The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, June 16, 1900, Image 2

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§ht §rm §itizett. The Survival of the ittest. WAYNESBORO, GA„ JUNE 16, 1900 -CV* » It is hot eno j Biff—bam—bop — Wow!! jim’ny, ouch!!! The “boxers” are on a strike in China and Saint Louis. - Atlanta is threatened with anoth- ~ paranoiac. His name is Hoey. For the heaviest of all yokes it 3 yoke of the stranger.^—Macau -~y- Are there any real statesmen or poets who part their hair in the middle? Now for it again as the little boy said when he ran against himself.— McKinley\ It is about time bank, robbing be politely called Aguinaldoiug—mov ing the capital. “I’ve had forty wars and was right every time—douncberknow.” Victoria Regia. The British crown would have cut a poor figure in the Transvaal war, but for its coionial help. The Boers seem to halt now and their treking to capture 400 or 500 British.—A ugusta Herald. Thieves are stealing the historic cannons from Chicamauga Park to sell to the Chattanooga junk shops. The obituary of the Transvaal has been published generally, but Kruger has not furnished the corpse yet. Well yes, why doesn’t the prince of Wales go to the front? He is a plumb dead-head and in the way at home. Sandersville has lots of brains it it this week. Charley Bayne is ov er there. We are just speaking of the overflow. The train dispatchers swoopee down on Atlanta this week and took it in. Atlanta reciprocated,“av coorse, Hinnissy.” A committee in Atlanta is sitting secretly to find the mayor not guil ty, and he and his lawyer are both grumbling about it. According to British accounts the war in the Transvaal is over: accor ding to President Kruger’s say so, it Is over in the Transvaal. The cost of the war with Spaii and the Filipinos at the end of tht present year, closing June 30th, will be $482,562,083. —Augusta Chroni cle. The great issue this time will be Americanism versus imperialism; and next to it and of the vastest importance is the question of trusts against human rights and liberties. Mayor Woodward, of Atlanta, who was not backward in telling Admiral Dewey that Atlanta didn’t want him, is now hanging back in divulging the fact that Atlanta doesn’t want Woodward. Savannah and Charleston have boat-racing of vessels built at the North. What encouragement is this to Southern boat builders, and of what can the winner of a race boast ? And the entangling business has crossed the China Sea. Shall we ev er see the end of it? We shall have to elect a Democratic administra tion to do the work of striking it from the docket. The nig editor of the Bee threat ens to come to Georgia from Wash ington City and say it over agaiD about Augusta. Some of those fel lows up there say if he did there wouldn’t be enough of that coon left to feed a sick grasshopper. The Augusta Herald thinks At lanta has gone“Investigation mad.” She has not, Atlanta is doing what she should. If she has a drunkeD mayor who is Incorrigible put him out for the honor of the city. It will do more harm to the reputation of the city to let him remain. Yes, Sampson was really in the fight at Santiago bay, for the court of claims says so. What has history to do with it? Tho ten miles away didn’t he come up after the Colon had sunk and ram her with the New York? Huh! He gets big money on a technicality, but Schley gets the glory all the same. It must be pretty hard for the families and friends of the 10,000 Filipinos whom our troops have slain, for the people of Porto Rico whom we have double taxed and for the Cubans whom our agents have robbed, to believe that our scheme of expansion and imperial ism is carrying the design of Divine Providence.