Newspaper Page Text
Offer great bargains in Dry Goods, Shoes and Millinery. We will sell for the next Sixty Days the below men¬
tioned goods at New York and Boston cost prices, beginning next Saturday, June 12th.
YoUr fIttef)tiOl), Ladies T
Imported Embroidered^ Organeies, *50 inches
wide, worth 25c, at 17c.
Cor dele Marquise, 9i 52 inches wide, worth 12 1-2
cents, at
Dotted Swiss Organdies, colored, 28 inches,
worth 15c, at 11 l-2c.
Dotted Swiss Organdies, colored, 28 inches,
worth 20c, at 13 l-2c.
Fine Striped Dimity, colored, 34 inches, worth
10c, at 7 l-2c.
Fine Parisian Lawns, 40 in., worth 10c at 6 l-2c.
Grass Lawns, both striped and figured, worth
15c, at 7 l-2c.
Fine Parisian Organdies, 34 in., worth 10, at 7c.
Figured Nainsook, 28 idles, worth 10c, at 6c.
Guikuse Lace, 28 in., worth 10c, at 7 l-2e.
Embroidered Swiss, linen color, 20 in, worth
20c, at 14 l-2e.
Grass Linen, Belfast colors, 32 in., worth 15c, at
Plain Linen, 28 in., worth 15c, at 11c.
Figured Linen, 28 in., worth 15c, at 11c.
Brussette Stripe, 28 in., worth 20c, at 12 l-2c.
Chameleon Moire, Silk Finish, 27 inches, worth
10c, at 6c. worth 10c, 6 l-2c.
Twin Star Duck, 28 in., at
Plain White Duck, 28 in., worth 12 l-2c, at
8 l -2c.
Chambra Ginghams, 28 in., worth 10c, at 6 l-2c.
Outing Flannels, stripes and plaids, worth 7c,
at 4c.
The above figures are no fake prices, and we cordially invite the public, one and all, to call and carefully inspect
our goods for themselves and get our prices, which will astonish you. Our Mr. C. W. HURST has just returned
from the| markets, where he purchased a mammoth invoice of new goods, which we will have on sale and ready
or your inspection next Saturday. Yours to Serve,
HURST BROS., Fitzgerald Block,
Irwin Sheriff Sales.
State or Geokgia, <
Ikwin County, i
Will be sold before the court house door in
Irwinvillc, Ga., on the 1st Tuesday in July,
1897, within the legal hours of sale the follow¬
ing property, to-wit: Two hundred and forty
acres of land, being part of lot number
one hundred and sixty-six In the tith district
of said county, and known as the Hearn place
the same being levied upon and to be sold as
the property' of J. Y. Fletcher, to satisfy 3
executions issued from the county court of
said county, one in favor of Henry W. Jones
for the use of Jeff Kirkland, one in favor fa¬ of
A. D. Adair and McCarty Bros., and one in
vor of the Citizen’s Bank of Valdosta, against
J. Y. Fletcher, property pointed out by required plain¬
tiffs’ attorney. Levy Defendant notified as
bylaw. made and returned to me by
Wm. Rogers, county bailiff.
This 1st day of June, 1897.
State of Georgia, i f
Irwin County, door in
Will be sold before the court house
Irwinville, Georgia, on the , first Tuesday in
July. 1897. within the lawful hours of sale, the
following property, to-wit: 280 acres of land,
being part of lots numbers 57 and 32, in 4th
District, of said county, bounded as follows:
on the north bv Mobely: the Ocmuigee river; east by
lands of John south by original land
line: levied west by lands to of he John sold Mobley, the properryof the; same
upon and as
Byrd Mobley, to satisfy one flta issued from
the county court of said county, and in favor
of J. D. Weed &Co. vs. Byrd Mobley, property
pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Levy made
and returned to me bv Wm. Rogers, county
bailiff, this 29lh day of May, 1897.
Also at the same time and place -will be 6old
six acres of land, being - part of lot number 123,
in the 6th District of said county, the place on
which T. W. Ellis now resides, levied on as
the property of T. W. Ellis, to satisfy one flfa
issued from the county court of said county,
in favor ot Warren Fletcher vs. T. W. Ellis
and Jehue Branch, property pointed out by
plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by of
Wm. Rogers, county bailiff. This ‘29th day
May, 1897. Defendant in possession and noti¬
fied as required by law.
