The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, August 31, 1901, Image 4

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> Jj JtL CC. <3-rEo:Eea-i of aii Kinds iu ueorgia iciiow noe. i‘ii; g, louifcg, siding, rin 1 smog, Moulding, Etc Sills, Driugo, Railr ad and Special Bills to order. You will find no stale LI0JJ S0FFEB on his shelves—it sells tod fast to grow stale. Why? Because it is an absolutely pure coffee. Strength, Purity and Flavor. Please bear in mind that Xj1o33. Coffee is not a glazed article; it is not coated with egg mixtures or chemicals in order to give it a better appearance. We do not need to resort to such measures—we have no imperfections to hide! In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SP5CE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. Win mm Watchmaker and Jeweler, Money! Money! 'my ! At 5 per c-ent ou 10 years time. ue are prepared to negotiate 3oa s on improved city and, Farm property in sums of not less than three hundred dollars at 6 per cent, interest, for ten years il desired. Can secure an advance of 50 per cent, on the value of the property offered as security Waynesboro, Georgia. High-Class work a specialty Call and see us. LAWSON & SCALES, Waynesboro, Ga. J..V6H LISBEY MOflSfiSY 00, POf/iONA, N. C. 1,000.000 Trees and Vines Large stock of shrubbery. apU3,I901—by Keep Cool iii Hot Weather! Means success. Unless you follow a well defined system in money matters, ten to one you’ll never be rich Save a part of what you make each month, and deposit if at reg ular intervals in our Savings Department, where it systematically works for you. Four percent, per annum paid on savings, compounded twice a year. Ste?" A sol d institution which will help make you one of the solid men <>f your town. Send ns yourdepositto day. You can’t be gin too early- Pass book sent by return mail. EQUITABLE TRUST GO, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. An Incident Sltowir.g the military Cocr.-.gc cf the MontGiiefjrin. In military courage the Montenegrin probably stands at the head of Euro pean races. The best wish fora baby boy is, "May you not die in your bed!” and to face death is, lo man or boy, only a joyous game. Says W. J. Still man in his “Autobiography:” I have seen a man under a heavy Turkish fire deliberately leave the trenches and climb the breastwork, only to expose himself from sheer bravado. While lying at headquarters at Orea- buk, awaiting the opening of the cam paign iu 1S77, I was walking one di with the prince, when a hoy of 16 or IS approached us, cap in hand. “Now,” said the prince, “I’ll show you an interesting thing. This boy is the- last of a good family. Ills father and brothers were all killed in the last bat tle, and I ordered him to go home and stay with his mother and sisters, that the family might, not become extinct.” The boy drew near and stopped be fore us, his head down, his cap in hand. “What do you want?” asked the prince. “I want to go back to my battalion.” “But,” said the prince, “you are tHV last of your line, and I cannot allow a good family to be lost. You must go home and take care of your mother.” The boy began to cry bitterly. “Will you go home quietly and stay there,” said the prince, "or will you take a flogging and be allowed to fight?” The boy thought for a moment. A flogging, he knew well, is the deepest disgrace that can befall a Montenegrin. “Well.” he broke out, “since it isn’t for stealing. I’ll be flogged.” “No,” said the prince, “you must go home.” Then the boy broke down utterly. “But,” he cried, “I want to avenge my father and brothers!” lie went away stiil crying, and the prince said: “In spite of all this he will be in the next battle.” Predictions ot n Hate Wliich Will ; Prevail Within Five I ears—Ameri- | can Cars Made For Spain’s Bay Kilts—Fast Train Solis Machinery Abroad—Engine’s Long Journey. Robert J. Campbell of New York, who is president of the Cape n»r< Construction company, cf which Dr. W. f.ewaid Webb of the New 7 or!: Central railroad is vice president and which is building the line of the Cape Breton railway from Canso to Louis- burg, stated recently, according to a Montreal dispatch to the New York Times, that he had obtained control oi 51 per cent of the