Newspaper Page Text
Published Every Tuesday and Friday by
R M e
ISIDOR GELDERS,.. ... coocoviiiiainsnensiiensiinnes viviiviiee.... Managing Editor
BERRIE MR MUPIEER ... cov.ioioiiines gosneis sneinn comessivnaninaess » e oity editen
N T e e
Entoroci ;t th; ‘Po;;o'f;'i;;vat_F;;;fle:a.;d;-;s Secor'-\-c!:éla;;s !;ail Matte;', under Actof
Congress of March 18,1879.
Official Organ of Ben Hill County and City of Fitzgerald
Rates for Display Advertising ‘uinished on Application.
Local Readers 5 cents the line for each insertion. No ad taken for
less than 25 cents.
Our Slogan.
Georgia For Oscar W. Underwood
For President,
The hysteria prevailing in certain quarters on account of the dis
appointing outlook (to them) of the coming election will mislead no
one. Political agitation has always developed some sort of phobia in
Fitzgerald just preceding elections. The well informed public has
rarely taken these]symptoms seriously for the reason that the official
analysist has so frequently been found in error in his diagnosis of the
condition of the city and the remeay he heroicaliy ofiers. The pres
ent situation is better moraily than it has been for the entire hfe of
the City and County. Fair minded people, unprejudiced vy personal
or pecuniary motives must admit this. Public gamine is a thing
of the past, Slot Machines have gone, to stay gone, baudy houses are
unknown and the Gambling Dens have closed their door to stay closed.
Most of this has been accomplished by moral persuasion and the cer
tainty of prosecution if continued, We are too modest to claim all of
the credit but the public knows of the successful etforts put forta by
the Leader. In a letter to Mr, Mercer about December 24th., we
assured him of our desire to co-operate with him er he with us to put
down the illegal sale of whisky, pubhe gaming and the other vices
that may need the attention of the Press, we were sincerein our offer:
although we failed to get any support from that source we have faith
fully striven, single handed, to carry our plans into effect, We are
satistied with the results up to date. We had no committee to back
us. nor did we solicit funds to help defray the expense. We didn’t
peed any. We didn’t create any great demonstration to draw the
public’s attention to our success, for the purpose was to suppress
crime, not to advertise it. Without an arrest, and solely supported
by the assurance of the County prosecutor, Mr. A. J. McDonald, we
were enabled to compel respect for the LAW, withont making
CRIMINALS of men, who though violating the law, were doing it
under the assumption that a license was a contract. The City is rid of
slot machines, roulette wheels and Gambling Houses, The illegal sale
of whiskey can be suppressed by the citys administration ONLY.
The Mayor’s authority is so complete and immediate, that we believe
a decided expression from him to his police dgpartment and the in
vocgtion of the city ordinances would stop the last drop from being
Citizens of Ben Hill County
| Be Careful of Your Rallot.
You are called upon next week to elect your County officers for
the next two years. The welfare of Ben Hill County depends upon
YOU and the use you make of your ballot. Every GOOD CITIZEN
will exercise his legal privilege to vote as HIS judgement and HIS
conscience dictate, Ability and integrity are the Virtues most valu
able in @ public official. 1f you have tried some arnd found them
wanting in these essentials, don’t agamn place them where temptation
may beset them. It is up to you to elect MEN who will measure up
to the standard to which you want our county to grow.
Be careful of your Ballot,
Agricultural Implements
Tooth Harrows
Disc Harrows
Horse Rakes
Threshing Machines
Cotton Gins
Farm Wagons
Farm Carts
Cotton Bagging
Barbed Fence Wire
Wire Strands
Wire Staples
Boots and Shoes
Sewing Machines
Building Materials
Food Stuffs
And Other Articles
Notice of Bond Elec
To the qualified voters of the City
of Fitzgerald:
You are hereby notified that, on
the 14th day of May, 1912, there
‘will be held an election in said
city to determine the question
‘whether or not the city of Fitzger
ald shall issue its bonds in the sum
of Forty-thousand Dollars, ($40,-
000.00), for the purpouse of paying
ifor the paving of the following
tportxons of the following streets
in =aid city, to-wit:
Central Avenue, from the Alley
}iying paralell to and between
Thomas and Sheridan streets,
‘West, to and across Johnson
streets; Johnston street, North
to the ftracks of the Atlanta,
Birmingham and Atlantic
Railroad Company; Pine street,
from the point where the paving
of said street terminates at Sher
man street, last, to and across
Sneridan street; Main street, from
the point where Pine Street in
tersects it on the South, North to
Central Avenue; that portior of
Sherman street lying between
Central Avenue and Pine streets
and that portion of Sheridan street
lying between Central Avenue and
Pine street. Said Bonds to be
issued in denominations of One
Thousand Dollars, ($1,000,00)
each; to bear interest at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum said in
terest to become due and be paid
serai annually on the first days of
January and July of each year,
during the life of said bonds,
None of the principal of said
vonds is to be paid annually but
all of the grincipal is to become
due and be fully paid thirty, (30)
years from the date of their issue:
the principal and interest, on said
bonds is to be payable at some
bank or Trust Company in the
city and State of New York, in
Gold Coin of the United States of
the present weight and fineness; all
of said bonds both principal and
interest to become .due and be
fully paid within thirty, (30),
;vears from the date of their issue,
~ Said election will be held at the
City Hall, in said city and under
the rules and regulations provided
in the Charter of said city for the
holding of elections, Those per
sons desiring to vote for the issue
of said bonds, shall have written
or printed on their ballots the
words, ‘‘For Bonds” and those
desiring to vote against the issue
of said bonds shall have written or
printed on their ballots the words,
““ Against Bonds,”
| A. B. Cook, Mayor.
