The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, October 26, 1844, Image 1

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THU MZM2M 9 U£*JL,IV 9 IV PUBLISHED WEEKLY, OVER J. D. WINN’S BRICK STORE. COTTON AVENUE, MACON, OA. A T $.5,00 PER ANN UM. . RAPES OF ADVERTISING, &c. Oiic square, ot 100 words, or less, in small type, 7."> cents lor * lie first insertion, and 50 cents lor each sul'sequent insertion. All advertisements containing more than 100 and less than 200 words, wil Ibe charged as two squares. To yearly advertisers, a liberal deduction will lie made. iialcs of Land, bv Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to lie held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of lon in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the pro perty is situated. Notice of these must Is* given in a public gazette, sixty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors nnd creditors of an estate, must lie published forty days. Notice that application will lie made to ilicCouri of Ordinary for leave to sell laud, must be publish ed four mouths. Sales of Negroes must Is* made at public auc tion, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the legal hours of sale, at the place of public sales, in the county where the letters testamentary, ol •administration of guardianship, shall have been oraiited, sixty days notice being previously given in one of the public gazettes of this Sutlej and at the (Igor of the Court House where such sales are to he idd. Notice for leave to sell Negroes must he pub lished lor four months hclhie anv order absolute shall lie made thereon by Ibe Court. All business of this nature will receive prompt attention at the office of THE REPUISLIC. All letters of business must be addressed to the Eiiitor, post paid. liusincss Directory. tf&issisHAsr -a s&iMfeai&ffjff, find die, 13til’tt can, and IV 'kip MAHJFA «: T « i: Y . Venters in nil kinds of Lather, Saddlery, llnmess nnd Carriage 7 / mini lugs, On Cotton Avenue and Second street ,*Mat on, Ga. Del. 2» v I s : t. LtOCk at Shis! I„ . .3 . V KOSS HAS Fntt SALIi vi: > loops \ tmocEiUES , BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS. AND 11ATS, • It John I), Il’iuu's Old Store. AJaeon, Oct. ‘25, 1844. J. M. BOA RDM AN, DEALER IN HAW. MEDICAL, MISCELLANLOUS and School Itooks; thank Books and Stationery of all kinds ; Printing Paper, &e. &,«*.. Sign oj the Large liibie, t\ro door- above Shot well's corner, teest side of .Multi, ny Street. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 111, 18 14. l-if NlB-BET & WINGFIELD, ATT O!E A s: V S A T I. A \Y . Office on .1 [uiberry Street , over Kimberly's Hat Store. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19.1811. I- if DOCTORS J. M. & li. K. GREEN, Corner of Hlullarrij ami third St nets. Macon, Georgia. 0.1.19,1844. I-H JOSE IMI \. SKY MOI It, DEALER in JUKI GOODS, 5i tlis>- WAItK, fcC. ! Uriels Store. Cherry Street , I!a'slnns Range, fieri door below Russell K. Kimberley's. Macon, Georgia. Oei. 19, 1841. 1— if GEORGE !M. LOGAN, IV.AI.KK IN FA\fl AADVJ’APO; !>itv (KMHIS. Hard- Ware, Crockery, (Has., I Care, &.c. is~c. Corner of Second and Cherry streets. Maeolt, Georgia. Oct. 19, 181 I. r-i| [D. ,v \v. cu.w, DKM.KitS IN s t a rl i: i> it v «oo:» S, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, IVl'. Mhcoii, Georgia. Oe‘. ID, ISI4. ! -if BAM! EL -I KAV \ COT" DEALERS IN P.iiWi'A»i> .s's'.u"t,r: i>uv woods, Heady Made 'Clothing, lials, Shoes. S.e. Second si reel, a lew limits iViim llie \\ asliiiiirmu Holt'l. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 18,1811. I -«I" I REDDING & WHITEHEAD, j DEALERS IN IMSCY AHI) BT.U>U: I>ICV GOODS, (, Hard If are, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Crockery, &.<•. &e. Corner of Collmi Avenue mul Clierr. s reels. Macon, Georgia. Oei. 19, IS It. 1 if ri.ovo liousn. F.Y B. S. NEWCOMB & CO. Macon, Georgia. 001. 19, IBM. 1-if 15. E. ROSS, ” DEALER IN DRY GOODS AYI) GaOCIAUKS. Macon, Gj irg i. Oil. ID, 18-11. l-il IE R. WARNER, AICTIOA AMI* «*OM MISSION MEK CIIAN r. Dealer in every description of Merchandise. “Tlie Publics Servant,” and subject lo nveiving eonsioiuiifiils al all limes, by tiie coiMOgnres pay in*' j |H-r cent, commissions lor services rendered. Macon. Georgia. Ocl. 19, 1811. 