The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, March 02, 1901, Image 2

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E. C. STULB & CO. oruer ol’ Broadway and Jackson St reel, Augusta. Georgia. The finest place of the kind in the UN ITED : STATES. GUARD AGAINST AFTER-EFFECTS. An Attack of the Grip Is Often Fol lowed by Stubborn Ailments. ADVICE BASED ON EXPEDIENCE. SOLE AGENTS FOR WHITMAN’S FINE CANDIES I > STA The Survival of the Fittest. WAYNESBORO, GA.. MARCH 2, 1901 ' Who can’t you trust? can trust of course. Why, the Ihe war is over in South Atrice and the Philippines again. Admiral Dewey is comiDg South. Come on old hoy; we had rather haye you than a thousand Samp sons. The senate’s majority in Congress has expanded into the Philippines as a kind of lumber trust, with Hull at the bead of the concern. The Georgia legislators are so fond of the “yaller dog” that they have gone to feeding on loDg leaf of the color and wor d« who pine on account nine stupidity. Is it a fact beyond ! dispute that Sampson is at the head of American aristocracy in the navy and that he is by virtue of his posi tion a self-warranted authority fir ] advising where ihe line of respecta bility and noble blood is to be drawn; It is astonishing to all America that this little mushroom genius and long range hero of San tiago Bay should so ostentatiously assume the noble distinction he ar rogates to himself and should dare to dictate rules to keep the bravest patriot in the ranks of the navy tied down to an obscure destiny. On what chet has.this Caesar fed that he becomes so great in our re- i public. He seems to be made up i of similar material to that of old ! Vanderbilt’s son-in-law, who was described as “more kinds of a d fool” than anybody else. In other is this Sampson that Course of Treatment That Will Mate the System Proof Against Grip Germs Remedy That will Quickly Restore Health After an Attack—-Also A Specific For other Diseases Induced 1)7 Inclement Weather. the bark. “gets there” so well as a Bottom. We will not follow the thread of his genealogy lest, as Saxe would say T , “we find it waxed at the other end.” We go far enough to learn Senator Bacon develops every day in the senate his title to the leadership. His fight against the Philippine and Cuban disgrace was f rom undenied public assertion that magnificent. | he, if not a shoe maker, was a com- The Hanna government has tick- mon road hand, and, if like our sys- led A^uinaldo’s brother into accept- i tem “any of them have found as- ' government position. That j relates Dear by in the chain gang. It has been a difficult matter for | Sampson’s best friends to defend ' his war course and detestable lit- ing a reminds us of the song: “My name’s Jimmy And I ’ll take all you girn’my.” But now won’t the carpet bag gers, like flocks of buzzards, settle down on the poor Philippines ?Sakes o’land, what a spectacle we would be in the eyes of George Washing ton were be here to-day! SAMPSON. “The colossal genius of the Span- ish-Ameriean war” (as Hobson had the extreme folly to name Admiral Sampson in one of his addresses South) as a colossus of maritime war is not a success in expressing himself on land. His effort to ad vise the secretary of the navy,Long, on she propriety of promoting men from the ranks in the navy was about as silly an affair as ever em- inateci from any “colossal genius” ot ail American History. You may even go out of the close corporation of colossal geniuses and then not find a more complete piece of asi- 202$ vli vli vli 9 vli I « vli V vli vli vli . , vl> girls | enrich $ to* their cheeks and restore their * fi health and strength. It Jc - tleness, but we surmise his letter ot advise to the secretary of war will multiply difficulties on that line. The American people are not yet prepared to put the weight of ob scurity, poverty, or lowliness on her brave soldiers and marines so heav ily that cannot rise to distinction no matter w’hat valor or genius they display. A rail splitter,a mill boy, a canal mule-driver, may rise to the presidency, and even a com mon road hand may be an admiral without so far offending republican propriety. But, forsooth! one Samp son steps to the front and draws the line of American aristocracy and declares that no common ma rine who can’t wear a swallow-tail coat with an aristocratic swing to it at an European king’s levee ought to be promoted—for the good of his country. Ye gods and little fishes! With each recurring epidemic of the grip it is more evident that the disease leaves in its wake a train of stubborn ailments that often haffl- the skill of physicians Loss of flesh thin blood, nervousness, shortness of breath, exhaustion after slight exertion—so that it is often difficult to walk up stairs—these are a few of the symptoms of after effects of the grip. More serious results often follow and grip has come to be re garded as the highroad to pneumo nia, bronchitis and even consump tion. But this article will cast a gleam of hope into the hearts of thousands whose health has been wrecked by an attack of the grip. Its recommendations are all based on experience. There is nothing experimental about it. At every drug store in the land may be purchased for a trivial price considering its value, a