The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 26, 1883, Image 2

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Q he (True (fifizen. The Survival of the Fittest, WAYNKSHOIU). CIA„ (if'TOItEK 111, IN.-' gjtF~ 'I’ho 'Macon (/rajthie 1ms been revived by the Georgia I’uli- lisliintf Coin|)iUiy, and recom menced its visits to our sanctum as bright and newsy as ever. Wo hope it may iive'long and prosper. g.*r We take pleasure in ac knowledging the reception of the “Fifth Augusta Trade Issue,’’ of the Augusta Chronicle, and pronounce it a' triumph of Southern printing. It is by far the handsomest trade is,siM we have seen issued in the State. j[ifit” it is said that the coming session of Congress will be a long and important one. We know of no good reason why it should be especially either, except that the nation’s politicians will lie compell ed to use •much of their valuable tiftie in President making. WILKINS & BERRIEN, 311 I j I s ITN, SL&r Wo have been informed that the editor of Tim True Citi zen has not had a square meal of backbones for years. This is real ly lamentable—and we should judge that he is in search of a mess on account of the fact that we have not received an issue of the paper for several weeks. If this is the cause of tin* delay, he remembers the time of year well, but wo would suggest to him it has been rather warm yet for those luxuries.—Statesboro Ea gle. Taking the last first, we are sur prised to learn that brother Griiior does not received The Citizen, and we assure him each issue is regularly and promptly mailed to tin 1 Eagle. We can credit the fail ure to come to hand to nothing except the intelligence (?) and prompt discharge of official duties of Mr. Arthur’s pet route agents.— As touching the “backbone” ques tion, judging from brother Griner’s anatomical conformation, it is to be supposed ho carries about with him the capacity for housing a majority of the “backbones" raised in Bulloch county, to say nothing of the jowls and turnips with a quantity of old bacon and collards, with extended bread privileges, during a season.— Of course, with these facts in view, we do not design visiting hi* sec tion on a “backbone” hunt. If however, brother Griner has had any “backbone” to spare, it is a great pity he did not send Govern or McDaniel a supply before he “fell from grace” and joined the Joe Brown ring. Their Stock is Complete iu every Line, and Prices so Low that they Defy Competition. Mil. DICK BERRIEN cordially invites all of his Burke county friends and the public generally to call on him, and see how much pleasure it will afford himself and Clerks to show them over our IMMENSE STOCK. We sell everything at Bottom Prices, and have We Wish to nay a few plain words to the citizens of llurke. yourselves A good many of you will ask BUT ONE PRICE FOR ALL I! I Millen pays more for Cotton, Hides and Country Produce than any city in the State. Give us a call and see that we mean just what we say. Look at Millen quotations in this issue. M11,1.EX, Mrs. N. Brum Clark, 810 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Is now opening up all the leading styles of THE XEd 110 IX POLITICS. Fall and Winter Millinery The Question: “ Where is the Best Place to Bu i/ Boots and Shoes/” Wv, want your patronageaiul have a good claim on yon, lor ours is a SPOT CilSII HOUSE, Raying for CASH aiul Selling for CASH we can always give the Lowest Living Prices. Call On Us B4 Buying. N. W. Murphey and Son, 501 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. REMOVAL NOTICE. •THE- Great Furniture Palace -As well as a handsome assortment of- K 1 -()F 1,319 dozen Men’s White and Colored Bordered Handerehiefs (fast colors) at 39c. dozen. 32G dozen Children’s White and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, (fast colors) at 31 j to 05c. doz. 283 dozen Towels, assorted styles, at 54c. doz. 209 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, 07 to 97c. doz. 384 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, at $1.16 to $2.87 933 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 37|c. doz. 977 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Ilose at 49 to 55c. doz. 894 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose at 62 £ to 75c dox. 913 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose (varied styles) 97c, to $2.? 7-i. 32 Bales Best Domestic Plaids at 7 to 8c. 57 bales Granitevillo 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 at Factory Prices. 27 cases Standard Prints at 4, 4£, 5, 5j- to ti^c. 26 cases Kentucky Jeans, at 9, 10, 11J, 14, 1S$ to 21c. 5 cases, Dicky, Maryland, Cassimere at 49c. 16 cases White and Bed Wool Flannel at 11 \ to 32?,c. 2,000 pounds Ball Sewing Thread, best at 27c. 21 cases Gray, Silver and White Wool Blankets trom Georgia Plaids, Twills, Bunch Yarn, Knitting Cotton etc We merely give you the above that you may form an idea of the IMMENSITY of this Large Stock. 