The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, June 01, 1883, Image 3

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PKmuurvsKiC' x aoaannowiuOiUii o'It i' (True iCitizen. A., .11 ni; |, 18* lint mint (hr / *. < >. Witi/ncsbor < 2<f <htss matin* — Head synopsis of le^nl adver- lisi'im ids for July in this issue. —Several soft-shelled turtles on our streets this week found ready sale. —Work is advancing steadily and smoothly at tin 1 artesian well, which is now feet deep. —.Just received at S. A. GRAY'S a nice line of Black Hunting. Cal! and sf'eAhem. myll —Mr. Louis Brandt was in town this week. Louis is now a drum mer—out upon the road. —Mr. Dick Berrien, of Millen, is now thi-happy fame'f -nf one of the linest hahy hoys in Seriven county. —IT. Franklin pays the full market price in cash for Hides, Old I roll and Wool. myl 1 —Mr. F. 1*. Peynolds has taken a position in the Dry Hoods Depart ment of W. A. Wilkins A- Co’s, store. —Mrs. W. J. Herrington and her two litth> girls returned home on last Sunday, after Several days visit to Col. S. .1. Hell and family. — W. A. Wilkins & Co. have just received a large lot of choice Crack ers and Calces. Call and see them. myl I — Hrndstreel reports Jacob Baze- vnore general store, of Kylvania, Seriven county, as having assigned. Assets $1,(MU, nominal assets $1,500. —“Tally Do,” “Oscar Wilde,” Wa ter Wafers, Pearce's Soda Cream and Hraham Crackers at W. A. Wilkins & Co’s. myll —The postofliee is open on Sun days from 11 till 1 o’clock. We, however, only receive a mail from Augusta. Could wo not procure a mail from both ways ? —Any one who may chance to find a much-worn upper-tooth filling will lie handsomely rewarded by leaving with Lee\ Blount. lie is anxious to sce'Dr. Cooley at once. —Physicians recommend Shriners Indian Vermifuge in their practice sis a superior article for destroying siml expelling worms. Only 25 cts. a bottle. For sale hv W. F. Ilolley- man. —If you want a fine Cigar for 5 cents, ask at W. A. Wilkins ,& Co.’s for either of their choice brands Mutual, Blue Wing or Melrose. myll —John Ilaenel is reviving the drooping spirits of his customers with Arctic lemonade and Antarctic ice cream. When you feel too trop ical take a draught from either pole .and you will cool off instanter. A Sj-iimiptl 'IVrm. Judge Roney will call an ad journed term of the Superior Court on July fid, for the [ of hear ing the mot ion docket. IH.'il. Kwl of Hip Mil) Term. Mt i'i moil in I. Lin wood, aged about in years, son of Mr. It. J. Ellison, who resides in the neighborhood of Sardis church, is generally died of typhoid pneumonia on the business ha With ult. 'I’lie bereaved family havi our sincere sympathies. The May term of Hurke Superior Court adjourned this (Saturday) evening at one o’clock, and judge, jurors, witnesses and suitors have all gone home, leaving the town with a deserted look, after the crowds of the past two weeks. ‘ It j /on of llurke county. David Dowse, who is between 85 and till years of age, and Rachael Jones, aged about 75, both colmcd, were consolidated into a state matri monial bliss on last Thursday night. Dave is known to nearly every citi- —The Sunflower base Dull (dub will give an ice 6reum party on west Friday evening the 8th inst., Tbie eilyb*is composed of some of our clevdT.est young gentlemen and a pleasujut .evening’s enjoyment may be anticipated. II. Franklin has a full assortment of Shoes, 1 )ry Hoods and Clothing, which he sells at the lowest price. myll —Mr. J. Fi. Weaver, who has been engaged for the past year superin tending Rev. J. Howard Carpenter's business, near this place, left on 'Tilursdny night for White Springs, llauiptnn county, Florida, where lu ie.