The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 12, 1883, Image 2

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(The <Tjme (Cittern, The Survival of the Fittest WAYNKSHORO, (1A., (>(TnliKIl 12. IHM3. We have received a rani from Mr. Sanford II. Cohen, Mana ger Masonic Theatre, which an nounces that Henry Ward Beecher, of infamous fame, will lecture in Augusta on next Tuesday night.— Those who wish to hear the lech erous old hypocrite and add some thing to his purse will attend. As for ourself, please excuse us. The Macon TMeyraph <C- Mcxxcnyi’r'x issue of last Sunday morning was a mammoth eight- page sheet, beautifully printed and filled to toe “side-sticks” with good “matter.” It affords us great pleas ure to note this solid evidence of the prosperity of our great Macon contemporary. The Teleyruph is one of the most carefully and vig orously edited journals in (leorgia, its mechanical execution is fault less, while its management is ener gy itself. it has our good wishes. iW We have received the trade issue of tin 1 Madison Madisonian, and take pleasure in congratulating brother Blackburn upon both its neatness and the interesting char acter of the matter with which it is filled. Twenty years ago “trade issues” were not known, while a country publisher would have stood aghast at the idea of printing a large, eight page paper. We ten- dcr the Madisonian our thanks for this example of advancement in country journalism. OHIO AMI IOWA EMiCriOXK. The news from the elections in Ohio, which took place on Tuesday, comes to us teeming with the news of a glorious Democratic victory!— 'The 1 temoerais make a clean sweep and claim ihe election of Judgt J loudly governor by a majority of 12,000! This majority may be somewhat reduced by the official returns, but it is evident that the Democrats have elected I loudly, and the Legislature by a majority of twenty to twenty-live on a joint ballot. The reports from Iowa confirm previous calculations and expecta tions. It has as usual gone largely Radical. The Democrats of Ohio has made a noble light, and with no lo cal advantages to assist them, have won a great triumph. A majority of 12,000 recorded against Itadical- ism at this time, and under the circumstances of no local influen ces intervening to affect the elec tion can be set down as an index of the strength of the two par- lies, and almost assures the tri umph of the Democrats in that Htate in 1881. With Ohio and New York voting Democratic, the suc cess of the party is a foregone con clusion. But even with all these assurances of success, we tremble for the result when we seethe sui cidal policy which some of our lead ers seem determined to adopt, and which if followed will inevitably end in defeat. Wo want no set (if broken down political hacks as our standard bearers in 188-1. We want and must have leaders upon whose political escutcheon there rests no Idol—pure Democrats, upon whose garments there is not even the smell of Radical taint. With such standard bearers as these we can go into the campaign confident of a glorious triumph awaiting us at the end. With broken down party hacks or galvanized, white-xvashed Radicals as our leaders,our opportu nity is wasted,and defeat made cer tain. Let the Democrats abandon all policy except that policy taught by the principles of government- laid down by Jefferson; we want no such policy as the nomination of reformed Radicals as “the best we can do under the circumstances.” Wo have tried that to our cost.