—Atlanta Journal. It appears that -Secretary Long for 2d place on the Republican tick et would give no satisfaction to that party, simply because the Sampson and Schley case would turn up to vex Secretary Long. It is argued that it would give Mary land to Bryan and make New York exceedingly doubtful. The iriends of Schley are laying for him and that makes the short and the Long ' the whole matter, The editor of the Augusta Chron icle advocates sending one of our senators, Bacon or Clay, to the Na tional Democratic Convention, for the very good reason that they un derstand the political situation bet ter than others who have not been at headquarters—the National Cap ital. The great and good old queen of England has reigned in the pro- foundest peace for 60 odd years. She has had only forty wars. What an awful quiet time! What il the ghosts of the many thousands of dead that were slain in those 40 wars should rise up and confront this peaceful old dame of the throne; would she turn pale? Not a bit. She would be too busy ad ding up what she had maue out of them. “Haviog them (the Philippines) we should show ourselves masters of the situation or turn the Islands over to the Filipinos and let them manage their own affairs.”—Savan nah News.” It seems that we can do neither It is just one of those frequent casei- of catching a wolf very indiscreetly by the ears which can’t be held and yet the catcher is ashamed to let go. We are badly in it with the Philippines. Gov, Roosevelt, formerly of the Rough Riders, has had his courage questioned severely here lately, Col. Bacon of the New York national guard quit them because he coulo not endure Roosevelt any longei aud turns on him in an alleged in terview. Col, Bacon is quoted as saying: “Resign! Of course I have re signed. I could not with any self- respect serve under a commander- in-chief who was a quitter and t peacock in Cuba and a coward ano moral assassin at home. What 3 say I say advisedly, and I serve no tice on the governor that I am ready any time to prove the trutL of my assertion.” If troubled with rheumatism, givt Chamberlain’s Pain-Balm a trial It will not cost you a cent if it doet ao good. One application will re lieve the pain. It Also cures spramt- and bruises in one-third the timt required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest glandu lar and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottk vvarranted. Price, 25 and 50c. h.b. MCMaster. Herndon. Correspondence Citizen. June 14.—Seaborn Jones is on the sick list. Miss Kate Chichester, of Rogers, is stopping at the Lewis house. Mrs. T. E. Watkins who has been spending several weeks with hei parents at Newnan, has returned home. Hoke Frasier, Mf. Carmel, S. C.. is visiting his Uncle, T. E. Watkins, at this place. Mr. W. S, Whedon, Cashier of the First National Bank of Winterset, Iowa, in a recent letter gives somt experience with a carpenter in his employ, that will be of value tooth er mechanics. He says: “I had a carpenter working for me who was obliged to stop work for several days on occount of being troublec with Diarrhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era aud Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He bought a bottle of it from the druggist here aud inform ed me that one dose cured him, and he is again at his work.” For sale by H. B. MCMaster. Telfairville. Correspondence Citizen. Mrs. J. W. Hillis, of Augusta, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. S. A. Powell at this place. Crops are looking better since the recent rains except at General Green’s head quarters. Miss Lizzie Lou McNorrill is vis iting relatives at Telfairville. Frank Godbee and Floyd Daniel attended the Hephzibah commence ment last week. Fish are not being caught easily. The mosquitoes have made a raid on our citizens this week. Hephzibah. Correspondence Citizen. June 11.—The Hephzibah High School closed with a very interest ing entertainment. Rev. J. W. Waller delivered the BaccalaureatesermonSunday morn ing The school building was crowd ed to an overflow. Prof. Jackson has tendered his resignation as principal and will leave in August for Forsyth, where he will take charge of the Normal Female College- Prof. Jordan San ford, of Crawfordville, has accepted the position made vacant and will -issume charge at the beginning of the fall term. l CONSUMPTION I never stops because the weather Jl is warm. § Then why stop taking $ SCOTT’S EMULSION f simply because it’s summer? J Keep taking it. It will heal your M lungs, and make them strong for | another winter. jf W 50c. and $1.00; all druggists, 6 Cokes Chapel. Correspondence Citizen. June 11.