The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 12, 1901, Image 6

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ci, imi rflYj . , FARM DERRICK. A Cheap Conirivanee For Handling Barrels and Sacks oZ Produce. A simple and cheaply constructed boom derrick arranged as illustrated Till be found of much service by a great many farmers, and the time and labor that v.'ill be saved by its use will more than equal that required to make it, says an Ohio Farmer writer. When boxes, barrels or sacks of produce are stored in a basement, one man without some mechanical assistance of this kind will be unable to lift them from the cellar way and load on a wagon conveniently, and even if several men engage i:i the work they cannot remove and lead the articles as easily and speedily without the derrick as they can by its help. A derrick made in the 0NTR5CT0RS’ •Uii WILL {Shoe Making, O 7 ftfiD Oastlnga, St~9l Beams, Columns and Cfcaa- *td Bolts, hods. Weights. Tunis, Tot-f»-s. &o. Steel Wlrs and Manila Hope, Hcisiliic r.r.glnos sod Pumps, Jacks, Darricka, Crabs. Chain tnc Hope Holsts. ti*Cast i'iretry Day. Make Quick Delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKSJ SUPPLY CO. AllttCITiu «A REPAIRING, tV'j. ( am located on Sew St, Cobbham • lain prt pared to give satisfaction "ij| : -vlioes ai:u i.srue=s at snort notice, g-.n u i; giiumutwii. 1 solicit. a snare of your' Lio; i S -e. \\ i.en in 11. e-.l ot any repairing, r.:;g ir.oti'tiij.'i;, , . rc:i inr ir.e work. l cv. 1'. J. MAJOR, Waynrshnrr.. a, Sociotv Riiily.c ' i ' ocietvimdges / • Man isfncturei z Mi nftriilS H Of Rubber £iSSa ^pals Brands. •_Ji Campbe!! St. between Bror*.i **mi Kll r s, A tis'ust». « DR. GEO. A. PATRICK, (Formerly Winkler A Patrick DENTIS i O Fh ICE, 626 Broad Street, Augusta, - Georgia On cs BotF-i'S a. rn., to hp re. •to r-.v.’ 1*- n it! u T .'jT/V '• U 1> i vnn\Tn ji. '-J i r C.i , BARBER SH03 Tin Booling and Galvanized Sheet Metal Work, a Specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. DAVID SLUSKY, Phones, B. 100. 1009 Broad c treet, Augusta, Ga.* DAY & TANNAHILL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. We are still at the front rank with a big stock of Studebaker Wagons, Columbus Buggy Company’s Vehicles. Fine Harness and add/er y, R CHU-L? D PLOWS & SUBSOIL? RS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. The Merry Makers, of Augusts, are prepaiiug to give the biggesl ana best show yet attempted by thir well known association. They make the positive statement that this fali they will eclipse all previous efforts and guarantee a week of frolicsome fun and unalloyed pleasure to ail. The Merry Makers have made an enviable reputation for excellent entertainments, and this year they Intend to suipass themselves. Among the attractions to be offer ed the public will be a grand fire men’s tournament, in which mem bers of fire companies from all over Georgia, North and South Carolina will participate. Valuable cash prizes will be offered, and the tour nament is already attracting wide spread attention. The grand free stage attractions this tail will be far superior to any yet seen in this section an 1 will be novel in the extreme. These show? will he absolutely free to all. The sideshow attractions will in dude everything that goes to make up a first class midway. The gorgeous spectacle to be seen in Augusta during the Merry Mak era’ fall will bewilder, astonish and enchant. King Frolic will hold full sway and dull care will be banished to the dark recesses of oblivion. Augusta’s reputation for hospital ity is well known, and her license to visitors in qu st of a jolly good time is as limitless as time itself. The fircAvork- display will he the grandest ever put on in ihe South The Agricultural Fair will also orove a most excellent attraction Valuable prizes for exhibits will be given. In fact, if you are out for a good time you had bei^r go to Augusta October 14 19 to get it CENTRAL RAILROAD RATES. CASE GOODS, y Special attention given to the Jug Trade of Burke County. You can get quick attention. 