The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, May 25, 1883, Image 4

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jc a inn \x. BY ILDlGhllTK. hey told mo your uamo was Kuthtyn, A name 1 love bo well * That e’en as oft uh I In ar it A vision breaks the hj ell. jjo A girl in her Southern beauty— m A girl with Inn* bright brown hair;' A fare that euwrapH my soul, g A I’Hjrchc, ilunporoualy fair. Oh! Kathryn, thy name has won m«; 8w»et, and true, and fond, and grand, l.ike thy name, the ruin...: flower That liven in that Southern land. r l hy fuee utlll hunutM me strangely; Thy name 1m in my heart; And thine e\en but unk the question, Foruuir tar apart? Mn.\v>VKM., Win. n UIL1JJXG OX TJIE H A XU. Tin well to woo, Hit) well to wed, For so the world liuth dono Ouce myrtlea grew and roues blew, And morning brought the sun; But have a care, ye young and fair Be sure you pledge in truth; \ lie certain that your lovo will-w ear Beyond the days of youth I For if ye give not heart for heart, Ah well um hand for hand. You’ll find you’ve played the unwise par* And “built upon the uund.” Tin well to save, *ti« well to have A goodly Btorc of gold, And hold enough of whining stuff, For charity is cold. But place not ull your hopes and trust In what the deep mine brings; We cannot live on yellow dust Unmixcd with purer things. Ami lie who piles up wealth nlono Will often have to stand Beside the cofler chest and own lie “built upon the sand.” M EDIVA L USES FOU EiiU S> For burns or scalds nothin;* is more soothing than the white of nn egg, which I may be poured over the wound. It is softer as a varnish for a burn than col lodion, and being always at hand call he Applied immediately. It is also more | cooling than the “sweet- oil or cotton M which was formerly supposed to he the surest application to allay the smarting pain. It is the contact with the air which gives the extreme discomfort ex perienced from ordinary accidents of this kind ; and anything which excludes air aud prevents inilammation is the thing at once to be applied. The egg is eom.idored to he one of the best remedies for dysentery. Beaten up slightly, with or without sugar, and swallowed at a gulp, it tends, hy its emollieyt qualities, to lessen the inilum- mation of the stomach and intestines, 1 and by forming a transient coating on ; those organs to enable nature tu assume ; u healthful sway over the diseased body. Two, or at most three, eggs per day would be required in ordinary cases, and, since the egg is not merely medicine, but food as well, the lighter the diet otherwise, and the quieter the patient it? kept, the more eortaiu and rapid is the recovery. Tin good to speak iu friendly guise And Boutho where’er you cab; Fair spoecli should bind the human mind And lovo link until to mum But stop not at the gentle words; Bet deeds with langtiuge dwell; The one who pities stars ing birds Should scatter crumbs as welL The mercy that is warm and true Must loud a helping hand, For Uiopc that talk, yot fail to do, But “ build upon the Band.” IN Till 1ST I Mi 1* AIIA (i IIA1* II S. A Vermont railroad company him paid a puBsougvr who lost un ear in an aeci- •lout §1,500. Over twonty-ftvo thousand tourists haVe visited the Yoseinito Valley sine.' its discovery in 1805. French railroads do only one third the passenger business that is done by Kiiglish lines. The mau who comes about solely to kill time should ooutine himself strictly to his own time. Sr. Louis girls object to rubbers, “they draw the feet so.” It must be an awful load, oven for India rubber. Adjectives are the millinery of litera ture, and like tlio trimmings of a dress, they should not ho allowed to obscure the original fabric. Ie Americans would sit longer at din ner-table and bo happy while they out, they would have less dyspepsia and a more cheerful religion. It is a great pity that some pooplo grow bitter as they grow old. It seems as though the more teeth they lose, the more they want to bite. Joaquin Miller thus describes a remi- uiswmce of an old California friend: * ‘Dear JJgvo