The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, January 12, 1901, Image 2

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E. C. STULB & CO orner of Broadway and Jackson Street, 3 Augusta, Georgia. The finest place of the kind in the UNITED : STATES. SOLE AGENTS FOR WHITMAN’S FINE CANDIES I1V AUOU^TA. g— rtf* i’ | The N Y. Journal venturp.s to say (jtjsiit fgj/lttB&tl* | onti uiisf ieallv, “ihe Woody fi-dii-t of China, South Africa and the Philip The Survival, of the Fittest. pines give a tragic introduction D I the new era, but the century i- waynesboro. GA,. .TAN. 12, 1901 j young yet and before it is ten years old the world may beMapped in uni It is getting to be quite a long i sal peace > » time since Aguinaido has beer. “killed again.” The great planet Mars will be in — # opposition to the sun on the 22 i Does the Constitution know 'Iia. ^ jr , e j )ruar y > Washington’s birth Mr. Cleveland has actually been ; day> n w fu then be 60,000,000 miles shooting ducks iu Tillman’s domain from the earth whi( . h is 35.000,000 agaiu ? miles nearer than the sun. Astron- W'lIiaaTWhldorfAubscribed $25,- orae rs will bear all the great tele- 000 for the British soldiers in Africa ! scopes of the world on it and we What, after that “cad-Astor”phy find out something-new of it. wilh the Prince of Wales! Illdge. Correspondence Citizen. Jan. 7.—Mrs, James Dumford and The Boers are so active in many sections that Gen. Roberts is now in some doubt about Ihe war being ! daughter, Miss Nannie Dumford entirely over—all South Africa. No doubt much money has been lost by speculation in cotton futures this season and the southern spec ulator’s troubles are not yet over. Is there anything the matter with Atlanta? Of course not. She is right up to date with a kidnappine and a Tech fit that. Can’t leave At lanta. Strange to say after all. Gaive~- ton is doing a healthy business at ihe old stand. Galveston’s port is a kind of monopoly in that part of the world. The revolutions in South Ameri ca are distressingly frequent but expressively pleasing in diminu tiveness when compared witli real war. | of Emanuel county, are spending sometime with relatives at this place, Mis3 Cora Smith, who has been spending Ihe holidays with hei parents iu South Carolina return ed last week accompanied by her sister, Miss E lie Smith. Mr. aud Mrs, P. R. Avret moved last week on the plantation of Whit Morris near Hephzibah. We wish them much peace and prosperity in their new home. Terry Corley and mother also moved to their new home near Hephzibah last week. John Avret, of Claxton, Is ing8ometirae with friends at this place. In marrying off his daughters Mr Rockefeller would have no duke, no foreign count, no gaping crowds, everything sensible,dignified,Amer ican. Germany refused recognition of President Kruger, says Von Bulow, not from consideration for England, but because ‘ the shirt is nearer the body than the coat;” that is, Ger man interests first, MILLEN CORRESPONDENCE. Machinery Arrived For The MUlen Cot ton Mills—And Other Interesting Items. ' Jan. 10.-MiHen K. of P. Lodge! No. 56 on last Monday night elected j the following officers for six months j of the year 1901: L. M. Davis, C. C. W. E. Scott, V. C. Chas. L. Harris, Prelate. E. Bunch Johnston, M. W. F. S. Cates, M. A. W. V. Lanier. K. R. S and M. F. C. V. DeLoaeh, Inner Guard. W. E. Berry 7 , Outer Guard. Miss Estelle Chance, of Augusta, is visiting Mrs. A C. Parker at this place. She leaves to-day for her home to the sorrow 7 of many of her friends. Alex. Keith, of Louisville, spent last week with hi3 brother, Will Keith at this place. The Epworth League reading course met at the parsonage last Tuesday evening. The evening was spent very pleasantly by those pres ent. The public library 7 will soon he open to the public at the High School budding, Committees were named last Tuesday evening. The electric light plant at the mills is being pushed forward and will soon he in operation. The ma chinery is being put in rapidly. The miil will be ready to begin opera tion soon. m. It Pays WOODWARD LUMBER 00., * Manufacturers of Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc., Etc. Roberts Street, AUGUSTA, GA. [H^U’ Your orders solicited. now The Best Blaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is supe rior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in ihe side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it af fords. Pain Balm also cures rheu matism. One application gives re lief. For sale by H. B MCMASTER Waynesboro, Ga. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain’s Cougr. Remedy for colds and ia grippe during th'a past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has re sulted in pneumonia Thos. Whit field Jc Co., 240 Wabash avenue.Cni- cago, one of the most prominent re taii druggist m that city, in speak ing of this says: “We recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for ia grippe in many cases, as It noi only gives prompt aud complete re covery, hut also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia ” For sale by h. B MC- master, Waynesboro, Ga. i m wi MM AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. cA Statistical Volume of Facts and Figures Containing Cher 600 Pages. OVER 1,000 TOPICS. ] OVER 10,000 FACTS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time zt Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect June 10th, 1900. SoS broad St. N t to put off buying your Winter Clothing, because our stock is complete, when later it will be badly broken iu sizes. Our line of Suits, Ilats and Furnishing Goods is Up-to-date in every respect. It it is not convenient for you to come to Augusta, write us what you want and we will gladly send any article subject to examination We pay the express charges to you. r. C. LEVY’S SOY & Co. Tailor-fit Clothiers, Augusta, Ga. Dollars-! Your Old Clothes Redeemed! ~\V will reduc- your Ciotliiug bl'l by inak- ngyour clothes look nuit a id Udy longer. \\ e preserve your new Suit. We clean your soi:< (i -ui We dye your faded Suit. Onto! town p tronage given special air lion. Also Ladies work Ut:1 Don't Forget to try the WAYNESBORO BP * ui NORTHBOUND- Mix cF-. ]Xo.44 lex Su iSIGII Lv. Jacksonville* (P. S) “ Savannah (So. Ry ) “ Barnwell “ Black villa “ Springfield “ Sally ... Ar. Columbia Lv. Charleston, (So. Ky “ Summerville “ Branehvilie “ Orangeburg “ Kingvilte Ar Columbia Xo.34 IF Dally 8 UUa 4 U6p 4 2! p 4 44p 4 52p 6 05p e M 4r ■ssH DEBTORS AND CEEDIIORS. \ I,L persons indebted to t he the estate ol t± 7 William M. Wadley, late of ;s id county, pend- i deceased,are requested to make immediate r | payment of the same to the undersigne i; and relatives and j all persons holding claims against said de- I ceased are required to present the same, j properly proven to my attorney at law, Sam I F. (iarlington. S32 Broad Street, Augusta. Ga. I or be forever barred. —Rosenthal is with the peopie l maky j. wadley, Administratrix of the Estate ot Wm. M. { Wadley. deceased. Sam F. Garlington, Atty. SPECIAL FEATURES: The census of J9C0. National and State elec tion returns. Fourcenturies of American prog ress. Political record of 1900 (convent! ens and platforms). American rule in the Philippines. New govern ments of Porto Kico and Ha waii. Polar exploration in 1900. Conclusion of the South African war. Pan-American Exposition of 1901. China—Its present con dition and status among nations. Roster of general officers of the Regular U. S. Army, 1789—1900. A Political Register. Lv. Augusta, i So. Lv. Gramteville . i.v- ). ... ■ Lv. Edgefield | Lv. Aiken *2 00a 2 45a N°.30 I 0 Daily : 1 8(X)p ! 12 2ua ! 4 18a | 4 28a 4 51a 4 59a 610a AU, the Tu lor. WAYNESBORO, GEORGIA. Lv. Trenton “ Johnston Ar. Columbia, (U. D.) Lv. Columbia, (Bldg-St “ Winnsboro “ Chester “ Rock Hill Ar. Charlotte Ar. Danville 1 lop _ 315 P o !l,/0 S85p 5 20a 4 Hip 5 fop 9 80a 01-Jp 7 U3p 7 51p S 23p We have received the Single Seat Tosn^jLight Jogging tarts at popular prices, also 2loa several Open Columbus Buggy Company's Buggies, which are for sale cheap. DAY & T ANN A HILL, Augusta, Ga. 41ajJ200ut 8 55a 9 23a 10 10a 1100: 2 oop 3 26p 930p 10 lop 11 OOp 2 10a 6 20a 7 27a S 18a 8 55a 9 45a Ar. Richmond .. 