The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, August 17, 1901, Image 3

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- * " ■ - ■ : ‘ ' & rae &izm. ADULTERATED COFFEE. T e S ;ev:vae of the Fittest. A': NESBORO. QA„ AUGUST 17, 1901. GROCER WHITE FOUND GUILTY OF VIOLATING OHIO’S PURE FOOD LAWS, CHEAP RATES Southern Ka iway Announces Cheap Rates As Follows. To Cincinnati, O and return, ac count annual convention, National Bipiist Convention (colored,) Cin cinnati, O, Sept. ll h-ISh 1901, S >« hern Railway announces rate ol one first-class !are for iiio round t top fro a. till joints on j!s lines to Cincinnati ant} return, dates of sale Sept 9th, 30th and lllii, fi-i->l iLint Sept 20th, 1901. lateresttac Facli Coneernlnjr ine RoustinR of CclTce Erooght Ont by Seiciitilic Experts—Presence of Eac- terla. GEORGIA NEWS. in T\) Louisville, Ky. and return ae count Triennial Con cl a vo, Knights Templar, Louisville. Ky., August 27 h - 30:h, 1901, Southern Railway announces rate of me first class fare for the round trip for iiuilvidu a is, and still lower rales for brass binds in uniform ten or more on one ticket. Dates of sale August 24'fi to 28.h inclusive, final limit Sept. 8J, 1901. By depositing ticket, in person, with F. C. Donald, Joint Agent, Louisville, Ky, between August 2Si.h and Sept. 2d, and payment ot fee of 50 cents, at time of deposit, an extension of final limit until Sept. 18ih can be obtained Low round trip rales to Cleve land, O. account annual encamp ment, G. A. R., Cleveland, O., Sept. JOth — 14th, 1901, Southern. Railway’ announces extremely low round trip rates, from all points ou its lines to Cleveland, O, and return. Following round trip rates will be in effect from points named: Anderson, S C, $21 Go; Atlanta, Ga , $19 85; Athens, Ga, $2155; Bruns wick, Ga„ $24.10; Camden, S. C.. $22 1"; Charleston, S. C„ $25 10; Co lumbia, S. C., $2245; Greenville, S. €.. $20 60; Macon, Ga., $$22.00; Sa vannah, Ga, $24.55; Spartanburg, S C, $19 65. Correspondingly low- rates from other points. Dates of sale Sept. 7th to 11th in clusive, good to return leaving Cleveland uot later than midnight Sept 15ib, 1901. By depositing tick ets in person with Joint Agent at -Cleveland on or before 12 o’clock noon, Sept. 15th, 1901, and payment of fee of 50 cents, at time of deposit, and extension of final limit up to and including OR. 8th, 1901, may ■be secured. Cheap rates to Norfolk, Va , on account of the meeting of the Con catenated Order of Hoo IIoo, Nor folk, Va. Sept. 9th 13th, 1901, Southern Raiivvay will sell round trip tickets to Norfolk, Va , and re turn at rate of one first-class fare for the round trip from all stations on its iine. Dates ui sale September 7th and 8th, final limit Sept. 15th, inclusive. Southern Railway best line to Norfolk, through sleeping cars, ho tel dining cars. For detailed information as to •rales, reservations, etc., call on or address any agent of the Southern Railway or collections. S. H. Hare wick, G. P. P., Washington, D C. W. H. Tayloe, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Brooks Morgan, D. P, a , Atlanta, Ga. J as. Freeman. T. P. A. Macon. W. H. Cafeey, C. P. and T. A. Columbus, Ga. Dr. Henry J. Godin EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST, Dealer In lU-nfe Optical Goods and Mimu faeturer of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. CONSULTATION FREE. Stroger Phone, 793. 928 Broad Stree AU -USTA, GEORGIA ££5“ Opposite Planter’s Hotel. Washington’* Fastiaiona tvinsnian. Lawrence, earl of Ferrers, a distant relative of George Washington, had a most tyrannical temper, and one day in a fit of passion he cut down with his sword his steward, an old gentleman named Johnson. The latter had given no provocation for the deed, and the crime was an act of brutality inexcusa ble save that the earl may not have been well balanced mentally. He was brought to trial for killing Johnson nnd demanded and received the privi lege of being tried by his peers. The house of lords w r as thronged dur ing the hearing. The evidence proved to be conclusive, and Ferrers was sen tenced to be hanged at Tyburn. Ap peals were made to tbe king for clem ency, but in vain. Ferrers met bis fate with considerable bravado. He -was carefully attired for the occasion and insisted on providing a silken cord for the ceremony. To this whim the execu tioner agreed, and the earl was turned off otherwise like any other felon. Tills Ts An Advertisement. If you are looking for a laxative. Dr.Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is IT. The convenience and merit of this valuable remedy will be explained to your satisfaction by H B mamas- ter, Waynesboro; H. Q Bell, Milien. Job Pbtntino. Job Printing promptly executed "- c'VTiiS: * Toledo, O., A ug. 3.—The jury in Judge | deck’s court in this city has found James \V bite, a local grocer, guilty of selling- adulterated coffee. The prose- cution was based on a package of Ar- buckles Ariosa coffee, j The State cf Ohio, through the Pure I Food Commission, prosecuted White, j I he case was ou trial for nearly a month and attracted national atten- : tion. i The manufacturers of Ariosa coffee | conducted the defense for Grocer | White. Tbe best attorneys in the ! country were retained to defend him. j but, after a short consultation, a ver dict of guilty was returned by the jury. The State cf Ohio considers this a big victory. Pure Food Commissioner Blackburn has been waging a warfare on spurious food articles and the de partment has been successful. The complaint of the State of . Ohio was that Ariosa coffee was coated with a substance which concealed defects in the coffee and made it appear better than it is. The State charged this coating or glazing was a favorable me dium for the propagation of bacteria. Prof. G. A. Kirehmaier, of this city, a well known chemist, was the princi pal witness for the State. He had made scientific examinations of sam ples of Ariosa purchased from Grocer White in the open market. lie found that each Ariosa berry contained an average of 300 bacteria. Mr. Kireh maier further testified that other cof fees lie examined contained few bacte ria or none at all. He declared that the glazed coffee was not a wholesome food product. Chemist Schmidt, of Cincinnati, cor roborated the testimony of Prof. Kireh maier. The State did not present fur ther testimony. The defense through the Arbuckles, who prepared this glazed coffee, se cured some of the most eminent chem ists and scientists in the United States to give testimony in their behalf. Prof. II. W. Wiley, of the United States Ag ricultural Department; Prof. Vaughn of Ann Arbor University: Profs. Bleile and Webber, of the Ohio State Univer sity, were called to defend Ariosa. Dr. Wiley had made a careful examination of the method of manufacturing Ario sa. He told of the 19,000,000 eggs used by the Arbuckles yearly in the' prepara tion of this glazing. On this point in cross examination, the State’s attorney deftly drew from him the information that these eggs might be kept in cold storage by tbe Arbuckles for a year or two at a time. The experts who heard Dr. Wiley’s testimony were pleased to be able to “catch” so famous a chemist. The doc tor at one point in bis testimony ex plained very clearly liow it is that the egg put into the coffee pot by the bouse wife settles the coffee. He said that the heat coagulates the egg, and as it sinks to the bottom of the pot it carries the fine particles of coffee with it, and thus clarifies the drink. It is the act of coagulation in the coffee pot that docs the work. Later on in his cross exam ination. he had to admit that when the egg was put on Ariosa coffee at the factory it became coagulated, and as egg cannot be coagulated but once, that the coating ou coffee was practically uo value, as a “settler” when it reached the coffee pot. Prof. Wiley acknowledged that the glazing might be a favorable medium for the propagation of bacteria, al though he would not testify positively either way because he was not a bac teriologist. Prof. Vaughn, of Ann Arbor, also a witness for the Arbuckles, said he found bacteria on Ariosa coffee. Prof. Bleile, another witness for the defense, found any number cf lively bacteria on Ariosa coffee he examined, and he agreed that glazed coffee surely was a more favorable medium for the propagation of bacteria than unglazod coffee. Pure Food Commissioner Blackburn says: “The State is very much elated over its victory against this corpora tion. We are now considering the ad visability of informing every grocer in the State of Ohio that it is an infrac tion of the laws to sell Ariosa, and at the same time give warning to con sumers that the coffee is an adulterat ed food article.” The verdict of the jury in this case is of national importance because a great many other States have pure food laws like that of Ohio, and it is