The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, December 21, 1901, Image 1

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THE . AUGUSTA SAVINGS SANK, . W. B. YOUNG, President. J. G. WEIGLE, Cashier. SOS Broad Street, lUHCSTA, GEORGIA SAVIXGS ACCOUNTS SOLIOITKO. Interest Paid On Deposits. ifitnt Volume 20. Waynesboro, Georgia, Saturday, December 21, 1901. Number 36 THE PLANTERS LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK, Augusta, Ga. [ Pays IiiicrKt | on Posits. I Accents ORGANIZED 1870 L.C. President. Cbas. C. Howard c*«hier. W-A.3STT YOTJR SHOE cau save you money on good Shoes, The Trash kind we do not handle ? o Inspect our Shoes and get our prices. We will sell you ! Still selling a good solid Leather Brogan for $1,00 Ladies’ Solid Leather Glove Grain Button and Lace tor 90c. Children’s Shoes, Grain Spring Heels, 6 to 8, all Leather tor G5c. Children’s Shoes, Grain -pring Heels, 9 to 12, all Leather for 75c lugus icri Augusta; (ja? GREAT GUT IN CLOTHING FOR 30 DAYS! WE HANDLE (GROCERIES. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, - - - - FANCY :W OODWORK, T. A. CLARY & CO., Oppo. Citizens Bank, ■ Waynesboro, Georgia. Or. Henry J. Godin, EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST, Spectacles and Eye-Glasses Manufactured In accurately correct all correctable errors i-l the human eye-sight. Artificial eyes carefully matched and in sorted without pain. Consultation and ex amination free. Works and Office,: 928 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. TROLLEY CAR TAKES A HEADER.! I Injures SOUTHERN PROGRESS. Opposite Planter’s Hotel. in LIKE PAPER HOUSES Glievd, New Zealand, Visited by Great Earthquake. THE DAMAGE REACHED £20,000 Great Fissures Opened In Bed of Waiian River Into Which Water Poured, Then Closing Sent Volumes of Water Hundreds of Feet In Air. San* Francisco, Dec. 17.—New Zea land news received by steamer gives details of great destruction of property in the Chevol district by an earth quake on Nov. 8. In the town of Che vol and country the damage will reach £20,000. Scarcely a building was left standing. ' The fine home- • stead of Sir George Clifford was wrecked. Great fissures opened in the earth and water issued from thorn. In one office a heavy safe was thrown across the room and brick chimneys fell like toy houses. The people are panic stricken, as the shocks still continue. At Waiian river great cracks opened in the river bed, into which water poured. Then they | Wrecks Livery Stable and Seven Persons. Pittsburg, Dec. 17.—A Southern Traction car jumped the tracks on the steep hillside of Mount Ajashington before daylight this morning, and be sides injuring seven people crashed into a livery stable and „ completely wrecked it. The accident occurred at the corner of Virginia and Woodville avenue and the injured are as follows: Miss Lulu Reese, nose broken and skull probably fractured. The New Industries Reported In the South In a Week. Chattanooga. Tenn. Dec. 16.—Among the more important of the new indus tries reported by The Tradesman for the week ended Dec. 14 are the fol lowing: A $10,000 bottling -works at Birming ham, Ala.; a box and tub factory at Savannah. Ga.; a box and crate fac- HEAD SEVERED FROM BODY. Ghastly Find of a I rack Greaser on Maccn Bridge. Macon. Dec. 16.—The body of an unknown white man, supposed to be James Foley, a plumber from Atlanta, was found dead on the Ash street bridge of the Central or Georgia rail way at an early hour yesterday morn ing. The body of the man was lying on torj at Orlando, Fla.; a $50,000 candy the bridge about 20 feet above the ! factory and sirup refinery at Colum- street, and the head, which had been bus, Ga., a $30,000 coal company at completely severed from the body, was Wilkes Will Vote on Dispensary. Atlanta, Dec. 17.—Governor Candler last night approved the Wilkes coun ty dispensary bill, over which there has been such a warm fight for several days past. There was a hearing in the governor’s office yesterday, the gov ernor spending four hours listening to arguments for and against the meas ure. There was a delegation of 15 or 20 citizens from Wilkes present in the governor’s office when the matter came up. Builders’ Hardware, Plain and Ornamental Glass. | Catalogue mailed free. TO MAKE COTTON GOODS. Miss M.nnie Stickler, cut by flying j Birmingham, Ala.; a $100,000 coal and found on the street car track below. glass and right hand badly torn. Conductor Sam McGray, cut about head and face and right arm sprained. Motorman A. J. Grable, Knees injur ed and face and hands cut by flying glass. Officer John H. Neeb, bruised and back sprained. Officer H. P. Bebler, bruised