stock of the South Shore Railway company. The price is believed to be $300,000. The road run • from St. Lambert,' opposite Montreal, to Sorel. All the men interested in the- deal are closely connected with Dr. Webb and New York Central interests. New cap ital will be brought into the corpora tion, and the line will be completed to Levis, where an important connection will be made in the near future. It is generally believed that the New York Central will, eventually gain an inde pendent entrance to the city of Mont real over the proposed bridge. Meanwhile an injunction has been taken by Mr. Hedge, traffic manager cf the Rutland company, to enjoin the transfer from several Canadian estates to Mr. Campbell of their rights in the South Shore railway. It is believed that there is no hostility between the Rutland and New York Central, but simply between Mr. Hodge and Mr. Campbell, as each wants the construc tion work. c*rrns» % ** « aj S 2 p s i t 9 'Gff *s» ia fs& Just arrived Rljj Elltft B; ie Flat Du ■■ a • is week— in-nip. Turnip. uipie lop iurnip. out hern 7 Top Turnip, i oilow Aberdeen Turnip. Golden Ball Turnip. trap! CHINESE PROVERBS. Jos. B. CUM MING. V has. G. GOODRICH, President. Vice-President. ALBERT S HATCH War. H. BARRETT Sect’y and Treas. Attorney. TRUSTEES: Jno, W. Dickey, a. F. Pendleton, R. A, Graves, H, H, Cummin", Robt. W. Shand, Geo. E. Goodrich. COMPLETE i Oil and Fertiliser I¥11LL OUTFITS- Gin, Press, Cane Mill end Shingle Outfits Building, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Railroad Castings. Railroad, Mill, Machinists’ and Factory supplies. e Fitting-, Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe ' Saws. Files, Oilers, Etc. CaTCasf every day; work ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON W0RKS1 SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. jV.'L HE1STBEET & BRQ.j|> 623 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, : : GEORGIA. FISHING TACKLE, And palding’s Baseball Goods a specialty. Dig a well before you are thirsty. The ripest fruit will not fall into your mouth. Groat wealth means destiny. Mod erate wealth means industry. The pleasure of doing good is the only one which does not wear out. Water docs not remain on the moun tain nor vengeance in a great mind. To nourish the heart there is nothing better than to make the desires few. When life comes, it cannot be de dined. When it goes, it cannot be detained. Good governments get the people’ wealth, while good instructions go their hearts. Those who labor with their ininib govern others. Those who labor with their strength are governed by others. A small bag cannot be made to con tain what is large. A short rope can I not be used to draw water from a deep | well. j Let every man sweep the -snow from before his own door and not busy him | self about the frost of his neighbor’s ! tiles. It Is believed that within five years 2 cents a mile will be the regular rate of fare on the steam roads of New Eng land, says the Providence Journal. This prediction is based on the fact that the companies are now making conces sions to travelers who insist that 2(4 cents a miie is too high a price for transportation and that something should be done for those who cannot afford to pay $20 for a mileage book. The New York, New Haven and Hart ford, which gets credit for a disposi tion not to be hasty in complying with requests for lower fares, has been un able to resist the pressure in Massa chusetts. It has joined other compa nies in selling 500 mile books for $10. This is a step in the right direction, but it does not meet the demands cf every passenger who can afford to in vest $10 in a railway mileage book. The undesirable feature of the conces sion is that the book is good only in the state of Massachusetts. A Boston resident can ride only to the Rhode Island line on the Providence division, and Providence patrons of the Consoli dated cannot use the book until they are five miles from the station in Prov idence. he proper thing to do is to make these books good ou the main lines in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Con necticut, and the abolition cf the terri torial limit will show that the compa ny is not indifferent to the reasonable demands of the