002 Campbell Street, Opposite Union Depot, Bell ’Phone 456. OreOXgla,. Tic Following Are Some of the Best and Cheapest Ever Offered. Interstate Fair, Atlanta, Ga , Oct 2 26, 1901 Tickets on sale Irom points in Georgia Oct. 8 to 26, inclu sive; firm points in Alabama and Tennessee Oct. 11 15 17 24, final limil Oct. 29, 1901. ► sw: \sON We will offer to the Public the best[iues ol That has ever been for sale in AUGUSTA, Our SHOES will be sold strictly on their merits and on our guarantee of their re liability. We will have some special offerings to make as the season progresses, due notice of which we will given to the public. In medium-priced SHOES, the lines wc carry have no superior. In 'I such as are needed by those exposed to the inclemency of the weather. We have made sp cial effort to secure SHOES that will give ample protection to feet, » nd keep them dr, No trouble to show our Shoes. GOULEY & VAUGHN, 826 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Agent or HAN AN & SON S Fine Shoes. M^rry Maker? Festival, Augusta Ga.Oet 14 19,1901. Tickets nn sale Oe,113-17, inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive at Augusta fnrp noon Oct. 18; final limit Oct. 20. 1901 On Account Pan-American Exposition irat of Georgia It. R. Rates. Daily, on and after Sepu-mb-r 3 ;. until October 20:h. inclusive, the Centra! of Georgia Raiway will se- excursion tickets from ail coupon ticket station to ButF»io, via all ran authorized ticketing at on* f ire plus $|.(K) for tilt round trip . ickets limited for return j-vvent \ day.-, from date of sale. Will also sell excursion tickeh- via Savannah and Steamship Liner via New York, Baltimore and Fh leiphia, thence rail to Buffalo, ai relative low rates for ihe round trip including meals and berths aboard steamer, final limit twenty day?- ftom date of sale. For detailed information, sched ules, eic., apply to any agent or rep resentative of the Centra! of Geor gia Railway. J. C. Haile, G P. A, Savannah, Ga. J.VAH Lif-!0HY ! 03- PROF it! POMOA. ft. C i .(U 0,060 Tree Large stock ofshrubber fipHYftl by d Y I cos SJ3 n ... mfm 1 , 209 7th St., Augusta, Ga. SlVES FREE EYE TESTS lor all defects of sight, grinds the proper glasses and v.'AR- HANTS them. Lenses cut into your frame while you wait. FREE OF CHARGE, MvertTsine rates on applir-atton. Dollars ! Your Old Clothes Redeemed! GOTHAM MURDER MYSTERY? New of York Police Kind Body Boy in a Hag. New York. Oct. 7.—What may tnrn out to be a murder mystery was discov ered today when the body of a 6 year-old boy was found in a bag at 3Ji West Twenty-second street. The body was clothed only in a pair of tight cotton drawers, but in the bag with the body was a number of garments, which evi dently had belonged to the lad. Except for a laceration on the boy’s abdomen there was no mark of violence on the body. On the front of a cap found in the bag in gold lace is an emblem of a ship. On the side were the letters “U. S. ” The police believe the child was mur dered and that the body was being car ried to the river when it became too I or heavy, and as in a number of similar ! timbers. A SIMPLE D3KIUCK. — same way and supported as best suits the case on hand will often be useful for other purposes, such as getting out stone, loading ice, etc. For the derrick post use a piece of stout timber not less than 4 by 4 inches square, or a round pole if preferable. The length of this pole will be govern ed somewhat by the length of the boom and by the situation of the derrick. For the boom use a round or square piece of light but strong wood 10 to 15 feet long. Insert a heavy iron pin in the top and the foot of the post and put on iron bands. Iliuge one end of the boom with iron straps and bolt it to the post about five feet from the bot tom, and on the other c-nd put a band with eyes or hoops, as is shown in the partial illustration of the derrick. If the post is round instead of square, us pictured, the boom may be attached by using a band on the post and the iron device on the boom, like those shown in one corner of the same illus tration, both of which may be made from a heavy wagon tire and fastened in place by bolts in the holes made for this purpose. The top of the post and the end of the boom are connected by a rope and a pair of single pulleys or, better, by a double block tackle. The lower pin of the derrick post re volves in a wooden block having an iron socket or a heavy stone with a hole drilled to receive it, and the top pin is held by a strong projecting wood iron cleat or one of the building W. v. Hi re.bice your Clot bin:; bill by mak ing your Clothes look neat a- d tidy longer. We preserve your new Suit. Wc clean your miled Suit. JDLIliUii" 11 Opposite II. H. MANAU, the Tailor, Wo dye yonr-faded Suit. On! of town p Mronage given special alien lion. Also