—The crops in this vicin ity art looking fine on account ot the refreshing showers of last week. Miss Lena Allen visited Mrs. W. E. Walker, who is sick at the Ce dars. Mr. E. A. and Miss Maggie Allen visited Augusta last wees. J. B„ Allen is very sick, we hope he will soon recover. Mrs. D. E. Nesbit and her bright little son visited her sister last week. Carrie aDd Edward Greiner are expected to visit their parents this week. Mrs. A. D. Wiggins is visiting rel atives in Augusta. Lawtonville. Correspondence Citizen. . June 14:—Cotton has been at a standstill on account of the cool nights, for the last few days it has commenced to put on new life. Miss Mary Clarke, of Stillmore, formerly of this place, spent a few days with friends here this week. Miss Moore, from Tennessee,accom panied her, they go from here to Augusta to spend sometime with friends. Sidney McCathern and Leslie Bell spent last week here. There will be preaching at this church on every first Sunday in stead of every fourth Sunday. There will be preaching at big Buck Head on the second Sabbath in July. Mr. Waller from Hephzi bah will preach. We desire a large congregation, if he meets with any encouragement he will preach once a month the balance of the year. Mrs. Warnock after a long and serious illness is improving slowly. We hope to see her out soon, and feeling all right. Capt. Joe. Bell is shipping some fine peaches from his Lawtonville farm, he is an up to date business man and has a fine farmer on his place. S. A. Perkins and family are spending some time at Indian Springs. Mrs. McMaster gave us a pop call Tuesday. We are always giad tc see Rosa. Capt.Bell and family spent Thurs day at their home here. Itch o’l human . cured In 30 minutes bj Woolford’s Sanitary .Lotion, This never fails. Sold by H. B.McMaster, Druggist. Low liouna Trip Tickets. Reunion B. P. O. Elk9, Atlantic City, N. J., July 10, 12, 1900. Fare and a third round trip on certificate plan, from all coupon stations on the Central of Georgia Railway via davannab and Ocean Bteamship Company. Half rates to Atlanta and return annual meeting B. Y. P.U. of South ern States, Atlanta, Ga., June 19, 21, 1900, Tickets on sale June 18th,and 19th, and for trains scheduled to ar rive in Atlanta fore-noon of June 20th, 1900. Final return limit June 23d, 1900. Midsummer Fair, Brunswick, Ga., June 26, 30, 1900. One fare rouno trip for individuals, from Chatta nooga, Tenn., Montgomery, Ala. Augusta and Athens, Ga , and inter mediate points. For military com panies, brass bands, iD uniform, 20 or more on one ticket,to one cent per mile in each direction. Tickets on sale June 25th to 29th,and for trains scheduled to arrive in Brunswick prior to noon June 30th. Final re turn limit July 2d. Barnesville Chautauqua, Barnes- ville, Ga., July 1, 9, 1900. One fare round trip from all points in Geor gia. Tickets on sale June 30th to July 6th inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive in Barnesville prior to noon of July 7th, fiual re turn limit July 10th, 1900. Atlanta Battlefield Reunion At lanta, Ga , July 18, 20, 1900. One fare round trip from all points in the South. Tickets on sale from points in Georgia July 17th and for trains scheduled to arrive in Atlanta prior to noon July 16th and 17th, final limit July 23d, 1900. Inter stale sboctiDg Tournament Warm Springs, Ga. June 25th, 27th, 1900 One fare round trip from all points in Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina, and from Jackson ville, Fla. Tickets on sale June 23d, and 24th, 1900, final limit ten days from date of sale. Excursion to Savannah, July, 9th. Central of Georgia Railway will sell excursion tickets Waynesboro to Savannah at rate of $1.50 for train leaving Waynesboro at 2:42 p. m Tickets will be limited returning to July 12, 1900. Visit Savannah, the ‘Forest City,” and take a trip to ••Tybee by the Sea.” J. C. Haile, G. P. A. Of all the open-air festivals for which various cities of the South are noted, not one appeals more ir resistibly to to the popular senti ment which associates the states south of Mason and Dixon’s line with flowers and sunshine than the Foral Parade given in Augusta,Ga., each April. This beautiful event, which this year was participated in by many of the most notable wom en ot Georgia, the Carolinas, Ala bama and Tennessee, is made the subject of an illustrated article in the July Delineator. Relief In Six Hoars. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease re lieved in six hours by New Great South- American Kidney Cure. It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick re lief aud cure this is the remedy. Sold byH. B. McMaster, Druggist Waynesboro, Ga. Dealers in Wall Paper, Shades, Mattings, Awnings Made to Order. WRITE US iFOR SAMPLES 934 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA. Georgia Railroad For information as to Routes. Schedules and Rates, both ;i ) write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable information. Jno. Ferguson, A.. Jackson, T. P. A„ G, F. &P. A. AUGUSTA, GA. S. E. MAGILL, , C. D, COX, Gen’l Agt. Gen’l Agt. ATLANTA. • ATHENS. V. W. HARDWICK, W. C. McMILLIN, Gen’l Agt. C, F. & P. A, MACON. MACON. M. R. HUDSON, W. M. McGOVERN. T. F, & P. A. Gen’l Agt. ATLANTA, GA. AUGUSTA. J . W C 0 0 L E Y , D E N T I S T, WAYNESBORO. - - GEORGIA, iffice at the Opera House, mv4.RRbv ORDINARY’S NOTICES. EORGIA—Bukke County,—Whereas, VJT R. M. Murphree. administrator of J. J. Murphree, late of said county, deceased, has applied to me for letters dismissory from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admorish all persons interested, to show cause, (if any can,) before me, at my office, at 10 o’clock, a. rn„ on the first Monday in July, 1900, why said letters dismissory should not be granted in terms of the law. This March 5th, 1900, GEO. F.COX, Ordinary. B. C, Ga. EORGIA—Bukke County.- Whereas, VJT S. * Watson Perkins, administiator ol Susan W. Perkins, late of said ccunty de ceased, has applied to me for letters dismis sory from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to show cause, (if any they can,) before me at my office, at 10 o’clock a. in., on the first Monday in July, 1900. why said letters dismissory should not be granted in terms of the law. This March 6th, GEO. F. COX, Ordinary, B.JC, Ga. EORGIA—Burke County.—Whereas, VJT W. E. Jones, administrator of the estate of Homer V. Godbee, late of said county deceased, has applied to me for letters dis- missory|from said administration. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to show cause, (if any they can) before me at my office, at 10 o’clock a. m„ on the first Monday in August, 1900, Why said letters dismissory should not be granted in terms of the law. This May 10th, 1900. GEO, F. COX, Ordinary, B. C., Ga.* F. O. Price, Att’y. G EORGIA—Burke County. -Whereas, Appraisers appointed to set aside a years’ support for Mrs. Mary E. McCuIlers, widow, and Sarah McCul'ers, her minor child, out ot the estate of John M. McCuilers, iate of said county, deceased, have filed their returns in my office. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to show cause, (if any they can,) before me at my office, at 10 o’cl’k a. m., on the first Monday in Juiy, 1900, whj said returns should not be made the judg ment of the court. GEO. F. COX, Ordinary, B. C. SHERIFFS SALE. W ILL be sold before the court house door in the city of Waynesboro, Burke coun ty, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July, 1900, tte following described property, to-wit: All that tract of land, lying, situate and being in the G7th district, Georgia Militia, of Burke county, Georgia, containing two hundred and tweniy-three ano one-lialf (223)4) acres, more or less, and bounded North by lands or Moses Rawls, East by waters of Savannah river, Soutli by lands of Mrs, Anna Stallings and West bv lands of Zacbariah Daniel, Lev ied on as the property of and in the posses sion of Caesar Proctor, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa., issued from the Superior Court of Burke county, Georgia, in favor ot May Spencer, against said Caesar Proctor. Written notice given. Purchaser to pay for titles. C. W. HURST, Sberitr.B. O. Lawson & Scales, Attys. Drone. Correspondence Citizen. June 14.—Mr. J. G,Cates and wife, of Jefferson, spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives. The farmers around hero have finished harvesting their wheat. Our school is making preparation for Its closing exercises which will take place on June 26. I will give you the names of farm ers who planted wheat this year,we have not threshed as yet: L. D. Hill, 40 acres. J. J, Hill, 4 acres. J. S. Cates, 8 acres. C. E. Walker, 8 acres. Elbert Green, col., 4 acres. Frank Carswell, col., 4 acres. Green Richard, col., 4 acres. Most of the wheat w T as planted on red gravely land and fertilized with cotton seed. I will give you the exact number of bushels in a few weeks. I think it will