The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, October 19, 1844, Image 1

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THE Rtiriin.lV, IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, OVER J. 1). WINN’S BRICK STORE. cotton avenue, macon, «a. A T fct.OO 1* E2l ANN UM. HATES OF ADVERTISING, &c. One square. of 100 words, or U-»s, in small type, 7j ccAts forth* first insertion, ami 50 vents for each tiulnequent insertion. All advertisements containing more than lOOntnl loss than 200 words, wtl Ihe charged as two squares. I'., yearly advertisers, a liberal dedt.ri. n \\ i:i L made. Sales of Laso, bv Ailministrators, Exrent, rs, or Guardians, are required by law to ho hoi I on tic first Tuesday in the iminth, between the hours of ,on in the forenoon, and thtee in the a I ernoon, at Ihe Court House in the county in which the pro portv is situated. Notice of these must l>e given a public gax.:Ue, surly days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate, must he published forty days. Notice that application will Is l made to tlieCoun 0 f Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be publish o,l four months. Sales of Negroes must lie ma le at public aue non, ou the lit si Tuesday ol the montii, hetween the loiral hours of sale, at the place of public sales, in the county where the letters testamentary, ot aduiitiistralion of guardianship, shall have Win granted, sixty days notice Ireing previously given hi one of the public gazettes ol this Stale’ and at iho door of the Court 11 mse wlu-re such sales ate t„ Ik' held. Notice for leave to sell Neg hoes nuts: lie pub lislu'd lor four months hell ue anv order absolute shall be made thereon by the Court. All business ot this nature will receive prompt attention at the office of THE REPUBLIC. All letters of business must be addressed to the Edit<»c. post paid. M 1 SC i: f. I, A N V . From the Telegraph. TO THE TEXAN ARMV. Strike fbr vour homes, ye gallant band! Strike lor your homes! .A ti;» i,hu with his blood-stained hand, •Agon is marching on your land; Strike for y«ur homes! Nerve fiv the strife —a mortal strifo— Etch manly heart; Think of the hour when some torn! wile M iv plead fir even more than lite; Turn act your part. Think of the sites from whom ye ■prime; Their bloody path— Their bold defiance, fearless thing, 'AS hilsl o'er their heads, poneiinuis lanteIante A giant’s wrath. They threw their starry banner out 11 jmu the storm; And breathing forth their bar e shoe:, Drove haek in many a hluodv rout. The tyrant's swutiu. Turn to the days e're Freedom fled Flout Greece and Rome; Think it Iter inane martyr’d dead, AY ho rest mi (i on's g,,, y he<l; An I ilieu strike home ! I’,ml your broad banners firm upon Your furthesi ItoMs; Ami when tltegdlnui deed is done, l.ei life he lost or trcedoni won, Beneath (lieu folds. AYhere the lar Rio Neur.i s flows, There make your stand; Sluo.'l Fannin! as your columns clo*'e; Then draw the sword, atid ileal your Wows; Heart, hill and JiamL I’oitit to your field of trhnsvdi, wl-erc I he “lone star" rose; l hen let your blood-dyed rodent s Ik ;.r Right or.—nor heed ag.iu tire prayer Os petjurtd files. lexas ! her sod st l afi never he. For tyrants sown; From mountain summit to the sea, Her forest homes are lor the free; And thrill akute. A SPANISH CRIMINAL CASE. During that omtuliiral war which a f w years since drenched great part of Spain with blond, ami the effects of which j were but too severely fell in the ti?y ol Malaga, an extraordinary sensation was excite 1 I there by an event w’lmliv uncon nected with political or patty animosities. It would tie unjust to take a detached fact hko that w hich occurred during tnv resi dence io the above-mentioned eitv, as a standard of the morals of the inhabitants; yet it must be confessed that the acces sory circumstances arising from it ate of a nature to produce not the most favora ble impressions of the Spanish character. One night, in the month of October, IS3S, Don Jose , a young gentleman, belonging to one of the most respectable families in Malaga, had just left a friend's house, accompanied by a sereno, when a hired assassin,lying in wait (or loin, threw his cloak over the head of the sereno, and running to Don Jose, plunged a knitc into his body. ' The victim fell weltering in his blood, and instantly expired. Though the sereno, as soon as he could rid him self of the cloak, hastened in pursuit of the murderer, the latter would no doubt have escaped, had he not chanced to en counter in his (light a patrole of the ntili tary, by which he was stopped. Being taken before the captain general, his hands yet dyed with the blood of his victim, he said that bis name was Rosas, ami confessed that he had been paid eight ounces of gold to commit the crime by •he advocate Don Juan . The po lice thereupon proceeded forthwith to the house of this advocate, uhom they found snug in bed. Being itntnediaielv con frnnted with Rosas, Don Jinn at first maintained, with great assurance, that he did not even know his accuser; but, when he was afterwards brought to the corpse of Don Jose, and the ‘jtige d’in stnjcUun’ required him in pnxtf of his in nocence, to take hold of the hand of the murdered man, and to pronounce these nwiul words of justification : ‘May my Mail be eternally damned if I have any p‘Ot whatever in his death!’