The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, December 08, 1900, Image 2

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MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. Now, we don’t exactly take gold coin by the handtull and put it into your pocket, but we will save you mon ey on every purchase you make in Clothing, £hoes, Hats and Furnishings. When you come Visit our store - We ouly wlsb , .we had room to tell you about our to Augusta b . g stock of Men , s Suits> Boys , Suits, Men’s and Bovs’ Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. But come in and see what we have. AUSUSTArQA, sept 181900-nil). She grne gitizcn. The Survival, of the Fittest. see do Jpt up in the great (?) mes sage of that sweetly pious McKin- ! ley. WAYNESBORO. GA„ DEC. 8, 1900 The Czar of Russia is better. 01 course we lefer to his sickness only. The newspaper liars are getting in their work on the Boxers again This time it is via Berlin and is no doubt a German pretext. After all the American jockey has captured the Englishman’s bus iness likes if he has not conquered his prejudices. Since the American ockey “gets there” ihsy want him. Gen. Egan is destined under the president’s favor, to escape further humiliation for ‘ cussing out” Gen. Miles the commander in chief of the land forces. Gen. Egan is a good Republican and that’s enough coup led with a promise not to swear sc loud next time. Yes, the soldiers home bill was defeated. Mr Herrington, of Burke, was present and voted for it Burke’s other representatives were absent from their seats and did not vote. The old soldier has no righb that a Georgia legislature is bound in any way to respect or take care of. Ridge. j Correspondence Citizen. Dec. 3. — Mrs. B F. Collins and lit- , tie daughter visited relatives here last week. I Miss Cora Smith, our cbarmiDg school mistress, spent last Saturday | and Sunday with relatives near Blythe. Matt Prescott and James Miller, of McBean, visited the Ridge last ; Sunday afternoon. Lucien Knight and charming sis ter, Miss Bertha Msy Knight, of McBean, passed through here las' Sunday evening en route to Heph zibah. Mrs. Lucy L. Peel aud winsome little grand daughter, Miss Minnie Lou Reynolds, of Millen, returned home last Saturday after spending sometime here with her sister, Mrs. N. T. Avret, Mrs. L. J Kilpatrick and briglh little children, of Munnerlyn, have returned home after spending some time with her parents at this place Miss Eula Collins is visiting friends in Burke county. The Philippine war is estimated to cost two million of dollars a day and the worst of it is there is no end of it in sight. Some very can did Republican papers are begin nine to grumble seriously. If tno question ol this war’s continuance was not settled by the election wiil somebody please tell us what was settled ? THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. The president’s message- from a Republican standpoint is very fim and Hannah’s cigar at an angle 01 forty-five degrees expresses as much satisfaction as a young coon’.- tail after an oyster supper. He fol lowed the line marked out by Bryan pretty well, and imperialism, mili tarism, with big standing army and trusts are with us to stay. The pres ident’s platitudes over trusts look out of (he message winking the off eye as if put there to make Hanna rub his hands over his stomach and laugh. The president rings out the esto perpetua in about these words, “The republic was never so strongly en trenched in the hearts of the people as now. The constitution, with few amendments, exists as it left the hands of it’s authors.” Indeed it does and why not? It isn’t in anybody’s way at all when the Republicans are iu power; and the Democrats do not care to alter it when in power. Therefore it stands about the same. Plutocracy, trusts and imperialism are past that point where they should stop to in quire after it and they do uot stop That august individual, the Repub lican president, could not if hi would make his pariy pay any at tention to it further than to kick it one side whenever it obtrudes ilselt seriously in the plutocratic path.So. in this manner the esto perpetua confronts the great union of statrs to day. The Chinese question is what could have been looked for. The Chinese are wrong not to wish for eigners in their own country, par ticularly