The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, September 28, 1901, Image 6

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tail C«f AnTEED CAPTURING aj=assenger. I Hollars ! Your Old Clothes Redeemed' Oppo m n ill f4 ff S &3 @ AjiA-' ia s? St 6 wf £3 Ei '&s3 r i§ ^ TABLISS ED A. D, 1840. SB. BOS:ST33IIDEISB. M l|p p m r| ^cvihri f*A £i!S^ tsT ^ U % T*"*%& S?^ 7 3 ^ ^ Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Fine Liquors, Fine Wines, Havanna 32 ii*er , «.I Waters, ID to. 601 and 802 Broad St., - Augusta, ar 6a. Agent, for Association, Veuve-Cliquot—Ponsardin, , ^ Vl fcj Urbana Wine Co., Anbeuser-Bascb Brewing LEAK. g IPW?^ “SHOP ABOUND THE iUte ¥ <3? CORNER.” SPECIAL, BARGAINS IN ALL STYLES OF FA1TCT ZD^ETST Gh003DS. The greatest Lace Market in the South. Exquisite Embroideries, White Goods, Ladies and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves. Metai Purses in Oxidized "Silver v New Butterick’s Patterns. ■ Q and Gun Metal, iroui ?9c. to $3 50 each. Extraordinary values in Laces at 5c. and 10c. SHOP AROUND THE CORNER, BLEAKLEY’S, JACKSON STREET Near B BO AD WAY. AUGUSTA, GA STOVES, Ranges, Mantels, TILIHG and GRATES, Largest Stock ! Lowest ' rices Tin Roofing and Galvanized Sheet Metal Work, a Specialty, REPAIRING PROMPTLY BONE. DAVID ^DU^KY, Phones, B. 100. 1009 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. The Merry Makers, of August are preparing to give the biggest anci best show yet attempted by this well known association. They make the positive statement that this fall ’hey will eclipse all previous efforts mil guarantee a week of frolicsome fun and unalloyed pleasure to all. The Merry Makers have made ar | enviable reputation for excellent I entertainments, ami this year they j Intend to stu pass themselves. Among the attractions to be offer ed the public will be a grand fire men’s tournament, in which mem bers of fire companies from all over Georgia, North and South Carolina will participate. Valuable cash prizes will be offered, and iho tour nament is already attracting wide spread attention. The grand free stage attractions j this tall will be far superior to any j yet seen in this section an '■ will be j novel in the extreme. These shows ! wiii be absolutely free to all. The sideshow attractions will in- j elude everything that goes to make | op a first class midway. The gorgeous spectacle to be seen in Augusta daring the Merry Mak ers> fall will hew drier, astonish and enchant. King Frolic will bold full sway and dull care w til be banished to the dark recesses of oblivion. Augusta’s reputation for hospital ify is well known, and her license to visitors in qu st of & jolly good time is as limitless as time itself The fireworks display will he the grandest ever put on in the South. The Agricultural Fair will also prove a most excellent attraction Valuable prizes for exhibits will be given. In fact, If you are nut for a good Mine you had better go to Augusta October 14 19 to get it. CHEAP RATES. Southern Railway Announces Cheap Rates As Follows. Reduced rates to San Francisco California, and return Account General Conventior Episcopal church, San Francisco Cal. Oct 24 1901, Southern Rail way will soil loiind trip tickets *< San Francisco, Cal., and return al special reduced rales. From A‘- innta ?G0 00, Anderson, S. O , $64.1?. Brunswick, Ga , $64 25, Camden.S.C. Charleston, S. C, Charlotte, N C Chester. S C, Columbia, S S., Den mark, S. f -, Gastonia, N. C., i.ew- borry. S O., Orangeburg, S. C , Rock ilil 1 , S, C.. Spartanburg, S. C., Sum ter, S. C, $65,25, Fort Valley, G.i $61 70, Gainesville, Ga , $61 30. Grif fin, Ga , 61 10, Macon, Ga , $62 65, Sa vannsh, Ga, $64 70. Correspond ingly low rates from other points. Dalea of sale September 18fh to 264 inclusive,final limit November loth, 1901. For detailed information as to rates, reservations, etc., call on or address any agent of the Southern Railway or collections S. H. Hardwick. G. P. P., Washington, D C. W. H. Tayloe, A. G. P A , Atlanta, Ga. Brooks Morgan, D. P, a, Atlanta, Ga. Jas Freeman. T. P A. Macon. W. H. Caffey, C P. and T. A Columbus, Ga. CENTRAL RAILROAD RATES. THIS SEASON We will offer to the Public the bestjines of That has ever been for sale in AUGUSTA, Our SHOES will be sold strictly on their meliis and on our guarantee of their re liability. We will have