The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 12, 1901, Image 3

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' * Money, Money / /it G per cent on 10 years time. We are prepared to negotiate loans on improved city and Farm property in sums of not kvs than three hundred dollars at 0 per cent, interest, for ten > ears il desired. Can secure an advance of 50 per cent, on (be value of the property offered as security HOW TO SECURE A GOOD COMPLEX ION BV NATURAL MEANS. A Sensible and Easy Manner to Beautify Tho Skin and Obtain a Good Color— j Scxns Wholesome Suggestions It is every woman's wish to be! Call and see us. LAV/SON & SCALES, Waynesboro, Ga 1UF, 8* 'MfPP 8 8 iJLa GRATIS For a FREE ACCI DENT I n s ur a nee Policy good for one year, write to pjii mi, The Popular | Liquor Dealer, § Augusta, Georgia. ^ {^^ => All it costs is p 2 c. for your letter. ©OOOOQOGOOCXSOQOC'QQOQCqB * - m :. W 3 -. --XTLtS^P r • f GISTEOE D NO. 57438.) POND CHILL, AND FEVER CURE- THE GKiGEftAL NO CURS: KG PAY. SO CENTS A BOITIC. The old reliable the kind your fathers used to take. The-one that never fails to cure. Don't waste time and money c: perinienting - with new cures. Bui go for the best from the .jump. Frog Pend is the ounce of prevention and pound of cure combined. Ask for it— take no substitute, if your merchant docs not sell it write to us we will send it direct for SO cents. 1 E. DAVENPORT & CO., Augusta, Ga. For .°ale in Burke county by all first-class Druggists and all leading merchants. june22.1901—hm £4 . J. WRIGHT, Watchmaker and Jeweler, possessed of a eiea. r a ?>d beautiful skin, hut low few are. tl us fortunate. A p lie a od sallow e: mpiexion i- iar t oo co no re on and a 1 resh, healthy coloi is Si uncommon as to be ihe can 3 a of favorable remark when seen any where. I is a matter of fact .h-.t h i con iitii in o? the skin i - an index to ihe heal h •f the body. Ihe re fore , to imprf ive a bad ciirn- plex on, t "ie right wav and the only sure way. is to g i ha CK to ihe cause. la i ! rrfns t every < "&r ft i t, W i ] i ho fiJU'l i iha t the blood is out. of order a:nj need- building up. This vva n the case with M:s a G rue ie B. King, of, ANDREW JOHNSON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To All Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: Whereas, Lewis D Ford, of Rit-nmocd county, Georeia, by taking part in the iat* rebellion agaio-t the Government of the United States, has made him-^eif liable to heavy pains and penalties; And Whereas, the circumstances of his case render him a proper object of Executive oleraenej ; Now, Therefore, be it Known, that I, Andrew Johnson, Presi- aies of America, in consideration of ihe premises. . | dent of the Uoi-nd 8 livers other good an grant to the said Lei i sufficient reasons tne thereunto moving, do hereby is D Ford a fui! pardon and amnesty for all of- N >. 35 Russel! street, Lewiston, Me., fences by him com mi ttm.\ arising from participation, direct or implied, in the said reb'diion, conditioned as f-mw.vs, v’z: this pardon to begin and take effect from tire day on whies the said Lewis D. Ford shall take the oath prescribed in the Proclaimarum of iiie Pre-idenf, dated May 29, 1S65, and to be void and of no effect if the said Lewis D Ford shall here after, at any time, acquire any properly whatever in sieve?, or make use of slave labor; and that he first pay ail costs which may have accrued in aoy proceedings hitherto instituted against, his person or property up to the d«»o of the acceptance of this warrant. And Ur n the Further Condition that fhe said Lewis D Ford shall notify the Secretary of State, in writing, that hs has received anti accepted the toregring pardon. In Testimony '.' hereof, I have hereunto.signed hay name and caused the seat of ! he United S ates ?«> be affixed. Done at the City of W-a-niogton. this 25ln day of August, A. D, IS65. and of the Independence of the United Slates the ninetieth. who recover; 1 was restored -pints I Pink P l ‘My color had says, “and rev he her rosy cheeks and j to health and good j the use of Dr. Williams’| for Pale People. i soft my face,” sne j 51It failed. I suf L-seal ] By ihe President. W. Hunter, Acting Sceretar A n d r e w John so n , of State. HEALTH by the Quart. Every bottle you take of Johnston's Sarsaparilla means better health, and every bottle contains a full quart. It makes better blood—purer blood. For thirty years this famous remedy has been creating and main taining good health. Johnston’s Sarsaparilla builds up the system, tones tho nerves, and strengthens the muscles more promptly and effectually than any other remedy known. The pallor of the cheek disappears, energy takqs the place of languor, and the rich color of health flows to the cheeks. Unequalled for all disorders of the stomach and liver, and for all weakening com plaints of men, women and children. Sold everywhere. Pric«, SI.00 per fall qcart bottle. MICHIGAN DRUG CO., - Detroit, ilich. -.or Sate tiy II. B. ScM.lSTEB, IVajnesbor- , tl . AUGUSTA, r, Vnimiio |J VV j’fi 4 i ! ; it j A iajiuR himm AND WINDOW SHADES Tlanters’ Hotel. . Si ^...