and back injured. Unknown man, badly cut on head and body bruised. The injured were removed to their homes. All, it is thought, will re cover. mining company at Spring City, Tenn.; One of the man's legs was hanging cotton gins at Talladega, Ala., Lake down below the bridge and the other Cit> and Live Oak, Fla., and Sumter, j e g fastened between the timbers S. C.; a $100,000 cotton mill at Pen 0 f the bridge, holding the body in that City, Ala.; an electric light plant at position. McRae, Ga.; a $50,000 development The ghastly find was made by Ben company at High Point, N. C.; a flour- wise, a negro track greaser for the SUICIDED ON STEAMER. ing mill at Darlington, S. C.; a $10,000 flour and grist mill at Gainesville, Fla.; a $125,000 furniture factory at High Point, N. C.; a $30,000 hard ware company at Goldsboro, N. C., and Murfreesboro, Tenn.; a lumber company at Mobile, Ala.; a lumber and mining company at Grassy Cove, Tenn.; machine shops at Hollins, Ala.; a $60,000 medicine factory at Charles ton, S. C.; a $100,000 mining company at London, Tenn.; a $600,000 oil com pany at Beaumont, Tex.; an oil mill and fertilizer factory at Huntsville, Ala.; a $20,000 pencil-slat factory at Falksville, Ala.; a planing mill at Hol- Consolidated Street Railway company. Mrs. Una Perry, of New York, Hangs Herself In Stateroom. New York, Dec. 17.—Her mind un balanced by business reverses of her husband, Mrs. Una R. Perry, of this city, killed herself on the Fall river j ijns j Ala.; a planing mill at Chatta- steamer Priscilla at the pier here. ! nooga; saw mills at Pollard, Ala., Con- She and her son Ralph, 6 years old, \ way, S. C., and New River, Tenn.; a were being taken to Boston by Mrs. $10,000 ccmpany for sizing cotton Pedman, her mother. While the j warps at Charlotte, N. C.; a stave fac- grandmother and boy were on the j tory at Memphis, Tenn.; a stave fac- deck of the vessel watching the activ- tory at Rogersville, Tenn.; a $10,000 ity on the pier Mrs. Perry hanged ^ steam heating company at Nashville, herself to a clothes hook in her state- i Tenn.; a $5,000 stemmery at Flor- room. Her mother and son found her | ence, S. C.,; woolen mills at Hickory, dead. The woman’s husband, George j N c., and a $25,000 yarn mill at Jones- Awarded $100 Damages. Carrollton, Ga., Dec. 14.—The case of M. A. Boyd against the Southern railway company was concluded in the city court here yesterday by the jury awarding $100 as damages. The sum of $1,500 was sued for on account of alleged permanent injuries sustained by the plaintiff for being stricken by a mail pouoh thrown- from one of the defendant’s fast mail trains at Villa Rica in February of this year. The plaintiff abandoned his claim for per manent injuries. The railway has moved for a new trial. Boston Wants Broughton. Atlanta, Dec. 17—Dr. Len G. Brough ton, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle of this city, is being strongly urged by Tremont Temple and the Clarendon Street Baptist church, of Boston, to be come their pastor. This news was re ceived last night in an Associated Press dispatch from Boston. Dr. Broughton has been in that city for several days past in attendance on a Bible conference. The Milstsad Manufacturing Company Chartered at Atlanta. Atlanta, Dec. 17.—The Milstead BURGLAR KILLS WOMAN. ital stock to $500,000. The enterprise has been organized for the purpose of manufacturing cot ton goods and its incorporators are among the best known business men in this section. They are A. J. Mil- ing. The murderer made his escape, and although the detective and police force of that section was called, the man has not been captured. Miss Murphy, with ner brother, Se lect Councilman John A. Murphy, and Macon to Get Damage Money. Macon, Dec. 17.—A communication has been received by the city officials from Congressman Bartlett stating that the city of Macon would soon re ceive damages in the amount of $5, 304.72 from the United States gov- *rnna*st. This amount has been ap propriated for damages done by the volunteer soldiers encamped at Central City park during the Spanish-Ameri- can war. stead, F. D. Milstead, H. Y. McCord, | two servant women, lived in the house, John H. Almand, r rank Hawkins, L. j Miss Murphy sleeping on the second f' t' L ^ sford ’ J - Lang- door, she was an expert with the re- ^ )r< Y. C1 2 lle ,^ H ' LjnigforcI G. A.. .Almand, V0 i V er, having practiced many years T ^ C ^. er ’ ^ osepl1 A ‘ i,Ic Cord and f or the purpose of protecting herself J. Carroll Paj ne. j i n the event of such an attack as hap- ^ , .. I “ 7 ! pened this morning. ,, About 3 o clock this morning her a C1 7^ war .veteran, of brother was awakened by two