The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, September 28, 1883, Image 2

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(! he (True (Citizen. The Survival of the Fittest. W AVNKHIKlUO, (i A.. SKI’TEM HER 28, 1888. Til K IN SOM KNT COST till.I,. Savannah, Ga., All trust .Ttli, 1888. On nntl afU>r Sunday August AlI». 1888, Pas senger Trains on tin- Central mul Southwes tern Railroads will I'liu us follows; FltuM AIIOUSTA. Our remarks lust week draws out Col. Wimberly in an explanation of what lie had to do with this bill, to gether with a full text ol lhe bill and the bills which it affects. \\ e pub lish the explanation entirely with out comment that our people may read for themselves and form their own opinions. Atlanta, Sept. 25,1883. Editor Trui’ Citiien:—Unclosed please find copies of Acts ot 1R73— 77, and of the Hill introduced by me at the request of l>r. Perkins and the Solicitor of the Augusta Judicial Circuit. You will do me a favor by pub lishing the copies of the Act of 15th February, 1875, and Act 20th Feb ruary, 1877, which repealed the Act of February 15th 1873, and the copy of Mr. Wright’s bill, which sought to repeal the Act of Febru ary 20tli, 1877, in their regular order. The bill has been lost in the Sen ate, and therefore will not become a law, but I desire to explain to the people of the county the nature of the bill, and its effects had it be come a law. While I introduced the bill at the instance of Mr. Perk ins, whose bill it really was, I ad vised myself fully as to its provis ions, before doing so, knowing that lhe bill virtually submitted the question to their grand jury, wheth er the solicitor should be paid or not—as provided for under Act February 15th, 1873. Toe grand jury is the conserva tive body of the county, and 1 have never known them to recommend the payment of any unjust claim to any one. I am, and I believe that ] represent the sentiments of the taxpayers of the county, when 1 say they are, willing to trust their interest in the hands of the intelli gent, upright and vigilant body who compose the grand inquest of Ilurke county. I have thought proper to say this much to the public in justification of myself in the matter. As T said above, while I introduced the bill for one ot my colleagues, T feel that just as much responsibility rests on me as there does on him, and I do not wish to shirk any of that responsibility, or any censure that may be cast upon me by my people after they have had a correct under standing of the matter. Put I do think, Mr. Editor, that if I deserve censure for introducing the bill in question, the County Commission ers, than whom a more intelligent and vigilant body of men arc not to he found in thirteen states, and whose duty it was to protest against the passage of the bill in the House, ought to share that censure with me. “Hew up to the line, Mr. Edi tor, let the chips fall where they may.” Very respeetfu 1 ly, Jesse Wimberly. An Act, to provide for the payment of certain insolvent criminal costs in the Augusta Judicial Circuit: Section 1. lie it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That whenever at any term of the Superior Court of any county of the Augusta Judicial Cir cuit a majority of the grand jury shall so recommend, the Judge of tin* Superior Court shall grant to the Solicitor-General an order upon the County Treasurer for the pay ment of any account for insolvent criminal costs so recommended to be paid, and it shall he the duty of the County Treasurer of said county to pay the same out of any money in the treasury thereof: Provided, nothing in this Act shall be deemed or considered mandatory to the Grand Jury; but they shall have full discretion to recommend or not, as they see proper, the payment of said criminal and insolvent costs. Sec. 2. