The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 30, 1883, Image 2

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u_r^__ (The ®Sme The Survival op the Fittest. WAYNESBORO, (IA., NOVKMHER:l(l. 1888. RIOT IN BURKE! TIIK KYI.VASIA TKLKPHONK. HON. It. A. IIKINSON ANI» TIIK CITIZEN. I ilo net like llioi*. Hr. Ki ll, The renHoii why I etmnot tell— lint I do not like lliee, Dr. Kell. During fair week, I,on. It. A. Brinson, Represen tat i ve f rom Her i v- on county, was in Waynesboro.— Meeting Mr. Brinson, anil recoyniz- iny in him ail the elements of a high-toned, honorable, genial gen tleman, we were pleased to meet him, and after the usual greetings, we ventured some light remark in reference to the noise which the Sylvania Tephone and Athens Ban ner- Watchman had lately been ma king itbout the expense which the late extra session of the Legisla ture had been to the State. The remark was met in the same joc ular manner—the remark and reply both being of so trivial a nature, and of no interest to the public, that we took no note of them, and to day do not remember either. In our issue of that week, dated No vember 9th, as is our custom, we took notice of Mr. Brinson’s visit to our city, In .which innocent para graph, in the composition of which there lurked no deadly poison, nor under whose cover lay In fold no envenomed serpent ready to strike, w» refereh to this charge of extra expense to the State, but in so light, so trivial a manner that “a wayfar ing man, though a fool” even though he were the editor of the Sylvania Telephone, could not, nor do we be- Jeive lie did understand it in any other light than that of a jest. This is the first chapter in this history; the second is tinged with a darker hue, and we proposed) show before we are done to what base schemes men who are seeking places for which neither nature nor nature's (lod has ever endowed them with the capacity to fill will stoop to achieve their nefarious de signs. In this instance, however, by way of parenthesis, let us stop to say that a liorrorscope with the power of a thousand magnitudes and a forty feet field-glass, cast adown the dim vista of the future cannot discern even the ghost of a chance. When we first saw and appreciated the infinite littleness of this hon orable (?) editor, this u\ J. mat hews, we were inclined to treat the whole matter with that silent contempt which such action merits at the hands of all honorable men. But Avhen, after reflecting, we saw through the transparent scheme of this Ransey Sniffle, and that he was attempting to injure an innocent man for what for we alone, publicly or privately, art' responsible, we de termined the public should know the facts, and now proceed to give them. In the first place, as said above, the paragraph upon which this w. (. mat hare seeks to predicate his at tack from behind the bushes upon an innocent man, was nothing more than a jest—and it bore that con struction upon its face. In the sec ond place we do not exchange with the Athens Banner-Watchman, and there was no way under heavens for that paper to have come into possession of that innocent little paragraph with such celerity ex cept by the hands and through the agency of the editor of the Tele phone, and who was swift to pub lish comments unfair and injurious to Mr. Brinson, and as quick to dodge being the excuse that he only reproduced what the Watch man had already published. But whether he sent the paragraph away or not, and if he had had any thing to say in the premise, how much more manly it would have been for him to Rave said it under his own editorial head let the peo ple of his county be the judges. But IMobody Killed F O Fv F IT LX P A R T I C II L A R S WILKINS & BERRIEN, GA. Their Stock is Complete in every Line, and Prices so Low that they Defy Competition. MR. DICK BERRIEN cordially invites all of his Burke county friends and the public generally to cal) on him, and see how much pleasure it will afford himself and Clerks to show them over our IMMENSE STOCK. We sell everything at Bottom Prices, and have BUT ONE PRICE FOR ALL !!! Milieu pays more for Cotton, Hides and Country Produce than any city in the State. Give us a call and see that we mean just what we say. Look at Milieu quotation^ in this issue. That Most of the Dry Goods Advertisements of the Present Day. -CONSIST OK- Mrs. ET. Brum Clark ? 