The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 30, 1901, Image 1

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\ThE . . . \V. B. YOUNG, AUGUSTA President. J. G. WEIGLE, SAVINGS . Cashier. SAVINOS ACCOUNTS SAUK, . . . solicited. S05 Dread Strret, Interest Paid U’HIJSTA, GEORUI.V. On Deposits Volume 20. Waynesboro, Georgia, Saturday, November 30, 1901. Number 33. f THE I PLANTERS | LOAN AND 9 SAVINGS j BANK, | Augusta. Ca. | ORGANIZED 1870 Pa?s merest oa Deposits. ACC055J* SflUcM L. C. Kayne. President. Chas. ( • Howard ■^xshler. — WE WAMT T Ve cau save }0u money on good Shoes. The Trash kind we do not handle ? Inspect our Shoes and get our prices. We will sell you ! Still selling a good solid Leather Brogan tor §>1,00 Ladies’ Solid Leather Glove Grain Button and Lace for 90c. Children’s Shoes, Gram SpriDg Heels, 6 to S, all Leather tor 65c. Children’s Shoes, Grain Spring Heels, 9 to 12. all Leather for 75c GREAT CUT IN CLOTHING FOR 30 DAYS! WE HANDLE GROCERIES. T. A. CLARY & CO.. WE ARE SURE. • We are sure of several things We are sure that we can serve you promptly, efficiently, carefully. We are sure that we can show ycu an assortment of stock that is without a peer in magnitude and quality. We are sure our mechanical facilities are so simple and complete that your special orders will get best attention here. We are sure that our prices are worthy of investigation. Doing a big business with big facilities, cuts down the cost. We art sure that you have not thought over that building question as it deserves. “We are sure that we can satisfy you in every respect. Oppo. Citizens Bank, Waynesboro, Georgia. FOUR OF k FAMILY BURNED TO DEATH Holocaust at Knoxville, a Su burb of Pittsburg, Pa. ONE E03Y BURNED TO CRIS? SET WOMAN ON FIRE. NORTH CAROLINA INDUSTRIES., ENDS HER LIFE WITH POiSON. Fire Was Started by Cook Pouring Kerosene Into the Steve to Light Firo for Breakfast—Flames Spread With incredible Rapidity. Pittsburg, Nov. 25.—Four persons ! v/ere burned to death and two serious- j ly injured in a fire at 4:30 o’clock I this morning which destroyed the res-1 iden-e of J. G. Miller, on Charles street, Knoxville, a suburb of this city, j The names: Rose Miller, aged 23 years; terribly I burned an 1 died on the way to the ' hospital.' Amelia Miller, aged 19 years; suffo- ; cated by the smoke. Amanda Miller, aged 1G years; suffo-1 cated Silvia Miller, aged 9years; suffocated. ■ The injured: J. G. Miller, the father, jumped from second story window. Mrs. Miller is badly burned and on. i verge of ne”vous prostration. Two other daughters, aged 11 and . 13 years, escaped without injury. The ! fire was caused by the cook pouring \ kerosene the stove to start the , fire )oi breakfast. The oil in the can j ignited and the explosion which fol- j lowei scattered the burning oil over ■ the loom. The flames spread so I quickly that Mr. Miller was forced to j jump from -ho second story window j after rescuing his wife and two of his ; younger daughters. Rose was burned | almost to a crisp and died before j reaching the hospital. The three oth- j ers were overcome by the smoke, i The : r bodie; were found in the ruins • after the file had been extinguished. I Mrs. Miller was just recovering from.? a severe illue: s and is almost distract- j ed over the terrible affair. Fears are entertained ikat she will not survive: \ ihe stock. Serious Crime Charged to Andrew Bo land, cf Chicago. Chicago, Nov. 25.—Auna YonBroth, of 74 South Sangamon street, died at the county hospital last night from burns, said to have been inflicted by Andrew Boland, who lived in the same | house with her. According to the j ante-mortem statement made to the i police by Miss VonBroth the couple | had been quarreling. She declared j Boland became so angry that he re- j moved the globe and the chimney j from the lamp in the nouse and then j attempted to burn her face with the j flames. She cried out lor help and j struggled to save herself. Her dress j caught fire and in an instant she was i Census Figures Show a Wonderful In crease In Last Decade. Washington, Nov. 23.—The prelim inary report of the manufacturing in dustries of North Carolina shows a total capital of §”6,503,894, an increase of 133 per cent during the decade; number of establishments, 7,226, an increase of 97 per cc-nt; average num ber of wage earners, 70,570; total wages, $13,868,430; cost of materials used, §53,072,368, an increase of 132 per cent, and value of products includ ing custom work and repairing, §04,- 919,663, an increase of 135 per cent. The city of Wilmington, which is separately reported, shows a total of 124 establishments, capital §1,819,333, an increase cf almost 4 per cent; 1,469 Girl Drinks Acid While Invalid Mother Looks On. Kingston, N. C., Nov. 26.