— Waynesboro, Georgia. £&* High-Class work a specialty, fered from nervousness, dizziness and loss of appetite; not enough to confine me to the bed hat trouble- S)me enough so as to interfere with my work. Oftentimes I experi enced a famlne.-s at the stomach which made me feel miserable. “During the summer of 1900 a friend who had been troubled as I wa-, and »hi had been helped by these pills, recommended 'them to me. I began to take them at once and had not used up a box before I felt a decided change for the better in my condition. Now I do not like to be without them. ‘I have often spoken to pe pie about it and I gladly make this statement of what Dr. Williams’Pink Puis for Pale People have done for me, hoping it may be the cause of bringing relief to other sufferers.” Anaemia is one of the most com mon afflictions of womankind. It is a watery condition o' the blood which causes untold misery and often leads to other and even more serious diseases, if not attended to. It is characterized by a pallid com plexion, pale lips dull eyes, tongue and guni3 bloodless; shortness of breath on slight exertion — espe cially upon going upstairs; palpita tion of the heart, feeling of impend ing death; weakness, los.i of ap petlte and ambition; irregularity ar.d pain in the natural functions of women. The one remedy that has proved itself a specific for anaemia is Dr. vYiiliams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple. These Dills, taken in increas ng doses, will never fail to effect a •ure if used persistently for a rea sonable length of lime. They also •.•ure diseases due to impoverished blood and shattered nerves, such as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia. . hsumatisrn, nervouss headache, ihe after affects of tho grip, palpita tion of tlie heart, pale and sallow complexion and all forms of weak ness either in male or female. Dr. Williams’ P:nk Pills for Pale People are sold in boxes (never in hulk) at fifty cents a box or six boxes for two dollars and fifty cents, and may he bad of all druggists or direct by maii from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Be sure to get the genuine; -ubstffutes never cured anybody. City of Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, Nov 14,1865 Hon Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of S’afe. SrR:-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the President’s pardon, bearing date August 25, 1885. and hereby signify my acceptance of the same, with all the conditions tuerein specified. I am, sir, your obedient servant, Lewis D. Ford. The above is a copy of a printed document, with the blanks filled, seut to the Secretary of State, thus day L D. F, The above fac simile of the pardon granted Dr. Lewis D. Ford, of Augusta, (who was a famous Confederate surgeon and so-called “Rebel”) by President Andrew Johnson, 36 years ago, is now so great a curiosity, cs a sample of those dark days, that we ask leave to print it verbatim Dr. Ford was father of our Lewis R. Ford, M. D. a fellow townsman. a ho though a very young man then, was equal to anybody as a Reb, and isn’t so mightily reconstructed yet This document of the past is the property of Frank G, Ford, son of Dr. L R. Ford, who priz es it as an heirloom without prico LURED GIRLS FROM HOME. Two Jacksonville, Kla., Men Charged With Abduction. Jacksonville. Fla., Oct. 8.—Accord ing to the story' of little Pinkie Joyce, an abduction has been committed in this city in which she and her sister Katie are the victims. Pinkie Joyce is 14 years old, while her sister Katie is 16. Both are good looking, respectable girls. Since Saturday night they have not been at home, and their disappearance has caused alarm. Pinkie was found yesterday and told of experiences while absent, which, if true, form an ugiy story. According to her statement, two con tractors, young white men, Wc-sley Self and N. M. White, have repeatedly vis ited the house lately in the absence of their father, James Joyce. Saturday night the girls were on the piazza of their home when Self and White called. The visitors tried to make the girls dissatisfied with their condition and pictured to them fine clothes, diamond rings and a* life of luxury. The men agreed, according to the girl’s statement, to take them to Pablo, a nearby resort, where they would re side at the hotel for the winter. The prospects of fine clothes and jewels was too much for them, and they left. In stead of going to Pablo, however, they separated, and Pinkie was taken to Cure Too Expensive. Warts are curious things. They come and go mysteriously, although their going is frequently marked by exasperating delays, and there are al most as many infallible cures as there are warts, the only trouble with these cures being that they are useless when applied to the particular