remedy call ed by the quaint name, Dr. Wil liams’Pink Pills for Pale People — the package is doubtless familiar to most readers. These pills have come to be recognized as the great specific for the grip and Us after ef fects Taken in the tonic dose (one pill after each meal) the pills, work ing through the blood, soon render the system proof against the grip and many other diseases which, in duced by inclement weather, fasten upon those who are not fortified in weight lrom 140 pounds 4o 125 I finally recovered from the grip, but almost as soon as 1 was on my feet I began to have trouble with my stomach. I called several physi cians and they all diagnosed my trouble as acute inflammation of the stomach. I was under the constant care of the doctors and they gave me many kinds of treatment. At times I almost despaired of life, so far had the disease progressed. But by careful nursing and constant treatment I had partially recovered from this stomach difficulty at the end of three years of suffering, al though reduced to 87 pounds in weight. My condition was slightly improved, but no sooner was this so than another long period of horrors began. As soon as my stomach be gan to menu my nerves began to trouble me. I became excitable and irritable during ihe day, but it was at night that my sufferings were ihe worst, for I speedily became in such a condition that I could not sleep. Night after night I walked the floor distractedly. I tried many expedi ents to produce sleep, but all to no purpose. I might fall into a doze and almost lose consciousness,when all at once, from no cause at all, I would start into complete wakeful ness, with eyery nerve tingling and every seuse on the alert. A cold •nveat would break out over me and against then!. If you have already i my skin would begin to itch Ibecame suffered the ravages of the grip you should hasten to expel the linger ing germs from your system. Until you do you will never know perfect health. The following cases show the power of this wonderful medi cine, and it is well to remember that in all of them the remedy used was Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Nothing e lse will an swer and only the pills sold in the familiar red package bearing the full name are genuine. They are never sold in glass bottles or by the dozen or hundreds. No dealer has them in bulk. There is no possibil ity of being deceived. If you insist, you will get the Kind ‘hat cures. OinE result of the grip. Ids Thin, pale, anaemic need a fatty food to their blood, give color and strength, it is # % safe to say that they nearly % | all reject fat with their food. jjj | is exactly what they require; w jjj it not only *ives thepn the im-$ portant element (cod-liver oil) $ in a palatable and easily di- * Herndon, Correspondence Citiaerr. Feb. 27 - Otis Ellison visited mother at* Waynesboro Sunday. H, P. Jones spent a few hours in Tennille last week. Drewry Reeves was the guest of his daughter at Miilen Sunday. Dr. Henry Jones and family, of Miilen, who was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Robt. Law last week,re turned home Monday. Aliss Marlon Dent, a charming young lady of Waynesboro, is the guest of her cousin Mrs. H P. Jones. After an absence of several weeks visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs P. Tomlin at Newnan, Mrs. T. E Watkins returned home Saturday last. Old winter is doing his best just oow to give us the coldest weather of the season. Mr. Warren, of Louisville,was the guest of his son, Dr. L. C. Warrpn last Friday. Mrs. Bradb; rry, of Atlanta, i-t vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Tom Belt. Miss Sydney Jones accompanied by her friend, Miss Alilledge, of At lanta, returned from Waynpsboro Tuesday. M. Fulcher, of Waynesboro, W spent a few hours here Wednesday. , - * g gesfed form, but also the hypo- * $ phosphites which are so valua- jjj f> ble in nervous disorders that I /|\ . $ jjj usually accompany anaemia. jjj | SCOTT’S EMULSION isa| i fatty food that is more easily | digested than any other form jjj | of fat. A certain amount of jjj $ flesh is necessary for health. | | You can get it in this way. jjj % We have known per-1 % sons to gain a pound a | <r day while taking it. » 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. ill SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ® CCC€€€€€«r A Bright Boy Wanted. The publishers of the famous big illustrated weekly newspaper,Perm sylvania Grit, are now placing rep resentatives at every post office in Georgia and they desire to securp he service of capable hus’Iing agents in each of the following towns of Burke county: Girard; HillR;Keysville; Lawtonviile;Mid vide; Munnerlyn; Rogers; and in -uch other town9 as are not already -upplied The work is p’ofitable and pleasant. A portion of Satur day only is required. Over 5,000 agents are doing splendidly. No money whatever is required. Ev erything is furnish d free. Station ery, rubber stamp, ink and pad, ad verlislng matter, sample copies,etc. Papers are shipped to he paid for at the end of each month. Those not sold are not charged for WrPe to Grit. Publishing Co, Williams port. Pa , ami mention The True Citizen A Woman Reduced to an Almost Help less Invalid From the Valley Times, Pittsfield, N. H. Many