— Let us adopt the policy of principle, and go into the campaign determ ined to stand or fall by the old te nets of our party. Nobody Killed. It 1 o r F II L L V A R T T O IT L A I v S WILKINS & BERRIEN, MITJ.EIV, - - CiA. Their Stock is Complete in every Line, and Prices so Low that they Defy Competition. MR. DICK BERRIEN cordially invites all of his Burke county friends and the public generally to call on him, and see how much pleasure ;t will afford himself and Clerks to show them over our IMMENSE STOCK. Wo sell everything at Bottom Prices, and have BUT ONE PRICE FOR ALL ! I! Milieu pays more for Cotton, 11 ides and Country Produce than any city in the State. Give us a call and see that we mean just what we say. Look at Milieu quotations in this issue. ■w“XLKxnsrs ^bebeiensr. RICHARDS* <u X X et> T. -O- O O x gp H ■Cw h-3 o EH We Wish to say a few plain words to tho citizens of lUu-ke. yourselves 0? j: 5 O* o 6 Stood many of you will ask Not like Sherman’s March to the Sea, which brought desolation and ruin to every home; hut a March, the Music of which will till your heart with delight, iill your pocket with Saved P and bring pleasure to every Household. cnee The Question: “ Where is the Best Place toBuy Boots a ml Shoes?” We want your patronage and have a good claim on you, for ours is a spot ttouse, Iiuying for CASH and Selling for CASH we enn always give the Lowest Living Prices, MILf.KN, GEORGIA, Our Job Department. THOS. At to v it e M. BERRIEN, 7/ - a t - I a w (OPKICK lx corn'!’ llOl'SK.) WAYNESBORO, .... <!A Harnett House, SAVANNAH. GA. AS NO W CONI) II 0 E D We take pleasure in announc ing to the public, that we have just furnished our .Job Depart ment-with a full and complete outfit of new and beautiful mate rial, comprising all new styles ot type, and are now prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Work—great or small—prompt ly, in the best style of the art, at Augusta prices, Indeed, we have the only complete printing odiee which ever was in Waynes boro capable of supplying the public demand. And as- there is now no good reason for sending away from home any work ot any kind, we solicit the patron age ofall who wish any print ing done. SULLIVAN BROS., Printers and Publishers. n!3 • -j < ~;/. X ~ 4 J' ^ $ Bcmoved to Beale $ At ta wny's Store. John Haenel, 1 hcri-hy inform the Sporting men and the general public of ISurke county, tlmt 1 am pru- naired to repair all makes of guns and pistols I also repair sewing machines. I warrant satlsfaeiion. JOHN IIAKXKL, auglT’Hzlm CC u: £ CD TC < 3 en r-+ O o vp cn o X co Z^x ^ i u! -—j §•£=/ rT* ? ^ q* ^ -i ^ ^ P IQ H • H © GD £ n CO pj CD r~ a f HI vJ 0 H* s— 1 H Ul FOR SALE. House and Lot Tlu* houso uml lot hDloiiKlng to Mrs. .1. 1). Ashton in th»* town of Waynesboro. The lot contains ono acre, is well fenceil, and has a gootl well of water in tlu* yard, the Rard« n is rich and in u high state ofeultivntioii. Tin* housi* contains ei^ht large rooms is well lo cated and Is one of the most pleasant resi liences in town. Terms easy Apply to M US. S. J. ASII'I'ON. 1:21 llronghton street, Huvannah, (la. nugl7'Slllm. Isjust as gone as those that claim to he flrst-Class, atpi Charge Twice as Much. 11 is connected by street Cars with all the de hots. l’olat this onl to your Nelghhors, Dun’l gay ft per day. or even f'2Nl when you civil get Jusl as goMt aeeoniodat ions and re ceive more allenilon for .