Also at the same time and place will be sold
245 acres, more or less, of lot of land, number
19, in the 5th District of Trwin county, being
the north half oftsaid lot, levied on and to be
sold as the property of Lott Warren, to satisfy said
one fifa issued from the county court of
county, in favor of the Bank of Tifton vs. Lott
Warren as principal and Jehue Branch en¬
dorser. Property pointed out by plaintiff's by
Wm. attorney. Levy made and returned to me of
Rogers, county bailiff, this 29th day
May, 1897.
Will be sold before the courthouse door of
Irwin county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in
July, 1897, between the legal hours of sale, the
following city cash, property, to-wit, to the highest
bidder, for one lot in the city 1 of Fitz¬
gerald, Block Georgia: Lot Number Square
1, 15, said property levied
on as the property of D. W. M. Whitley, to sat¬
isfy a superior court flfa in favor of Gaudy
Crisp principals, & Co., and Paulk against & Dorminey & Whitley,
and Dorminev,« security,
defendant in possession and notified accord-
ng to law.
This June 1,1897. R.V. Handley,
Sheriff of Irwin County.
State of Georgia, I f
Irwin County,
Will be sold before the codrt house door in
irwlnvllle, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in
July, 1807, within the legal hours of sale, the
following property, size, to-wit: One iron grav
horse of medium about 7 years old, and
one buggy and propertyof harness, T. levied W. Ellis, on and to be
sold as the to satisfy
one flfa issued from the county court of said
county, in favor of Warren Fletcher vs. T.
W. Ellis and Jehue Branch. This 29th day of
May, 1897. Wm. Rogers, County Bailiff.
A mortgage for $50,000,000 was
filed for record in Chicago last Tues¬
day. It was given by the Lake Shore
& Michigan Southern R’y to the Union
Trust Co. of New York.
Every expectant mother has
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
fc i ,*■
08 ,
i z' -
fm ’j get ready for it,
\ at l » there is no telling
W -- ■what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother’s Friend
is the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap¬
plied several months before baby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain¬
less. It relieves and prevents '' morning
sickness,” relaxes the overstrained mus¬
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short¬
ens labor, makeB recovery rapid and cer¬
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother’s Friend is good for only one
purpose, viz, * to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
$1 dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or sen*
by mail on receipt of price. informa¬
Free Booes, containing valuable
tion for women, will be sent to any address
upon application to
Atlanta, Ga.
Notice to the Public.
We will buy all second-hand school
books for cash, and pay all they are
worth, for them.
Gelders News Depot.
Wool Wanted.
See us before selling your wool.
Will buy in any quantity.
Rousseau & Co.
19-4t Grant between Central & Pine.
|^ u ^ n » Flannel, stripes and plaids, worth 8c, at -
j Outing -2c, Flannel, stripes and plaids, worth 12
1 at 10c.
CounterplOS. .
Counterpilis, 10 1-4 wide, worth 75c, at 55c.
Counterpins, 10 1-4 wide, worth 85c, at 59c.
Counterpins, 10 1-4 wide, worth $1.25, at 88c.
Figureed Silks, Dresden effects, worth 65c per
yard, at 40c.
Figured Silks, Dresden effects, worth 60c per
China yard, Siks, at 38c. all shades, 22 1-2 wide, worth 50c,
at 33c.
Ladies’ Shift Waists.
Shirt Waist, fast colors, former price 35c, re¬
duced to 20c.
Shirt Waist, fast colors, former price 85c, re¬
duced to 58c.
Shirt Waist, fast colors, former price $1.00, re¬
duced to 75c.
Shirt Waist, fast colors, former price $1.75, re¬
duced to $1.33.
Shirt Wast, fast colors, former price $2.50, re¬
duced to $1.39. I
Box Paper and Envelopes, former price 10c,
duced to 8c.
A Solid Week of Enjoyment mid Instruc¬
tion—June 24 to July 4.
The South Georgia Chautauqua and
combined teachers’ institute will con¬
vene at Abbeville, June 24th and will
continue one week. The program is
complete and will be a week of unusual
interest. Our people should at least
spend a day or two and help the good
cause along. The following is the com¬
plete program for every day;
2 p. m.—Chautauqua chorus, 100 Auditorium. voices.
3 3(1—Welcome to teachers at
Response by Col. W. F Way, of Fitzgerald.
4 00—Roll call by different county school
4 30-Regular institute organization.
8 00—Music by Star band
8 30-Lecture, “Snolligoster in Politics,”
“Georgia Cracker,” Hon H W J Ham.
8 00 a. m—Combined institute work.. Class
10 00—Lecture, Prof F. C Branson, Auditor¬
ium. *
10 30—Voca. and orchestral music. Charac¬
ter sketches, G LeForest Wood, Auditorium
3 00 p. m -Combined institute work. Class
5 00- -Lecture,-. Auditorium.