wart you hap pen to have. They are only good for other people’s. “In my opinion,” said a clubman, who was discussing the subject with a friend one day, “a wart is merely the outward correspondence of some men tal excrescence. Get rid of that, and it goes away. “Let me give you a bit of my own ex perience,” he continued. “Last year I went to Europe. For about three years I had had a wart on my little finger, on which I had tried everything I could hear of, but without effect. It only grew larger. “Well, in the excitement of prepar ing for the trip and of the journey it self 1 forgot aii about my wart, and when I looked for it about six weeks later it had vanished without lcavin the slightest mark. I simply forgot it. and it had no mental condition to feed on. I see you have one on the back of your hand. Forget all about it for a few weeks, and it will go away of it self.” HERE’S THE OPPORTUNITY The Southern R. R. Announces tin. Follow ing Greatly Reduced Rates to the Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. Choice of routes via Cincinnati or via Washington. Quickest tune Best line. Pullman sleeping cars and dining cars on all through trains. Tickets on sate every day until the eiose of the exposition, with transit limit of five days in both directions and final limit of twenty days from date of sale. Good going and returning on all trains. Ask any agent Southern R. R for •ares and particulars. W. H. Tayloe, A G. P A, A tianta, Ga. R W. Hunt, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. Brooks Morgan, D, P. A., Atlanta. Ga. LIVERY, SALE FEED STABLES. Corner 3D,-rick and Barron Streets, WAYNESBORO, GEORGIA ALL TEE EDITORS GOING TO ATLANTA. Dr. Henry J. Godin, EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST, Dealer in Fine .Optical Goods and Manu facturer of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. CONSULTATION FREE. Stroger Phone. 793. 923 Broad Stree AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Opposite Planter’s Hotel. To Suppress Literature. Washington, Oct. 6.—Representative W. B. Shattuc of Ohio, chairman of the immigration committee of the house, saw the president today in regard to a bill he will introduce on the reassemb ling of congress, having for its object the suppression of anarchistic literature and speeches in this country. Mr. Shat- tnc said that the proposed measure would be made as drastic as possible. The members of the industrial commis sion called on the president today as a body to pay their respects. Among other callers were Senator Mallory of Florida, Pension Commissioner Evans and Carroll D. Wright, the commis sioner of labor. ion. , | “Yes,” said the other clubman,, slirug- She does not know where her sister! S‘ n S ^is shoulders, but I cant affoid is, but the police are making a diligent i f° take a trip to Europe for the sake search for her. The story the girl tells j of curing one wart.”—Youth’s Compan- is wretched in the extreme, and the po lice aro now searching for the men ac cused by the girL The affair has aroused indiguatiou. If the men are found guilty under the laws of Florida, the children being un der the age of consent, it carries with it a severe penalty. As yet the young men have not been captured, nor has Katie Joyce been found. Murder In Duval County. Jacksonville, Fia.,Oefc. 9.—Another murder has been committed in Duval county. The tragedy took place at Skin ner’s turpentine camp, 6 miles south of this city,* on the Pablo branch of the East Coast railway. The murdered man is Joe Austin, and the man who did the killing is named Tom Smith. .Both men were negroes, and were employes of the camp. Cotton at Lake City. Lake City, Fla., Oct. 7.—Cotton is bringing good prices in this market, though it is coming in slowly. The crop is «hort, and it is not expected that much more than half the usual yield will be gathered. It is feared that the heavy rains have damaged the cotton now opening. Crap Game Ends In Shooting. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 8.—Willie Bacon, a negro, was shot in the hip and in the middle finger of his right hand at th’S fface. The wounds are not thought to be*fatal. The negro says he was shot bv another negro, with whom he was playing craps, but whose name he re fused to tell. Stepped Into Live Coals. “When a child I burned my foot frightfully,” writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, Va-, “which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen s Ar nica Salve wholly enred me after every thing else failed.” Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cats, Soros, Bruises and Piles. Sold by H. B. McMastek at 2Ec. Tore Top of Her Head Off. Columbia, S. C., Oct. 9.