Newspaper Page Text
Miss® Hazel Robinson, director of
the play Katcha-Koo will leave for
Greenville, Texas Saturday morning,
" Mr. Julian Slager of Atlanta, who
is a senior at Georgia Tech passed
through Fitzgerald Thursday after
noon en route to Jacksonville, Fla,
by motor over the Short Route,
s e is
Phone 620 tor rresn ang Smoked
Meats. Two deliveries a day 9:30 and
4:30. ¢ tf
sizes new pattern, Feinberg Furni
iture Store. tf
Messrs, Oliver of Abbeville en
joyed the comedy Katcha-Koo at
the opera house Thursday evening,
Mr, and Mrs, C, L. West of Thom
asville were guest of Mr, and Mrs,
N. A, Sutton this week,
666 cures Malaria,; Chills and
Fever, Billious Fever, Colds and
LaGrippe, or money refunded,
Advertisement FdS23
Mrs, Chas, West of Atlanta was
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W‘
R, Sutton this week, ‘
Mrs, G. W. West of Atlanta‘
stopped over to attend the Maynard-
West wedding enroute to Waycross,
CARD TABLES, the table you
can (fold up. Feinberg Furniture
Store, . t
The members and friends of the
First Methodist Episcopal Sundayi
School will picnic at Lake Bcatrice;
on next Thursday, All friends of
the ‘school are invited to enjoy the
day with them. ‘
$4.75 Feinberg Furniture Store, tfi
—_— |
666 has more imitations than any
other Fever Tonic on the market,
but no one wants imitations, s°dS23
Mr, and Mrs, O, L, Dunn returned
to their home in Savannah this
morning after a pleasant visit of
several days with his parents Mr. and
Mrs, W, L. Dunn,
Miss Annie Bell Huber of Moultrie
is the guest of Miss Mavis Paulk,
Now Buying COW HIDES, Phone
306, sper Hide & Skin Co. tf
“‘ Lois Paulk of Ocilla visited
fri. _us in the city last evening and
attended Katcha-Koo,
ors. Feinberg Furniture Store. tf
Miss Blanch Quincey of Douglas
was one of the out of town visitors
coming over to attend Katcha-Koo,
ors. Get one of these on easy pay
ments. Feinberg Furniture Store. tf
Mr, Leroy Whitley of Ocilla was
a visitor in our city Friday,
Mr. Rogers Dickson of Osierfield
came over to our city Thursday ev
ening to attend the play Katcha-Koo,
The many friends of the contracting
parties will be pleased to learn of the
marriage of Mr, David Lawrence to
Miss May Orser at the Methodist par
sonage in Jacksonville, Fla, Tuesday
June 21st at 10:30 A, M,, Rev, J.. 8,
Mitchell officiatng, Mr, and Mrs.
Lawrence returned to the city Thurs
day morning and are receiving the
congratulations of their friends,
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Myers will en
tertain at an informal dinner party
this evening, Mrs, Carl Fellers of
Savannah being the honor guest, The
guests will inglude Mrs, Carl Fellers,
Mrs, G, C. Smith, of Brunswick,
Mrs, Gordon Burns, of Douglas, and
Miss Genevieve Spier.
Pants Dry Cleaned
S5O cents
Coats Dry Cleaned
75 ccmis f
Palm Beach Suits
Dry Cleaned for
Ladies Coat Suits $1.50
Dry Cleaning & Pressing
Dry Cleaning Co.
Phone 203 109 W. Central
e A —————————
Office Phone ._______46o
Home Phone.________ls9
LEY. A screen adapration of Sophie
Kerr's popular Saturday Evening
Post Story “Sweetie Peach.” “Don’t
spoil your wife and then blame her
for the consequences” is the theme
of this clever and original domestic
Double Adventure “THE DAN
GER LEDGE” Episode 11,
E. & H. Comedy,
Western Feature,
Purple Riders “THE FRAME
UP” Episode 14.