Colton. I hear he is dead. Wo lirst got acquainted one night in Yrekft while shooting at each other.” A Milwaukee clergyman, asking a cor rection in a published report Pf one of his sermons, remarks: “I do not Ulhui A rout all of the Chinese shoemakers , have left North Adams, Mass. Their i reason for quitting the place is that they can earn more money at laundry , work in the largo cities. It is eight ! years since Mr. Sampson, a wealthy shoo manufacturer, brought them from ! Sun Francisco to displace striking Cris pins. A correspondent of the Boston Ifcrald says: “Schools were estab lished for the dusky visitors, and the good ladies of the town turned mission- ‘ uries, and taught them to read and speak ; the language of the. country. Some were apt pupils and quick to learn, while others were stupid and appeared to take little interest iu the work that was being | done for their enlightenment. Housed | and fed lit the shoe shop, taught by the j White ladles, ejujournged hv their cm- ! plover, brought under the influence of u Christian church uud Sunday-school some of the Chinamen became cnlight- | ened and to a certain extent educated, uniting in fellowship with the olmrcli, aud, as a gem nil thing, behaving them selves in a quiet, ordot ly manner, while others cling to the customs of their fathers, worshiped the pagan idol, and retained the garb of their country.” John Wiliulspn, the well-known im porter and denier in scroll-saws, fangy woods, lathes, tools, urcliery and all out door sporting goods, showed us an order for scroll-saw designs this morning, all the way from Moscow, Russia, also one from Prince Edward’s island for scroll- saws and designs. This only shows the extent of oomitpy which the trade of this enterprising dealer covers. Mf. W, has regular customers in London, Paris, Shellield and Hi. Petersburg. To-dayT orders come from all parts of this coun try, Texas and Calitornia not excepted. Iu addition to the above-mentioned ntk l.ns.iTic i.v/i run as. iu an article on "The World ‘at Largo’”—the purport of which is to show that men who are reputedly sane often act very insanely—a writer in ('hamIters' Journal reproduces this good old story: “A gentleman of fortune visited a lunatic nsylmn, where the treat rnent consisted chiefly of forcing the pa tients to stand in tubs of cold water— those slightly affoctcd up to their knees; others, whose cases were graver, up to the middle ; while persons very serious ly ill were immersed up to the neck. The visitor entered into conversation with ono of the patients, who appeared to have Bomo curiosity to know how the stranger passed his time out of doors. ‘ * have hor.-os and greyhounds f or coursing,’ said tlio latter in reply to the other’s question. ‘All, these aro very expensive 1 ’ ‘ Yes, they cost me n great deal of money in the year, but they are the best of their kiud.’ ‘ Have you any thing more ? ’ ‘ Yes ; I have a pack ol li -umls for hunting the fox.' ‘Andthey cost a great deal, too ? ’ ‘A very great deal. And I have birds for hawking. ‘ 1 see ; birds for limiting birds. And these swell up the expense, I dare say ?’ ‘You may say that, for they aro not ■00111111011 iu this country. And then I sometimes go out with my gun, accom panied only by a setter and retriever.' ‘ And these aro expensive, too?' ‘Of course. After all, it is not tlio nnmials of themselves that run away with tl,'0 money ; there must lie men, you know to fet'd aud look after them, houses to lodge them in — in short, tlio whole spoiling establishment.’ ‘I see, I see. You have horses, hounds, setters, re trievers, hawks, men—and all for the japturo of foxes and birds. What up enormous revenue they must cost 3-0111 Now, wliut I want to know is this, ivhat return do they pay ?—what does j-our year’s spotting produce?’ ‘Why, wo kill a fox now and then—01113- they aro getting rather scarce hereabouts—and wo sol !om bag loss than fifty brace of birds each season.’ ‘Hark 1 1 said the lunatic, looking anxiously around him. 1 if7 friend ! ’ (in an earnest whisper,) 1 there is the gate behind you ; take my advice, ami bo off out of this pluoo while you aro safe. Don’t lot the doctor set his eyes upon yon. He ducks us to miuo purpose ; but, as sure as 3'ou aro u living man, he will half drown you I * ” j mi much being taken for a heretic, but j gfiodt*, Wilkinson’s is headquarters for aerhmsly object tv) anything which will condemn Jim as a lunatic.” A Biudmsi'wrt carpenter, while in a lit of anger, threw a hammer at a follow- workman, and swallowed a screw he had in his month. It was an unfortunate af fair. but it was hotter tllifn throwing the screw and swallowing tlio hammer. “Yes,” remarked a musical critic re cently from Kansas, “the iiddliu’ was bully, but l tell you, when the fat chap political cauipaigu articles of every de scription, such us uniforms, torches, etc. Bend for catalogue if 3'ou cannot conic. No. 77 State street is the loca tion. TpupigNp flip population of the towns of Greece, some wry infoyostjug statis tics have just been furnished hy the witlY the big musfiuilie laid hold’of "that | Cl,n - ul llt lhu l'i«ous. The popu- fjtldle and went for them low notes ' lution of Athens is at present (Hi,077. In tu Um Violin-collar, I just felt us if a buzz 1870 it was only -18,107. Those siguili saw w/Li W jijayin liinkeo Doodle on iuy figures may be supplemented by back-boim," A Texas gift wouldn’t cross a river to reach the only minister who could marry iieruml her lover, uud the minister on arriving at the brink of swollen stream refused to etOdH to them. They tlioro- npon joined hands and they shouted the tjemeo across the river to one another. That's tlm kind of “high-toned” wed dings they have ill Texas. A traveler nut Want stopped at a funner'a wdl to got a drink of water. The water was warm and brackish, and the wayfarer remarked to the farmer that tlm well was not a very good one. “It's well enough for me,” replied the granger, somewhat grullly. “Then 1 guess I will let well enough uloup here- after," was the traveler’s rejoinder. Mu. Beecher says that one-half tlio human family are outers, not producers. Hpeakiug of immigration, he says that there hi uu fear so long as our institutions have the assimilating power, mid when the lion eats the kid ho does not turn into kid, hut the latlv-r turns into lion. When tlio children of immigrants get through the public school they uro all Americans. The greatest needed revival is not of religion, of tempevunco, or of commerce, hut of common schools. Three cotton mills near Augusta, Gu., have during the past four years, with a capital of 81 ,(100,000, paid tlmir opera tives ju cash 81,500,000, and their stock holders 8510,000 iu dividends, besides ,'Spending 85,070,000 for the purchase of cotton ami other material for iiianufac- i tiring purposes. Such substantial figures as these ought to attract not only capital hut intelligent laborers from points where work is scarce. the remark that it) 1850 the population of the capital of t'ue Hellenic kiligdon was 00,000 : that just before thu close ol the Turkish dor dilution it was 15,(100 that it was half depopulated during tin War of Independence, and that when the war was over, and the Greeks entered into possession of their much-bombarded and otherwise dcMi.-J.itcd metropolis, the public bidding win, li was in tin .4 BAI.KY HO HUB. A Canada paper gives room to tlio fol lowing curious movie of dealing with u bfilkv horse : I would prepare myself with a good ytnip-4 want no whip; perhaps ho has got a good taste of that already, and still ho is master. But wane du3', when I was at peace with my self and all urouuvl, I would liitcli him to the buggy, turning his head to thu village. He goes half the way very- well indeed ; then I10 begins to think he has gone fur onoqgb if) Ullff direction, ipu) stops. I step down ; ho oxpeots mo to use the whip; he is mistaken. As a criminal, I treat him on the silent sys tem. I push him back a little out of the way. I show him thu strap, putting it up to his nose. I go to tlio off side tfitfl 1’fickle it tp liiti few lug, uloso up to his breast, thfowpig fl)o other end ovof