67 c. , etc. up JS^ XT d XT r JF C4 i : O I* <i I A Our variety of NOTIONS has never .been surpassed. We have everything needed for a ladies’outfit in Millinery Neck Wear, etc., etc. A very good supply of “Fancy Work” Material, Felts, Fringes, Stamped Towels, Tables Covers, Tea Cloths, <kc., &-c. Send orders to AI RS, As . BRUM CLARK To have them carefully and tastefully filled.,’83.Jy The future of the negro has been extensively discussed by the news papers both North and South to lit tle or no purpose, and all prophecies concerning the colored race of the South have failed. Our business is to deal with the negro as he now is, and to do so intelligently we must turn hack a page or two of history, and learn how he became a factor in the politics of the nation. When the slaves of the South were emancipated, the Southern people—those who knew the negro best—insisted that his ingnorance and long condition of slavery, which operated to destroy all the finer sensibilities, rendered him un lit to exercise the privilege of the franchise either intelligently or honestly. These arguments acted to confirmed the Radical politi cians, who then and ever since have had possession of the govern ment, in rheir determination to clothe the colored man with the power and privilege of the ballot. It is lolly even to suppose that the astute Radical politician did this ignorantly or with any feeling of liberality or justice to the newly emancipated slave. We must look for the reason of this Radical move- nient’in a different direction, and we find it rooted in the very objec tions which the Southern statesman made to the hasty enfranchisement of the negro. They supposed that his ignorance would render him an easy prey to Radical machinations, ami that his hatred for his former master would hand the whole race over en masse to the Radical party, and the deed was done. Under the power of the bayonet, the scheme worked well fora few years, and the negro was fooled and swin dled without mercy. Slowly the more intelligent of the colored vo ters began to have their eves forced REMEMBER. Remember till Ills store with good, announce Ills Bargains IN THIS AUK OK SHAKI* COMPETITION, when every line of business Is crowded to its utmost capacity, the nicivhiint must not only fill his store with goods calculated to please the people la both quality and price, but he must announce his * and Inducements ('LEAKEY AND FOUCII1LV TO THE public. I am prepared this season to meet I he wants of the people In a manner which must give satisfaction I o each and every patron. My TV o w niul S <> a h o ii a b 1 o (4 o <> cl s Will meet the expectat ions and desires of the most economical purchaser, being careful selections of the latest styles. In A. 11 I) e p ai* + in e n t No brunch of my busslncxs receives more careful attention than my DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, Comprising Elegant Patterns, f,utcst Styles, Pulque Novelties, with all kinds of Trim mings to matt h. My Hoods were l’P lU'H AS ED KOK PASH, and I Intend to give the bene fit of the DISCOUNT to MY CUSTOMERS Wp take pleasure in announcing that we stock of Furniture to /( have moved our elegant h4() BI1C >AI > STIii: E.T, Old stand of Myers and Marcus, overflowing with We have this large store filled to The Most Elegant and Best Assorted Stocks Ever offered. We compete with any market or any dealer in STYLE, QUALITY OR PRICE j. The steady increase in our business is what lias caused us to move so often. We*now have the Finest store and the Finest Stock in Georgia Write for Catalogue or call and see us. J. L. Bowles & Co, sepl2S’83by Myers A Mureus’nld stand, SID liltOAI) STREET, APHPSTA, HA. BLOW! BLOW! Assert Your Rights, For Reward is Just. Our Notion Department Is the Largest in the City, or as Large as any in the South, carrything Every tiling. Best Needles at 77ie. per thousand. Pius in packs at 34c. Suspenders 82£c. per doz. up. Pens 36c. gross; worth 50c. Thousands of Little Things that we can’t now think of, such as. Pencils, Paper, Envelopes, Glues, Polishes, Buttons, Thimbles,, Bindings, all Styles, Beads, Ornaments, all kinds of Brushes, Combs, Threads, &c., &c. We httve Four Floors crowded to their utmost capacity to carry this Large Stock, besides running Double Packing and Shipping Rooms in the basement. 