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved February 15th, 1873. Now comes Act 2lith Feb., 1877, page 303, repeals Act 15th Feb. 1873. It reads as follows: An Act to repeat an Act to provide for the payment of certain in solvent costs in the Augusta Judicial Circuit. Approved Feb. lb, IS",d, in so far as said Act ap plies to the counti/ of ilurke. Sec. 1. He it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of the State of Geor gia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That so much of the above recited Act as it applies to tin* county of ilurke be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved February 20th, 1877. Now comes Mr. Wright’s bill, which sought to repeal Act 20th Feb. 1877. It reads as follows. A BILL To be entitled Au Act to repeal .la Act entitled .la Act to repeal An Act entitled An Act to provide for the payment of certain insolvent Costs in the Augusta Judicial Cir cuit,approved February l~dh,lS7S, in so fur as. the said .1(7 applies to the county of Ilurke, approved February, .Pith, 1877, Sec. 1. Ho It enacted by tfio Gen eral Assombly of Georgia^nml It is hereby enacted by the same, That the Act approved February 20th, Iso?, and entitled An Act to repeal An Act entitled An Act to provide for the payment of certain Insol vent Gusts in the Augusta Judicial Circuit, approved February | IjV . Augusta is7‘! in ‘-•o far as said Act applies to lv. Wiiynosisiro iiiMinm 1 ' 1 , . 1 , .| Lv. Milk'll . I am pm county of ilurke, he and tin ,\r.suvnmmii ‘ i hereby repealed. j a'•! Atlanta 11. tie it further enacted by flint all Central & Southwestern Railroads Synopsis of Legal Advertisements. Day. 10 II 111 the same SE( the authority aforesaid, laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Mala. 111:80 |> III 12:8IS a in 2:1.', a in 7:00 a in 8:ihi a in 7:00 a ill 1:50 |i in I: til p ill l:o.i p m 10:20 uin 12:00 |> in 1 am agent for Threshers, Horse Powers’, Portable and Traction En gines and Saw Mills manufactured by the Aultman & Taylor Company, of Mansfield,Ohio. First-class goods, something that will give perfect satisfaction. Parties wanting to purchase, either or all of the above named articles will be serving their best interest by calling on hie or writing for particulars, my 11 S, A. GRAY, p in (1:25 ji m .U;20 p in Ar. (h'himbus Ar. Eiifimlu Ar. Alliiiny Ar. Milledgevillo* Ar. Entoiitoii ‘Daily except Monday FOR AUGUSTA. Lv. Savannah (laKlum 7:50 p m I,v. Macon H:15ain 7::a) p m Lv. Atlanta ..1:20 a in 2:40pm Lv. Columbus 11:07 p m Lv. Eiifiiuln 12:01 p m Lv. Albany 12:00 noon Lv. Milledirovllla* •1:5? |> in Lv, EutontoiV* ... 2:lo pm Lv. Milieu 1:50 pm 2:15 n in Ar. Waynesboro . 2:10 ji in 1:05 a m A r. August a 1:15 pm 0:15 am "Dally except Sunday. niout i ukiciit A accommodation tuain. Lv. Augusta 0:25 pm Ar. Waynesboro. . !):ou p in Lv. Milieu 4:10am Ar. Waynesboro 5:20 a in Ar. Augusta 7:40 am Connections nt Snvminnli with Savannah Florida and Western Hull way I Ul Augusta to North and Knot: at Atlanta with Air Line and Knnoesow Routes to North and Ea*t and West, , „ Berths ill Sleeping Cars nut lie scoured from w. A. Gibbs,TlnKet Annul, Union Depot, G, A, WHITEHEAD, \VM, UG'IKHS, General Pass, Agent. Deo, Sup't savannah. messBSBsewm HHMKIKK HA I.KS. Will be sol.l before llie* Court House door on tlie llrst Tuesday In October next, l lie following property to-nit: i Inc tract of land eon tut n lug 511 acres, lying in the 7lilli district, adjoiiig IniidsofcHtntc ,las Grubbs, Edward T homas, Daniels and Row land, K. ltidgely and R. Steiner, said lot oi lami being set apart as homestead for F. W. (todbee, bead of a family. Levied upon as the property of W. (limbec to satisfy a II fa issued from the Superior Court In favor of Starke Cherry. COMDTGh Mark C. Barnett, \Y 1 iolos<ilc C fix >( •( vp A ( i l *; t i i t GINN TNG Machinery FOIl SALK. One 45 Saw Gullet Gin, new $2 per saw. Two 50 Saw Gullet Steel Brush Gin, $1 50 per saw. Two at) Saw Outlet Condensers, $25 