The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 26, 1901, Image 6

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Miss Elia Hughes, AND 11TI, — Defier in- 781 Broad S ; .rpt The ladies are invited Millinery and Fancy Gooas at AUGUSTA, GA. to call and see my elegant stock i'to most reasonable prices. of at ,ook Here ! *.ai A i omvr man Courts a y mul! , „„ i.i- mi-sines* 1 he young la <»> ac lii-n :Tbf.t’s her business They got mar i li it’s i.heir BUSl KSS. . tty soon they -o to bou^ek.APpin, house furnished ana xhAis mil want ti: our nusiness i •''ltd rrv full lines, Bed Room «ui 1 Washstands, Lace Cur- .. hairs, Rockers, Beds Dressers an Duns. Hugs, Mattings, Ptciui-ps, Clock Make no Mistakes. fr„jp- The sta les are right. fC9 ha prices are right A to thing in the * AUGUSTA Furniture Line Supplied f URN ITU RE CO MP AN Y, % QEO. J. LEE, Manager, WAYNESBORO CA SALESMAN, will he pleased ^ Mr. W. D. Chance, OIJR LEADINC ail his fri lids call sae him. -THE- AUaTJSTA BEE HIVE DRY GOODS, Millinery, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, &c ABE COHEM, Proprietor, 910 and 912 Broad St., : Augusta, Ga. ■ii'T'VTV" Distiller? Whiskies. K Guaranteed qualify and proof, nd Beer, JUG TRADE per Gal. $1.50. OF BURKE Solicited. KEARSEY & PLUMB, 1269 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. 3 H. H. COSKERY, Carriages, 733 and 735 Broad St., Buggies, Wagons, Augusta, Ga. Harness, Saddlery, Carriage and Wagon Material, Hemlock and White OakSole Leather, Harness Leather and Rubber Belting, Blacksmith and Woodworkers’ Tools, Agents for Babcock’s Fine Vehicles, Also Jno.W. Masury & Son’s House Paints Saw Mill Machinery we manufacture the best SAW MILS sucezrczHJtt! ON THE MARKET. ENGINES. BOILERS, LATEST IMPROVED COTTON 3k C— - - Tirr--^: GINNING pjSBsa^S MACHINERY. COMPLETE : SAW = MILL = OUTFITS = A = SPECIALTY. Let us have vour orders for Mill Supplies or Shop Work MALL ARY BROS. MACHINERY CO., MAlCOjST, GEORGIA.. junel,1901 ToAUSUSTA . . ... and hETUHft. FREE TICKET Go see the Big Show for Nothing! [jpgT Write for particulars to FLEMING & BOWLES, -A-vLgr'a.sta., Q-ecrglsu HE L@ Proprietor, per month, up to $10. specialty, to fit. Who is That ? “No. 73, The Waynes boro Pressing Club !” M. BUXTON. Clothes cleaned, Pressed and Repaired for $1.00 A VEGETABLE DAINTY. I'anliflower Grown In HSjrfcest Per fection Under Irrigation. Cauliflower is a favorite vegetable all over the civilized world, and where it can be grown successfully and by men who know what the plant requires it is a very profitable product. The chief requirements are a very rich soil, well prepared, and an abundance of mois ture. Where irrigation is practicable there the highest measure of success is assured. No land in a state of nature is suffi ciently fertile to grow cauliflower to a high degree of perfection. As so much manure is required, it matters less what the quality of the land may be FINE CAULIFLOWERS. than what the water supply. Thirty or forty thousand pounds per acre of barnyard manure suffice to make the soil conform to requirements, no mat ter what its previous condition may have been. Cultivation requirements are about the same as those of cabbage, though a little more exacting. At the Texas ex periment station, where the soil is about as unfavorable as possible, as high as §703.50 worth per acre lias been grown, and it is claimed that the land on which this crop was grown was not sufficiently manured. Cauliflower has been successfully grown at the Beeville substation by irrigation, and it is a specialty with many truck growers in that sectiou. The cut is a photo of three specimens grown by a successful truck farmer of Beeville, Tex. POINTS ON TOBACCO. Cultivation, Worms, Topping, Suck- ering- mid Harvesting. I aim to cultivate the crop about five times, not so much how I plow, but when I plow, says an Ohio Farmer writer; first stirring, ten days after planting; last plowing, ten days after topping. As to worms, they are sure to come. I always aim to be ready for them. Up to this crop I have used poison iu liquid form, and it has always giveu satisfac tion. 1 shall also try one pound of paris green to one bushel of air slacked lime aud put it ou by using tin can or basket by perforating bottom with holes. 