<2 per (lay. oc.VSil Game Chickens For Hale. I have for sale some of tin* purest breeds of (lame Chickens known—Kentucky Jlliies, and IVnnsylvanla Ueds, These I guarantee to he pure Imported stock, and are fast lighters, and the best sbuttlers ever olltered Can be purelmsed at a moderate price. ltOHKKT HOHKUHON, ocAhm Waynesboro, Gu. I ,« »N , 1\ $20 REWARD. i m the road leading towards Louisville, on Friday, Ihe nth of October, one mile from WaynesUa-o, a lady’s hand satchel, contain ing u gold ring (llut-hnnil), engraved on Ihe Inside, the Initials, --.I. II. C. to I-'. \V, T., Mareli 1st,'Hit;- 1 also one set gold Jewelrv mni u f2l) gold coin. The uhove reward will lie paid for the return of all Ihe ahove urllclcslo I Ids ollh-e or lo .1. Ill)WAltH CARPENTER. oe.VSIl If Auguslsi Hotel, Augusta, Ga. LEWIS & DOOLITTLE, Prop’s. KATES: TWO DOLLARS PKU DAY. Large and well Vent Hilled Rooms. ('cut ral ly located near railroad crossing. Telegraph olllee and llurhcr Shop in the Imllding. Augusta Hotel Restaurant and Lunch Room choice wines, and liquors and cigars. .Meals to order at ail hours. WATER-OAK POULTRY YARDS. Fine Game Chickens. Kentucky Bominiques, Blue Heron, White Album, B. B. Beds, and Dom>. Grosses. in Season. Correspondence Solicited ! ! ! ADDRESS: J. G. B YNE , 11 'uynesboro, Gu. sep21’881m Call N. W, On Us B4 M urpliey Buying. and Son, 501 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. REMOVAL WOTICE, 27 cases Standard Prints at 1, R, 5, 5j to Gic. 20 cases Kentucky Jeans, at 9, 10, 1R, 14, 18f to 21c. 5 cases, Dicky, Maryland, Cassimere at 49c. 10 cases White and lied Wool Flannel at 11| to 3^c. 2,000 pounds Ball Sewing Thread, best at 27c. 21 cases Gray, Silver and White Wool Blankets trom 07c. | „ y j Georgia Plaids, Twills, Bunch Yarn, Knitting Cotton etc., etc. Fs 8 8 S A Wt * give you the ahove that you may form an idea of the rumiiutv 2 dadvo 1MJIKXS1TY of till. J^inw Stock. We Lead off By Offering to the Trade 1,319 dozen Men’s White and Colored Bordered Handerchiefs (fast colors) at 09c. dozen. 020 dozen Children’s White and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs (fast colors) at 31J to 05c. doz. 283 dozen Towels, assorted styles, at 54c. doz. 209 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, G7 to 97c. doz. 38-1 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, at ,81.10 in 82.87 933 doz. Men’s Brown anil Striped Half Hose at 37Ac. doz. 977 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 49 to 55e. doz. 894 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose at 02 to 75c doz. 913 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose (varied styles') 97c, to 82.? 32 Bales Best Domestic Plaids at 7 to Sc. 57 hales Graniteville 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 at Factory Prices. -Til K- up -OF- jV. TJ Ctt XT H r I.^ A <1 10 <> K (; I XL We lake pleasure in announcing that slm-k of Furniture lo we have moved our elegant s4() BROAD STIM010T, Old stand of Myers and Marcus, overtlowing with We have this large store tilled to The Most Elegant and Best Assorted Stocks Ever oflered. We compete with any market or any dealer in STYLE, QI y \LITV OTa FRTCML The stonily Increase in our business is what inis caused us to move so often. We now have tlu* Finest store and the Finest Stock in Georgia Write for Catalogue or call mid see us. J. L. Howies •&; Co., SPptAS’SIlby Myers & .Mnivus’old stand, HL) 1IROAD STREET, Al’GUSTA, GA. Painting Contracts I uni nropnivd to tulco couti-nels for patiit- Ing In nil lls forms. Gi-ulnlng and KiiImdiiiIii- Ing a siH-i-iiilty. Satisfiu-tliui giuimnU-eil In cvi'i-yjoh. I ivMpei-tfully ask tho pationngo of tlie ponplL* of Waynushoro, and thu sur- roiiudlng i-oiiiiIi-.v, Apply at Ibis nitli-c for any Inforninllnn. I ri-fi-r by pi-rmlsslun to Mr. s. A. Gray and ,1. II. Wilkins. .1 AM EH JENNINGS, img-JI'.