\]mcis to make his future home. UTe luisiour best wishes for his future [prosperity. —A note from ltev. W. L. Kil patrick informs us that Rev. Win. 11. McIntosh, D. D., expects to reach here on next Tuesday, for tin* pur pose of giving biblical instructions to colored ministers and den cons, -..'ml asks a kindly reception for him. We regret that luck of space prevents our publishing Ml*. Kilpatrick’s note. —Col. M. 1\ Carroll has made a fl,ue record during the present term ■of Burke Superior Court as Solicitor iHencrnl. But one case under in dictment?; of tin 1 grand jury, found upon ,1 iris advice, has escaped con viction. •Col. Carroll is acting in <Jm» place of Hon. Boykin Wright, WlMMve regret to know is at his Ilium 1 , in Augusta, seriously indis- pesed. —Tims. D. Felder, Ksij„ jr., has re turned from Athens, and is a full Hedged lawyer. While we wish our young friend all the success imagin able, let us say one tiling to him, ndmittanee to the Bar is only open ing the gate of the Held, and that many more young men fail from | lack of application in their profes sions than from lack of talents.— The battle of life J* Mb* of “eternal vigilance.” (OlTiR'Iioll. bad week a typographical error made us say that Mr. F. !•'. Calcs’ s. g., Oats, was .'1 minutes making three-quarters of a mile, it should have been 2 instead of :> minutes. We hasten to correct the error as it did .Mr. Cates’ horse great injustice. Change iif Schedule. The accommodation train has been taken olf the A. iSr H. R. R., and the night passenger schedule changed to the time of the accom modation train. It now leaves Au gusta at 7;!!(!, j). in., and arrives at Waynesboro at !):114, going down.— doing up, the train arrives at this depot at !1 :"!■! a. m. The day trains are continued on the old schedule. The crop reports of our county at the present time are not very nat tering. The corn is generally look ing very well, but cotton is small and unpromising. There is much of it not up, and cannot come until it rains. A few of our farmers havo not finished planting. Thvye arc exceptions, ns some crops iii the county are doing well. Rain is badly needed. A Mail Dog. We learn that a strange dog on the 1 plantation of M r. Mutt Jones, a few miles from town, one day this week, showed unmisktnblo signs of having hydrophobia. When first discovered he was in the negro quarters, close by his house, w here lie bit a goose, and jumping into Mr. J’s. yard bit bis two pointers severely before lie was killed.— Mr. Jones lias placed ids pointers in a high close pen to await the ef fects of the bite. We warn our citi zens to kill everyone showing the slightest signs, as they cannot he too particular. (Join* ! (June ! ! On Saturday night last, the Chinese locked their store door, and like the Aral),folded his “cue,” and pulled up stakes. On Monday morning their landlord, Mr. Rout- zahn, got w ind of their eomtemplat- ed removal from this place, and issued a distress warrant for Ids rent, this being among several of their accounts they had left un liquidated, which Jliey paid after some little hesitation. Mr. John Williams, their clerk, has entered suit against them for his wages. A Fatal Mistake. The ShcrifTsales which were prob ably intended for the first Tuesday in June, have been published “for the Jirxt Tucxihty in May" during the entire lit) days they have been advertised. There have been no sales whatever advertised for the first Tuesday in June. This mis take is fatal, and we now warn pur chasers to he careful how they buy, and tlie Sheriff how lie attempts to soil property by virtue of these ad vertisements, Somebody may pur chase a lawsuit when he imagines he is buying land, Alstlictlr Unseals. Early Monday morning, Mr. W, E. Zorn, Imililf, brought in Frank Odom and John Allen, whom Judge Roney was anxious to interview' in regard to their attempt to furnish Fitter McCroun’s body for n funeral, did not seem to fancy the way our County Commissioners furnish the county bote), When the door was opened, nud they were invited to walk in, they wished to know what they were to sit upon, Mr. Zorn quietly informed them that it was tin 1 custom of his guests to “sit upon the door and hang their legs over.” This polite answer from the Imililf quieted them, and they replied that they would try and make out, If Mr. Z. would bring them a newspaper. | Judge Roney promoted one of them to the penitentiary for :l years, and the other for 2 yours, Married Iii i> Manger. Hu last Saturday ovejdng, “two souls w ith hut single thought,” could have beep se«p wcudding along to wards tlie livery stable pf Judge W. S. Hodbce, our popular justice, who they found busy ns could he superin tending his work. Informing him of the object of their errand,the Judge called up the mourners, after slng- —The attention of our readers isl !