The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 16, 1883, Image 2

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Ilf (The (True (Citizen. The Su rvivax, of thi ' WAViVKSHOllO, NOVEMBER III, l-«8. fjer “A white woman,” nays tin exchange,“was fined ton dollars tit the l ist torm of tin- Superior Court of Montgomery county for carrying concealed weapons.” What a court! THE IjATK DEMOCUATIC SUCCESS. Fiom every quarter comes the re joicings of tlie Democratic press and party.over their success in the in the late elections, and many cal culations of success in the next Presidential campaign. While we recognize retd and substantial rea sons for rejoicing at the sweeping victories of tin 1 party, and especial ly at the death of Mahoneism in Virginia, we would admonish our readers that the time is yetlong be fore the final struggle in 18.81. A ses sion of Congress intervenes, and the tariff question looms up, and must become an important factor in the next Presidential canvass. lie- sides this, we have to contend with a most unscrupulous political organization,wliich will stop at noth ing to obtain success, backed by the powerful patronage of the govern ment. With all these questions staring the Democrats in the face it is egregious folly for the Demo crats to underrate the strength or advantageous position held by flu 1 Radical party. The prospects of the Democrats are certainly bet ter than they have been since the miserable farce of electing Tilden in 187(i was enacted, and when we know that we are contending with a political organization whose de feat means eternal death and des truction to that party we must he pre pared for any emergency, anil to meet all the dishonest trickery which will as certainly be resorted to as the Presidential canvass is in augurated. Our leaders must be wise and cautious. No personal interest or advancement must be allowed to distract the party, no factions—all must he harmony and concert of action from Maine to Mexico, and from the great lakes to the sea. Then may the Demo crats go into the coming Presiden tial campaign feeling assured of success. P>ut if personal interest motives, personal advancement is allowed to enter and badger the campaign, then we have nothing to hope for and the result may now be written down as as another Radi cal victory. The policy of the Radical party to usethe cry of ‘‘Solid Mouth” as the battle cry to fire the Northern heart is already foreshadowed. Rut, if the .Southern people will act with due circumspection, and abstain from intemperate expressions and acts, the cry will avail naught.— Tin' fact is, too much Northern cap ital lias been invested in Southern enterprises during the’ past four years to allow these catch sayings !•) have any very important effect.— Let the party, then, he harmonious, wise and cautious in the policy which they may adopt, and we will wipe the Radical party with all its corruptions out of existence in No vember, 1884. Inman, the Wife Murderer. Savannah Nows, Henry Inman, who was commit ted to Chatham county jail some months ago for safe keeping, on the charge of having killed his wife in Emanuel county, will be taken in a day or two to Jefferson county for trial. The alleged crime was com mitted in Emanuel, and it is cus tomary to try the prisoner in the county where the crime was com mitted. The feeling of the people of Emanuel is said to be strongly against Inman, audit is argued that lie could not be given an impartial trial there. Hence the removal of the case to the Jefferson Superior Court. FO R LL PART 1C PL A R S Money to Lend! Von can borrow money, on improved farms. Principal payable In live years. One lll'lli annually. Apply lo oc.VS.lbm THUS. M. IlERRIRN, ' WATER-OAK POULTRY TIPS. BREEDER OF Pure Pit (tame Fowls AUpfmy Birds arc Imported Slock. KY. DOMIN'IOI’FS, ill,UK 11 Kill IN, WHITE A I,HUM, 11. II. HKDS, and DOM. CROSSES. KgtfH In Season. I lake pleasure in being able to assure (lie lovers of Fancy Poultry that my Yards are Slocked with as Pure lllooded, and Reliable SI rains of (lame Fowls as can be found In America. These birds lias