8 00 - -'Coacert. Grand chorus of 100 voices
8 30—Lecture, “Dixie Before the War,” Rev
A W Lamar, of Dallas, Tex.
8 00 a m—Continued institute work. Class
10 00—Lecture, —, Auditorium.
11 00—Opening question box, Auditorium
11 30—Bankers’ Quartette, Mandeville’s or¬
chestra and G LeForest W< od.
3 00 p n —Continued institute work. Class
5 00 Lecture,—.Auditorium.
8 00—Music, Prof Mandeville’s orchestra and
grand chorus. Auditorium
9 u0—Lecture, Charlie Lane, of Atlanta.
8 00 a m- Continued institute work. Class
10 00—Music, by Star band. Auditorium.
10 30—Recitation, by Miss Louise delineations Goodm by w,
of LeForest Fitzgerald, Wood. and character
3 00 p m—Continued institute work. Class
5 00 • Lecture, Prof E C Branson.
8 00- 16—PiHlect Bankers recitations, quartette “Betsy Hamilton,”
of Auburn, Ala.
9 00—Orchestral consort. c* nducted by Prof
Mandeville, of Crystal Palace Orchestra, Lon¬
don. dialect recitations, Mr M V
9 15—Original
Moore of Alabama.
8 00 a m—continued Inst Rule work. Class
rooms Auriiiorlum.
O' 00—Open on—Hon Flem congress, dultignim. Auditorium.
3 00 p m—Lecture. — .Auditorium
4 no— Teachers’ experience meeting, Audi¬
torium Mandeville’s orchestra and Bankers'
8 00—
quartette is—Melo-drRma, Dumb Girl of Genoa, fol¬
8 "The
lowed bv the farce con t dt Limerick
Hoy ”
Saturday, July .3.
9 00 a m—Sunday scliool convention called
to order.
9 30—Report of Sunday school secretaries,
10 00—Chorus. Lecture by Hon B.B Rep-
pard. Savannah.
11 00—Open congress. Sunday school ques-
tioil box.-
11 30—Five minute talks on Sunday school
methods, led Lecture by Reppard, with Stubbs and Miller.
4 00 p in— blackboard illustra¬
tions on Sunday school work. J H Miller.
5 00—Chorus. Lecture, “Home‘.Department
Sunday School,”Col W B Stubbs, Savannah.
8 00— Mamievllle’s orchestra.
8 15—Recitation, Miss Louise Goodnow.
Character delineations, M V Moore. Dialect
recitals, ‘-Betsy Hamilton.” Irish,Dutch and
negro sketches, G LeForest Wood.
11 00 a m—Chautauqua Thomasvlile. sermon by Rev Robt
H Harris,
4 00—Mode) Sunday school by some of the
best workers in the State.
8 The 00—Chautauqua above is but sermon. hint the grand
a of musi¬
cal and intellectual feast. Complete programs
for each day and night of Chautauqua week
will be issued in time.
An Enthusiastic Colonist.
Editors Leader, Comrades and
Friends:—I presume many of you have
nearly forgotten me by this time, as I
disappeared so suddenly from your
midst last March, but I will try and in¬
troduce myself so you may know I still
live and trying to better the financial
candition of my family and to up¬
hold and Jdefend dear old Fitz-
geraid and the grandest colony ever
inaugurated by man. May God bless her
founder—bless his name at all times and
places. I ho d the Fitzgerald that all banner
promptly to the concerning breeze, her. I may al¬
know the truth
ways have a good word for the dear
people located there. It affords me
great pleasure to think of them when I
am about my work it hepls pleasantly. to pass the
long hours of tedious toil I
Jong to again be with you and will as
soon as I can. I love o d Georgia and
it people. 'I have been hustling since
I came home.
We lost all our wheat last winter, so
I had to put in 05 acres of corn. The
croi'S never looked as well as now.
Freaky old Kansas is doing her best
this time. She is atoning for her many
It has been very cool—now it is hot.
Today it is 9(1? .
I read .The Leader weekly. Success
to it.
I was pleased to hear from J. W.
Temple. That is right, brother—tell
the truth about the would-be imitators
of our colony become of old bed-fel¬
What has our
low. Dan Manning? With kind regards
to all, I close in F , C. and L..
D D. C.
McPherson, Kan.. June 14. 1894.
First Class Table Board by the
week at $3 00 at Brunswick Restaur¬
Box' Paper and Envelopes, former price 20 re-
Box Paper and Envelopes, linen finish, former
price 25c, reduced to 18c.