**g JDfil challenged any one, called to the new advertisement of | to then and tperp p)uW fiMIW, if any Brown & Theus-tho Arlington | they could, why the said ilfitMf House Barbers. These tojbsorial | browed.children of 11am,should mfi, artists are thoroughly posted in lifter procuring the proper 1)0- thoir art, and give you a first-class pern olfil paying tin cut or shave. Don’t forget to give them a trial, and tve speak ffoni ex perience hound as hciai a laborious session, and it conceded that more been accomplished during this term than is usually transacted in two terms. Larly in tin 1 session Judge Roney gave all concerned to understand that he was there for business and not for amusement. Legal gentlemen were soon aware that they must he ready, and that the court-house, on court days, was neither the place or time to prepare cases. This new order of tilings put everything in motion, and business proceeded rapidly and smoothly. Judge Roney is, we believe, the youngest judge upon the 1 bench, yet by his fair and clear rulings has won the respect of all. By his pro found knowledge of the law, un swerving integrity, and genial social qualities lie has already won the esteem, and friendship of our peo ple, and if the election was left to the popular vote he would carry Burke county unanimously. An old friend of ours, we pen these lines with pleasure. We cannot say too much in praise of our county ofiicers. Col. S. ,J. Bell, who is always ready, and who we pronounce the best clerk in the State, was at his post promptly, and with his usual system could [tut his hand upon any court-paper called for at a moment’s warning. Intelli gent, systematic and careful, wo do not know of a man in the county who could better fill his place. Sheriff B. 1 laoseler was a promi nent figure in the court-room, and did his whole duty promptly and well. Sheriff line,sclor is one of those generous-hearted men who, feeling for the misfortunes of others, never fails to do his duty except where the heart overcomes the judgment of the head. We pro nounce Haeseler'.i good sheriff. There was a fine corps of bailiffs on hand, who all did their duty promptly and well, executing every order or process issued by the Court or its authority faithfully. To these officers, the lowest tier in the judi cial edifice, are the suitors indebted for a hearing in many eases. They deserve, one and all, the thanks of the public. We cannot close without saying a word in praise of the colored jani tor, Si West, who was at his post early and late, and kept the court house neat and clean. In a word, from judge to janitor, every officer did his whole duty. There are many old cases on the (locket, which Judge Roney is de termined to get rid of, and attorneys and litigants, in our opinion, will find it to their interest to ho ready for trial by the next term of the court, or their cases will certainly be stricken from the dockets. The following numbers and classes of cases were disposed of: 35judgments; 12 dismissals; 0 di vorces; 11 criminals convicted, 1 acquitted and 1 nol. pressed, inuk- ingln the aggregate 72 final dispos als, besides a largo number of mo tions. This is certainly a good showing for one term of the court. The following criminals were tried and convicted, all colon'll ex cept two—Charlie Smith and Ed. Tabb: John Bass, burglary, 5 years in penitentiary. Ed. Tabb, assault, $75 fine. John Hosey, burglary, 1 year on chain-gang, John Allen, assault with intent to murder, 2 years in the penitentiary. Frank Odom,assault with intent to murder, .