King of the Circus “DEEP WAT
ERS” Episode 12
Sunshine Comedy “VERSE OR
“VICTORY” A Paramount Art
craft Picture and Maurice Tourneur
Production, adapted from Joseph
Conrad’s great novel of the same
name, and featuring Jack Holt and
Seena Owen, A story full of romance
and the spirit of adventure, The ac
tion is laid in the South Sea Islands
amid settings of unequalled beauty.
Educational Comedy “DON’'T
~Fox News Service,
Prices 11 & 22 cents,
Finances, Good Roads, Schools, Con
trol of Water Powers And Other
Subjects Will Be Considered
ATLANTA, June 24—The Georgia
Legislature met in joint session. this
morning to canvas the vote by which
Governor Hardwick and the other |
statchouse officers were elected, A
joint resolution directing this session
was adopted at the opening session
of the legislature Wednesday,
Joint resolutions were aiso adopted
for a joint session Sarurday at noon
for the inauguration of the governor,
With the organization yesterday of
both houses by the election ot Herbert
Clay as president of the senate and
Cecil Neill as speaker of the house,
the usual canvas of votes today and
‘the inaugural Saturday all out of the
‘way, the lawmakers will get down
‘to business; that is to say, things
will do off with a rush beginning
next week,,
In many ways, the present session
will be the most important held in a
generation, As pointed out by one
Atlanta newspaper, it is fresh from
the people—somewhat the product
lof a real political revolutior in Geor
gia, The incoming adrainistration, it
is pointed out, made its campaign
upon some definite and precise prom
ises. Governor-Elect Hardwick is
committed to some definite things—
and this Legislature is committed
with him, The same voters that
elected Governor Hardwick elected
the Legislature,
Of foremost importance, it is
shown, is the State’s financial status
Admittedly that is at present very
The state schools—embracing the
common schools and the university
—are not adequately supported, it is
declared. This Legislature will be
expected to consider the matter of
adequate support for these institu
tions and the raising of revenue
wherewith to do it,
Georgia, it is pointed out, needs
better roads, Much of the prosper
ity of the State, it is shown, depends
upon good highways, The Legisla
ture will, it is believed go into this
subject very thoroughly,
The question of municipal owner
ship of light and power plants will
also be presented. Proposals will
be submitted to the lawmakers to
allow the various counties of the
state to increase itheir bonded in
debtedness and incurring debts in the
acquirement of utility plants, with
right of condemnation, if necessary,
At present there is a constitutional
limit on the bonding power of the
various communities which has heen
in effect more than half a century,
The Legislature has previously
turned down similar propositions,
and legislation looking to state con
trol of water powers has met with
defeat in a number of other states.
Another subject which the Legis
‘ature may take up is lawlessness in
connection with peonage charges.
Governor Dorsey’s pamphlet on “The
Negro in Georgia” may be the sub
ject of investigation and action tak
en either upholding tne governor or
condemning his attitude,
i ‘uve Telegraph Poles.
