The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 19, 1883, Image 2

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1 </ he (True (Citizen. The Survival of the Fittest. WAYNES noun, HA., (It "I't >I1EU III.INKM. Arkansas lias its colored ! agitators who arc always stirring up strife and ereatinsr trouble ninonjr | their people as well as other sec tions. One of these fellows lately wrote a long letter to I'nited States Attorney (tenoral, at Washington. ]). C., detailing a long list id" griev ances to which the colored people <rf that State are subjected, 'l’he Attorney General very properly re fers him" to the laws of the State, and tells him if the State laws are in conflict with the Constitution of the I'nited States to appeal to the Supreme Court. This was rather cool talk, and now J. \V. Niles is anxious to take all the darkies in his arms and carry them to a more genial clime. war Dispatches from Washing ton bring the intelligence that the I'nited States Supreme Court, through Justice Bradley, has de clared the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments to tin* Constitution unconstitutional. Tins is as it should he, and the rejoicing will he general, but it will come as the largest sort of a surprise to tin* ne groes, who have been made to be lieve by the Republican party that they were entitled to all sorts of so cial privileges. The decision was unanimous with the exception of Justice Harlan. Thus at last lias theciyil rights bill with all its ac companying evils forever disposed of. The fact is, both these amend ments were passed to affect the South alone, but their action became too general and wore much more troublesome to the people of the North than to those for whom they were intended. I fence their ab rogation. war The tariff question looms up before the politicians “grand, gloomy and peculiar” in its appear ance. It is an elephant which nei ther party wishes to win; the mass of the people, the consumers, who hold the votes, want only a reve nue tariff; the maufacturors, those who hold the money, are clam orous for a “high protective tariff.” Upon these platforms stand tin 1 two (dasses in all sections of the coun try, regardless of party lines and aliiliation.s. This is the difficulty that must be mot by the leaders of both parties—hence the dilomn.— We arc with the people. The day may have been when the feeble manufactures of the country should have been protected; but, if so, that day has past. Capital is too strong, crude material is too cheaply and easily procured and skilled labor too abundant to leave any neces sity whatever for the protection of our manufacturers against foreign competition. Our home manufac turers can produce their wares as cheaply as foreigners can, and there is no justice in forcing the great mass of the people to pay an enor mous tax to build up the interests of the few, or to till the pockets of the few by taking it from the many. It is not Democratic. The government must be supported, and as all political economists agree that it is better to raise that support by tariff than by a direct tax, there should bo a tariff lev-, led for revenue and for revenue on ly. All the complications of the tariff question exist in the minds of the politicians who fear the influ ence of the capitalists. RIOT RICHARDS 1 But Nobody KilHed K OR V 1' I, I. 1' A It T 1 G IT L A R Si o X WILKINS & BERRIEN, 31 IT-I ilON, - - G A. Their Stock is Complete in every Lino, and Prices so Low that they Defy Competition. MR. DICK BERRIEN cordially invites all of his Burke county friends and the public generally to call on him, and see how much pleasure it will afford himself and Clerks to show them over our IMMENSE STOCK. We sell everything at Bottom Prices, ami have BUT ONE PRICE FOR ALL !!! Milieu pays more for Colton, Hides and Country Produce than anv city in the State. Mive us a call and see that we mean just what wo say. Look at Milieu ([notations in this issue. ■W"XL.:Ei:xiTS iBZEZESiESiiEZLsr. ortlS'SSuin MIIjTjKN, - - - GEORGIA. ■4-3 :n O C£ H cr: d Cj o 1—2 C5 zr. r-f- o y: r n r?. x Mrs. RT. Brum Clark, 819 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Is now opening up all the leading styles of Fall and Winter Millinery We Wish to sny a few plain words to the cltlsams of lhirke. A good many of you will ask yourselves The Quest ion: “Where is the ■ Best Place to Bu y Boots u n <1 Sh oes?” We want your patronage and have a good claim on you, for ours Is a SPOT C-^SZET HOUSE, . Buying for OAHU and Helling lor CASH we can always give I he Lowest Living Prices. Call On Us B4 Buying. N. YV. Murphey and Son, oetiMihm 5G4 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. REMOVAL NOTICE. T11E Great Furniture Palace Not like Sherman’s March to the Sea, which brought desolation and ruin to every home; hut a March, the Music of which wi|| till your heart with delight, till your pocket with Saved and bring pleasure to every Household. '■"‘r I As well as a handsome assortment of- K GOODS, Our variety of NOTIONS has never been surpassed. We have everything needed for a ladies’outfit in Millinery Neck Wear, etc., etc. A very good supply of “Fancy Work” Material, Felt s, Fringes, Stamped Towels, Tables Covers, Tea Cloths, &c., kc. Send orders to US. X. BRUM CLi To have them carefully and tastefully filled. V R K Pt.Hl/83J.v Remember till his store with goods calculated to pi announce his Bargains IN 'ITTIH AUK OK SHARP COMPETITION, wln n i'wry 11 in* of business Is crowded to Us utmost etipni'lty, the merchant must not only tso the people 111 both quality and price, but lie must -OF- A XT <i XT X r r A i: o « n i a We take pleasure stock of Furniture to In announcing that we have moved our elegant *-40 BROAD STR1H71 Old stand of Myers i#id Marcus, overflowing with We have this large store tilled to and Inducements BKKt’HKIt’K I.KtTLUK. We visited Augusta Tuesday purely for business purposes, and ♦with not the slightest intention of lending our presence at the lecture of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, which was delivered that evening in the Masonic Theatre. Just before time for the lecture to begin, how ever, we were captured by a party of friends from tin* ’boro, and taken along nohobi ro/ni.s, and thus was our intention not to be present en tirely upset. We were prepared to hear some thing rich, and were not disappoint ed. As a literary effort the lecture was almost perfect, his figures were well drawn and always close fitting to the point to be illustrated. Bui want of space forbids that we should follow the illustrious lecturer with anything like a close criticism.— We must, however, he allowed to take issue with Mr. Beecher upon some of his theological positions; to illustrate—and let one example* suffice—the lecturer held that Adam did not, could not fall—it was im possible for him to fall. If Mr. Beecher is correct in this position, then there was no necessity for a Redeemer, and lie whom the Chris tian world has received as the Christ was an imposter and the Blltle a lie. This is a fair criticism of Mr. Beecher’s position, and if this is a specimen of his boasted “advanced theology.” we are compelled to write his theology down, as blasphemy, and by its insidious ness—being spoken by a professed minister of the gospel—it becomes more dangerous to the Christian church than all the utterances and all the writings of all the open and avowed Infidels who over lived or spoke or wrote upon the subject. We have said that the lecture as a work of art was almost perfect, and could we have divested the lec ture of the lecturer, there were parts of it which we would have enjoyed intensely. But we could not rid our mind of the thought that he hail used that mighty Intellect to mislead and destroy a confiding woman, it operated to thill the en joyment of Ills most brilliant sallies. But we are told by some