‘1 years in the penitentiary. Tom Smith, assault, with intent to murder, 7 years in the penitentiary. George Harper, assault with in tent to murder, plea of guilty, 0 months in the chui)ngang. Charlie Smith, assault $50 fine. Hus Cross, hog stealing, (i months on the chain-gang, One ease of misdemeanor was transferred to the (’minty Court. [Communicated,) Ami FnU*i'i)rUllIK Young Kiirmvr. Mu. Editor:—I had the pleasure of walking over Mr. J. R. Hick man’s farm several days ago, and found it to he the best 1 ever saw for this season of the year. Having my square on -my shoulder, through cm'in&Hy, thought ! would measure it. Measuring it In seve ral places 1 found it averaging from four to ten inches high nil qvor liis entire crop. He lias 2 Hi acres of decidedly the finest cotton 1 ever saw. I saw many forms during my walk over his crop. R. F. Mom,ny. Dr. Cooley. The above named gentleman re quests us to say to his many friends and patrons that lie will he in Waynesboro on or about the (ith inst. To those wlio need the services of a first-class dentist we invite them to give Dr. Cooley a trial, feeling satis fied he can please. Lust (lonice. Our clever Tax Receiver, lias about closed his hooks, and those who have failed to give in their tax returns will have but one more chance, which will be offered thorn on the 13th inst., when Mr. Chew says he will be in Waynesboro all day. Those who fail to improve this last chance will have no one to blame when they are doubled taxed. .1. N. Sl'lmlll'ld A Suns. In another column will he found the advertisement of ‘the above named enter', vising Macon firm, with the name of Mr. M. A. Gray as their agent. This firm has been long established, and have won a most enviable reputation by their energy, promptness anil the good quality of their work. Indeed they stand abreast of the best founders and machinists in the South, and with Mr, Gray as agent, they will doubtless receive a liberal share of our people's patronage. Read their advertisement and call on Mr. Gray for any machinery or agricultural implements you may need. Jurist* Palmer. Judge II. E. W. Palmer left for Atlanta on Monday to assume the duties of his office, that of Secre tary of the Executive Department, and we learn by the journals of that city that lie arrived safely, and went promptly to work. In the de parture of Judge Palmer, Waynes boro lias lost one of its best citizens, our society one of its brightest or naments, and the Bar one of its most talented members. Yet lie has entered upon a broader field of usefulness, and is destined at no dis tant day to make Ids mark in the annals of Georgia’s history. Tin* (iraml Jury Presentments. We lay before our readers to-day the general presentments of the grand jury for the present term of the Superior Court, and commend them to a close perusal of our county readers, as they contain much that is interesting to every citizen of the county. These presentments will he found to he dear and con cise though they cover a vast amount of work, and prove that the grand jury has boon dilligent, in dustrious anil intelligent in the per formance of their important duties, and so far us wo can sec have not left unoxumined any interest of the county. Few general presentments from the grand Juries of any of the counties show a geuter desire to do their whole duty, or which have* performed their labors better or more conscientiously. We congrat ulate our people upon the efficient ability of our grand inquisition. [Communicated] JihIkp Honey. Without meaning to disparage his predecessor, I must say that our present Judge Roney has complete ly fascinated f ho peoplo of Burke county by-his gentle and kind de meanor, Tlfi'FH' have been collided with firmness, and justice tem pered with mercy, so highly charac teristic of the true Judge and Christian gentleman. I have for Hup first time been re minded of the days of Judge John Helton O’Neal, of South Carolina, and though we do not go through (lie same formality of the sheriff es corting the judge from the Bench to 11is [dace of residence, and which 1 confess that such formality adds dignity to the judge and majesty to liie h(W, tips sciuqs to be the