. Of 1558 telegraph poles In the
| Montgowery-New Orleans !ine, which
were pressure-treated with a light
lcrensma ofl. 1,040 poleg were &till
sound after 16 years says the Amert
l(‘tan Forestry Magnzine I(n 91 per cent
lof the cases of decay the fungi had
entered the wood throngh checks and
) shakes,
(Continued from First Page)
sweet voice and Mr, Kassewitz, who
has always been a favorite as a sing
er in our city, never sang better,
. Miss Athleen Dickey as Prudence,
an American girl was like a fairy in
‘her dancing and was charming thru
out her part. The solo given by
Miss Dickey “Susquehanna Sue” was
very sweetly sung and the duet dia
logue and song with Carlyle McDon
ald was quite a hit, being very catchy,
~ Other leading characters which de
mand special mention were Miss Al
lie Mayes as the Brazilian wife, Bra
zillitata, Miss Mavis Paulk as Chin-
Chin-Foo, Chinese wife, Miss Martha
‘Womble as the Irish wife, Patsy Kil
‘dare, Miss Hazel Jolley, the French
‘wife, La Belle-Elyser, Mr, Ralph
Cohen as Boody-Pah, Mr, Herman
i(}eldcrs as Gong Beater, Charles
Newcomer Jr. and Reginald Dur
rough as Fan Bearers, and Cyrus
il-%m:ulhurst as Device Bearer all do
iin;.;‘ their parts well,
} The songs were all catchy and
pretty and the dances beautiful, the
}jokcs and stories full of fun and were
much appreciated by the audience,
The costumes and the setting of the
stage was gorgeous and all together
made a picturesque and entertaining
| The Oriental Ladies in their cos
tumes with songs and dances were
‘very much appreciated and enjoyed,
' The veil dancers gave probably the
‘most difficult dance and were very
good. The solo dance given by Miss
Athleen Rohrer was exceptionally
good, Miss Rohrer being especially
‘adapted to this kind of oriental danc
ing which is quite an art and received
much applause,
~ The Polo Group of girls and boys
dancing and singing was splendid
‘and the costumes very pleasing, The
Auld Lang Syne Group gave a pretty
dance during the song “When I
Went to School with You? The
‘ | L : —ss o
AR : s _ e
R D TR R =
UL CrlEEIx P =) 2 P
: &EM b “eqiote wy A, 7okf" ok eegg ~ . |;; -,. b o't
s M S e gl T P RTR TR O SR TR e T
Iron Beds, 2 inch Posts, value $9 90 . (.
COI] Bed Sprlng\’ Value $B.OO, $3 5@ @/ifig///%fl//%‘ <-I
to go during this Sale for only OV B, (] e
T e R | e I
i;fi o /// I ik }
L l o \ )%\ *f':! 1A t g jffmi‘*fi e
il ulj'd‘ 3 ¥ (‘D (i’ff”! e
sid = IL\ € ugj él | All Cotton Mattresses
et R —— ]\ P e L.w,,‘\ ‘
e Y-\ e
el T $15.00 value W
ey —— 14 oo e SRR
||| ————— Matting Axrt Sgurares
e e A
“’[{ ~'-'fifiim.!,- ]W / 6x9 Value, $7.50 at oo oo .§4 50
W' /I%%LL))EE' ol Porch Flurniare
- ;a,fli///;‘: _-_:‘i | ul An exceedingly pretty 3 piece fumed oak
,]‘"‘ ( Pogclh Suitse, consist%ngnfa rocker, Chail
. L 2 and large Settee; value $3O $
togoatonly o U 18- 75
== e e ——— ——————————————————————————————————————
Kitchen Cabinets | fizoprald Furniture Comgy
$25-OO t@ $45.00 " Corner Main and Pine Streets
Lo e ey, T Telephane 48 Fitzgerald, Ga.
girls were dressed in old fashioned
‘costumes of school days.
The last scene staged in America
culminated in a final tableau of which
America, represented by, Mrs. S_ L
Smith, was the central figure, It was
indeed picturesque and groups of
girls and boys representing Yankce-
Dixies, English Jackies, Italians
Dutch, Chinese, French and Belgiar
came dancing in and each group giv
ing a special dance then took thei
place, and last came a large group o
girls in white as Columbians lead by
Uncle Sam, who was little Billy Vin.
son with his attendants little Ann:
Sligh and Nell Sullivan who cappec
the climax and were the stars of the
evening, As these groups of dancer:
gathered on the stage with the mair
characters of the play there were
about one hundred and sixty on “the
Mrs, Jesse Grantham as'accompan:
ist for the congs and dances contrib.
uted largely to the success of the
desg s
Mr. and Mrs, W. R, Sutton an
nounce the marriage oi their siste
Nellie Forence West to Herman S
Maynard of Atlanta, Ga, Wednesday
evening June 22nd, at their home or
West Oconee street, /
Rev, J. F. Singleton performed the
ceremony which was witnessed by
only a few intimate friends and mem
bers of the family.