-Cllf iV,7 lUuad St., Augusta, Ga. FOB BENT. Cotton Plantation. Lands In tturko County, two miles from Thomas' Station, and known us tin- Ro.miI plait'. Apply lo Ki'pgVS.IIni JOHN T. MILLER, Allgusla, Ga. M.M.Sullivan^Son WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oysters, Shad, Fresh and Suit Water Fish, Terra yin, Game, I egetuhies, Fruit and other Broil are. AH Orders Punctually Attended to. I-*)0 BItY AN ST., sAVANNA11,GA. ix'-j’60hm E. F. Lawson, A 11 o r n e y - at- L a iv, WAVNKHllORO, GA. Will ni'onipll.v al11-ml Io all luisiiu-ss Intrust l'd to Ins i-niv, mill give spot-liil utt,-i>tion to thu privet Ice In tlm Court of Ordinary. Ollli-i- m-xt door lo Arlington Hotel. flovlU'Sgtiy T. D. 0 I i v e r, A If o rney - at - L a w, WAYNKSUOKU, GA. , WIB lu’jvetieo in tho Augusta, Eastern and Mladic i lii-uUs, special attention given to Court pruetlcu tuyj’^hy Only Evening Paper IN T H E CIT Y, AND Til E MOST THOROUGHLY EQl-Il*- PE1) IN THE STATE. The Daily 'I'lnics will he pushed forward to t he highest standard of excellence us a jour nal replete with Interest to thu MERCHANT, MAN UI-’ACTU RElt, ME CHANIC, AGRIC’lTLTr RACIST, EM CLOVER AND I.AlloRER. A journal always ahead of the times, a live cheap dally, published for t he people. SrilSCRIl'TION: Per Annum Six Months Three Months BLOW! BLOW! Assert Yonr Rights, For Reward is Just. BUT WHEN WE SAY THAT OUR READY MADE CLOTHING, l-’or men and Roys cannot hesrpassed la extent and quality by any house in Ibis section w e say that which a visit will demonstrate to lie I rue. I >ur Assortment is full and complete, (lor Clothing possesses only one peculiarity that we know of, namely; our Low Prices do not indicate the high quality of the goods. Call and be convinced. APPEL BROTHERS, ONE I’BICE C L O T H 1 E \l S A II A T T E B S, oe.Vk’um Kt'rt'ONG HESS STREET, (Opposite Market), SAVANNAH, GA. Our Notion Department Is the Largest in the City, or as Large as any in the South, carrylhing Everything. Best Needles at 77!c. per thousand. Pins in packs at 31c. Suspenders 82|c* per doz. up. Pens 30c. gross; worth 50c. Thousands of Little Things that we can’t now think of, such as Pencils, Paper, Envelopes, Glues, Polishes, Buttons, Thimbles, Bindings, all Stylos, Beads, Ornaments, all kinds of Brushes, Combs, Threads, &c., &e. We have Four Floors crowded to their utmost capacity to cany this Large Stock, besides running Double Packing and Shipping Rooms in the basement. Jl V T IE T A I TJ. This is what the Ladies want to hear about. We told them some weeks since in the Citizen of something we had and were receiving, and since that time our place has been crowded. We arc always glad to see you. Come again. As you enter our vast Bazar of Fashion, with its Shining Sea of Beauty, you are attract ed by our Elegant Dress Goods Stocks! In stacks and piles on the left. Do you know that we are sell ing a very Pretly Brocaded Goods at Gje.; beautiful colors. Think of it. As you pass farther down your eye is met by those Elegant Flannel Suiting at 25 to 72 l-2c., 22 1-2 to 64 inches wide; then the Beautiful Jersey Cloth, kadzimas, Tricott, Heavy Black Silks, Colored Silks, Satins, Velvets, the richest in the South, compris ing all the New Shades, such as OX BLOOD. MANDERINE, &e., with all the Novelties in Laces, Elegant Chenille Fringes—Bronze, Jet, India Ink, Silver and Burnt Silver Buckles and Leather Clasps to trim with. Mourning Dress Goods Pendleton Foundry & Machine Works. (HAS. F. LO.AI BAUD, Prop. II '.AT. PEA \DL ETON,Sup. pi 00 n oo I «i0 I lemoval. I beg leave lo inform my put runs a ml live gi’iUTiil public Unit I linvv vvmovuil my Rur- b«r Shop In Hit* now poMtotlli'u building, where, I am prepared to vlo in Ihe Intent style HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING SHAMPOOING, DYEING, Etc. I have a ehulr made especially I'nr I he black- Ingot shoes, l will also run a hath room in eonneelliin with my Rurbcr Simp, either