—Don Juan could not comply without manifesting symptoms of the deepest agitation. The further depositions of Rosas im plicated a third accomplice, and this was •mother than the wifi? of Don Jose. It a ppeaned that, during the? absence of the hitter in Madrid, his lady hail conceived ! * passion for Don Juan, anti concerted w 'hh i!k? latter a plan lbr getting r#d of h'T husband, that site might be enabled f" marry him. Next morning, the murderer and Don •*u»n wcee conducted with great nubiarv f '•enmity, to the rpotjwliore tbe crime SAMUEL M. STRONG,] VOLt .tJC t. wns perpetrated, while the ‘ juge d’in ! struct ion’ proceeded to the judicial «x --amination. Rosas, a man of the most sinister and attdaeinus aspect that I ever beheld, had his hands confined in two small wooden boxes, to prevent the re moval ol the stains of blood which rev ert'd them at the time ot his apprehen sion, and a cord hound them across at the height of his neck. As lor Don Juan, in the assurance of his demeanor it was easy to perceive rather the look of a man who fancies himself certain of impunity, than of one who is really innocent. The whole city was in commotion on account of this aflitir, because it concern ed two equally influential families, the one on account of its great wealth, the ot her because it belonged to the bat, which in Malaga can do till that it dares. Will they be bold enough to execute an advo cate? was the question universally ask ed. A considerable wager was even laid >m this subject by two of my acquaint ance, a proeurador and an officer of dra goons. The latter, who could not endure lawyers, declared not only that he believ ed, but that lie hoped the advocate would sutler: the oilier, from ‘esprit de corps,’ insisted that matters would not be carried to such a length; alleging that, in case of capital condemnation, the captain !al, fearing for himself, would not permit tiro sentence to be executed, but be anx ious to solicit the queen for a commuia tion of the. punishment. That same morning the father of Don Jose called upon the captain general, 'claiming vengeance against the rnurder ■ rrs of his son He was dismissed with the assurance that justice should be left | to take its course. Wish a view to pre vent either the escape of the culprits, or jitnv attempt to tamper with the judges, ; the captain general caused Rosas and Don Juan to lie confined in an apartment of his own palace, and, as Malaga was at this time in a state of siege, and the mili tary authorities assumed the whole crim inal and civil jurisdiction, he moreover or.b red that the six captains summoned to sit in the council of war should not lie designated by lot till tin hour before the assembling of the court in the convent of St. Philip. At the time appointed for its meeting, an immense crowd fillet! the ancient edi fice and all the approaches to it. The authorities being apprehensive lest disaf fected persons might take advantage ot this extraordinary assemblage to excite some new commotion, all the troops were •ntder arms, and literally besieged the convent. At ton oYlork at night the accused nnil tin ir counsel were introduced into the h:t!U Rosas walked first, looking about him to tlte right and to the left with i:t credihie effrontery. Next came Don Ju an: his age was twenty-nine. A light colored moustache covered his lip, anil his countenance exhibited no expression of cruelty: his dress was extremely ‘te < here he.’ The president ordered the act of accusation to lie read, the result of winch was, that Rosas, after having con fessed himself guilty of the murder com mitted on the person of Don Jose, re tracted this first confession, and declared Don Juan to f»e the only and real murder er; that the latter opposed but feeble de nials to the accusations of his accomplice; lastly, lit it, though it appeared that Don Juan did ti<>t actually strike the blow, it was, nevertheless, proved that lie paid tlte assassin, and was, moreover, person ally present at the execution of the crime. Tne reading being finished, tlte presi dent rapped the table with his cane.— The line of soldiers surrounding the coun cil, immediately broke, and four men en tered, bearing an open coffin, which they deposited at the feet of the prisoners. In it lay the body of the victim, naked to the waist. His head was bent back; long locks of black lrtir in disorder con cealed his features; and bis bosom was encrusted with blood. Over his legs 'were placed a cloak, a cutlass, black with blood, and a broken lantern. Tlte pres ident, without giving the prisoners time to recover from the emotion which this unexpected sight could scarcely fail to produce, thus addressed them: ‘Accused, here is the body of your victim: before him and God who hears vou, it is for you to disprove —yon, Rosas, the charge of having murdered Don Jose; vou, Don Juan, that of having hired the assassin!’ Rosas, without hesitation, turning to wards Don Juan, in a grave and solemn tone,thus apostrophised him : •Villain! behold the victim at your lect! Do you recognise him? Alas! if he could but speak, it would lie seen w hich of us two is the real murderer.’ 4 Would to find,’ exclaimed the agita ted Don Juan, ‘that he could sp^ak!’— Rosas, interrupting him, resumed— ‘Wretch! you would not be able to bear the mere soutul of Don Jose’s voice; <you who, after assassinating him, arc Ijcnt upon the destruction of the generous man who sacrificed himself to save you. Dare vou deny that, oil Sunday evening you came to letch me to accompany you while waiting for Don Jose’s departure from the house which you had seen him enter? Dare you deny that, as roon as you had ftablted him. you gave me the knife, that I might prevent the sereno from pursuing vou? Dare y«*u deny your long and useless efforts to persuade or to fierce me to take up«»n myself t!*o assas ..nation of Ik*u Jose? Reduced to the GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER lt>, I*ll. utmost distress, want wrung from me a promise to perform the deed which yon required of me ; but, having received the money, I was gone, and you heard no more of me till hunger again drove me l > you.’ ‘Wretch! wretch!—what a lissue of lies !’ interposed Don Juan. ‘Hearken, villain!’ continued Rosas, ‘for 1 have not done. You must recollect the day vou sent me a message by the maid of Don Jose s wife, whom you were courting, to call upon you at your office. There I found you, seated beside your mistress, with your hands clasped in hers, and planning a horrible marriage. Site said to mo, ‘Rosas, I am four months ad vanced in pregnancy: and I shall he un done if you do not tid me of my husband, v. bo is on the point of returning from Ma drid. Ym must absolutely make away 'Vila him; we are very licit; we will give j you twenty thousand reals, and you shall be made comfortable for the rest of your life.’ And you added, ‘ Rosas, my fam ily is very powerful at Malaga, and I ex pect tnyself soon to be elected alcalde of j the city, W>u shall have a good appoint-j merit; and, happen what may, I will con trive my influence to get you out of the j scrape.’ Deny this, infamous wretch ! i Mr. President, 1 request that the wife of Don Jose may be examined by medical 1 men, and it will then be seen whether 1 speak the truth.’ The sinister physiognomy, and incred ible arrogance of the assassin, the orari 'Wl,y increasing confusion of his coward ly accomplice, the open coffin, contain ing the dead body of the victim, the sol emn hotiref the night, flic imposing grav ity of the council, all contributed to the efli ct of this dramatic scene. To no pur pose did the president several limes call upon Don Juan to rebut the charges of his accomplice. Borne down by so many overwhelming proofs, be did once attempt lo speak, but vague protesta lions of inno cence were all that he could stammer forth. His counsel wished to speak fbr him. but the president cut him short with this impressive rebuke: ‘Mr. Advocate, you shall be heard by ar.d bye; here counsel do not answer in stead of the accused, unless the latter have lost their tongue.’ After the pleading of the advocates and j lltt' reply of the captain-accuser, the pre-j sklent desired the council to deliberate] upon their verdict, intimating that each] of them was expected to give his vote in writing. Nobody could entertain the least doubt of the guilt of the tw o prison ers. It was evident that Ron Juan was the accomplice of Rosas; that the latter aware how impossible it was for him lo escape, was determined, at least, in dy ing, lo revenge himself on the man, who ■filer premising him impunity and for tune, now consigned him to perdition. Accordingly, alter a short deliberation, lite council unanimously pronounced sen tence on both prisoners, and then broke up- As the law ot Spain allows capital convicts forty-eight hours to prepare them selves tor execution, the prisoners were immediately shut up in the church of the convent, and confessors were assigned to them. In the morning Don Juan’s advocate attempted in vain to invalidate the sen tence, on the ground that, the council hav ing proceeded to trial without having pre viously heard the mass of" (lie Holv Uiiost, as the military law requires, the sentence j was consequently illegal. On the par! I of the captain-general, it was replied tliai j this objection ought to have been made j before the breaking tip of the council, not ! afterwards. The family of Don Jean then authorised the sum of 10,000 dou ros to be offered towards the equipment. of the army of reserve, at the time organ- j izing in Andalusia, provided the sentence pronounced upon their relative was com muted. The captain-general ordered the I bearer of this proposition to he turned out of the palace, telling him that it was an insult both to the Queen’s army and to himself. The execution took place at four in the afternoon, on a spacious esplanade situa ted outside the Granada