The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, January 25, 1902, Image 4

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K-sSaRSl Chili Cure GUARANTEED Coincidences of Dates. Attrition has often boon called to the curious fact cf the cate Sept. 3 fig uring so largely in the history of Oliver Cronnvei!. That very dominating man was born on Sept. 3, 1399; lie wan the battle of Dunbar Sept. 3, 1(130; that of Worcester 3ept. 3. lull, ami he tiled Sept. 3. 1153-1 I’.ut we liave lately come across some c; incidence:! of dates which, so far as we know, have not been noticed before. Tim number S3 seems to have*had fatal influence on the Stuarts. Robert I!., the first Stu art king. died in 13SS: .Tames II. was killed ;;t the sieve of rioxburghe Gas- tle. 1 ISS: Mary, quean of Scots, was beheaded in F<d lu-ringay. 1383 style); James VII. (II. of Mn was dethroned in 1GS3; Pe nny Prince Charlie died in II me. 1T3S. and with him died the last hopes < f the Jacob ites. Snow Front n Clear Sky. The most wonderful anowt-tcrnis of Mil that may be sc.:: every winter in the Adiror.dacfcs are that prevail when the ?i;y is cloudless. Of these ; :■ vr.r;.. ies. livery v. c-eic t! two sc: i a i ry. laden < along v. feet abe when ti f r the l Doubt Hakes th (new i bol . lKr iandDn^ , spruces r: obstructed level of 11: nil. Ve , Pol 1 sic Depr:*.vlty. “Oh, Horace.” wailed ids yot-ny wne. ; “I have jus; found out that Ajax, cur beautiful Aurora cat. has been loadin; a double life!” “That makes eighteen. I supposed said Horace. “What has he been do 1!! lie distant bHis and x acr.iss the creel: it was a l’ea! snow d that had been drifting i; struck cur level (1,300 ;ke sue) in the A. I Ton Jacks, undid ms became favorable ase of its feathery Harden. In clouds fill the air with were driven along almost • by a strung gale, although f our old hemlocks and l> into the clear air and un- sr.nii; ht above the highest ■ smew producing air sfnit- the snow so thick that the trunks of p- K Dy*H H B M .Til Sid sole r, Druggist, Waynesboro Best Value. The 'Newest Style In AUGUSTA 1 CHRLESTON audRETURN. The low price store saves you money on have to buy very article you No matter what prices others make, you will find 'ihe Lowest Prices Here. Ladies’ Cloaks, Futs. «ve rcr Cntile Feeders An Illinois correspondent has sent to the Iowa Homestead a sketch of a self feeder which he built. Above the triangular hopper is floor with traps in it running the en tire length of the building, and the Skirts. Underwear, Sacks Silks and Dress Goods ’5 Wrappers 25 per cent, we save you on all above liues. 200 pr Nottingham Lace Curtains. 02 value 01.00, 200 pr Cluny Lace Curtains, $2.50 quality St.50. 500 pr fine Lace Curtains at 25 per cent, of price Home Made Georgia and S. C. Carpets. Account of South Carolina Inter-1 State and West Indian Expo- j sition, Fer the above occasion the j Georgia Railroad will sell round! trip tickets ot very low ibites. ’ j Three daily trains between: Atlanta and Charleston. Through sleeper: 30c tor stout, fast Carpets ; 35c lor wo Underwear on m hat you color Carpets; dollar, money I stair cheaper buy of th; i pets 50c 500 for extia Rims at n any place m town. super-wool 50- on the You ■ave on trains leaving Atlanta at 3; 10 and 11:45 p. m., and Charleston at 5:10 and 11 o’clock, p. m. For schedules, rates, dates ot salo and limits on tickets ask Agents Georgia Railroad or the undersigned. C. C. Me Mi Han. A. J. Jackson, P, KAN Jg CO 3 6 jf AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T. P. FAGAN G. A, Pass. Dept. AUGUSTA, GA. S. E. M AGILE, C. Gen’l Agt. ATLANTA, G, P. A. A SELF FEEDER. hopper" can be replenished from time to time, as occasion requires. Feed can be stored here for bad weather. A door, shown in the illustration, is where the self feeder is replenished from the wagon when the weather is fine. Ac cording to the correspondent, the pro jecting roof is all that is needed for fattening cattle in his locality. D, COX, Gen’l Agt. ATHENS E. P. BONNER, Union picket Agent, M AGON. I, H. HILL, Union Ticket ' gent, ATLANTA. GA. W, C. McMILLIN S. F. <fc P A. macon.*. J. A. THOMAS, City Ticket Agent, ATLANTA, Ga. H Quick Work. “That editor is terribly slow at read ing manuscript.” “Think so? Why, I know the time he went through twelve stories in less than a minute.” “Gracious! When was that?’’ “When the elevator broke.”—Phila delphia Press. ines and Liquors BOTTLE AND CASE GOODS. Spc-ial attention given to the Jug Trade of Burke County You can get quick attention. Gti Hi IM i)) comes to all sooner or later. Provide against it by depositing your U ll You not only get your money when wanted but interest also, and ou 1st January and July your interest becomes princi- pal, thereby Her Explanation. “Do you mean to say such a physical wreck as he is gave you that black eye?” asked the magistrate. “Sure, your honor, he wasn’t a phys ical wreck till after he gave me the black eye,” replied the complaining wife.—Exchange. ’You know I let him out every morn- tCi> [ .... i + , th:';) be seems to want to go i and play out cf doors. Well, I have discovered that he goes over to the Robinsons and lets them feed him and pet him.”—Chicago Tribune. ccs not visi! !<? be KCCH. t!:r m:!i j strength <• I ows. j We have nd Ic ICO feet he!-, storm was raging the temperature ner’s. :o earth were tub :;.i cotton Fvi i Waycross, C seems to be littlg Waycross is to hav a meeting of the merce and citizens ization was pfcrfe for Wave rose. doubt nr * a cotton chamber < i temporan Ted. Ga; ha lit C-; V; storm distinct down with shad- 11 on let. sunlit hill- u inc-j a valley less • us. where a snow- with violence and ,vas frigid. — Serib- Deen was elected president Johnson \Jcc; president, Job:; secretary and treasurer ana K A. Wilson attorney. It is to as the Waycross Cotton Mill ,, to bo capitalized at g.5< The Betel Ynt. Betel nuts, the produce oLtbe areca palm, are chiefly used as a masticatory by the natives of the east. They are too small to be applied to many orna mental uses, but are occasionally em ployed by the turner and wrought into beads for bracelets, small rosary cases and other little fancy articles. In the Museum of Economic Botany at Kew there is a walking stick made of these nuts, sliced, mounted or supported on an iron center. A Zoo Discussion. “You know.” said the orang ontan “that man is descended from a mon key.” “Yes,” answered the chimpanzee, “and bis descent has been very great. But let us set it down to bis credit that be tries to rise again. Every now and then you hear of some man w T ho is do ing his best to make a monkey of him self.”— Washington Star. Equal Partners our next serial story, gives the reader an excellent picture of •lew York Police and Their Methods SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * Central Timo at Jacksonville and Savannah. Eastern Time at Other Points. Schedule in Effect June 80th. 1901. NORTH ISOUND. _ No.34 No.OS I Dailyl Daily Bell 002 Campbell Street, Opposite Union Depot, ’Phone .450. OrOOXg'ISb. Our assets exceed $500,000.00. Write tor booklet on “How to De posit by Mail.” Lv. Jacksonville (P. S) Savannah (So. Ry.) “ Barnweil “ Black villa Ar. Columbia Lv. Charleston, (So. Ry “ Summerville “ Branchvilie “ Orangeburg “ Kingville Ar. Columbia 8 Oiini i lop 1J 25pj 12 3oa 356pj 4 13a 412pj 4 28a 53hp 8 15a o 41a !) 00a 9 28a 10 24a 11 lUa Lv. Augusta, (So. Ky.) Lv. Gramtevillc ... .' Lv. Aiken Lv. Tree ton “ Johnston Ar. Columbia, Lv. Columbia, (Bid; Winnsboro . Chester .. Rock Kill St 2 50p 8 21515 ;;o5p 8 52p 4 07p 5 45p 5 oop u 50p 7 38p 8 oop 11 Oop 1200ot 2 00a ~ 4oa 4 0 5a W3Up 10 lap 11 OOp 11 20p 2 lUa ti 25a 7 25a! 8 17a- 8 08a A Van In the Koasc. There is a y.ung criminal lawyer in Memphis. Tenn.. who oil the occasion of his becoming of age began the cele bration cf his birthday in a way that caused Us household a great deal of consternation. On Hie eve of the fete, shortly after midnight, the young man’s family were suddenly startled from their slumbers by a-loud voice in the house calling: “There’s ;; man in the house! There's a man in the house!” The valiant pater familias rushed from bis r om. hearing in bis hands a heavy billet cf firewood, to learn the cause of The disturbance and to cap ture the intruder. Ills son was stand ing in the liall. shouting at the top of his voice. “Where’s the man?” exclaimed the old gentleman. “Here, sir; here!” proudly replied the young man. "This is he. At last I’m twenty-one I”—Memphis Scimitar. Marshal Makes Good Haul. - Ydashington, Ga.. .Tan. u United States Marshal Stainal - a big haul Saturday night. J. [ ton. a well-to-do white farmer two negroes. Dave Walker arid ; Heard, were arrested for illicit di -qf ling and carried to Augusta for - Y Jiminary hearing. Sutton is an old iy. fender, having been fined s for selling whisky in Wil court. ■8Mb ami I iveral tinn es superior Grocery Store Is Burned. Leesburg, C-a.. Jan. 20.