each . One 50 Saw Barret < 'omlenscrs, $211 each. Ope (ill Saw Barret Condensers, $25 each. I line I 1 , horse BIglow Engine on wheels, $105. One ti to g 1(, |', Eclipse Engine on wheels, j $ 1115. One s ir. 1’. Atlas Engine on wheels, ttfi5. One 5 II. I'. Morgan Engine on wheels, $:!05. one8 It. 1’. Engine and Holler, staliomiry, $550 One 12x511 Stationary Engine, $485. one 12 l‘oliable Grist Mill. $2115. One 50 Portable Glist Mill, $155. Sold Cheap because we need Cash. All in good order. GEO. It. LOMBARD & CO., Foundry, Machine and Holler Works, Fen wick si reel, near Water Tower, Augusta. < leorgln. We east every day and working 100 Imtlds. Repairing and New Work promptly done, Also 5 ear loads New Engines Just received ilnd for sale Low. jun22's:ihy I 1 * I Lil )er*ty S t ree t. Just received u fresh supply of insect powder, and keep on hand medicines for Hie profession and the people. 1 have a sample fruit press which every fam ily will Ilnd useful during the sum mer to express the Juices of grapes and indeed all kinds of fruits. Just tho thing for the prudent housewife. I shall soon have o fresh lot of Rutabaga and Flat Hutch Turnip seeds, and only these, as every merchant I believe keep all oilier* ip stock, | Ijftvo nttiT j(|, Curb Hoda for medicinal and culinary purpo ses and id the price asked It is fur cheaper than soda put tip for cooking. In a short time 1 shall have my fall stock of Drugs and Medicines on hand, purchased from the well known bolide of McKesson A- Robbins of N. V., which is a full guarantee of their purity. 1 have used them in my own practice mid have never been disappointed in the etT'ects of any of them. 1 shall have everything which'the Profession or People may need, and at bottom prices. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere and 1 will guarantee satisfaction in both prices and purity of material, I tlo not praidlee 111 the county at nil, and only In special cases In lown. 1 do strictly an office Practice. aprU’S.'ttf D. P. DUNCAN, Liberty HI, Waynesboro, Uu, (‘1!IllNAKY\S NOTIONS. S. A. Gray, administrator John P. Miller deceased, has abplied for letters dismissory j from said estate. Will be passed upon the llrst Monthly 111 October. G. P. Lively, executor of the estate of Elisha Daymans,deceased applies for letters dismis sory from . aid estate. Will he passeil upon llrst Monday In December. Simeon Wimberly administrator of the estate of Wily Wimberly, deceased, applies for leave to sell I lie real estate of said deceased. Will be passed upon first Monday in October. Mrs. Kll/.u Daniel, adminlstrlx of Major Daniel, deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from said estate, Will be passed upon llrst Monday In December. Mttvy .1, Gainer, administratrix of 1, A. I.ewis’deooused applies for leave to sell all the real estate of said deceased. Will tie passed upon the tirst Mondry In October. inoH'roit'H and cuKtiiTon's notion. Ham’l. C, Khenoy and W. C, Palmer, execu tors Jim, \Y, Rheney, deceased, notifies all persons indebted to suid estate to make im mediate payment, mid those having demands against said estate will present them us pres cribed by law. septHS.'! 1UI.K NISI. The Dank of Augusta vs. Jus. H. Collins. Mortage etc., May term, 1885. 1( appearing to the Court by the pel It lull of the Rank of Augusta, Hint heretofore, to-wtt: on the 28th day of Ucpoinhel', 1882, Lewis R, and James R. Collins, partners as L, R. Collins & Son, of Richmond county, made and delivered to said petitioner a certain Instrument in writing, commonly culled a promissory note, whereby said firm promised to pay to lhe order of themselves, thirty days after date thereof, the sum of Eighteen hundred and eleven 15100 dollars at the Rank of Augusta, * * ♦ * * * * And It further appearing Unit said Instrument and mortgage remains unpaid. That there [ Is now due upon the same the sum of Eighteen ■■ hundred ami eleven 15-100 dollars besides In terest from March 4th, 18.88, and the sum of one hundred and eighty one 10-llKI dollars as attorneys fees. It is ordered, that Cnllins pay into this (Tftirt h.v the llrst .lay of the next term thereof, the principal, interest, ottiq'qc.v's jvicSa.m) costs due on said mortgage I or show cause to the conirary, if there tie any, j aiid that on failure of said James It. Collins so to do, the equity of redemption to said | mortgaged promise* bo forever hereafter hai red and foreclosed. II. C. RONEY, J. S. C. A.C. \V( ViNWAvS. 