Geo. W. Brown,
l Clerk.
Two More Changes
In A.B. and A.
With the resignation of Mr.
Richard Barrett as assistant Sup
erintendant in the offices of the
Atlanta Birmingham & Atlantic
Railway Company in this city,
the office has been abolished and
the office of trainmaster created to
isubstitut;e it. Mr. J. A. Tussey
| has been appointed to the new po
|sition and assumed the duties of
3the office on the 10th inst, Mr.
|Tussey comes from Birmingham,
{ where he was formerly terminal
| trainmaster for the A. B. & A.
! Mr. Purvis, chief dispatcher in
' the Superintendent’s office, has al
iso filed his resignation: and 1s suc
‘ceeded by Mr. Andrews, who
comes to the A, B. &, A. from
‘the A. W. & P., for whom he was
'chief dispatcher in Montgomery,
' Mr, Apdrews took up his new
' position this we:k, but Mr. Purvis
| will also remain in the office for
{ about fifteen days longer,
| Since coming to Fitzgerald,
' both Mr. Barrett and Mr. Purvis
ihave made a number of friends,
| who regret that they will doubt
lless move from the city since
‘severing their connections with
ithe A.B. & A,
{ Try our Ice Cream. City Drug
i()o. 95:2¢.
Central Christian
April 14. |
Bible School 9:30 a. m. |
Communion and Sermon 10:45,
Christian Endeavor 6:30 v, m,
People’s Popular Service 7:30.
Musical Service 7:30 to 8. Sub
ject for Sermon, “In A Fix,”
A hearty welcome to all,
Don’t Be Afraid to Eat
Eat what you want when you
want it and “‘Digestit.” Two or
three tablets after meals digests
all the food, prevents distress, re
lieves indigestion instantly. ‘‘Di
gestit” is a little tablet easy to
swailow, absolutely harmless. It
has relieved thousands and is guar
anteed to please you, lif not your
money will be refunded.—soc.
Ask at the Dixie Pharmacy.
Mr., William Livingston, of
Thomasville, was in the city Wed
nesday, guest of his brother, Mr.
T. J. Livingston.
At the administrator’s Sale last,
vweek Dr. A. E, Russell purchased
t'o W, H. Mallory place on South
(+rant street, the consideration be
ine $1,475.
Mr. Percy F. Clark, cashier of
{ha American State Bank, atter d
«d the Banker’s Convention in
Taomasville Wednesday.
Mr. E. H. Hutchinson, of Bal
t'more, Md., was among the
prominent business visitors in the
city yesterday.
Judge L. Kennedy’s many
friends regret to know that he
hias been confined to his room dur
ing the past week, with an attack
of” fever.
The Ben Hill Chapter, United
daughters of the Confederacy,
have chosen Mr. P. W. Coller,
to deliver the Memorial Day ad
dress on April 26th.
Mr. W. J. Joiner, of Dublin,
transacted business in the city
several days this week.
Mr. W. B. Moore has purchas
ed the one-half interest of Mr,
Willie Harris in the City Pressing
Club, and in future will conduct
the business as sole proprietor,
Mr, Siras Chance, who has been
in Fitzgerald several weeks, left
vesterdav for Marietta where he
will spend a few days before re
turning to his home in W estfield,
Woman loves a clear, rosy
complexion. Burdock Blood Bit
ters purifies the klood, clears the
skin, restores ruddyv, sound health.
M. Randall Bryan has returned
from a visit of several days in At
Loans on farm lands at 6 per
cent, Not less than $2OOO.
16-4 w. Chas. B. Teal.
The Best. Worm Eradicat.or.
Worms are the cause of children
dying every day. There are hun
dreds, yes, thousands of dear little
souls whose deaths were caused
from no other reason under the
sun but worms of some kind. Fa
rents, friends, guaraians, if you
have a child you love and it has
dark circles under its eves, bad
breath. especially in the morning,
restless at night, grating of the
teeth, screaming in its sleep, pick
ing the nose, bitingjthe nails, fever
flashes on the cheek, beware,
if you let that child go unattended
you may live to regret it. -Call to
day at the Globe Tonic Store, 127
Central Ave,, and see the life sap
ping monstors, those parasites that
are sapping the life blood from
thousands of children every year.