no ei|lial as Egg Producers. Prices Sea'ail to meet reiiulrcmcnlx. Male Minis fl, fli. ss and $10. I'Vuutles Same Price. Pail's$5 lo $12. Trio’s lo $20. Orders Soiieiled, ADDRESS: J . G . B YNE, II ‘atpicsboro, Ga. ■opai’aaim To It KSK K V E T HE Ii E A LTH Use the Magneton Appliance Co.’s Magnetic Lung Protector. PRIDE ONLY They are prleless to I.adtes (ientlemen and Children with weak lungs; no ease of pneu monia or croup Is ever known where these garments are v urn. They also prevent and cure it i .v it i in sKict'i.ti i s, cot.ns, uiii:i.;ia- T1S.M, N 111' UAl.ll I A, TUIUi.W Tltol' IU.I H, 1111-11- ■f a it in A, cat a mi ll, and al! kindred diseases. Will wear nay service lor three years. Are worn over the under-clothing. I 1 AT'I'ARII 1* *' s hood less to describe the symp- UA11 Anu.toms of this nauseous disease that Is sapping the life and strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes. I,abor, study and research In Asrerica, Eu rope and Eastern lands, Ii tve resulted In the Magnetic I.ting Protector, nlibnling eltre for t 'a I art'll, a remedy u hich contains No Ureg- Ingol the System, and with I lie eonliuuotls stream of Magnetism permeating through the alllleteil organs, must restore them to u healthy action. We place our price for litis Appliance at less that, one-twentieth of the price asked hy others for renteilles upon whleli you lake nil the elmnees, amt we especially ln\he the patronage of the many persons who have tried drugging Iludr stoiu- aelt without effect. imiir 'I'll flBTAl'J This Aplhmcc. (lo to your nUW 1U UDlIllif druggist i mi ask for them. 1 f they have not got them, write to the pro prietors, enclosing the price, In letter ut our risk, ami they will lie i.eut lo you at ouee hy mull, post-paid. Send stamp for the “New Departure In Med. leal Treatment without Medicine,” with thousands of lest liuonlals. THE MAUN'ETON APIM.IANCK Co., ills St a I e street, Chicago, III. NOTE. Semi one dollar In postage stamps orcurreitey (In letter at our rhlit with size oi sttoe usually worn, and try a pair nr our Mag netic Insoles, and no convinced of the power residing In our .MagneHe Appliances. Posi tively no cold feet where they are worn/or money refunded. oet68S ( hy WILKINS Sc BERRIEN, MILLEX, - - UA. Their Stock is Complete in every Line, and Prices so Low that they Defy Competition. MIL DICK BERRIEN cordially invites all of his Burke county friends and the public generally to call on him, and see how much pleasure it will afford himself and Clerks to show them over our IMMENSE STOCK. We sell everything at Bottom Prices, and have RUT ONE PRICE ‘FOR ALL !! I Milieu pays more for Cotton, Hides and Country Produce than any city in the State. Give us a call and see that we mean just what we say. Look at Milieu quotations in this issue. octt2’83um MI f.IjEN - - - UEOHUIA. Mrs. N. Brum Clark, 819 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Is now opening up all the leading styles of Fail and Wixiies 8 Millinery As well as a handsome assortment of- FANCY GOODS. Our variety of NOTIONS has never been surpassed. We have everything needed for a ladies’ outfit in Millinery Neck Wear, etc., etc. A very good supply of “Fancy Work” Material, Felts, Fringes, Stamped Towels, Tables Covers, Tea Cloths, &c., &c. Send orders to M US. "NT. 13 R U M C R A R Iv To have them carefully and tastefully tilled. That Most of the Dry Goods Advertisements of the Present Day. CONSIST OF Senseless Trash and Bombast. Borrowed, Hashed and Rehashed for Consumption AMONG THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE, IS ALREAC V WEDL KNOWN TO TU A"e ry \ 111 e 11 i o; eu 1 11 e ac 1 e r. IN THIS AGE OK SHARD COMPETITION, M es a K s-r it xvhon every llm: of business is crowded to its u a -SW tl utmost rsi]Mtcity, the tm ivbunl must not only fill his store with goods calculated to please the people in both quality und price, but lie must announce Ills onrl Er.riiienmpntc clkarlv and eorciri,'; to the * ctllu i (III liLLil) tli t lo public. I am prepared Ibis season to meet the wunlsnf Hie people in a manner which must give satisfaction I o