some special offerings to make as the season progresses, due notice of which we will given to the public. In medium-priced SHOES, the lines we carry have no superior. In KA RA! SHOES, such as are needed by those exposed to the inclemency of the weather. We have made sp cial effort to secure SHOES that wil 1 give ample protection to feet, sr.d keep them dr, No trouble to show our Shoes. GOULEY & VAUGHN, 826 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. JB£s5“ Agent or HANAN & SON S Fiue Shoes MOBLEY BROS., FOUNDERS AND- MA CHINISTS, Wayne boro, Ga. - V-. . . -I CASTS rrXJESID ana S’RIXL&.'S’S | The Following Are Some ot the Best ami Cheapest Ever Offered. Ptin-Amnrican Exposition, Buffa lo, N. Y., May 1st to November 1st, 1901 —The Pan-American will be worth many an effort. The question of traveling to and from the Pan American Exposition al Buffalo is one to be carefully con sidered W hen you buy your licket you will wish to feel sa isfied that you have selected wisely You will de sire to travel comfortable, pleas antly, promptly and to secure the most of interest on your ourney. The matter of returning must be considered as after you have done the exposition, Buffak Niagara Fails and vicinity, you’d be tired and wish to go quickly and comfortably. The Central of Georgia Railway by reason of its desirable connec tions both rail and steamship off r- iDg a choice of two routes, w ill best fill every requirement necessary to successful 'and comfortable Pan- American journeys from the South east, Through direct connections are made through Atlanta, Athens, Au gusta and all rail or through Sav annah, thence the palatial and com fortable steamships of the Ocean Steamship Company to New York or Boston. See any agent of the Central of Georgia Railway or drop us a pos tal, as probably we will have some thing in the way of special matter about the Exposition we can send you. J. C. Haile, G. P. A , Savannah, Ga. RATES TO BUFFALO LOWERED. On Account Pan-American Exposition-Cen tral of Georgia R. R. Rates. Daily, on and after September 3 1. until October 20ih, inclusive, ih<- Contral of Georgia Railway will seii excursion tickets from ail coupon ticket station to Buffalo, via all rail authorized ticketing routes at- one fare plus $1.00 for ihe round trip, tickets limited for return twenty days from date of sale. Will also sell excursion tickets via Savannah and Steamship Lme:- via New York, Baltimore and Phil deinhia, theace rail to Buffalo, ai relative low rates for the round trip, ■Deluding meals and berths aboard sieamer, final limit twenty days from date or sale. For detailed information, sched ules, elc., apply to any agent or rep resentative of the Contra! of Geor gia Railway. J. C. Haile, G. P A , Savannah, Ga. i- TJie Hackman Tried Hairy Uleojr. the Last n Funny One. “I like perseverance in a man. even in a hncknian,” tegau Peterson, “and there is one particular iehu doing le.c i- noss in Washington who possesses that quality it: ik.e superlative degree. “When i visited the Capital City, 1 had tny mind fully made up to l:::ve ut fl ing to do with the hackteen. so when I stepped off the train a:uha crowd of these gentry began sh rating at me I simply shook my head and passe-.! on. One of them, however, was not to be thus easily disposed of. Dancing j ^ -around in front of me so ns to black i ^ my progress, he vociferated: “‘Hack, mister? Take- you to the Washington monument cr ibe capital? Only half a dollar!’ “Again I shook my head. “ ’Smithsonian institution or treasury building? Take you to both of ’em for 75 cents!’ “TGI! ! shook my head. “’Arlington and Fort My or 7 Drive yen over and back for ?2!’ “As before 1 responded wiil: a shake of the head. ’"’Wavy yard or Soldiers’ home? Either place for a dollar.’ “Another shake of the head. “ ‘Want to go to the White House and see the president? Drive foa right there for 50 cents!’ “More head shaking. “‘Patent office or state department? Same price as the White House!’ “Another shake. Mind you. all this time I hadn’t opened my mouth or ut tered a word, and from the puzzled look on the hackman’s face I thought I had him about discouraged. I-iut as I shoved past him. thinking to make my escape, his countenance suddenly brightened up and I heard him mutter: ‘By George. I’ve hit it now! I’ll try him just once more!’ And then, running in front of me again, he spell ed out on his fingers in the deaf and dumb alphabet, with which 1 chanced to be familiar, ‘Deaf and Dumb asy- unt? Take you right to the door for i quarter!’”—Woman’s Home Com panion. red -ee your < r-v.'i* to ir new ~ui n >our s >iie>! Sul. if r.vk-i Sti fles w.,rk to t ry liie Si i V ‘ )\A \ L?i i i ; i i ,'UURU L’ 1 4 \ \ jj 11 t 5 if UA {A ,m DR: wii 4 • i n i aYNEsrokO. <: if Or Hi ; u-n-os'tr, t 5 V fe - ‘41’- an(i W(): North A frusta. fs O k i i § 11 JL UUlluUllUUiJ T 5 i’slTI f% r-i it si i i j. i 1 :V| H H h 1 jji LfiL’iiii y y & S > i v -= - w\H}\ Manpfjwtnrers O-I V ~v o -g 5, J Blinds, Glazed Stu LilliI l! 1 £Z± \ / . A. £ n I K 4 'll ;tc (~2L. "f-Z'- 1 e*-'-, w—w ^ N-! — \! j ills, liriocre. OIK of nil Ki Ueiiing, {3i< taiir ad and in Georgia 1 Bow Ujii fipg, Frnisbiag, Moulding, Special Bills to order. .ar ror^ss f r a n Just wet’K— nip mi Red LAUNDRY LINES, If coffee is spilled on linen, the stains can be removed by soaking the part for 12 hours in clear cold water to which a little borax has been added. After you have washed and ironed your ribbons draw them swiftly under the flatiron, holding it ou one edge. Do this two or three times and your ribbon will not be stiff, but soft and pliable. To wash very yellow or grimy things make an emulsion of kerosene, clear liznewater and turpentine in equal parts. Shake them together until ■eamy, then add a cupful to a boiler ful of clothes and boil for half an hour. Acetic- acid (concentrated vinegar) wiil restore colors that have been in jured by the alkali in soap or by soda, monia or substances of a similar na ture. Conversely stains made with acids, which are hostile to some dark colors, may be removed with dissolved soda. j i. I 5 S-3 Sai li? •lived D:-ga i ill rup. Lu liuten Turnip. <u 4 nrple Top Turnip, rn 7 Top Turnip. 1 vv Aberdeen Turnip , t „ Long Cow trapped Leaf Flat Dutch Turnip, and other varieties. ,, v I VliVGS, for sale out! Golden Bail Also—A re: iiorn B. McMASTER Druggist and" Reed WAYNESBORO. cSokuiA. urcip 1st. Sf'0 tk m 1$ M -In Reasonable and serviceable FT uosiery, iff Belt red a mask ev Bundle Remnants et Calico you want for yourself and family ^ a u : 1 81-2 VETESANB’ BAY AT THE ATLANTA FAIU, Call on any agent or iepresenta- tive for fuli information. "Wednesday, Ootobor 16th, has been made Confederate Veterans’ Day as the Inter-S^xre Fair to be held in At lanta, beginning October 9ch. Every Confederate with his wife wiil receive free tickets to the grunnas and every effort will bo made to eutertaiu them royally. While no set program will be offered the sighc-seeiug and the rubbing or elbows with old coni’-ades at arms will be well worth the visit. It is expected that this Confederate Veterans’ Day will draw one of the largest crowds of the fair. The board of directors decided upon it unanimously at their last meeting, being careful to arrange the date so that it would not conflict with the reunion to be held in Macon, and it is expected that great crowds from out of town will bo on band. iu order to secure free tickets it is only necessary to register the name at an office, which wiii be located in At lanta. This office will be in charge of a committee of Confederate Veterans. Visitiug veterans may register on the day they reach the city. Bags In Vegetables. ; ^ r - reople who have an objection to bugs ! in their food need to take much pains ^ , n ■ with the cleansing of vegetables, espe- GaBes, Lace Cut tail cially succulent plants, such as aspara gus, greens, lettuce, etc., before cook ing or serving up raw. If left for awhile, tips downward, in well salted water, the plants will drop an interest- \ ing assortment of discouraged living j creatures on the bottom of the vessel, ; and more may he gathered by carefully 1 brushing and rinsing the crevices and hollows of the plants. When cooked, j this animal food may be harmless to \ those who like it, but in uncooked sal- ads it is possible to swallow dangerous germs unless they are knocked out by j the help of antiseptic salt. The same ! precautions are commended to pru dence and refinement with respect to fruits.—Medical Record. GentlemenMy wife was fffiie- 'ed with dyspepsia and constipation for years. After trying other rem edies I purchased a battle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for her and ■<he is rapidly improving. I cannot j be without fhis valuable medicine Respectfully yours, S. Elliott. Elk City, Kansas, Dec 13. 