The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, December 07, 1901, Image 7

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i™iir5] «;£r, tic audio Sized Up. man is known by bis works,” de- tbe irrepressible talker, who ressing a large and enthusias- n ce. “Yours must be a gas works,” shout ed a rude, uncultured person who oc cupied a back seat.—Baltimore Ameri can. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., Augusta, 6a. GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for -, i J tfects o; Helps to education. A zoological garden is a great orna ment to a city and a most desirable ad- ... . . ,, junct to school education. The child Ute proper;glasses an-iWAE- .who can see and study a moose, an ea gle, an alligator or any other strange beast of the field gets what no book can teach.—Meehan's Monthly. Sort of Circular Insanity. A French judge has declared that a man must be mad who writes poetry. However that may be, the editor he sends it to generally is.—Los Angeles Times) AdverHelnsr r»t*z Hheral. Lenses cut into your frame while -ou wait. FREE OF CHARGE. Society Badges i SocietyRadges (jpSE.W.EQDGE,}); Manufacturer i»f Rubber Stamms -eals, Stei’chs Cotton • Brands. Ac.. 221 Camplieil t;.. between ! Broad and Kills, Augusta. Ua. eagSIHOU AoTTri-tfain* r»+P* on «polirw.tion aynesboro STOVES, Ranges, Mantels TUANS and GBATBS. Largest Stock ! Lowest 'rices Tin Booling and Galvanized Sheet Metal Work, a Specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. DAVID SLU^KY, i liones, B. 10<L 1009 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. DAY & TANNAHILL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. We are stiil at the front rank with a big stock of Stsulebaker Wagons, Columbus Buggy Company’s Vehicles, Fine Harness and addleiy, GI VU QWltf P PLOWS k SUBSOIL? RS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. T. P. FAGAN, Bishop Whipple ns a Dentist. On one of the first of his journeys to the west one of the Indians came to Bishop Whipple and said, “Wi-bid- akosi” (My tooth is sick), and asked for relief. Bishop Whipple was unable to give it and was greatly distressed. Accordingly, upon his first visit to Chi cago he went to a friend who was a dentist and asked to be shown how to extract teeth. He was told to separate the ligaments around the tooth, to take a firm grip and then to pull. Equipped with an old pair of den tist’s forceps, he went back to his work, and when, after the service at White- fish lake, an Indian came to him with his hand to his face and asked for re lief the good bishop produced his forceps and started upon his career as an unregistered dentist. The A ‘siek tooth” was a large upper molar, but the bishop never blanched. Neither did the Indian! With stolid in difference to the pain the red man sub mitted to the operation, which. Bishop Whipple confessed, must have been a bungling one at best, and the tooth was finally twisted out. and the bishop had the satisfaction of hearing the ohl chief afterward telling his people. “ K i c li i 1 i i e k a d e w i eo u a y e g rea t medicine man!”—Boston Transcript. a blow to the heart of Marchis. lie saw her already at the bail, passing from arm to arm, with her step like a flying angel; listening to the insid ious compliments of Vico Molise and his kind and keeping meantime in her heart that leaven of rancor against him because of his refusal. And he saw himself again, as he had seen himself a little while before in the mirror, old, weary, worn, beside her, so fresh, j'oung, with eyes sparkling from the cruel scorn of one who has made an unequal bargain. Suddenly he rose like one who has taken a decision, passed his hand across his brow and, without replying, weut away to go out of the house. She -Dealer in- BOTTLE ines and Liquors. CASE GOODS. Bell Spcial attention given to the Jug Trade of Burke County. You can get quick attention. 002 Campbell Street, Opposite Union Depot, ’Phone 456. Q-e org'ia- Fascijialiufr Olil Siivei. Teapots and coffeepots do not go back very far, since tea and coffee were not introduced into Europe until the seventeenth century, and no silver tea pot or kettle is known of earlier than 1700. Festoons and medallions are characteristic ornaments of tea pots of the time of the early Georges. Not until the middle of the eighteenth century, however, do we find silver urns, tea strainers and tea caddies. Cream jugs followed the fashions of the larger pieces. The first English sauceboat in silver belongs to the*year 1727. Silver can dlesticks are older, being found first, with square bases and fluted columns, in the reign of Charles II. Medallions, festoons and drapery characterize later candlesticks, and the Corinthian col umn pattern, so great a favorite, was first introduced about 17Go. Cake lias kets of the beautiful cut silver in which Paul Lamerie so excelled as