gate, before an immense concourse ol people. A few moments before the appointed time, a long procession of brothers of Peace and Charity brought Don Jose’s coffin to the spot, and deposited it upon the ground in the space between the two stools destin ed fur the assassins. The coffin was un covered as on the night of the trial, and the corpse exposed to public view. Soon afterwards the convicts arrived, escorted by the executioner, proclaiming to the people their horrible crime and the death by which they were to atone lor it. They were required to seat themselves on the two stools, and there, with the corpse of their victim before their eyes, they were I shot. Rosas was not forsaken for a moment by that imperturbable composure which he manifested from the first moment, an« fell, saying to his accomplice, ‘ What grieves ine most is to die by the side of a coward like you !’ As for Don Juan, he was completely unmanned, and incessantly interrupting bis confessor, w ho exhorted him to re|teti lanee, saying in a stifled voice: ‘That is enough, lather, that is enough; let me be shot, and have done with it!’ Iliad a strong curiosity to learn what j was the prevailing sentiment among the | populace present at the execution; and I j should say that in some it was compus- ran patrta kt ikgibus. sion fur lite fate of Don Juan, whose re cent atrocious crime was overlooked,while his attachment to his family, and certain acts of charity towards the poor, were highly extolled; the minds of others were especially occupied by the disastrous ef fects which the discharge of musketry must necessarily produce, not in Don Ju an’s body, but in the superb cloak which he had on his hack. This sentiment was so undisguised that I heard a muleteer say to one of his comrades: l Mira, Man n/ifo, que cupa tan bvena Ucra Don Juan! Que fasti ma ! —(Look, Manuel, what a magnificent cloak Don Juan has on!— What a pity!’) I must not omit mentioning a very sin gular incident, u hich shows to what length esprit de corps con he carried. The broth ers of Peace and Charity had already de posited the bodies of Rosas and Don Juan in their respective coffins, together with two small plates, on which they had ta ken care to collect the mould steeped with the blood that flowed from them when they had dropped from their seats, when a man bringing a third coffin on his shoulders, inquired for the adjutant of ihe Pi ace, and informed him that he carne to j claim the corpse of Don Juan on behalf I of his family. He likewise intimated that a deputation of the advocates of the city would presently he there for the pur pose of following their unhappy colleague to the grave. Accordingly, they soon ar rived, and the body being delivered to them, they accompanied it with great so lemnity to the cemetery, w here it was in terred. Ferdinand VII. had a strong antipathy to the lawyers of Malaga. When a gen tleman was one day presented to him, and he learned that he was a native of that city, he exclaimed, ‘ Man, you belong to a capital place! Kill the king, run to Malaga, and you are safe !’ From Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal. COMPETE! ION OF HIGHLAND PIPERS. (’•lniiiiciiristtc national festivals me unknown in Eiig'and, because the people have been too long redeemed from a primitive stile of life and man ners, lo post ss any peculiarities on which such festivals could he founded.—lt is different with other parts of the United Kingdom. The harp music of Wales supplies occasion for the well known periodical called the Citinrygydilion, w here the flower of the principality duly assemble In listen to the impassioned strains of their national min strels. Celtic Scotland has its numerous local fetes fir athletic exercises, and one triennial competition in Edinburgh, where tire ancient national pipe-mu sic and dance are presented. Ireland, ns far as v.e are aware, has no such meetings. There more se rious matters unhappily engross the attention which men leave to spare from the ordinary avocations of lite. But the means aiTiply exist, and we hope yet to see the time when happy and harmonious assem blages of ail classes will listen with delight to the hi ass-string-d harp and sweet-toned bagpipe ol ancient F.rin, instruments (the first especially) which it would he shann lid lor any nation to have once possessed, and afterwards allowed to go into disuse ami oblivion. AYe lee! that it would be vain to attempt to con vey to an Englishman any sense of the class of feelings which are evoked in a Scottish bosom by tite things which appeal to the eye and ear as na tional. ft is one affection the more—an additional string which the Scottish heart possesses in com parls >n with their more affluent neighbors, and which goes fir, lit say the least of it, tocotnpensate lor the disadvantages of a provincial situation and an unkindly soil and climate. Some faint idea may perhaps he formed id’ the fervour and poignancy of these feelings from the pages of Burns—as where lie tills that, meeting the thisile while dressing his fir ids, lie turned the weeding hook aside, And spared