will recognise in the story of Mrs. Belle SKiiman of Pittsfield, N. H., the exact symptoms of their own cases,how the nerves gave out, the blood became reduced to a thin, watery fluid, and the rapid wasting away of flesh and loss of strength, how doctors disappointed and how a cure was almost despaired of. But she found the great remedy at last. Read her glad story: “Three years ago I was taken with the grip followed by nervous pros tration. I lost flesh until I became a shadow of my former self. My blood seemed to turn to water, the least exertion told on me greatly and it was with difficulty that I could climb the stairs in our house. We called in a doctor and he treat ed my case for a long time but with out success. I tried many kiuds of advertised medicines, but did not meet with anything that benefited me. One day a friend of ours who. had been faking Dr Williams’ Pink Pills forPalePeople for rheumatism, with great benefit, prevailed upon me to try the remedy. By the time I had taken half a box I could see marked results. My complexion was better and my appetite began to return. I took nine boxes and steadily regained my health and weight. During this time the only medicine that I took was Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills and I attribute my cure entirely to them I always keep a box in the house, for I believe them to be the best tonic in the world.” (Signed) Mrs. Belle S Gilman Subscribed and, sworn to before me. Natt L Cram, Justice of the Peace. nearly crazed for lack of sleep, and felt that uuless something came to my relief speedily I would grow mad. The constant itching of the -kin became so annoying that I was convinced that I had some disease of the skin,but my doctor examined me and said that the irritation was due to my nerves. I was given wine and ale to build up my condition and nourish my blood, but after a time I could not take them longer as my stomach refused them. Then I took different remedies but they did me no good at all. “After these terrible spells of ner vousness, when it seemed as though I should go crazy I would be given opiates and they afforded relief from my suffering, but of course this re lief was only temporary. “A year ago last October, I read an advertisement of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. I never expected they would benefit me permanently if at all, but I thought it could do no harm to try the pills. It would only he to satisfy myself that I was doing all in my power to improve my condition “I told my husband that I had made up my mind to try them and he got me some I at once began to feel a marked improvement. I can not say exactly how long I had been taking them when things began to look more cheerful for me, but wss less than a month My stomach be gan to improve and my appetite to grow so that I actually want ed to eat and. my nerves began to improve. For the first time in years I enjoyed sound, natural sleep. My improvement was grad ual and sure from that time. My blood seemed to clear up; new life enterred my veins. My weight in creased until I weighed 111 pounds, and I felt better and stronger and full of vitality. “I feel litre a new person and owe everything to Dr. Williams’ Pu k Pills for Pate People. I am confi dent that without them I should now’ oe in a deplorable condition.for everything else had failed to give me relief that was permanent I have recommended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People to two of my friends and find that they pro duced good results in both cases” (Signed) Mrs. Milton Howard. Signed and sworn (a before me. Joseph F. Brown, Notary Public LEFT IN BAD SHAPE. ONE OF THE FIRST VICTIMS. Mrs. Howard Recovered Only to Suffer Further Tortures. From the Plaindeuler, Canton, N. Y, Mr«. Milton Howard of Canton,N. Y., gives the following evidence of her own experience. She says: “It was eight or more years ago, when the grip first became preva lent, that I came down with it af ter having nursed two members of my family through the diseate. I was very sick and for three weeks my life was despair of. I dropped Grip Made This Man Miserable Fur Year. From Reporter-Journal, Gardiner, Me. Sometimes an attack of grip ap pears to be cured but the patient re mains iu broken health and subject to discomfort at every change in the weather. This was the expert- enhe of Mr. Sumner Cross of 80 Me chanic street, Gardiner, Maine. He says: “A severe attack of the grip,about five years ago, left me in a very bad state. I courld not sleep and I had no appetite. My head felt heavy and I was rather dizzy at times. Changes of the weather seemed to have a bad effect upon me and I was miserable most of the time. “1 had be^n tike ihis for a year when a lady, w h > nad heard mo complain, recommended Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Shortly after this I had occasion to go to Bangor, and there I bought six boxes of the pills. Whde taking the second box I began to feel ben- efitted. When I had taken them all I felt so much better that 1 bought six boxes more and I have always considered the money I paid for them well spent. I would not be without them. “I shall always speak of Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People in words of praise.for they are an hon est medicine. I recommended them b'cause T know that they are all they are claimed to be.” (Signed) Sumner Cross. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1-t day of February, 1901. Z F. Little, Notary Public. A. H. Miegei, MERGHSHf TfliLOa, If) AKT) Caterer *o Up-to-Date Dressers. 126 Jackson St., Dyer Building-, AUGUSTA, : : : ; GEORGIA. All the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves are contained, in a condens°d form, in Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppression, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build ud the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry overwork or excess of whatever na- 'ure. Dr. Williams’ Pink PilIs for Pale People are sold in boxe.-fnever In loose bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had if all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Com pany, Schenectady, N Y. WOODWARD LUMBER CO., Manufacturers of Lumber, Sash, Doors, : : Blinds, Etc., Roberts street, AUGUSTA, GA. Etc. Your orders solicited. —Black Minorca eggs at $1.50 per setting of 13 Fresh eggs ready for delivery. Apply at this office. SEED! SEED! Large Stock ot Garden Seed on hand, tha best that can be bought. Our prices arc LOWEST Come and see us. We guar antee satis faction. ONION SETS, TURNIPS, PEAS, Potatoes, 2d Crop Virgin! a Early Rose, the best Call at L.RJ'ord’s Drug Store, Dollars ! Your Old Clothes Redeemed! We will reduce your Clothing bill by mak- | ingvour clothes look neat a,id tidy longer. We preserve vournew Suit. We clean your soiled Suit. We dye your faded Suit. Ouloftown patronage given special atten tion. Also Ladies work. Don’t Forget to try the Opposite H. H. MANAU, the Tailor, WAYNESBORO, GEORGIA. It is a Hobby a good couch to With business men to have recline on when fatigued. We have substantial, handsome couches, upholstered in Leather and Velour. And we make a Ilobbv of Waynesboro. FOR- Vegetable. Field, Flower Bulbs ond { Write ALEXANDER SEED CO, A.ugusta, Georgia, Seeds, them Cheap. It is a Treat selling To see how Ladies in spect and admire our Furniture and very flattering to hear them declare that we have the Rarest Bargains ihem Well is our Chief Delight. treat Tube Rose and Gladiolas Bulbs, S5c. perdoz postpaid. Dahlia Bulbs, 25c. postpaid. Write for c ■ ralogue on prices or other flower bulbs and Seed. Seed Irish Potatoes, Onion Sets, improved Cotton Seed, early Garden and Field Corn, Peanuts, lane and Forsge Crop Seed. Write for s ALEX tNDKK SEED CO.. 905 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. It is a study My New Spring . Goods i are now in. Call around and see my stock, learn my prices and leave me an order for a Spring suit. New styles, up-to- date. Fits guaranteed. in solid comfort to enter any library or read ing room furnished by us, everything is the eye, reposeful to the mind, study is to make every room restful to and our inviting. Oursuccess this years in selling Everett, Harvard and Stultz and Baur Pianos, and Farrand & Votey Organs has been phenoni- enap and our Bicycle, Sewing Machine and Baby Carriage are just a humming. AUGUSTA, GA. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.! TRESSPASS NOTICE, nEORGIA—Bdbk* County. — Whereas. VJT All persons holding claims against the the estate of W. f. McClennahaS, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them to the under-igned properly proven within the tim- required by law and all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to me. This Feb . . , „ WM. E. JONES, Adm’r Estate of W. F. McClennaniDec’d. All persons hunting, flshsns hereby cu'ting Q_EqHGIA-B RKE County.- Whereas. All persons holding claims against the estate of Homer Gains, late of said county deceased, are hereby notified to present-them to the undersigned properly proven within the time required bv law, and all person^ indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment to me. This Feb. 2d. FIJI. \VM. E. JONES, Administrator, Estate of Homer Gains Dec’d. prohibited f r ?® timber, maKin= paths or otherwise tresspassing on our bin situated the in 66th and 67th districts knowu as the'Green and Powell Pond Sexton the 60th and 62d distn Such offenders will be prosecu ed. MRS. M J POWELL. LOUIS POWELL. W. G. GREEN. This Feb. 9th, 901. - DEBTORS AND CREDITOR W. D. BECKWITH MANAU, THE TAJLOR, Waynesboro, Ga. Waynesboro, Ga. RESIDENT DENTIST, Office Over Gray’s Store. i Office houis: 8 to 1 a. m. t and from 2 to4 p. m. Specsal attention to crown and bridge work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. The expense of a trip to a arge city saved patrons. sep3,’98—by QEORGIA—Bdrke County. - Ail persons holding claims^againstjb® estateof L. M. Brinson, late of -— , , hH m deceased, are hereby n titled to present to the undersigned properly proven w the time required by law. and all P e F®°. ’ e . /I n K t r-w 1 . ^.i 1/1 A tnlll TV Inn CP TT1 Ilk v 1 diate payment to me. Tins Mareh I s ' - P. W CARS * ELL, Admi-si riil ":i IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE The Bob Thomas place, 66th dnin taiuing 615 acres, -WO cleared. uses, original forest, J good frame tenant _ Weil watered Will sell cheap for casn. Apply t° mediate possession given. Apply J E. TaRVER, Augusta, ea feb23,’19(X)—tf ' - •