The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, April 06, 1883, Image 3

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The True Citizen. WAYNESBORO.GA., FRIDAY, AP11IL 6,1883 Entered at the pORt office at Waynesboro, Ga. as second clas* matter. —Mr. P. R. Bnal is now tho happi est man in town. It’s a fine girl. The sweetest Hams that can be found is for sale by £5. A. GRAY, mr9 —Athens Uhronicle: Mi.^s Julia Ashton is visiting friends and rela tives in Natchez, Miss. S. A, GRAY has a fine lot of Geor gia Syrup on hand. Buy of him mr9 —Dr. J. M. Johnson has returned from a visit to North Georgia much to the delight of his patients. Who can please the young, midd'e aired and old with Shirts and Collars 1 S. A GRAY. mr9 —Judge Thos. Berrien represented tho Waynesboro Bar at Bulloch Supe rior Court the present week. The latest fashion Ladie-’ and Gents’ Hats can be found at S. A. GRAYS, and the price is in the reach of all. mr9 steel Bnzzard Plows t-hat have ever been offered to the Farmers and at about half the price they have been selling for. Before you buy and be fore I dispose of them call and see for yourself. I can please, do you good and save you money. Call soon as I am selling them very fast. April ith, "*-«*««* j—Col. J. H. Mackenzie had the Honor of receiving the first letter frqm the new pobtjoffice last Sunday morning. *,«*«*.. —Athens Banner : Little Johnnie Ashton made a gem of a speech on Governor Stephens during the Memo rial Exercises. —Mr, J. S. Catqs will leave about the 15th inst. to take a course of com mercial studies in Moore's business ccl- dege in Atlanta. —Mr. A. W. Clark, the photograph artist, is here on a visit to friends. We were glad to meet him and feel the friendly grasp of his hand —Mr. R. C. Neely has sold his house and lot to M15, Gilbert Banks. It is pretty cottage biding, and one of*the jneslq pleasantest homes the city. • —Mr. L. H. Routzahn has returned from his business prospecting trip up the country. He designs leaving Waynesboro in the near future. Just, received at S. A. GRAY’S some daisy Ladies’ S'ippers, made by the reliable house, Eyitt, & Bro — Don’t fail to see them before you pur chase. mr9 TO THE PLANTERS. I have just received a lot, (l all sizes,” of the most perfect shaped FOUND AT LAST Everybody will be glad to know that Dr. Whitehead has heard from his mare, Minnie, and will soon have her back again. She was stolen by a white man calling himse’f Brown, who aiso sto'e a mu e in ObBtham county, and was followed and captured at Reed’s bridge in Tatnal county in possession of both the mule and the doctor's mare, and now rec'ines in Cha ham jai. The doc tor savs as soon as Brown is done pay ing for the mule, he wants to treat him to a few years in the penitentiary for 8tca ing Minnie. —Mother, remember that no medi cine cures, it simply assists nature to relieve itself of an unnatural condition of the system. Worms disarrange— Shriner’s Indian Vermifuge kills and drives them from the sv>tom, thus re moving the cause of disease. For sale by W. F, Holleymau. —We were shown a sample of cotton on Tuesday which was grown on one acre of ground without manure by Mr. W. B. Everitt. The one acre produced a bale weighing 540 pounds of middling fair lint cotton. The specimen shown was as as i® grown in this section. ‘^JTho can heat this fnrmincr t Sr Ar-GlvAY’^er.s' a few of the Oozier Long Staple Silk Cotton seed for sale. They make one and a half bales of cotton to the acre, which sells fo> • one cent more than cotton made from other seed. mr 16 SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT. A card from the ladies of Herndon informs us that they yill give a supper and entertainment at that place for the benefit of the Methodist parsonage, on next Wednesday evening, the 11th iust. The entertainment will be given at the Tesidence of Judge J. B. Jones. A most enjoyable time is anticipated, and we hope Waynesboro will be well repre sented. We return thanks for an in vitation from the ladies to at*end, and assure our fair friends that we will be present provided the inexorible de mands of our sanatum do not hold us a prisoner. —Judge W. 3 . Godbee has had a nice top added to his hack by Mr. .Tames Attaway, which adds much to its ap pearance, as well as comfort in riding id it —VVe would remind the ladies that Memorial Day, th< 2fith of this month, is rapid y approaching, and We hope amp e preparations will be made to cel- ebra;e the day. ri. A. GRAY keeps constantly on hand a, full supply of Ladies' Shoes made by Evitt <£* Bros. He buys direct from the. factoreis and war rants every pair. mr9 —Prof- Charles Wallace’s latest musical composition, the ‘‘La belle de la Villm Waltz," is now in the hands of the publisher, and will be issued shortly. 