Newspaper Page Text
- No. 8250 i y -
Report of the Condition of’ :
The Exchange National Bank
At Fitzgerald, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business Nov. 10, 1915,
BSOS RO glserunte = 0o D s 1 31D 1
ENNERTtS Meseoitred .. ... L e, s e ere D 1,235.08
U. S. Bonds deposited to secur circulation (par val 1e) . .100,030 00
U. S. vonds pledget to <ecur- U S, dep ifis{par vala.) 1,000.C0
Sotariiely Bonds: . o gin o e e e e 101,006 00
Securities other than U S. bonds (not including <tck-) owned
RtedE L s e e e e 5.219.: 4
Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank . ... $ 2,00000
Ressamonntuapaid.. .. osrs 0 e 0 6 09000 6,000.00
Walue ot baaking House (it iacaimoere§) | o T 6.500.00
RURmner wod Dxares. .0 0 U e s s e 3,830.00
Realigivate vnad o her than badlling nussy, .0 i i 6.267.290
10. Net amount due from Federa! Reserve Bink ... . 314.3 4
11. Net amount due from approved reserved agents in Now Yo k.
Ghicago: and Sy Louis .. 0 “hbusy s #14.958 09
Net amount due fiom approved resorve aga s i her
fES VO CINION i suioci c O i e e 14,060,827 29.023.54
Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than included in
By V) ohaeea 34.2711.67
Other checks o 1 hanks in thesum: ciny oto v 14 reporting bank 1,865.64
Outside checks and other cash items ....... ............ 49.62
Fractional currency, nickelsandcents....... .............. 400.32 449.94
Dioten of other mationalbagls ... . . L e 12,150 00
HEGu Resorve aobel: . : ... 1,000.00
Coin and certificites and Legal-tender notes: Lawful money
PeRBEVER WANk . 0 ; 26,100,00
Redemption fund wi h U. S Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent on
giroulation) andase from L. 'S . ‘Tveasurer ... ..., .. ... ... 5000.00
Customers liability acconnt ef acceptanses ............. ... .. 98,038.33
< RTR e s L e eRt i e 778,178.29
SRR N s 100,000.00
SUIBIBERRE e . s s e 100,000.00
UNaRVIGREE MYORIS 0 Lo i o 822966 B 1
IRasnnURA KoL tßede. . e
Less current Expenses, interest and taxes paid... 10,284.33 17,681.18
Gurctiatlne Notds oltstandingy. ... 0. i L e 100,0G0.00
Due to banks and bankers (other than included in 28 or 29). .. .. .. 5.816.36
IR 0 o i e 498. 00
Demand Deposits:
Individun] deposits subject t0check.,........... .00 0 il 219,183.80
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 day 5...... ........ ... .. 31.957.68
Gervihedcheacks. . ..., ... ... .8 e 39.69
SAshietis cHacks outstanding. ... . 0 o o 11,942.63
CUDISEORE 1 s e 1,000,00
Total demand deposits, items 32, 33, 34 35, 36, 37,
Time deposits (plyable after 30 days or subject to 30 days or mre
ROF DRSO .. s ee o 101,696.87
RN IRROEEE . o G e 83,336.88
. Total of time deposits, items 40, 41 and 42....189,933.75
Rediscounts with Fe teral Reserve bank............. ... ..... 1256.20
Bills payable includinz ohligations repres:nting minay
UOIPOWEI. oo o e e none
O(v G e e s 778,178.29
I, J. D. Dorminey, Cashier of the above-namad bank, do so emnly swear that
the above statement is (rue to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. D. Dorminey, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 22th day of November, 1915.
L. E. Rohrer,
Notary Public.
Prohibition Discussed
- By Judge George
Says Better Classes Cause
of Non-Enforcement
Cordele, November 16 —Su
perior court of Crisp county con
vened in regular session Monday,
Judge W. F. George presiding.
The greater part of Judge
George’s charge to the grand
jury dealt with the prohibition
law and its enforcement.
“+~Though he declared from his
,observation of four years on the
‘bench, that™ there was not the
same wholesome dispusition on
the part of juries and officers to
enforce the laws designed to con
trol the liquor traffic as there
was when the local option law
was in force, he asserted that
his remarks were not an attempt
to criticize the present prohibi
tion law. nor the more drastic
laws now before the leislature.
He attributed as the cause of
lax enforcement of the law a
prevalent luke-warmness on the
part of the better class of citizens
toward bringing about such law
enforcement, and a growing
sentiment among the less law
fully inclined element to bring
disrespect upon such laws.
In view of such a condition,
declared Judge George it would
require the continued and com
bined efforts of the lawful
element of the people of the
state to cause the success of the
more drastic laws touching pro
hibition that have just recently
been enacted. A man who would
oppose the enforcement of the
prohibition law should not be al
to sit in a trial jury, virtually
said Judge George, and in effect
he added that except in very un
usual cases all violators of the
prohibition law should be on the
chaingang. ; ‘
Correct--At est:
W. R. Bowen,
K. T. James,
J.. 8. Turoer,
Roanoke Dots
The Roanoke School will give a
box social, Friday night Nov. 19,
for the purpose of repairing build
ing and getting rmoere books in
library. Everybody ‘s invited.