Mr, and Mrs. Maynard left Thurs.
day noor. for this home in Atlanta
Rub-My-Tism is a great ‘pair
killer. Relieves pain and soreness
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains &c
Deadly War We»uon
Among the latesy war ioprors g a
abrnarine tank. perfected hy the
french. It is able to crawl alonge river
*nd lake beds and suddenly appear in
the midst of an enemy tn open firg
with powerful guns,
To Ship Ben Hill
Melons On Tuesdayl
——— |
Big Money in Crop This Year fori
Farmers Who Have Them }
e |
The first shipment of Ben Hill,
county watermelons to the markets '
of the North and East will be made !
‘Tuesday it was announced today by!
C. T. Owens, county agent and sec- |
retary of the Ben Hill Farm Bur(-au.‘
‘Five cars are to be shipped and, as
the market has been running for the
last weeks, “will probably aggregate
| The market is the highest this year
in history of melon shipping. The
drough in Florida killed a large part
of the early Florida crop and the
demand is keen, High ireight rates
seem to be making no difference in
the consumer demand nor in the
price to the farmer.
The melon market lis unstable,
however, and unusually heavy ship
ments from Georgia and Alabama
during the week may cause it to drop
a little. On the other hand, if the
drought in Georgia and other South
ern states continues and the crop is
further reduced, the prices will go
higher, Mr, Owens will receive fed
cral market report by wire daily as
to crop conditions and market prices.
Several buyers will operate here,
Cordele Boy Scouts
. y .e s
Give Exhibition
The troop of Cordele boy scouts
that has been camping at Bowen’s
Mill was brought to town this after
noon by a committee of young giris
and after being guests of the Cham
ber of Commerce at the movies will
give an exhibition drill on the streets
at 5 o'clock. The girls’ cominittee
was Miss Grace Benton, Athleen
Rohrer, Mary Lynn Iwens, R. L.
Jeres and J, J, Dorminey also fur
niched automobiles.
Macon, Ga. to Asheville, N. C.
Southern Railway System
Effective Sunday, May 29th,
Southern Ralway}] System will estab
lish- through sl eping car service
from Macon, Gaf to Asheville, N, C.
Sleeper will leavé Macon each after
noon on Southerh Raislway train No.,
26 at 525 p, m.}and returning from
Asheville will artive Macon 11:50 8
For further info\mation relative to
schedules, Round Tkip fares and Puli
man reservations, apply to nearest
Southern Railway Ticket Agent, o~
C. B. Rhodes, Division Passenger
Agent, Southern Railway System,
Macon, Ga. Advertisement tf
The next time
you buy calomel
ask for
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are
nausealess, safe and sure.
Medicinal virtues\retain
ed and improved.\Sold
only in sealed packakes.
Price 35c.
Saves Drudgery!
: "“’w ;
: e
Let Red Devil Jg
Lye help out o ity ”.".s & :
the mean, tire- giEE N
. A oA
some kitchen M
p Jobs. P.ralitle Chide 'y
| in the water that L &N,
soaks the dishes, |fa] %g
iron pots, pans gt i
. . I
and %@, "
saves scouring. RNI
{ "Bifpt
It does e
the work g
i) .
Rinse) the tin- ¢ ——
ware, Rnives, gotge ™
forks spoons | DED
in water mgde soft EVI i/
with it... es ‘?LYE
glassware glea @
Purifies while it (&Y
cleanses. )
| Your Grocer | [~ 41:
& : ~ Keep
Y a can
Sells ¢ %
i D ‘?'% e
Werse v Sehgrpn!
Manate sear od "
Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti
septic. Cures infected cuts, old
sores, tetter, etc. FdS23
Cfiice Phone 511
Res. Phone 545
: Y
J. T. BRICE, P. C.
Rooms 7ul-202
Farmer-C abutt Bidg
Office Hours. 9:30-12-1:30-§
Other Hruars By Appointment
Fitz erald -:- Georgia