natural to suppose that similar action will be taken by other Pure Food Commis sioners to prevent the sale of glazed coffees. O O. Buck, Beirne, Ark.,' says: I was troubled with constipation, un til I bought DeWilt’s Little Early Risers. Since then have been en tirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend tr.em. H. B. McMaster. A Bright Boy Wanted. The publishers of the famous big illustrated weekly newspaper,Penn sylvania Grit, are now placing rep resentatives at every post office in Georgia and they desire to secure tbe service of capable hustling agents in each of the following towns of Burke county: Girard; Hillis;Keysvide; Lawtonville; id- viile; unnerlyn; Rogers; and in such other towns as are not already supplied. The work is profitable and pleasant. A portion of Satur- urday only is required.- Over 5.000 ao-ents are doing splendidly. No money whatever is required. Every- thingis furnished free. Stationery, rubber stamp, ink and pad, adv<? r - thing matter, sample copies, etc Fa ners are shipped to be paid for at E end of each on.lh. Those not sold are not charged foe.- Write to the Grit Publishing Co, Williams port. Pa. and mention The True Citizen Two Murderers Kesentenced. Macon, Aug. 6.—Judge Felton con- vened Bibb superior court yesterday by resentencing Levi Carroll, a negro, and leader Minder, white, to die on the gal- taws for murder, the supreme court hav- ini refused to grant them new trials. Carroll, by Judge Felton s decree, is to be exerted on Thursday. Sept, o, while the date of Minder’s execution was fixed for Friday, Sept. 6. Libor day will be celebrated great siyle iq Atlanta In Atlanta Monday a falling wall buried seven negro men. Savannah is now enjoying a j strike. Not pleasant is it. . Scanty of fuuds may cause Atlan ta’s police force to be reduced. Cordele will have a new union depot. It will be 70x600 feet. The returns from 1+9 Pointed Paragraphs. Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. Learn how to tell a story, A well told story is as welcome as a sun beam in a sick room. ORDINARY’S NOTICES G EORGI Burke Cocstt-Whereas, Annie Z. ShepparJ, Administratrix of the estate of Jas. R ShepparO of said county, applies dismissor’- from said administr These are, therefor . to cite and admonish all persons interested to snow cause, lif any they can,) before me- at y office, at 10 Learn to keep your own troubles I o’clock, % "•, on the first Monday in K J ! October. i!)01, why said lepers dismissory to yourself; if you cannot, tell them ! from said administration should not be . . ! granted in terms of tiie law. This July 12th. to a policeman The world is too 1901. GEO. F. COX, Ordinary, B. C. i Lawson ,t Scales, Attys. SOWS. j _ , . riTATEOF GEORGIA—Burke County.— Learn to stop croaking. If yOU I Q Burke Court of Ordinary,.July Term. 1901. , . ., _■ , ! ’»'<) Wiliam Brinson, Fannie Hobliirk and : Canno„ see any gOOf. in ihe world, I ;jjj na Brinson: Application having been counties i, PPn Ui« hart to vmirsplf - made for the probate in solemn form ot the Ohc.m on *.« on ,0- K ° JOUrc-eil. | nuncupative will of Lizzie M. Briosou, late sh.w an increase O. %14 344.13o. t- „„ rn n;.i„ vnnr nfl ; r q ar>d i of said county deceased: V ou, as one of the ~ , r Learn .O „uie your pans anu j he irs-at-law of said Lizzie M. Brinson, are A here are fline.y feathers fiom nn.-ior o nlf fWflr.t smile. N01 hereby- required to appear at. the Court of Ordinary for said county- on tbe first Mon- busy to care for your ills and sor-! IMrs. .A.. ]\I "Wells, — Healer In — pnfgfiet^ Fashionable Millinery, Novelties, & Notions, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, Etc., W aynesboro, : : : (Georgia. The ladies are cordially invited to inspect my stock beiore they buy elsewhere. You can save monev bv buying goods at home. oct.8,18SS. Don’t forget it. , aches under a pleasant smile. Georgia at ibe University cf Cbica ; one cares f 0 hear whether you have go’s summer school. the earache, headache, or iheuma- John Washington, a negro rapist isci. at Way’s Station, was roasted to the j A Pros?j se !fish. complaining man queen a taste Saturday night. or woman is deformed on the in The YVrightsviiU Gin & Ware- L-ide. Their feet may not limp, but hou<e Company has been bought by j »heir thoughts do. the Southern Cotton Oil Company j An aged lady, Mrs. ELzab.