only (liU'erenco between wfiat the former has been and what the hitter is des tined to he. I trust that lie may be long spared to developo a lh'e so fraught with all that appertains to manhood for the benefit of those who may he blessed with his pres ence, either in the capacity of Judge or citizen. Time and pen, as well as apparcfil (ibsoijijIiuisiioHs, fail to go further liy way of commendation than the above, with the fact that all who know and appreciate him, love him. A During Deed. A ghost, a ghost near yonder tomb appears— Kciii' gi vi's II tilrlli, uml lolly life for > earn! Bravery is a quality admired l»y all men—and especially doted upon by all womankind. The rough east of feature and the ungainly form is lost to tin 1 eye when united with an intrepid soul. Of this most admired of all qualities historians have written and poets have sung. It is,therefore, with pleasure that we record a deed which [troves the truth of the old adage, “truth fs stranger than fiction.” On last Tuesday morning, Col. M. P. Carroll, wifi) lias booh in attend ance upon the Superior Court as Solicitor-Geiuirid pro Ion., and who was burglarized here about, eighteen months ago, was quietly taking his morning imp in his room at the Ar lington, a hold burglar gently open ed the door, which stood ajar, and [tut his head in. The colonel, who now sleeps w ith one eye on guard when lie is in Waynesboro, sprang from his couch quicker than light ning, and not earing for stilletto or deadly revolver, grappled the would he robber in the collar with hands by a vise-like; grip, lie waltzed his man into the room and whirled him around illicit his head grew diz zy. Then to prove that there was no chance for blip in a personal contest, jammed the colored moke into a corner of the room and churned him against the wall until lie split the plastering from Hour to' ceiling. All this time the colonel, who was cn (Uxjiabil/e, tho skirt of his gown the sport of the morning zephyrs, kept iip“a running lire of exclamations. “Oh, you dark-lined villian, I’ve got you. You”— “Hut, boss”—cried poor, frighten ed Pete. “Don’t, boss’ me! You didn’t know, sir, that I was Solicitor-Gen eral pro Inn.—next to the judge, sir. You have trilled with tlifc ma jesty of the law, sir.” “No, boss, I aint boddered him. I was jes gwino”— “Shut up, sir; not another word, or your blood he upon your own head!” At this juncture, Judge Roney, whose room was adjoining, and who had been awakened by the racket, made his appearance and inquired wlmt the matter was. “I’ve caught a burglar, sir—a bold, black, diabolical, muddy burglar— and I move, may it please your Honor, that you proceed to sentence him Inxtanter to the penitentiary for life, without recommendation!” The judge surveyed the ludicrous scene very complacently for a few moments, and suggested that the proprietor be called. When Mr. Jon cm came he explained that the boy had been sent to wake up the arte sian well man, who slept in another room, and had made a mistake in the room. Poor, frightened Pete being released sprung through the door, exclaiming as lit* went: “My Gor’amity! if dnt man kin do nil he say, he’ll hah ebery nigger in do county in do penitentium ’fore Sad’day night.” Synopsis of Legal Advertisements. .‘ill KIM I T Will In ml'I 1 "'I'd it 1 he C'dii I'I 11 nusc door on llii' llrst Tuesday In Juno nu.xl, (he following properly lo-wll: (inn tnirt of land eontnlnlng seven hundred innJ fifty nercn, lying in said county m ar the Kicliinontl county line, on Melicim creek; nlso lleil eei'luln other tract containing forty acres, known ns the House place or tract for merly belonging lo Mcnjumln Palmer dceeas- ed: also llmi certain oilier tract containing Mill) acres,l< nown ns the lion I Incan l ract, lion mi North and East by McHeun creek, South by lands now or formerly of Mrs. .1. I. Snilth nml (I. It. Palmer, ami West by Hinds now nr for merly ol'S. W. Palmer, said three tracts lying together anil eonstllnling one body. Levied onus the properly of William S. Danl'orlh to satisfy a tl fa In favor oflloburl