The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, February 02, 1901, Image 2

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: - - ,,” ' ' ' ' ' • 'S ' , ^ ^ - E. C. STULB & A. H. Miegel, orner of Broadway and Jackson Street, lugusta, <jj M£BS<iIlT»filLOB, 0/ Georgia. SODA WATER, ICE CREAM 1 The finest place of the kind in the UNITED : STATES. • ^ SOLE AGENTS FOR WHITMAN’S FINE CANDIES I1V AUGUSTA, J!Fhe fjjjrne (jj/itizm. [she never reached home. The Survival of the Fittest. WAYNESBORO, GA.. FEB. 2, 1901 The mocking bird was heard sing ing yesterday, 1st February. The great composer Guiseppe Verdi is dead so far as the beatiDg of his heart is concerned, and he is laid away in the voiceless tombjbut as long as the matchless strains of II Trovatore are given voice,he will be aiive in the hearts of mankind. On February 4 h the Atlanta Bar Association, Supreme court of Georgia and other court func tionaries will appropriately cel ebrate the centennial of chief jus tice Marshall’s accession to the U. S. Supreme court. The fame of this great jurist is undimmed tho a hundred years has nassed, and all lawyers are still devotees at the shrine of Marshall. J. T. Dargan in a letter to the At lanta Constitution lifts the hair of the Virginia Military Institute od it’s brutal, low and cowardly hazmg of the young class, It has been gen erally supposed that southern ins.ti tutions bred brave young gentle men, but this glaring exception re veals enough dastardly cowardice to sicken a well bred southern dog Toughs at a southern college is an ante helium product. It has some thing to do with tlie mud that has come to the surface. The editor who properly watches over the social conditions and stud ies the interest of society—the prop er holding together conditions in which purity of morals can thrive — will see how direct the suggestions of the letter below apply. There are men in all communities much more ready to insist on the protec tion of women from immoral trier than women are themselves. Whi not drive men to the same socia ostracism as women when the^ equally deserve it. The contrary is too often true and tho weaker is driven to destruction aud ignominy while the stronger is upheld. What society can be kept pure under such conditions and where is it’s shield for virtuous young womanhood ? Here is the letter we reier to: Editor Constitution: -I read In your Sunday issue ‘Tsrna D roley’s” article on the spere and influence of w 'men in the political, intellectual and social affairs of the world, but more especially as applied to our own couutry. All of her ideas are on the right line and well told: hut there is one phase of woman’s influ ence she has overlooked. I should be pleased to see how she would handle ihe question which I will n<>w suggest to he«- pen ‘Women can make men pure and upright How? Let them ostracise ev -y man who comes into their pr sein e with the smell of whi-ky on his breath, or one who is euiltv of doing anything of a questionable character.whether it he in the realm of political or socia! morals. Mary McIntosh. Miss Mitchell May Have Had Her self Kidnaped. Atlanta, , Jan. 22. — Miss Beulah Mitchell, the Woodlawn, Ala., runaway whom the Atlanta police had in charge several days last week and who left At lanta for her home Saturday afternoon, escaped from the tram somewhere be tween here and Birmingham, and has not'turned up since. Saturday night the chief of police at Woodlawn telephoned to Chief Manly asking if he had put the young lady on the train. The chief replied that he had sent her to the train, accompanied by an officer, and that he was positive she left this city- on the train with her ticket for Woodlawn in the conductor’s pos session. He was theu informed that she had not turned up ot the other eud of the line and was promised that he would be notified if she was found. Nothing further has been heard from Woodlawn. New Bank at Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald, Ga., Jan. 28.—Fitzger ald is to have a new bank with a capi tal of $25,000. The head promoter is Captain John A. Phillips, who will be associated with a number of Brnuswick capitalists. The stock was subscribed at Brunswick last Thursday during the Brunswick and Birmingham couveu tion. It will be incorporated as a state bank. Five Defendants Acquitted. Fairburx, Ga., Jan. 26.