people who support the road liberally and pay its stock holders dividends of S per cent. If the company is net prepared to sell single tickets at the rate of 2 cents a mile, it can remove this strange restriction mileage books and thus manifest a uis position to meet the public half way. _ . T1 Long Cow Horn Leal ri at. Dutch Turnip, tad other varieties. iurnip Also—A Fresh Line of POKE DjRUGS for -Do i v FI. B. McMASTER ffff \< WAYNESB()RQ t (jEOitUIA. net Seedisl HORKAIi'S GREAT EARS Alii:-! -Ia seasonable serviceable- friends h the best line p are furnishing ffrv Goods ever Just a few quotations to give you an idea what we have toI Large-size Fleece-Lined, Extra-Heavy Vests! brought to this city. furnish you with bleu. Women and Children, at losiery, Beks, Corsets, Towels, Ready-Made Sheets, Pillow] Cases, Lace Curtaius, Rugs, Carpets, the finest line of white and] red Damask ever seeu iu Augusta, for 25c. a vard. Bundle Remnants ot Calico and Worsted and everythin? you want lor yourself and family, at the LOW PRICE STORI Ipse; (T3ADE MARK HFGISTESED NO. 17438.) FROG F^OIHID CHILL AND FEVER CURE, Tsic ORIGINAL NO CURE NO PAY. 50 CENTS A SGTTLE. The old reliable the kind your fathers used to take. The one that never fails to cure. Don’t waste time and money experimenting with new cures. Bui. go for the best from the jump. Frog Pond is the ounce of prevention and pound of cure combined. Ask for it— take no substitute, if your merchant does not sell it write to us we will send it direct for 50 cents. What the Eye Tells. Eyes arc very treacherous, and those who meddle in amorous matters should know till about them. When the upper lid covers baif or more of the pupil, the indication is of cool deliberation. An eye the upper lid of which passes horizontally across the pupil indicates mental ability. Cn steady eyes, rapidly jerking from side- to side, are frequently indicative of an unsettled mind. It is said that the prevailing color of eyes among the pa tients cf lunatic asylums are brown and black. Eyes of any color with weak brows and long, concave lashes are indicative of a weak constitution. Eyes that are wide apart are said to indicate groat intelligence and a tena cious memory. Eye’s of which- the whole iris is visible belong to erratic persons, even with a tendency toward insanity. Wide open, staring eyes iu weak countenances indicate jealousy, bigotry, intolerance and pertinacity without firmness. J.B. D vYENPORT & CO.. Augusta, Ga. G GNTRaCTQRS’ m ^BUILDERSV MILL SUPPLIES. AND Coatings, Stool Beam*, Columns and Cfcas. a el Bolts, Rods, Weights, Tanks, Towers, &o. Stool Wire and Manila Rope, Hoisting Engine* and Pomps, Jacks, Derrioks, Crabs, Chain and Rope Holsts. Sr Cast Every Day. Maks Quick Delivery. Novelties in Silk Alpacca. Morhair, Woolen Serges, and Woolen Homespuns. The best goods, made to fit. Terms reasonable. For sale in Burke bounty by all first-class Druggists, and all leading merchants. june22.1flfil—hm MANAU, THE TAILOR, Waynesboro, Ga. W. D. BECKWITH, RESIDENT DENTIST, WAYNESBORO, ; : GEORGIA. (Office -Over Citizens Bank.) Office hours: 8 to 1 a. m., and from 2 to4 I p. m. Specsal attention to crown and bridge I work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. The expense of a trip to a arge city saved patrons. sep3,’98—'by IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE f SEN D YOUR.JOB PRINTING TO "THE CITIZEN JOB OFFICE,Waynts- qcro, Ga. Justices Court Blanks a spe cialty Estimates ohaerfnlly furnished Tlie Bob Thomas place, 66tli district, con taining 580 acres, 380 cleared. 2U0 acres in original forest, 4 good frame tenant bouses. Well watered. Will sell cheap for cash. Im mediate possession given. Apply to J E. TARVER, Augusta, Ga feb23,'1900-tf . Gootl Form, bat Bad Sense. The London reporter must wear his plug hat and frock coat to get into parliament. From which it is plain, says the Pittsburg Times, that it is better to have a job In Washington, where a straw hat will admit to the presence of the biggest man In the town. • Have Yon Seen It. We keep Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in plain view, but if you don’t happen to see it, why ask for it. The manufacturers guarantee it to cure dyspepsia and all forms of stomach