the symbol dear! or where he exclaims— At Wallace’ name, ivhal Scottish blood But boils up in a spring tide flood? Oft have our learlcss fathers stood By AA allace’ side, Still presting onward, red-\val shod, Or glorious died. It is the unavoidable effect of civilisation to oblite rate such feelings; but this is not because they art’ inconsistent in any way with civilisation. If enter tained as part of the mere poetry of themind,and without the accompaniment of prejudice or nar rowness of spirit, they do much good, without do ing any conceivable harm. The triennial competition of pipers in Edinburgh is one of i!io>e occasions when national feelings come into prominence, ami receive gratification. Not toot it is an affair in which any large portion of the public lake a deep interest Asa nation, we are rapidly becoming mercantile and Anglicised, and it is only a portion of us, and these chiefly connected with the Highlands, whose attention is liable to he particularly attracted by this festival, ft takes place under the patronage of the High land Society of London, and has lor its sole object the preservation of some trace of the ancient man ners and music of the Northern [tart of our island, as a monument of national features, which as such do not any longer exist. Let it here be observed that the dress and musical instruments now pecu liar to tiie Scottish Highlands were once common lo a.I Europe. They have only .been preserved there, by virtue of the remoteness of the situation and long unaltered condition of the people. There is thus a general interest attached to both, as me morials of a stateof things everywhere else passed long into oblivion. The Roman military dress was a modification ol the early Celtic habiliments which now only survive itt the north of our island, and Nero, when he apprehended danger from the last rebellion against hint, vowed to the gods, if he survived, to play upon the bagpipe in pub ic. The same instrument is still a favourite with the [tea sanlry of Calabria, and we learn from Sliak-peare lltat it prevailed both in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. The men who come forward at Ihe Edinburgh com petition,seldom less than thirty in number, are chief ly men retained in service as bagpipers bv High kind gentlemen; lor, whether from love of state or in veneration lor ancient fashions, the piper is still a regular officer in a few northern households. Others are pipers retired from Highland regiments, or amateurs. For a few days before the competi tion, the appearance <>f these men in the streets, with their dashing dress and accoutrements, and generally manly and graceful figures, produces n striking effect. The itfilnrinniiecN had been proceeding during the half hour after noon when with some difficulty we made our way into the t licit re, where they usu ally take place. We found I fie house, which was densely filled in every part, exhibiting its ordmaty appearance in all reapeds, except that the stage [iresenled only the side scenes, ami had a large window o|ien behind through which the unwonted addition of Crt-Mi air and daylight was admitted. Amongst the side scenes, and at the back waliatiHhl gr<iu|M of oompeiiiota and oiliera in the Highland dress. In thr siage-hox of the left side sat the I'l'lg* - *! also in IfiirtiUnd eiwtunie, with a t»l..* be- [Editor and Proprietor. fore them loaded with tiie prize*, amongst which tvas a set of bagpipes, broad-sword, ditk, powder horn, purse, snuff-mill, and certain pieces of tar an cloth. The two tiers of boxes were filled with a fashionable looking audience—of course in morning dresses; and the pit find other parts of the house Itad a superior set of occupants to what are now] generally seen in such pads ot'theatres. As in all forenoon assemblages, the ladies predominated in number, at least in the boxes; anil it was interest ing to observe a larger proportion than usual oft be aged. .Several gentle-women in tie boxes hail evidently seen more titan eighty summers. In the galleries, ol which we front our situation eon man ded a close view, it was amusing to observe a mul titude ol hard favored Celtic, laces—porters, ser vants and others—all lull ol the keenest excitement some probably from having friends among thnconi- i pelitors, the rest from the mere interest which thev lelt in the temporary < rial thrown upon their natio nal usages. Olten afterwards did we turn during the most excitingscenes of the competition to these honest faces, to mark the symptoms of unrestrained ice.ings which glowed upon them. Fite first part of the exhibition presented to nuU notice was a sword-dance, a performance, as tarns we ai e awate, peculiar to the Highlands. Apa r ot broadswords was laid down in cross fashion up-l on t tie stage, and a single Highlander approach-i cd. A ;>q*-r then began to play the lively time of the Gillie Cailttm [the Boy Malcolm], whereupon the dancer commenced a e.itcttlar pas-senl around the swords. Ihe dress of this man wn* extremi ty handsome—a full Highland suit, with massive! silver ornaments, including shoe-Imckles; and