—The grocery store of T. A. Holliday, a merchant at this place, caught fire yesterday morn* ing at daybreak and was entirely con sumed. There was insurance of about -3750 on the stock of groceries. TLe store house was owned by J. p r lav.ay, also a citizen of Leesbu r r p Q building was insured for $50 i. origin of the fire is unknown. 1 j itch on cuman caret! In Mi minute YJoolford’s Sanitary l otion. This never ■toid 1)'.' H. B.McM'i-’ r. Druggist. Finer Legends. The Wcncs, who. we believe, are the ancestors cf the modern Prussians, arc the center of many legends. The Pied Piper of Hameiin was a Wend; so also was the piper of the Harz mountains, who appeared so many days a year and played unearthly tunes and whosoever heard at once fell into a frenzy, from which there was no escaping. All these pied and weird pipers assembled once a tr at the Brocken, where there was a general carnival, ihe arch fiend lead ing the conceit on a violin, witches rolling around and findiing on the skulls of horses and the pipers adding the concert of their unholy instru ments.—Chambers’ Journal. Kis Last Venture. j “What is our old friend Hard up doing | nowadays?” “Ob. lie's gone into real estate.” “That’s the very last thing I should j have supposed lur'd do.” “It was. ID, s dead.”—New York I limes A Pecaniar “Don't forget.” worker, “that mono “Yes.” answered a little giunilv. “but in >' Fntigne. said the willing y talks.” Senator Serghnnl I can’t help - [ that you boys would select auotlJ er phonograph occasionally.” — Ei| change. Terrific ThuruJer. The largest rainfall on earth has been recorded at Chora Pr.nji. on the bay of Bengal, but the most violent thunder storms ever observed are probably those of French Guiana. At Cape ange. some forty miles south of Cay enne, a French naval officer saw ilie riiis of the coast hills turned into wa terfalls by a cloudburstlike -storm, while the crashing thunder peals were incessant end ofien almost deafening, so much so. indeed, that seme of the sailors began (o mutter long forgotten prayers, probably thinking tlie day of judgment near at band. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE; By virtue of an oriler of !h - Ordinal- Burke Conn .v. Georgia, passed on the . - of January. !9fr2. there will be sold at i>, outcry, between -lie usual hours of ; s ties, on the 15 li day of January 1902. oi () r . | Dai del place in Burke (Y.umy, a on: : miles from Keysvil’e, Georgia, the fob*-- personal property, to-wit- One muie a .Mike; one male named Scot*., one n i.C- ed muie utimed Joe.and on- named Charles, one 4 horse was on, tw wagon gear, on- cotton planier. lot and stocks,one blacksmith drill. 1 rear, and eight bridies. The above y : sold as the property of the late Tlios. B. iei. Terms cash. CHAS. T. FARQ Admr. of the Estate of Thos. B I); : Debtors and Creditors s Cars editor the LOOKED AT IT, FASCINATED. Howard Fielding, the distinguished author of the story, is an experi enced New York newspaper man whose descriptions are made from life. Equal Partners is one o! the mos! fascinating detective slerics we have ever published. For Cure. had misspelled lmona poet of Wales, you spell I.lywarch Hen's web?" asked a friend of THIS SEASON We will offer to the Public the bestjiues of AUGUSTA, GA. GOOGGOOOOGQGCiO^GQGO 3OGO0« That has ever been for sale in AUGUSTA, Our SHOES will be sold strictly on their meiits ’and on our guarantee of their re liability. We will have some special offerings to make as the season progresses, due notici- of which we will given to the public. In medium-priced SHOES, the lines we carry have no superior. In dlailm: shoes, uch as are needed by those exposed to the inclemency of the weather, cial effort to secure SHOES that will give ample protection to ictt, No trouble to show our Shoes. We have made sp ! nd keep them dr, GOULEY & VAUGHN, 826 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. g£g“Agent or HANAN & SON S Fiuc Shoes. CHARLES F. PRLSSLY, Attorney and Counsellor at Low, 303 and 304 Leonard Building, Augusta, - - Georgia. Ar. D:invil!e 12 48a 1 52p Ar. Richmond fi OJa li 4ui> Ar. Washington “ Baltimore (Pa.RR) “ Philadelphia “ New York 7 3oa 9 15a il 35a 2u:tp 9 IDp u:r>p 2 58a li 23a Lv. Columbia Ar. Spartanburg “ Asheville Ar. Knoxville 11 3Ju a Hip 7 lop 4 boa 7 3dp 7 20a 10 20a 2l>jp 7 iOp Ar. Cincinnati H l a Ar. Louisville 7 obp a ?