The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, June 29, 1883, Image 2

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(The <rmi* (t'Uizen. W.WNKSJlhlK), < i A,ll'NK20, 1SS;I. I !iltei'r<l ill t/ir /’. ['</.»/os 'Z<! rliis.s uni‘ter THE ROAI> I.A>V. ; , ,r;izbt. Tin* s|ioii(1in^ money lo put a fence around a largo body of land to soouro tIk* cultivation of a “patch,” which fence (of the host [ old-Hcld pine) will rot down in four! or live years, seems to be a criminal | waste of money—and is nothing more nor less than putting it out in I the wont her to rot. 'flic stock law would swoop away each and every if these disadvantage.-; tlioux- On our first page to-day v\ ill hi found the full text of a bill to bt presented to the Legislature at it.- session to occur in a few days for its i nm ‘ 1 enactment as the Itoad Law of the j anils ot acres no\\^ying out, a bar Slate. The most casual reader, | 1(,| > waste, would be reclaimed and who knows anything about it, will ; made “to blossom as the rose;” the see that the proposed bill, while it is . stock would be improved and made not perfect, is avast improvement j worth something—and the tanner on the bungling old law now of relieved ot the burden ot expenses force. The present road laws and , which has so long kept him crushed road system is bad in every point Out Job Department. We take pleasure m announc ing to the public, that we have just furnished our .lob Depart ment with a lull and complete nut lit of new and beautiful male- rial, comprising all new styles of! Geo. R. Lombard & Go., Foundry and Machine and Boiler Works. Near the Water Tower, HU I Fenwick St., Augusta, (la. Sair Mills, (iris!. IJills, Cm re Mills, Plantation Aldehin- cri/, Enffines, a ml Eoilrrs, DOUBLE TUBE. < 'o-ton Screws, Sthnfllnirs. Pulleys, 11 lingers, Journal Poxes, Mill (.'ear l n jr, (iud*;nons, Turbine Water Wheels, ♦ Jin < Jearhur. .i at Ison’s (low r nnrs, I tisston’x circular Saws, and Hummers and Fil Reltim; am Mubblit Metal and I,rass Fit!hur Hlobe and (’lieek Valves, Whistle* (Juau'es, .Vc., I ron and Brass ('ast liars at id < J in Ri Its and I n|« dors. Iv»*|*<iirint» prniiipMy done at Low. i Price s. We easi every da,, both lion and itrass, leiving Rrcntly inereasetl our capacity wilii l.d- esl improved tools. We are running lull t.ini«* with Kin hands, wldeh enables us tn till orders promptly at lowest prices, i fI\ «< us a I ri.n bef-uv ' ( lalina elsewhere. A to‘Hi s for < e oru'ui and Sout h ('an -lina for K( >RTI X< J S I’N I V Klts.\h | N,| \ ;t T« t!;, tin* best Roller Out. Works with one lever. Will work warm ur mid wati-r, and* will lift water. Warranted to ^ivc satisfaction. Send for (dividing before you buy any o:her. They ar. Let ter than a pump. ‘ ’ | un22’H.'U) v type, and are now prepared to to the earth. of view, ami the roads in every! 11 is a necessity: Tlie lack of do all kinds of Book and. Job portion of the State of which we limber, as above remarked, renders have any knowledge, are in a bad ‘t'impossible to lenee many ol the condition. The ease calls loudly for ; plantations in the county, and as a legislative action, and unless a bet-! consequence the farmers are “draw- ter law can be framed we hope that ; '"g in ’ their lenees as their rail rot the bill we present to-day will lie away, and abandoning their lands, promptly passed. Something must j which can never more he used un ite done, a remedy must be found for ! der the lenee system. Large plant- the exeeable system of public road ations, for this same lack of limber, law-', and it will not do for Mu i lature to negleel it durin coming' session. hi: eisi iun i.