II. Mldletou, trustee, line trnet of land containing .">n acres, lying Inlheilillh district. Levied on as the nrop- crly of lleiTlen Lovett, administrator il. h. Hill, lo satisfy a lax ti fa. One hay mare mule named llhoily, one brown mare mule mimed Mary, one black horse male named Itahigh, one black mare mule named Nance. Levied on as the prop erly of T'hos. L. Jones to satisfy a mortgage 11 fa In favor ol'Il. M. Comer A Co., Will be sold before the Court llousQ door on the llrst Tuesday lu July next, the following properly lo-wll: The reversionary Interest lu Hint Iruel of laud containing three hundred and seventy acres a tier expiration of Homestead of Frcc- nian W. (lodhee, lying In the 7(llli Itlsl., ml- Jolug Inmls of Kumlolph liklgcly, Kdwnrd Thomas and .fames W. I irilhhs. Levied upon as the property of [•'. W. Hod boo lo satisfy IS fa. In favor of nobert Schley against T. W. llruhhs. One tract of land eontulniug five hundred acres, lying In the With ])lsilint, adjoining lands of J. J. llnyd, Daniel, and estate of II. D. Hill. Levied on as the properly of Ureen Ji. Powell, to satisfy 11 In In favor of National K.xclmuge Hunk of Augusta. The remainder interest of W. II. Milliard In I lull tract of laud containing 1,'Jen acres,known us I he Home place, lying In t he 7.‘>l h I list.. ad joining lands of W. .1. Handle, estate of J. K. Carswell, and Mrs. W. A. Walker. Levied on as the property of AV. 11. Milliard, remain derman, to salb I'y sundry II fa's, Issued from Hurlse Superior Court, one In favor of Nation al Exchange Hank of Augusta, one In favor of Sibley, Wheeled A-Co,, and one In favor of Wheeled X ('«»» The purchaser under said levy Is only entitled to the remainder Interest of said W. 11. Mallard after the tenuhmtlon of the life estate of Mrs. Harriet Hilliard. Always tin Hand onniNAKV s roTM'KS, Sam Mack lias applied for letters of admin istration upon the estate of Ida Hello Loyal, Into deceased. Will he passed upon ill's! Monday In ,| nly next, All's. Maeheal K. Key, administratrix of Joshua S. Key applies for a leave lo sell land situate hi Kluyd county, city of Holm', Will he passed upon llrst Monday in June. A D.M IX ISTRATOn’S SACKS. My virtue of a n order granted hy the Court of i irdlnary will he sold on the llrst Tuesday in June,one tract of land hi Kmanuel county containing Si l acres, and one share of the capi tal stock of the I 'entral It. It. and II. Co., prop erly of Mrs. Alary T. Jones, deceased. CiUAltlllAN SALK. Will he sold oil the llrst Tuesday In .Tune one acre of land situate in the town of Way nesboro, fronting on Liberty street and run ning hack to Alyrle.k, hounded on tin' north hy W. A. Wilkins hotel and brick store, and South hy Methodist parsonage. Sold l>v W. N. Zorn, guardian of Ruth and Keddlng Hard wick, for the education and malntulnimoc of saiil minors, I <i||) fifivnt for Tllt’psju'i'.s, i row RnvvT)i\sl, I’urtfihh: ui|d 'h'lictjoij Mu H'luvs a in I Saw Mills iiuuuil'ucturcd hy tin 1 Aiillniiin A Taylor I'onipnny, —We have roi'idviul from Messrs. G. O. Robinson & Co., publishers, of Augusta, Gil., a copy of their new Sunday-school music hook, entitled “Love and 1‘raise.” We hiiye !i!fi(|(t fill inyuiidiuiUmt of the work, and find the selections of music to he regular toll, [ hy the Aultniuii & Taylor Company, I odinirubly adapted to Sinidiiy- be Join,art toiWlii 1 )’ in the holy of Mansfield,Ohio. First-class goods, | »»d all religious meetings, bands of wedlock. No emmo ]»{>.-' something that will give perfect j 1,t,|u ’ vi ‘r y ,,u wish to buy any sort when we say you .ire i ihK forthcoming, the Judge, ill hjs | satlst'aei}M|fi ,u,id to he pleased. They l»uw most *tyt,c ^oifi.uuced them purchase either or alf of tip. ti dered a new hair dipper ami will mm, The dWoll) drops to slow mipied artldes w|ll he serving wanting to I mi,s h or musical Instruments tdioxii I l l»H’l full to let (1,0, Holiifison fij Co. thole 'iw ,; »WM MH: —Goto W. A. Wilkins i'i: Co’s to see the line assortment of Crackers Just received. myll nrdi ,, . then bo prepare to give as dose a j music, The solemnity of ||)e oc- iudr cut as desired. A trial in all cadoa Id said to hfive been very Jhoy ask. |affecting, Noiwds, best intcrc.