—Miss Lena Turner, aged 35, while in the house with her mother, near this place, an invalid, told the latter she intended to instantly commit suicide. She rushed to a closet and drank a large quantity of carbolic acid. Her mother could only scream. Hear ing the screams, her father ran to the house to find his daughter writh ing oa the floor and dying. In a min ute she was dead. No cause cau be imagined for the suicide, as -she was in good health and spirits. VICTIMS CF CONFIDENCE MEN. a mass of flames. Alarmed at the re- ; -wage earners; total wages §446,413, suit of his action, the woman said, Bo land attempted to extinguish the fire and was seriously burned himself. Mother and Infant Cremated. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 25.—Mrs. William Swift and infant were burned to death at their home near Grannis, Polk county. It is supposed she fell asleep while holding the baby in a chair near the fireplace and that her clothing caught fire. decrease of over 3 per cent, and value of products, including custom work and repairing, §2,246,237, an increase of 18 per cent.. HOW VEP.DiCT WAS REACHED. SEARCH FOR MiSS CROPSEY. When Last Seen Was on Perch With Her Lover. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 23.—News just reached here from Elizabeth City, N. C., indicates that the search for 17- : year-old Nellie Cropsey, missing from Sunday Tragedy In Ohio. j her home in that city since 11 o’clock, “second.” Marietta, O., Nov. 25—On Sunday j P- m. November. 20, points either to evening at Unionville, Morgan coun- j suicide by drowning or departure in ty, Robert Wilking and wife had a j a river craft. “Hurricane” Branch, family quarvet Mrs. Wilking, taking ; wit* bloodhounds, arrived on the her 1 aby, hu-ried to her father’s Ja- j scene about noon yesterday. The dogs cob Stokes a short distance away, j were given the scent from the absent The husband followed. Stokes and j girl’s shoes and stockings and follow- his wile were on the veranda. Robert j ed the trail through a turnip patch Wilking on arriving shot and mortally ! along the river and finally to a pier, wounded Mr. and Mrs. Stokes. A son j where it was lost. The suicide theory of Mr. Stoues then appeared and shot J is somewhat weakened* by resultless Wilking in the neck, severing his head ! river draggings. Jurymen Tried Lottery Plan—Verdict Will Be Set Aside. Asheville, N. C., Nov. 23.—John Mil ler, a negro, was tried for murder in the superior court here. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty in the first degree. Yesterday the fact came to light that the jury after standing 18 hours six for murder in the first, six for murder in the second degree, juggled with the man’s life by draw ing lots to determine the degree of guilt. Two pieces of paper were put in a hat, one marked “first,” the other First degree was drawn. The verdict will be set aside. Miller is undoubtedly guilty. Houseboat on Tennessee River Scene of Boid Robbery. Decatur, Ala., Nov. 27.—Two alleged western ranchmen, flashing big rolls of money, gave knockout drops to Carl Neillson, a saloon proprietor, his bar tender and Tony Grimes, a river lum berman, at Elkton. The crooks got away with §300 from the safe, §100 from the cash register, Neillson’s dia monds worth $1,000 and §50 and a watch from Grimes. Neillson was running a bar on a houseboat on the Tennessee river. The victims were conscious of being rob bed, but were powerless to move or cry out. The crooks escaped with the loot. They won Neillson’s confidence by pretending to be friends of a pal of his. lugusurjumi Augusts: (p? CHAS. F. DEGEN, Manager. The Artistic Woodworkers. Jonestown, Miss., Burred. Memphis, Nov. . 25.—Jonestown, Miss., was practically destroyed by fire this morning. Fourteen stores and six residences were burned. The total less will be about $75,000. The origin of the fire is not yet known. STRIKE OF MINERS AT NORTONVILLEg KY. Fifty Armed Men Agsin En camped at That F^cce. Conscience Fund of $18,569. j Washington, Nov. 25.—Secretary . Gage has received from an unknown ’ WILL RESIST THE AUTHORITIES person through the collector of cus toms at New York a conscience con tribution of §13,669. from his do >y. No arrest. Nellie was iast seen on her porch with her lover, James Y/ilcox, and it is said he left her crying. Great ex citement prevails over me mystery. White Man Turned Yellow. Fatal Fall of a Painter. Asheville, N. C., Nov. 23.—A paint- j er named Smith fell 60 feet from the, roof of Kenilworth inn Thursday af ternoon and died yesterday morning. It is remarkable that no bones were broken. (■ Supreme Court Reverses Decision. Washington, Nov. 25.