1 shall begin to use this at the second plowing. One or two applications will be all that is needed. At the third cul tivation we aim to cut out all grass, milkweeds, pea viues or anything of like nature that may have escaped the shovels. As to hoeing, that is out of the ques tion. Our hoeing is done with a riding cultivator. Topping is the staggering point to a great many growers of the weed. Gen erally when the time comes to top the weather is dry, and we would like to top after a good rain, for then it will commence to spread at once, and that is what we top for. On Tobacco Leaf farm we aim to top as near clean as possible, for as it is topped so will it ripen. Suckering should be commenced in about ten days after the tops have been taken out. Then they will have be come about two inches long. The crop should be cleaned twice before cutting. This is one' of the back aches of the grower, but it must be done, or you will repent when the crop is being stripped and packed. We generally begin to harvest the latter part of August. The Happy Track Parmer. Truck farming differs from the grow ing of ordinary field crops in that not so much land is needed for this work; hence the location of the home can be found in the suburbs of towns and cities, where both the advantages of city and rural life can be enjoyed. This is my ideal home. A man upon such a truck farm is a king, surrounded by the best influences of earth, away from the temptations and excitement of the city and close enough to take advan tage of its schools, churches, water, lights, etc. He is in touch with the great pulsating heart of nature, her in vigorating atmosphere, her balmy sun- sbiue, pure water, the song of the birds, the hum of the bees and the aroma of the flowers. What more en ticing surroundings could a man need to lead a pure and happy life, which is the ultimate object and aim of human ambition when simmered down to its elements?—Farm and Ranch. Salt Yalnable on Barley. Common salt, which has long had a reputation with many farmers for its value as a fertilizer for barley, while others disbelieved in its efficacy, has been shown at the Canadian experi ment farms to be a most valuable agent for producing an increased crop of that grain, while it is of much less use when applied to crops of spring wheat or oats. Land plaster or gypsum has also proved to be of some value as a fer tilizer for barley, while of very little service for wheat or oats. Gent’s Suits and Pants made to measure from $2.50 Suits from 10 to 35. Ladies’ cleaning and dyeing a Work called for and delivered. All work guaranteed Another Respected Citizen Gone to the city to take treatment for hi9 stomach trouble. The amount of money he paid for railroad fare to get there would haye bought enough of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin to have kept him and bis entire fami ly in good health for six month.You can’t suffer from constipation, indi gestion, sick headache or stomach trouble if you take this remedy. In 50c and $1 00 bottles Sold by H B -MoMaster, Waynes boro; H. Q. Bell, Millen, TAMPA LABOR TROUBLES. Strike Leaders Are Growing >oinr- wiiat Bolder. Tampa, Fla., Oct. 14—The labor sit uation today, thought to have been prac tically settled early last week, is more serious than at any time-in the past few weeks. United States District Attorney Striding is here investigating the recent deDorration of strike leaders and ik.. fact has emboldened the members oi Resistencia union men who are yet out and they have been working barn among those at work with the rasuli that it is believed a great many will re fuse to return to work. They use the argument that the gov ernment, having ordered an invt-Siiga tion of the deportations, there will bo no further similar actions on the part oi the citizens. Several union leaders who have been in hiding since August ap peared yesterday on the streets. Big Factory For Tampa. Tampa, Fia., Oct. 16.