n< - thing could exceed the gracefulness of his move- j meats. After liioling it away Ibr some lime at a I little distance from the other two blades, heap-] proa died, and began to plant his steps on each side j ■>l one of them, first on one, then on the other, then trom side to side, always retiring to resume the circular movement at the conclusion of the partsof i lie tone. By and by his movements became more complicated, and lie stepped with ease from oppo site angles of the cross spaces, and in all various l directions from space to apace, obeying the tine of the music with precision, and never once touching either ol the swords—a negative point of excel-] .t*ne.e, on which the success of the performance is held mam yto depend. It may readily be auppos-! eo tiow a little training might enable a performer to ■ lance Ins way forwards among the spaces liirmcd by the swords; but not only to do this, hut to make the same movement backwards, when it was impos j! 1! ° bis v.av, and upon his heels as well as i his toes, will be acknowledged ns no small lent. A repetition of these movements in every possible 1 \ai iety, Mixed with circular move ntenls, constitutes I the sword-dance, lb- whole character of which is! calculated to lead tlic mind back into early and ro- j manlic times. It was impossible not to behold with ] p.ensure the dexterity ol the performer, even with out regard to ancient associations; but when these! also were taken into account, Ihe sword-dance be-1 came a gratification of the richest kind. At a sub-! sequent part ol the morning severe.l other perior- ] mers came fhrtvnrd to. exhibit in similar dances, | am) when one of these ‘prettv men' chanced, near I the conclusion of the performance, to touch the j lint ol one ol the swords, he instantly broke ofl with a gesture iff extreme vexation,‘and rushed ! mortified off tl,_* stage. We can imagine that the incident will be one fbr him to remember all the' remainder of his days. A for the first sword dance, a performer on the; bagpipe was presented; and here we must say that the usual objection to die Highland pipe, on the score of its vocilerousness, was never frit.— Played by these first ratenrtists, tlieie was nothing at all unpieasant in its sounds. The pipers are nil, in lull costume—kilt, plaid, jacket and hose; most °f them with a jewelled ditk and powder-horn by their side, and a jewelled case containing a kni.’e and fork stuck in the garter under one knee; also a resplendent broach confining the plaid a: the shoulder. Each wears the tartan of his master’s clan, on die same principle as a soldier wears the king’s livery. The peaked bonnet is the only un distinguished part of the costume. W hen one of this proud fraternity [lor pipers are [koihl to a proverb] advances slowly and statelily with his pipes in his arms, and the port vent in his mouth, tie really makes an imposing appearance. As he plays, he parades slowly from side to side of the stage, thus imitating the fashion of his daily life, as he performs upon his master’s lawn, nr k-iiind his dinner table. The tunes played upon this occa sion were mostly laments and' salutes, Ihe first be ing a slow and melancholy kind of tune, designed to commemorate deceased chiefs; the second, a livelier measure, intended to do honor to the living. W e bail, for instance, the Prince’s Salute [in the Highlands, there is hut one prince, the unfortun ate Charles Edward,] Macnab’s Salute; also Mac intosh’s Lament, the Viscount of Dundee’s La ment, &.c. Some of the laments struck us as te dious, being prolonged, we thought, unnecessarily.] Still, the performance tvA grneraily good. We are here called upon to remember that to Highland hearers most of the tunes have a charm apart from the music. Highland airs of all kinds have gen erally been composed on particular occasions of an interesting nature, which have been remembered traditionally, or for the purpose of conveying a particular class of feelings, tLe character of Which is fully known. One, for example, is designed to express, in its varying measure, Ihe succession ol'j tidings in the mind of an Ardnamurclien peasant,] while toiling on his ground in an unpropitious season, and hesitating whether lo emigrate, or at tempt to pay his landlord the tripie rent which a rival had ottered fin it. Another is the dirge com posed by the family piper on a chief who fell at SherifTmtiir. A third commemorates the arrival of the wandering prince at a farmhouse in Skye, when one of his followers was sent forward' to ascertain if he was likely to find liiends there; the tone expresses to a Highland ear, the first hesitat ing, half whispered questions of the messenger, then his confidence as lit' finds the goodwife favor able, and filially the composed state of feeling which follows the success of his negotiation.