Ladies work Don’t Forget to try the 1 1 UU1 ii'Ull WAYNESBORO, GEORGIA. JOHN ESTABLISHED A. D, 1846. Irn.'orter and Wholesale Dealer in Fine Liquors, Fine Wines, Havanna Cigars, Mineral Waters, Etc. 601 and 802 Broad St., - Augusta, Ga. Agent for Association, Veuve-l.’liquot—Ponsardin, Urbana Wine Co., Anheuser-Busch Brewing TELEPHONES: Bell, 282 ; Stroger, 802. OFFICE and WORKS North Augusta. . Elk? Sleet Fair, Macon. G i , O it 21 27, 1901: Tickets oc Sale Oat. 20ih to 25Ti, and for trains scheduled ar rive at icon forenoon Oet. 26 h final limit- Oct 2S : h. Confederate Veterans R^ Union, Macon, Ga., Oct. 21 27, 1901: One cent per mile: Tickets on sale Oct. 22d, 23.1 and for trains scheduled ar rive at Macon forenoon Oct. 24ih, final limit Oct. 25, 1901. Street Fair and Carnival, 31 >nt- gotnery, Aia , Oct. 29 Noy 2d, 1901 Tickets on sale Oct 28 to Nov. is’, and for trains scheduled arrive ai Monemmery forenoon Nov. 2d, final limit Nov. 4,1901 Agricultural and Street Fair,Troy, Ala , Nov 5 9, 1901: Tickets on sale Nov 4 8, inclusive, from all points in Alabama, final limit Nov. 11th. -AND- MCA. CHIIVISTS, Wayneboro, Ga. Georgia S'a’e Fair,Savannah,Ga. Nov 4ih 16 h, 1991: Tickets on sale Nov. 4 15 and for trains scheduled o arrive at Savannah prior to noon Nov. 16;h, final limit Nov. 18th,190I. J. U. Haile, G. P. A , Savannah, Ga cases, was deposited in the most conve nient piace. An autopsy will be per formed. The body was identified by Sydney Ryan, a cook of 300 West Twenty-first street, as that of his son, Albert. Ryan said the last timo he had seen the boy alive was yesterday at 4 o’clock, when he was playing on the street in front of his home. He said he knew of no rea son why his sou should have been killed, as the family had no enemy. EMBEZZLER LOCATED. Ylan Who Stoie Si!00,000 of Sandus ky, O., Funds la Havana. Sandusky, O., Oct. 7.—A. W. Miller, formerly oity clerk, who left here last February, being alleged to have made way with about $100,000 of the city’s funds, has been located at Havana, Cuba, and Chief of Police E. A. 0. Weiugate and City Solicitor Henry Hart have gone after him. A telegram was receivsdfrom Havana saying that Miller was there and asking what would be paid for his surrender. A reward of $500 was voted by the council ana a reply was received that Miller would be turned over by his be trayer for that amount. The Cuban who i made the deal says Miller is poor, friend less and in a pitiabie condition. It is expected that Miller’s return will be followed by sensational revelations, which may include many ex-officials who shared in his alleged peculations. JONES APPOINTED. President Names Him For the Vacant Alabama .Judgeship. Washington’,'Oct. 7.—The president today appointed former Gov. Thomas Goode Jones of Alabama United States judge for the northern and middle dis trict of Alabama to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Brace. The president also appointed Charles Harcseil of Colorado secretary of Porto Rico to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Secretary Hunt to the gov ernorship of the island. The part of the post above the point at which the boom is hinged should be as long as the boom, so as not to have the tackle work with too great loss of power. When the boom is elevated to a hori zontal position, the article bc-ing lifted will be about the right height for load ing ou a wagon, and the end of the boom may by means of the revolving post be swung round to the point de sired. With a double block tackle one mail by ordinary exertion ought to be able to handle conveniently a weight of 300 or 400 pounds, By attaching a hay rope pulley to a firm stake uear the foot of the derrick or to the building the rope may be conducted over it and have a singlo- Mansfa. turers .'High Grade,) JVIantels, Eto. ATJG-trSTA, CKSOIESa-I.iA. Mill Woik of all Kinds in Georgia Yellow Pine. Flooring. Ceiling Siding, Finishing, Siils, Bridge, Railr ad and Special Bills to order. feb 2i.’iu00 - b v Moulding, Etc., Car Call on any agent or representa tive for full information. Attention, Young Men. The state, recognizing the neces sity of your obtaining an education, has established at Dahlonega, a col lege where you can liayo theadvan- tage of a $10,000 00 equipment, and a faculty, each man a specialist in his department. Tuition is free and board is only $800 a month in dor mitory. $100 will cover cost, of year. It is yonr college, built for you, sup ported by you, and stands ready to help you. It is not a town school, but a real college, being one of the five male colleges of Ihe state. It costs no naore to go to a real college than to one only in name Don’t cheat yours6if by going to a school without library or scientific labora tories. Write to Pres. J 8. Stewart, Haj- Improved In Health. Washington, Ocr. 8.