his shoulder; I thou raise his near foot and fix it with thu hoof almost touching the belly. This dono, I say, “ Now, old chap, you jin t stand tlmrc.” I don't smoke, so I take a paper from my pocket, mid Jjfidjfig a place whore I eifil sit down, aud ho #00 me, % begin to fiofiJ. This is something he did not bargain for, and the novelty of standing ou throe legs somewhat diverts liis mind from the cause that stopped him. I think Unit is ihe chief point gained, and the most i hmuouo, Whuty flip strap js taken off I ! -how it to him, caress him a tittle, and wo move on without irritation. Tin 1 strap will now become a part of the har ness for a month or two, till at last tin sight of it will act as a talisman. Atl. best state of repair mined Temple of Tin s. 11-.. Athens is now a hatnisome, well-paved, and well-light - 1 was the Modern 1II built ill Kle#tric Fire Tell-Tale. There arc several devices for enabling the rise of temperature accompanying nil outbreak of tire at 11 particular place iu u building to ring uu alarm-bell by moans of ail electric current. There is the mercurial thermometer, in which the mercury column, on expanding hy the increased temperature, makes contact Between two platinum electrodes fused into the tube, ami completes the circuit; uud there is an arrangement iu which the hiiuutuliio spring, fixed at one eml, is free to curve under thu unequal ex pansion of tlio two metals, and close a circuit in that way. A still simpler plan has hcuu recently contrived hy M. G. Dupre, in which the contents of the automatic keys arc kept apart hy a piece of suet or billow, which on melting hy (he heut allows them to couiu togctlu 1 through the operation of a small weight attached to the uppermost contact bur. The tallows is not of course placed iur mediately between the contacts, for iu •hat case tlio (at would act as uu in- Hiihitor, uud prevent the flow of thu our- uu t, Thu apparatus is readjusted after > at arm by charging it with freak tal ..,r. Twv- smallest ncwspup'-r 11. the '.VO Is the Moduli Star, a weekly pql 1ml in Citmidn. The size Is royal til m each page being 8 by 2} inches. It l-ei the apt motto "Twinkle, twinkle, li.i star.” It contains four pages, tho lii containing foreign news, the see.01 milling notes, the third uud fourth loe. uewu. Official figures printed nt Washin ton show tlio billowing to l>u the im ago deatli-ruto for ten weeks in tl- principal American cities : Now Yolk 81.10} Philadelphia, 82.88; Brooklyn, 42.88; Chicago, 28.82; Baltimore, 24.88; Boston 23.81; Cincinnati, 20, New Orlcuus, 23.82; District of Co lumbia, 27 31. D», Tanner has boon outdone hy a Dakota bull belonging to Cupt. Hadley, of Fargo, which run oh Into 8Ohm wood.- with a chuiu attached to liis horns, uud got fastened to a tree, where he re mained six weeks without water or food of any kiud. When found he was still alive and happy. The population of Delaware js 154,- 854. The males slightly exceed the fe males iu number. There uro 74,153 ol the former, and 72,051 of tlm latter; 8,472 residents,of the Btate are foreign born. There are 84,458 colored people in the Btate. In 1870 the population of Doluwaru was 125,015. A couuesfon 1-ent of the London Ikillj/ Acids, who has lately visited Get) Garibaldi, reports that he suffers terribly aud is a mere wreck, dependent ou Mu. loving hands that wait upuu him ; but he is cheerful in iniinl, uud docs not ag- giurid# liis ufilictiou by idle complaint*. A CUB Ol’ TKA. | ffl * Mw* hy fl. -Jl, TffWIi*, ft 0, 8., London, cm M A Cup of Tea,’t Mm speaker divided his subject into font , sections—4ha tea, the w ater, the milk, the sugar. Thu lecturer first drew attention to tea drinking with ovur3'-duy life, and showed that tho principal com pcifiofitg of tea were theino and tho cs- nenflal oii of tanmn, whjiih }nttej j,iy. t . Hossod astringent properties. Ho hr formed tho ahdionoo that (ho best time to take tea was about three hours after dinner or 11U3* other heavy meal, and deprecated iu tlio strongest terms the excess to which tea drinking is curried iiV uojfto