14 is said to be a musical gem. If you want a handsome suit of spring 3 summer c'othes, White Vests and Dusters. Good and very cheap, buy of S. A. Gray before his stock is exhausted that has just arrived. mr9 —Mr. J. P. Hodge, of Atlanta, was in fown this week, visiting Mr. Rout- satin and family, Mr. Hodge is presi dent of the firm of Wheat & Hodge, manufacturers of wood working machi nery. — wf‘‘Lawson E. Brown, of Jeffer son county, and Miss Annie Bell Ro sier, of Burke ooii^ty. were married on t& 4th inst., at flu residence of the bride’s stf^-fathqiyS. Mr. Singleton Brown, Rev. E. IL Carswell, Sr., offi cial ing. v Why do the young men at S. A.. Gray's store smile all the time 1 Be- oause Bacon will rule and it, is con- needed their euip'oyer se^s the very best of goods, which gives universa 1 sat- iafaction. mr9 YEN NOR'S VIEWS FOR APRIL. THE POLITICAL CANVASS. We have waited to the last moment that we might be able to give our read ers the latest from the primaries, but are disappointed in being able to give anything posiiive or definite. Boynton, however, evidently has a majority of instructed delegates oyer Bacon,but not of the whole convention. Boynton’s most favorable chance, therefore, to get the nomination will be on the first bal lot, which cannot be accomplished if the two-thirds rule should be adopted.— The chances are very favorable for a lock ip the convention, which will al most certainly defeat both Boynton aDd Bacon, and result in the nomination of a new candidate altogether. Full line of Bay State Standard Screw Fastened Shoes at S. A.4 GRAYS. The best shoe made. Every pair warranted and will give perfect satisfaction. mr9 ho can beat this farming --‘The Sunflower base ball club re organized on Monday night, with Judson S -McEimurray, captain ; Cha* A. C duVafl, secretary, and R. L. Bell, TreasylV, The boys are now ready and wiring accept and sene) challenges to any club in the State. We wish the boys many victories. — A colored preacher held forth in town a few Sundays since, in a sermon in which he aired his knowledge of ap cion t, geography tq a considerable ex tent. He said that'Ghrist was born on the island of Parish, in the Red Sea, — This new version completely rubs out the s:ory of Bethlehem and the manger. —On the 29th ult., the happy marriage of Mr. John B. Carter, Jr., of Augusta, and Miss FJewellyu Battle, of Warrenton. was celebrated in the latter place. The young people left immedi ately on a bridal tour to Florida. The Citizen joins other friends in wishing the young people a long, a useful and a happy life. —The Estey Organ Company has just received a number of beautiful, sweet- toned pianos and organs, which they are offering to the musical public on the most liberal terms. Remember, that there is no article of musical mer chandise which you cannot get, of the best quality and at the lowest price — Address C. H. Taylor, agent, 621 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. —Henry Jonas has moved his barber shop into Gray’s new building, where he is'fixed up in the neatest style, and is now convenient to the s'reet. Henry is a tonsorial professor, and sends his customers away fixed up in the latest' styles of 1 he art,. Henry will also run a nice bath room in connection wrh his barOer shop, and will shortly be pre pared to give you a hot or cold b^tfk. — To-day we present to our readers tho advertisement of George A. Bai ie. 742 Broad street, Masonic Building, Augusta, Oa. Mr. Bailie is closing out his large stock of beautiful eurtanis, carpets, mattings, etc,, to make room for his spring goods, and is offering ex tra inducements to customers. You should take advantage of such chances as this, aud order what you need and save money. Now is vour time, so don’t delay to go or send an order at oncei —There ; s another Richmond in the field. This week Dr Duncan steps to the front with an advertisement in which he announces the opening of his drug store, in which he has a fine stock of select medicines, and which he offers to the public at Augusta and Savannah retail prices. Prescriptions will be carefully compounded, and all mistakes guarded against with a wa'ohful eye.