12 51a 138p Ar. Washington “ Baltimore (Pa.Ril).. “ Philadelphia “ New York ■ 6 Oca I ii 25p i 7 35a 8 50p .... I 9 12a 1125p .... Ill B5a.I 2 56a 103p I 613a Lv. Columbia Ar. Spartanburg “ Asheviiie Ar. Knoxville 11 4ca 6 3Ua 3lOp 950a 715p 1 lOp 4 15a 7 2op Ar. Oincmna'i 777777 7 30p| 7 4 a Ar. Louisville 730p! 7 4tia SOUTHBOUND. X o.43 Mixd ex Su No.33 Daily Is 0.85 Daily Lv. Louisville 7 45a 7 45p Lv. Cincinnati SoOa 80fip Lv. Knoxville 1 2ua 8 25a " Asheviiie 8 00a 30,>p “ Spariani>urg 11 45a ti 15p Ar. Columbia 3 2->, 9 45p & s mm wmm’mmmm I^ar-y'2 i Vh gVvT& g M M §3$ te LEAKLEY'S “Shop Around The Corner,” : : Headqnrti-ters for LYD-E3’ AND CH.LDREN’ri FURNrsfllNGS. FINE LACES, Embroideties, Imported Neele Fixing-: for Ladies.. Finest line ol Novelties in AuguMa. Everything for Ladies and—- oth - ing for men. Waynesboro people iuviled to eaii when in the city. BLEAK LEY'S SHOP ABOUND THE CORNER. AUGUSTA, (GA. A.gents for Bntterick’s Patters, Jarvin’s Gloves and American Lady Corsets. ‘0 1 K m M II 01 0 0 Lv. New Yorlo “ Philadelphia “ Baltimore Lv. Y\ ashi’gt’n (So.Ityl... Richmond . peopio I Many dollars saved ia your pockei ; by buying Baggies, Harness, etc.,! from him. Hss motto—Satisfaction, Big business small profits. A Rosen tnal, Augusta, Ga. Facts that every patriot and voter ought to know. Lv. Danville Standard American Annua!, The cruelties of the allied soldiers in China, according to the stories which reached America, are some thing awful. “Onward, Christian Soldiers!” has a frightful sound in the iiirht of such atrocities.—Savan nah Press. There is very little time lying be tween the present and the hour when Cuba becomes the ripe pltfm that will drop into Uncle Sam’s lap by an annexation shake. The pre3 ent indications are that Libre Cuba is a very diaphanous fraud. One way discovered of destroy ing hail storms is to create small wind storni9 by firing guns made for the purpose into the stillness immediately proceeding the storm It has been demonstrated to he ef fective in Italy and France. Theatrical Season 1900-1901. The following is a list of attrac tions at the GraDd Opera House, Augusta, Ga.. for December, The Central R. R. will arrange libera! rates and convenient schedules for heatrieal parties. Jan. 1st, Secret Service; 16 h, Oils Skinner; 17th, Why Smith left home; 18th, King of opium ring; 21st, Miss Le Moyne; 22.1, The Evil Eyes; 23d, Blanche Walsh; 24th, The High wayman ; 25th, A Young Wife; 26th, Man from Mexico; 28th, Mabel Paige Co T. 6. BAILIE & 60.. Wall Paper, jShsdes, fllattings, Awnings Made to Order. WRITE US FOR SAMPLES 934 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA. SHERIFF’S SALES. To Take /(> /ft /ft ift /ft | Thin, pale, anaemic girls | | need a fatty food to enrich | $ their blood, give color to $ $ their cheeks and restore their W. /ft \v | health and strength. It is | | safe to say that they nearly | U flLI. bo sold before the court house door, in the city of Waynesboro.. Burke coun ty, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in February, 1901, tlie following described property, to-wit: Four hundred (400) acres of land, more or less, ly ing. situate, and being in the 70th district. G. \|., of Burke county, Ga., bounded on the North by oilier lands formerly owned by- Randolph Hidgely, East by lands of I. Clinton. South by lauds of C. 'Y. skinner, and West, by Buckhead creek—same being a part of 1572 acres more or less that, passed under the marriage settlement between Ran dolph Ridgely and Catherine Desabye for merly Kidgely, as recorded in Book S(.:, Folio 100 and 102, in the office of the Clerk of tie Superior Court of Burke county. Ga. Levied on as the property of Randolph Ridgely by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa., issued from the City Court of Richmond county. Ga., in favor of Beane & Savage, against said Ran dolph Ridg* ly- Written notice given. Pur chaser to pav for titles. Tliis Jan 10th, 1901. \V. L MoELMURR A Y, Sheriff B.C. Lawson & Scales, Att’ys. Ja\ Chariot; o “ Rock Hill “ Chester “ Vi innsboro Ar. Columbia, (Bldg St Lv. Columbia, (U. D.).. “ Johnston “ Trenton Ar. Aiken Ar. Edgefield ■ 1 330p|1215nt | . 605d 35iJa | I'8 27p 6 22a | 050p 11 15a j -JllOOi'il201ni j I 4:-!8ai o48p I 8 JUal 955p 8 55a 1045p : ! 