The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 03, 1900, Image 4

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\ msssssi'. DAY & TANNAHILL, AUGUSTA, GHA. An experience of':o years lias proved to us that, the Columbus Knjgy Co’s Buggies and Studebaker Wagons are the best goods for the price we ever handled. Wo are agents <n Burke, Jefferson a d Riclunond for both and heartily recommend them to our mends who want the full value for their money. septl5,lJ00-aro Mrs. A. IVL Wells. Thfe Quakers ire Honest I' i Dealer iu — Fashionable Millinery, Noyelties, & Notions, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, Etc., "W aynesfooro, : : : Greorgia. The ladies are cordially invited to inspect my stock before the} buy elsewhere. Yon can save mouev bv buying goods at home. , oct.8,lS9S. Don’t forget it Miss Mollie Murray, DEADER IN [fFiilS FREHCH^iaiLLIHERY,jSle|aiBlDHl,«HafS,"BSHN£TS NOTIONS. NO' ELTIES, ETC., A ngusta. Greor-o-ia. e Ladies of Burke county are invited to cal! and see my they need anything in 1 lie Millinery Line- goods and learn my prices when octk-t.1806 FO DOUBT You are familiar with the tact that we carry one of the largest stocks of CLOTHING for Men, Youths and Children in this section. The fit, the style, the price—is the talk of this town. Overcoats We have a wonderful selection. I. C. Levy’s Sons & Tailor-Fit Clothiers, AUGUSTA, - - GEORGIA. f' The Quaker Herb Tonic is not oniy a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, fr A Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. If acts as a tonic, it regu lates digestion. cures djspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous system. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney diseases, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effects upon the human system. Thousands of people in Georgia recom mend it. Price SI.00. _ QUAKER PAIN BALM is the medicine that the Quaker Doctor made all cf his won derful quick cures with . It’s a new and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Tooth ache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in the Bowels; in fact, dll pain can be relieved by it. Price 2oc. and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and com- p exion. Price 10.t. a cake. QUAKER HE A LI N G SALVE, a vege- tab'e ointment for the cure of tetter, eczema nd eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. To Dress Well Co., HORKAN’S GREAT BARGAINS! In seasonable and serviceable- P Give our order for a new fall suit to MANAU, The Tailor Waynesboro, Ga. His fall goods have arrived and are beau tiful. Examine them. BACON TO STUMP ILLINOIS. Plan Indorsed by the Loglslatur#. Election Returns Consolidated. Atlanta, Oct. 25.—The Georgia leg islature this morning gave its indorse ment of a plan of Senator A. O. Bacon to stump the state of Illinois in the in terest of Bryan and Stevenson. Senator Bacon wrote a letter to friends in the house asking their advice about the matter. The house could not offi cially advise him, but got around the difficulty by asking him to address both branches of the legislature on Nov. 2, after he has completed his tour of Illi nois. The entire giorning was spent in con solidating election returns. Routine work iu both houses will be taken up tomorrow. MANY BILLS INTRODUCED. 3Ieasure Prohibiting Child Labor Pre sented In the House. Atlanta, Oct. 26.—The house and senate got down to a little work today. Iu the house, Mr. Wright of Dougherty introduced his bill providing for an amendrhent to the constitution so that the old plan of appointing judges and solicitors general by the governor may agaiu be the order. Mr. Houston of Fulton and Mr. Wright of Floyd both introduced child labor bills, and Mr. Harvard of Dooly a bill seeking to prevent the sale, manu facture, or giving away, of cigarettes, and other members introduced many bills of minor importance. In the senate. Mr. Dennard sprnm his bill contemplating a chauge in the present manner of selecting judges and solicitors general, and Mr. Hardaway bill seeking to amend the code so that mutilation may be added to the present penalty for rape. HARDWICK BILL IN HOUSE. Measure Introduced Providing For the Acceptance of Soldiers’ Homd. Atlanta, Oct. 29.