-th Col j iier, was run over bv a W. & A i / train Monday. The accident occur- j red near Adairsville. Isidore Minder, who is under sen - j tence of death at Macon, has again | broken his fast. He tried to com-j mit suicide by fasting. day in September. 1901, next, when sa : d ap plication will be heard and passed upon. This ist of July. 1901. GEO. F. COX, Ordinary, B. C. Ga. Lawson »fc Scales, Alt’ys. Dupont Guerry fired the first gun in the campaign for governor at Pelham last Friday, It is four teen mouths before election time. Augusta seems to be a town of mayors these days. Her mayor is away; the mayor pro tern is away, and uovv we don’t know how soon it will be before the mayor “three tern” will be away. The Darien Gazette says that “the governor should call out tbe milita- A Tongue Twister. It you stick a stick across a stick, O r cross a stick across a stick, Or .Rick a cross across a stick, Or stick a cross across a cross, Or cross a cross across a stick, Or cross a cross across a cross, Or stick a crossed sth k across a stick, Or cross a crossed stick across a cro a s, Or stick a crossed stick across a crossed stick, Or cross a crossed stick across a stick, Or cross a crossed stick across a crossed stick, you will iearn by fin ishiug this that The True Citizen is now $1 a year. It will be kept up ty it’s present high standard and we would like to put YOU on our list. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., Augusta, Ga. 51VES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects ol sight, grinds the proper glasses and WAR RANTS them. Lenses cut into vour frame while you wait. FREE OF CHARGE. HOLLEYMAfES COMPOUND ELIXIR FOR HORSE Colic. ry for the purpose of seeing to it 1 Cash must accompany the subscrip that a decent election for ordinary is held in Chatham. Sam Jones should be also be called in.” The Monroe Advertiser says that ‘•it is saio that the main plank of the next Populist p’aiform will demand the abolition of barbers.” The D 1 rien Gazette says “the Advertiser should not make fun of the dead,” We would like to knew where “it” went ? A “cullod lady” jarred the people of Whitehall street, Atlanta, last Monday. Her hat caused the com motion. It was worn by a tall, lean negro woman, who was aressed in a pink frock, trimmed with purp’e ribbons, The hat. Well we will just give the News' description of the “horrible thing”. “It was of black velvet, shaped like a fried egg and decorated with six long pea cock feathers, dyed blue. One pointed east; one pointed west; an other stood at right angles to the brim, while another lay parallel to it. The stems of the feathers sunk into a knot of vivid red on the sum mit of tbe hat.” Everybody stop ped to rubber at it. She was an ex cursionist from Pine Bloom. (ion. CENTRAL RAILROAD RATES, Tiie Following: Are Some of the Best and Cheapest Ever Offered. Pan-American Exposition, Buffa lo, N. Y., i} Ut to November 1st, 1901.—The Pan-American will be worth many an effort. The question of traveling to and from the Pau American Exposition at Buflalo is one to be carefully con sidered. When you buy your ticket you will wish to feel satisfied that you have selected wisely. You will de sire to travel comfortable, pleas antly, promptly and to secure the most of interest on your ourney. The matter of returning home.too must be considered as after you have done the exposition, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and vicinity, you’ll be tired and wish to go quickly and comfortably. The Central of Georgia Railway by reason of its desirable connec tions both rail and steamship offer ing a choice of two routes, will best fill every requirement necessary to successful and comfortable Pan- American journeys from the South east. Through direct connections are made through Atlanta, Athens, Au gusta and all rail or through Sav annah, thence the palatial and com fortable steamships ot the Ocean Steamship Company to New York or Boston. See any agent of the Central of Georgia Railway or drop us a pos tal, as probably we will have some thing in the way of special matter about the Exposition we can send you. J. G. Haile, G. P. A., Savannah, Ga. Call on anyjagent. or representa tive for full information. News and Notes. The California Cured Fruit assoc-ia- tiou has secured control of all the un sold prunes iu the state and is thus in position to fix rates. This also insures the shipment of only the best grades to the east. The immense wine crop of France has brought prices very far down. Such abundance has not been