9 25a 1120p ' 110* 13a 1210a ! 630p 11 2Ua 111 45a 10 30p It UOjJ Ar. Grjmiteville . Ar. Augusta Postpaid to any address THE WORLD, Pulitzer Bldg., Ne<w York, The Citizen, Thrice-a-weel World and a copy of Almanac i ^v. Columbia (s°.By.) for $2 40. .... 11200Dt ....1*1 00a Lv. Coiumbia-(So. Ry). “ Kingvillo “ Orangeburg “ Branehvilie “ Summerville Ar. Charleston 1 31p 1 loa 4 :J0a 6 32a 1 43p fi l a 229p rl 30a 4 2t;p 11 30a 213p 2-5-jp loop 4 4Sp 5 Bip 6 lap 7 23P 8 lop 11 25a 1237p 12 45p 1 07u 1 21p 315p 7 40p " ISa i SUOa | 1 35a 2 32a | 3 45a j 4 25a I 5 52a I 7 00a ! 1 20a I 2 82a ! 2 40a 830. Broad St., Augusta, : Georgia. 3 5 10a 9 25a 4 111! OF Springfield. Blackvil'o “ Barnwell “ Savannah Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) . ♦Trains 48 and : t (mixed except Sunday) arrive and depart from Hamburg. fD.iily except Sunday. Sleeping Car Service. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 33 and 34—New York and Florida Ex press. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawing-rooYn sleeping oars be tween Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and I Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte aud Savannah. Nos. 35 and 30—U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeping ears bo- 1 tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Dining cars serve all meals enronte. ; Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, eni-outo daily between Jackson- I ville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, J.M.CULP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. C. Washington, L). C Yv. A. TURK, S. H.HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag’t., As't Gen. Pass. Ag’t., Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. m Rfi.Bl.WMY all reject fat with their food. * s*OsP COD LIVER OSL WfTH HYPOPHOSPfilTES of LIMES, SODA A hundred thousaud dollars re- ® ward was offered for the arrest of Pat Crowe, abductor of the child of Mr. Cudahy, of Omaha, Crowe was not raptured. For this offense some states propose to make it a crime, the punishment of which to be death. It is a terrible crime and ought to be terribly punished. Here is what a great Catholic clergyman, Cardinal Gibbons, say-^ of imperialism “God forbid that we ourselves, flushed with recent vir- tories, should ever become intoxi cated with imperialism or militar ism, but may we always follow the j | Rested form, but also the hypo-1 traditions of the fathers of the re- " public,” Europeanisrrr is here to © «/ I!) is exactly what they require; | /;> it not only 7>ives them the ?m-1 ^ portant element (cod-fiver oil) ^ % in a palatable and easily di- $ stay accompanied with chronic An glomania however, Some of the papers are troubled about Mr. Bryan’s future just like gome of them have been very much worried about ex-Presid^nt Grover Cleveland’s. All this is quite non sensical as we have no real proph ets these days and their futures are very apt to be better taken care o< by themselves than by false proph ets or by people who pretend to know what will happen and do cot know any better than any one else. Job Printing of all classes. % phosphites which are so valua- $ n ble in nervous disorders that I rs 4/ ® usually accompany anaemia. | «L SCOTT’S EMULSION is a | f) fatty food that is more easily | « digested than any other form * $ of fat. A certain amount of | /»flesh is necessary for health. I | You can get it in this way, | | We have known per= $ /» sons to gain a pound a | $ day while taking it. $ (ft 50c. and $i.oo, all druggists. (J) /ft SGOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. * The : : . Opportunity is Yours! : : ^ The season’s business being practically over, aud regular profits haying been made, I pre fer to close out my remaining stock at close figures rather than carry it over. My goods are of the best qual ity, and I guarantee a good fit and at the right prices. For a short time only, I will make you a suit at a big dis count from regular prices tor Ihe Cash. Remember “The Oppor tunity is Yours.” Manau, The Tailor, Waynesboro. TRAVERSING THE Finest Fruit* Agricultural, Timber, and l¥8lneral Lands IN THE SOUTH, ORDINARY’S NOTICE, G A EORGIA—Bitukk County.