—Notwithstand ing the troubles which the cigar icon-- try of this city has been undergoing, it will soon emerge larger and better than ever before. As soon as the present trouble is brought to a close and work is resumed fuily, BustUlo Bros. & Dio.; will take up the plans for ilie erection of what will be the largest factory build ing in ihe city. They will o >r,struct o. brick, oi tfie latest design and model, and have a factory that will be valuable and ornamental. Present information is that the building will cost hardly less than $80,000, of which sum the lira; will pay the larger part. Do you sulfur Irotu piles? If so do not turn In snrgery for relief De- Witt’s Witch Hazoi Salve will act more quickly, f-urt-ly and safely,sav ing you the expense and danger of an operation. H. B. M( Master. N ew (jentury underfill ^ Do ij ai Savins: W ii 3 a Dollars You Can Be ADMINISTRATORS SALE. S 1 S-hot His Uncle to Death. Madison, Fla., Oct. 13.—John J, Pert, a prominent and wealthy citizen of thi; county and a leading confederate vet eran, was shot and instantly killed a: his home near here by his nephew, Hun- roe Williams, who was a visitor at hi t home at the time. The two men were neighbors and Williams called on his uncle after supper. The two men were talking when their conversation led to a misunderstanding. Williams imme diately shot bis uncle and the bullet broke P6rt’s neck. He expired in a few seconds. Williams is iu jail. Robbed F lorida Post* fflee. Orlando, Fia., Oct. 14—W. E. Med ford, a young white man who had been employed by the electric light company, has been arrested here charged with robbing the postoffice at this place. Tim office was burglarized Wednesday o; early Thursday morning and the matte; was given no publicity until the officer; had investigated the clew leading to the arrest of Medford. The postoffice de partment at Washington has ordered Medford to be turned over to the federal authorities at Tamua. Lewis OckernoBti, Goshen, Ind: Du Witt’s Little Early Risers never Lend me double like other pill?, biu do their work thoroughly and make me feel like a boy.” Certain thor ough, gentle. H, B. MCMaster. NEXT WEES AT ATLANTA’S BIG FAIR. Next week offers another great pro gram of entertainment aud instruction for the thousands who will visit At lanta. The big feature of the week, beginning Tuesday night, will be the Horse Show, which will draw thou sands of persons to Atlanta from all over the country. As an exhibition of horse flesh this feature has never been sur passed. Cheap railroad fares, it is expected, will bring thousands of visitors to At lanta to take advantage of the last week, therefore most of the epeoial amuse ment features will be retained, includ ing Daredevil Kilpatrick ou his auto- Arrival of Trains.] Down day train arrives.. 9 55 a n- Down day train arrives.. 249 p in Down night train arrives 10 34 pen Up day train arrives... 5.15 am Up day train arrives 12.05 p m Up day train arrives 5.25 p m Sander’s Only. Up day train 5;06 a in Down day train arrives.. 10:42 a n> Up day train arrives.,..! 4:21 p m News Stand. I have opened a news stand in The Citizen ( ffice and will keep •ill the popular monthlies anti weeklies that are sold by all news iea'ers. The following are a few:- Munsey; The Argosy; Strand; Mc Clures; Frank Leslies; Smart Set; (nd others Weeklies: - Secret Ser vice; Diamond Du.k; Nich Carter; T-p Tup; Puck; Judge; New York Journal; and others. Your patron age will be appreciated. Lawrence Sullivan. ’ TE OF GEORGIA—Burkk County: - By virtue of an o-der of the Court, of Or (linarv of said county will be sold at public out-rv on tlieflrst Tuesday in November 1901 at the court bouse in said county, between the usual hours of sal-, the following real estate in said county of Burke, said State, to-wit: All that, tract or parcel of land lying, situ ate and being in the county of Burke, State of Georgia, containing two bun red and forty five-245) acres more or less, bounded North by lands Martin Moore aud the estateof Mrs, Elizabeth Brinson. East bv lands of .1. K. Rodgers actiM s. W. B. Cullen. South by lands of the estate of Jordan Joiner, aud on the West by lan Is of the estate of Mrs Eii/.a- b tit Brinson, said tract being known as the L M Brinson-Carpenter place, A iso all that tract or parcel of land lying situate and being in the tilth and C2d District G 51 said county and state, containing fif teen Go acres more or less at and near Mun- nerlyn station on