—Judge Can dler heard preliminary trials here yes terday of Jim Thompson, charged with arson, aud the parties charged with the murder of Sterling Thompson. Thomp son was discharged. Five defendants in the murder case were comn fitted to Fulton county jail to await trial at the February term of the court. An Excellent Mule Market. Americus, Ga,, Jan. 28.—The num ber of mules sold in Americus this year will rhu away up iuto the hundreds, and probably $125,000 will be paid our for stock ere the season closes. A dozeu firms are engaged in the business here and a large farming territory in this and a half dozen adjoining counties is supplied. Negro Shot to Death. Carrollton, Ga., Jan. 11.—Hender son Glautou, a y-oung negro, was fouuti dead with two pistol shots iu his body A part of a deck of cards, a purse with $3.55 in it, half pint bottle of whisky, a 38-caliber pisiol with two chambers empty lying between bis legs, a lamp burning and marks of pistol balls on the weatherboarding of the bouse was all that told the tale of his demise. Joe Evans and Fed Walker are in jail here now uuder a warrant charging the mur- dgy of Henderson. Glanroa.„ W ANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD character to deliver and collect iD Georgia for old established manufacturing wholesale house, $«09 a year, sure pay. Hon esty more than experience requires. Our re ference, any bank in any city. Enclose self- eddressed stamped envelope Manufactur- ars,Third Floor,334Dearborn,St .Chicago. 1C CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Dr. Henry J. Godin EYE «st ; vtt SPECIALIST, neater in Fine Optical Goods and Mann facturer of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. CONSULTATION FREE. Stroger Phone, 793. 928 Broad Street AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Opposite Planter’s Hotel. Pity and Beauty The most beautiful thing ir the world is the baby, ah dimples and joy. The mos; pitiful thing is that same baby thin and in pain. And t mother does not know that little fat makes all the differ ence. Dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-is gone. The little one gets no fat from her food. There is some thing wrong; it is either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living: on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat it is death, be quick! Scott’s Emulsion of Liver Oil is the fat she take; it will save her. Cod can The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If vou have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. L,i 1 grown without Potash. Supply enough Pot ash and your profits will be l large; without Potash your crop will be “scrubby.” Our books, telling about composition of fertilizers best adapted for all crops, are free to all fanners. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. erer 126 Jackson St AUGUSTA, : : Up-to-Date Dressers. rer Building, ; GEORGIA. JM- y V\y , 'jAy Dollars ! Your Obi Clothes Recieej W~ will reduce your Clot hing hid by muk-| We dye your faded < ing your clothes look neat and tidy ionger. j Ouiol town n ir ( ,n flllt V. .• ic-e,-ve tion. a Iso Ladies v‘<ir£ glven sp>-t V. e clean your soiled suit. i Don’t For°et to ti v t' WfflMO 1111 Mil Mlffi las a Uen. Opposite 11 II. MANAU, the Tailor, Wayne si; ! <>K0, OK °RGl Ai The Quakers Ire Honest r le. V tv \\v medicine purely vegetable medicine at d can in: by the most de’icate. Kidney dis The Quaker Her; Tonic is not only : blood purifier, but Bicod maker for T’r.b Weak and Debilitate' people who have n; strength nor b! od. I acts as a tonic, it rtga lates digestion cure dvspepsia end lend: ftreiiL'th an-’ li re t- then rv us system. I for weak women. It is . lak: by the most de’icate. Kidney disea-i Rheumatism and all diseases of the Stomach and nerves soon succumb ! i wonderful effects upon th human syvr Thousands of people in Ge rgia reo mend it. Price $1.00. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the n cduur that the Quaker Doctor made ad < f !. is wo derful quick cures with. Ids a new a; wo derful medicine f r Neur, kia, T- ot’i ache, Backache, Rheum ti>m Sprain Pain in the Bowels; in fa't, r li pain car. m relieved bv it. Price 25c.. and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, ; medicated soap for the skin, scalp and con p exion. Price 10 :. a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vtgc table ointment for the cure of tetter, eczem ind eruptions of the skin. Pr : ce r 0c a ! FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS PETITION FOR CHARTER. f~\ EOR -IA:—To the Honorable Secretary V_X of State : The Sylvan ia Railroad Com pany respectfully shows: 1st, That on the 1st day of January, 1901. the following resolution was passed *y s Board of Directors, to-wit: Resolved, That tire ‘-'yivania Railroad Company extend its railroad from the town of Syl vahia to or about t lie town of Girard in Burke county, a distance of about twenty- tw • miles, bv the nearest and most practica ble route, runuing through parts of Screven uid Burke count es, in the state of Georgia. Resolved further, that this resolution be published once a week for four weeks in the S/ilvnnia Telephone and the True Citizen, >r the newspapers in which the Sheriff’s ad vertisements of said counties are published. Resolved Fuitlier, That after this resolu tion has been published as aforesaid, a certi fied copy of ihe same and said advertise ments be filed in the office of the secretary of state, accompanied by tiie legal fee. Resolved Fnither. That the Attorney of the Company be and he is herehy authorized to do all such matters and'hings in reference ;o the proposed extension and obtaining au- rhority lor the same as he may deem neces sary ai d advisable Wherefore.the SylvaniaRailroad Company request that it have authority to extend road as a'oresaid. THE SYLVsiNIA RAILROAD CC By P D, Baffin, President, .iano.1901—ct WOODWARD LUMBER CO., Manufacturers of Lumber, Sash, Doors, : Blinds, Etc., Etc. Roberts Street, AUGUSTA, GA, Your orders solicited. SEED!SEED! t Large stock or Garden Seed on hand, thd best that can be bought. Our prices are LOWEST Come and see us. We guar antee satis- faciion. ONION DISSOLUTION NOTICE. 1 he firm o f Duke & Co., has been disso’ved bv mutual consent D Attaway. acting at- torney-in-fact for Mrs Fannie C, Atta- wav withdrawing from the firm. The business will be continued by B. F. Duke acting attorney iu-fact for Mr E. Duke. All ersons having claims against said firm will present them to said B. E, Duke for pay ment. All persons owing accounts and notes to said firm will pay them to said B F, Duke In order to avoid confusion the business will be c.iuJncted as formerly uuder the nameol Duke & Co. MRS. E DUKE, MRS. F. C. ATTAWAY Jan. 19th, 1901. ElSg'* We have received the Single S e Light Jogging Carts at popular prices alf several Open Columbus Buggy Conin’ an y° Buggies, which are for sale cheap. ‘' Augusta, Ga. ib DAY & TANNAHILL. JV% m m m u B mmmm LEAKLEY’S “Shop Around The Corner,” : Headquarters for LADIES’ AND CH LDREN’S FURNISHINGS. FINE LACES, Embroideries, Imported Neck Fixing- for Ladies.. Finest line ot Novelties in Augu ta Everything for Ladies and Child.en— -oth- ing for men. Waynesboro people invited to call when in the city. BLEAKLEY’S SHOP AROUND THE CORNER. AUGUSTA, iGA. Agents for Butterick’s Patters, Jarvin’s Gloves and American Lady Corsets. I % s i AN EXCLLENT OPPORTUNITY, For the next 60 clays, we make this special offer to the buying public ; DEBTORS iND CREDITORS. TURNIPS, PEAS, J^LL persons indebted to the the estate ot William M. Wadley, late of ,s .id county deceased, are requested to make immediate i pa\ ment of the same to the undersigned; and I all persons holding claims against said de- Potatoes, 2d 1 ceased are required to present the same, Crop" Virginia 1 P r °P er, y proven to my attorney at law.Ham — - - 6 F Oarlington. s32 Broad Street, Augusta. Ga. or he forever barred. MARY J. WADLEY, Administratrix of the Estate ot Wm. M. Wadley. deceaseu. Sam F Garlington, Atty. Flarly Rose, the best Call at NEW CROP! If.R.Ford’s Drug Store, \v ay nesboro. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7ih St., Augusta, Ga. GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects o, sight, grinds the proper glasses and WAR RANTS them. Lenses cut into your frame while you wait. FREE OF CHARGE * medicine or glasses SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time »t Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastei n Time at Other Point3. Schedule in Effect June 10th. 1900. Wm. J. WRIGHT, Watchmaker ami Jeweler, Wayresboro, Georgia. figs?