—The United States supreme court today reversed the decision of the court below which „ , .. me uetiBiu v . Great consternation was felt by the was in favor of the state m t e - an- £ r ^ en( j g 0 f ^ Hogarty, of Lexington, sas City stockyard case. The case j t -when they saw he was turning involved the validity of the state law i y e ii ow . His skiu slowly changed color, ! of Kansas, giving authority to fix rates [ also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. | charged at the stockyards. The opin- j His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He ion was Landed down by Justice ! was treated by the best doctors, but | without benefit. Then ho was advised Brewe . j ,. 0 tr y Electric Bitters, the wonderful . . | Stomach and Liver remedy, and he liis F.cated. i writes: “After taking two bottles I was Washington, Nov. 25.—Secretary J wholly cured.” A trial proves its Lone has received a cablegram from \ matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver Admiral Rodgers at Manila stating I and Kidney troubles. Only 25c. Sold by that the New York had managed to H. B. McMaster, druggist, float the supply boat Iris, which stranded yesterday near Iloilo. The Carolina and Northern Railroad. Marion, S. C., Nov. 23.—The Caro lina and Northern railroad, supposed to be building by the Seaboard, can now come into Marion, a jury of con demnation having fixed the damages to the Atlantic Coast line by being crossed by this road at the nominal amount of §25. The Carolina and Northern is completed from Lumber- ton, N. C., to Marion, a distance oi 36 miles, and it is the purpose of the management to build on to George town, 50 miles, opening a new and undeveloped country in east South Carolina. Rural Delivery in Morgan. Madison, Ga., Nov. 26.—The rural free mail delivery has been started in Morgan. One route has already been secured and operations will be gin at once. Andrew Torbet, of this city, has secured the route. Other routes are being planned and we learn that Congressman Howard is bend ing his energies and influence to the work, and in the near future expects to have complete free rural delivery system throughout the county. What's Yonr Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if yon have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth • patches and blotches on the skiu.—all signs of Liver Trouble; But Dr. King’s New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com plexion. Only 25 cents at H. B. McMas- ter’s drug store. Summit Hotel Is Destroyed. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 23.—Summit ho tel. at Carthage, was burned yesterday morning. It was built a few years ago for guests from the north, blit few of these had arrived. No one was in jured. Loss §15,000. A stock com pany owned the hotel. Sewell’s Condition Critical. j- Asheville. N. C., Nov. 23—The con- ] dition of Senator Sewell at this place : is critical; in fact, more so than re' ports have indicated. Consul Fletcher Dead. Genoa, Nov. 26.—James Fletcher, United States consul in this city, is dead. ’XtQOQSC&QQGQOQQQQQQQQ sooo Reliable Jewelry. ]f you want Something real fine and stylish iu Jewelry, Sil- verw are, Cut Glass, Clocks,. Diamonds, go to- MlIfflM, J EWELERS, Augusta, : : Georgia- XnOQOOQOOGVOQQOOOfXXX Iris is apparently uninjured. Pugoist Burge Arrested. London, Nov. 25.—The pugilist, Dick Burge, was arrested today in London on a charge of complicity in the re cent Bank of Liverpool frauds. It is said the po ;i oe have received a large amount of money that was taken. Saves Two F rom Death. “Oar little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,” writes Mra W K Havi- land, of Armonk, N. Y.. but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King’s New Discovery. Oar niece, who had Consumption m an ad vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well ” Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. In fallible for Coughs and Colda 50c and *1 00 bottles guaranteed by H. B. Mo- Master. Trial bottles iree. Luther Wheeler Is Acquitted. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 27. In the mur der case of Luther Wheeler the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. Wheeler shot and killed John Mc- Swain a drunken man, several weeks ago oke dark night in Front street. He was walking along the sidewalk with a lady and McSwain ran into them. Wheeler claimed that McSwain also attacked him with a knife. Not a Dissenting Vote. A perfect laxative! That is the unanimous verdict of the people who use Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pep- Killed by Falling Log. Crawfordsville, Ga., Nov. 25.—Jesse McKenney, a young man living near here, was instantly killed yesterday. While riding on a wagon loaded with logs he was carrying to a sawmill he fell from the wagon and a heavy log fell on him, crushing his head. Senator Seweli Not to Resign. Charlotte, Nov. 25.—Governor Voor- bees, of New Jersey, who is- in Ashe-' ville with Senator Sewell, who is ill, said in an interview: “The visit of myself and Stokes is of no political significance. Sewell has no intention of resigning. I was glad to find him in improved health.” Negro Arrested for Murder. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 26.—Will Mack, a Meriwether county negro, is under arrest here charged with murder near White Sulphur Springs. He killed a negro as a result of a gambling game and ackno-vledges the crime, although he pleaded self-defense. Gabriel Toombs Paralyzed. Washington, Ga., Nov. 27.—Gabriel Toombs, a brother of the late General Robert Toombs and the oldest citizen of this place, being 88 years old, was stricken with paralysis yesterday morning. His face was seriously af fected. hisiciat* Testifies. ‘•I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my I if" that did me the good that did,” says County Physician Goo W. Scroggs of Hall county,Ga, “Being a physician I have prescribed it and found it to give the bs9t results.” If the food you eat remains undigest- To Operate Reed Mine. Concord, N. C., Nov. 16.—The gold mining business in this county is at tracting very much attention this fall and also, what is more to the point, a large amount of capital. The old Reed mine, famous as the locality where the 7-pound piece was found many years ago, will be operated in a short time by a Massachusetts company. The Meadow creek mine, where so many rich nuggets have been picked up'lately, is in the vicinity of the Reed mine. Smooth Swindlers Arrested. Madison, Ga., Nov. 27.—A. P. Camp bell and A. B. Baggs were lodged in jaij here today, charged with being common cheats and swindlers. For the past week they have been victim izing the people of this section, travel ing around and representing them selves as agents for a northern depart ment house. They snowed catalogues and took orders for goods for future delivery, receiving part pay in ad vance. In this way they secured a considerable amount. Modern Surgery Surpass'd. “While suffering from a had case of piles I consulted a physician who advised me to try a tv>x of Dp Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve.” says G. F, Car ter. Atlanta. Ga. “I procured a box and was entirely cured. De "Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure for piles, giving relief instant ly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers” Surgery is unneces sary to cure piles. De Witt’s Wilch HazeJSaive will cure any case. Cut*, burns, bruises, and all other wounds are also quickly cured by it Beware ot counterfeits Negro Exodus. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 23.—The an nual exodus of negroes to Georgia and Florida has begun from the eastern and southern counties. Labor agents will endeavor to get many negro ten ant farmers to leave the state and go south. Struck by a Trolley Car. Macon, Ga., Nov. 23.—Sophia Crum ley, a negro woman, was struck by a street car on the Consolidated line yesterday morning about 10 o’clock and very badly injured. The woman is hard of hearing and just as she at tempted to cross the track the car came along. Ex-Journalist Seriously III. Dalton, Ga., Nov. 25.—Colonel J. T. Whitman, for many years publisher of the North Georgia Citizen at this place and a newspaper man well known throughout the state, is very ill at his home here. He is probably one of the oldest ex-editors in Geor gia. Gored by a Mad Bull. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 26.—John F. Kell, a well known Central engineer, had an adventure with a mad Jersey bull yesterday afternoon. He was trying to capture the bull, when the enraged animal made an unexpected attack upon him. He was caught on the sharp horns and thrown some dis tance in the air, being badly gored. Kell is gored in the abdomen, and se riously but not fatally hurt. Plenty of Wheat Sown. Washington, Ga., Nov. 26.—The farmers of this section have gone to work in ea, .vest to sow wheat. Know ing ones say- there will be more grain put under earth in Y* r ilkes this year than in many years. Cotton has about been gathered and will be shorter than at one lime anticipated. The top crop is almost a total failure in this section. Personal. WiM the lady who fell i n a swoon ! u«t Thursday, in froDt of (he pnst- office, call at our store? She suffers froro Billiousneso, Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin will surely care her. Sold ny h b. McMaster, Waynes boro; H.Q Bell, Millen. KEPT BY FORCE IN SANITARIUM. Baldwin County Man Confined In In stitution Against His Will. Macon, Nov. 26.