—At Beth- alien, Newberry county, Ernest Sen urn- pert took his gun and went out to kill a hawk that had been troubling his ohick- ens. When he came back he pet the gun behind the door. Miss Clara Whit man. his sister-in-law, was sweeping the floor atthe time, ana it is not known whether she struck the gun with her broom or whether the door was pushed against it, but it was discharged and the load struck the young lady in the eye, tearing off the entire upper part of her skull, killing her instantly. Whitman was 17 years old. Miss Tampa Has $200,000 Eire. Tampa, Fla., Oct. 5.—Twenty build ings in the heart of West Tampa were burned yesterday, with a property loss of §200,000. The fire was discovered in the large cigar factory of O’Halloran & Co., and, as the water supply in West Tampa was inadequate, the department from Tampa could not check the flames. The fire spread from the factory in both directions, and then crossed the street, consuming everything in its wake until it practically burned itself oat. It is almost certain the fire was of incen diary origin. Alleged Murderer Arrested. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 8. — On a charge of murder committed at Holly Hill, S. O., on Sent. 6, Lucius Dnrant, a negro, has been arrested in this city, and is lodged in the stationhouse to await the arrival of the sheriff of the South Carolina county, who has been telegraphed for. The murder he is ac • cased of was the killing of Frank Teas- dale, another negro, who, it is said, he struck in the head with a baseball hat. — Cali on Lewis J. Schaul, same old stand, 10 years under the Ar lington Hotel, Augusta Ga. Sewing maehiDPP. ten dollars and upward, Singer, New Horae and Domestic. Giving Her a Lesson. The habit of describing things as “awfully jolly" was amusingly satir ized by a gentleman who came home prepared to chat on events of the day. An acquaintance had failed in busi ness. He spoke of this incident as “de liciously sad.” He had ridden in an omnibus with a friend whom he de scribed as “horribly entertaining,” and to crown all be spoke of the butter which had been set before him at his restaurant as “divinely rancid.” “Why, dad, you are going off your head!” said his youngest and most im pertinent daughter. “Not in the least, my dear,” he said pleasantly. “I’m merely trying to fol low the fashion. I worked out ‘di vinely rancid’ with a good deal of la bor. It seems to me rather more ef fective than ‘awfully sweet.’ 1 mean to keep up with the rest of you here after. And now,” he continued, “let me help you to a piece of this exqui sitely tough beef.”—Loudon Telegraph. TJie Man Faced Crab. One of the most singular looking creatures that ever walked the earth or “swam the water under the earth” is the world famous man faced crab of Japan. Its body is hardly an inch in length, yet the head is fitted with a face which is the perfect counterpart of that of a Chinese cooly, a feritabie missing link, with eyes, nose and mouth all clearly defined. This curi ous and uncanny creature, besides the great likeness it bears to a .human be ing in tiie matter of facial features, is provided with two legs which seem to grow from the top of its head and hang down over the sides of its face. Be sides these legs, two “feelers,” each about an inch in length, grow from the “chin” of the animal, looking for all the wdrld like a colonel’s forked beard. These man faced crabs fairly swarm in the inland seas of Japan. Through an invitation issued by the Board of Directors of the Inter-State Fair, which opens in Atlanta on Octo ber 9th, every editor in the state will receive a special invitation to be pres ent on Press Day, Tuesday, October 16th, the second week of the Fair. This was done on motion of H. H. Cabaniss, President of tho Georgia Editors, and that organization as well as the Georgia Press Association will be on hand in full force. At that time the Fair will be in per fect shape for the wielaers of the pen and nearly two hundred will probably go to the capital city. Special plans and a barbecue are being arranged for the entertainment of the Editors and everything in the way of seeing attrac tions and exhibits will be facilitated to the utmost. I have opened ? Livery, Sale and Feed Stables, corner x Myrick and Barron streets, and solicit Ihe patronage of £ the public. Well equipped turnouts, and good, stylish ■§ horses for hire at reasonable rates. Shall keep first-class stock for sale. Those in need of Horses and Mules should see me before buying. F. X-L EXBXXTSOISr, My rick and Barron Sts., Waynesboro. Georgia. N. B, As it is too late in life for me to learn to keep books now. noth ing charged nor tickets made. All is cash. Don’t ask credit. Machinery of all Kinds. - Xj Sandersville, Ga. Saw Mils, Engines, Boilers, Fittings, flowing Machines, THRESHING MACHINES, Ac. Gin Repairing, a Specialty. Orders from Burke countv given special attention. On all work sent in bv 1st of June next, I will pav FREIGHT ONE WAY! All work Guaranteed. LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that at the ap proaching ses ion of the Legislature a bill will be introduced entitled AN ACT to abolish the County Court of Burke county, to provide for tlie disposition