*’ High-Class work a specialty ■A For FREE Scholarship POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Under $3,000 Cash Deposit. Raiiroad Fare Paid. Open all year to Both Sex*-*. Very Cheap Board. Georjrla-Alabama Business College, Macon. Georgia W. D. BECKWITH, RESIDENT DENTIST, office Ove^r Gray’sj Wayuesboro, Ga, Office bouts: 8 to 1 a. m , and from 2 tot p. m. speesnl attention to crown and bridge work. Satisfaction guaranteed Charges reasonable. The expense of a trip to « arge citv saved paip-ns sepS.’-tK—by - NORTHBOUND*. Mixc INo.4- lex Si !No.3- Dailv No.38 Daily tv. Jacksonville (P. S) “ Savannah (So. Ry ) 8 ((Of 12 20 t 4 Utlf 4 2l( 4 441 4 521 6 05l 8 UOp 12 2oa 4 28a 4 51a " Sally Ar. Columbia 4 59a 610a Lv. Charleston, (So. Ry “ Summerville “ Branchville “ Orangeburg “ Kiugville Ar. Columbia 7 0,1:: 7 41a 8 55s 9 23a 10 15a 11 00a llOOp ]200nt 1 55a 2 50a 4 30a 5 55a Lv. Augusta, (So. Ry.) Lv. Gramteville **2 00a 2 4oa 2 55p 3 20p 030p 10 lap nop 315p Lv. Aiken i 335p 4 19p 5 45p OlOp 7 03p 7 51p 82.ip !> lop llOOp 1120p 210a 620a 7 25a 8 ISa 5 20a Ar. Columbia, (U. D.) Lv. Columbia, (Bldg St “ Winnsboro “ Chester “ Rock Hill 9 30a Ar. Charlotte 9 45a Ar. Danville 12 51a 138p i Ar. Richmond 6 00a 6 25p Ar. Washington “ Baltimore (Pa.RR) “ Philadelphia “ New York 7 35a 9 12a 1185a 203p 850p 11 25p 2 5'la 613a 11 4«>a 3 lOp 715p 4 15a 1 lOp 7 20p Ar. Knoxville 7 4:5a Ar. Louisville 7 Bop 7 4oa SOUTHBOUND. No.43 Mixd ex Su No.33 Daily No.3a Daily Lv. Louisville 7 45a 7 45p Lv. Cincinnati 8 30a 8 OOp 1 20a 8 25a 305p 615p > 8 00a “ Spartanburg Ar. Columbia 32dp 9 45p Lv. New York(Pa.B,R) 330p 605p 827p 1215ot i 3 50a ; 6 22a 1 1115a Lv. Washi’gt’n (So.Rv) Lv-. Richmond llOOp 1201m ! Lv. Danville 4 38a o4Sp 8 10a 955p 10 45p 1120p 12 10a 1 15a 4 30a “ Rock Hill “ Chester “ Winnsboro Ar. Columbia, (Bldg St 6 aip 8 55a 9 25a 10 13a 1120a 1030p llOOp 1 31p 1 43p 6 32a “ Trenton 6 48a ; Ar. Aiken Ar. Edgefield 220p 4 20p 17 30a i 11 30a | Ar. Graniteville Ar. Augusta 1200nt nuoa 213p 25op 718a 8 00a Lv. Columbia (So. Ry) 4(X)p 4 42p 5 Blip 615p 728p 8 15p 1 35a 2 32a “ Orangeburg “ Branchville “ Summerville Ar. Charleston 345a 4 25a 5 52a 7 00a Lv. Columbia (So. Ry.) Ar. sally 1 25a 2B7p 245p 107p 121p 3 15p 7 40p 120a 2 32a , 2 40a 3 00a < 3 15a 510a 9 25a “ Barnwell Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) ORDINARY’S NOTICE. G EORGIA—Burke County,—Whereas, W D Fulcher applies to me for per manent letters of administration on the es tate of Meil D Fulcher, iate of said county, deceased. '1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admor ish all persons interested, to show cause, 'if any can. before me. at my office, at 10 o’clock, a. j m.. on the first Monday in Feb. 1901, why I said letters of administration should not be i granted in terms of the law This Jan. 8th, 1901, ULO. F. COX. Ordinary, B. C. / ’ EORGIA—Burke County —Whereas, VTt S J. Bell applies to me for letters of ad- ministrat on on the estate of W K. Bell, late of said county, deceased These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to snow cause, (if any they cr",) be:ore me at y office at 10 o’clock, a. ., on the first Monday in Feb ’901. why said letters of administration should not be granted in terms of the law. This Jan. 8tli, 1901. GE 1. F. COX, Ordinary, B. . Phil. P, Johnston, At ’y„ lst- 2tl We send by express prepaid any article you wish subject to examination ; if it does not tit or suit you can return it to us. We have made a great reduction on our stock of Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing Etc., and wish to give you the benefit. I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO. Tailor-Fit 838 Broad Street, Clothiers, Auo usta, Ga. f i EORGIA—Burke County.—Whereas. '2T J H. Mackenzie, guar ian of Traov Mackenzie, has applied to me for letters dismissory from said guardianship These are therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to show cause, (if any they can) before jpe at my office, at 10 o’clock a m. t on the first Monday in February. 