1900. Sold by h b Mt Mitsler, Waynes- hr -ro; H Q B-dl. Milieu. ( are furnishing our friends ar.d patrons with the best lice of Dry Goods over brought to ibis city. ,-v. o ei furrl for j Just a low 5 h you with on. Worn on uota iioes to g ive you sn i idea what we hav-’ to . J .avge-size Fleece-fin# id, h L-::tra-Heavy Vests and Chi’dren, at 25c. eac LI. its. G or sots. To \v t ds, Readi Mil tie Sheets, Pillow a ini, Rugs, rpet?. the fi nest line of white and seen in Angus ta, tor 25c. a v ard. and Worsted and everything at the LOW PRICE STORE. TB Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. J - Dealers in Grist Mills, Cotton Gins, Presses Feeders and Condensers and do all kinds of En gine and Boiler repairing. Building Gin Brits r and repairing Gins a specially. All kind of get up all kinds of mouldings. Window Attention, Yonng Men. The state, recognizing the neces sity of your obtaining an education, has established at Dahlonega, a col lege where you can have theadvan- tage of a $40,000 09 equipment, and a faculty, each man a specialist in his department Tuition is free and board is oniy $8 00 a month in dor mitory. $100 will cover cost of year. It is your college, built for you, sup ported by you, and stands ready to help you. It is not a town school, but a real college, being odo of the five mate colleges of the state. It costs no more to go to a real college ihantoone only in name Don’t cheat yourself by going to a school without library or scientific labora tories. Write to Pres. J 8. Stewar*, Dahlonega, Ga , for a catalogue. Try one of our clubbinf offers The Fishing Otler. The otter used by Scottish poachers is one of the most deadly fishing instru ments ltDown. Jn some waters is is fat more effective than a net. It may be described as a water kite, which serves to take out over the water a line bear ing 50 or more flies. The otter itself is a floating piece of hoard leaded along one edge to keep it upright. The poach er walks along the side of loch or river, letting out the fly decorated line as he goes, the otter board gradually working out toward the center. An enormous area of water is fished at one time ami numbers of fish are killed. If You’re a Judge of good liquors I am willing to accept your opinion of my famous George E. Payne’s Private Stock Pure Rye. distilled and bot tled for me by Angela Meyers & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. If you are not a judge, jou map rely upon my guarantee of its purity and age, and upon the tes timony of people who have used it. I would like to read you a small order; a lar. er one will folt’W £1 per lull ijuart; $3.75 four quarts. Order what you want, 1 have it SOUTH CAROLINA SALOON, GEO. E. PaYNE, Proprietor. 1114 Broadway, - - AUGUSTA, Ga. —BgMgHEgSBagyC'gffgESg"m Cessus Enumerator Clawson, Who is also editor of The Herald at Howe, Indian Territory writes: To Whom It May Concern:-I was a sufferer from stomach trouble until I was induced to try a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and I want to say ih it iu my opinion it has no equal as a stomach remedy. I had tried many different remedies but none w1»h fhe happy results of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. G. A. Clawson, Howe, Ind. Ter. Sold by h. b. mcMaster. Wayues- boro, Ga. h Q bMI, Miiien, Ga. Job Pbttyttvo. Watch our next advertisement* HpHE lion does picket duty for you 1 and prevents adulteration and impurity from entering into your pack age of LION COFFEE When you buy an unbroken package of LION COFFEE you have coffee is absolutely pure, strong and invigor ating. A single pound makes 40 cups. No other coffee will go so far. You will never know what it is like till you try it. LfiON COFFEE is not a glazed compound, but a pure coffee and noth ing but coffee. rSo bo 7 p < % . °\ yow COFFEE you will find a folly illustrated and descriptive ^ n f ° wo , maa * mai V h °y ot girl will fail to find in the list some article , which Will contrmote to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have hy d amp.y cutting cot a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed | packages (which is the only form m which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. . -A- . - £