people, asserting Mint such a practice induced a uurvous ditmrgfiujjfp tion and impeded digestion. He showed that the solo diffcruuoo between black aud green tea was ono of preparation, -ml that both kiuds could bo obtained from tho leaves of tlm Katfi’i plant. Alter asserting that the adulteration of tuu ha j very much ilecreused of lute yours, wliioh the tua-driukiug public will be glad to know, tho lecturer proceeding to treat of tho various kinds of shrubs growu iu dillct'out parts of tho world aud thu umuitiics where the different kiuds qf mas were uousumod, th« lecturer cams to tlm consideration of tho milk, it* value as a nutritive agent, aud, referring to ita adulteration, he made the astound ing assertion that iu London alone every year no Ichh than £70,000 was spout ou .vnter which was sold 11s milk. 1'assjng on to regard tho sugar, tho lecturer do uied the common error that sugar waa injurious to the teeth, bringing forward us uu example the negroes of Jamaica, who, ho said, though they were th* greatest caters of sugar in tho world, were proverbial for their beautiful teeth. Do what got d Ikon cunst unknown ; -nd tie not vain of what ought rather te tie felt than seen — William !'can. lit*ml 131 itih'Ik* Citi'U'loii ms >r.iK lticconn. “Them war reminiscences of 3'ourn is m.ghty interesting,” piped a little man from behind the stove, as a sort of si lence fell on tho re it of tho loungers. “ They remind mo of when I was in com mand of the Confederate forces at Vicks burg.” Tho crowd unhinged itself and gazed admiring]]- at the little man. “And were you in the lteb—Confed erate service?” asked u one-legged man. “1 was,” modestly conceded tho man behind the stove. “ Don t you remem ber when the One Hundred ami Fourth Florida cavalry charged your outworks on tho second slope, uml 3-011 all took your rifle-pits to tho rear ?” They all admitted they had boon in the Army of tlio Potomac. “It seems to me," said the little man to the one-legged man, “ it strikes me your face is familiar. Don’t you remem ber when tho Second Georgia brok* your left at Cold llarpor? Wasn’t yon acting to Gon. Reynolds?” "No,” hesitated the one-legged man, poking tho fire with unnecessary vigor. “ These other gentlemen must remem ber it,” suggested tho little mau, warm ing with liis subject. Not one of them was there. “-Hut one of you must have beou in the -Shenandoah when 1113- division of Leo’s army cheeked your advance and tho One Hundred and Twenty-first North Carolina held you during that Friday night." A man who had been whittling a shingle got up and went out. Tho rest lounged up to the counter and asked what time the liable was published, “Siy,” continued tho little man, catching tho 0110-legged man by the sleeve as the rest made for the door, •‘you must have been nt Uc^'sburg, and you must have seen mo when I charged your right and turned 3-011 back toward tho cemetery ?” “Let mo sec,” iidgotol the one- legged miui, “ was that tho first or sec ond day ?” "That was the second day," re sponded the little man, quivering with excitement. “I wasn't in tho second day’s fight,“ said the one-legged mau, helplessly, “Then you must recollect m3’ artillery charge on the first day, when I broke your center?” shouted the little man, clutching nervously at tho other’s coat. “No, I—I was ou a furlough, I wasn’t there,” shrieked tho one-legged man. “ Where’d you lose your log?” howled the little mau ; “ what battle was you i n't" “1 wasn't iu any,” moanod the ouo. legged man ; “I lost my leg on a tnuu saw," and out ho wont precipitately. “ Strange,” muttered the little man, ns he tilled his pipe. “ When you come to figure down lho3e here war remin iscences they all didn’t happen. I haven’t been outside of Brooklyn fof going on forty years, anj there wusq't one of them fellows but thought I waa Stonewall Jackson,” and tho little man bombarded his stomach with a slug of Kentucky whisky and planted himself fvr tho next bar-room soldier.