each and every patron. My IN <- n - a nil S o a s o ii a 1> 1 <» <> o <1 s Will moot tin* uxpociat ions mul desires of the most economical purchaser, being careful selections of the latest styles. I ii A 11 I) e p a r 1 in e n i s. No branch of my bossiness; receives more careful attention than my DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, Comprising Elegant Patterns, Latest Stylos, Unique Novelties, with all kinds of Trim mings to mat ell. My (Raids were PP Rl II AS ED E( lit CASH, and 1 intend to give the bcnc- tit of 1 bo DISCOUNT to MY CUSTOMERS It will cost you nothing to thoroughly convince yourself that such Is really true, I only ask that you call and see for yourself. DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHOF ALL NUMBERS. Polite Attention Shown to All. JAMES MIL LEU, Hvdllller’s Comer, AUGUSTA, - - G A. 5 Questions. 4 Answers Men Youths, Boys Who Need A srcriT, or b:at SHOULD CONSIDER THESE POINTS: First, Are the Prices Right? Second, Are the Goods Durable? Third, Does it Fit Well? Fourth, I,fit Fashionable? Fifth, Is it Becoming? Cooke’s Clothing and Hat Store, 711 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA.. Gives These Reasons for Being Able to Moot Your Requirements; FIRST. We have every advantage that experience and amole capital can give, and know onr prices arc the Lowest. HKl’oNp. From observation we know which fabrics wear best, and ll is to our Intcrex! (ogive salIxfnclIon. TII1 III). We never knowingly allow an imper fect cut garment lo enter our store. FOU RTH. We have u resident buyer in New York, who keeps thoroughly posted. FIFTH. This question you niusl answer for yourself. W 11 nLKMA LH AN W ELL AM II ETA I L lit V KRH will lliui that t hey can secure 1 tergal ns lit our Store. Gents’ Cnderwear, Hatchets, Ac. i-tlOMlum A. W. BLANCHARD, ™ ; ludlowaco., i’ll llroad Street, Augusta, Ga. Synopsis of Legal Advertisements. Mil KK IKK SAI.KH. Will he sold before the Court4louse door on tlie llrst Tuesday In Deeember, the following properly to-wlt: Cndivided half interest In ri'imdnder of Win. II. Ituilai'd, being the Ulldlv tiled half In i' rest in remainder of Win. II. Kill lard, after death of Mrs. II. L. liullurd under will of Needham Dullard doeensod, hi all that traet ol land lying in said county of Hurke, known | as the Needham liullurd home place, contain- , Ing L IOU Hi res, adjoining lands ol W. .1. Ran dle, of .1. F. ('iir.-wi-lI and Mrs. W. A. \\ alker. Also one Iron gray ho,mule, one black mare mule, one l wo horse wagon. All of said properly, real and personal, levied nnjix I lie pro perl > of Will. 11. I III hard lo satlsy ; a lira Issued from llurke Huperloi Court In ) favor of H. A'Gray. Due mouse colored mare mule, levied upon | as the property of ,L W. Grubbs, to satisfy a j ll la issued from llurke Hupei turCoUI't III lav or of W. MeCiltliurn. One mouse colored male mule, ubout II years old, named llagar, levied nil as Ibe property of W. II. Jones lo satisfy a II fa Issued ironi niirkc County Court lu favoi of liuUI- wiu X Co. PitIIIN*Ally's NOTH'K.x, G. 1'. Lively, executor of t he estate of Elisha llaymans,deceased applies for lellers dl/hilx- xor> from said estate. Will he passed upon first Monday ill December. Mrs. Eliza Daniel, admtulslrlx of Major Daniel, deceased, applies to me for lelters dlsmlssory from said estate, Will he passed upon llrst Monday lu December. Carlton Attaway lms applied for Idlers of admlnlslrnllon upon tin' estate of E. A. Was- den, late of said county, deceased. Will he passed upon the llrst Monday In December. Notice to Applicants lor Retail of Spirituous Liquors. The majority of the l 'ommlxxloncrx of Roads and Re; enuc of llurke county, Ga., hy virtue of the authority vested in them bv law, have dedded Irom ibis dale o refuse all applicants for sale of sjil i'll no us liquors el I her by whole sale or rdull. This Nov. titti, lss:l. .1 Flit lit) THOM AM, W. .1. WI.MIIKRI ' THAT THOSE WHO HAY ONE WEEK THEY REDUCE GOODS FROM *1 TO ,'A) CENTS, AND N EXT FROM FI FTY CENTS, TO 25 CENTS, ARE TELLING T1IE TRUTH NO SENSI RLE PERSON RELIEVES. In our