— There are tunes even more curiously connected with events—as an example, one which a piper ol a clan Campbell composed and played under the following circumstances. Alaster Macdonald, the fierce lieutenant of Montrose, was with a party approaching the castle of a gentleman of that clan, designing to take it bv surprise. He and his Iriends were in a boat, and they made their ap proach by a lake, on the brink of which the castle was situated. It was the wish of Macdonald that he and his people, if seen at all, should, if possible, pass for a body of friends. Having taken a piper, of the Campbells with them, they ordered Him when they saw they were observed, to play the family tune in order to support the deception ; hut the man composed and played, instead, a tune so expressive ol the danger in which the castle stood at that moment, that the [>e<>p!e caught the alarm, shut the gales, attd stood to the defensive. The assailants then, seeing that the piper had proved a treacherous ally, slabbed him and threw him into the lake, alter which they proceeded lo make the j attack upon the castle. It may be added that the man got ashore, recovered, and lived long after. Eloquent as the Highland tunes thus are in tneir associations, it is not wonderful they produce more delightful sensations in a Celtic titan in a Saxon breast. After every second performance on the pipes there was n dance, either by a single llighlamier, or a quartette. The Highland single dance, though of unknown antiquity, brings the spectator much in tiiiml of ballet dancing. It docs not indeed j comprehend any of those sweeping presentments of the sole of the liuit, in the Inslnon of a swivel gun, which th n mailt e de la flans* now deems es ►vnlial to please a theatrical audience. Lofty leaps in the air, with sixiteu hetl kiekings UToro Again touching the g'ottnd, and tt few other ballet ptcu lisrities, are also unkteiwtt among the Gael, but in the Highland single dance, tine performer makes *, firsi a series of slow and curvilinear movement!., j exactly like the theatrical dancers, and evidently with tiie same object, that of exhibiting his person land dress to the utmost advantage. He then ! performs a number of steps which are hardly iesa striking in their character than many ol those in idulged in by professional dancers. A great deal is done upon one foot, while the other goes through a series ol lively movements in tlicair; this last feature being, we believe, ivhal is called the ‘fling.’ . Vigor, elegance, and vivacity are the characteris tics of this dance; and where the perlbrmer is a tall handsome man, in a splendid ornamental dress, as was the case here, I lie etiict is extremely btau lifi;!. The Inresame dance is the well known reel, tor which the Highland musicians have a vast va~ rietv of tunes. The reel is the national dance, whatever numbers are concerned, as the quadrille is that of the Germans, it is, we need hardlv say, an extremely quick measure, [pro-supposing nigh spirits in the pet formers, and tending to ex hilarate all who behold it. A large party in ihe Highlands will even yet datce riels for half the night to the attains ol the violin or pipe; nor ever •me acknowledge iatigtie. ‘Hie reels danced on ibis occasion wete all done in first rate style by men who might be consideird as picked for the purpose. A\ e found it quite to resist being carried away in some degree by the conta gious enthusiasm which they spread around them The ladies in the boxes—we hope we are not ta-* king an unwarrantable liberty, but we lielieve I they would have natch rather joined in the than rat still where they were. As lor the gallery folks, they sat with hands clasped and thrust lor— ward, and their whole souls in their eyes, as if ierchanled by what was passing before* them.— Every now and then, the wild ‘hoogli!’ appropri ate to the reel on note domestic occasions, broke JU.HBRR 1. forth as by tin it reprehensible escape. \Ye were carried into Ihe early homes of these simple people, where the customs ol a thousand years are vet Ireshly preserved. AYe sympathised in their in— . micent pleasures, and. the religiou which they make of all ihitl pictures the past. Often, both now and at other limes, we lelt the breast swell with emo tion. and the e_\e will with tears—a tribute which, alas! we are rarely able liow-a-days to pay to theatrical performances more expressly designed to work upon the feelings. \Yhenthe programme of the day had been ex hausted, tl e judges finished I lie proceedings bv distributing the prizes. Donald Cameron, pipt*r to Sir J. K. Mackenzie, of Scalwell, was pro nounced t lie best player on his instrument, and received the principal prize, a full mounted set of hsgp'pes. Kenneth MucLenuan received a spor ran [Highland purse] as the best performer of the sword dance. Other prizes fbr piping and danc ing, and also for correct costume, were presented, to the ar.ouint ol nineteen in all, and the inoriev collected for admission into the house was divid ed among the competitors. The meeting then broke up, alter a sitting of bet ween five and six hours, during which—such was Ihe enthusiasm of the occasion —we could observe nowhere any symptom of fatigue. The riß debt or England. —A London ! correspondent of the New York Courier and En- Iquirer writes as follows: j “ I promised in my last to offer