9 Circuses In One WAYNESB0RQ, JUNE 31. j r l\> Iio llflil DUNCAN’S Office and Drugstore. BURNT. RIHMOT1I. 1IYPOSULPH. QUININE. PILLS. FOR THE LIVER AC. 11LU13 MASS. COMP. EXT, MALT1NE AND BEEF TONIC. Pl'LVKRI/.KD OPIUM. COLOGNE, THE VSIiY REST EXTRACTS. WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A BRAND OF CIGARSCAl.LED‘ORIGlNAI.’ I’UOM WEST PPIIALIA, MASS., LONG CUT. HODA, SOAP AND ALL FAMILY JI EDI - (’ 1NES, EXCKPT PATENT MEDICINES, IN XV11 It'll I DON’T DEAL. scptll’SStf T. M. H. O. T. Pianos and Organs. C << >M >1 llA\ r !) !() Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. sep28’.88am Pendleton Foundry & Machine Works ('HAS. F. LOMBARD, Pro/). W. I/. PEXDLETO.X,^ MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Mill Machinery and Supplies] I do not. run inn hands, nor east every day, but I am prepared to do all kinds of P .„ in I ron and Brass at short notice. Am a practical machinist myself and give personiilii ’ of mill work, Keeni] All work gunriuili'iii; ' t on to all repair work. Am prepared to dn hand a full slock of Steam Fittings, Packing, Files respondence solicited. Valves, Ac, SAMUEL H. MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods and Notions RE3IOYAL. I take tills method to Inform the peopto of Waynesboro and surrounding country that I have removed my Meat Market in the rear of W. A. Wilkins & Co’s, store and opposite the residence of Col. J. D. Munnerlyn, where I will continue to keep on hand Fresh Meats lit the lowest market price, such as Beef, Bark, Mutton, Veal, fc. I will keep on hand during the summer season a large supply ot' NATURAL ICE, „ which I have placed on the market in order to let everybody have a chance, cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro, myll’fBtf ED, A, CARTER, Selected from ten ofthe best Makers, are so much Superior to others at Prices so much Less, that Purchasers save from $10 to $100 by visiting or writing to G . 0. llobjjison & Co. Save money at 831 Ilrotid Street, Angus ta ClonrgUi. “Love and Praise” I.atest Sunday School Rook of "Love and Praise.” New llymns Arlington House Barber Shop. Having lately purchased the interest of A, Drown, in tlie Arlington House Barber wo we are now prepared to keep this well known shop up to its past record, and will do in t he latest stylo HAIR CUTTING, DYEING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING anil everything that can be done in a tlrst- elusK HarberShop. Give us a trial and we guarantee satisfaction. JONES A NEAL. IF O XT "jO iii ’ Li HORSE AND CATTLE FCWDlk’C Strayed. From the place of the subscriber on the -Itli Inst.,one light-colored buy mare mule, about nine or ton years of age. When she left had on bridle. She bad not boon trimmed for sometime, and tho end of her tall has not been bobbed oil' for sometime. Quick mo tioned, and paces under saddle. A liberal reward will tie paid for her delivery to me, or any tiiformaUoa lending to her recovery. B. HERRINGTON, sept7'88at Munnerlyn, Ga. Bob. Thomas, CONTRACTOR, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, WAYNESBORO. GA. I take ibis iiicMkhI of In form lug the citizens of Waynesboro, and surrounding eounlrv that 1 am prepared to make estimates, and dii house building and any work In the line of a carpenter, cheap and in the best maimer. I ask II share ul l