—Brook* lyn Eayle, The Kin* of Bnrimih’s Finance. Among the thousand and one odd things ivliioh affect the state of commer cial markets, surely massacres and lot teries must bo reckoned among tho od dest. Yet tlioso arc contingencies which the Bi jtiiih ifiornhipit jjn Ipuigoon has to lake into noouunt in easting up Ids pros pects of a profitable trade. The massa cres of his reigning Majesty of Bnrmah in tho Apring of 1873 at once sent down tho returns of tho dutiable goods ex ported from Rangoon to British Burundi fifty percent. Tho Mandalay trade was .ift'ucted nl»<»■• t the sumo time in a manner quite us ulmnietevjatKi, The King hav ing just finished with his massacres, es tablished lotteries for the purpose of fi 11- his cxolioqiu r. Tho bait took at once. Every utio who had powers of locomotion of any kind posted away to tho “golden city," to stake his chance. Tho Treasury profited, the population did not. Most of them lost every pennyworth of prop erty they possessed, find were too poor even to got buck to their homes. —Ball Mall Gmv/te, A Terrible Record. Speaking of smallpox, the surgeon in charge of the smallpox hospital in Chi cago says: In Cincinnati there die-1 in 1872, 1,179; in 1873, 858; in 1875, 722; la 1878, 929, For 1879 the death rate in the state of Wi’WMill, there was no hospital, wan fill,25 per cent.; in the city of Montreal it was 28.13 percent-, aud in Chicago it was nearly 17 per cent. In Chicago, tho eases treat-d at the hos pital within thvoo years numl-ere-l 810, and tlm deaths during that period were 19. This was a record which had novel been equalled in London, England, dur ing a period of one hundred and nine teen yours, by, ruT.uma farack.umi •. Twenty years ago aa iron theatre win si ipprd to Australia, irom England, ii convenient seetiouv, so as to be put up easily 011 arrival thin e. A woman at West Cornwall, Conn., failing to induce her husband to mov ent of 11 house which she did not like dciiberatoly destroyed it by lire. Let 11s . ot despise homely persons They serve to remind n> that a hut slight variation in our facial lines wonlu have invniediat ly marred our beaut; - . A wnrrn: on dogs says that every on- given to sedentary’ pursuits ought t- keep a dog, as Ike nee, s. itv 01 piviiq exercise to the dog v ill - xer- i > the man. Tin: follouiiig is an epitaph from 1 tomb near Versailles: “Except in lti.59 -luring \\ Inch for several days sin- tool, lessons on the 1 imm, her life was w ilhout a stain." “I wish,” sayH Dr. Schliemniiii, “that I could have prov-•-! Homer to have bout 111 eye-witness of il-e Trojan war! Alas, I can not do it.” Still the doctor has not lived in vain, BruiN-i the reign of Napoleon T. a hook of birds for children was suppressed boeau.'io it contained the phrase: “The cock is rather the tyrant than chieftain of the farm-yard." Every shell tired by nil armv during siege operations costs, wi'h the powdei u.tli which the mortar is charged, the jinn of eight dollars—enough to support 1 poor family for a foil,,if l.t. One of the niod-'H <-f punishment in China is to coin,. 1 a /riminid to die ol steeples.oicks, .by keeping him awake n week, night and day. Ten days is sure to prove fatal and is terrible agony' foi the victim. An official return puts tlio feminine “models” in Baris nt 8V5. The pay for a sitting is from 5J cents to 810. Musi "f the models are Italian; thirty are American; 115 have been iu the hands ol the police. There is a mat. in Newark, N. J., so close that when he nth reds church lie occupies tlm pew furthest from the pulpit to nave the intercut on liis money while the collectors arc passing tho plute foi eontrii unions. Tut: stag, s and theatres of the Greek- aud llonim-s were s : immense that tin tutors, to V-o heard, were obliged t- have recourse to metallic masks, contrived with great mouths, to auguiei-t tin natural sound of the voice. A gentleman in Buckingham C< -iniy Va., has among his domestic animals 1. large rut, which w«s caught twclv. months ago hy » eat; but, instead oi duvuuri ig it, the eat nursed and led it, and they now play uud sleep together, like cat and kitten. A had story is related hy the Bi’.tsyl vauia (Vu.) Tribnmt. A young man in that county bought a, tilted it iq from gimef to cellar and putiT.ased hi- wedding outfit. But tho wedding didn't take place. On tho day fixed thu brid.. married another fellow. The Milwaukee Sun speaks of a pi r son who ‘'turned is pale as tlio ueo of spades.” AVe filwiivy supposed the ace - t spades was red, and was hard to disti..