Americans from the Unit ed States; and they are inferential- ly wrong because they want to come over here and stay with us re ciprocally. So far as the Philippines are concerned, whatever delightful language the president may use about liberty, free government and the like, beneath it all the Filipinos were only constructed by provi dence to be civilized by rapid fire guns and Krag-Jorgensen rifles. The end of the century, it is plain, changes nothing. Like Pizarro in Peru, Cortez in Mexico we butcher and slay in the name of civilization those whose territory we want, and can call ourselves truthfully scien tific savages. Christianity and the rifle go hand in hand and the march to peace and good will on earth Is Blythe. Correspondence Citizen. Richmond Lodge No. 412 of F.and A. M. held their annual communi cation at Lodge room, academj building, Hephzibah Nov. 30th. Thi following officers were elected foi *he ensuing year: H. S. Jones, W. M.; S, G. Story, J. W.; J. R. Beal, S. W.; J. A. Carswell, Treas.; R. L Miller, Sec.; R. E. Melton, lyler. L’he following were appointed: O. K. Brandon, Senior Deacou; W. H. Soif, Junior Deacou; J. L. HeDder- sod, J. H. Roberts and J. R Turner. Stewards. After the election and installation of offices the meeting adjourned. Peace and harmony prevailing. Mr. A A, Traylor, formerly of 'his see.ioD, but now of Brunswick, visited relatives and friends here iast week. Rev. R. E, Bailey preached his farewell sermon at Clark’s Chapel last Sunday. The members of this >ld church give him up with much regret. Pity and Beauty The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the differ ence. Dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-is gone. The little one s:ets no fat from her food. There is some thing wrong; it is either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat it is death, be quick! Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it. send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. , Midyille. c.r'i-vf-tpoudeTico Citizen- Dec. 5,—Misses Hattie and Llew-; ellyn Wood spent iast Sunday in j Scarboro. Mr. Julian Lively, of your city, | aDd Hugh Perkins, of Perkins, vis- j ited friends here this week. Mrs. W. L, Davis, of Hephzibah is j spending a while with her two sons j at this place. About twelve or fifteen of our col- ! ored population were arrested and taken off last week for gambling. We are glad to have our town pro tected. An excursion to Swainsboro last Friday evening took quite a num ber of young folks over to the Wiz- zard Oil show, but no one of the crowd was fortunate enough to get the diamond ring. W. B. Drew has sold his line of drugs to Inman Davis. Bro. Greiner filled his regular ap pointment here last Sunday at the M. E. church. As usual he deliver ed an excellent sermon to an atten tive congregation. We hope to have bim another year. t, It 1’ays WOODWARD LUMBER CO., Manufacturers of Lumber, Sash, Doors, r Blinds, Etc., Roberts Street, AUGUSTA, GA, Etc. Your orders solicited. The Beat Piaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is supe rior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it af fords. Pain Balm also cures rheu matism. One application gives re lief. For sale by h. b. mcmaster Waynesboro, Ga. re- Herndon. Correspondence Citizen. Dec, 6 —Mrs. Geo. W. Jones turned from Augusta Saturday. Mr. Whitehead, of Macon, and Berrien Glover, of Savannah, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs.H.P.Jones several days last week. Drewry Reeves visPed his moth er last week who has been very ill. A. P. Wiggins was called to San- dersvilie by telegram last week an nouncing the death of his sister,Mrs Perkin9. W. W. Churchill, of Boston,Mass., is spending the winter with G. W. Jones. A, P. Wiggins visited Millen Sun day. Miss Nannie Watkins has been on the sick list, but is able to be out again. Mr Price, of Waynesboro was in town Saturday. Miss Sidney accomplish ed young lady of this placp, is visit ing friends in Waynesboro. W. A. Clarke and family, of Alex ander, have moved here, we wel come them to our town. BRAINS We have the best the city at our ID Also—Choice Fresh ) We would be pleased to supply you. Fine Family Groceries A SPECIflMFY. j||P Free delivery. P. M. BENILY, AVAlWEMJOaO, GEORGIA. Old Clothes MADE NEW : : : : : By Cleaning or Dyeing them at the WAYNESBORO : : Pressing