\<i thi: stait. the have so deteriorated in value until they are almost worthless, and in the division cf estates, the less land an heir inherits the better otfis he. H is imposihle to build these fences, and the matter is growing worse, with no prospect as the end except the total abandomont of large, val uable plantations to a few “old , , , . . , . | stripper” cows and straggling “razor lect or postpone, and m making , ; , back” hogs. \\ ith the present con- Tlie Legislature upon to redistrict : ession so near at is a subject which will be called the State at its hand—indeed, it it may neither up (lie Districts we hope that oni Representatives will use every honorable means and insist that Darke county be placed in the Sth ! District—where it naturally he- j longs. She was put of that Dis-j t riot by political geremandcring, | and should promptly be restored to i her natural position. 'The argu ments in favor of this action are few and simple, hut plain and con vincing. Burke county by its geo- Work—great or small—prompt ly, in the best style of the art, at Augusta prices. Indeed, we have the only complete printing' olliee which ever was in Waynes boro capable of supplying the public demand. And as there is now no good reason for sendim dition of the fences throughout the county, no farmer can lie down at night and feel that ids crop is safe. arguments, put in homely style, with no attempt at rhetorical j flourish or even linish, cannot be I gain sard or answered. Indeed, it must be admitted that an abroga tion of the fences is a pressing and growing necessity. When driven from every other po sition, the advocates “for fence” graphical position naturally be-,..,,, , ,, longs to the 8th District, it was for-1 1 “ 1, ,,n< * , T >U th ° °. ld stom,ty l UHl morlv and for many years attached to that District, and was put out of it to serve the seltish purposes of aspiring politicians, its interest is clearly with the counties forming that District, and as clearly not with the counties forming the 1st District, Our Representatives will not represent the sentiments of their constituents if they fail to do all in their power to accomplish this end. Till') STOCK I,A iv. Last week we took positive po sition in favor of the stock law, be lieving it to lie a matter of simple justice to the land owner, as well as the correct policy to be adopt ed by our farmers. This position lias called forth a sound, sensible letter from an intelligent gentleman of our county, accompanied by ar ticles from the pens of thinking men in other sections, all of which we propose to give to our readers in our next issue. We said above that tlie stock law ument that all the colored la borers will leave the county. This is simply ogregeous nonsense.' They have not left in any material num bers where the law has gone into operation, and it is asserted that all who opposed its adoption, hoMi white and colored, are now its fast friends; We do not believe that the colored laborers are such fools. There is only one way to keep laborers of any kind—and that is to offer them living wages, deal justly by"them, and pay them what you have promised. No man who will do this need have any fears that the adoption of the stock law or any other law will drive away his la borers. But if the law should drive off some of the colored laborers, why, in the name of common sense, let them go. Their places could and would be promptly tilled. The yearly abandonment of lands, the destruction of crops by the misera bly poor cows and hogs, and gist hut by no means least, tho crushing expense of building and repairing fences, are worth vastly more than the few colored laborers wlfo would away from home any work of any kind, we solicit the patron age ..fall who wish any print ing done. SULLIVAN LUOS., Printers and Publishers. FOU SAUSL riTI I F house nnd lot of (lie lair l)r. Hurdell, I in WayiH'sliorn. For furl-herinfoniiii!inn lipply to H. II. 1’rrry, Fsq.,or Win. V.Thomp son at Wa ynesboro or J. M. BUUDFJ.L, Atlinr. moyl8’83bm Augusta, Oil. The undersigned respectfully Informs those who desire a thorough course in Music, that he is prepared to give Instructions upon the Violin, Piano and Organ. Pupils, for Flute and (iuiiar can also enter the class. Ills pri ces arc reasonable. Jp-'/t" For rates a ml further particulars ap ply to 0IIA.S. J. WALLACE, mrU’SStf, Wu,ynesboro, On, Harnett House, Savannah, Ga. A H NO W CONI) VOTED. J IT XT AS DOOI) AS