Mr. O, C. Alexander left this
moining for Summner where he
will attena to business
Our Sundav School contest is
provressing nicely, Watch out
bovs we girls will beat you.
Miss Lula Brown spent Saturday
night with her cousin Mrs. W U.
Evans of Fitzgerald.
Mr C. R. Vaughn rade a busi
ness trip to Hawkinsvilie Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Porterfield
ana grandson Mr. J. A. White
head motored over to Rochelle
Sunday and were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Whitehead.
Misses Lois McCord and Ger
trude Brown were visitors of our
Literary Society Friday.
Mr. D. C Fuller and son Thom
as were guests of Mr, and Mrs,
A. W. Kuller of Sibbie Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Wyman were
visitors at Roanoke Sunday.
Miss Mary Greer spent Satur
day night with her aunt. Mrs. J.
T. iPierce.
Don’t forgetthe Box Social Fri
day night. Everybody is cordially
ivited to atrend.
Scheol Girl.
Notice to]Farmers,
Wanted 5060 bushels good
corn. Must be shucked.
133-tf Union Cotton Qil Co.
N 5, 6182 -
: Report of the Condition of
$ - °
- The First National Bank
At Fitzgerald, in the State of Georgia, at the close of busiress Nov. 0, 1313.
Loans anddisdounts 4. .. . o .. .0 LOOOO 000.9436:285 70
Bvaliloans s oo 20 sol Slaaan oo L s e D i et ASR LR S
Overdrafts, unsecured..... e o 3.392.12
U.S Bonds d poasited to secure circulaticnipar va ua) Pt A 10:,000.00
Securities othe' than U S bonds tnoat inclu ting s o.ks) owned
uniledged S e R St €.665.10
Sunscription to stock of ~ederal Raser e Ban« $12.900.00
Llessiamount unpaid:'. ... ... i 6.450.00 6.450.00
V.u Lonwmbe Roled - ok . e T 1o 54231
Fu nitiire a Hxt i, ; b.OOO 0
R oal et wne tinner th nhiankt go e - 222.5
lu. Net amount due from Fed ral Reserva B3ark ... £.183.64
li. Nz «mount due from aopr v o reserv:a ag® 'sin N:w York,
Glicago and St lonis .0 . 7 ks OB 02 04
N:ta P G Bt Appr Vo PespeVe 522 0 S b anher
FeseiVav et 08l o 4 ‘6,23i ZZ 2623381
Net amount due from banks and banxers (other han included in 0
or 11) 21,435 63
Cther checks on banks in the same ¢ity or towo as reporting hiaok 2,72158
Outside checks and other cashitems...... ..............$219.3] '
Fractional currency, nickels and cent 5........ ... .... 556.62 775.33
Nolssor other nuBOERL banle. ). .. .. ..ol Sl 5,240.00
Poderal Ruserve Wobes ... . ..... ... ... . 2,000.00
Cuin and certificates. Legal-tender notes, (Lawful money reserve
inbanled): e ani s o 19,836.10
Redewption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not mre than 5 per cent, on
circulation) and due frcm U.S. Treasurer.... ... ........... 5,000.0¢
Custowers Mabilitv account of Acceptances. .................... 162,871.15
FOW s s e 815,357.96
Capital stock paid Mbisl it vsLl e B e 125,000.00
Surplug funac o 0 o 0 e 90,000.00
UNOIVIee BOBME ..., .. il abinas $15.521.25
Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 9,804.67 5,716.58
Circulating notes autstanding. .........oo.ovenrennn.. 100,000,00
Due to Banks and bankers (other than included 28 in 20) v 13,304.72
Dividends VDI s il 100.00
Demand deposits:
Individual deposits subject to check................... Foiinessuen -25 T ORREE
Certified checks 200.00
Cashiers checks ouistandingiee i g 5,420,18
Deposits requiring notice but less than 30 BRYS. ..ol i 0 BO.BEGOD
Total demand deposits, Items 32. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
a 8 AN BT e ceev5+.814,748.96
Time deposits (payable after 30 days or subject to 30 days or more >
notice: )
Certificates of dep05it........... 82,032.88
Total demand deposite, Items 40, 41, and 42 .....82,032.88
Rediscounts with Federa) Reserve Baokaw .. ... .0 o 0 84,459.82
e ——a
Total 815,357.96
. L, A. H. Thurmond, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear tha
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A. H. Thurmond, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 19th day of November, 1915.
Esther King,
Notary Public.
Evergreen Items
Our school lis progressing
Oat sowing is the order of the
day, and a large acreage will be
sown. ;
Messers. Son Fussell and G.