819 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Is now opening up all the leading styles of Fall and Winter Millinery As Well as a handsome assortment of—— Senseless Trash and Bombast. Borrowed, Hashed and Rehashed for Consumption AMONG THE SOUTHK.IIN PEOl’LE, IS ALUEAQ Y WEDL KNOWN TO E v e r* y T n t e 11 i g e n t l \ e a cl e r. RICHARDS* (IRANI) MARCH. Not like Sherman’s March to the Sen, which brought desolation and ruin to every home; but a March, the Music of which will fill your heart with delight, fill your pocket with Saved P ence and bring pleasure to every Household. We Lead off Offering THAT THOSE WHO HAY ONE WEEK THEY REDUCE GOODS FROM *1 TO 50 CENTS, AN D NEXT KHOM FIFTY CENTS, TO 25 CENTS, ARE TELLING THE TltUTH NO SENSIBLE PERSON IJELlEVEH. In our luminous enreor wo lmvc always deliberately avohloil Oils method of attractliiK public attention. Whatever wo state in the newspapers we hold ourselves ready to perform at all times and without qualifloalion, and we arc happy to be able to say truthfully—and this Is our reward us well as our tribute and compliment to the InlelllKeiiee and common sense of the people—that the results in our business are most p ratify lot? and satisfactory This year, not withstanding short crops and general complaint about trade, we have so far sold more Goods than ever before, and wu trust that the elosT of the season will Hud us able to make till' Htuno report, Wo always keep on hand the FINEST STOCK OF DRY' GOODS obtainable, both Foreign and Domestic. We do not. take one article—the market price of which everybody knows—and sell II away below Its value and put three profits on the next article the customer buys; hut we put the very closest prices op all our Goods. We will not allow ourselves to he undersold on Domestics, and on the Fiber Grades of Goods we will meet any market in the United States. Samples forwarded by mall oh application, ami orders tilled promptly and carefully. DALY & ARMSTRONG FANCY GOODS; Our variety of NOTIONS has never been surpassed. We have everything needed for a ladies’outfit in Millinery Neck Wear, etc., etc. A very good supply of “Fancy Work” Material, Felts, Fringes, Stamped Towels, Tables Covers, Tea Cloths, &c., &c. Send orders to MRS. NsT. BRGM CLARK To have them carefully and tastefully filled. oct.HV83.Jy REMEMBER. Remember till his store with good) announce his Bargains IN THIS AGE OF SHARI* COMPETITION, when every line of business Is crowded to Its utmost capacity, the merchant must not only till his store with goods calculated to please the people in hoth quality and price, but he must announce his and Inriiippmpntc clearly and forcibly to the dill) IllUutclllClIlb public. I am prepared this season lo meet the wants of the people In a manner which must give satisfaction I o each and every patron. Sly TV o a n cl Non s o n a 1> 1 <» G o <> cl ss Will meet the expectations and desires of the most economical purchaser, being careful selections of the latest styles. T n TV 11 I ) e p a r t m e n t s. No branch of my bossiness receives more careful attention than my WATER-OAK 'S.. POULTRY YARDS. BREEDER OF Pure Pit Game Fowls All of my Birds are Imported Stock. KY. DOMINIQUES, BLUE HERON, WHITE ALBUM. 11. II. REUS, and DO SI. CROSSES. Eggs In Season. I lake pleasure In being able to assure the lovers of Fancy Poultry that my Yards are Stocked with as Pure Blooded, and Reliable Strains of Game Fowls ns oan he found In America. These birds has no equal as Egg Producers. Prices Healed to meet requirements. Mule Birds Vi, $1. ft). $8 mid ♦lb- Females Haim- Price. Pairs |6 to |Bi. Trio’s pi lo 121. 1 trders Solicited, ADDRESS: J . G. B YJYE, m* pJI’A’Illil Waynesboro, Ga. GOODS DEPARTMENT, DRESS egni _ My Goods were PURCHASED FO DISCOUNT to MY CUSTOMERS Comprising Elegant Patterns, Latest Styles, Unique Novelties, with all kinds of Trim mings to mutch. My Goods were PURCHASED FOR CASH, and I Intend to give the bene tit of the yourself that such Is really true, I only ALL NUMBERS to All. It will cost you nothing to thoroughly convince ask that you call and see for yourself. DUTCH BOLTING CLOTH OF Polite Attention Shown JAMES MILLER, Miller’s Cornei, AUGUSTA, - - GA. sep28’83am Masonic Temple Augusta, Ga. to the Trade THE “BOSS” TALKS- > 1,319 dozen Men’s White and Colored Bordered Handerchiefs (fast colors) at 39c. dozen. 32G dozen Children’s White and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs (fast colors) at 311 t° 65c. doz. 283 dozen Towels, assorted styles, at 54c. doz. 209 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, G7 to 97c. doz 384 doz. Towels, assorted styles, beautiful borders, at 81 1G to $2.87 933 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 37 |c. doz. 977 doz. Men’s Brown and Striped Half Hose at 49 to 55c. doz. 894 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose at 62£ to 75c doz 943 doz. Men and Women’s Hose and Half Hose (varied styles! 