. (Communicated)
To the Voters of Ben Hill County:
Dear Sir :
I write to call your attention again to my candidacy for re
election to the office of Sheriff of Ben Hili County. I have held
the office for only one term. Of all officers, the Sheriff should be
given a second term because noman can get sufficiently well
acquainted with the details of the Sheriff ’s office during the first
term to do himself justice. But while I have held the office only
one term, I am willing to stand squarely on the record I have
made. I have undertaken to conduct the duties of the office with
out favor or enmity to any man; I have had no pets to favor, no
enemies to annoy and harass. I have not filled the jails and the
courts with prosecutions founded in malice or spite, at the expense
of the county and to the benefit only of the officers. I have been
content to serve papers placed in my hands and make out of the
office what honestly came to me. A careful investigation of the
books of the County Commissioners will show that the jail fees
paid by the County for last year aggregated $1,143.34 less than for
1910, showing a saving to the tax payers during the first year of
my term of that amount in jail fees alone. The books of the Com
missioners together with the records of the Clerk’s office will
show a like saving of more than $2,000.00 during that first year of
my term of office in the way of expenses for holding courts. And
yet our citizens have been protected and law and order has pre
vailed. .
Some of my political enemies have circulated a report that I
have been tendered a nice job at a big salary, which of course is
true, and would probably accept it and retire from this race. 1
have never had any idea of accepting any job with the amount of
money offered in addition to salary or any amount of money that
could be offered for retiring from the race; nor have I at any time /
had any idea but what the good people of this county would re
elect me by a big majority.
I will appreciate your vote and influence, and will, if elected,
continue to fill the office to the best of my ability.
Thanking you, one and all, for your past favors, I am
Fraternally yours,
Sheriff Ben Hill County.
Classified Advertising,
assified Advertising,
Sel o b i e e e
For Sale, Aucnas
Eggs, 15 for $3.00. Prize win
uers at Atlanta Show.
G H. Johnson, R. F. D. No, 6.
Seed Corn |
I have for sale 200 bushels of
Whatley’s seed corn at $2 per!
bushel. |
A. J. Sword, R. F. D, No. 6, |
20-Bt. Fitzgerald, Ga.
For Sale or Exchange
One new two horse wagon, will
take one horse wagon in trade.,
John Huff,
20-tf. New Arbor Church. 1
Eggs for Hatching
Prize-winning stramns S, C. B.
Orpington eggs, $2.00 per 15.
Fertility guaranteed, After Apr.
Ist, $1.50 per 15; also baby chicks.
E. J. Hammond,
118 W. Magnolia St.
Notice To The Public
It 1s a violation of the Law to
ride upon a Bicycle upon any side
walk in this City, this Law will be
strictly enforced, hereafter all of
fenders will be dealt with accord
Herman Smith,
20-4 w. Chief of Police,
For Sale Choice
Birds young Singers $3.00 each.
Females $l.OO, pair $3.50, 515 W.
Central Ave,
We want you to call and see for
yourself, be convinced of the mer
its of these wonderful remedies.
We wish to call vour attention to
this particular case: Mr. A. L.
Bryant, who resides at 308 Nortn
Lee-st., cilled a few days ago, and
said: ‘“You have the best worm
medicine that I have ever tried. I
bought a box of your Globe Tonic
Worm Lozenges a few days ago
and gave some of it to both of my
children, and I am very much
pleased with the results—both
children expelled several worms.
No wonder you hear so much talk
about Globe Tonic Remedies, for
they are doing the work that has
been left undone by others, and if
you get a bottle, inside of a week
you will be telling some of your
friends to use it.”
I am in position to furnish
rough lumber for building. De
livered on your lot at $12.00 per
1000 foot.
A, J. Swords,
20-Bt. B.E.D No:. &
For Sale—White Rock Eggs for
setting, I also have a few fine
Cockerels, Patterson’s strain,
price $2 to $5.
23-tl-4w. L. S. Osborne.
White Plymouth Rocks,
Barred Plymouth Rocks,
and White Leghorns,
75c per Setting of 15 Eggs
414 S, Main S*, Mrs. C. A. WETTSTEIN.
Notice .
The constantly increasing de
mand for THE TELEO-ME
me to move to a city with greater
book-printing and publishing
tacilities,l will close out the few re
maining copies of the $l.OO edi
tion for 75ct. and the $2.50 (cloth
and gold) copies for $1.50 to save
trouble and expense of transpor
Jobs left for repairs several
months ago must be called for
within 30 days, Debtorsand credi
tors please call in for settlement of
accounts. Household goods and
furniture at half their actual value.
Choice city lots and 5 and 10 acre
tracts for sale cheap. Get or send
for a descriptive price list of lots
and tracts,
H. Wettstein,
'April 10, 1912, 414 S. Main st.
We want every person, old and
young who suffers with indiges
tion, constipation, rheumatism,
liver or kidney trouble to use the
Globe Tonic and get well; and if
you neglect giving vour children
a worm medicine, remember yow
may have to answer for it.
Call today, trv the free samples
of Globe Toric, Come to see
these [ife sapping destroyers that
were expelled by small children.
Don’t wait, try the free samples
at 127 Central-av, If you want
Globe Tonic at home, we sell until
Satarday, April 20th, the regular
$l.OO bottle for 50c or 3 for $1.25
and guarantee it, :
Remember after 7 more days
Globe Tonic will be $l,OO per bot