shots in Winchester, Iud., writes: “My wife was i u , . , . , ,. sick a long time in spite of good doc- ! the , house and hastening to his sis- tor’s treatment, but was wholly cured [ ter 3 room f° un( l her lving tread on the by Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which j floor with a bullet wound in the head, worked wonders for her health. ” They j The burglar scaled the porch posts always do. Try them. Only ;!5c at H. and entered the window of Miss Mur- JJ. McMasteu’s drug store. H. Perry, came from St. Louis about a year ago and started in business here, but was unsuccessful. Mr. Perry is said to be in the west at present and Mrs. Perry worried over his absence. CHOKED WOMAN TO DEATH. boro, Tenn. Will Spend Honeymoon in South. Washington’, Dec. 14.—It is announc ed that the early portion of the honey moon of Payne Whitney and his bride. Miss Helen Hay, who are to be mar ried Feb. 6, will be spent in Georgia, been sustained in April of this year. Mr. Whitney has taken a home at Wants $10,000 Damages. Atlanta, Dec. 17.—Mrs. Mary J. Me- naffey yesterday filed suit in the city court against the Atlanta Rapid Tran sit company for $10,000 damages for alleged personal injuries said to have Thomasville. After a stay there they will come to Washing on for a short visit and then will go abroad. closed and volumes of water were sent j David Hoge Charged With Murder of hundreds of feet into the air. j Mrs. Shannon. Washington, Pa., Dec. 17.—As a re- ! from Croup aud Whoopin Property High In Fernandina. i su it "of the inquest on the remains ! cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble a Ms boom upward a„ 4 to d a y it is im- ! JStlSM SS&22*™ under arest charged with her murder, j It is alleged that Hoge was last seen j Dr. Huidekoper Dies, i driving out of Waynesburg witfl- the | Philadelphia, Dec. 17.—Dr. Rush S. Tot Causes Night Alarm. ... , , , , Waycross' White Primary. “One night my brother s baby was _ _ ^ taken with Croup,” writes Mrs. J. C. Waycross, Ga., Dec. 14. Hon. Geo. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky. “It seemed ! R- Youmans and the entire citizens’ it would strangle before we could get ! ticket—C. E. Murphy, first ward; W. a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King’s New I H. Cason, second ward; R. B. Ballard, Discovery, which gave quick relief and ! third ward; W. W. Sharpe, fourth permanently cured it. We always keep | ward; p m. Hawkins, fifth ward; War- ! 16 in the house t0 protect °CoSk i“ I ren Lott ’ member board of education- " ’ 1 ——- yesterday’s pri- were nominated at mary of white voters. possible to buy Center street property south’ of Fifth except at fabulous prices. A party refused an offer of $500 advance on a lot purchased some 30 days ago. Negro Crushed to Death. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 17.—Corne lius Kenton, a negro railroad nand, was crushed between tw T o cars at the union depot and died an hour after wards at the Emergency hospital, where he was taken. The negro got caught by a car which was backing. Mv»«>Hslnr mtM ifb*r*I COGQQOOQOOGOOOQQOOOOOQG009 Christmas Presents. woman, and both were said to have j Huidekoper died today at a hospital in been drinking. , this city from a complication of dis- At the inquest finger marks were | easeSj sa id to have been contracted found on the woman’s throat, and it is dur j n g the Spanish-American war, In thought she was choked to death and he served. Dr. Huidekoper was left lying in the field. Hoge is a mem ber of an old and well known Green county family. We have the most complete stock of Dia monds, Watches, Ster ling Silver Ware, Fan- Goods especially for the Holidays, and would be pleased to have you make our store headquerters while in Augusta. Expert eDgraving, A Deep -Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. “I suffered for years with kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, la., “and a lame back pained me so I could not dress my self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me,’and, although 73 years old, I now am able to do all mv housework.” It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at H. B. McMaster’s drug store. Walthour the Winner. New York, Dec. 16.—Bobby Wal thour, of Atlanta, Ga., of the bicycle team of McEachern and Walthour, won the six-day race at the Madison Square Garden Saturday night. The prize is $1,600. 111. (IUui Jewelers, & J Augusta, Georgia. Graves Dies of 4njuries. Washington, Ga., Dec. 16.—Henry Graves, a young man who was blinded and otherwise hurt by an explosion of dynamite at the Columbus gold mines a few months ago, died Saturday. Not a Dissenting Vote. A perfect laxative!’ That 18 the unanimous verdict of the people who use Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pep sin. 50c and $1 00 sizes. Sold by H- b. McMaster, Waynes boro, H. Q. Bell, Millen, Ga. United States commissioner general to the exposition at Hamburg in 1883 and in 1893 was appointed chief surgeon in the army with the rank of lieu tenant colonel. He was 47 years of age. American Enterprise In Siberia. Berlin, Dec. 17.—The correspond ent in St. Petersburg of the Cologne Gazette telegraphs that a number of experts representing big American firms have arrived at Vladivostock, en route for Siberia, where they will build factories and exploit the agricultural and mineral wealth of the country. Cable Communication Restored. New York, Dec. 17.—The Commer cial Cable company this afternoon is sued the following notice: “We are advised of the restoration of the Mar- seilles-Barcelona cables which had been interrupted since Dee. 4.” Reliable and Gentle. “A pill’s a pin,” say3 the saw. But there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn’t gripe. De Witts’s Little Early Risers fill the bill,Pure ly vegetable. Do not force but as sist the bowels to act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small and easy to take. H. B. MCMaster. —The Citizen $1 00 a year cash. Liberal clubbing rates. See an nouncement. Many Burglaries Reported. Macon, Ga., Dec. 14.—The Macon police department was notified yester day that several houses were entered by burglars at James Station on the Georgia railroad Thursday night and considerable money and articles of value were stolen. Barn and Contents Burn. Norwood, Ga., Dec. 16.—L. M. Fow ler, near Norwood, lost his barn, witn 12 bales of cotton, a set of carpenter’s tools and ether stuff Saturday night by fire. There was no insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. Modern Surgery Surpassed. “While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician who advised me to try a box of DeWittV Witch Hazel Salve,” says G. F. Car ter. Atlanta. Ga. “I procured a box -nd was entirely cured. De Witt’« Witch Haze! Salve is a splendid •ure for piles, giving relief instant v. and i heartily recommend it to ill sufferers ” Surgery is unneces- -ary to cure idies. De Witt’s Witch HazelSalve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises, and all olher wounds are also quickly cured by it Beware of counterfeits Italian Bark Is Ashore. Ferdinand, Fla., Dec. 16.—The Ital ian bark Providenza R., of which Quei- rolo is master, reported ashore off Amelia island light last night, will be a total wreck, the vessel being now full of water and laying so high up the beach as to make it next to impossible for her to be saved. Person j: 1. Will the lady who fell in a swoon last Thursday, in front of the post- office, call at our afore? She suffers from Billiousness. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin wiU surely cure her. Soid ny h b. MCMaster, Waynes boro; H Q Bell, Miiien. phy’s room. It is supposed that the noise of the crashing glass awakened her, and as she jumped from the bed with her revolver in her hand the man fired. Marks in the snow on the porch roof indicate that only one man entered the room. HAY-PAUNCEFOTE TREATY. WANTED IN CUBA. J. H. Robertson Arrested at Pikevilie For Embezzlement. Chattanooga, Dec. 1 /.—On a bench warrant issued by United States Cir cuit Judge A. D. Clark, J. H. Robert son was arrested near Pikevilie. Tenn., last night and brought to Chattanoo ga today. He is wanted in Cuba for the alleged embezzlement of $2,600. He gave bond in the sum of $5,000 signed by Dr. J. T. Batnett and W. R. Pope, of Pikevilie, for his appearance on Dec. 21. when the court will hear the evidence and probable guilt and determine if he shall be held. Senate Ratifies Convention By Vote of 72 to 6. Washington, Dec. 17.—The senate yesterday ratified the Hay-Fauncefote canal treaty by the decisive vote of 72 to 6. The vote was reached a few minutes before 5 o’clock after almost five hours’ discussion behind closed doors. There were no sensational in cidents during thi3 entire time. The debate was confined exclusively to a discussion of the merits of the agree ment and the policy of its provisions. The principal speech of the day was made by Senator Teller in opposition to the treaty and he was followed in rapid succession by 12 or 15 other senators, who spoke briefly either for or against the motion to ratify. Relief In Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Qladde- iHaease re lieved in six hours by New South- American Kidney Cure. It is a surprise on account of its exceedingprorc p- aess in re lieving pain in bladder, kidneys a*» / * back. In male or female. Relieves reten'..