/i i tm*!»i4i f $ I* 1 a* *■* ■* m*. rr. jA os rt "1 nr —1,0 0 0 BOXES— FLORIDA ORANGES, Will be given away in Premium* to subscriber*. Fbr particulars, address Herald Publishing Co., Jan.5.’83.ct. Tavarkh, Ohanok Co,, Florida fTDToLxm. A T P ORNEY A r JC i, A. "W , WAYNESBORO, GA. Will practice in the Augusta. Eastern and middle circuits. Special attention given to Justice Court practloe. inay5,’82.b-y. E F. Lawson A tiomey - at-Law, WAYNESBORO, ... GA. Will promptly attend to all business intrusted to hts care, and give special attention to the practice iu tho Court of Ordinary. Office next door to Arlington Hotel. novl0’82bv. Chronicle *»» Constitutionalist Augusta, Ga I’he Chronicle & Constitutionalist is rapidly approaching the completion of the first century of existence. The paper we publish is essential ly a type of modern progress, whioh demonstra-g tes that this es.abltshed journal has become bet ter and stronger as It increases In years. Tbe men who have, from one generation to another, worked upon it, and helped to make It a power In the land, submit, and will submit, to the com mon lot of humanity, und pass away from this earth and its struggles, but the result of their la bor remains, and will continue to rernaiu. The workmen die, but the work goes on. The Chronicle enters the new year with excep tional advantages. Its daily edition Is a well till NEW BARBER SHOP ■ beg leave to Inform my old patrons, and the general public, that I have opened a .. *Ph plaoe of the tri-weekly edition. Its mammoth weekly paper will compare with any in tho coun try. Into this edition the choicest and creamiest nows of tho week is collected, and upon ifs lap the best and freshest editorial and mlseellane ous matter from the dally is poured. Its market reports, covering nearly one page, will ho an especial feature, prepared each week for the country reader. Its news service will sustained by trained and S ublic, that I have opened a Bnholarly correspondents, in the three oapltois- Ir. S. A Gray’s store, whero Atlanta, Columbia and Washington-while It, will I am prepared to do Hair Cutting, Shampooing, | strive to have a news representative iu every Shaving, etc., in a workmanlike munner. My | neighboring town. s? s SSicyielSj? £ Isles' < rL 0*3 S i 3 a © ce S. 3* BSs^S 08 5T ** th ST O Xf GARDEN HEEDS. A full supply at Holleymarvs Drug Store. - SILK LIMES. Jefferson county and Northern SilkLiues at Holleyman’s Drug Sioro. BEANS- Golden Wax, German Wax. White Wax,Early Valentine, Giant Wax, Southern Prolific, Large Lima, Small Lima. All pure stock to be had at HoUeymaiVs^Drugjind^Seed^Sto^ buell Bobs, At Holleyman’s Drug Store. S<33l.§i£*sl S 3 ® a 3 5:“.® n-a c work will show for Itself feblfl’SStf. HENKY#ONES, ARLINGTON HODSE BARBER SHOP. WILLIAMS A BROWN, Prop’s. We beg leave to Inform the citizens a r Iturke and the public generally, that we have nriw formed s co-partnership, and combined our two barber shops. We thank the ■ ublic for past pal r<»nuge and ask a continuance of the same. ILiir Cutting, Hair Dressing, Hhavlmr, etc., done in the most artistic style hmllKitoo. ARRINGTON & CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Wayneisboro, Ga, Pictures taken in cloudy as well weather. ographs enlarged, sine 8x10 frame, $2 each. A to select The mail facilities ot this paper are now superb Four daily trains distribute Its editions in South Carolina and three in Georgia. It reachesuU the principal points in South Carolina early <m the day of publication, reaching Columbia at U a .n. The fast mull schedule of the Georgia Railroad lands the Chronicle and ConstUntimiuilst in till towns nlimg the line early in the iorenoen, while its issue is unfolded In Atlanta and Athens by noon each day Tkkmh, Per Yaer ; Morning edition.... $10 0* Evening edition G (Kt Sunday edition 2 00 Weekly wilt ion 2 00 Address all le tera to the Chronicle & Constitutionalist. • Fatrlek Walsh, Pres. Augusta, Ga. New Boarding House c. wT hurstTprop. Having taken the Dixon House, 1 am prepared u> accomodate both Transient and Regular Boarder*, on the moat reasonable terms. Large rooms, nicely furnished. Clean and comfortable beds. Prompt and attentive servants. Table* furnished with the best, entrally locate-'. Ithy locality. D. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THE oldest STOVE DEALER iu the city Hundreds of families In Burke, Jefferson and Richmond counties are using <#r stoves wold to them during the last fifteen years. Every housekeeper, will attest to their useful ness, economy, and comfort. Call at. FULLERTON’fffor tl o MEW EIGHT HOUSE The newest and largest and bast wood burn ing stove in tho markot. At FULLERTON’S you will find TINWARE, WOODEN WARE, CROCKERY. & HOUSEKEEPERS HARDWARE • D. L. FULLERTON, 628 Broad Street, Augusta, G a. Grass $ Cotton Lines. The Genuine China Grass Lines A full assortment of Cotton Lines and more to arrive at HolleymanV Drum Store. Squash Seed. Cucumber Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Egg^Rfbt Seed, Cantaloupe Melon Seed, In fact every variety of seasonable seeds to be found in a first-class seed store for sale at Holleyipan’s Drug and Seed Store. aug.25 ’RU.t-f. Ed. A, Carter, -DEALER IN- Norfolk and Savannah Oyster*, Fresh Fish, of all kinds. Fresh Fork and Beef. Fresh home-made Sausages, The choicest Fruits, etc. WAYNESBORO, deol,’82hm. GA. Don't Forget The place to buy pure Drugs Medi cines, Fino Fishing Tackle, etc., Holleyraan’s Drug Store. Trout Hooks, Perch Hooks, Cat Hooks, In fact al! kinds of Hooks at Hol- leymau’s Drug Store. PHYSICIAN’S PRESCRIPTIONS Ct>mp*»unded with great care. 1 make a specialty of the prescription business, and all prescriptions seut to my store will receive my personal attention. W. F. HOLLEYMAN, iuu23'82lf Dru(y;mt«ud Pharmacist. Subscriptions arc positively cash tMii*. Augusta Hotel, Broad Street, - AUGUSTA, GA. L. B. Lewie, Prop, Near railroad crossing. Bar und Bllliatii . choice Wines and Liquor Tabic suppli *d In best style r> Attentive Servants. JUeetru Jaali, always on band Knropean plan