a few remarks respecting the effects of the Savings Banks upon the public, funds. The amount ofthe national debt jof this country is upwards ol ii'SOO,(100,000. It is not generally known that this immense amount stands in the mimes of only 280,000 persons. The population of Great Britain may he estimated, in round numbers, at 25,000.000; so that her debt is L’32 fbr every it haliituni ! These 25,000,000 are taxed to pay the interest due on this immense n mount to this very small number of fund-holders ; and the government of this country long since dis covered that, if internal disturbances should sug gest the question of payment or non-payment, in physical strength at least the fund-holder would have little chance against the array of people who have no follow feeling with him. Accordingly, in 1810, when the national debt was rapidly accumu lating, we find that savings hanks and societies of similar nature, began lo receive the Government sanction. From that lime to the present those hanks have multiplied and increased, and there now stands in the names of I lie commissioners ol those institutions nearly £25,000,000 of the public debt, belonging to 800,000 individual depositors and 16,- 000 charitable institutions and friendly societies, j Supposing each society to number 150 ntembeis, i iheie would be a grand total of one million of the i people of the pooler c'asses who are interested in upholding the national debt, and this number is i hourly increasing. “ The secret of the matter rests in the fitci that i the Government allows one per cent, per annum n ore interest to the savings banks than to the ci ther holders of the public. lunds. That is to sav, it pays four per cent, instead of'three, thus losing not more than £200,000 per annum, and binding by strong personal interest one million of people li* sustain the public lailh. “ Without sayingany tiling as to strict practica bility in delsil it is impossible to avoid inquiring what would have been the effect upon our non paying Sums of such a system ns this. If poor people, having a lew spare dollars, had been in duced tu put their money in a savings bank, with the knowledge that this money was in reality in vesteil in Slate slock, can it for a moment he sup posed tiiai such depositors would have returned to iheir respective Legislatures men of repudiation principles? No. t hey would have been so ma ny pienchers of honesty and punctuality. “In England, besides the advantages politically effected by the savings bank measures,a very great moral good has been achieved. It has been ascer tained that the man w ho has once found his way to the saving hank on a Saturday evening, forgets ihe wa v to the gin-shop ; and that, as the number of depositors in a village increase, so do the poor and tlte poor rates diminish.” An insult well answered. —At a late dem ocratic meeting in Virginia, Col. Davezac ( Jack son's companion in arms at New Orleans) waa one of the speak rs. Alter he had concluded, a whig asked the privilege of replying, which was granted, when he commenced taunting Col. D. w flh being a “ foreigner /” to which he replied : “ Sir—l am sorrv to interrupt you, but 1 can permit no man to use such language in niv pres ence. Judging from your appearance, I was an American citizen before yon were born. 1 have a son, born an*American citizen, older than you.— As lbr myself, 1 have been four times naturalized. I was naturalized by Ibe sanctity of the treaty of Louisians, the highest form of law known to the Constitution. The rights of an American citizen were conlered upon me by the law creating the Territorial Government of Louisiana; and I was admitted to all the rights, blessings, and obligations which belong to you, niv fellow-citizens, by the law bringing'be State of Louisiana into our glorious confederacy.” Then turning to the whig speaker, his eve flashing as on the plains of New Orleans, and itis heart swelling with the majesty of old rec ollections, he continued : “Sir, you look now as if you desired lo know where and when was the fourth time of my naturalization, and who w ere my sponsors ? The consecrated spot on which I re ceived the right of naturalization, was the battle ground of New Orleans; the altar was victory ; the baptismal water was blood and fire ; Andrew Jack sou was my godfather: and patriotism and free dom and glory, were my god-mothers.” The mighty mass of listeners arose spontaneously, and gave nine cheers for our gallant speaker. The coon was soon missing. John Carey, one of the early settlers of Wyo ming Valley, and soldier of the revolution, lately tiled in Pennsylvania, in the 89th year of his age. Longevity.— Solomon llerz Levi, an Israelite, lately died at Herxheina, near Landau, in the 109th year of bis age, having retained to the last the full use of all his faculties. He was followed to the grave by 81 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. One of Ids daugh ters, 73 years old,could with difficulty be removed from the inanimate remains of Iter parent. Doting his long and active career the deceased had nt \»r been ill.