1 V T I? li TAIL This is what the Ladies want to hear about. We told them some weeks since in the Citizen of something we had and were receiving, and since that time our place has been crowded. We are always glad to see you. Come again. As you enter our vast Bjizar of Fashion, with its Shining Sea of Beauty, you are attract ed by our Elegant Dress Goods Stocks! BUT WHEN WE SAY THAT OUR READY MADE It will cost you nothing; to thoroughly convince youraelf that such is really true, I only ask that you call and sec for yourself. DUTGH BOLTING CL0TH0F ALL NUMBERS Polite Attention Shown to All. J AM E S MILLER, ZvZiller’s Coiner, AUGUSTA, - - GA. open to these Radical schemes, and to discern that all the interest they had in them was their votes and their money, and they began to de sert tlu> Radicals and join the Dem- crats. This has nutralized the force of the colored vote to such tin ex tent that in all State or national elections it is merely a side issflo— being felt only in county turn local elections. All this lias forced the reluctant admission from the Republican pol iticians and journals that they com mitted a great party blunder in so hastily clothing the newly emancipated slave with the fran chise, and they would to-day take it from him if they could. Wo can see no reason why the colored vote should enhance in value, but many why it will decrease, and it must eventually he entirely lost as a po litical factor of any importance. 5 Questions. 4 Answers Men Youths, Boys Who Need A feTTIT, OVEECOii.T or For men ami Hoys cannot lie si-passed la extent ami quality by any house In Ibis section we say that which a visit will ilemonsli'ate to be true. Our Assortment Is full ami complete, Our (’milling possesses only one peculiarity that we know of, namely; our Low Price* Jo not indicate the high quality of the goods, fall and he convinced. APPEL BROTHERS, ONE PHICE C L O T H I E R S & 1T A T T E R S. 103 CONH HESS STREET, (Opposite Market), SAVANNAH, HA. Pendleton Foundry & Machine Works. SHOULD CONSIDER THESE POINTS: ('HAS. F. L 0 MB All I), Prop. 1VM. PENl) LE TON, Sup. MANUFACTURER AND DEALKU1N In stacks and piles on the left. Do you know that we are sell ing a very Pretty Brocaded Goods at 6^c.; beautiful colors, Think of it. As you pass farther down your eye is met by those Elegant Flannel Suiting at 25 to 72 l-2e., 22 1-2 to 64 inches wide; then the Beautiful Jersey Cloth, Radzimas, Tricott, Heavy Black Silks, Colored Silks, Satins, Velvets, the richest in the South, compris ing all the New Shades, such as OX BLOOD. MANDERINE, j with all the Novelties in Laces, Elegant Chenille Fringes—Brouze, Jet, India Ink, Silver and Burnt Silver Buckles and Leather) Clasps to trim with. Mourning Dress Goods. We have the Finest in the South—easiest prices. In Sash and Neck Ribbons, we beat the World. Notions and Hand Bags—you can spend an hour in this department, ami never miss the time. HOSIERY, GLOVES, Am* First, Are the Prices Riglijf? Second, Are the Goods Durable? Third, Does it Fit Well? Fourth, Is il Fashionable? Fifth, is il Becoming? Mill Machinery and Supplies, No. 615, 617 and 619 Kollock Street, Augusta, Georgia. Cooke’s Clothing and Hat Store, 1 ilo mil run IlKl humls, nor cast every day, hul I am prepared In do all kinds of rusting In I run and I trass at short not lee. Am a practical machinist myself and give personal attcu- tlon to all repair work. Am prepared In do anything in the way of mill work. Keeps on hand a full slock of steam Fillings, Packing, Flies, Valves, &v, All work guaranteed, Cor- reRpoiidenco solicited. scp'.N'Sdhy III the course of conversation with some of his mutual personal friends, on his return from Ids 18,- 000 miles in the South, Mr. Reedier is reported by the New York Jler- uhl to huvo said: “And I am quite desirous that the Southern people should understand how much grat ified 1 am with the general results of my trip through their States.”— Why so, llenry? \Ve understand tlmt you were paid fiOO a night for each appearance lud’ore the foot lights, and the general results of my (your) trip through their (our) States must have been gratifying. Yes, Hear, we want the good opinion of all men, hut, then, in very truth, wo have lost no rest wonder’ng what yours would be.— lint if there is anybody’s opinion for which we entertain a supreme indifference it is yours, Henry. Advertise in Tub Citizen. 711 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA. GA.. Givet^These Reasons for Being Able to Meet Your Requirements; J. W. LEVY & CO -DEALEKH IN mve every advantage that experience and ample cupltal can give, and know ie Lowest. HEl’O.Np. From ohservatIon we kiifltv which fabrics wear best, FT ItHT. onr prices arc the and It Is to our Interest to gl ve satisfaction. THIItlh We never knowingly allow an imper fect cut garment to enter our store. FOURTH. We have a resident buyer III New York, who keeps thoroughly posted. FI FTIL Tills question you must answer for voursclf. KI.L AS RETAIL> Cl K O C K R I IE S. WHOLESALE AS W E al our Store. tor Hents’ Underwear, Satchels, A. Its will dial that they ean secure llargains \ W RLCNGHART) kou.t. c.litdi.owaco. .