« ORDINARY’S NOTICES. / 1 EOKGIA— Burner: County. Whereas, V.X R. C. Ne ly. administrator of the estate MOBLEY BROS., FOUNDERS Mrs. W I. Steiner, late of said county, de ceased, applies to me tor lett» rs dismissory from said estate Theseare. therefore, io cite and admonish, all persons interested, to show cause. (If any can, before me at my office, at It) o’clock, a. m , on the first Monday in Apri 1 , 1992 why said letters dismissory should not be granted in trims of the law, GEO. F. COX. Ordinary, B. C. E H. and W. R. Callawnv, Att’ys, G EORGIA.—Burke county. — *hereas M Mary E.Palmer applies to me for letters of administration upon the estnte of W. C. Palmer, late deceased of said county These are, therefore, to cite and adniorlsh all persons interested, to show cause, (if any can. before me, at my office, at 10 o’clock, a. in., on the first Monday in February,1902, why said letters of administration should not be granted. GEO. F. COX, Ordinary, B C. W K. Callaway, Atty. MACHINISTS, Wcyneboro, Ga. Notice to All Who Have Machinery I SOUTHBOUND. Dailj No.3.' Dailj Lv. Louisville 7 45a 7 3 r t Lv. Cincinnati 8 :kla 8 05^ Lv. Knoxville “ Asheville “ Spartanburg Ar. Columbia 1 55a 7 05a 10 85a 2 lap 8 25a 3 00p ti 15p il :7)p Lv. New YorkiRa.iv.R) “ Philadelphia “ Baltimore Lv. Washi’gt’n (So.Rv) 3 3Up G 05p 821p 050p I21otit •. ofa fi 22a 11 15a Lv. Richmond 11 3 tp; 1201m Lv. Danville 4 Loa 5 48p Lv. Chariot; e “ RockHili ;;;;;; “ Chester “ Winnsboro... 8 SUn j 9 55p 9 lOaliolJp 9 44a it lop Ar. Columbia, (Bldg St 11 1 05a Lv. Columbia, (U. D.) “ Johnston... “ Trenton Ar. Aiken Ar. 6-raniteville Ar. Angustn 1 -top 1 52p 2 35p ~ -IP 3 0 rp 3 5Ja (; OLa 0 28a 7 3Ca 0 5'a Lv. Columbia (So. Rvi “ Kingville “ Orangeburg “ Branchvilie “ Summerville Ar. Charleston 3 OOp 3 4fip 4 42p 5:!5p ti 4'4> 730p 1 boa 2 32a 3 45a 4 25a 5 57a 7 00a Lv. Columbia (So. Ry.) “ Blackville “ Barnwell ]. “ Savannah Ar. Jacksonville (P. S.) 11 40a 1 20p 13:4p 3 dap 7 40i) 1 Ida 2 u2a j 3 07a 4 50a 1 9 15a- MVhy He Didn’t Jump. Hove is one that a young man who knows a good story when be hears it hoard one railroad man tell another in i-depot up the line the other day: 'ic picked up a new Irishman somewhere up country an' set him to work brakin' o:i a construction train at 3 cents a mile f r wages. One day when him an’ me was on the train she got away on one of them mountain grades, an’ the first thing we knowed flie was (lyin’ down the track at about ninety miles an hour, with nothin’ in •lit but the ditch an’ the happy lmnt- grounds, when wc come to the end. I twisted ’em down as hard as I could all along the tops, an' then of a sudden I see Mike crawlin' along toward tiie end of one of the ears on all fours, with his face the color of milk. I thought he was gettin’ ready to jump, an' I see liis finish if lie did. “ '.Mike,’ I says, ‘for heaven's sake don’t jump!’ “He clamps his fingers on the run- nin’ board to give him a chance to turn round an’ lookin’ at me con temptuous, answers: “‘Jump, is it?’ Do yez think I’d be afther jumpin’ an’ me makin’ money as fast as I am?”—Portland Orego nian. A Welsh name of a •Why do name Llw; the editor. “Why? Decs I editor. “Object!” echoed the other, he lias been dead 1,200 years.” “Oh, then. I don’t care a toss.” said the editor. object?” asked the All creditors ofThvmas B.Dani- i < late ■ f ; urke county Georgia, are in quired to present their claims prep -; eu to me within the time pr,scribed! and all persons indebted to said deci hereby requested to make payment once. CHARLES T F J Aug. Admlnistratorof the estate of Thos eased, ‘Why. NOTICE TO DEBTO] Studied Indifference. “Why did we arrive late and leave before the opera was over?” asked the youngest daughter. “It was very enjoyable.” "Of course it was.” answered Mrs. nrox; “but. my dear, we had to U’ow people that ave didn’t care whether we got our money’s avorth or not.”