TIIOKK THAT CLAIM to he first-class and charge twice as much. ('nnneeted by si reel cars, with all the depots. Point this out in your neighbors. Don’t pay ft.Oil per day or even $.'1.00, when you can get the same or better accommodation for $1.30 per day. Local Legislation \v was only an act of justice tot he land owner and the correct policy to leave on account of the adoption of be-iuloptcd by the planter. We will j this law which will work as much go a step further, and say it is a necessity to agricultural success in Burke county. This places the car dinal arguments on the subject be fore us, and upon this platform we plant ourselves, and defy any op position to drive ns from it. to the advantage of the laborer us to that of the employer, It will not average more than one in ten of the colored laborers who owns a cow, hog or any other kind of stock. Therefore, the nine-tenths of the la borers who own no stock of anv F IIHIIKIIV (ilVF, NOTH'I? that we shall apply b> the coining Legislature of (ieoi'glu lo mpet on the II,h day of .li|ly, |ss;l, for the passage of a local law for the county of Burke, State of (,‘eorgin, prohibiting the side or all kind of intoxicating and malt liquors within the limits of said county of Murkeand prescribe appropriate restrictions thereon, and penalties fora violation of the same, feu hi Act to go Into eil'eet January 1st, lSSo. JOiIN J. JONKS, II. IT. I’KIIUY, .1. II. 01,1 V Kit, JOHN IMIN N FK LY N, J FTII KO TIHIMAS, F. F. LAWSON, J. II. MACKENZIE, FYANS A T1H I.MAS. Jun22'SUf. EL A( blxSM ITI11N (1 As a matter of justice In the land- kind would him* no reason to leave, owner: lie has paid for his land, | while the tenth man would always as much as Ids private dwelling, be furnished pasturage for his few and a stranger has as much right to i stock as the tenant himself is now trespass upon the one as the other. | furnished a house to live in by the The landholder has not only paid j landlord. Ill our opinion, when the for liis land, but the State requires I tenant is brought face to face him to pay a yearly tax, and prom- 1 with the advantages of good breeds, Ises to protect him in the enjoyment and a Horded an opportunity to | of every right appertaining thereto keep them, he would throw aside for tit is tax. it must he admitted the miserable things he now has, that the government fails entirely I which are worth little at best, and to perform its part of the contract nothing when left to pick a preca- when it not only debars the owner j rious living in the old fields, and from the enjoyment of his individ- 1 procure good breeds, while others un! property, lad puts fort h Hssirong seeing his success would follow his arm to protect the stranger in tres-j example, which would at once sup- passing thereon. It is no argil-! press the disposition to maraud j men! to say that the owner is let-! upon other people—and thus would! ling his land run to waste, or lie the county he saved the expenses nut idle, it is his, he lias the right j of many a preoutlon for stock to do with it as seemetli good to stealing. him, and [the government should! In conclusion, Ictus say that we protect his individual rights with] do not wish to induce any eolliet 1 lie same promptness that it requires between capital tupl labor, and IN ALL ITS B RANCH ES I/nrscshncing a Special I g. CA IUU A ('IKS, RIMKMKK AND W A CIONS Repaired iit Short. Notice ami in the hest sly to. taxes at Ids hands. As a policy: Our readers, we apprehend, need not be told that there are thousuhits of acres of land in Burke county, lying out, running to waste, worse than notldngon the therefore suggest that a committee of three white and live of the most intelligent colored men in the coun ty bo appointed to visit the loca tions where the law is in operation, and satisfy themselves of its practi- /. L. Faulk & Co. W Mnl.KSAl.K In:A I I 'IS I N owner’s hands, a pasture for a few cal workings—its advantages and miserable apologies for cows and | disadvantages, and by tlielr report “razor bad;” hogs because they <‘(m Id the matter be set tied. Wo know mil hr Jcnvnl. This inability to fence of no fairer plan to both landlord arises because the timber upon and tenant, or bettor way to arrive the hind has been exhausted, labor-' at the truth, and to settlo every- ers cannot lie induced to split the ! thing satisfactorily to all parties, rails, or the expense of fencing is ! "■■■■ mm. ... . so much greater than the value of the land Mint the owner is not able U> undergo it, and is, therefore, forced to let his laud l|e out idle.