97c, to $2.? 71 32 Bales Best Domestic Plaids at 7 to 8c. 57 bales Graniteville 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 at Factory Prices. 27 cases Standard Prints at 4, 4|, 5, 5| to 6{>c. 2G cases Kentucky Jeans, at 9, 10, Ilf. 14, 18*$ to 21c. 5 cases, Dicky, Maryland, Cassimere at 49c. 16 cases White and Red Wool Flannel at Ilf to 32^c. 2,000 pounds Ball Sewing Thread, best at 27c. 21 cases Gray, Silver and White Wool Blankets trom G7c. Georgia Plaids, Twills, Bunch Yarn, Knitting Cotton etc., etc. We merely give you the above that you may form an idea of the IMMENSITY of this Large Stock. Our Notion Department) Is the Largest in the City, or as Large as any in the South, I carry th ing E very thing. Best Needles at 77ic. per thousand. Pins in packs at 34c. Suspenders 82 Ac. per doz. up. Pens 36c. gross; worth 50c. m Thousands of Little Things that we can’t now think of, such as Pencils, Paper, Envelopes, Glues, Polishes, Buttons, Thimbles, Bindings, all Styles, Beads, Ornaments, all kinds of Brushes, Combs, Threads, &c., &c. We have Four Floors crowded to their utmost capacity to carry I this Large Stock, besides running Double Packing and Shipp Rooms in the basement. ay. Sell Goods on long time*. Muko very few rash sales. Jluy from Jobbers, pay high prices and on long time. Hell $*20,<MKI worth of Goods amumlly at a profit of 40 per cent; prolit $8,000 Way. Cush. No Credit Buy from manufacturers only, and for Cash, thereby getting discounts. Hell $75,(HK) worth of goods amumlly at n prolltof'JO per cent {profit $15,000 MURPIIEY prefers “The New Way,” “The greatest gocxl to the great est number,” Every customer getting the benefit of “Large Sales and Small Profits,” N. W. Murphey and Son, Shoe Jobbers and Retailers, oetm'siihm 5 64 Broad street, AUGUSTA, GA. 5 Questions. 4 Answers Men Youths, Boys Who Need A STTXT, OVElKCOjiLT ox KC-A-T SHOULD CONSIDER THESE POINTS: First, Are the Prices Right? Second, Are the Goods Durable? Third, Does it Fit Well? Fourth, Is it Fashionable? Fifth, Is it Becoming? Cooke’s Clothing and Hat Store, 711 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. GA., Gives These Reasons for Being Able to Meet Your Requirements; FIRST. Wi* have every advantage that experience and ample capital call give, and know our prlecN are the Lowest. SEUON D. From observation we know which fabrics wear best, and It Is to our Interest to give satisfaction. TH I III). We never knowingly allow an Imper fect cut garment In enter our store. FOURTH. We have a resident buyer la New York, who keeps thoroughly posted. FI FT FI. This question you must answer for yourself, W HOLES A LE AM W ELL AH RET A11. Ml V ERH will II ml Hint they can secure Bargains ut our Store. HkD" Gouts’ Underweur, Satchels, &c. FOR .f. U. LUDLOW & CO., 711 Uroad Street, Augusta, Ga. oetlll'nJam A. W. BLANCHARD, Synopsis of Legal Advertisements. Hit Kill EE SALEH. Will he sold before the Court House door on the llrst Tuesday In December, the following property to-wlt: Undivided half Interest in remainder of Win. II. Bullard, being the undivided half In terest In remainder of Win. II. Bullard, after death of Mrs. 11. L. Bullard under will of Needham Bullard deceased, In all that tract of land lying in said county of Iturke, known as the Needham Bullard home place, contain ing l.ian acres, adjoining lands of W. .1. Ran dle, estate of .1. F. Carswell and Mrs. W. A. Walker. Also one troll gray horse mule, one black man* mule, one two horse wagon. All of said property, real and berm mill, levied on as the property of Win, 11. lhilluril tosatlsy a It hi Issued from llurke favor of S. A* Gray. One mouse colored mare mule, levied upon as the property of J. W. Grubbs, to satisfy a tl fa Issued from Burke Superior Court In favor of W. McCuthcrn. Due mouse colored mare mule, about II years old, named_ 11 agar, levied on as the PHDlNAUY’g NOTICES. G. 1*. Lively, executor of the estate of Ellslm llayimins,deceased applies for lellers (IInuiIh- sory from said estate. Will he passed upon llrst Monday III December. Mrs. Eliza Daniel, udmiulstrix of Major Daniel, deceased, applies to me for letters dlsmlssory from said estate, Will he passed upon llrst Monday In December. Carlton Attaway lias applied for letters of administration upon the estate of E. A. Was- den, late of said county, deceased. Will lie passed upon the llrst Monday In December. Notice lo Applicant for Retail o! Spirituous BLOW! BLOW! Assert Your Rights, For Reward is BUT WHEN WE SAY THAT OUR READY MADE A T RET A L Just. For men and Boys cannot lie srpassod In extent and quality by any house in this section wo say that which a visit will demonstrate to he true. Our Assortment Is full and complete, Our ('lothlog possesses only one peculiarity that we know of, namely; our Low l'rlcei do not Indicate the high quality of the goods. Cull and be convinced. APPEL BROTHERS, < > > i : PHICE C L O T IT I E R S & H A T T E R S, i ice’s: tain 168 CONGRESS STREET, (Opposite Market), SAVANNAH, GA. Pendleton Foundry & Machine Works. ('HAS. F. LOMBARD, Prop. WM. PENDL ETON, Sap. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN- property of \V. B. .limes to satisfy a II fa Issued from Burke County Court la favor of Ulilit- Thc majority of tin* Com miss loners i if Roads Superior Court lu|and Revenue of Burke county, Gib. by* virtue of the iiiltiiority vested inthem bylaw, have decided from Inis date lo re I use ail applicants lor sule oi spirituous liquors either by whole- retail. Tills Nov. Ilth, 1888. JETHRO THOMAS,) W. J. WIMBERLY, .1. J. JONES, VCorn's, Wm. U. CALMER, | G. O. WAHNOCK. J nvO'Mbt sale or i Mill Machinery and Supplies, No. G15, 617 and 619 Kollook Struct, Augusta, Georgia. 1 do not run IU> hands, nor east every day, l/ut I mu nrepnml lo do all kinds of eusllng in I con mill Brass in short notice. Am n practical machinist niysulfiiiidglvcpcrsonuluttoll- lion lo all repair work. Am prepared lo do anything In the way of mill work. Keeps on hand it full slock of Steam Fittings, Ducking, Files, Valves, Ac, All work guaranteed. Cor respondence solicited. I'pis's'tby J. W. LEVY & CO., DEALERS IN - i X .1 list u o c u: li i u: ©. el veil This is what the Ladies want to hear about. We told some weeks siuce in the Citizen of something we had and werel receiving, and since that time our place has been crowded. Wei are always glad to see you. Come again. As you enter our vast I Bazar of Fashion, with its Shilling Sea of Beauty, you are attract-[ ed by our Elegant Dress Goods Stocks / In stacks and piles on the left. Do you know that we are selil ing a very Pretty Brocaded Goods at 6^c.; beautiful colortf Think of it. As you pass farther down your eye is met by those Elegant! Flannel Suiting at 25 to 72 l-2c., 22 1-2 to 64 inches wide; theiil the Beautiful Jersey Cloth, Radzimas, Tricott, Heavy Black Silks! Colored Silks, Satins, Velvets, the richest in the South, compel ing all the New Shades, such as OX BLOOD. MANDERINE, with all the Novelties in Laces, Elegant Chenille Fringes—Bronze,! Jet, India Ink, Silver and Burnt Silver Buckles and Leather| Clasps to trim with. Mourning Dress Goods] We have the Finest in the South—easiest prices. In Sash and Neck Ribbons, we beat the World. Notions anti Hand Bags—you can spend an hour in this department, an»| never miss the time. HOSIERY, GLOVES, We always had the reputation of keeping the most sfyii'l Goods in this line. Its now up to its full standard enibnuu all the Novelties. CLOAKS, JERSEYS, &C. Ask the Salesman to show you through this Department. ^ a perfect treat to go through and see those Elegant Sealskin ranging in prices as high as $90.00. We commence our t lea in Ladies’ sizes, from 97 l-2c. up, and Elegant Jerseys at S-* 0 - CRUM CLOTHS, MATS, &c* We have added to this Department Mats and Door h u start at 87 I-2c. up, 36 inches long; Oil Mats, 47 1J C - Crumb Cloths, $6.75 to $12. DECORATIVE ART—Nothing can he more attractive than Pretty Picture Counter. We are selling thousands. lhere many thousands of little Things we are selling that we " ul gladly cull your attention to if we had the space. 5 on notm ■ have already filled Two Columns and the half has not been 0 Come to Richard’s Corner and see if all we have said is true get our Prices; then you will have nothing to regret wheni' neighbor tolls you of the Bargains, she got at our place, on*) ^ sorrow of others will cast a shadow over you. AHKM • ] TENTION j I ) V 7 V ) H VERY LJOMElt. V. RICHARDS & SOI Flesh Supply of Fine Cun Goods anil Heavy Goods Unit I'lili hu limiul In mi) FIRST-l’LASS GRnCERV HOUSE. Wo huvt* GOOD FLoC R at from four lo seven dollars pm* Hurreb All kliuls of WHISKIES mill WINES. All in* auk Is it trial bi'fniv ImyliiK- GOODS DKI.IVEltED FREE lo tin* ill l*nt. ALECK 1IEAT11 U with iin mill will lit* tfliul lo ni*i* IiIn I'rlvutlK In Burke county. 00tl3'88(km T \v T 1,'VV 011.1 CO Opposite the AUtfUHtu Hold, .J. ». Lu V 1 UIIU IU., till) liroiul street, AiiKUNtn, On. IIidmr<W Corner, a- octWHillni