-jt hy calling o|i jpo op s\ riling for particulars, myl| H. A. GBAY, —“Nobody cun underbuy us! No body can undersell us!” is the motto of tho Esfey Organ Company. The question that first arises with every one wishing to purchase musical mevdtuqdleie of any description is, where can I find a reliable and fair dealer, one who will not misrepre sent ids goods? Now, we can an swer the above query in a very few words—try E. II. Taylor, Agent Estey Organ Company, (121 Broad street, Augusta, (Iii., and rest as sured you will got just wluit you order, and that too, of tltfi finest quality of tone and finish. Write to him for circulars. —Water and Well Buckets, Trunks and Window Similes ut lowest price at If. Franklin’s, myll —Old man Turner, of the peniten tiary guard, is here for the purpose of escorting the prisonorst convict ed at this term of the court to thch’ future resido|ifies. He is perfectly sober, and asks us to request the Mtlcon Teleyrah to make a note of that fact, -,Ca]lat W, A, Wilkins iH’o,»s for Hie famous “Old Guard” and “Cabi net" Whiskies. mvll S50 OR MORE Tau bo mi veil to every plow you run by using our Universal Double Plow. Farmers mul Planters listen, Do you know the advantage of using two small plows In place of one large plow? If you do not Stop Now a nd Think, and save yourself time, whleli Is money, that you are utterly throwing away every day. Kvery plow we sell Is guaranteed to give satlsfaetion or money cImmirfully refunded Only two of these Plows have been returned during the live years we have been selling tlieni. Two rounds to a 7 foot corn row plows It out, doing the work better and more satti - factoiily than when larger plows are used, it Is easy to bundle and light of draught, still it Is laillt strong and substantial. We cultivate It inches with two li Inch Mull- longucs with only li Inches resistance, which is more than cun l>e done with a 21 Inch lui/./.urd with 21 Inches resslslance. With shovels, sweeps or buzzards of course thoout Is greatly widened, the resistance not being so great the draught |s lighter, thereby saving at least one- third the labor of cultivating the same work, it pays for ilsclf In ahoul 2 days. We cun furnish any amount of testimonials II desired. Will semi P. I). 1). to anv point on the Central Hallroud. or money can ho sent in advance hy express or registered letter. Noi some of our prices: l Plow stock Men I 12 Inch buzzhrd 05 I 12 inch Sweep ...... ,Y> 1.7 Im-h Shovel. . L!L'........ ’. ;to 1 \,x:! Ineli Steel Hull-tongue \ 2)7 I Lx:) Inch Iron Mull-longue hand made and tempered, best make 40 Address all orders to , J. A. Rod gets & Co,, Perkins Junction, (hi. myU'S'lhm. —J. H. Blount lias for sale “Only Cigar in Town.” the IllBK )YAIj. t)|iU' 11 ■ I lake Ibis me!hod lo Inform the iicoule p " ' ' ’ (’hll' id in the rear \\ ayueshiii'O and SlllTlimullnH Imve remoM ii my .Meal Mark' of W. A. Wllkhpi A do's, store and opposite lie' residence of Col. ,T. 1). Mumurlyn, where I will continue to keep on hand Fresh Aleuts at the lowest market price, such as Beef, Mutton, Pork, 1 eat, (j-e. I will keep on hand during the summer season a large supply of NAT l mAC kt; which I ||iny ub,.led on I ho market lu irder lu lei every Ik nly have a chance, cheaper Ilian ever before sold 111 Waynesboro. myll’Sillf KD. A. I’AHTNll, The undersigned respectfully Informs tho»n who deklre a thorough course III Mpsie, iluit lie Is pi'eillirefi Ml ifi\e. Ilislr,notions Upon the Violin, Piano i\ml organ. Pupils, for Flute and Ihlltaf call also Ollier the class. Ills pri ces are reasonable. lu-iV" For rates and I'urUiei pa I'I leu la rs ap ply hi CIIAS. ,i. WALL.