\. . li Li.ViN\> II II i f, 7U Itroud Street, Augi Augusta, Hii. .lust received a Fresh Supply of Fine Hail Hoods anil Heavy Hroeerles, All kinds ie found In any FlllST-CLASS (11(1)('EItY HOUSE. We have hood Synopsis of Legal Advertisements. HII Kill Kk HACKS. Will he sold before the Court House door on I he llrxt Tuesday In November, the following properly to-wlt: The undivided Interest. In forty acres of laud, lying, In the illxt I list.; adjoining hinds of Mrs. .lames, Hull, Itiifus Rogers and Mrs. Lane. Levied upon as the property of Mal colm Proctor lo satisfy a II. fa. Issued from the County Court In favor of (lie ('bespeak Huano Company. Written notice glvuu. One -to saw Kill, Hummock make, and I,odd pounds of cotton In the Meld. Levied upon as the property of T. C. Hupp, to satisfy a II. fa. issued from the County Court In favor of Wilkins A llcrrlcii. Mrs. Annas. Iloyd has made application admlulslration upon (he estate of (foods t hat call Is I'l.iif R at from four All we ask is a trial before buying. ifOODH HEI.I V KKKI) FREE lo the depot. ALECK HEATH is wllli us and will lie glad to see his friends in Iturke county. to seven dollars pee llurrcl. All kinds of WI1IHKIKN mill WINKN, t. (ft “ for letters of of Ahruni L. Iloyd, late deceased of said county. Will lie passed upon (he llrsl Mon day In November. I W I li’VV oii.l t’ll Opposite the Augusta Hotel, ,1. IV. IjIjV I lllltl V '»•, lllll Hroud HIroot, Augusta, ( H. I*. Lively, executor of the estate of Elisha llaymaiis, deceased applies for Idlers dtsiiilx- sory from said estate. Will he passed upon llrsl Monday In licceiirtier. Mrs. Elisa Daniel, admliilstrlx of Major naulel, deceased, applies to me for Idlers | dlsmissorj front said estate, Will he passed i upon llrsl Monday In December. ASHER. OKIUNAHV’S NOTII'KX. Petlllon In willing has been made to the Court of < i rill nary, showing that the estate of M. M. HihIIhic Is unrepresented and praying llml an administration he hud upon said estate to prevent loss and inlury to the next A n M l N i sr It A To a ’ s s A i. K. the first Monday in November, us prescribed by law. In pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary will he sold on the llrsl Tuesday In November, one trad of land, lying In llurke county, whereon Mrs. Mary A. Harrell re sided ai the time of her death, containing .'I'JU acres, adjoining hinds L. D. Johnson, .1. I*. C. Whitehead. .1. M. Thomas, A. R. Hals ami others. Hatd land will he sold In three lots, each lot having a xutl'olunl amount of timber ami cleared land and tenant houses thereon. Terms -one-half cash— one-hnlf Jummry 1st, lKMi. Hold by W. L. Philips adinhilsuator, estate of Mary A. llurrcl, deceased. Olotliing? ! Olotliiuju;*! Olo tiling'! last Received tlic Finest Selected Stock In The Cltv!!! Children’s Roys' and Youths' Clothing. Men’s Clothing, all and styles. A beautiful Selection ni Youths’and Men’s Over Coals. Unix of every description. Hents’ Furnishing Hoods. Wedding Suits a Specialty. I. II. Levy Is with me and will lie glad lo see all ol Ills friends. Hive me a trial before buying elsewhere. I will guarantee io save you twenty per cent. I) o n’t Forget The P1 a c e, ABRM. ASIIBR, u, ' 0, ^Vqjvs ; i'A, pp '. Au “ UHtu . IlQ l 0 '. ua oetlTtUuni We always had the reputation of keeping the most stylish Goods in this line. Its now up to its full standard embracing j all the Novelties. CLOAKS, .TEHS1WN, AC. Ask the Salesman to show you through this Department. TiG a perfect treat to go through and see those Elegaut Sealskins, I ranging in prices as high as $90.00. We commence our Cloaks, [ in Ladies’ sizes, from 97 l-2c. up, and Elegant Jerseys at $2.50. OI1UM CLOTHS, MATS, &c. We have added to this Department Mats and Door Rugs I start at 87 I-2c. up, 36 inches long; Oil Mats, 47 l-2c. up;j Crumb Cloths, $6.75 to $12. DECORATIVE ART—Nothing ean be more attractive than on Pretty Picture t’ounter. We are selling thousands. TheWUJ many thousands of little Things we are selling that we woul gladly call your attention to if we had the space. You notice^| have already tilled Two Columns and the half has not been ' Come to Richard’s Corner and see if all we have said is true get our Prices; then you will have nothing to regret when y olir j neighbor tells you of the Bargains, she got at our place, only '“f sorrow ot others will cast a shadow over you. MARKER *' | TENT ION SHOWN TO EVERY CUSTOMER. V. RICHARDS & SON Ilieluircls’ Corner, : : : Or. oet 12'tttlm '