known for half a ceuturv. But some growers attribute the extraordinary excess in part to the mixing of heavy Spanish wiues with the wines of France. Much of the so called French wine used abroad is said to be of this sort. Results secured in a number of ex periments in different parts of the country are quite uniform in showing the good effects of early plowing for fall wheat. It appears that, while many of the cases of sickness in stock which are at tributed to eating moldy corn are due to other causes, the continued use of such food may result in intestinal and nervous disorders of a serious nature. The litchi, or leechoe, nut is a native of China. It is chiefly eaten in this country by tbe Chinese population, al though it possesses an agreeable flavor and is becoming more generally known. Deforesting operations on a huge scale are noted by Tbe New England Homestead as an impending peril to that section. Especially in New Hamp shire are towns in the lumber regions becoming depopulated. The 2 biggest farmers i n Georgia and South Carolina—Capt. Jas. M. Smith says of it: "Have tried them. Holle'man’s is the best o! all. Keep it all the time.” Cant. R. II. Walker says: “Holleyman’s is worth its weight in gold. I have saved ris man v as three horses lives per month wlt\ it.” Hol/eyman’s Comoound Elixir Will cure any case of Horse Colic under tlie sun Sold by all the merchants of this county. I)o not take any substitute said .0 he tlie lame tiling or as good. N. L. WILLETT DRUG CO, AUGUSTA. C4K. make it. MEN AND BOYS’ CLOTHING! A magnilicent stock now ready tor the inspection ot the trade. The largest and most select ever brought out. Dressy Spring Apparel for Ladies. e could expatiate at great length upon the superiority or this department and write a volume upon the surpassing nature ot our bargains, but these points are well-known, and we simpl) ask the ladies to call and inspect. J. WILLIE LEVY, Outfitter for Men, Women and Children ’ 1 feb25,’99—by 814 Bioadway, AUGU TA, GA. ifi aya 3 Sf T S’ t'otton.Saw. Grist, UyMtrLEi 5 f£. Oil and F ortllizer NULL OUTFITS. Gin, Press, Cane Mill ami Shingle Outfits Building, Bridge. FaCt °SdR r an a road OaSllDgS. Railroad, Mill, Machinists’ and Factory Supplies Belting, Packing. Injectors, Pipe Fitting., Saws, Flies, Oilers, Etc. Cast every day; work ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON W0RK84SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA. QA. F. C. YOUNG, ARLINGTON BARBER SHOP. WAYNES B IRO, GA. My shop is nicely fixed with water ano every convenience. I solicit the public pa- ronage. Special attention given to work or Le ladle deco.’flfi— Machinery of all Kinds. s. o. Xj^xisro-, Sandersville, Oa. Saw Mills, Engines, Boilers, Fittings, flowing Machines THRESHIN <5r MACHINES, Ac. Gin Repairing, a Specialty. Orders from Burke county given special attention. On all work sent iu by 1st of June next, I will pay FREIGHT ONE WAY! All work Guaranteed. A Shoe Making, REPAIRING, &c. I am located on New St., Cobbham, where I am prepared to give satisfaction in mending Shoes and Harness at short notice. Satislac- tion guaranteed. I solicit a share of your pa tronage. When in need of any kind of SHOE repairing, ring TELEPHONE, No, 2. I will rail for the work. lev. P. .T. MAJOR, Waynesboro. Ga SOCIETY ociety Badges Made by— BADGES! ocietyBadg es Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps seals, Stencils. Cotton Brands, Ac.. 221 Campbell St., between Broad and Ellis, Augusta. Ga aug3190J PRICE-LIST All Goods Sold for Cash. If not satisfactory, return them at my expense and I will refund your money. CASE GOODS: stops mm Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901. Ever since the first appearance of rav menses they were very irregular and I suffered with great pain in my hips, back, stomach and legs, with terrible bearing down pains in the abdomen. During the past month I have been taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford’s Black-Draught, and I passed the month ly period without pain for the first time in years. Naxnie Davis. DE. GEO. A. PATEICK, (Formerly Winkler & Patrick, DENTIST OFFICE, 626 Broad tra et, Augusta, - - Georgia Oitice Hours—8:30 a. ra. f to 6p,m. Whai is life worth to a woman suffer ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet there are women in ihousands of homes to-day who are bearing those terrible mcnsirual pains in silence. II you are one of these we want