—The house did business in lightning fashion this morn ing—convening at 10 o’clock and ad journing at shorly after 11. The session opened with the usual flood of new bills, amongst which were Mr. Hardwick’s measure providing for the holding of a constitutional convention and Mr. Gary’s measure, providing for the ac ceptance of the soldiers’ home, and two bills calling for the repeal of the cele brated dog law. A resolution providing for a commit tee to draft resolutions upon the death of the late Clarence Kuowles, and an other providing for the appointment of a joint committee of five from the house and four from the senate to confer with the Brumby Memorial association for the purpose of co-operating with them behalf of the state, in their work, were adopted. Then, upon the motion of Mr. Hard wick of Washington the rules of the house were suspended and bills 1 to 28, inclusive, embracing all that had been introduced up to Saturday afternoon were put upon their second reading, pending the announcement of the com mittee appointments front the chair. This second reading was finished short ly after 11 o’clock, aDd adjournment was then taken. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, h b mc- Master will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most, successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never failes. It is pleasant, sate and reliable. TELEPHONES: Holi, 2S2 ; Stroger, 802. OFFICE ami WORKS North Augusta. YOONGBL0OD LIBER C ■J Manufacturers fHigli Grade,! Doors, Blinds, G lazed Sash JVIantels, Etc. STA, G-SOBG-I^ Mill Work ot all Kinds in Georgia Yellow Pine Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finishing, Moulding, Etc Car Sills, Bridge, RaiJrad and Special Bills t order. - - • (trade MARK R6GISTC3ED NO. 17433.) FROG POND CHILL AND FEVER CURE, THE ORIGINAL NO CURL NO PAY. 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. The old reliable the kind your fathers used to take. The one that never fails to cure. Don’t waste time and money- experimenting with new cures. But go for the best from the jump. Frog Poral is the ounce of prevention and pound of cure combined. Ask for it— take no substitute, if your merchant does not sell it write to us we will send it direct for 50 cents. DAVENPORT & PHINIZY CO Wholesale Druggists—Selling Agents. AUGUSTA, GA. For sale at wholesale by Itho Waynesboro Grocery Co. At retail at McMaster’s I rug Store,and The R. C. Neely Co.. Waynesboro Ga. juneH0.1900— 358. $) o c R s y§ as H. and Bli n n <, \ Mill Work ^ i OF EVERY DESCRIPTION YELLOW PINE LUMBER! FACTORY AND SAW MILL EQUIPPED WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! FULL LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED S = PRICES. CATALOGUES. ETC..UP0N APPLICATION. ■==— Perkins Manufacturing (To.Augusta.6a. i p—a—a——ag»»n mm i—iiii.gj GUARDIAN’S SALE. S 1 TATEOF GEORGIA—County of Burke Will be sold before the court house door, in the county of Burke, on the first Tuesday in Not ember, 1900, between the legal hours of sale, the foilowingdescribedproperty to-wit: A lot of land, lj'iug. situate and being in the city of Waynesboro, said county and state, fronting one hundred and five feet on Whit aker street, and running back a distance ot two hundred and ten feet and bounded North be W, A. Wilkins. East by lot of Mrs. M. .1 Oliver, South by Whitaker street, and West by lot of W, H. Dent, known as the Nannie D. Scott, lot. Said sale made pursuant loan orde>- passed at the October Term, 19 -0. of the court of ordinary. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for title and revenue stamps. JUDSON S. McELMURRAY, Guardian of Florence McElmurray. Lawson A: Seales. A ttys. TAX COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS. We are furnishing our friends and patrons with the best line of Dry Goods ever brought to this city. Just a few quotations to give you an idea what we have to furnish you with : Large-size Fleece-Lined, Extra-Heavy Vests for Men, Women and Children, at 25c. each. Hosiery, Belts, Corsets, Towels, Ready-Made Sheets, Pillow Cases, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Carpets, the finest line of white and red Damask ever seen in Augusta, tor 25c. a yard. Bundle Remnants ol Calico and Worsted and everything you want for yourselt and family, at the LOW PRICE TORE. P. D. HORKAN & CO., 842 Broad Street, AUGUSTA GA. Machinery of all Kinds. S- CK HjJLJSTCxj Sandersyille, Ga. Saw Mills, Engines, Boilers, Fittings, IVIowing Machines THRESHING MACHINES, &c. Gin Repairing, a Specialty. Orders from Bure county given special attention. [Jp’gP On all work sent in bv 1st of June next, I will pav FREIGHT ONE WAY! All work Guaranteed. MISS CARRIE SULLIVAN, governor's inauguration. DEALER IN Millinery, : Ribbons, Ruchings, Fancy Flowers. Feathers, Etc. A complete line of Children’s and Infants' Caps, Aats and other Novetties. 8 4 6 Broad t, Augusta, Ga Over Muiheriu’s Shoe Store. DR, CAPERS D. PERKINS * DENTIST * 606 and 608 Broadway, : AUGUSTA, GA Bell Phone 1675. Strower Phone27L Feb 19.'97— Allen D. Candler Takes the Oath of Office as Governor. Atlanta, Oct. 27.—Governor Candler was officially inducted into office this morning in the hall of the house of rep resentatives in the presence of the mem bers of the house and senate and a large number of citizens in the gallery. The senate filed into the legislative hall at that hour and the report of the committee appointed to arrange for the inauguration was read. Then the formal report of the joint committee which passed upon the elec tion returns was read. At this point the oath of office was taken and Allen D. Candler entered upon his second term as-governor of the state of Georgia. 63d. Oct. 1611i. Alexander, Nov. 6th 61th. “ 17th. Beaver Dam, “ 7th 68th. “ IStil. Girard, “ 8th 67th. “ 19th. Green’s Cut, “ 9tli 65 th. '• 23d. Tarver’s. “ 13th 72d. “ 25th. Gough, 61st. ■* 3(lth. Lawtonville, ■* 20th "3d. “ 31st. Midville, “ 21st 71st. Harrell’s “ 23d 61st. Milien. “ 27th 66th. McNorrill, “ 29th 71th. Herndon, Dec. -1th I will be in Waynesboro during court, also even- Saturday. Books positively close on the 20th of December Please govern your selves accordingly, as the time will not be extended after that time. This Sept. 6th. lf> n 0 .1 . M. WARD,!’. C. B. C. DR. GEO. A. PATRICK, (Formerly Winkler & Patrick DENTIST OFFICE, 626 Broad tr e el, SENSATION IN THE HOUSE. Augusta, Office Hours—8:30 a. 'teo.Vflf?— Georgia to 6 p.m. ^/V'fc9*3B3S g?®B”£T Cotton.Saw.Grlst, tL* EWE Si 6a B K. Oil and Fertilizer fyiSLL OUTFITS. Gin, Press, Cane Mill and Shingle Outfits Building, Bridge. FaC 10 Ind RaUro* d ^StlDgS. Railroad. Mill, Machinists’ and Factory supplies Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fitting., Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc. Cast every day; work ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON WORKSXSUPPLY CO.. AUGUSTA, GA. MOBLEY BROS., FOUNDERS MACHINISTS, Wayne boro, Ga. CASTS ’XUAlSICAo'SrS ana FEIBATS, ' Dealers in Grist Mills. Cotton Gins, Pressi es,' Feeders and Condensers and do all kinds of En- glue and Boiler repairing. BuildingGin Brushes and repairing Gins a specialty. All kinds of re done onshortnotice. We get upail kinds of mouldings, Window and door Junell’t8—him SOCIETY BADGES! Society Badges x Society Badges Made by i Manufacturer VV of Rubber f* Stamps Seals * Stencils Cotton Brands, &c.. 221 Campbell St., between Broad and Ellis, Augusta. Ga. aug3190o BE. W. DODGE, Mr. Wright’s Unusual Request—Uni form Text Books Brought Up. Atlanta, Oct. 30.