— The doctor solicits a liberal share of the publio patronage, and guarantees satisfaction wherever reason and eare can give it. Read his advertisement, and give the doctor a trial. Yennor forecasts the character of the weather for April as follows : April enters on Sunday with a March storm, and the same day of the week is likely to oontinue stormy through the month. The 5th and 6th will likely prove stormy in the/lake regions and lower provinces, /Newfoundland, probably, coming in mt. heavy gales. The 10th and 12th m-e probably dates of severe frosts. /These were experienced in 1882. ffhe 20th ami 21st stormy and wet in/a majority of sections. The month will end cold and stormy, and May day may be ushered in with snow and sleet in Northern and Western sections, and cold rains at others.— There will probably be some unusual terms of warmlh during the month ; but altogether it will partake of its average character, and be of a favorable de scription. ordinary's Mrs, F. M. Haeselor applies fo ministration upon the estate of Wilt be passed upon the first Mon Dr. L. D. Johnson, administrate of John Rollins, applies for letttf from said administration. Will be the first Monday in May next, J. D. Smoake, guardian of L Juniata Smoake, minors applies to s of land situated In Macon county, t of said minors, and will be passed u Monday in May. By virtue of an order from the'fteu nary will be sold oa the 1st Tuesday house and lot consisting of one aor town of Yaynesboro, property of deoeased. By virtue of an order from the Co nary, will be sold on the 1st Tuesd* tract of land containing 117 aci> District, as property of R. A... A DEBTORS AND Justin B. Heath, Ex s'Im deceased, notifies against said est.ite, to bed by law, and those ii make immediate paytne SOLID IMPROVEMENTS, V —Mr. George Patterson, who has been attending oollege at Athens return ed Home Wednesday on a visit, and to reouperate his health. George complains ot having had an attack of chills. V\ c did not think chills oould live as high up the country as Athens. —Friend John N. Applowbite, dis- pairiug ot killing turkeys with powder guns, concluded ip fish for them. He \arefore baited a tf»U book a day or two ^ S aud set it out ana caught a fine tur i We have heard of many ways of ting tl heard ofJi&tehiug many ways V but ne\ them with W T e understand lhat Mr. W. McUitfi- ern com templates building a fine brick storeroom in the- near future. The house will be two stories, the lower story will be used as A store by Mr. Mo. and will be divided into departments for dry goods, groceries, etc. , The up per story will be \sed for offioes for professional gentlemen and rooms for young men. Such a building will add much to the appearance ot our town, add we shall be glad to sec the founda tion laid. The building of one or two other handsome briok stores, we under stand, are contemplated. nowjHjaxdHTgl^iise has been opened in lown by one of our most responsible oitizens, M. B. Gray, who offers to furnish as good board as can be had in the place for less monev than any other boarding house. Try him and you will certainly be plo&sed. —When in Augusta this week, we had the good fortune to fall into the hands of mine host, L. B. Lewis, pro prietor of the Augusta Hotel, who has the faculty of making his guests feel perfectly at home. Mr. Lewis is ‘ - a born hotel keener,” and by his atten tion to the wants of his guests is fast becoming the most popular hotel man in the city. The clerks, Mr George W. Evans and Mr. Wynne are two as polite gentlemen as can be found in the nation, who are evei on the alert to see that the guests of the house lack nothing. The table is supplied with everything the market and, the season afford. The diningroom servants are the most polite and prompt we ever saw in any hotel. When you are seated at the table your orders are ta ken and instantly filled, and you are not compelled to wait for your meals.