\CN, torJ’liltf. Waynesboro, I lu. Advertise in tun ct mNN. 1*^4 Steam H m w 3 w tea § 0 w 1 , i-r 1 su J 1—1 3 EX A Hd H A 09 o_ V M m VJ CO* i + <D fi- Pf O w =3 ro 3 )* SO Uj to" w CO r’yJ w ■ y 3 w y> (O o n XT (0 I ’rict ! Quinine, Morphine, Opium, Blue Mass, Epsiun Salts, Blue Stone, Sulphur, Alum, Salt Pet re, Copperas, (Ironnd Black Pepper, / 4 • n (ringer, Boot (linger, Englisii Cooking Soda ■, Cream Tartar, Brorn ide of Potasium, iodide of Potasium, Borers Powders, ('alomel> Bermuda, Arrow Root, Bay Rum, Syrup Squills, Syrlip Epecac. At POLIIILL’S. Physlcluns Prescriptions Carefully ('i m pounded Day and nlglil. HHANFIF.Lll’S FKM ALK HKIIPLATOH, OHWOMF.N’N FHTFND, for sale at muiir.- faeturer’s prices by tlie bottle or dozen. Price 7.7c and $1,170 for single bottle ut POLHILL’H, GUIOjJPS HOR.SK & CATTLK POWJTKU. made and sold only by me, Is tlie best and largest package over sold for 2.7o. .T. A. POLIULL. TtOUOII ON HATS never falls to do tlie work, for sale at POLIIILL’S. POLHII.L’N STAN 1)AKD VKHMIFUGR Is pronounced by all tho doctors to be the best they use it. SWF NT GUM & MULLTKN for Coughs and Colds at POL il I LL’S. WAHNKlt’S KIDNEY & L1VEH CURE for sale by me as cheap as the cheapest. J. A. POLIULL. I sell tho original AT. A. Simmon's Liver Medicine. The cheapest and best. Price, 2,7c ■70c uml ft. J. A. POI.ltI LL. The largest, finest and ehcnpesl lot of Fish- tug Tackle la town Is at. FOLD ILL'S. The best ik 1 Cigar In town at Polhlll’s. Ami tbuusnuds of other articles too numerous to mention, all guaranteed fresh and pure and at bottom prices. RESPECTFULLY, J. A. POLHILL. Jun2V82by. Arlington tilme tiorber Shop, J Ituvu uow associated myself with a llrst- cluss Harbor, and will continue our Shop un der the llrm name of llrown A Tliuse, and will do lu the latest style HAIR CUTTING, DYEING, SHAVING, SHAM I'I HUNG amt everything that can be done In a llrst- class Harbor Shop. Give us u trial ami we guarantee satisfaction. A. MHOWN, l^oil SAM;, r PllE house and lot of thy lifi,'. Hurdoll, 1 In W aynesboro. For timber Information apply to II. II. IV.yvy, IC-tp.or Will. V.Thomp son at \\ aymistjuro or ' ' J. M. HUHDNLI,, Ailmr. may W Kilim Augusta, (la. Jfthn D. Ashton, A t (ic: w e y - u l - L a ir, D. L. Fullerton, Augusta■, Ga. The oldest STOVE DNAr.NH In tho city. Hundreds of families In llurke, Jefferson and lllehmoml counties are using our Stoves sold to them during the lust fifteen years. Every housekeeper will attest to (heir use fulness, economy, and comfort. Call at FULLERTON'S for tho New Lighthouse. Tlie newest, largest and Iiost wood burning slow In the market. At FULLERTON'S you will Uml TINWARE, WOODENWAltK, CROCKERY, HOUSEKEEPERS CUTLERY, HARDWARE. 1>. L Fullerton, aug2l'ti2tf U2S Rtoud Street, Augusta, Ga. Removal. 1 beg leave to Inform my patrons and tlie general public that I have removed my Har bor Shop In the new postotllee buildiux, where, I am prepared to do In the latest stylo HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING SHAMPOOING, DYKING, Etc. I have a chair made especially for the black ing ot shoes. I will also run a hath room In connection with my Harbor Shop, either cold or Imt baths. HENRY JONES. AugUMta llotol, Augusta, Ga. LEWIS & DOOLITTLE, Prop’s. RATES: TWO DOLLARS PER DAY. Large and well Veullliitcd Rooms. (Vnlial- ly located near railroad crossing. Telcgiuph /•lUi'i ami llurber Simp lathe building. Augusta Hotel RcstnuWuit and Lunch Itm at elmlee whies, ami Uuuor* ami cigars. Meals to order ut all hours. THE ATANTA POST-PP EAL. Tlie only dully la the state published every morning, Monday Included. Fearless lu uoiubullng wrung In elkiues. rings nr parties. Gives fall market reports, eurrcctuJ dally. ( ontululng all the latest Telegraplile News. Is newsy, H|irlghtly uud i>fogresslye. All article: editorial or otherwise, snort, spicy and jltu21'S'Jby \YAYNMSUOUO, GA, eonlaiulug tlie pith ot all subje Sunday's edition contains nil graphic, (lenernl aud Local, us . . and potnlui icels t reuted. 1 the news, 'fell --r.—.—■ -i- - u-s welt as Literal' articles of general merit, Monday’s edition alone worth the price 1 subscript Inu. Tho thmia Most-Appeal, t Issues every wee! VJIIIIII l»'V annum, in lor six imailhs, 12.2.7 t, three months, 7.7 cents for trial mouth. Address, I'iM'.Iitjh 1‘vm.iMUNa Co. luiilS'S'J Atiaulu, tl».