—The secretary of state is expected to return next week from his much interrupted vacation, greatly improved in health and ready for the winter’s work. He is to receive the degree of doctor of laws at New Ha ven on the occasion of the bi-centenna- ry. When asked, the other day, if there was any truth in the statement attribut ed to Secretary Gage that Mr. Hay was soon to retire from the cabinet, he re plied that he was sure Mr. Gage had gaid nothing of the sort. Z'resents Credentials. Washington, Oct. 8.—Before the cab inet assembled today the new Argen tine minister, Seuor Don Martin Garcia Meron, presented his credentials to the president. Assistant Secretary Adee made the presentation. The usual ex pressions of good will were extended. Chief Justice Melville of the court called during the morning to pay his resDeccs. DETAIL OF DERRICK. tree attached for a horse when it is necessary to lift a more than ordinary heavy object from the cellarway. The Ohio Stomach Worm Remedy. One tablespoonful of gasoline and four ounces of sweet milk well shaken together is a good dose for sheep weigh ing anywhere from 60 to 100 pounds. The quantity of milk may be reduced or increased slightly without detrimen tal results. Each sheep or lamb should be set on his rump and so held that he will not struggle while the dose is given as a drench, and his head should not be thrown back farther than the natural position while standing. Tin's stomach worm treatment should be given only after 12 to IS hours fast ing, and neither water nor feed should be glveu inside of two hours after giv ing the mediciue. Treatment should be given three days consecutively, then repeated one week or ten days later for the same number of days. ■Just arrived this week— mp. Ruta Baga Turnip, bite Flat Dutch Turnip. Red or Purple Top Turnip. Southern 7 Top Turnip. Yellow Aberdeen Turnip. Golden Ball Turnip. Long Cow Horn Turnip trapped Leaf Flat Dutch Turnip, and other varieties. Also—A Fresh Line of PURE DRUGS, for sale by H. B. McMASTER Druggist and Seedist, WAYNESBORO. GEORGIA. GIRARD Few Leaders in Staples Not Trash ! Good Coffee. G 3-4c. Better Coffee, 7 1-2. Arbuckle’s Coffee, 12c, Granulated Sugar, 5 W. & C. Sugar, Sterling Fall Potash, 6c. Bailey Bros. Tobacco, 36c. Early Bird Tobacco, 37c. Sweet Pea Tobacco, 37c. Schnapps, 37c. Good Rice, 4 l-2c. Best Rice, 6c., Best K. Oil made, 15c. Gallon. Shoes—Men’s Best Oil Grain Creole, $1.15 pr., liest Oil Grain Tie, 01.15 pr. Best Call Tie 01 15., 2-qt Oil Can, 5c., 8-qt Dish Pan. 5c., 4qt- Covered Buckets, 5c., 6-qt Milk Pail, 5c., 2-qt Rice boiler, 5c. Girard Spot Cash Store. 7-8e. 5 3-4c. J. G. HAE3ELER, Manager, GIRARD, GEORGIA DeWill’d Little Early Risers nev- upreme er disappoint. They are safe,prompt, 1 gentle effective in removing all im purities from the liver ana bowels. Small and easy to fake. Never gripe or distress H 3. MeMaster. Call nn ns wJn>.n In the city. C M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt ,says his child was completely cured of a bad ease of eczema by the use of DeWitl’s Witch Hazel Salve. Be ware of all eounterfei.fs. It ins’ant- IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE ly relieves piles. H B MCMaster. The Bob Thomas place, G6tb district, con taining 580 acres, 380 cleared. 200 acres in original forest, 4 good frame tenant houses. Well watered Will sell cheap for cash. Im mediate possession given, Apply to J E. TARVER, Augusta, Ga. feb23,’1800—tf S«d<1 ns Hie news of your section. If You’re a Judge of good liquors I am willing to accept your opinion ofmy famous George E. Payne’s Private Stock Pure Rye. distilled and hot* tied for me by Angelo Meyers & Co, Philadelphia, Pa. If you are not a judge, jou map h ly u rantee of its purity and age. and upon i upon my „....n the tes- . used it. I would li-^ to rend you a small order; a lar er one will . $1 per full quart; 43.75 four quarts, you want. I have it guaran i tinony of people who lia Order whal maTll,I901—by SOUTH CAROLINA SALOON, GEO. E. PAYNE, Proprietor. 11U Broadway, - ■ - AUGUSTA, Ga.