1901, why said letters dismissory- should not be granted in terms of the law This Jan. 8th. 1901. GEO, F. COX, Ordinary B. C., Ga. C "5 EORGIA—Burke County. - Whereas, T Ad m L. Brinson has in due form applied to me for permanent letters of administra tion upon the estate of Lizzie M. Brinson, latent said couhtv. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to show cause, (if any they can.) before me at my office, at 10 o’cl’k a m., on the first Mon ay in February , 1«01, why said ermam-nt letters of administra tion should <>t be granted tn terms of the law. i bis January iUh, 1901 GEO. F. i'OX. Ordinary, B. C, Ga. Lawson & Scales. A t’ys. bC O o PS STOVES | Chas. B. Allen, 830 Broad St., Augusta, : Georgia. GENTLEMEN We shall not impose ou vour time to ask vou tn read a long advertisement describing the merits oo j all the new ideas iu this seasons T. G. BAILIE & CO., -Dealers in - Wall Papsr, jShades, Mattings, Awnings Made to Order. WRITE US FOR SAMPLES 934 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA Old Clothes MADE NEW : : : : : By Cleaning or Dyeing them at the WAYNESBORO : : Pressing Club, M. BUXTON, Proprietor. !<§?“ Don’t miss the place. I am located vt doer to the Bank of Waynesboro rear Post office 1 on’t forget that I press it- and i'ye .-<uits. Clean and Dve Kid >ves, I.adies S' irts Cleaned and Dyed and de same as new, Give rr.e atrial. AP rk guaranteed. Prices reasonable. FALL CLOTHING They speaK lor themselves, your inspection v.ill he better than pages of praise, and the prices, plaiu figures, are the most eloquent arguments- Call and see them. We are showing the handsomest aud largest ii^ ever carried. Step in any day and try one of ° u ‘ Suits and you will be satisfied. Our store i- s 3 good place to buy any apparel lor Man, Womans Child. 844 Bioadway, feb25,’S9—by J. WILLIE LE VY, AUGUSTA, GA. ( otton.NaiV.Grlsi, Oil and Fertilizer COMPLETE ^ KILL OUTFITS. Gin. Pre*g, Cano Mill and Shingle Outfits Castings. Railroad. Mill. iiacbini«s’nnd Factory upplle* Belting. Parking. Injectors. Pipe Flttinga, Sans. Flies. Oilers. Etc. Cast every day; worJc ISO hands. .OMBARD SON WORKSi UPPLY CO.. AUGUST A, QA. ♦Trains 43 and 44 (mixed except Sunday) arrive and depart from Hamburg. •{•Daily except Sunday. Sleeping Car Serviea. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 3b and 34—New York and Florida Ex press. Drawing-room sleeping cars between Augusta and New York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars be tween Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman sleeping cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 35 and 36—U. S. Fast MaU. Through Pullman drawing-room buffer sleeping cars be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman sleeping j^rs between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jackson ville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FR ANK S. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr,, Washington, D. C, Washington, L). O W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag’t., As’t Gen. Pass. Ag’t., Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. F. C. YOUNG, ARLINGTON BARBER SHOP. WAYNESB >RO. GA. M.v shop is nicely fixed with water anc every convenience. I solicit the public pa- r.inage. Special attention given to work f t l.:n ljuiie dec5.’9f— 18k BE On a Boom! Girard,Gci Job priuling at the rifchi pikes. Shoe Making, REPAIRING, <to. Hkv. I am located on New St., Cobbham, where I am prepared to give satisfaction in mending Shoes and Harness at short notice. Satistac- ti"n guaranteed. I solicit a share of your t>a- ronage. WI.en in need of anv kind of SHOE repairing, ring TELEPHONE, No, 2 I will rail for the work. ' ev P. J. MAJOR, Waynesboro. Ga 5 Telephone Lines being built to this place. We have 2 large General Merchandise stores, 1 Green Grocery store, A large school cl Livery and Sales Stables, one church with a membership of nearly 500. JYew residences now in course op construstion. All that has kept the place back nets ~ been the lack —The Sylvania Railroad will he extended to this place at once. Jt is now being surveyed, unci work will be commenced on the road at once. Wp havp an nntion on about 15 nice building lots suit' Vie Udve an option able for business and residencees which we offer at $50 to $30o per lot. BUXTON & HAESELER, GIRARD. GEORGIA. Advertising rates on application,