that they do not believe the story of his damnning sin. We know not from whence comes this unbelief, unless if is predicated upon his plea of “not guilty” before the courts. Ilis miserable victim who, torn from a high social position, bereft of a hap py home and family, to-day mourns the error of her contldcnce in sack cloth and ashes, is entitled to some belief in this matter. We do not care to further delineate the char acter of this, man who holds wo man’s purity in contempt, who in cites Ills people to rapine and mur der and who can Insult his Hod with hold ntl’rontry, CLEARLY AND FOIUTnt.Y TO THE public, I am prepared this season to meet the wants of the people In a manner which must give satisfaction t o each ami every patron. My TV o w a li cl S m s o ic a b 1 <* G o o cl w WIII meet the expectations anil ilesires of the most economical purchaser, being careful selections of the latest styles. in TV 1 1 T) e p a i* t in e n t &. No branch of my hussiness receives more careful attention than my DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, (’ninprising Kk-gjmt Patlcms, Latest Stylos, Unique* Noveltlos, with all kinds of Trim mings to mated. My Goods were PUltUII ASIOD Ft Mi CASH, and I intend to give the bone- tit of tin* DISCOUNT to MY CUSTOMERS It will cost you nothing to thoroughly convince yourself that such Is really true, I only ask that you call ami see for yourself. DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHOF ALL NUMBERS. Polite Attention Shown to All. JAMES MILLER, XvdIIller’s Comer, AUGUSTA. - - GA. The Most Elegant and Best Assorted Stocks Ever offered. Wo compete with any market or any dealer in style, quality or price. The steady increase in our business is what has caused us to move so often. We now have the Finest store and the Finest Stock in Georgia Writi* for Catalogue or call and see us. J. L. Bowles & Co., We Lead off By Offering to the Trade] 1,319 dozen Men’s White and Colored Bordered HaiulerchieJ (Cast colors) at 39c. dozen. 32G dozen Ghildron’s White and Colored Bordered HandkorcliiefJ (Cast colors) at 3l| to 65e. doz. ’ 283 dozen Towels, assorted styles, at 54c. doz. 209 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, 07 to 97c. doj 381 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful bottlers, at 81.10 to I $2.87 933 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 37|c. doz. 977 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 49 to 55c. doz, 894 doz. Men and Women’s Hose apd Half Hose at 62 po 75c do* 943 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose (varied styles)( 97c, to $2.? 32 Bales Best Domestic Plaids at 7 to Sc. 57 bales Graniteville 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 at Factory Prices. 27 eases Standard Prints at 4, 4)>, 5, 5] to (lie. 26 cases Kentucky Jeans, at 9, .10, 11 y, 14, ISf to 21 c. 5 eases, Dicky, .Maryland, Cassimere at 49c. 1(1 cases White and Red Wool Flannel at 111 to 32|c. 2,000 pounds Ball Sewing; Thread, best at 27c. 21 eases Gray, Silver and White Wool Blankets trom (17c. Georgia Plaids, Twills, Bunch Yarn, Knitting Cotton etc., etc. We merely give you the above that you may form an idea oflhe| IMMENSITY of this Large Stock. Our Notion Department! Is the Largest in the City, or as Large as any in the South, ca try thing E very thing. Best Needles at 77J,c. per thousand. Pins in packs at 34c. Suspenders S2*,e. per doz. up. Pens 36c. gross; worth 50c. Thousands'of Little Things that we can’t now think of, such aal Pencils, Paper, Envelopes, Glues, Polishes, Buttons, Thimbles,I Bindings, all Styles, Beads, Ornaments, all kinds of Brushes,! Combs, Threads, &c., &c. We have Four Floors crowded to their utmost capacity to carrvl this Large Stock, besides running Double Packing and Bhippiugl Booms in the basement. «i'pt28’83hy Myers & Mat’ous’oUl stum I, SEl llROAD HTUEKT, AUGUSTA, ll.Y. BLOW! BLOW! Assert Your Rights. For Reward is Just. BUT WHEN WE SAY THAT OUR READY MADE mmi — ij/mm HMW MMW mm/mm CLOTHITNT Or 3 For men aiul Hoys cannot besrpassed in extent and quality by any bouse in this section wo Kay that which H visit will demonstrate to he true. Our Assortment is full and complete, Our Ulotbing possesses only one peculiarity that wt* know of, namely; our Low Price.