—Mr. Wright of Floyd comity sprung a sensation iu the house today by asking that he he not made chairman of the committee on temperance, although he confessed he wanted and expected the place. His reason for asking to be not appointed was that Sam P. Jones demanded in a local paper yesterday that this appoint ment be made. Speaker Little said that, while he had promised the place to Mr. Wright, he would comply with his re quest and give it to some one else. Mr. Mitchell of Thomas introduced a bill calling for the appointment of a com mission to put uniform text books into use in Georgia. The house agreed to name a commit tee to act with the senate committee in investigating the Atlanta depot matter. Iu the senate Mr. Ellis of Bibb intro duced a resolution calling for the ap pointment of a joint committee of the house and senate to investigate a state ment made by Adjutant General Byrd fo the effect that there had been “crim inal looseness” in the handling of suo- plies furnished by the state during the administration of Adjutant General Kell. 623 Broad Street, Fins Guns, Pistols, - - - - - - and Sporting Goods, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA AIL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH. it no’, satisfactory return them at my and I will refund your money. expense | Case Goods. Goods in Bulk. Westmoreland Club Kve Whiskey, per 0 , d Fashion Hand Made Corn Whisker quart il.2-7 per gallon i2 00 w ’ Solace Baltimore Rye Whiskey, ten .select Pare RyeWhiskey per gallon *•’ on t, •V ei ‘n> o1<j > P e j' bottleI '?/' w , , Sunset Rye Whiskey, per gallon'?! 75. I adgelt s 8>ear old H. & 11. R.te Whis- p ure Holland Gin, per gallon t:;.7.j. ,, per<1J ;l ! ! ,,, r. • , Gibson’s Gold Medal Rye'Wli iskey, per E. Walters ft Los Baker Rye Whiskey, gallon $3.50, ’ ’ 1 per bottle *1 25. __ IK Z. Pure Rye Whiskey, per gallon s:j On Old select block Rye W luskey per qt. 7o. New England Hum, per gallon t.’.w) Wilson Rye \v hiske per i.“>ttle $1 0d. Pure Apple Brandy, per gallon $:j uo Pure Malt Whiskey, very tine, rer Pure Feac „ Brandy, per gallon *3.00. Lott.e tfi.UO. S. W.Gin, Dergallon *2.Uu. Old < .ooper Corn Whiskey, per qt. to. old ue e |!.7r eyCogn “ c Hrandy ’ p “ r bot ' Any other priced goods Pure 'pple Brandy, par bottle 75. fiirnitlipfl Pure Peacn Brandy,per bottle 75 luiinsjcu SeLct any four bottle you find priced iu this adv. and we will ship same by express PREPAID on receipt ol price. i handle the best productions of the oldest distilleries in the U. S. References : Union Savings Bank, Bradstreet, Dunn or any other business house m Augusta. J JL) staff Cor. Broad and McK/nne Sts. 1 1 m A UWtfVll, AUGUSTA. GA. j FRESH SEEDS Just arrived this week— mp. Ruta Baga Turnip, bite Flat Dutch Turnip. Red or Purple Top Turnip. Southern 7 Top Turnip. Yellow Aberdeen Turnip. Golden Ball Turnip. trapped Leaf Flat Dutch Turnip, and other varieties. Also—A Fresh Line of PURE DRUGS, for sale b H. B. McMASTER Druggist and Seedist, WAYNESBORO. GEORGIA. Long Cow Horn Turnip T. 0. BAILIE & 00., Wall Paper, JShades, flattings, Awnings Made to Order. JjggP' WRITE US FOR SAMPLES 934 Broad Street, AUGSUTA, - GEORGIA. GENTLEMEN FALL CLOTHING HOUEYMAN’S COMPOUND ELIXIR FOR HORSE Colic. INe Don’t Intend TO HAVE Bargain Sales, On rainy days but when the weather and our plans fail to operate in unison we have them to fair just about as well. The fact is that the kind of Bargains we hold outat these special sales is enough to bring people out in spite of most any kind o f weather. People come for our Bargains with a regular Klondike eagerness. This weak we are offering special Bargains in Secretaries, Book Cases, Couches and Sideboards in our high grade goods, low prices and easy terms put us still in