lie public nut milage and gua rantee satisfaction. A trial Is nil 1 ask. Respectfully, augtl’82bm Boll. THOMAS. rile undersigned res|icctfully informs those who desire a thorough course in Music, that lie Is prepared to give Instructions upon Hie Violin, Plano and Organ. Pupils, for Flute and Gullin' can also enter I lie class. Ills pri ces are reasonable, flirty" For rates mul further pnrliculiirs im ply!" CHAs. .1. WALLACE, mi'i'SOH. Waynesboro, Ga. E. F. Lawson, A It or n e y - at - L a w, WAVS K8HOUO, GA. \\ ill promptly attend to all business hit rust ed to Ids cure, and give special attention to the practice In I be Court of ordinal", oillrc next door to Arlington Hotel, n,,\ la'sjhy T. D. Oliver, Atto p it r y - at - La w, \VAYNK&llOUO, UA, Will practice in the Augusta, Kantem amt Middle t Uvuits. Special atlcntlmi glvou to Justloo Court luai tiuu No Horsr will dlo of Coi.ic, Rots or Fit- Vkh, If Foutz’s I'owders are used tn time. Poutz’K Powders will cure and prevent I loo rimiKn v. Foutz’s Powders will prevent C-auks iv F,»\vi.s. Foutz’s Powders will im rea e the qunntltv cf milk and ere ft m twenty per cent., ami make the butter firm and sweet. Foutz’s Powders will euro or prevent ahnovt r.vrr.Y 1)I9kask to which horses mi'l ‘ utile arc suhiuuf. Foftz’s I’owi»n:a will i;iv . latiki actioX. Bolil everywhere. DAVID r. POUTC, Troprlctor, halt: n:. odd. md. Foraalo l y W. F. IIoM.lCYMAN. Dec.l"),’82.b-y. * Harnett House, Savannah, Ga. A S NO IT CONI) lTCTEJ). -I 11ST AS GOOD AS THOSE THAT CLAIM to be tirst-cluss mul elmrge twice ns mueli. Connected by street ears, with all I lie depots. Point this out in your neighbors. Don’t pay $1.00 per day or even $8.00, when you can gel the same or better accommodation for $1.50 per day. FOR SALE. House and Lot The bouse and lot tielonging to Mrs. .1. D. Asldon In tlie lown of Waynesboro. The lot contains one acre, Is well fenced, ami bus a good well of water III the yard, the garden Is rich and in a high stale ol'eullivatlon. The house contains eight large rooms Is well lo cated and Is one of the most pleasant resi dences in lown. Terms ease. Apple to M ItS, S. ,1, ASlI’l'oN, 150 Broughton street, Savannah, Ga. itugl7 881m. For Sale. looacres of land near Melicnu station In Burke county, with Improvements consist ing of a two room frame house, kitchen, smoke bousivservaids house, crib and sheds, a well good water and a young orchard. For price and oilier lufoi'inidiou call on P. 11. REESE, augSU’Sainn Green’s Cut, fill, Painting Contracts I am nropured In lake contracts for paint ing In all Us forms. Graining and Kalsomin- lug a soeelally. Satisfaction guaranteed In every Joli, 1 respectfully nsk the patronage oi the people of Waynesboro, unh the sur rounding country, App.l.' id this otllee for liny Information, for by permission to Mr. S. A. Gruv and I n .1. It. Wilkins, iuig2l's.'ltf I A.MES.IEN.NINlI 557 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. John D. Ashton, A 11 o r n e i) - a t - L a it*, Juii24'$2by WAYNESBORO, GA. New Songs of “Hope and Trust.” Banuttful Hymns. Inspiring Music. Con- Ininlng eliolee selections from Hie Most Valu able Productions of the Best Writers of Poe try and Song, with New Hymns and New Music ComI’lidd) iiy W. Luddcn and G. <). Robinson. Celerv &. Chamomile Bitters. A True Tonic A Dr. tgorutor The Indies all praise It. The Doctor’s recommend it. And the 1 'hlldren all cry for it. Try my Extract of Vanilla. The best in town. .T. A. POLHILL. PolhilPs sewing Machine Oil. The Ladles all recommend it to lie the best The Doctors nil recommend and use my own own Soothing Syrup. Liver Pills, Standard Vermifuge Co Syrup, Sarsaparilla Ac. J. A. PGLHILL’S Bradfield's Female Regulator. The Dozen or Single bottlo at manufactu rers price* at Polldll’s. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS Just received id Pulliill’s. RESPECTFULLY, L OLHILL. Jun23’82by. Full Edition, Word* mul Music. Price: 85 j Cents (post-puld): $8 UG per dozen, by express. Word Edition—llymns only—12 cents (post paid); $20 per dozen by express. Specimen Copy, Full Edition, in paper cover 25 cents, post-puld. U. 0. Robinson & Co., Publishers, AUGUSTA, Ga. T. M. H. O. T. S. oct20’82by. LEMONS. I am HEADQUARTERS for LEMONS, be- I lug ’I'll E ONl.v IMPORTER OF FRUIT In the city. Buy mid handle more Lemons than any bouse in the trade. PEANUTS. DEAL KXTKNS I V ELY GRADES OF PEANUTS. IN A L I, 0. L. Fullerton, Augusta, On. The oldest STOVE DEALER In the city. Hundreds of families in Burke, Jeli'erson and Richmond counties are using our Stoves sold to them during the last fifteen years. Every housekeeper will attest to their use fulness, economy, and comfort, Call at FULLERTON’S for the New Lighthouse. The newest, largest and best wood burning stove in the market. At FULLERTON’S you will Ilnd TI N WARE, WOODENWARE, CROCKERY, HOUSEKEEPERS CUTLERY, HARDWARE. D. L. Fullerton, nug23’8'2tf (!2$ Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. t. viuAiiun ur i d i n, Vegetables Jno. D. Munnerlyn d H n n,i-ii/_ / // in I AM receiving on Tuesdays and Saturdays CABBAGES, POTATOES, ONIONS, eel., add should you favor me with your order I will give you as Low Prices and as Good Goods as If you were present. Quotations furnished on application. Groceries. Attoriicy-nl-Lnw, t ' d 1 I K EEP a Full Line id' 1 GA RS, ToBACCt l, Ac. retail. iROCKKIKS, Cl- 1 sell nothing at Accident Insurance Agent. Also Agent for Gullet’s Gin and the Mon arch Baling Press. Will give special atten tion lo the sale of lands, and purchasing same. Lots In Waynesboro and at Mumierlyn, Ga. for sale, or long lease. Stores for Reid at Munnerlyn. PARTMCR with Small Capital wanted Unnimin to go Into the Saw Mill Busi ness. Apply nl thlsotllee. Ju!27'S8niii J. B. Reedy, pins’»i C'or. Bay and Whitaker Streets, Ieel5'82hv. SA V ANNA 11, GA. John Haenel, ii&LocMtl I lierehy Inform the Spoiling joeu and the general public of Ilurke county, taut I am pre paired to ivpalrull makes of guns and pistols I also repair sewing machines. 1 warrant sntIsfaetIon. JOHN IIAKNKL, augl7’82lm ut M r. J. B. Kmilh’s Hiioe Shop, TAKE NOTICE. My customers In this county lire Informed Hull 1 shall lie absent, In Emanuel and Seri- ven counties, and will not return before Christmas, 1 mo thankful for past favors, and will take pleasure In attending to any work III tho way of Matrons making or re pairing on my return. All who want work tu my line, call address me al Waynesboro, and I will attend to all work Immediately on m.v reluru. HENRY HOOKH. sop7'8.1am Dissolution. The linn of J. II. Mackenzie A Co., doing business 111 Waynesboro, Ga., and composed of J. II. Mackenzie and I*. I,. Corker, is this day dcsolvcd by mutual consent. J. II. Mac kenzie will continue tin' business, collecting | assets and paying nil lluhllltIcs. .I, II. MACKENZIE, aUil7’Wbm I’. L. CORKER. MANE FA("f U It EUS’ AG ENT Fc >11 tboots shoes. 838 BROAD STREET, AUG U ST A, GKFX ) IlGIA. sop2S’83nm MOTHER’S FRIEND, NURSE’S RELIEF, ('ll l LD’M CURE. For Infants nml Teething Children. Difnnts sutler more or less the llrst three months of their existence with lintIItellt eolle. The Carminative gives lustnnt relief. In the pro cess of Teething the salivary glands are ex cited, deranging t he stomach and hnweis, re sult lug IncmnculntIon ami often death. The Carmlluitlve the uetd, corrects tile disease and restores the child. Use Pitts' t’nrmlimtlveuml rejoice, there Is such relief lor I he sullei lug darlings. For sale by ,l. A. Pol,Ull.L, Jun2ll'88hy Waynesboro, Ga. I {(‘luovnl. I beg leave lo Inform n y patrons and the gclici'lll pulille that l have removed my Bar- tier Shop la lhe new pnstollicc building, where, I am prepared todo ia the latest style HAIRCUTTING, SHAVING SH AMPOOING, DYEING, Etc. I have a elmlr made