Newspaper Page Text
Office Phone 511
Res, Phone 545
J. T. BRICE, D. C.
Rooms 201-202
Farmer-Garbutt Bldg.
Office Hours 9:30 to 12; 1:30 to §
Other Hours By Appointment
Fitzgerald :-: Georgia
We Make Old
Furniture New
Picture Framing
Our Specialty
Phone 49
Drs. Holtzendorf
and Turner
Upstairs, Next Door to the National
Drug Company
Mr. Geo. W. Brown has just returned from an ex
tensive ADVERTISING TRIR, up thru North Geor
gia and the Carolinas, and algeady inquiries are
coming in for our South Georgia Farms.
A QUICK SALE! List it today. i
Willcox-Brown Company
/ ' «(S‘EE R ' . .
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7T =
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Every Stone’s Cake is a deli
cious token“of the F. 0. Stone
Baking Compayy’s Pledge of
Purity. There a%¢ many va
rieties. .
A Food Favorite Since 1909
W. Dykes & Co.
Now Is The Time!
AN occasional Dry Ckan
ing will enable you to Wse
that Coat Suit another sea
son. Now is the time to con
serve and money saved is
money made.
Try our Dry Cleaning depart
ment, you will find our ser
vice very satisfactory.
~ White
Swan Laundry
Launderers and Dry Cleaners
Phone 35 W. Pine St.
RS a 3 L |
° = ) S ;
HONE | _,—:@ i ' B
7, 3 N \ %
o Q) | [ &K 6 '
HOME L SOOL BEw™ V ’ ___ "R wwve
- . N n *fi
F. Parks Sy :
e i " % ' .'; :>. :; ‘0 2
Y— e e
Plow Under Cotton
Stalks Before Frost
The number of weevils living thru
the winter will be greatly lessened by
this method, says the Extension Di
vision of the Georgia State College of
If th ecotton stalks are destroyed
sometime hefore the frost most of the
weevils will starve before time of hi
bernating, while many of those that
do hibernate will be so weakened that
they will not survive the winter,
In a test made by the United States
Department of Agriculture in Florida
where over 13,000 weevis were obser
ved the following results were notcd:i
Hibernated October 1 only 0.3 per
cent survived winter, |
Hibernated October 16 only 4.6 per
cent survived winter.
Hibernated Nov, 1, only 93 per
cent survived winter.
Hibernated Nov. 15, only 14.5 per
cent survived winter.
Destroying the stalks by October
15, means the destruction of millions
of weevils and a comparatively small
number left to emerge in the spring,
The best method of destroying the
stalks is to turn the munder, This can
be done with a two horse plow by at
taching one end of a heavy chain to
the end of the double tree and the oth
er to the beam of the plow just
above the point. This forms a loop
that drags all stalks down in the fur
row so that they can be completely
covered, Tractor drawn disk plows
are very ecffective in getting stalks
properly buried, especially when the
ground is hard and dry.
Do Not Burn Stalks
The question of burinnig stalks has
been brought up from time to time
when it is remembered that vegetable
matter and nitrogen are two things
lacking in most Georgia soils, the
follly of burining money is at once
apparent. The stalks necessary to
Be Pretty! Turn
Gray Hair Dark
Try Grandmother’s Old Favorite
Recipe of Sage Tea and
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly com
pounded, brings back the natural
color and lustre to the hair when
faded, streaked or gray. Years ago
the only way get this mixture was
to make it at Nome, which is mussy
and troublesome)\ Nowadays, by ask
ing at any drug\store for “Wyeth’s
Sage and Sulphufy Compound,” you
will get a large bogtle of this famous
old recipe, improvey by the addition
of other ingredients\as a small cost.
Don’t stay gray! Yry it! No one
can possibly tell that\ you darkened
your hair, as it does so naturally
and cvenly. You damfen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time, by mornintg the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication *or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy, and attrac
et o BB L
WANTED-—Congenial people can se
cure delightful rooms and also meals
for thirty dollars per month Inquire
at Leader Enterprise, tf,
e s
WANTED—To rent a small cottage,
well located, with city conveniences,
apply Western Union, tf
FOR SALE—New 7-room Bungalow
all modern conveniences, garage and
out house, Corner Grant and Palm
Apply 501 South Grant street, tf,
FOR SALE—Baby Grand Chevrolet
Automobile in good condition at a
bargain, See M, Gottlieb, 210 East
Pine St, tf,
house and 10 acres on Washington
Ave,, Just west of the Davis Variety
Works. A, G, Brown, 406 W, Orange
street. Phone 118,
FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms,
private bath, Telephone 403-1; 216 E
I.umqn St 0ct.28
FOR RENT-—Furnished and unfurn
ished rooms, Mrs. E, H. Danjels, 215
East Central Avenue, Eh
LOST--Wednesday night, Oct, 19th
one horse mule color dark brown—
]hrul\c loose back of Stephens Furni
ture Store on Pine and Sherman Sts,,
i Liberal reward will be paid, notify the
| Perry Sales Stables or W. R, Liles,
; It pd,
L—Z;:i—::;—Mll\lz- reward will be pai-d
for the return of my bunch of keys
lost near my shop on East Pine St,
About 12 keys on a ring and Chero-
Cola opener, E, T, Martin, Black
LOST—Doctors Emergency Grip, a
reward will be paid for the return of
my emergency grip containing medi
cines and instruments, Dr. Frank Ward
The State ai}d County Taxes are
now due and can be paid at my office
at the Court Hqguse,
¢ : Tax Collector,
produce a yield of 300 pounds of lint
cotton per acre before the boll weevil
came weighed 1736 pounds and con
tained 22,7 pounds of nitrogen, worth
at present prices about four dollars
and fift ycents, To destroy all this
organic matter and nitrogen is a se
vere drain on the land ,and in addi
tion the weevil is not as effectively
destroyed since many will escape from
the fields during the pulling up pro
Noice is hereby given that the Reg
istration books are now open and will
remain open at the City Hall until the
Bth day of November, 1921 Voters
must register in order to qualify for
the regular city- election to be held
December 20, 1921,
This he 3rd day of October, 1921,
David L, Paulk, City Clerk,
Ded Nov 8
I (B_\ l'fn;'('t‘ \.\ F()\\'lt‘r)
Most people know how to make a
good photograph when they are out
of doors, and the sun is shining bright
ly states Roger W, Fowler, who is
photographing Peggy Hyland’s new
travelogue film, directed by Fred L.