- tinguish from the jack of—diamonds, u.- wo believe that eal'd is called where tin. figure wears a crown. — A'orri.iluten Her ald. Anoturer of the Blue Laws in y\ olden time was: “No one shall run on thu Sabbath day, or walk in his garden or elsewhere, except reverentially to and from mooting. No ono shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep house, cut hair or shave ou the Sablmth day. No woman si mil kiss her child on tho Sub- bath or fasting day.” It is a melancholy fact that crystal palaces do not pay. That ut Sydenham has been a financial failure, and ttuw tin Alexandria Palncfi, uq tfio northern jicjghts of London, with its beautiful nark of four hundred and seventy acres, ts announced for sale. The expense ot keeping up these pluccs is so large us to absorb ull tho profits. PLEASANT! SAFE! POSITIVE! “tiGONOeRHOMEET,^ Abe prevents Coiitnmoii No loss ol Time 01 elUlltftuol Diet Ovt'pwlirhminisales, munis, takahlu elites ami iiul-miii-lo-i satisfaction An AkimiI WHiitoi) in every city amt town In Smith pouf by express or reqelnt i/f price, Address RONKOCINE <?0 , Sets AgtctaScuuicra Staton ATLANTA. Q.t il- i'8\S2by It-' 1 O XT ‘J..’ .. HCRSL Ah J WaHUU BOV. - - Fifteen Humlied Miles a Minute. A recent enhla moHsago to, Australia concerning uu important event proved to bo an extraordinary achievement in tele graphy. Tho total extent of lines— namely, 12,000 miles~wut» travoled in ono hour and twenty minutes. The greater portion of this time was occu pied in transmitting thu message through India. From Singapore to Sidney, 5,07-0 miles, the message occupied onlv thirty- five seconds iu transmission, Thu mes sage was repeated fourteen times from station to ntutiou botwoeg Li-ndon uud ■tutuey, Tiiouoiit M a enuren luir—fmni pocket-book never captivated fair lady. A lover, who had gone West to make a home for liis “ bhdio," wrote to her ; " I've got the finest quarlor-soctlon Q| land (180 acres) I over put my foot dowr on." Birdie wrote buck: “Suppose you buy another quarter-section, John, •o that you cun huvu a lawn around you* foot.” John made a home, but Birdie never was tho mistress of it. Out of every 100 inhabitants in the United Stutes, sixteen live in cities. It does not improve a potato to have •pecks ou it# eve#. vM ifrOUR Wltm No Houhr will file 01’, 13ot» or I.rxu Fk. VEtt, II FtMltX'M I'wwtlt'l’!* BIT* 118A*if 111 tilll'!. Fouf/'K l'o\\ tltTff will ( lire ninl |»r»*\ 4*'ni II60 • ‘non n, Foill/'ff FoW<l*’|h# will |i|VVtUt ( i A 1'! ■» 1 N Fowl.*. I'Giltx'M Fowdfit* Will iiu'iVtt •• I'm* iti’sflilliX 1 of Inllk urn t ri'itm lwuniv nor utmt., iun| iiutK • Ubi l.utu-r ’ nn liiul -wcfi, 1‘GUU’f* I'nWllBI.- Will UIPM («,’ I ivvt-111 t.lliMic* I VI BY |)IHKA I wllirll How* Mil l I :tl F-i !|Vf* ■ I 'tH I /S ro\tl»|IH W 11.|. (, | \ f .v I I >J'A»' I'li.N . So! I u very whore. DAVID D. POUTS, rro;u*ictor, LAT*T;HD. For silo l y )V. F. IIoi.i.kvm.w. Dec, j *) 1 , N2 l h-y. aud all Bilious Complaints iii i> ivllcvodliy tfikinq WRIGHT S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Purely VugoUMe; No Oripluj. Prise 2J:. All Drujjlm. Ai-i'ila.'S'i.l- y. MixvrveTnwrrio ,U~DU k #0 JU iu vurilllf d}«UKuO« Of the IIIihmT* Mi III mill tion# id no Kiiswi rru ny idono deiiring iron i l’•uffrrliig frmu Hu|tl«rr •liuultl »cn Irarn la iiialr 40»»ala^i>. ddrMi, HU. III’TTM, IU N. MU (j jtlit.l(),’S2h y. FREfci RELIABLE SELF-PURE. A fuvorlto pn uprlptlon of nno nf the Bloat iiotvu uml hiiiv4*nmIuI NiM-ciuUHts lii tho |l,H, (now retir«*<li foi thenm* nt .Ven uHN DvhUitu. ■liiaf MniifiDMitf. ll'eKiLiioi-ii nii.i it....... . ..rl Mtum Nllllhu—I. II’.nLu... 1111,1 f iu (-tu- a --'ut- .1 Hriis»lsiu> uii iiiiu. Adfnii OR. WARD & CO.