a maker belong also to the eighteenth century. Many trays and salvers were made in this cut silver, which now. by the way. is again in fashion, and deservedly so. —Harper’s Bazar. THIS SEASON will offer to the Public the bestpnes of That has ever been for sale in AUGUSTA, - .. . r _ Our SHOE* w,U Ue ,0,0 « t„e,r m.m. » «» .Ubimy. w. will have ,o„e ep.Ca, » *» •<“ “““ of vrhich we will given to the public. In mcdium.pricO SHOES, the line, *o carry ^npertooln FARM SHOE», uch as are needed by those exposed to the inclemency of the w ^ ^ cial effort to secure SHOES that will give am N o trouble to show our Shoes. pie protection to feet, We have made sp and keep them dr, irouoie to snow our ouum- si —_—WUT GOULEY & VAUGHN, 826 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. .E£5“‘Agent or HANAN & SON S Fine Shoe MOBLEY -AND- MACHINISTS, Wayneboro, Ga. CASTS T-CTESPSY-S ana FSXBA.YS Feeders and Condensers Buildiag Gin Brus r SKI, au " mouldings, Window Democracy In Switzerland. The Swiss girl is taught to be hum ble and practical from the moment when, at four, she enters the infants’ school until, at eighteen, site returns finished from the pension. There is absolutely no difference between the treatment of the masses and the classes. They sit together at school, are taught the same subjects by the same masters, receive the same punish ments and the same praises. Little cares the daughter of the millionaire if her bosom friend is the daughter of her own father’s coachmaa. They have been brought up together and remain together without let or hindrance. The Swiss girl is never ashamed of being seen at her work, be that work of the most humble description. Old Mexican Reliefs. Some old Mexican tribes believe that the spirit is carried to the moon by a coal black, monkey faced owl; that up on arriving there it is met by its thou sands of ancestors, who come with a long train of white donkeys; that the spirit is then escorted to a large cav ern in the center of the moon, where joy reigns supreme. Her Objection. “You are not singing that beautiful song, ‘I Want to Be an Angel,’ with the rest of us,” said the teacher. The little one shook her head. “What’s the use of telling a story about it?” she demanded. “I’m having enough iroSMe learning to play the pi ano without bothering with a harp.”— Chicago Post. Attention, Young Men. The state, recognizing the neces sity of your obtaining an education, has established at Dahionega, a col lege where you can have the advan tage of a $40,060 00 equipment, and a facultj’, each man a specialist in his department Tuition is free and board is only $8 00 a month in dor mitory. $100 will cover cost of year. It is your college, built for you, sup ported by you, and stands ready to help you. It Is not a town school, but a real college, being one of the five male colleges of the state. It costs no more to go to a real college than to one only in name Don’t cheat yourself by going to a school without library or scientific labora tories. Write to Pres. J S Stewart, Dahionega, Ga, for a catalogue. Up Date Last Night. Then you dont feel just the best to-day. Dr. Caldweli’s Syrup Pep sin is ve r y effective for Sick Head ache, Biliousness or disordered Sold by H. b. McMasler, Waynes boro, Ga.; H. Q. Bell, Millet), Ga. Ah, the poor tyrant: now uc wicu her! How she had known how to bind him with her little hands, white and perfumed as two iilies! For nothing in the world would he have discovered the truth, changed into certainty his fo menting doubt. So she had only to ask in order to obtain, for now for him that love of which he doubted had be come his life, aud he felt a painful stricture at his heart at the mere thought that a day might come when he would be obliged to refuse her some thing. Yet that day came. Suddenly, by one of those mysterious complied tions of business, his hank, which until then had gone from triumph to tri umph, underwent a violent shock. Not a uoisy downfall, one of those open, public ruins which produce great fail ures, but one of those deep, intimate, secret crises that must be borne with cut a word, a lament, under penalty of death: tnat can be overcome only by force of small privations, little hidden savings. It is then that strict economy in the family becomes necessary. The luxury of Gemma in those moments be came absolutely ruinous for her hus band; he ought to have warned her, sought to check her. He dared uot and continued to content her, but very soon came the time when he could do so no more. It was on the occasion of a great ball to which she was to go. She had order ed from Paris a marvelous gown that became her to perfection. Still she was uot satisfied. Some days before, in the showcase of the most fashionable jew eler of the city, a diadem had set in revolution, all the feminine imagina tions; a superb jewel of antique style, set in silver