The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, March 30, 1883, Image 1

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i Citizen,rr .. I, T I - U Jj u U'«t»kly 1’aper on J.ivo' Issues I ublislied EvCry V:-i(Iny Morning, -it V, uy- w r-jioro, on., I.'V ttie t. t;tv!AN BB0T2E :0:- ! he Tn,<* Citizen. ua ter | of ticnur/.'/rrrox: One Copy < me, Yc*»ir, $2.00 “ Sis mouths. ).(K) “ " T! ivi- months &0f (l*"" All subscriptions must lie uccompunioil bvtfielASH. Vol. 1. Waynesboro, 6a., March 30, 1883. No. 47. . :0;- a,(t- A(i\»oUsin^ rates libctai.. Transient Aavertlsuionts payable vanoe.. . All contract advertisements puyable quat toriy Ail communications for personal benefit will be charged for as advortlsertients; Advertisemonts to ocoupy special places wit be charged 25 per cent, above regular rates. _ Notices in local and business column 5 ct.s per line; In local 10 cts per line each insertion. For terms apply at this office. . . , mrain renBEMi <i>.; WAS IT A or,RAM? Mapon 'Oral hie. From my earliest youth I was taught the doctrine that the dead are not res urrected until the cousumatiou of all things. Then will the angel of the Txird proclaith in clarion voice from the eagt to the west, and from the north to the south, that time is,. and time was, but time shall be no more ; 1 hat the graves will open, and the dead come forth to be judged. This doctrine, 1 repeat, impressed me with a feeling of horror. I have listened with great iu terest to arguments pro auo con upon this subject, and never would I a low my mind to entertain for an instam a suggestion of its truth, until a few nights siuic I wap convinced by oeeqlar demonstration that it Was indeed a ti n h, fearful and abhorrent though i is to the feelings of a large proportion, if not a 1 the children of men. Last Wednesday after tea, my fiiend, A. lb Livingston, who is a resident of Tuscaloosa, a city of our sister State Alabama, and myself took a stroll through the city, over the hills that sentinel-like, stand guard over this city. The moon ever and anon emerged from behind a veil of clouds that obscured it for a moment, casls its bright shadows on every side. We continued our walk, occasionally pausing on the brow of a b it to glance admiringly down ;lie val b*y so greatly enhanced in beamy by the quiet, sheen glittering rays of the fair mistress of the night. “.By my soul !”exclaimed Livingston, ns wo hailed before the gates of Rose Hiii,"how carelessly we have con inued our stroll, for here we are at the gates of this city of the dead, without having observed that, our walk was leading us to (his silent city.” “Shall wo enter ?” I asked. “By all means. I, for one, have no superstitious fears of grave yards alter sunset,” he replied. A feel’ng of awe possessed me as I walked beside my light-hearted fiioud down the winding avenues. The melan choly stillness which pervaded thisqui et city, impressed my friend as Will as myself, for I had observed for several minutes he had walked on in silence. At length we paused in the ravine where the rippling water which flows from Crystal Spring into the Ocmulgee. “Here I intend to rest for a while,” reUiarkod Liyingston, reclining upou a ^♦ustic seat. I too sat down, and after a few mo mentis the heavy breathing of my friend indicated that he was far away in dream land. For more than half an hour I name after name was called ; some of them 1 had known in life; yea, I even distinguished the well-known voiocs of loved and lost ones as they answored, for He, who is our Savior, King, did He not lay three days in the oold,dauip walls of the grave ? If He f ho was without sin, unspotted from the world and its influences, passed through the purification of the grave, how loug should we, who are born in sin, wait, for our resurrection ? Let us, then, re joice m the goodness of our Lord, for He daeth all things well. The time is coming, the day nor the hpur we know not, but ••here,” to this dreadful roll call. I heard these words of the cup- tain of the host us he addressed them : rAllies FOR SALE. “Friends ! once more we are permit- contnct. in which Mrs New York, March 24.