tlia lead. FLEMING Sc BOWLES, -■ ■ - 904 Broad Street, AUGUSTA. GA. See Here We have a large supply ot Drugs, Medicnes Toilet Ar ticles, tationery, Fancy Goods, Etc. If You Want Cotton Markers, Varnish Brushes, Wall Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., don’t fail to get our prices before buying else- elsewhere. Remember The place, and call and see for yourselves. LEWIS R. FORD’S DEUG STORE. Money! Money ! Money! At 6 per cent on 10 years time. W e are prepared to negotiate loans on improved city and Farm property in sums of not ess than three hundred dollars at 6 per cent, interest, for ten years it desired. Can secure an advance of 50 per cent, on the value of the property offered as security. Call and see us. LAWSON & SCALDS, Waynesboro, Ga. sep'5,1900— tf G AND Just received 100 pounds of Yellow, Purple Top and Ruta Baga Turnip seed. 0NTRACT0RS’ ® ^BUILDERS’^ MILL SUPPLIES. Castings, Steal Beam*, Columns and Chan, lel Bolts, Rods, Weights, Tanks, Towers, Ao. Steel Wlrs and Manila Rope, Hoisting Engines and Pumps, Jacks, Derricks, Crabs, Chain and Rope Holsts. treast Every Day. if alt Quick Delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKSi SUPPLY CO. AUGUSTA, «A. The 2 biggest farmers in Georgia and South Carolina—Capt. Jas. M. Smith says of it: Have tried them. Holle man’s is the best ot all Keep it all the tune,” Capt. K. II. Walker says: “Holleyman’s is worth its weight in gold. I have saved as many as three horses lives per month with it.” Holleyman’s Comoound Elixir 50 GENTS. Will cure any cuse of Horse Colic under the sun Sold by all the merchants of this county. Do not take any substitute said ,o be the tame thing or as good. N. L WILLETT LU CO, make it. AUGUST A. G A.. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., Augusta, Ga. GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects o." sight, grinds the proper glasses and WAR RANTS them. Lenses cut into your frame while you wait, FREE OF CHARGE « medicine or glasses F. C. YOUNG, ARLINGTON BAKBER SHOP. WAYNESB )RO, GA. My shop is nicely fixed with water at 4 every convenience. I solicit the public pa tronage. Special attention given to work for the ladie » dec5,’96— • / For FREE 'F/E Scholarship POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Under $3,000 Cash Deposit. Railroad Fare Paid. Open all year to Both Sexee. Very Cheap Board. Georgia-Alabama Business College, Macon, QeoreUk They speaK for themselves, your inspection will be better than pages of praise, and the prices, it plain figures, are the most eloquent arguments— Call and see them. We are showing the handsomest and largest line ever carried. 8tep in any day and try one of our Saits and you will be satisfied. Our store is a good place to buy any apparel tor Man, Woman or Child. J. 844 Bioadway, feb25,’99 - by WILLIE LEVY, AUGUSTA. GA. B. C. PERK1N3, President. j, j,. HAUSER Manager High-Grade Heavy Saw Mill Machinery. Georgia Iron Works, Founders and Machnists, AUGUSTA, : GEORGIA. Plans, Specifications-and Estimates raade wn Yf'any capacity augl5,1900—b ’ THIS SEASON We w’ill offer to the Public the best lines ot That has ever been for sale in AUGUSTA, Our SHOES will be sold strictly on their metits and on our guarantee of IlR ' r liability. We will have some special offerings to make as the season progresses, due n 1 of which we will given to the public. In medium-priced SHOES, the lines we carry have no superior. In HA RM SHOES, such as are needed by those exposed to the inclemency of the weather. We lia\e llia " them < ctal effort to secure SHOES that will give ample protection to feet, :nd keep No trouble to show our Shoes. GOULEY & VAUGHN 826 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. JJgr“Ageht for HANAN & SON S Fiu.|-Shoes. We shall not impose on vour time to ask von to read a long advertisement describing the merits on all the new ideas in this seasons