Newspaper Page Text
or the information of the pub
lic Ibeg to advise that the Mails
cldsed 30 minutes before trains
are due to arrive, with the excep
ion of the,,mgpi train to Atlanta.
%\cl for this train will be dis
pB fie«{ if mailed by 9:15 p. m.
"Mails ‘are collected from the
boxés in the business section 3
times each day and from the resi
dence section twice each day.
The General Delivery and Par
cel Post Windows open at 7:30 a.
m, and ¢lose at 6 p, m.
The Money Order Window
opens at8:00 a. m. and closes at
6:00 p. m. : g
On Holidays, all, windows are
open from 9:00 to 9:30° a. m. and
from 4:00 to 4;80 p. m.
No windoyg.i‘@'t@p’pen on Sunday
but those havimg boxes can get
their mail as usual as all Mail is
worked dp #dd put in the boxes.
For further’ Postal information
on any subject Teléephone the
Postoffice. :
: W. A. Adams, P. M.
Wood Wanted
We want 1000 cords good pine
wood at the Power Plant, to be
settled for each week.
Fitzgerald Water Light & Bond
Commission. 132 tf,
Make your engagement now for
that Thanksgiving dinner portrait.
Call on Mr. Owens, Godfrey’s
Studio, Don’t wait too late as we
are booking calls already, 132-3 t.
To Detect Cotton Flbor._pm:n a Sam
; ple of-the Cloth. |
Until the proper labeling of textiles
bas been made compulsory there arzfll
certain simple tests by means of whigy
one may determine whether an “an"
wool” fabric is really all wool or not.
The old way of telling by feeling and
looking is no longer reliable, for cotton
can be made both to feel and look like
wool. The only sure way is to take
samples of the goods home with you
and make tests of them there,
If a piece of cotton cloth is ignited it
will be found to burn rather rapidly
with a bright, steady flame. There is
no disagreeable odor, and when the
material is completely consumed there
will be left only a small amount of
light gray. fluffy ash. If a.plece of
pure wool is lighted it will be found to
burn much more slowly and with a less
steady flame, emitting a characteristic,
mild, hissing noise dnd a strong odor
very similar to that of burned horn.
There will be much more ash remain
ing than in the case of cotton, and it
Will be in the form of a crinkly, black,
crisp ball,
In applying this test to a fabric the
whole sample should not be burned at
once, for if it is a so called wool piece
containing considerable cotton it will
be very difficult to determine whether
it is burning more like cotton or wool.
Threads should be taken from the sam
ple, several each® from the warp and
the woof, and burned separately. With
a very little practice one will be able to
detect the cotton threads by the char
acteristic maunner of burning. Some
times it is well to pick a thread apart
with a pin and test the individual fiber
with the flame to determine whether
the thread is entirely wool of mixed
with cotton.—Jean Donaldson Martin
in Mothers' Magazine.
Lost Humor.
Mark Twain was once asked by an
English clerk in a London bookstore to
write his autograph.
“My chirography is becoming less
and less distinct,” complained the au
thor whimsically as he complied with
the request. “If this keeps on I'll have
to be getting somebody else to write
my autograph for me.”
‘“But, sir,” seriously responded the
clerk, “nobody would want it then.”
: Safe From That.
“Now that you have been married a
Year what can you say of your experi
“Well,” he replied solemnly, “I can
truthfully say that I am sure that big
amy is one crime that I'll never com
mit."—Detroit Free Press.
idyllic Love.