W. Williams made a business
trip to Fitzgerald Monday,
Material is being placed on the
ground to rebuild Union church.
which was burned down last
We regret to announce the ill
ness of Master Earl Robitsch,
hope to see him back in school
Mr. R. S. Burch left last Tues
day to spend a few weeks at
Mr. B. W. Burress has the
contract to rebuild Union churech.
Rey. Mr. Lindsey filled his
regular appointment at the
Holliness church here last Sun
Mrs. Cora Fussell and Mrs.,
Williams were shopping in Fitz
gerald last Saturday.
Mr. Bird Mobley of Fitzgerald
spent several days here last
at Dickson’s Mill
Rice Polished and Cleaned. Will Open for Business
Friday, October 15th and be open for the ac
commodation of the public every Friday
and Saturday during the season,
Bring your Rice and have it polished and cleaned.
M. Dickson, Proprietor
Correct.. Attest:
M. W. Garbuurt,
J. Hawkios Goodman,
J. B, Seanor,
Agricultural Train
To Visit Fitzgerald
Diversified Farming Demon
To be exhibited at live stock meet
ings held by the Extension Depart
ment of the College of Agriculture
in co-operation with the Agricultural
Department of A, B. & A. Railroad.
Georgia farmers given an oppor
tunity to see fine stock, hear experts,
and also see display on feeding meth
ods. Part of movement to get pure
bred stock started in Georgia.
Farmers in the region of Fitzgerald,
Ga., will have an opportunity to see
on December 15, 1915, a number of
purebred live stock and one car of
exhibits of Georgia feedstuffs, and to
hear addresses from live stock ex
This is part of a campaign which
the railroads are putting on in co
operation with the College of Agricul
ture, with the end in view of creat
ing an interest in purebred stock and
Alas hog killing time has come
at last we invite the Editor down
to eat back-bones and spare-ribs
with us.
Our school has received an in
vitation to spend the dav at
Eureka school on Thanksgiving.
Thank you Prof. Helm.
The school spent last Wednes
day afternoon in cleaning up the
school ground.
r}g; ' : ’
.1 7 / : E : :
Oy luilEelk NRN@
thus lay the foundation for success
ful livestock raising in the state.
The time designated for this place
is 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. Every farmer
in this section should turn out and
see the purebred and registered beef
and dairy cattle, several breeds of
hogs, Prcherson horses. They will
also see very interesting exhibits of
feedstuffs that is profitable to grow
in Georgia. What the®speakers will
say will be right to the point. It is
not to be an occasion for flowery or
atory, political hustings nor exchange
of compliments, but a straight-from
the-shoulder talk about iive stock and
nothing else.,
It is also announced that literature
will be distributed free and all the
time that the experts have at a place
will be gladly given' to answering
questions and giving information of
various kinds.
Wherever a sufficient number of
farmers in any section express a de
sire to have some purebred live stock,
a movement will be set afoot to or
ganize the farmers for co-operative
buying, so as to save cost. This has
already been done in several com
munities in Georgia with satisfaction.
~ Those who did not get out to the
State Fair will have one of the most
instructive and interesting parts of
the exhibits brought to them, if they
will only turn out to see the live
stock and feedstuff display.
This section should not fail to
profit by this meeting and make use
of the information to be obtained, to
get into the live, steck business on
a bigger scale. Where live stock plays
a prominent part in farming, there
will be found the most fertile lands
and the most successful farmers.
Bankrupt Sale,
Will be sold before the Court
House door of Ben Hill County
between the legal hours of sale
on the 11th day of December,
1915, lot number 102 in the 4th.
land’ district of Yrwin County.
We Can Fix It
Fitzgerald Bicycle & Repair Shop
Keys Made to Order
Bicycles to Rent at Reasonable Prices
218 S. Grant St.
Phone your orders to
the Fitzgerald lce Co. :
The Coal we deliver must be good;
otherwise it is ours and the
money lis yours ! !
sy PHONE FIVE (54) FOUR -wn
Prompt Delivery Guaranteed
National Drug Co.
lSold under an order from the Jas. F. MeCreakin,
IReferee in Bankruptey as the
iproperiy of H. B. Harper, Bank
rupt. Ten per cent of the pur
chase price must be paid at the
time of the sale and the balance
upon the confirmation of the sale
by the Referee.
, D. B. Nicholson, Jr.
e-i-to-d-11 Trustee.
Wood Wanted .
l We want 1000 cords good pine
wood at the Power Piant. to be
settled for each week.
Fitzgerald Water Light & Bond
Commission. 1324,
Fulghum Oats
Ist. They are earlier by 3 weeks
than the Texas Red Rust Proof, and
are thereforeg athered before the
other oatslare ready. ‘
2nd. They are drought proof.
3rd They are adapted to all
kinds of soil and conditions.
4th. They are rust proof.
Ssth. They are bea’_dless.
6th. A bushel will seed one
fourth more than other oats.
7th. They are a Georgia pro
$l.OO per Bushel.
Davis Bros.