gilt, of a starry pallor, where 'the brilliants seemed drops of flame. Gemma wished to have it, and indeed it would he difficult to find a face adapted to the almost religious richness of that jewel more than her snowy profile of an angel in ecstasy. Ten thousand francs was the price of that jewel, and Marchis did not have them. Mute, immovable, his heart op pressed, he listened to Gemma’s words as she described it to him. How could he tell her, how could he ever tell her, that he had not the 10,000 francs! It was terrible. To another woman who should have had that caprice one might have proposed to have her own dia monds reset after that model or per haps even to have an imitation diadem made. No one would have suspected it. But he felt that the danger lay in confessing his powerlessness. Yet it must he done. And he made an effort at courage. Gemma had seated herself beside him, throwing back and bending a lit tle to one side her blond head with that irresistible feminine movement which displays the white throat, the pure line descending from the slender neck to the full bloomed bust, down to the round and flexible waist. “I would like to have it. It seems to me that I should look well. Don’t you think so? I have a great wish to be beautiful. If you knew why?” She laughed now deliciously, with the air of her roguish hours. He was silent for a moment. Then, fixing a vague look upon the delicate designs of the oriental carpet, paling as if from an inward wound, he murmured: “The fact is that I do not know—I do not really know whether—whether I shall be able to buy it for you”— “Why?” She had quickly raised her head, much surprised, uneasy, looking at him. Such a thing had never happened to her. March* wiped his forehead and re sumed Ifis discourse. “The fact is—you see, io a bank like ours there are moments that—certain moments in which one cannot—in which it is impossible.” What was impossible for him in that moment was to finish the phrase. He stopped and lifted his eyes timidly to her, desolately, as if to beg her to help him. She was very paie, with a sud den hardness in all her features, in her j compressed mouth, in her knit brows, ■ ousness and irritation, sleeplessness, in her sparkling eyes. j muscular weakness, bearing-down “Have you not ten thousand francs? j pains, backache, legache, irregular ac- Best Value. The Newest Style In AUGUSTA 1 The low price store saves you money on every article you have to buy. No matter what prices others make, you will find f ihe Lowest Prices Here. Ladies’ Cloaks, Furs, Skirts. Underwear, Sacks, Wrappers, Silks and Dress Goods - 2-5 per cent, we save you on all above lines, believed that she had conquered and 1200 pr Nottingham Lace Curtains, $2 value $1.00, let him go without moving herself. 1 T r , , • -a ei Af) oniv with a flash of cunning in her 200 pr Cluny Lace Curtains, «&>2.o0 quality bl.oO. 600 pr fine Lace Curtains at 25 per cent, of price Home Made Georgia and S. C. Carpets. 30c tor stout, fast color Carpets; 50c- for extra super-wool Carpets; 35c for wo 1 stair Carpets ; 500 Rugs at 50c on the dollar. Underwear cheaper than any place in town. You -save money on what you buy of P. O. HORKAN & CO., AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. eyes. But when he was on the stairs the door opened, and a blond head appeared between the folding doors: “We are agreed, then?” He did not. reply, and she heard his step down the stairway, slow, heavy, weary. ******* The evening of the hail Marchis knocked at the door of his wife’s dress ing room. “Come in.” And he entered. In the little dressing room so illumin ed as to seem on fire, with the air filled with fragrance from the little unstop pered bottle of perfume, all gleaming white with the disorder of feminine ap parel scattered about. Gemma stood erect before the mirror between two kneeling maids, ready dressed for the ball. She was truly radiant ie her gown of white satin with almond blos soms, with fresh sprays of almond flowers around the neck of the dress, at the waist, among the waving folds of the train. Issuing from that covering of delicate, pale, dawn tinted flowers, she, too, was fresh as they, with her faint ly rosy complexion, as if she were one of those flowers become a person. But under her lashes gleamed anon the Cash of cold and cruel rancor. Her husband had not given her the diadem. But, hearing him enter, she turned, and, seeing that he held a casket in his hands, she comprehended everything. Witli a hound she was beside him, her arms twined around his neck. “Oh, how good you are! How good you are! How I love you!” He trem bled all over and was very pale. Gem ma did uot eveu perceive it. All at ouce. with one of her irresistible move ments, she loosened her arms from his neck, took with one hand the casket, and with the other holding her hus band’s hand she led him after her