Club, M. BUXTON, Proprietor. Don’t, miss the place. I am located next door to the Bank of Waynesboro rear of Post office. Don’t forget that I press Suits and Dye suits. Clean and Dye Kid Gloves, Ladies Skirts Cleaned and Dyed and made same as new, Give me atrial. AP work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. ill!! S3 8 Pro ad St. N t to put off buying your Winter Clothing, because now our stock is complete, when later it will be badly broken in sizes. Our line of Suits, Hats and Furnishing Goods is Up-to-date in every respect. It it is not convenient for you to come to Augusta, write us what you want and we will gladly send any article subject to examination We pay the express ebarges to you. I C. LEVY’S SON & Co. Tailor-tit Clothiers, Augusta, Ga. MILLER, the Old Reliable, Proprietor, Corker Building II. fl Manau’s Tailor Shop, Waynesboro, Ga. Farms for Sale. We have many fine farms in this and other sections, owned by several large Mortgage Companies who desire to make quick sale of all real estate on hand. These farms will be f/c Regardless of Cost, and this is the last chance ever offered to se cure a home at a low price and on easy pay ments. Write for printed list at once, and buy belore we rent tor another year, TITLES ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. ALEXANDER & JOHNSON, 7Jo Broad St., AUGUSTA. GA. , SOUTHERN RAILWAY. —Rosenthal’s has provpn to be Tie best wearing buggy—combin ing style with quality. The most ■ityiish for the least money. What more do you want ? A. Rosenthal, Augusta, Ga. TRESSPASS NOTICE. Central Time *t Jacksonville and Savannah. Easter n Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect June 10th, 1900. A LL parties are forbidden, to hunt. fish. A"Y cut timber, pass through, or in anyway whatsover tresspass on any lands owned or controlled by me in the 07th district, Burke county, Ga. Adjoining lands of John and Jesse Green, Chance Reese and E. H. Calla way. I will prosecute all tresspassing to the extent of the law This Dee 3d, 1900. * MRS. M R, WIMBERLY. TRESSPASS NOTICE. All persons are forbidden to hunt, fish, cut timber, uass through or otherwise tresspass upon lands controlled by me, known us t lie Thomas piace, joining lands of E. A. Smith. Brookens place. Mullens place, J. M. Dye and others, in G‘2d district G. M.. Burke county, Ga. I will prosecute all offenders to the ex- tentofthe law. This Nov, 21. 1900. * M. W. WILLIAMSON. W. D. BECKWITH, RESIDENT DENTIST, 0ffice store. Gray ’ s | Waynesboro, Ga. Office bouts: 8 to 1 a. m., and from 2 tot p. m. Specsal attention to crown and bridge -vork. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. The expense of a trip to a irge city saved patrons. sep3,’9S—by 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Marks Designs .... Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description irmj quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probRhiy patentable. Communion- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest atrency for securing’patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Hmerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ci* culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers MUNN & Co. 361Broadway New York Branch Office. 625 F St. Washington, It. C. Wm. J. WRIGHT, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Georgia Railroad m m m. e LEAKLEY’S The Corner/’ ‘‘Shop Around SwS Headquarters for LADIES’ AND CH LDREN’S FURNISHINGS FINE LACES. Embroideries, Imported Neck Fixings for Ladies., h inest line oi Novelties in Augusta. Everything for Ladies and Child.en— -.oth- ingformen Waynesboro people invited to call when in the city. BLEAKLEY’S SHOP ABOUND THE CORNER. AUGUSTA, »GA. Agents for Butterick’s Patters, Jarvin’s Gloves and American Lady Corsets. sy?A m i K I M M u m I ESTABLISHED A. D. 1846. JOHN R SCHNEIDER, Wt[S, Ijimnnuih For information schedules and NORTHBOUND*. Mixd No. 44 ex Su No.34 Daily No.38 Daily tv. Jacksonville (P. S) “ Savannah (So. Ry ) 8 00a 1220,. 