Granville, “With a little reasoning,
vou should be able to fathom that
good picture in the shade simply re
auire a little longer exposure, But
if you have ever tried to make a good
picture of near shade and sunlight
combined, T think you will tell me that
you: results are always so contrast
ing that you can neither find detail in
the shadows or in the sunlight por
tions, The truth is that the sunlight
portions are very much over-exposed
‘and the shadow portions are very
‘much under exposea,
~ “Before you tell me that it is im
possible for you to make any other
kind of a picture than 3 contrasted
one if photographing from under the
shadow of a tree out into the bright
sunlight, T am going to contradict you,
In truth the larger the opening of the
diaphram behind the lens is, the less
contrast you will have in the photo
graph. Therefore, you should openi
wide your lens, and speed up the shut
ter action to reduce the light propor
tionately, You will probably be sur
prised to find that it is just as easy
to photograph near skadcws against
sunlight as it is to simply photograph
sunlight objects themselves, I found
this especially true while photograph- |
Lest Ye forget every day is Sale Day at the Undersellers. Our buyers
are always in the markets so help us keep them busy. New goods are
arriving daily at just such prices within reach of all. Compare our
prices and you will be tully convinced. Come around let us get ac
quainted. We list below a few of the many bargains to be had at our new store No. 3.
Tuesday, Oct. 25, only
éVe will %311 a 1:1)6 qt. new Process
ranite Dish Pan, -
worth $3.90 for - - 73 C
Wednsday Oct. 26, only
We will sell a great big $1.50
Five String Broom 3
foronly - - - - -
The Undersellers
City Drug Store’s Old Stand - . - 107 S. Main Street
$15.00 Value Ladies’ FURS
at 0n1y—
E arrived—New Novelty Lace front
SWEATERS for Ladies; all colors &
sizes; $5 values; Underseller’s price—
[et B o [ ]
Z 1 | 2 EEOa |-
- 58 ‘ “ I‘l.‘ ki Y, T - 5 y s 5 5 ‘_u
V| gahl S , ‘ L 7 A
-~":N : N . J
7 Re No 2 =2
o N eW A i ol
o ““ \‘\ : e s
ing Peggy Hyland in scenes amid the
ruins of the seven lost cities of Cibola
and other listoric los ations on our
trans-U. S, A, motor trips,
“Plan your exposure to amply pho
$lO.OO Set of
; 8
Aluminum Only $1.9
The Fitzgerald Supply Co.
305 E. Pine Street
Is offering to its customers an assortment of
six different sets of the best and most useful
Aluminum Kitchen Utensils as trade premium.
The sets are on exhibition at our store and
we invite you to come and examine this won
derful offer we are making you.
For each Ten Dollars in trade, at one time or
as often as your needs may suggest, you can
secure one of these six combinations and at a
small cost of $1.98 complete your kitchen outfit
and have these beautiful durable utensils in
your kitchen. To see them is to appreciate
them. Come and examine them.
Our prices on Groceries are equal to any in the
city and in addition we give this excellent op
portunity to furnish your kitchen with the best
Aluminum warg, guaranteed for twenty years.
Fitzgerald Supply C
Phone 518 . - - - 305 E. Pine St.
$1.50 valde Men’s
heavy ribbdd Un
derwear, all Sizes
69 cents
tograph the detail of the shadows,
If you can not open the lens diaphram
because your camera is an inexpen
sive one, ¢ 15 possible t¢ accomplish
the same effect by placing a piece of
Thursday, Oct. 27, only
We will sell Gillette Safety Razors
& blades, packed in metal 79
cases, worth $5, at per set C
Ladies’ Coats
Pls2§.%) valuell Ladies Genuine
usn Coats, a
sizes, to go at - - $1390
clouded glass close to the lens and
doubling your length of exposure, Be
careful, however, that the glass is met
too dirty, for then you will kill your
$1.25 value Men’s Heavy ribbéd
UNDERWEAR, all sizes at
$2.00 Value Mens Dress SHIRTS
all sizes at—
-93 cents