— Among these outlying lands are many rich “patches” which might be cultivated to advantage, if the enormous expense of fencing great I rads of land lo lie able to utilize these small areas was taken off,— Besides these advantages, the fenc ing of pastures, instead oi planta tions, would facilitate the introduc tion of line stock, and in the place of the present miserable “strippers” and “razor hacks” would appear the generous Jersey and the great Irish Clothing, &c. One Price Clothing Warehouse Cor. Wiiltaier & St. Julian Sla., Hmuiiiili, Go. AND 4b5 011(1457 Broadway, New York, Jun2t»\NJi»y. The limit rxitfiiDil hoi's leave to inform tin* piddle I lint In* Is prepared f«> t|o Idaek smith inn ill nil its hm i id lies, ill Ills shop opposite .M |\ S, A. (J ray's stable, turn ns Us n Ml inn* of I he pub lic pntmimj'c. Ho makes Horseshoeing n Specialty, and tlors Ills work promptly and well. He has secured t he services of it compc tent carrlatic maker and Wheelwright, and is prepared to mulct) your broken or worn Car- riaaes’ lUiKj'iesand Wagons as good as new. Prices to suit the times, Clive him a trial. npr2S\S2t f J, O’RAMINS, ft ot C C' — it k -j £ o OS’ © 91 ii 00 m =3 ca, 5‘ CD (/> pn :j3 EX no o p) =3 CD 3 5T co 3 F '■j n S3 A JO K*. M M r. 7. O 0 00,000- 000000000 0000 0 0000000. zn c- cj CD , S o Th (H r~H ill •H 1 K 0 H , ° o ». o CD ^ ^ rt ■ ^ r-r O ^ CO rid, & o 5 ct n Ft cS i>n o jr- ^ k—-3 O o -- I 5 b£ co r- CD 01 CJ CO CD CD CD i--i , — r a r~A J n n‘j:VS2t f 0000 0. iof <G> 0 0, 0 00 000000000; 0.00,000 0 0.0000 ' mm,' m S58 OR MORE Fan he saved to every plow you run h\ using our Universal Double Plow. Fanners and Planters listen, Do you knotv tint of usiiur two small plows in place of one large plow? If you do not Stop Moiv an d Th ink, ami save yourself time, wliiifii Is money, tlmt you are utterly throwing away every diiv. Kvcry plow we sell Is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded <’nly I wo of these Flows have lieeti returned during the five years we have been selling I hem. Two rounds lo u 7 fool corn row plow It out, doing the work hotter ami more satis- faotortly than when larger plows are used, 11 is easy to handle and light of draught, still ii Is built strong and substantial. We eulti va |e 11 Inches with I wo ;! Inch I in II- tongues with only H Inches resistance, which is more Ilian can be done with a '-‘I Inch buzzard with L’l Inches resslslanee. With shovels, sweeps or buzzards of course I lie eul is great 1 v w idened, the resistance mil being so great the lira light Is lighter, I hereby saving at least one- third the labor of cultivating the same work, II pays for itself In about J days. We can furnish any amount of testimonials if liesired. Will semi (( b l). to any point, on the Central liailroad, or money eun'lie sent in advance by express or registered letter. See some of our prices: I Plow NtooU j;i mi I 1? Inch buzzhrd go I 1‘J inch Hweej) ,v> I f> Inch Hliovel :)o 1 \J Inch Steel Ihill-longue 23 1 LxM Inch Iron Hull-tongue hand made and tempered, best make 10 Address all orders lo J. A. Eod^’or.s k Co., Verkins J unction, Ga. luyl I’sJbm, Evoiy One Should Lend The TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. 