average 12 bushels per acre. J. S. Cates and little son went to Tybee on Tuesday and report a fine time. A. H. Blount passed through the village Wednesday. Mrs. W. L. Jeffers has been quite sick but is improving at this ‘ writ ing. Miss Edith Whitner has returned home after a weeks visit to Mies Susie Whitehead. $100— Dr. E. Detcbeon’s Anli-Diuretia May be worth to you more than *100 if you have a child who soils bedding from inconte- nence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once, il. Sold by H. B. McMaster, Druggist, SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect; May 6th, 1900. W ILL be sold before the court house door. in the city of Waynesboro, Burke coun ty, Ga„ between the legal hours of sale, on the- first Tuasday in July, 1900, the fol lowing described {property, to-wit: All that tract of land known as Lot No. 2, on a plot of seven hundred and lorty-one (7-11) acres, made by S. E. Clarke, containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, lying, situate and being in the 6lst district, G. M„ and being designa ted as the East half of lot No. 2 in said survey Levied on as the property of George Brown, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa„ issued from tlie Superior Court ol Burke county, Georgia, in favor of George A. Hamil, against said George Brown. Written notice given. Purchaser to pay for titles. C. W, HURST, Sheriff, B. C. Wm. E. Simmons, Att’y. Fishing :: Tackle . . Be9t Quality Lowest Prices. gjT NETS, &c., Y. A, HBMSTREST * BR0 M 623 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. mar24’I900 NORTHBOUND. .Mix'd No.4- lex Sc No.3- Daily (No.38 Daily tiV. Jacksonville (P. S) “ Savannah (So. Ry )...... 8 00s 12151 402) 7 45p 12 05a 4171 440r 4 48p 600p 4 38a 4 47a Ar. Columbia 6 00a Lv. Charleston, (So. Ry 7 00: 7 41a 11 OOp 1200nt “ Branchville 8 55a 9 23a 1 55a 10 15a 4 30a Ar. Columbia 1100a 5 55a Lv. Augusta, {So. Kv.) Lv. Gramtevilie ... .* *2 OUii 2 45a 3UUp 331p 930p 1015p HOp 320p Lv. Aiken 400p 4 14p 5 5Jp 610p 703p 7 51p 823p 9 lOp 11 OOp 1120p 210a 6 15a 7 20a 8 10a Ar. Columbia, (U. D.) Lv. Columbia, (Bldg St “ Winusboro 9 30a 8 47a Ar. Charlotte 9 40a Ar. Danville 12 51a 138p Ar. Richmond 6 UUa 6 25p Ar. Washington 9 12a S50p 1125p 11 35a “ New York 2 03p 613a 11 40a Ar. Spartanburg 3 lOp 11 25a 2 50p 7 20p Ar. Knoxville 4 15a Ar. Cincinua'i 7 30p 7 45a Ar. Louisville 7 30pl 7 50a SOUTHBOUND. No.43 Mixd ex Su No.33 Daily No.35 Daily Lv. Louisville 7 45a 7 45p Lv. Cincinnati 8 30a 8 00p Lv. Knoxville 1 20a 8 00a 8 25a 3 05p 615p 9 45p 1145a At. Columbia 320p Lv. New York(Pa.K.K) “ Philadelphia :::::: ^30p 605p 8 27p 950p 1215ot 3 50a 6 22a Lv. Washi’gt’n (So.Ry) 1115a Lv. Richmond 11 OOp 1201m Lv. Danville 4 38a 5 48p 10 OOp 1045p 11 25p 1215a “ Rock Hill 9 02a 10 21a Ar. Columbia, (Bldg St 630p 1125a 120a 4 30a 1030p llOOp 133p 1 45p “ Trenton 648a Ar. Aiken Ar. Edgefield 4 25p {•7 30a 11 30a 1200nt 215p 250p 7 18a Ar. Augusta ."... *100a 8 00a 400p 4 43p 533p 615p 7 28p 815p 2 32a 345a Ar. Charleston 7 00a Lv. Columbia (So. Ry.) 1130a I242p ,250p 112p 127p 1 25a 2 37a “ Blackville 3 05a 3 20a 320p 7 40p Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) 9 25a Boils. Eczema. Rheumatism. Catarrh. DR. GILLAJI. A Trial Treatment Sent Privately by Mail Tree to All Who s uffer. If any man or woman suffering from any Blood or Skin Trouble, will write us,, we will send them free of charge and prepaid to desti nation. a trial bottle of Botanic Blood ijajm (B.B.B.), the famous Southern Blood Remedy, It iias permanently cured thousands of cases, some of 20 years standing, aud after doctors, hospitals and patent medicines had failed. Kemedy has been thoroughly tested for past thirty years aud is perfectly safe to take by old or young. B. It. B. is a scientific Discovery of Dr. Gillam the great Atlanta Specialist. Cures Made By Blood Balm. Allan Grant, of Sparta, Ga., cured of painful sore on lip, called epithelial cancer ; Julia E. tiihnson, Stafford P. O., S. C., cured of a terri- ea ing into holes. Blood Balm cured ( y sound and well. L. H. Sewell of Atlanta r-'" 1 ’ cured by four bottles of a terrible e-u C7’..V a, > on leg. J. J. Head of Athens, Ga.,had on hands, arms and legs, suffered five Vj"' 3 Blood Balm cured him. Mrs. M. L a Fredonia, Ala., had deadly cancer 'was ° f up to die