troubles. Sold by h. B. Mcwaster, Waynes boro, Ga. h q Beii, Millen, Ga. Two palace cars, one a luxurious rolling drawing room and the ether diner, which have been built for A1 fenso XIII, the boy king of Spain, were recently loaded aboard ship at Wilmington, Dei., and started for Bit boa. This fact is regarded as proof that the Spanish royal family holds no resentment against the power wind deprived it of all its possessions in tin western world. The cars are built, according to the New York World, somewhat after the pattern of the Pullman cars, although considerably smaller, measuring only 30 feet in length. The exterior of the drawing room car is royal blue in col oring, with gold trimmings and mount ings. A New York railroad man says that foreigners come to the United States for the purpose of riding on the Empire State express and after a round trip to Buffalo go back home convinced that America is ahead cf every other court try in the world in regard to transpor tation. The achievement of this train, says the genial general passenger agent, has been one great element in in troducing American machinery abroad. Its reputation is worldwide. Through It (he Russian government was induc ed to construct the Transsiberian rail way of Pennsylvania rails laid on Ore gon ties and equipped with more than 1,000 American locomotives. An engine of the Great Northern rail way which was built in 1S70 bas just completed 4,000,000 miles, says a Lon don dispatch to the New York Sun. This, it is Relieved, breaks the English record. Speed of Tarbine Steamship. A report just issued in London in re gard to the steamship Firth of Clyde, which is fitted with turbine engines and which has been running for six weeks, shows that she has made an av erage speed daily of 20 knots an hour. This was done without any attempt at high speed. Above Suspicion. On being informed that a member of his race had been sentenced to the pen itentiary for forgery. Brother Dickey exclaimed: “Dat’s what comes er dis yer c-ddication. Thank de good Lawd 1 never could read or write, en, what’s mo,’ I never will!”—Atlanta Constitu tion. Low Kates Ox er Central. Send us the news of your section. Low rates to Buffalo, N. Y, via Central of Georgia Railway.aecount of Pan-American Exposition.Choice of route t via rail or water Call on any agent of the eompany for full Information, ratea, etc. Job Pbxntlsu. Advertising mites liberal, 812 Broad treet, AUGU TA, GA. 3j| H Do y-A PH m h m F >: ... ; *»*-•« ;r?L % hff !’* 8 jp-SSgjg©ja&'-^3?; ?,£-S35gS3£5SEi5B0fi!| fji/grej? JgsLilr ^ If You’re a Judge of good liquors I ami willing to accept your opinion of myl famous George E. Payne’s Private] Stock Pure Rye, distilled arul bot-l tied for me by Augelo Meyers & Co.,] Philadelphia. Pa. 11 yon are not a judge, jou map rely uper. myl guarantee of its purity and age, and upon the Minouy of people who have used it. I would i®" to rend you a small order; a lar.- er one will foil 1 .’ 1 $1 per full quart; 83.75 four quarts. Order wliat| you want, 1 have it SOUTH CAROLINA SALOON, may!!,!:’.,. ,jy' GEO. E. PAYNE, Proprietor. 1114 Broadway, - - AUGUSTA, Ga THIS SEASON We will offer to the Public the best[ines of That has ever been for sale in AUGUSTA, Our SHOES will be sold strictly on their meifts and on our guarantee of their 1 liability. We will have some special o fie rings to make as the season progresses, due notie j of xvhieh we will given to the public. In medlum-prjced SHOES, the lines we carry have no superior. In If A I DM 8PIO.ES, such as are needed by those exposed to the inclemency of the weather. We have rauJe ;F cia, effort to secure SHOES that will give ample protection to feet, and keep tbem dq No trouble to show our Shoes. GOULEY & VAUGHN 826 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. fiST-Agent or HANAN & SON S Flue Shoes. MOBLEY BROS., FOUNDER” -AND- MACHINI^ Wayneboro, Ga. CASTS T'OTESIDIR.'STC: ana Dealers in Grist Mills, Cotton Gins^^ 5»nri PnndflnsprR nnd do 81* * * . “t Feeders and Condensers and do a ’ C - a, ^ erfnn nni) I n rr ttllllfll Building GJn All kind oi glne and Boiler repairin_ and repairing Gins a specialty. .,35 pair wxrk done onshert notice. We get up all kinds of moulding?: - 7 iiiau, juueuj ... r i. •