“Daughter, don't marry that young
man. He'll never bring home the ba
“‘How foolish you are, dad! What do
i care about the bacon if he'll only
bLring home the bonbons.”—Pittsburgh
% .m ’r,‘“,- @ R
~ The term “brown study” is a cerrup-
oo L o SRS Y t
1 i v RAiANEK ¢ | 4 f : v ST R A—PPREOIATION ‘ ‘
AR N ; . Lest some of our patrons should think that we are overlooking
‘i’l “‘l - iI by Full Name ."”” T- Lo them in our efforts to secure new business, we write this little
@ Refuse SubSti‘tut es . 0. N e 'wort?. of appreciation. | »The people v‘v.ho have sto?d' b.y tbis
/‘(\iz; '/\,4 T e & : ‘». : P - L) Bank we consider the salt of the earth. Nothing is too
:’/ DeliCiouS and R ' hine g N’ | ) 2. ¢t .We are of course anxious to secure
.___________________e_fl:?s___hlng: B , ! work new bu ss, but never at the expense of our regu
; | &% . ;’fntbe Tl’lahgle . lar patrons, for they are the people who have made
X 4 ¢ A Y : ! ’ . thi ssibile. now it, appreciate it,
‘Fe t : l d you know this bank possibile. We know it, appreciate it
j l Zge r a 4 0 b ' : WHA T :T; HA T and are free to acknowledge it. By treat
| ne . ‘ ‘~s . 1 MEANS! By the We“ ing all our old patrons fairly and extend-
BOtt ll ng ? ~ :\‘ , known Dental Firm ; ing the game courtesies to our new
& | i & it Q) ; Whmelnames appear here, customers we hope to grow strong-
Works A% a 4 & o e\ e
8 QA | tinuous, active and successful Wil i
I’ lf &:\ 4,0 practice in Fitzgerald—-Shouldbe \ Ben Hill
Tl Qe é N (§) ‘enough said - - They are Leaders-- National
% i, 2 & Equlppe(.l.v\ylth Knowl_gdge, Experience | - Bank
| Q QY” v&Q> x, | and Facilities which merit your patron-
V QY” @) &&, |age Their New Offices are located at .\
, e \\r Q‘,b’ (%(,‘r . w 120 1-2 E. Pin,evSt;.,_ “Next Door to National |
S v T Drug Co. The firm is-- co
- il 2 < | Drs. Holtzendorf & Turner
| ] : ~ DENTISTS
In tfie very latest style Mackinaws, Overcoats, Balmaakans, Suits and Etc.
‘ e\ e For Men and BO)’S _-
" A Ma‘?ve ks)ynS;hloss Bros. Co., - Makers of the Famous Clothes Beautiful for Men and Y oun g Men
' e Sell Bostonian \ s
m sitobsmin BTB B A XA NI, R
y Qi ) R . : <
eT;: ¢ , 'E; Fitzgerald . Lo
; = B Li Chero-Col o
. 5D HERO- jJi ‘ero-tola /. >
f M= & F /' o Bottling Co., . °§ ‘
@ s A \”o’ & » Q .
QO - WOl ) &
S = D : C OI_A "l Fitzgerald, & g
>QD P = Rera-Coll (3o \QJ Q?‘" é‘gfl & |
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< :EU)E»E 5 - s V”Q'é’ 12 oim
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xS > la 2 E Ht o 2S, : & =BBO Ffl g't 'q
! o BB = MU
R Lla < SERIE So= . SN/ B ipillaSEs
o /i /X S =9O
National Drug Co. /&« / « Biig [
“A Good Drug Store” @ &% sy 5 faiage wig:- - H
Nyal’s Remedies--San Tox Remedies / % Q.g&fl" a,“"f .. |7 Oaifciests srief.g
: o “ALW = e
NOl'l'lS Candles-- FRESfiXS ‘ A\ \,& ‘\O< \a"’ WE POINT WITH PRIDE to the line of fine TEAS
Gard en and Field Seed S @ Q\‘G s@\¢ and COFFB&S which we carry and on which we
Evervthin s . 2> /@ P . have built up such a splendid trade.
Dm;y Lin eg That’s Good in the 3 és° @,@ %Jg[ A\ B A LARGE SELECTION of HONEST
: . i S GOODS at honest prices w
You Can’t Go Wrong When Q\ {\‘o ‘¢¢/ P\HQENIé 5 t honest p ces won us
You Enter Our Store. & ¢ A\ |‘ B OTe of oxk Baat cusfemans,
L e e %Q %QQQ A Are you one of them?
$ ) s 206 E. CENTRAL s :
118 East Pine St. \;&\' S%Q S _ PHONE 470 The Vendome
. ’ o PILLSBURY’S FLOUR, Sack $1.05 \ " '
,Ph QQ’ 2 ¢Sq . S e
One %*‘,s ¢ ¢ california Evaporated Peaches - 3pounds --%c - ’_Grocery
9 9 :"4 é& ‘&QQ ooy 10 Ib. Tlrilffupounn GREANERY an:gg fs(:.Gs PHONE 31 |
X&F O N., R e POUNIESG. . o mar
= Q‘b (QQ é&b 10740, SIMO!:I ;URE LARD m 25 LBS. SUGAR
] : ; o. £ $1.50
& éQ &" ¢ SUPERIOR PLAIN FLOUR :°- : :;:;mhcs -g
@ 3 or Bread o. wessve W
1 ‘ %Q ‘&, Q\g\ ' SFACK, s if’:m?fg,}’iiik 3: OKLAHosriAéKs. wl:. FLOUR
, v Q‘P&@ég’ / s hec ‘ \PECK 3§c : A SARDINES .. .. .03. PowYmc_UT | :::A;Z Y i