— Bob Turner, the head waiter, seems to see everybody in the room at once. We have said nothing but facts of the Augusta Hotel, and when you visit the city try it. -^rtVrHfools-day was taken advantV '■rfge of by our y«*ung people to have a nice lot of innocent sport. Several of the beaux received the tiniest, sweetest looking little notes imagin able, which were crushed and torn when the contents proved to be noth.- ing more than an. “Apjnl fool.” One young gentleman,VGteen’s Cut, paid a quarter of a (lohar^ach for a couple of express packages'of sawdust, ani declares he will g?t ev$n if he lives to see another first day of April. Our young typo friend, R. L. H., received the following lines, which if not very pretty are rather suggestive : “Silver shines and so do tin the way I love you It Is a sin the rose is red the vilet is blue tbe plnu is prettv and so is you if you love me as I love you no girl can cut our love fn too II P 0 i 1 1. —The people of our c unty will doubtless be somewhat surprised to hear that Mr. James Grubbs has been summarily >( bounced” from the office of Deputy Internal Reyeone Collector, and the negro Beard put in his place — We have heard of no fault committed by Grubbs, and believe he was perform ing the duties of his office accep tably t<> all parties. A little more of this arbitrary action on the part of the Republican authorities, as plainly indi cated by a leading colored Renubli *an in n communication to-day, will soon leave them no party at all in this countv. ■ now in possession < Well, pile it on, Messrs. Rads, we can Hillary D. Hudson, stand it if you can. —Mr, Otto W, Marshall, 217 Sev ontbstreet, opposite the Mayor’s offioe, A’ugusta, Ga., has an adveriiseinent in omifnAV Anlntnii in in iooma nffo*. B radfield’s^Femai" "SegrlT Is the best remedy in ill Show as the grass grows round the stump I chase vou for my sugar lump. We live between therijMNMiticfthe bay —-and, LwltlVet wnirtflwhenev mp. irtathi enever you say. —Mr. A. H. Miller is again in charge of the Singer Sewing Machine Company’s offioe in this place and under the energetie supervision of Mr. Miller the sales of this celebrated m& chine is rapidly increasing—he having sold six in one week in this oounty. The Singer is simple in its construction, runs lightly, and is a general favorite with the ladies, and it seems ultimately destined to drive every other make of sewing machine out of tbe market.— This together with the amount of busi ness transacted by the company at this place, renders Waynesboro an im portant suburban offioe to the oompany, requiring tbe serviees of an agent with energy, capaoity and business tact, all of which, in onr judgment they have found in Mr. Miller. • al Advertisements- sheriff’s • -Dr. William Sikes, ot this county, who was attacked by a paralytic stroke about a v another column, in to day’s issue, offer ing his services as a tailor to the gen tlemen of Waynesboro and vicinity.— Mr. Marshall has few equals and no su« peri or as a taitbr in the oity of Augusta, and guarantees a fit, or no pay. Mr. is seeking your patronage, aud deavor to maintain it satisfaction iu euob iwhiob is by Will be sold before the court house door, on the first Tuesday In May, next, the following property, to-wlt j Oue tract of land near McBean creek, contain ing 360 acres. Levied on as the property and osseaston of Wm. S. Danforth, and suh- llen for purchase money to . for $1,1)80, with Interest from first day of January, 1888, at 10 per cent. One tract of land containing 100 acres, lying in t Dli * • * ‘ the 61st District. Levied on as the property of W. K. Lasseter, to satisfy u tax fl. fa. One tract of land containing 00 acres,'! the 60t.h District. Levied on as the pi Berrien Lovett, executor B. D. Hill, t< tax fl. fa. world for all that class of dise peculiar to Females. For s nt manufacturers prices by P hill. liavg the agtMicy for oue of tht largest houses in the countryL for s’-ish doors, blinds, window 'glass, paint*, oils, etc. Consult your interest and call and get prices. J. A Polhill. S houlder Braces tor gentle men, ladies and children at Polhill. here is thebe8t 5c cigar in town ? A't Polhill’s. arqest best and cheapest stock of Drugs in town at Augusta and Savannah prices for sale at P flhill’s P rescriptions accurately com 1 pound' d «t all hour*, day and night at Polhi'I’s. One treot of land containing 95. in the 66th District. Le-* ' “ ‘ of Walter L. McNorrUJ One tract of the 66th