—A coroner’s inquest regarding a baby thought to have been poisoned, led to a queer rev elation. The coroner found that the baby was the adopted child of Mrs Pardo. Mrs. Pardo told him a curious story of traffic in babies. . Several, months ago. she said, she bought a baby from Mrs. Poise, of 59 Hullivan street, for $5. She found the child was not healthy, and returned it to Mrs. Pose at the same time saying she was willing to pay 910 for a healthy, b’ack eyed girl haoy. Mrs. Pose promised to find her cue, and on October 30th slowed her another child. It suited Mrs. Pardo, and she guvo Mrs. Han nah Hayward, who represented herse'f as the mother of the child, #10. She got in return the bahv, a receipt and a Hayward re- MASONIC TEMPLE. Augusta, Cr» Souther n Headquarters I or Fine Dry Goods. We keep on hand at all times t^he finest and best assorted stock, and w« have the most elegant store for showing it in all the South. Velvets, ted to hold communion one with an other. The wheel of time has brought round again our annual reunion. How mauy new faces of the children of men I see among us who were not with us at this hour twelve months ago. How slowly the reaper gathers together the mighty army of humanity. How slowly dt> they come to us, but with lightning-like rapidity to the children of earth does the hai vester death gather them m. But we must not murmur at our imprisonment in our narrow earthly' cells, it will surely come. Then we will throw aside these eyidences of hu manity to be clad in snowy vestments and stand face to face before our King. Then these years of waiting and watch ing will be forgotten in the happiness of a bright immortality.” The voice became silent, and slow y I saw the multitude pass on, each mo ment its numbers decreasing. I gazed at this company until they had vanished signed all claim to the.child. The con-, . • , ,, . . . .. . ,. . ~ n , tnint was in these Words, signed by! Flushes, Silks, Sating, Novelties, and everything desirable in Dress Goods. Mrs Hannah Hayward: Fine Hosiery, Ladies, Misses and Gents’, Gloves, Laces and Notions gene- : ‘ This is to cc-rtifv that I, Hannah Hayward, give my child for adoption to Mrs. Emma Levey, that, she may keep it as her own. She hereby agrees to love, cheerish, provide for arid pro tect it, and act as a parent should, for ever. and I hereby agree to make no inquiry or trouble for auv one concern ed. I give my child with my free will and de ire, cause being my inability to support it.” The baby throve. After that she had trjuble with Mrs. Pose about the child. Two weeks ago, Wednesday, a colored girl named Sarah came to the house, and was engaged as a servant.— She warned Sarah against Mr. Pose, but afterwards suspecied that the girl was iu Mrs Pose’s employ. On Mon day last, after eating some crackers, condensed milk and beef tea, the child sickened. Surali broke a show case 1 that night and left the house. Mrs. i Pardo says she sai i at going : “In a I week y-'u won’t have your baby nor | your store, neither ” On Wednesday 1 the child died T)r. Donlin will make rally. Underwear in great variety. Cashmeres, Kerseys, Jeans, Homespuns, Linen and White Good*. Cloaks, Dolmans, Jackets, <fcc. Blankets apd Flannels. Everything in the Dry Goods line is in our stock. Wo offet no trash, but on good goods we GUARANTEE PRIGEfi against every market in the United States. A strictly first-class Dressmaking Department i9 a feature of our business. Orders filled promptly and carefully. daly & Armstrong. oct20’ DAY The Carriage Emporium erf \ * - & T A N N A H I LL, as silently as they came. My couscious . ... - , T • , ' an aut .pay to morrow, and at the in ness of where I was returned to me and 1 ,vf„ „:n i I spoke to my friend Livingston, say ing : “Did you hear and see this army of the dead ?” Augusta, “Coue, let us leave this horrid place,’ said he, springing to his feet and dart ing from me at a rapid run. I followed him with all haste, and never a word was spoken by either of us nuti 1 we arrived at his hotel, “Great God ! how great is Thy nier cy !” exclaimed Livingston, as I c osed the door of his room, and turned the bolt. “That we shquld live through what we have witnessed this night,” said he, absently. We sat near each other during the few remaining hours of darkness. Awe inexpressible took possession of our souls. I When I bade my friend adue, we j mutually promised to allow the events | quest the traffic in babies will be inqui red into. It is said that, several soci- I eties in the city give out babies to be fed on the bottle, paying the nurse by the month, and that in some cases the babies are sold by the nurses, who have no difficulty in gettihg their pay from :he societies by presenting a borrowed baby -o the agent on the first of each month. Georgia. CLfiVER COUNTERFEIT. sat beside my sleeping companion until i ? f the ni « ht to reniain ^wer a secret an irresistable drowsiness possessed me. i * n our <mn ^ reasti8< Why I have vio How long T slept I k*»p not, I am lated this P romise 1 know “<>t, save conscious of an inexplicable feeling of; tbat ^ bave l V 10 P e t * ,at w i 8er men than the presence of some dreaded company 1 am can P rove indw puted argument which awoke me, and I pray God I j * bafc wbat ^ 8aw tbat n *£ bt ’ ^ d * d no * may never experience such suffering see ’ or ’ Perhaps, convince me that it from fear as I then endured. I saw was a11 a dream > an outgrowth of a before me, silently approaching, an in- dl,eased mind » a mania > a something numerable company of human forms.