business career we have always deliberately avoided tills method of attracting public attention. Whatever wo slate in the newspapers we hold ourselves ready to perform at all times and without qualification, and we are happy to he able to say truthfully—and this Is our reward ns well as our t riliute and compliment to the intelligence and common sense of t he people—that t he results in our business are most grat ifying and satisfactory This year, notwithstanding sliort crops and general complaint about tr.ule, we have so far sold more Goods than ever before, and we t rust that t lie close of I be season will Ii ml us able to make the same report. Wo always keep on band the FINEST STOCK OK DRY GOODS obtainable, both Foreign and Domestic. . Wo do not take one article—the market price of which everybody knov.s—and sell ll away below its value and put three profits on the next article the customer buys; but we put the very closest prices on all our Goods. We will not allow ourselves to he undersold on Domestics, and on the El nor Grades of Goods we will meet any mark; t in the United States. Samples forwarded by mail on application, and orders tilled promptly and carefully. 1)ALY & A RMSTRONG Not like Sherman’s March to the Sea, which brought desolation ami ruin to every home; hut a March, the Music of which will fill your heart with delight, iill your pocket with Saved R 011t , c and bring pleasure lo every Household. W r o Lead off Bv Offering to the Trade sop28’8!tam Masonic Temple Augusta, Ga. AS,; LV, Vi 1 .1. .1. .IONEH, , Wsi.t’. I’ALMER, U. O. WAHNOt/K. J Coin’s. © © s-> rfl +S C/2 © b/3 h-3 © C72 © m hJD © © H © o © 02 © © CO © © C/3 r-t- £ c © co XVe Wish to say a few plain words to the citizens of Burke. A good many of you will ask you reel veil The Question: “ II ‘here is the Best Blare to Buy Boots and Shoes?” We waul your patronage and have a good claim on you, for ours Is a SPOT CASH HOUSE, Ihiying for CASH anil Selling for CAHII wo can always give the Lowest Living Prices. Call On Us B4 Buying. N. W. Murpliey and Son, ocus'8!!hm 504 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. BLOW! BLOW! Assert Your Rights, For Reward is Just. BUT WHEN WE SAY THAT OUlt ItEADY MADE CLOTHING, For men and Roys cannot besrpassed In extent and quality by any house In this section we say that which a visit will demonstrate to he true. Our Assortment Is full and complete, Gur Clothing possesses only one paeiillnrlt v that we know of, namely; our Low lTietoilo not Indicate the high quality of the goods. Cull and he convinced. APPEL BROTHERS, ONE PlilCL C L O r r 11 I E R 8 & I r A T T E R S, oe.'i’SJnm 10tl CONGRESS STREET, (Ot>poslle Market), SAVANNA 11, GA. Pendleton Foundry & Machine Works. CHAS. F. L0MBA1W, Prop. TJ VII. PEA7) L E'TO.A) Sup. .MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Mill Machinery and Supplies, No. G15, 017 and G10 Kollock Street, Augusta, Georgia. 1 do not run Kill hands, nor east e\cry day, but I tun lirepar, d lo do all kinds of casting In Iron and brass at short not lei . Am i praelli nl maehhiist m; :d f and g|\- personal atten- t on to all repair work. Am prepared to do an v I Id ng In the win of mill work. Keeps hand a full stock ofSteaui Ehilngs, I’aeklng, Elies, Valves, .Ve, .Ml work guaranteed. (”, respondenco s.illelted. sep'’S'S;',h IW. LEVY &, GO., DEALERS IN O C 1M n I HZ Just received a Fresh Supply of Fine Can Goods und Hi'iivv Grouerlcs. All kinds of Goods that can lie found In mi.; IT Its l’-i LASS GROi'ERV HOUSE. We have GOUD ELI lU R at from four to seven dollars per lliii'ivl. All IHuds of WHISKIES and WINES All we ask Is a trial before buying. GOGHS HKLIYKUKU FREE lothedepot. ALECK 11 KATtI Is with ns and ;; 'll lie glad to see Ids friends in llurke county. oetl'J’tclam I W MflVV mill ( 'll "IM'oslle the Augusta Hotel, t». i> . Jilj > l mill LU,, 010 Uroml Street, Augustu, Clu. 1,319 dozen Men’s White and Colored Bordered Ilandercliiofg (fust colors) at 39c. dozen. 