-do not indicate the* high quality of the goods. Call and be convinced. APPEL BROTHERS, ONE P1MC13 O LOTH f E B 8 & 11 A T T E B S, oi'.VSIlutu 1UII CON l! HESS NT1{ EET, (Opposite Murk oil, SAVANNAH, O A. J. \ T II h: r r A I L. This is what the Ladies want to hear about. We told them! some weeks since in the Citizen of something we had and v,en receiving, and since that time our place has been crowded. Wei are always glad to see you. Come again. As you enter our vastl Bazar of Fashion, with its Shining Sea of Beauty, you are attractj ed by our Elegant Dress Goods. Stocks ,j 5 Questions. 4 Answers Pendleton Foundry & Machine Works. Men Youths, Boys Who Need A SUIT, OVEBCOilT or SHOULD CONSIDER THESE POINTS: First, Are the Prices Right? ^ Second, Are the Goods Durable? Third, Dues it Fit Well? Fourth, Is it Fashionable? Fifth, Is it Becoming? Cooke’s Clothing and Hat Store, 711 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, 6A„ Gives These Reasons for Being Able to Meet Your Requirements; EI ItsT. Wi! have I'very advantage t hut expetjenee uml iiinplt! capital cun give, mid know our prices are the Lowest. SECOND. Erom observation we know which fuhrU'H wear hour, anil II is to uur interest to give MUlIsfartlnn. THIRD. We never knowingly allow an Impor- fcct rill garment to enter our stori'. EOURTJ1. We have a resident buyer In New York, who keeps thoroughly posted. El ETII. This qiiesllou you innst answer for vourself. W 11OL ESA 1.1', As WELL AS It ETA 11, III V E Its will Mud thuf tiny ran secure llargalns at our Store. (UrjV 1 (louts' I'nderwear, Satchels, ,tie. C/MS. F. LOMBARD, Prop. WM. PEN1) L ETON, Sup. -MANl’EACTCltEH AND DEALER IN it 111'n.laut A. W. BLANCHARD, Eoll J. C, LUDLOW St t'O., 711 Itroad street, Augusta, Hu. Synopsis of Legal Advertisements. Hit kill KK HAI.KM. Will hi' sohl before the Court House door oil tIn- Ills) Tuesday III November, the following properly to-wlts The i., undivided Interest In forty aeres of land, lying, In Ihe Hist DLL; adjoining lands of Mrs. .lames, Hull, Unfits Rogers and Mrs. Lane. Levied upon as the properly of Mill- mini Proctor In satisfy a ll. fa. Issued from Ihe County t'ourl In favor of Ihe ('bespeak (I llano Com puny. Written not lee given. Due In saw glu, Hummock make, and 1,(100 pounds of cotton in the Held. Levied upon us Ihe property of T ('. Sapn, to sallsfy a rt, I'ii. Issued from the County Court ill favor of Wilkins A lienleu. Olt II1 N Alt V 'H >: l IT I (! KN. l'ftltlnn In writing has been made to the Court of i trill nary, showing I hut the estate of M. M. tIndhcf Is unrepresented and praying that an administration lie hud upon said estate 0) prevent loss and Inlury to ihe next of kin olid creditors, Will he passed upon the tlrst Monday In November, as preseijoed by law, Mrs. Annas. Hoyd has made application I for letters of admhiistriillon upon (lie estate of Ahriint L. lioyd, late deceased of said , county. Will lie passed upon Ihe tlrst Mini- j day lit November. ((. 1‘. Lively, executor of the estate of Elisha | llaymans, deceased applies for letters distills- sory from said estate. Will he passed upon 1 tlrst Monday in December. | Mrs. Daniel, ndmlnlstrl.x of Major j Daniel, deceased, applies to me for loiters dismissing from said eslate, Will he passed upon Ural Monduy In December, A 1> til N 1ST It A Toll's MA I.K. In pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary will he sold on Ihe Hist Tuesday lit November, one truet of land, lying lit Iturke county, whereon Mrs. Mary A. Harrell re sided at the lime of bet' death, containing M’Jti aeres, adjoining lauds L. D. Johnson, .1. P. C