especially for the black ing of shoes. I will also run a hath room la connection with my Barber shop, eMIier cold or hot baths, HENRY JUNES, AumiiHla Ilotol, Augusta, (tu. LEWIS & DOOLITTLE, Prop's. RATES: TWO Dot,I.A Its PER DAY. Large and well Ventilated Rooms. Central ly located near railroad crossing. Telegraph office and I lor in r Shop In the building. Augusta Hotel Restaurant and Lunch Room choice wines, and llqitor-< and cigars. .Meals 1 HIM. . „ III. ...... II to order ul all bourn MASONIC TEMPLE The Only Headquarters For Fine Dry Good] Confining our efforts to the 1 >ry Goods buslnes proper, exclusively, and cnmltlctlfl with the peculiar advantages of specialists, we claim to he In a position at all t linos lo »S| exceptional inducements to those who require reliable as well as FAsrnox ABLE GrOODS V E Tv V L O W K S T P K I C E S,| In addition lo devoting more time and attention than others to the selection of goods, buyer, MR. DALY, through Ills constant personal association with those to whom the guel are to he sold, possess SUPERIOR FACILITIES i* a 1 y fy i it «»• T Ji <> i r T a s t o s.l And su|iplylng their wants; nml we defy any house in Ibis city or in Georgia, wl Souih Atlantic Stales ness of Assortment. to match our Stock, generally or la detail, for Elegance anil I'mil We Guarantee Prices -NOT ON LYON- R I N E (T O O 1) But on Every article In every Department. Without going into particulars, we rnrJ| and earhpstly invito the ladies and all buyers of Dry Goods to call and examine the! and decide for themselves. D R E S 8 M A K 1 N G Tills Bepartnunt Is in charge 1 of Mrs. Basis, who nmmufetl it so satisfactorily durinj past season. The style’s will he tin’ very latest and the work t he very best; in fact, ever? I tiele turned out will he fully cciual to anything that can he produeeil in the mod fai cent res of fash ion. DALY & ARMSTRON sep28’88am Broad and El I is Streets, Auaiista, Ga. A Perfect Slaughter In Prices Head and Ileiiect ! ! It Is the constant aim of our (Inn, by every means in our power to supply the winners" of this fair town and the HiirrouudinK count ry with the host- Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing AT THE L, O AY I<; S T I> It I C K s. So closely do we lo<dt after our business, that If there Is a bankrupt sale of dcslra^ in our city or one thousand miles away, we are notified and a representative »jl „ wit\\i ample cash, Is at once sent to take all the Imrualns that arc ollered. IH H ’«i 11 r AHK II A I .I-’ So LB," and this Is the reason why our Stores are const aidl.) ['' that at times we find it e\l reuu’ly dillieult to wait on all who favor us with a call. 1111 , ^ cut season we have heen able to do more than ever before for our patrons. Bar yU , ■ has ia eonseipienee of re»*eni failim s hoiiRht many )housaiul dollars’ worth »»i sterk «*■* We Can Sell at Half Price !! Tin se poods ranue from the hluhcwt to the lowest aradc: strange if we cannot nit you from our immense stock. PHICE In qualit v and prlei We quote some of e* - nml It ‘"J oar g 1 *** 1 ’ Iiifnut's I.aee Shoes, t'lilldrtm's I.aee Slates, with heels Children's Heavy Root*, Women’s Pegged Shoes, I .miles’ Standard Call Shoes, solid. Misses Kid Sewed Hutton Roots, Roys’ Heavy llrogaiis, Roys' Calf Ties, Gent's Leather Slippers, '•£! I no l no Men's Wax Brogans Gent's Calf Ties, a great bargain, i tent’s Sewed Congress (billers, Gent's Heavy Boots, solid, < tent's Calf I mperlat Congress, Boys Nobby lints, Gent’s Wool Huts, good quality. (lent's Fine St III lints. Gent’s Fine Soft Felt Mats, Ami n h(Mt of oilier good Imi'gillns too numerous lo mention. Call early and host select Ions, Put down the price nml push up the trade is mil motto. N" show goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. llfl |. S 'JK [ Wm. Mulherin & Co..| 722 & 913 Broad St.: Clotlmi"’ Dopfti’tmeut I I Join'd iSt- u^.Tira-'crs'x^., - Or.