— . e ^ se ’ but tbat ** * 8 a reid trutb * 1 canrot. denominate them men, women Before the departure of my friend aud children, for I knuw they were but Livingston for his home, I read to him semblances of humanity I shrieked and a ll° w ® d him to read what I have with all the force of my voice, and ^ ere written. At my solicitation, he grasped my friend’s arm with n vice - j made the following affidavit, a copy of like grip. He sprang to his feet, and which 1 hereto attach, glanced at the approaching host au in- j Georgia—Bibb County : In per- s.ant, covered his face with his hands, son, before me, eamo A. B. Livingston, and sank to the earth. My eves were who,upon oath, saith that the written fixed on this terrible vision. All power statement of the facts therein stated by of volition forsook me. How many T. C. are the truth, the whole truth, hours or minutes I thus sat chained by and nothing but the truth, so help him fear to my seat, I know not. The God. mighty host of grave yard inhabitants! A. B, Livingston, [L. S] marched eo near to me that I. could feel Co’s Philadelphia Wagons, the lightest and best. A very perfect counterfeit silyer dol lar is annoying the business men of several Southern cities-. Nobody 1 r knows whence it has come. It is the best counterfeit that has yet appeared^ and ii requires an expert to detect it. The weight, size and color are the same as those of the genuine, and when drop ped on hard wood it has the same ring. •There is only one way to detect the difference. The ear of the Goddess ol Liberty is larger on the counterfeit than on the genuine coin. By rubbing one’s hand over the face of the woinau the big oar can be readiiy felt. This new counterfeit lias come aoross the con tinent. They first made ^heir appear ance in San Francisco. They weighed;, one of them at the mint, and found that two-thirds of it was silver, and the rest alloy. Thousands of them have been turned lose on New York, and numbers of them have found their way into Chicago. Where they all came from | j uet flee 80me of our iceg is a mystery. It is evident that they i r are the work of somo exceedingly clever men, who are experts in their nefarious trade. The secret service detectives haye been trying to find the gang foi months, but they so far have eluded detection. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices. Half Victories, Extension Tops, Canopy Tops, Rockaway* and Buggies, all styles and grades. The patent American Road-Cart. The easiest riding and mopt perfect two wheel vehicle yet produced. Leads all others. Supersedes all others. Three quarter Trotting Wagons. Ladies’ Phsetons, elegant styles. Coach Material. Fine Paints and Varnishes, Saddlery and Fine Harness. Leath er findings. Best quality Seamless Gum Belting, pure article. Leather Belting. Lacing. Fine Tranks and Valises. Agents for Wilson, Childs &> / oct.6,’8‘ * 11 Men Agree That the best is cheapest, and especially is this true in FURNITURE, Parlor Sets i»i Hair Cloth, Walnut Frame from $35 to $90. The best Raw Silk Set for $65 ever offered. Washington, March 26.—Johna than G. Bigelow, counsel for Sergeant Mason, while he was on trial before the court marshal for shooting at Guiteau, in the District jail, has filed a suit against Mason, his wife Bottio, and the banking house of Riggs & Co., for $3,- 500, alleged to be due to him for counsel fees. Bigelow alleges, that there is now j $7,‘ DO in Riggs & Co’s bank to the credit of MrB. Mason, the prooeeds of Nice Walnut Cham K er 8«*ts, Marble Top, $55. The best Walnut Marble Top Set in ihe mark market for $65. WE DEFY COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUARTER. WE ACKNOWLEDGE NO SUPERIOR, AND FEW EQUALS, IN THE SOUTH Who oyer heard of Cane Seat Chairs for seventy-fife erots. Extension Tables one dollar per loot. 0 . .the Mason fund, which he was instru- Sworn to, and subscribed before me, me ntal iu collecting, and he asks that the current of air put in motion by this February 19th, 1883. she be restrained from withdrawing auy their grave olothes as they filed past. J. W. Mack, Justioe Peace. “ • By a signal of his uplifted hand t the 6ne. l v, i — in the lead ordered a bait, an iehost j The seaweed, known as Irish mo§s, fined a oiiele around this veherable ■ has become an arfielp of daily diet ,in n (for he had the form of 1 human-/ Ireland among people livi tfhuut sufficient to injure his oaulse.— He Id hi Id voice as ooast. also deolares that the oase will soon be heard by the United States Supreme Court, and that he expects to secure Mtikon’icJ^ease because of a laok of art of the oourt f We guaranteo satisfaction in every case. Our slock of j Spring Beds is complete. Steam Dressed T goods paoked and shipped free of charge, branches. Our new Catalogue will he