Whitehead. J. M, Thomas, A. II. Oats and others. Said land will lie sold In three lots, each lot liuvlm; a sulfclcut amount of timber end cleared land atal Tenant houses thereon. Terms- one-half cash—one-half January 1st, INS!. Hold by W. I,, Philips administrator, estate of Mary A. Iltinel, demised, Mill Machinery and Supplies, No. 015, 617 and 619 Ivollock Street, Augusta, Georgia. I do not run 100 hands, nor cast every day, latt I am prepared lo do all kinds of casting In I ron and I trass at short notice. Am a pruol leal machinist myself anil give personal atten tion to all repair work. Am prepared to do anything In the way of mill work. Keeps on hand a full stock of Steam Eatings, Packing, Elies, Valves, Ac, All work guaranteed. Cor respondence solicited. sep’JN’SHby J. W. LEVY & CO., DEALERS IN H O C K 11 1 in s. In stacks and piles on the left. Do you know that we are sell] ing a very Pretty Brocaded Goods at 6|c.; beautiful colon Think of it. As you pass farther down )imr eye is met by those Elegfll Flannel Suiting at 25 to 72 l-2c., 22 1-2 to 64 inches wide;i)d the Beautiful Jersey Cloth, Jladzimas, Tricott, Heavy Black iSilkl Colored Silks, Satins, Velvets, the richest in the South, comprisf ingall the New Shades, such as OX BLOOD.MANDERINE,icJ with all the Novelties in Laces, Elegant Chenille Fringes—Bronze! Jet, India Ink, Silver and Burnt Silver Buckles and Lcatlm Clasps to trim with. Mourning' Dress Goods.] We have the Finest in the South—easiest prices. In Sash and Neck Ribbons, we beat the World. Notions mull Hand Bags—you can spend an hour in this department, an«| never miss the time. HOHUSHY, GIjOYRS, Arc. We always had the reputation of keeping the most styli«| Goods in this line. Its now up to its full standard embrace all the Novelties. Fan Goods and Utmvy Grovcrlc*. IDS HE. We Imv Ul kinds (.(HID Jind received u Ki'csh Supply of Elite of (loods that eim lie found in uni El ItST-t' I. ASS liltin' I! It Y El.til' It at from four to seven dollars per Itarrcl, All kinds of WHISKIES and WINES All we ask Is a trial before buying. IIIHIDS DELIVERED EltEE In lie depot. AI.ECK IIEATII Is with us and w ill lie glad lo sec Ids friends In Iturke county. .1 W LEVY 'Mill ( '( ) Opposite the Augusta Hotel, il. . IjIj » 1 mill \ 'illil Itroad Street, Augusta, i .A__ ASHER. Oloiliiug*! Clothing! C’lothing! Jus! Received the Flues! Selected Stock in The City 1 !! Children’s Roys’ and Youths' Clothing. Men's Clothing, all sl/.es and styles. A beautiful Selection nf Youths' and Men’s ttver Coats. Hals of every description. Gents' Euruishtug Hoods. Wedding Hulls a Specially. I. II. Levy Is with me ami will he glad In see all of Ids friends, (live me a trial before tuiylng elsewhere. I will guarantee to save you twenty per rent. Don’t Fo oeU'J'SJam r get T h e P 1 a c e, A BUM. ASHER,** ""l" 1 : ha CLOAKS, JKHSFYS, iVC. ; Ask the Salesman to show you through this Department a perfect treat to go through and see those Elegant Sealskin ranging in prices as high as $90.00. We commence our float in Ladies’ sizes, from '97 l-2c. up, and Elegant Jerseys at 82.oh. Cl l CM (T.( )TI IS, MATS, &c. We have added to this Department Mats and Door Hugs- start at 87 l-2c. up, 36 inches long; Oil Mats, 17 L-o. ll F' Crumb Cloths, 86.75 to $12.• DECOB ATI V E ART—Nothing can he more attractive than " a Pretty Picture Counter. We are selling thousands. "1 here j^ many thousands of little Things we are selling that we \voi gladly call your attention to if we had the space. You notice have already tilled Two Columns and the half has not been 1,1 Come to Richard’s Corner and see if all we have said is true H 11 get our Prices; then you will have nothing to regret when 'H neighbor tells you of the Bargains, she got at our place, only sorrow of others will east a shadow over you. MAHKK9 TENT I ON SHOWN TO EVERY CUSTOM lilt. V. RICHARDS & SOI Ml lliohjnjclfm’ ( 'ornor, -^Ura-UrST-^., : : : G-. iii'il; , ’NHm