1M' III. LSI I F1 > DAILY AND WFFKI.V. The lending oponent of (he bosses, cliques and rings. II takes all of I he Associated I'll dispatch es, and has unsurpassed facilities for nhtulu- Ing news front all i|Uaili'is by mall and wire. The decisions ol llm Supreme Court are prcpulrcd for II by I la ir special reporicr and lire published I be day a Iter I bey are delivered. I Is reports of these dcelslous have been pro- noil neeil by leading members of the bench, and bar, Including one Judge, ol'lbe Supreme Court, lo be the elearesl ami best ever publish ed In Hie Slate. The Marlcel lleporls are carefully corrected dally and will be found lull and reliable. In a word, The Tolo“Tapli ami Messenger Is a live, clean, fearless ami e.miplele news paper. TI'lltMH! Dally one year .fib 00 six months 3 no Three months 2 30 i me mouth 1 on Weekly one year 1 30 Send for sample copies and club rates. Agents wanted in cm i \ community, lo whmq liberal commissions will be paid. Address, J. F. II ANSuN, Manager. my'J'i'.x.T Macon, (la. ■VUCKttttVSVXfiMKmaiitft - ga—w——i j is u mr” lil « JJ B I H Li illlU Office and Drugstore. TA1 Sti*eet. .1 ml received a fi'csh sappl\‘ of I ns. s-l poxviler, and keep on band Died lei lies for I be profession and the people. I haven sample fruit press which every fam ily w ill find useful during the sum mer to express the Juices of grapes and Indeed all kinds of fruits. Jusl the thing tor the prudent housewife, 1 shall soon have o fresh lotofUutabnga and Flat Dutch Turnip seeds, and only these, as every merchant J believe keep all others In stock. I have pure HI. Curb Soda for medicinal ami culinary purpo ses and at the price asked it is far cheaper than soda put up for cooking. nprO’SSIf li.T. Hl'NCAN. Liberty Bt. Waynesboro, ( la. Civic'.". .1AW M PEANUTS. I linvo si largo slock of peanuts of all kinds, Handpicked Virginia Ti'iiiu'.vc and North Carolina. Kit her for Seed or Retailing. Orange s. I am well supplied with Florida, Mcssena and Valencia Oranges. Lemons. I keep on hand always the Largest stock of Lemons, and defy competition as to price and quality. Always on hand a full line of Confectionery and Fancy (Iroeerles, J. i». Reedy, Cor. Hay and Whitaker Streets, dcchVX'Jhy. SAVANNAH, OA. New Attractions The Music House of the South. j I W ■ -o-p' '' y-' i (M PIANOS, ORGANS, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. G. H. U.—E. 1.0. M.—L. P. Q. S An extended visit among the principal Plano ami (irgan factories lias enabled u . to make the finest seleelbm of I list ru incuts ever brought to Augusta. ()ur slock, which will be replenished weekly from the best nuuiu fact liters, will be the larg est and bn'Sl complete In the South. Our prices the lowest and terms of pnvmcnt the easiest ever ofi'eroil. Hheel music and music books—large dis count from publisher's prices. lies! Italian Strings, and everything desired a the line oi music. Save money by visiting or corres ponding with O. O. Hi III I NSt )N Ci), Nil Wind Street, Augusta, (la. srrriM. sunn:. From this dale the services of Mr. C, It. Tavlor, as Inner ami repairer for us terminate. All orders for same will receive the prompt at teal ion of M r. T, 1 lurry Oates, w bo guaran tees entire satisfaction. <!. o. HOHINHON A CO, Augusta, (la., October J, lssj, uerji'S,- Chronicle &. Constitutionalist. A U (I TI H T A, (I A. The Chronicle A Const It III Inimllst Is the oldest newspaper ill the South, having been established In IJS3, Tin Clirnniela Is progressive and liberal la al I things ami Is esseuI tally a full' reprcsciilu- 11 ve of Soul hern opinions and a persistent ex ponent of Soulhern 11 ii I (1st lies. While live five from seiisallomillsm and immorallle, 11 Is 111 no way beliimt Hie ties! of Ip. l oiileliipo- rarlesnsa purveyor of I he news. The Morning ('bronlele A Conslltullonullsl Is an eight puge paper of IS columns. Price .fla per v ear; six mouths $3 The Hvniitiig ('bronlele A- Const It ul lounllst Is I lie same size as the uuivnllig paper. Th" price is $n per year; six inoullis $,l, Thl* liinkes II Hie largest and elieape-l elvhl page paper III I he Soul h, T lie Suudiiy i li|'ou|e|w Is a v ev.v Inteivsllng paper. Ills gii eight page lllly-slx eolaiiiii jl.iPer. I‘I lew per year. The Weekly Chronicle A Const It ut Inimllst Is one of t he largest papers In I lie Hon I h, Ills lea pages ami