-'--- -»f wate” almost Immediately. If you wa- aiilck re- hr lief and cure this is the remedy. <^-12 by H B McMaster. Druggist Waynesiio’-r. Ga. THE TELEPHONE INDUSTRY. Two Murderers Executed. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 14.—Frank Cannon and William Kelley, both ne groes, were hanged at Helena, Ark., yesterday for the murder last July of Isaac Lane and his wife, negroes, on Island Sixty-six in the Mississippi river, 30 miles below Helena. Game Resulted In a Draw. Manchester, Dec. 14.—The second and final game in the chess match between Champion Lasker and the Parisian expert, Janowskl, resulted in a draw. Capital Invested In United States $50,- 000,009—33,000 People Employed. New York, Dec. 14.—The Electri cal Review in today’s issue gives data on the telephone business in the Unit ed States showing that including all companies there are 4,311 exchanges in operation, with 2,278,717 telephones in use. The capital invested is nearly $50,000,000. - The companies employ 33,000 per sons and handle a total cf 2,000,000,000 calls per year. Death of Sir Francis DeWinton. London, Dec. 17.—The death is an nounced of Major General (retired) Sir Francis DeWinton. He was borm in 1835. 8100 Reward 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to earn that there is at least c ne dreaded dis ease that science has been acle to cure In all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a consti tutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- The manufacturing ternally, acting directly upon the blood and Death to Two From Explosion. Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 17.—Edward Blue and Claude Strader were fatally injured by the explosion or a can of powder in a coal mine west of hers late yesterday afternoon. Blue died shortly before midnight and Strader jJxta morning. Both men were single. Engineer Underhill Dead. Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 17.—Alfred M. Underhill, engineer ot maintenance of way of the main line of the Vanda- lia railway, died this m’orning from heart failure, aged 36 years. side, says Electrical Review, is esti mated to produce a total of 3,000 tele phones per day, this annual output of instruments, with their accessory ap paratus, being valued at between $50,- 000,000 and $60,00u,000. The telephone industry, which is only 22 years of age, has been one of the -mo3t important in this country, and the authority quoted states that it is now at the beginning of an extend ed growth. mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strengtli by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it tails tocure. Send for list of testimonials. Ad- dress. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists 75c. Sugar Reduced 10 Points. New York, Dec. 17.—Arbuckle Bros, and the National Sugar Refining com pany have reduced the price of refined sugar 10 points. Try one of our clubbing offers. hjslcian Testifies. ‘•I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my lif° that did me the good that did,” says County Physician Geo. W. Scroggs of Hail county, Ga , “Being T nleasant to the taste and a physician I have prescribed it and j At 13 veri P leasant 10 ine taste ana found it to give the best results.” If perfectly barml%9s. C. B^ George, The Children’s Friend, Yon’li have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaintsOneMlnuteCough Cure never fails. Acts promptly. Choicest Offerings. Diamonds, Watches; Gold and Fina Plated Jewelry, Rich American Cut Glass, Lunoje China, Bic-a-Brac, Etc, You are cordially invited to visit our our beautiful store—Nothing finer in the South. Polite attenti-in—Prices right. the food you eat Temains undigest ed in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system. You can prevent tbi9 by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation. The worst cases quickly cured. Never fails. H. B. McMaster. Winchester, Ky, writes “Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her immediately and she went to sleep. When she awaken next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup. H. B. I A. J. RENKL, J eweler, TOG Broadway, Aug-usta, G a. McMaster. Miss Murphy, Prominent In Pittsburg Society, Murdered at Her Home. Pittsburg, Dec. 17.—Harriet P. Mur- : pby, prominent in church and society Manufacturing company was granted clrcIeg and treasurer of the Kingsley a 20-year charter yesterday. This j hou3e fund> was murde red at her company is capitalized at $150,000 and home, 5221 Howe street, East End, by as the privilege of increasing its cap- a burglar about 3 o’clock this morn- ’ .