- toulileu, Mot jittillVii ilium \ Geo. D. Brown & Co., Prop’s. >1 smiM'i’lyn. f 3iii'!u‘ < Nmiil y, <; ;i Hr iiniJcr a SprrinHi/ of the folloirii/o I'//dressed \ Lumber: E UK) IE A 77, CEILTNG, II 'EATItEJHiOAIiDT.\Tt, FJIA.\Jj.y i; .Hi.veil Lumber or On/.side Si/ui/re Idiot 1 Hoards and lief use Lumber for cheap, rill orders' trill he nil r.varlhj bill ttutl prom pH// /illed. Special rules ou lara'e orders Sfi/isfut'liou irarrii uled. CEO. J). BJWW.V# CO., ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF G ft R P t T S and RUGS ni'iyl Ni I Tl IE MONTI I (>K \[,\ 3'. 1 .'mills inns! !-,• i-lnse-l out to make room for a large rge Spring Ntoek i-folh.'rljooil.seonijn-r f. mill out lor I-arga ins In I lie foi lowing name,) goods for :ni -lays. H,-„ M "i |l "| t I"", 1 X 'i' 1 '.' 1 ' N( i u Designs, Doily Drnssels, prelliest gomls ininle l -i, 1 III II.-M Is, l.ili'sl eolormgs. I lii'ie-1 *1 \ , I ngrain in-1 Venetian r-ri-'ls. lli-oili | ■,,, a!n! Fell " S - 1 “’ or MiUs " l :l11 ••'“' e.ili.iv. l'nm.1, i'!..!I.s,'’ Scnmless Vv.-v,' New Shades, (hiitains, &c. I styles, inst open-.-l. |» a lr N, w Anil,pie, Algerian mil ! ln ."‘ ,s - I'.Mension anil l*o e i'oni --es, new styles. I'nhol.i, - ■,,, , “ in "’ s ' •' < 'il Clollis, -lew ill-sins, tolls N,?„- O,,-!-! !m!i 'iV'.^,!..V Simti' N\ all Papers, En ( i»;ravines, *te. I'l-roi- -o'-'Afl l > "'i Pi's' U' !!K; r k"i l t“') l, j! 11 n-.i'-K i-.-Ioi) New, Oil Pal ' Aiul Mai’ixfi liitskels. U.miumiiIhw tikis Month foi’ l>art^aiiiv (i E (). A. B A 1 L I E. I’M-a'lnm 712 DUOAI1 sTItl-’.KT, MASON !(' Dl’U.DIXU, Ana ST A, (iA. S|ii’iiig- Sz Bnnnmn* Bui(s. 0TT0 W. MARSHAL MEIKd IA XT TAILOR •217 Severnh Si reel, Opposile .Mayor’s Olliee, Anuusta, (Li. -V fair business Suit from 817 to 82(1 “ fine u u ll ll $20 u 825 Fanev “ 11 *ii>~ $20 “ Dress $25 “ $2)5 Pantaloons in latest style, St. $1.50. Sa, $!>, $8,50, $7, .58, a inti’.sla in . IT STANDS AT THE HEAD T1IK lih HIT-lU’N MNii I Iml it U t)io nokiuvw l-eiuler in il tratlc is n l'm*l dial cniiiiol Im* tlisjiulfil. M:h i.i11iI:i11* ii. ottip' iH|irnl il. I Iu- largest utTiif the lisfhti s| nmjiipjj, llif inosl 1 »l:« u I il wood-work. AX It is \\* UtUANTDI) 'fo Ite ioa.If t»f i In* hfsi iipiff rial. To tlo any ami all kinds of work. ’GTlfeL bud Httcuru tlio KdVfttllHKi’ Joni •iptrUottviu_ AlVeeiJiina «|n'e||i||y Iruulutl *otuiitillo prluuiplci, vlit* aud »uru muciJU*. edl ar wrltu for l.ldt of tjuu*» Koih to bu •Iiawerrd by thiuc dciiriiig trunuuiMit by null. " “ “ mild kt'Mil Ibalr addr III* «utu|ruti,f it., Nt. Luul#, Ha* EMIAULMllU) OVUI TUUtT V VLAU#. Toll - complete In every I'espn ror.Sale l.y I'lil. l.. ,y Co.. Wayih-kI-oivi, (in. \genls wanleil In niioeeupled lerrilur Aililress, 111 i.M liSTIl' SKWI N( i M Ai l 11 N !: ci-„ ltle|imoli,l, Va. oetYTx.i A continuation of l‘va. lo.clttc of Iron, J‘t eiii'ina Barn and l'hosjtlle;'io* 01 -I ji.ihituhld form. 1'V JJtOllitit, of s-lpp*'- tit., 1‘root rat to), of ) i tal l‘u(eei'n i( ix inditncntia. Lio, REV. J. R. TOWNER, ( . A,7. it0fl'til'Writes:— / ni • imjI I-1 fter a thorough trial of the / r U I ? I/ T , TONIC, I take ptoaiiuro // T.UC J .. . , nnu l,ler it in atatinir that I have boon /"y** V A ,, I tonsut greatly bcneflterl by its / W[ J .Jljl ./ a most oMnollont remedy loi use. Ministers uud fub-y J.U the debilitated vitalforoos. Industry, IU., says: — t consider It foi tic Speakers will And tt of tlio tfraatust, value w.iuro a Tonic Is neces sary. I recommend ft ua a reliable reloodiul u if ant, posses-iinif uu aoubted nutritive and restorative properties LuubvUUy Ki/, % Ot t, ‘4, l.v-4 x:imzsb;iui dr. harter medicine go., aun. kaw st.. si. locus. junl(>,’H2.h-y, Pendleton Foundry & Machine Works C I1AS. I\ IsOM IfAlilk (Siii'i'fsniir to l‘fiitll- loii A klrothor) N«. (>lo, HIT Hint 010 Koilnok Stiwt, Augusta, (Si'oi'gitu | Man u fuel invr -in-1 dealer In mill uiiii'liln-'ry, euglin's an-1 supplies. 11 ran.i and I roil - llllfsof every Wolely uml wly l->. sp. - In I -u i-i-l Inn gi \ eii to t'i'hli I (live me a cull. - •'cptai’sV'.y \VM. J’lJM'l.l TUN, Siipci'ljilvmlvnt. t'ilAS. 1', l-i'MPAlli'. rioj-rlvivi '«