contains seventy columns of mailer. Price per;tear; ft lor six ltiimlhs, Specimen copies seat |'|'ee, Address ('ll no N II I.K A, ('lIN'HI'l'i'PTION A 1.1 Ml', UlJiVisI Augusta, (in. E. F. Lawson, A / tor it r y - a t •• L a w, WAV NFS HOIK), (IA, Will nroiuplly ill lead lo all business lulrusl - ed to bis cure, ami give special til I •< lit l> 111 lo Hie jiraetlee lii l lie i'oitrl of (>i'ill it it t'y, inllee next i|oot' lo Arllligtoti Hotel, nuv lu'KJby Will pr. ml lee In l lie Aiiviisla, Faslei'ii and Siibsoriptionw are positively cash Me [ ' iwui 00^0 T. D. 0 I i v e r, A / for n c ij - a t - L a w, WAVS FS Hi HID, (IA. K. SIII0KIIAN, 1025 Greene Street, - - - - - August a, (la. Hu re Soda Wilier, Sarsaparilla and (linger Ale manu f.ufured rfoni Fresh ami Flrsl-l I,., limlertal. Larger lleer in kegs and botllos always on hand. Orders solielled and promt,j v- filled. ^ N IJ Iee of (loo 1 quality and Just Weight, shipped to my customers at the Marl ,a • L*, price" fcbB'Sllem GRAND CLEARANCE SALE. Handsome Carpels and Rugs, Sale Continued for Thirty days. H’ewish lo clear out mid make room for other goods now on the way. l’argains will l„. given in I he following goods: liody IJrussels Carpels, new Designs and Colorings. Tapestry llrussels, new designs. Scotch Carpeting, Beautiful Designs and Colorings. Venetian Carpets ami ft-1 My Carpels, new goods. Dearth lings,' 1 leant I fid I'at ter ns and I 'olors. Cheap 1 teaip and Common Cotton ('arpct.s. „ , Door Mats and Crumb Cloths, nice goods. .1,000 V indovv Shades, new styles Just opened. I,noo Window ('orniees, 30 styles lo select from. Pule Cornices, Brass and Walnut. 1,000 I'air Window Curtains, Nottingham Luce, new goods. I Tool' l ill Cloths, idee goods. Wall Capers, 10,000 rolls new Wall Papers. canton Mailings, fresh new goods, 23 difi'erenl patters, 230 rolls, all new patterns. Dado? and Borders, all nice fresh goods. Newest patterns! Hemcmber lllg Bargains. .TAMES G. BAILIE & SONS. old Store James (i. Bailie & Urn. } 713 HllOAD ST RE ITT, AUGUSTA, GA. mylO’ffiny. Iron, Steel, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Saddlery, and Bridles, Wheels, Hubs, Spokes, ltiins, Axles, Klc., Etc., Fie., AT LOWEST PEICES, (xcupral A_g'0iit For Eclipse Steam Engine, Duplex Harrow, Wlnshlp Gin, Walter Wood, Manure Sproadcr, lilower, Reaper Oliver Chilled Plow aud LUnde HENRY P. MOORE, Kept22’82by 8(H) BROADSTRFFT, AUGUSTA, GA. That the Best is Cheapest, And especially is this true in Furniture; JUST SEE SOME OF OUR PRICES : Parlor Sols In Hair Cloth, Walnut Frame from $35 to ^‘H) The Rest Raw Silk Set lur $05 ever ollereil. N'icf Walnul I'liMiitluT Sets, Marble Top, .f.Y> Thu best Warble Top Set in the market lor JftM. Wo defy Compelilion from Every Quarter. We Acknowledge no Superior* And Few Equals, in theSoulli. Who ever hoard of Pane Seal Chairs for Hevent.v-llve eents. Nxtenslnn Tables one dol lar per foot. W'o guarantee sat Isfaet ion In every east*. Ourstoek of MattresHea and Spring Reds is enmplele. Steam Dressed Feat hers always on hand. AII Roods paeked and shipped free of charge. F pliolsterlnp; done in all its bra Indies. J llustrated Catalogues and 1‘rlee hist may he had hy calling; at this otUco. J. L. Bowies & Co., sept 13'82by, 717 and 8.19 BROAD STRFFT, AUGUSTA, G A. \Y. I. Delpla, 831 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, G A. WIIOLFSALK AND 11 FT'A 11, DFA1.FK IN Pin.ware-'. Ac. Instock a very full Hue of the Celebrated Excelsior Cooking Stoves. The best in the market. Sixteen difi'erenl sizes and kinds, six sizes with enameled o' ervolrs, Adopted lo nil requirements, ami priced lo soil all purses. LFADING FEATHUES: Double Wood Doors, Bnlenl Wood (Irate Adjustable Dumper, Interchangeable Y' 1 ''. millic sbelC, Broiling Door, Swinging UeurHi-ITnle, Swinging Flue-Top, Bevei'Mi'ij' '■ Burning Long Cross Piece, Double Short Ceilll'es, I lliiiilllliitrd Fire Doors, Nickel li»' Nickel Panels, ele, Uui quulled 111 Mulerhil, In Finish mid In Operation. mi-.Wlby, W. 1. DFLl'D, Nil Broad Btl'Oel, Augusta,(»»•