4 06p 4 21p 4 44p 452p 605p 800p 12 20a 4 13a 4 28a 4 51a 4 59a 610a “ Black vllle “ Sally Ar. Columbia Lv. Charleston, (So. Ily “ Summerville “ Bntnchville “ Orangeburg “ Kingville Ar. Columbia 7 0< ia 7 41a 8 55a 9 23a 10 15a 11 00a 1100p 1200nt 1 55a 2 50a 4 30a 5 55a Lv. Augusta, (So. Ry. ) Lv. Grauiteville *2 00a 2 4oa 2 55p 3 *28p 9 30p 10 lop Lv. Edgefield Lv. Aiken 110p 3 lop Lv. Trenton 3 35p 4 19p 5 45p 6 lop 7 03p 7 51p 823p 9 10p 11 UOp 1120p 210a 6 20a 7 25a 8 18a 8 55a 9 45a Lv. Columbia, (Bidg St “ Whmsboro “ Chester 9 80a Ar. Charlotte Ar. Danville 112 51a 133p Ar. Richmond | 0 00a 6 25p Ar. Washington Baltimore (Pa.RR) “ Philadelphia “ New York 7 85a 9 12a ill 35a 20Jp 8 5i)p 1125p 2 56a 6 13a 310p 715p 4 15a 6 30a 9 50a 1 lOp 7 2up fj.r. Knoxville Ar. Cincinnati 7 301) 7 45a Ar. Louisville ! 7 30p 7 40a SOUTHBOUND. No.43 Mixd ex Su No.33 Daily No.35 Daily Lv. Louisville 7 45a 7 45p Lv. Cincinnati 8 30a 800p Lv. Knoxville 1 20a 8 00a 1145a 320p 8 25a 305p 6 15p 945p “ Spartanburg Ar. Columbia Lv. New York(Pa.R.R) “ Philadelphia “ Baltimore Lv. Washi’gt’n (So.Ry) 3 30p 605p 8 27p 950p 121cnt 3 50a 6 22a 11 loa Lv. Richmond llOOp 1201m Lv. Danville o 48p 8 10a 8 55a 9 25a 10 13a 11 20a 11 45a 131p 1 43p 955p 10 45p 11 20p 12 10a 115a 4 30a 6 32a 6 48a “ Rock Hill “ Chester Ar. Columbia, (BldgSt Lv. Columbia, (u. D.) “ Johnston " Trenton 630p i030p llOUp Ar. Edgefield 4 20p 213p 250p 11 &:a Ar. Graniteville Ar. Augusta 1200nt ♦100a 7 18a 8 00a Lv. Columbia (So. liy) 4 UOp 4 43p 533p 615p 7 28p 8 15p 1 85a 2 32a 3 45a 4 25a 5 52a 7 00a “ Orangeburg “ Summerville Ar. Charleston Lv. Columbia (So. Ry.) Ar. Sally “ Springfield " Biackville /. “ Barnwell 7. “ Savannah Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) 11 25a 12 37p 12 45p 1 07p 1 21p 3 15p 7 40p 1 20a 2 32a 2 40a 3 00a 315a 510a 9 25a as to Routes. Rates, both n write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable information. C, C. McMillan, A. J. Jackson, G. A, Pass. Dept. G, P. A. G. H. WILCOX, S. A. AUGUSTA, GA. S. E. MAGILL, C. D, COX, Gen’l Agt. Gen’l Agt. ATLANTA. ATHENS Impoiter and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in fine Wines, MINERAL WATERS. Etc. 601 and 802 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SOS'” Agent for Venve-Clicquot Ponsardin, Urbana Wine Company. Anheiuer- Busch Brewing Association, sop22,1900—am OVES W. HARDWICK, Gen’l Agt. M A CON. M. R. HUDSON, T. F. * P. A ATLANTA W, C. McMILLIN S, F. * P. A MACON. w. m. mcgovern Gen’l Agt GA. AUGUSTA. ♦Trains -hi and 41 (mixed except Sunday) arrive and depart from Hamburg. -rDaily except Sunday. Sleeping; Car Service. Excellent daily passonger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 33 and 84—New York and Florida Ex press. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars be- I phone tween Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 36—U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeping cars be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Dining cars serve all . meals enroute. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jackson ville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C W. A. T URK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag’t., As’t Gen. Pass. Ag’t., Washington, D. C. Atlanta. Ga. J. H. SOKBGOFR Dealer in — L/vl SNUFF AND PIPES, Mall Orders from Burke County Solicited. 502 BROAD STREET, CORNER CENTRE PETITION FOE CHARTER, QTATE OF GEORGIA—Burke County— 0 In the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of M L. Bales, R N, Berr ien, C. H Johnson, R. N. Berrien Jr. and W C. Hillhousp, Jr , all citizens of the state of Georgia respectfully shows to the Court as follows: 1. That they desire for tliemselvt-s, the r associates, successors and assigns to be inoon orated under the name and style of THE WAYNESBORO TELEPHONE COM PANY for and during the period of twenty years, with the right, and privilege of re newal at the expiration tr ereof. 2. That, the object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to the stockholders thereof; its p inc:pal place ot business shall be in Waynesboro. Burke County, Georgia, with 1 lie right to establish brandies, lines, offices, agencies and connedions wherever and whenever it may be deemed best. 3 That the particular lines of business in which said corporation desires to engage are as follows: To construct, operate, use. lease, rent or buy. own and sell, telephone luesof every sort and kind telephone exchanges electric lighting, heating anc power plants, and all articles, materials and equipments used in or by such lines and plants or in any way connected therewith; to own, buy, use, iease rent or sell all manner of real estate and personal property, iand to do all tilings usual or necessary to tiie full carrying out o the aforesaid lines of business and industries, in all rheir branches and details. 