—Whereas, T W D Fulcher appTies !o ire fin-per manent letters :it';idmim~!rati.m o,i (lie es tate of.Mell D Fulcher, late of said county, deceased. these are, therefore, to cite and udmorish ail p< rsons Intetested. to show cause. 1 if any can. hi-tnje me. at my office, at 10 o’clock, a. i;i„ on the first Monday in Feb. 1901, why said letters of administration should not be granted In terms of the law This Jan. Kill, 1901, Gfc.O. F. COX, Ordinary, B. U. <f>: 1 4A<> \m \M & ISI ! ><4 m ! m m \m 1 ! <3> j m \m 1 THROUGH RATES AND TICKETS FURNISHED UPON APPLI CATION TO ALL FOIHTS South/ Ems'L W®si» ( « EORGIA— Bt O S J. Bell apr Br rk kTouxt y —W iier e as, . p ies to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of W. K. Beil, late of said county, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to snow cause, (if any .they can,) beiore me at y office, at 10 o’clock, a. n. t on the first Monday iu Keif >901, why said letters of administration should not be granted in terms of the law. This Jan. Sth, 19ul. GEO. F. COX, Ordinary, B. Phil. P, Johnston, At ’y. •rsTi1 m ■Pdh M m Girarcl,Get o Telephone Lines being built to this place. We have 2 large General .Merchandise stores, 1 Green Grocery store, A huge school, a Livery and Sales Stables, one church jvith a, membership of nearly 500. New residences now in course of construstion. All that has kept the place back has 'jeen the of railroad facilities —The Sylvania Railroad will be extended■ to this place at once, It is now being surveyed, and work will be commenced\ on the road at once. Wp httvp nn nnlinn on about 15niceibuiidinglots suit- L u<ivt. dll OIHltta a bi e f 0r business and residencies which we offer at ?5l» to ? iOj per lot. BUXTON & HAESELER, GIRARD. GEORGIA. <8 0 g g % % % P g '% 0 % I g g t- v ^ g % 3S 0 0 % & Job Printing promptly executed Central of Ceorgia Railway, Ocean Steamship Co. FAST FREIGHT AND LUXURIOUS PASSENGER ROUTE to New Yo^k, Bostois the East, Complete Information, Rates, Schedules of Trains and Sailing Dates of Steamers Cheer fully Furnished by any Agent of the Company. p EORGIA—Burke County.—Whereas, ’ T J. H. Mackenzie), guar dan of Tracy Mackenzie, has applied to me for lctteis dismissory from said guardianship. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to show cause, (if any they can) before meat my office, at 10 o’clock a in., on ihe first, Monday in February. 1901. why said letters dismissory should not be granted in terms of the law. This Jan. 8th. 1901. GEO. F. COX, Ordinary B. C., Ga. GENTLEMEN We shall not impose on vour lime to ask von 0 read a long advertisement describing the merits all the new ideas in this seasons p EORGIA—Burke County. -Whereas, VT Ad-on L. Brinson lias in due form applied to me for permanent letters of administra tion upon ihe (stale of Lizzie M. Brinson, iaie of said eouhty, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to-show cause, (if any they can.) before mo at my office, at it) o’cl'k a in., on the first Mon ay in February. irO!, Why said ’ ermaneut letters of administra tion should not he granted in terms of the law. This January lith, 1991. GEO. F.L'OX. Ordinary, B. C, Ga. Lawson & Scales. A t’ys. FALL CLOTHING THE0. D. KLINE, General SupL t. n. Hinton, t. c. haile. Traffic Manager. Gen I Pass Agt SAVANNAH, CA. Advertising rates liberal. m Shoe Making, REPAIRING, &c. I am located on New St,, Qnbbham, where I am prepared to give satisfaction in mending Shoes and Harness at short notice. Satisfac tion guaranteed. I solicit a share of your pa tronage. When in need of any kind of SHOE repairing, ring TELEPHONE, No, 2. I will rail for i he work. Rev P. J. MAJOR. Waynesboro. Ga. Joe Printing. 844 Bioadway, feb25,’89—by They speax for themselves, your inspection be better than pages of praise, and the prices. 11 plain figures, are the most eloquent arguments'" Call and see them. We are showing the handsomest and largest > Q ever carried. Step in any day and try one ol ° 11 ^ Suits and you will be satisfied. Our store lS ^ good place to buy any apparel tor Man, Woman Child., J. WILLIE LEVY, AUGUSTA, GA.