—A writ of habeas corpus was signed by Judge Emory Speer in tin United States court last night iu behalf of Samuel II. Evans, one of the leading bankers, warehouse men and farmers of Baldwin county. He is confined iu Dr. Allen’s private sanitarium at Milledgeville. Mr. Evans’ wife has kept him in the sanitarium, it is claimed, against his will and without any legal process. Under the Georgia law a private sanitarium can detain a patient and treat him without his consent. The proceeding in the federal court is to show that this lav/ is unconsti tutional. Sellable and Gentle, “A pill’s a pill,” says the saw. But ed in your stomach it decays there j there are pills and pil.'s, You want Sold by H. B, McMaster, Wayues boro, ca. h. Q. Bell, Milieu, aa, « ; ,v, - •f.yrS and poisons the system. You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation. The worst cases quifkiy cured. Never fails. H. B. McMaster. a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn’t gripe. De Wilts’s Little Early Risers fill the bill.Pure ly vegetable. Do not force but as sist the bowels to act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small and easy to take. h. b. McMaster. The Children's Friend. You’ll have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaintsOneMinuteCough Cure never fails. Acts promptly. It is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless. C. B. George, Winchester, Ky, writes “Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly sneak. vVe gave her afewdosesof One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her immediately and she went to sleep. When she awaken next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup. H. B McMaster. - - ? ‘ Vl MAc 8100 Reward 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to earn that there is at least < ne dreaded dis ease that science has been aele to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive care known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a consti tutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it lai'.s to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Ad dress, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists 75c. It Is the General Opinion Th«4 Before the Campers Can Again Be ©isparsed More Troops Than Are Now on Grounds Will Be Necessa.y. Madisonvilie, Ky., Nov. 26.—The camp cf the striking union coiners at Nortonville is again a reality and the most authentic reports from ihere to day are that there are about Jfi armed men in camp and from thfctr appear ance and manners it would that they have come to stay and enii resist any attempt on the part el the au thorities to again remove tL-sm. In a conversation with J'homas Rooney, a member of the official board of the United Mine Workers. ■>' Amer ica, it was learned that ihe n*vi camp was established yesterday s.-ith 50 charter members and one Lyse tent. Rooney also said that before tonight there would be more than 2,2 men in camp, with tea or more tenV;. He said the correspondent/ had bet ter give the camp a wide De.*h There is now no doubt that the b>.inu men v/ill make an c-ffort to rs^ln the “home of the strikers” on same old site, a quarter of a mil/ ..euth of Nortonville, notwithstanding me man datory orders of County Hall to the contrary. It is the general opinion that before the camu«rs can again be dispersed, in the -<^nt the county officials remain firm ;n their determination to exterminate ?ud dis band the “unlawful assembly of intimi- dators,” that more troops tsssn are now on the ground at the co-.-^and of the officials will be necessity to en force the mandate of the co*r>. Kslirr In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladdei •'•‘■ease re lieved in six hours by New South- Anieriean Kidney Cure. It is a grc;t f -urprise on account of its exceeding pro mp-.ness in re lieving pain in biadder, kidneys and back. In male or female. Relieves retentl,.-->f water almost Immediately. If you wan guick re lief a A cure this is the remedy. ev--i b B McMaster, Druggist by H. Waynesboro Ga. Mariann^ Marianna, Fla., Nov. 25.—j -j. Tay- ’or, of St. Lcuis, committe-2 -suicide here. Sheu/un White, hearing groans near his house, on investigaCo-a found a man, 35 >ears old, dyin-i. with a two-inch gash across his wnst From papers in his pocket and ii ms case of tools it was learned that ce was a machinist. Smothered Her Baby. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. ati—A ne gro infant named Blanche Jve ir was smothered to death in bed bi ^ moth er at 609 "West Union str«*t, while both were asleep. They up>9 here recently fn m Crescent City. Florida Exhibits for Charleston. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 2d.—Nearly all exhibits at the Florida *tate' fair are to be shipped to the Charleston exposition far display there. Try one of our clnbhing offers Call on aa when in the city. <§> ® Choicest Offerings. Diamonds, Watches, Gold and Fina Plated Jewelry, Rich American Cut Glass, Lunoje China, Bic-a Brae, Etc, fir You are cordially invited to visit oar our beautiful store—Nothing finer in the South. Polite attention—Prices right. A. J. TiETX KL, J eweler, 706 Broadway, Aug-usta, Ga.