to say that this same wii! bring you permanent relief. Con sole yourself with the knowledge that 1,000,000 women have been completely cured by Wine of Cardui. These wom en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular menses, headache, backache, and bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui will stop all those aches and pains for you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui to-day and take it in the privacy of your home. For advice and literature, address, frivinp symp toms, “The Lames” Advisory -Department,” Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anvone sending a sketch and description ma$ quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable- Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Slunn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ci» culation of any scientific journal. Terms, f 3 a rear: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers MIINN & Co. 36,Broa i" a *’ New York Branch Office. 625 F St.. Weahington, D. C. Old Fashion Hand-made Coru Whiskey Pure Apple Brandy, per gallon, - 3 00 per gpllou, - - - - $ 2 00. Pure Peacli Brandy, per gallou, - - 3 00 Select Pure Rye Whiskey, per gallon, 2 00 | S. W, Gin, per gallon, - - - 2 0 Sunset Rye Whiskey, per gallon, - 1 751 Keyeystone, full quart, - - - 10 Pure Hulland Gye, per gallon, - - 3 75 j Century, full quart, 10 K. Z. Pure Rye Whiskey, per gallon, 3 00 j Catlierwood’s Upper Ten. per bottle, - 1 25 New England Rum,Iper gallon, - - 2 00 Three Feathers, per bottle, - - 2 00 Select any four bottles you find in this advertisement and we will ship same by express prepaid on receipt of price. A.. L. PADGETT, Corner Broad and McKinne Sts. .AxLgUSta, Gra. AIARVELOUS : REDUCTION In Ladies’ Shirt "W^aists. In order to sell out our summer stock oi Shirt Waists, we have made the GREATEST CUT ever known. Listen to this: On all Summer Waists marked $1.00 and above, we are now selling at half price. $1.00 Waist. 50c„ $1.50 waist 75c. so ou upward. All goods marked in plain figures. The Great Tailor-Fit Clothiers, I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO., 838 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. C ONTRACTORS' =* - BUILDERS'^’ MILL SUPPLIES. Horticultural convention. Miixedgevulx, Ga., Aug. 6.—The horticultural ccnTentioii will be called to order here Wednesday morning at the courthouse. Au address of wel come in behalf of the city will be made by Major Jullius A. Horne. After the ■ annual address by President P. J. Berk- mans the report of the state entomolo gist; will be read. A barbecue by the ladies of Milleageville will be served on IjU. n<tw--thnn m gjgggd.5- AND. Castings, Stssl Beams, Columns and Chak. tel Bolts, Rods, Weights, Tanks, Towers, <ko. Steel Wire and Manila Rope, Hoisting Engines end Pumps, Jacks, Derrloks, Crabs, Chain and Rope Holsts. SSTCast Every Day. Make Quick Delivery. LOMBARD IRONWORKS! SUPPLY (Ml AVGUSTA. GA. A Bachelor’s Comment. “A great German doctor advises men to wed and not die young.” “Yes, but sensible men prefer a quick death to slow torture.” — Cleveland Plain Dealer. C(V. IHEHSTBEET & BBO-fr 623 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, : : GEORGIA. FISHING TACKLE, And palding’s Baseball Goods a specialty. ICodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive ! stomachs can take it. By its use many j information, thousands of dyspeptics have been : « «* cured after everything else failed. It *'* °- mcmllian, is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago The SI. bottle contains2}4 times tbe50c. size. Sold by H B McMASTER. (f=? Try one of our clubbing offers. Notice to All Who Have Machinery! I have located in Waynesboro, and willlgive prompt attention to all repairs on any kind of Machinery. Plumbing a specialty. Orders left at my home, or at S, Beli’s store will be given quick attention.- R. W. CHANDLER, Machinist, jan 26.1901—by Gall on us when in the city. Georgia Railroad For information as fo Routes schedules and Rates, both PASSENGER«FREIGHT, write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable A. J. Jackson, G. A, Pass. Dept. G, P. A. G. H. WILCOX, S. A. AUGUSTA, GA. S. E. MAGILL, • C. D, COX, Gen’l Agt. Gen’l Agt. ATLANTA. ATHENS V. W. HARDWICK, W, C. McMILLIN Gen’l Agt. S. F. & P. A M ACON. MACON. M. R. HUDSON W.M. McGOVERN T. F.&P. A. Gen’l Agt. ATLANTA, GA. AUGUSTA. Advertising: rates liberal. 1 Job Printing of all classes. SSkaisisjS