cold i>Mini lmlliM. HENRY JON ES. 1 j untie- MONEY!! I am prepared to negotiate Loans on Real Estate for a term of years at 8 per cent, in terest per annum. Call and see me at Waynesboro, and learn particulars. E. F. LAWSON. ttopiai’siitf John McPoland, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Cor. Miller & Carrie Sts., Augusta. Ga. All work Irom the com u-y given prompt all niton. Murhle grave sloqes and old Mon- ilineids cleaned and repaired good as new. sepUI’Sikmi -MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Mill Machinery and Supplies, No. 615, 617 and 61.9 Kollock Street, Augusta, Georgia. I do not run loo Inimls, nor east every day, hut I am nrepured lo do all kinds of easting la Iron anil 1 trass at short notice. Am a practical maeldnlsl myself mid give personal atten tion to all i-cimlr work. A in prepare.I lo do mi x I Idng In the way of mill work. Keeps on hand a full slock ofstenm Fillings, Packing, Files, valves, Ac, All work gnarindeed. Cor- rcspondciicu solicited, scp28'8:lby J. W. LEVY at CO., DEALERS IN CL It O C IE H I K B, .1 list ddf.'ivutl imil Knish Supply (, f «>( Kin# Uitn (LmhIh iiidI II»lav.\ tiroDt*rlD'». All Rind nf (iondM (lint Dun In* Intiml In mi) FI HST-CLAMH UUtH'KKV llol'SK. \W* Iiuvd (UMih I’Lol’K til Ha Mi) lour |o mdvdii 11«»1111 I'm pni* llnr.’l. All kinds of W'lllSKKYS mid WINKS All \vd )isk Is u (rial Ldi'oiv Inlying:. r.dDHS DKIN’IDtKD FREE lo Hid iId|ni(. ALECK IlKAI’ll Is w i 111 us uiul will Iid Kind ' u sdd Ills I'rlDiids In IUiiUd rouuty. out PJ'HBiun I W I VAfV n.ul KG OpposIlD Hid AiiRin tn llotol, «i, . IjI^\ i lUHl ' ' '•> till) Hrond sti'ddI, Augusta, (la. ASHER- Clothing'! Clotliing'! Clotldua'! Jusl Received tlic Finest Selected stock In Ttis City!!! Children's Hoys’and Youths’Clothing. Rlcu’s Clolldng, all sizes and styles. A beautiful Heleetlou of Voullis' anil Men's (Iver Coals. Hals of every description. Gcals' Furnishing Goods. Wedding Sails a Specially. I. II. Levy Is with me and will he glad In see all of Ids friends. Give me a trial liuforc buy lug clst-whcrc, I will guarantee lo save you twenly per cent. 1) o n 1 1 net I J’S lain F o r g v t ARUM. ASHER, rn IKW IIroad Hlreet, 1 Ipp, Al Gl STA, a (‘- o, Augasia !Intel, GA We have the Finest in the South—easiest prices. In Sash and Neck Ribbons, we heal the World. Notions n Hand Bags—you can spend an hour in this department, a never miss the time. IIONIKIIY, GLOVES, Ace. We always had the reputation of keeping the most stylish Goods in this line. Its now up to its full standard embracing all the Novelties. CTjOAKN, .TERNIGYN, \C. Ask the Salesman to show you through this Department. Ts a perfect treat to go through and sot* those Elegant Sealskins, ranging in prices as high as 890.00. We commence our Cloaks, in Ladies’ sizes, from 97 l-2o. up, and Elegant Jerseys at 82.*)0. CiillM ( IX)'I’l IS, MATS, Ac. We have added to this Department Mats and Door Huge st art at 87 I-2c. up, 36 inches long; Oil Mats, 17 1 -2c. u|>! Crumb (Moths, 86.75 to 812. DECttlvA'l’l \'E ART—Nothing can he more attractive than our Pretty Picture Counter. Wo are selling thousands, 'l'lioro are many thousands of little Things wo are selling that wo woiiM gladly call your attention to if we had the space. You notice v have already lilled Two Columns and the half lias not beeij *"* Come to Richard’s Corner and see if all we have said is tn got our Prices; then you will have nothing to regret whe > neighbor tells you of the Bargnius, she got at our place, *y Iv sorrow of others will east a shadow over you. MARK!* * ^ TEXT I ON SHOWN TO EVERY CUSTOMER. V. RICHARDS & SON I licl min Is' C Ion iei*, ^.XTO-TJ STA, : : Cr^ iu-UU’iSllin