by nine doctors, yet was cm-»d Rrttonlrt RIadH R n 1 m ITT T> -at . ^ d IJV catarrh by three bottles, but what need we say? We could fill this paper wns wonderful cures, and remember, ail ti, troubles are caused by Bad, Poisoned Blood*" the system, and Blood Balm cures because > forces all the poison outward, lienee the cannot be a return of tlie symptoms ere Don’t trifle with blood troubles, and remnm ber, even if sarsaparilla, tonics, doctors ami Calves have failed in your case, that p p n —Botanic Blood Balm—is different from inv thing else, and cures to stay cured. ” HOWTO OBTAIN BLOOD BALM. “'RITE FOR FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. If you are satisfied that Botanic Blood Balm is what you need you will find large bottles fu sale by all druggists for $1, orsix bottles (full treatment) §5. For free trial bottle enclosed stamps to pay postage on medicine onlv and address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga ’and bottle and medical book will be s, n t all charges prepaid. Describe your trouble’and we will include free personal medical advice. ‘Trains -46 and -14 (mixed except Sunday) arrive and depart from Hamburg. fDaily except Sunday. Sleeping Car Service. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. if! and 34—New York and Florida Ex press. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta aud New York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars be tween Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah. Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 36—U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room huffet sleeping cars be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull- innn sleeping cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Dining cars serve all meals enronte. Pullmaii sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jackson ville and Cincinnati, via Asheville, FRANKS. GANNON, J.M.CULP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. O. Washington, D. C W. A. TURK, S.H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag’t.. As’t Gen. Pass. Ag’t., ^ Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. Spring Attractions* At H0RKANS. With our usual good judgment, we have placed on sale for this Spring and Summer the finest line of Dry Goods ever shown in Augusta. ^£one3r Covints! We bought before the rise Low Prices for Cash. I aild took advantage of the low prices for cash. This is the store of the people. Your dollar stretch es like elastic at our store. You can get more for it from us than from aiiy store in the town. f P. D. HORKIN & C0.|) 842 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Perfectly Satisfied. Step in any Day and trv one of our SUITS, and you wdll be ‘ Satisfied Also. Light Weight Underwear, Neglig the the taste of all, and at pii- ces to please. J. Willie Levy, 844 Broadway, [AUGUSTA, : GEORGIA. Furnisher for Ladies, Men and Children. feb25,’99—by This good old phrase just about describes the way the gen tlemen greet the purchase of our new Serge Flannel Suits now in stock. We are showing the handsom est and largest line ever carried. There is good sense in the pop ularity of the light-weight cloth ing sold here. ee Shirts aud Straw Hats to suit The great Cut Priee sale of La dies’ Washable Shirt Waists and Skirts is still go ing on. When You Come Don’t forget to call at the AUGUSTA HOUSE FURNISHING CO 836 Broad Street, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, And inspect their immense stock of One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made tor. FURNITURE, MATTINGS AND RUGS. We do an exclusive Furniture Business, and will sell you any goods in our line at Low prices. See our stock and get our prices. When you have to be suited at other places. We will please in both. AUGUSTA HOUSE FURNISHING CO., mar31,1900— 836 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA- Receiving Daily . . . The most beautiful assortment of Stanhopes, Spiders, Surreys, Cabrio lets and Buggies ever received in this State—none could ever compare with them. We are also receiving from time to time a fresh assortment of fine Trunks, Satchels, Telescopes and Suit Cases —the besf line ever carried in Au gusta, at moderate prices. Dog Collars in great variety, a very large stoek. tf. H. COKERY, Augusta, - Georgia.