the Augusta -t Savannah railroad, bound d North or lands ot Ail-la R Bolies. East by lands of J. D. Perry .South bi public road leading from Munnerlyn to Hab ersham, and on tiie West by lands of Adda K. Holies, Abo all that lot or parcel of land contain ing one-fourth ol an acre, lying, situate and being in the.village of Munnerlyn, Ga . said county and on tHe right of way of the Augus ta & Savanna!) railroad, bounded North by Main Street. East and South by lands of Ad da R Bollrs and west by said righ*of way. and known ns the Chance Sto e Lot. Also all that tract nr parcel of land lying, situate and being in said district, county and State and near said Munnerlyn station, ou- pcsite the l'ha»ce residence, and fronting with equal width tlie fifteen acre tiact above described, commencing at a corner opposite the Chance horse lot and bounded Nfirth b> tim public road eading from Munnerl n tc Habersham.and on (lie East.South and West by lands of Adda R. Bolies. said tract con taining five acres. Also at the same time and place, will be sold, the following descr bed personal prop- eit> ; 1 bay mare about seven years old; 1 S-.r- rel horse ab,ut 9 years old; 1 dark horse mule about tiv’ years old; 1 dark tnare mule about 7 yeatso’d; I two horse wagon; 1 lop buggy; 1 open buggy; 100 bushels ot corn; 1,000 lbs. ol fodder, and all of tlie'farming implements of the late L 51. Brinson deceased. The sale w l! continue from day to day and between the same hours till all of said prop erly is sold. Termscash. Titis 10th day o'October. 1901. P. W. CARSWELL. Admr. of L. 51. Brinson. Johnston* Fullbright Attorneys. vary [> >l!xr Invested in Our Goods Buys Full Vah F $T© Infiated Priees Creep tn our methods. We sell our goods on this plan, ip. (-verythUtir; Large one on nothing. Little margin BEGINNING TO-DAY WE WILL GIVE YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE O O We have drugs to sell of any de- | scription. If not | in stock we will | take pleasure in % ordering for you | Don’t fail to | ask any favor i that you may. I Open Sundays 1 from 10 to 12 a. m , and 4 to 5 p. m. FORD’S DRUG STORE. F '-r r-verv purchase of $10. or $3 spot cash consisting of Dry Gom! Ni>:t;»tis, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Clothiug, a gift of a handsome an Vaiu ib.e Present. Buy $10 worth of goods and secure a handsome Ingersol watch, open face TJr-qualified guarantee to run 12 months. Contract with every Watch. Or your choice of an assortment of Brass Novelty Ciock- War ran teed In every respect. Beautiful, open work, metal cH-e’ 9 inches high. Ornamental feet and fancy gilt frame. Your Choice of a wa : .* h or clock, either worth $2 50. We wiU give for every $6 CASH purchase, one fac simile Pastel Pic ture, tjI-ts-i 16x20 vvi.h 'army white and gold huige front moulding—a per fect b-auty. Or we will give a fac simile Water Color !% eatm finish reeded moulding, fine gilt metai corner arrangements, size 12x23, repro duce Hi water Cl 1 ws, heavy beveled edge, assorted subject-either selec tion you want. For every $3 CASH purchase, you secure one Popular MedaUr'or? 6x8 inces. each corner extended wi h fancy, 1)4 inch gilt metal, ca/ded[ easel ba< a k. Assorted two alike. Bt sure to gut one of th<an. Every article we sell yon is guaranteed by us to be your money’s worth. Ever-/ "-.nen t we give vou is serviceable, hands o.-n and ornamental and a is worth fill va’u- W'e prefer quick saiesanej small profits, and by employing this method we are benefactors to those who avail themselves of the purchase of our goods. No distiioutor of merchandise m \Vav- nesboro is better.-itu iteil t<>p ease you iu stvie finish anil price than we are. Price and quaiitv c 'nyi‘<orations suujjpst that vou give ns u trinl. We cud plciise vou in evorv w;iv morees]>eci:i!)j in qualitv u:i 1 price wavs. Dont fail to secure a handsome present given in. return for vour patronoge. GEO. F. BRINSON & BRO. Waynesboro, — — Geor li'ia. H P. Sbew.make, President. A. M. Boatwright, Secretary 1 Unite’ Sul? Wholesale and Retail Dealers in EXECUTOR’S S IE. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have reduced the sub scription price of The True Cittzen to $1 00 a year from August 10th, 1901. The cash must accompany the name. Those vt ho are in arrears for pa81 amounts, will pay up to August 10;D, 1901, at iheold ra»e and from that date at iha new rale. Statements are now being made out for old amounts due, and we ask immediate attention to tbr m The Citizen will be kept up to the high standard maintain ed for years past. The best sto ries,telegraphic news, agricultu ral reports, local happenings and reeorts from a good corps of correspondents form a weekly budtret of news that can not be secured elsewhere. We hope to visit every home in the county and will appreci ate your patronage. We club with some of ihe very- best city weeklies printed Read the list, select your paper and send us. your name. The following papers together with The Cttizen for one year. Home & Ffirm $1.25. Atlanta Semi-Weekly Jour nal $1.50. New York Thrice-a-Week World $1 67. Atlanta Weekly Constilulion $1 75 Savannah Semi-WeeklyNew9 $1.75 Ihe Semi-Weekly Chronicle $160. Respectfully, SULLIVAN BROS. GEORGIA—Burke County: -In pursu ance of the wilt of Mrs E. C. Cotter late of Jefferson county deceased will be sold at i ub- li outcry, on the first Tuesday in November 1901, at the court house in said county, be tween the legal hours of sale. the following lands, situated in the 71st district. G. 51, slid county to-wit; One tract of land con taining seven y(77)scven acres, more or less, bounded on the North by Leaptrot land. East by the Jenkins place and Holt place, South and East by lands of W. L. McBride To be sold as the property of t lie estate of 5Irs E. C. Cotter, deceased, for division Termscash. Purchaser to pav for drawing titles. J. D. H. ALEXANDER, Executor. TPESPASS NOTICE. Ail parties are hereby warned against hunt ing. fishing, cutting limber or otherwise trespassing on lands owned or coni rolled by the undersigned tying in the67th dis:rict. i iz. Greeu place, bounded b.v lands of Usher it Roundtree. A & S. R. R .Mrs. 5Iartha Green, and P L Corker McKinney place, by lands of Mrs. Green, Jno. Green, Brier creek an-1 P. P. Johnston Allen place, by lauds of Mrs Rheney. P P Johnston. B lev Creek and W. W.McCathern Collins place, by laudsof Usher. Roundtree and other lands ol Mrs E. W Hammond. I will prosecute a-1 part es to the ex eut of ihe law for trespassing in any way. M US. E. W. H AMMOND G . O. M GORDON. Oct 10, 1901 * ** Keitel Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have bSen cured after everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. 8t casa’i he!p Bsut do you good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago ~ “ ' ;le ' ‘ The SI. bottle contains2J4 timestbcSOc. size. Sold by II R McM ASTER. TRESPASS NOTICE. All pill peddlers, patent medicine doctors, and book agents are warned against tres passing on any lands owned or controlled by me, under penalty of prosecution. GEO. W. BELL. Sept 12,1901. ** Mantels, Tile, Grates, Hardware, : : • ’ ■ Doors, Sash and Blinds. ROUGH and DRESSED PINE XjXJMIEEE L-A/PHES, BITICIv, Etc. 837 BROAD STREET, : : AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. GREAT SAEE OF UACES JVOW IJ\r PROGRESS! Laces worth 20 to 50c. a yard, at 15c. Matched Torchon Laces at 10c. a yard for edges and inserting^ New Ruffs for the Neck. • Headquarters tor dainty things tor brides and babies. 13ii tter-ick’s .Patterns \ow ready. Agents for the American Lady Corsets. BLEAKLEY’S “ SHOP oo # S ?I “ E JACKSON STREET Near BROADWAY, AUGUSTA, GA WOODWARD LUMBER CO. Manufacturers of Lumber, Sash, Doors, : : : Blinds, Etc., Roberts Street, AUGUSTA, GA, Your orders solicited. Etc. COMPLETE Cotton.Saw,Grist, Oil and Fertilizer MILL OUTFITS. Gin, Press, Cane 31111 and Shingle Ontflits Castings. Railroad, Mill, M achlnlsts’ and Factory s applies Esltlng, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc. ‘Cast every day; work ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON W0RKS5 SUPPLY GO.. mm. AUUUSTA, QA. W. D: BECKWITH, RESIDENT DENTIST, WAYNESBORO, ; : GEOK -I-*' (Office-Over Citizens Bank.) Office bouts: 8 U> 1 a. m., and front. tol p. m. Specsal attention to crown and brii--® work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ch.ttV^ reasonable. The expense of arge city saved patrons. a trip to sep3.’98—**>’ .