Tablets, 10, 15 and 25c, Will sell at 8,11 and 18c.
Sboes apd Oxford Ties.
Ladies Oxford Ties, former price 90c, reduced
to 55c.
Ladies Oxford Ties, Common Sense, former
’ price $1.25, reduced to $1.00.
Ladies Oxford Ties, coin toe, former price $2.25,
reduced to $1.00.
Ladies Oxford Ties, coin toe, former price $2.50,
reduced to $1.60.
Trunks and Valises.
Canvas Trunks, full value, $4.00, reduced to
Canvass Trunks, full vulue, $7.00, reduced to
Canvas Trunks, full value, $8.00, reduced to
$ 6 . 00 .
Canvas Trunks, full value, $9.50, reduced to
Canvas Valises, full value, $1.00, reduced to
Canvas Valises, full value, 75c, reduced to 58c.
Small Size, 18-inch Valise, from 60c to 42c.
In fact we have hundreds of bargains we can-
here enumerate at this time. These rare
bargains must be seen to be appreciated.
is only one of the danger signals kidneys that
nature uses to tell us that our
are not acting right, and that we are
in danger of Bright’s Disease, kid¬ and
other kidney troubles. When the
neys are not doing their duty as filters
of the blood, the poison which should
be filtered out through the urine, re¬
mains in the system and disease re¬
sults. This condition can be
J. Payton, 18 W. North street,says:
I am perfectly willing that my recom¬
mendation for Ilobbs Sparagus Kid¬
ney Pills be made public, for two rea¬
sons—first, because it might help oth¬
ers, second, because I believe Hobbs
Pills is to be a great medicine. I had
pains in my back, side and breast, and
was dizzy at times. 1 used nearly
everything 1 heard of and got no re¬
lief. I saw Ilobbs Sparagus Kidney
Pills advertised at Higgins Bros. Ar¬
cade store; I bought a box and before
I bad finished the first box, I found
that they bad done me a wonderful
amount of good and now my back and
sides are frae from pain and the dizzy
feeling has all left me, and 1 will be
glad to recite my experience to any
one. J. Payton, 18 W. North St.
Springfield, O.
Sparagus Kidney Pills.
HOBBS REMEDY CO., Pbopbixtobb. CmcAeo.
Dr. Hobbs Pills For Sale in FITZGERALD, GA.,
by J. H. GOODMAN A CO., Druggists.
A Grateful Letter From a Baptist Min¬
I was suffering from rheumatism
when I was advised to use Chamber¬
lain’s Fain Balm. I now desire to
attest to the happy results. A few
applications of this liniment proved of
great service to me. It subdued the
inflammation and relieved the pain.
Should any sufferer profit by giving
Fain Balm a trial it will please me.—
Respectfully and gratefully yours, E.
Edwards, Minersville, Fa. (Fastor
English Baptist Church.) For sale by
J. H. Goodman & Co.
Look Here— We board and lodge
von for $3.50 per week. Everything
first class. See us.
Brunner’s Restaurant.
Persian insect powder 10c, at Geld-
er’s news depot.
Some for ten, some for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and they have been quickly
and permanently cured by using De-
Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and all forms of skin
disease. J. II. Goodman & Co.
First Class Table Board by the
week at $3.00 at Brunswick Restaur-
Legal blanks and Georgia forms for
justices at Gelder’s news depot.
Webster’s unabridged dictionary,
worth $3, only $1. Send in your or¬
ders. Gelder’s news depot.
Notice to Uolony Stock Holders.
The stock of the Colony Co. will
now be retired and taken up by the
Colony Co. under the following pro¬
It will be taken at face value in
payment for any and all new purchases
made for either city lots or land tracts.
It will be taken at face value for
payment of all allotments where per¬
sons prefer to take out their deeds.
On such transactions the stock will
be taken in any amounts presented.
Stock cannot be taken to pay any
obligations such as notes given prior
to tiiis date, but applies to all new
purchases and to allotments where
improvements have been made.
Board ok Directors.
Wool Growers
Please call on me when ready to
sell. Will buy in any quantity. Spot
chasb and top market price.
Pins St. S. M. Cohen.
Special Notice.
The colony company has some good
5, 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts they will
now sell very low to members, and al¬
low them to pay for them in stock at
face value, in whole or in part. 22-4t
Letter presses, copy books, blank
books and general office supplies at
Gelder’s news depot.
Don’t neglect a cough because the
weather is pleasant; before the next
storm rolls around it may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repair. One
Minute Cough Cure is easy to take and
will do what its name implies. J. H.
Goodman & Co.