of matterspending therein and forother pur poses. Notice is hereby given that at the ap proaching session of the Legislature a bill will be introduced entitled: AN ACT to establish the City Court of Way nesboro, iu and for said county o:' Burke; to define its jurisdiction and powers; to provide for the appointmentof a judge and other offi cers thereof; to define their powers and du ties and for other purposes. A Devoted Mother. Although looked upon as vermin and destroyed accordingly, the weasel is a good mother and probably treats her young ones more kindly than many of her human enemies treat theirs. A weasei, carrying something in her mouth, was once seen to enter a hole in a tree. The observer, applying lighted straw, soon smoked her out. She then darted toward a stone wall, near which she was attacked by a terrier, which speedily slew her. She fell an easier victim because of the burden she bore in her leeth. Anxious to see what this was, the onlooker went forward and found it was a baby weasel. The moth er’s nest in a field close by had been plowed up, and she had been searching for another home. As her youngster could not run she carried it in her month rather than leave it to perish. Try one of our clubbing offers. Too much housework wrecks wo men’s nerves. And the constant care of children, day and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman. A haggard face tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, leucorrhcea and falling of the _ womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. iWINE*CARDUl is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she 1 writes this frank letter: Glen dearie, Ky., Feb. 10, 15C1. I am so glad that your Wine of Cardni | is helping me. I am feeling better than I have felt for years. I am doing my own work without any help, aha I washed last week and was not one bit tired. That shows that the Wine is doing me good. I am getting fleshier than I ever was before, and sleep good and eat heart}'. Before I began taking Wine of Cardni, I used to have to lay down five or six times every day, but row I do not think of lying down through the day. Jins. Richakd Jones. $1.00 AT DRUGGISTS. For advice and literature. addre6s, giving symp- fnn:, “ The Ladies’ Advisory Department ”, The Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Ten W. D. BECKWITH, RESIDENT DENTIST, WAYNESBORO, ; : GEORGIA, (Office—Over Citizens Bank.} Office houts: 8 to 1 a. m., and from 2 to4 p. m. Hpecsal attention to crown and bridge work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges of a trip to The Beat Time To select tall clothing is right now. This best of all stocks is at the top-notch of fullness with us—just opened up, and are handsome, exclusive styles that have been made up especially for the particular buyer. Full line Ladies’ Tailor-Made uits and Skirts, odd and walking skirts, Henrietta and Silk waists, and ready-to-wear hats. Ladies are invited to visit our Ladies’ department. Complete line of well-made children’s clothing. J. WILLIE LEVY, Oufltter for Men, Y/omen and Children, 844 BROAD STREET, if Augubta, Ga. z% Q v, feh25.’99 - by PRICE-LIST All Goods old for Cash. If not satisfactory, return them at my expense and I will refund your money. CAuE GOODS: Old Fashion Hand-made Coru YVhiskey pergpllon, - - - - Select Pure Rye Whiskey, per gallon, Sunset Rye Whiskey, per gallon, Pure Holland Gye. per gallon, - K. Z. Pure Hye Whiskey, per gallon, New England Rum,Jpergallon, Pure Apple Brandy, per gallon, - 3 00 $ 2 CO ! Pure Peach Brandy, per gallou, - 3 00 2 00 i S. W. Gin, per gallon, - - - 2 0 1 751 Keyeystone, full quart, - - - 10 3 75 ] Century, full quart, - - - - .- I 0 3 00 | Catherwood’s Upper Ten. per bottle, - 1 25 2 00 j Three Feathers, per bottle, - - 2 00 Select any four bottles vou find in this advertisement and we will ship same bv express prepaid on receipt of price. A, !\ PADG-ETT, Corner road and McKinne ts. .A-UgHSta, Gra. Are You a Business Man ? reasonable. The expense arge city saved patrons. sep3,’98—by ififtiyQ! PTPC Cotton.Saw.GrlBt, vUlili bu I EL Oil and Fertilizer MILL OUTFITS. Gin, Press, Cane Mill and Shingle Gntfiks. Building, Bridge. c-\ -4~5 nrn Factor a y n/s=d Castings. Railroad, Mill, Machinists’ and Factory Supplies. Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc. far Cast every day; work ISO hands. BUSINESS If so, you will be interested in a moy— j.. magazine devoted solely to your needs, title is A JOURNAL FOR THE COUNTING ROOM and every i=sue -contains departments on practical subjects, Buch as these: Great Business institutions Legal Decisions of Interest to Business Men Credits and Collections Practical Accounting Profitable Publicity Advertising Office Mail Bag, Etc. whether you are well established, whether you have just started or whether you have not yet begun, BUSINESS will be sure to benefit you. Send 10c for a copy. Per yearfl, BUSINESS PUBLISHING CO , American Tract Bldg , NEW YORK.