32G dozen Children’s White and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs (fast colors) at 31} to Goc. doz. 283 dozen Towels, assorted styles, at 54c. doz. 209 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, G7 to 97c. doz. 384 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, at 81.Hi to 82.87 933 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 37k’. doz. 977 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 49 to 55c. doz. 894 doz. Men and Women’s Hose'nnd Half Hose at G2. 1 , to 75c doz, 943 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose (varied styles) 97c, to 82.?7 i. 32 Bales Best Domestic Plaids at 7 to 8c. 57 bales Graniteville 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 at Factory Prices. 27 cases Standard Prints at 4, 47, 5, 5] to Gk. 2G cases Kentucky-Jeans, at 9, 10, 1 If, 14, L8,f to 21c. 5 cases, Dicky, Maryland, Cassimere at 49c. til cases White and Red Wool Flannel at 1 If to 32-k. 2,000 pounds Ball Sewing Thread, best at 27c. * 21 cases Gray, Silver and White Wool Blankets Irom G7c. up Georgia Plaids, Twills, Bunch Yarn, Knitting Cotton etc., etc. We merely give you the above that you may form an idea of the IMMENSITY of this Large Stock. Our Notion Department Is the Largest in the City, or as Large as any in the South, ca vry t h i n g E ve ry th i n g. Best Needles at 77k. per thousand. Pins in packs at 34c. Suspenders 82fc. per doz. up. Pens 3Ge. gross; worth 50c. Thousands of Little Things that we can’t now think of, such as Pencils, Paper, Envelopes, Glues, Polishes, Buttons, Thimbles, Bindings, all Styles, Beads, Ornaments, all kinds of Brushes, Combs, Threads, ike., &c. We have Four Floors crowded to their utmost capacity to carry this Large Stock, besides running Double Packing and Shipping Rooms in the basement. V T II K r 11 Y I This is whaCthe Ladies want to hear about. We told them some weeks since in the Citizen of something we had and were receiving, and since that time our place has been crowded. Wej are always glad to see you. Come again. As you enter our vast Bazar of Fashion, with its Shining Sea of Beauty, you are attract ed by our Elegant Dress Goods Stocks !\ In stacks and piles on the left. l)o you know that wo are se ing a very Pretty Brocaded Goods .at G jc..; beautiful colors! Think of it. As you pass farther down your eye is met by those Elegant Flannel Suiting at 25 to 72 l-2c., 22 1-2 to G4 inches wide; then! the Beautiful Jersey Cloth, Radzimas, Trieott, Heavy Black Silks,| Colored Silks, Satins, Velvets, the richest in the South, compris ing all the New Shades, such as OX BLOOD. MANDEI!INE,&, with all the Novelties in Laces, Elegant Chenille Fringes—Bronze,I Jet, India Ink, Silver and Burnt Silver Buckles and Leather| Clasps to trim with. Mourning- Dress Goods.) We have the Finest in the South—easiest prices. In Sash and Neck Ribbons, wo beat the World. Notions and] Hand Bags—you can spend an hour in this department, anil never miss the time. HOSIERY, GIjOYKH, Are. We always had the reputation of keeping th (> moat stylij Goods in this line. Its now up to its full standard embracing all the Novelties. CLOAKS, J1H1SEYS, AC. Ask the Salesman to show you through this Department. ^1 a perfect treat to go through and see those Elegant SealskiN ranging in prices as high as 890.00. We commence our ('b>aks,f in Ladies’ sizes, from 97 l-2c. up, and Elegant Jerseys at S2-o0. CRUM CLOTHS, MATS, &c, Wo have added to this Department Mats and Door lh | r‘ s ' start at 87 l-2e. up, 3G inches long; Oil Mats, 47 l-2e. "F Crumb Cloths, SG.75 to 812. DECO RATI \ E ART—Nothing can be more attractive than Pretty Picture Counter. Wo are selling thousands. 1 herear|| many thousands of little Things we are selling that wo " ||UI | gladly cull your attention to if we had the space. You notice'^1 have alre idy idled Two Columns and the half has not been '"‘I Como to Richard's Con;or and see if all wo have said is true gel our Pricos; thou you will have nothing to regret when F, I neighbor tolls you oftho Bargains, she got at our place, only ’I sorrow of o hors will cast a shadow over you. ABIvM* ■ | TENT I ON SH )\VN TO EVERY UST0MEIL v. Richards & soi Riel Girds’’ ( ’otikm*, ^"CTGf-"CTB r :r^, : : : a- octlJ’S-'tlm