to the mirror. She seated herself and opened the casket. Among puffs of red plush, under the burning light, the diadem sent forth sparks like a flame, she had a new outburst of joy, took the husband’s head between her hands, drew it down and kissed his forehead— oh, the forehead of a corpse, icy and livid! Thou, without looking at his features, his wandering gaze, she of fered him the diadem and bent before him her biond head, which was so well suited to that mystical jewel. “Come, sir, crowu me!” And while he sought to unite with trembling hands the clasp of the gems among those marvelous blond curls, waving aud breaking into ripples of gold at every movement, she, still with her bent head, lifted her smiling eyes to meet his look. And he answered with a resigned gentleness to the smile of those perilous blue eyes, he, the poor man who. deceived for the sake of de sire to,be deceived aud who bought for himself a little mock love with—mock diamonds.—Translated For Short Sto ries From Italian of Haydee by E. Ca- vazza. Dollars ! Your Old (Rothes Redeemed! We will reduce your Clothing bill by mak- | ingyour clothes look neat aud tidy longer. \Ve preserve your new Suit. We clean your soiled Suit. We dye your faded Suit. Out of town patronage given special attne tion. Also Ladies work. Don’t Forget to try the Opposite H. H. MANAU, the Tailor, 1 WAYNESBORO, GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED A. D„ 1846. f>TOIE=CXT *3=3- SOHItTElIDEIS, I iQLorler .and \\ hoiesale Dealer in Fine Liquors, Fine Wines, Savanna Cigars, Mineral Waters, JEtc. 601 and 802 Broad St., - Augusta.^Ga. Veuve-Cliquot—Ponsardin,] Urbana Wine Co., BAnheuser-Buses Brewing see s. •ar. a-. dz AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. JO., AND WINDOW SHADES. Planters’ Hotel. WOMAN’S TROUBLES AND FEMALB DISEASES CURED BY Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. Painful and Suppressed Menses, Ir regularity, Laucorrhcea, Whites, Steril ity, Ulceration of the Uterus, change of life, in matron or maid, all find re lief, help, benefit and cure in JOHNS TON’S SARSAPARILLA. It is a real panacea for all pain or headache about the top or back of the head, distress ing pain in the left side, a disturbed condition of digestion, palpitation of the heart, cold hands and feet, nerv- TELEPHONES: Bell, 282’; Stroger,[802. OFFICE and WORKS North Augusta. TManufacturersjHigh Grade,) Doors, Blinds, Glazed Sash NLantels, Etc. GrECnea-z^A. Mill WorK of all Kinds in Georgia Yellow Pine. Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finishing, Moulding, Etc., Car Sills, Bridge, Railr ad and Special Bills to order. feb 24.’1900-b y Is it possible?” , And her voice was as bard as her look, a profound hardness that star tled him. But all at once her face changed expression, she recovered her fresh, tuneful laugh, and the sweet and limpid ray was rekindled in her blue eyes. “Come, you want to tell me stories, so as not to buy me anything. De ceiver! I that wished to he beautiful in order to drive Vico Molise a little prazy. He has declared to me that he is tired of my perfidy. See, you de serve—do you know that I am becom ing angry with you?” She really believed that she had hit the truth with her words. Indeed he had so well kept up the illusion with her, he had hidden so jealously his em barrassment, that she did not know how to explain this sudden restriction. But meanwhile every word of hera was tion of the heart, shortness of breath, abnormal discharges, with extremely painful menstruation, scalding of urine, swelling of feet, soreness of the breasts, neuralgia, uterine displacement and catarrh, and all those symptoms and troubles which make the average wo man’s life so miserable. UCaiSiJI DBVfi CO., Detroit, Mlek. Sale by H B. HrM ANTES. Wajnehbnro, Os, * DENTIST’ ife 60S ana 618Broadway, : AUGUSTA, GA Bell Phone 1675. Strower PhoDe274 F«b 19 ’97- (\ SEND YOUKJUJtS PRINTING TO THE CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, Waynes qoro, Ga. J usticesCoun P.l&nks a «fi« c'»Uv K«tim*tan cheer folly farnlahadi --V- Job Printing of nU AGVSTA Dental Parlors, PUSLESS DENTISTRY. Lowest PriceR All Work Guaranteed Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. • POORE k WOODBURY, 824 Broad St., Augusta, Georgia. Belf Phone, 520, If You’re a Judge of good liquors I am willing to accept your opinion of my famous George E. Payne’s Private Stock Pure Rye, distilled and bot tled for me by Angelo Meyers & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. If yon are not a judge, jou map rolv upon my guarantee of ils purity aDd age. and uro” the tes timony of people who have used it. I would like to rend you a small order; a larger one will follow 91 per full quart; 93.75 four quarts. Order what you want, I have it. SOUTH CAROLINA SALOON, GEO. E. PAYNE, Proprlete— 1114 Broadway, - - AUGCeTTA, Ga. • ."aaaSat