—Exchange. ! All persons holding claims ofanj I against the estate of Izatus Jenkil I Burke countv, are hereby notlfij i _ . [them to the undersigned properly aiWsti within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate will ma immediate settlement. This Dee.6tb loot. GEO O. \V '.KNOCK, Admr. estate of Izatus Jeekins, Pec. Sntisfnclorilj- Explained. “John, when you came home last night you talked and acted very queer ly. You avere lifting your feet endeav oring to step over imaginary obstacles.” “Oh, yes. my dear. All the evening I felt as if I were walking on clouds. \ ou remember we had angel cake for supper.”—Chelsea Gazette. A Poop Into the Future. John B. Clark expresses his belief in The Atlantic Monthly that a hun dred years hence Manhattan Island will have streets in several stories and that rifles, cannon, warships and the wasteful burning of coai to make steam will be tilings of the Dast. Dig ssts what you eAtj This preparation contain*'- digestants and digests ail kinds food. It gives instant relief and nel fails to cure. It allows you to eat I t he food you want. The most sensitq stomachs can take it. By its use mM thousands of dyspeptics have Ow cured after everything else failed- is unequalled for all stomach tiouoiq if can’t fselp but do ly uy AN. YJ. ±JTj " * * ‘ ’• Wc. , The SI. bottle contains"!? times il>vs. • Sold by II h McMAKTEB ►I The Best Time Sleeping Gar Service. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 81 and 34—New York and Florida Ex press. Drawing-room sleeping ears between Antmsta :mr! aow Vorl.- Pnti Augusta and Xew York. Pullman drawing room sleeping ears between Port Tampa, .Tack- son\* lie, Savannah. Washington and Yew York. Pullman sleeping ears between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining cars between Charlotte and Savannah. Nos. 85 and 35—U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman -drawing-room buffet sleeping ears be- “ ’ ' T ” -k and Pull- I have located in Waynesboro, and will give prompt at ten ion to all repairs on any kind of Machinery PlumbiDga specialty. Orders left at my home, or at S, Beli’s store will be given quick attention. R. W. CHANDLER, Machinist, jan 26,1901—by tween Jackson wile and New York man sleeping ears between Augusta and Cha r- lotte and Charlotte and Richmond. Dining cars serve all meals enrouto. Pullman sleep ing ears between Jacksonville and Columbia, enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincin nati, via Asheville. FKAXK S. GANNON, S. H. HARDWICK, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Gen. Pas. Agt., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C W. H. TALOE, R. W.HUNT, As’t Gen. Pass. Ag’t., Div. Pass. Ag’t., Atlanta, Ga- Charleston, 8.0. A Boston Translation. Little Emerson—Mamma, I find no marginal note in elucidation of tiiis ex pression, which I observe frequently to occur in my volume of “Fairy Tale Classics,” “With bated breath.” What is the proper interpretation of the phrase? Mamma—“With bated breath,” my son, commonly occurs in fairy tales, l'our father often returns from pisca torial excursions with bated breath. The phrase in such instances, however, has no significance as applying to the bait employed to allure the fish, but is merely an elastic term of dubious meaning and suspicions origin, utilized, as I have already intimated, simply be cause of the sanction which it has gain ed by customary usage in fairy tales generally. Do you comprehend, Emer son? Little Emerson—Perfectly, mamma.— Judge. To select tall clothing is right now. This best ot all stocks is at the top-notch ot fullness with us—just opened up, and are handsome, exclusive styles that have been made up especiallv for the particular buyer. Full line Ladies’ Tailor-Made uits and Skirts, odd and walking skirts, Henrietta and. Silk waists, and ready-to-wear hats. Ladies are invited to visit our Ladies’ department Complete line ot well-made children’s' J WILLIE L Oufltter for Men, Women and 844 BROAD 8TB; Augusta, Ch» T Advertising rate* liberal. -