4. That the capital stock of said corpora tion shall be ten thousand dollars with the right to begin business as soon as ten percent thereof shall have been paid in, either in money,or property, with the further right to I crease said capital stock from lime to time whenever it shall be sodesi ed by said corpo ral ion. not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of one hundred ttousan-d dollars 5. That said corporation desires the power to plead and lie impleaded, to .-lie and be sued, lo have and use a corporate seat, to make and use a corporate s ul, to make and enfor e by- aws, rules and regulations, to issue bonds, notes, or ottier evidence of indebtedness, and toseeure the same as may be deemed best, and generally, to do all tilings'usual to like corporations under the laws of Georgia 6. Petition rs furthershow that they began business on. and have been doing business .since the tb dav of January, 19:0. under the name and style of the Waynesboro Tele- onipany, and that stock has been issued, by said corporation, aud contracts bav- beenfmade by aud with said corporation p-titioneis acting under the i pression that '.lie application for chart r, which they had filed in Burke Superior Court, and which had been publish cd as re quired by law, had been granted (and the charter issued, when as a inatt rof tact no such order had been granted and no char ier issued to said Waynesboro Telephone Company. Wherelore petitioners pray that they may be im-oiporated under the name and style of the Waynesboro Telephone Company, with all the powers, rights and privileges as here in prayed for, and such others not speemlly enumerated, as ma> now or hereafter be au thorized O' law, insofar as the same may apply io like corpo ations. and that all the acts, contracts and agreements made or en tered into l>y or with pmiih.-ners<>r any offi cer or officers acting tor and in the ame of said Way uestoro Telephone Company, be ratified agd made valid from the date of said contracts or agreements, just as if the char ter for said Waycesb ro telephone Company had heen legally issued, prior to said acts, contracts a- d agieemenls .And petitioners further pray that said corporation oeg'ranted the privilege and power to sue and be sued upon all acts, contracts ai d agreements made and entered into under the name of the Waynesboro Telephone Company pr'or t • the granting of the charter herei i prayed for. CALLAWAY* FULLBRIGHT. | Attorneys for Petitioners. i State of Georgia. Burke county. I, G. O, Wai nock, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do heieby certify that the foregoing is a true copy from the files of said court, of the application forcharteroi tbe Wayn-sboro Telephone company. This Nov. 24th. 1900. i C3 cG C O P5 Chas, en 3 830 Broad St., Augusta, ~ : Georgia. 50 A Freezing Look ! . *. • What a freezing look when the retailer hands out the Ordinary 5c. Cigar to the discriminating smoker. Discourag ng isn't it .' Our City Gentlemen Cigar will positively cure such troubles. Making rapid headway. Best value lor five cents. Continuously endorsed. J. HENRY MKYIdR, Southern Agent, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. On Top and Y et At the Bottom! . . How can it be? We will see! ON TOP with the Largest Stock of CHINA, GLASSWARE & FANCY GOODS evfr brought south. AT THE BOTTOM with the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. My stocK is now complete member the place. and ready for examination. IH BUdS CRYSTAL PAL 809 Broad'Street, oct27,T900— Augusta, Georgia- WE SELL : Star Ball Potash ancl Sterling Ball Potash at oe. per hall. Sweet Rea, Tobacco, 35c. lb. Long Horn “ 35c. lb. Schnapps “ 35c. lb. Bailey Bros. “ 35c. lb. Early Bird “ 35c. lb. Big Whistle “ 35c. lb. Red Rabbit “ 35c. lb. Mocha, Java and Rio Coffee Parched, 1 Oc. per lb. Golden Eagle Baking Powder, 5c. lb. W e have a job lot of HATS at half pj'ice that bbats anything oat. W'e have ■some extra Bargains in ci job lot of Shoes. Our bargain counters are loaded with extra values. BUXTON & HAESELER, GIRARD, GEORGIA. Hurry, Tis Getting Cold !! Get Out Yonr Winter Clothing, and Have Them Renovated at the oppo.