1— 11 J. L. JONES & (’(). C L OTIIIHG STO KE. I Test side Mulberry Street , next door below the Hie; Hat. Macon, Georgia! Oci. ID, 1811. lif Tin: Oyji hkway Indians at Wind sou Castle. —This morning a party of seven Oyjibeway North American Indians, viz. three females and four males, came to die castle, conducted by Mr. Ratlin, the cel ebrated traveller, and were pres, nted to her Majesty, his royal highness Prince Albert, and her royal highness the Dutchess of Kent—the ladies and gentlemen of the Court being also present. Alter which, the chief made a speech in his own native language, (which was translated by Mr. Catlin, who acted as interpreter,) describing the loyalty of his tribe, and the gratification they expe rienced at seeing the Uncon of England. Afterwards thoy danced several of their na tional dances to their own music, which consisted of a sort of tambour and bells, to the great amusement of Iter majesty. They were all dressed in their national costume, which was exceedingly grotesque. Previ ously to leaving the Castle they were regal •and with die old English fare—roast beef •Mid plum pudding—to which I Kith ladies and gentlemen did ample justice, handling die knife and fork with admirable dexter dy. They then lighted their pipes and de pnrted tl»r town, evidently much delighted with th f *ir reception at ih< t'astle. SAMUEL M. STRONG,] VOLUME 1. MISCELLANY. 1' rom Chambers’ Edinhurgli Journal. BAIA. * TAI * E ILLUSTRATIVE OF ARABIAN MANNERS. During a temporary pause in the war fare of the French against the people of Algeria, an Arab encampment was pitch ed on the borders of tlie Isser. Apart ;from ihe rest of tlir* tents was one set up on slie slope of a lull, al whose foot flow ed a small stream. Within this tempora ry resting-pl tee were seated three Arabs; lltt! eldest, though well stricken in years, was evidently one of those men privileg ed by nature to escape the infirmities of old age. His name was Brahim-ben-Za ragout —a man universally respected by J the tribes, as much on account of hisi courage in war as for bis wisdom in coun cil. Ol the l wo younger men seated in the patriarch’s lent, the first was Kad dour, a rich member of the Geafera tribe; tin: second, Hassan, a kinsman of his host, who had already proved himself a bravo .soldier in many battles against the French. Seated in a circle around a brazier Idled with fire, the Arabs maintained a pro found silence. Two younger men east now and ihon a furtive glance at a coiner ol the letil, where, liall-coneeuled by the fast-dimming twilight, lay an object of peculiar interest to them both. In fact,' the tent covered a Iburlh being. Seated languidly on a lion’s skin, and watching the graceful tonus assumed by the blue smoke ot her narghile, as it escaped from her beautiful lips, was Bain, daughter of Braliim. It was manifest that she had endeavored to render herself more capti vating than usttid: a neeklaccof eotal in— j lermixed with sequins adorned her neck;! large rings of gold encircled her wrists j and tinkles; tin ample robe of white cash-j mere, open at the neck, and confined at ! the waist by a silken tissue, enveloped j her figuie, whilst a light gold-embroidered j /mil was placed upon her head so as loi it I low her beautiful black hair to iitll in j tresses over her shoulders. Her eye brows mid nails were newly tinged with henna, and the little star tattooed on her forehead had been llesli dyed with the juice of the tchnun. Bain, in her turn, failed not to cast a look of deep interest on the liters ol her companions, illumined j ns they were by I lie dull tire in the bra zier. The situation of the whole group was painful, the more so from the deep silence which prevailed. The truth is, llassati and Kaddour were rival suitors !<ir ihe band of Baia, and that night they had met to have their claims determined by her lather and herself. A subject so deeply interesting to all, was naturally slow in being opened, but, the silence in creasing the agitation of ihe whole parly, at lengilt Braliim determined to break it. lie threw into a vase in which water was already heated, some collee ground ex tremely fine, poured out the favorite bev erage, and oili-red it to his guests. He also placed belbre them some tobacco, with which they tilled the bowls of their pipes. Having art tinged these prelimin aries, he broke the irksome quiet by words. ‘Baia,’ said he, ‘sing that song which von used to sing when i lay on ihe trial of suffering, from the wounds 1 received from the fire ol the infidels.’ ‘ I will obey,’ answered the maiden. Bain inimi'dialclv unhung from the side it!’ the tent a musical instrument made of glass, in shape like a wide bottle, the bottom of which was limned by asses’ .-kin being stretched tightly over it. On this species ol drum—called a ihibourlen —she struck with the tips of her lingers a lew preliminary measures, and then commenced the following song: — 1. May Allah he with you, O Son of the Arabs! Delentler of Islamisiii! May peace he with you! May happiness tie yours! 2. When God i rented llie fleet courser that you ride, lie called to illin the wind of the desert, and saiil lo it, tie condensed ! lie was obeyed ! 8. He then look a handful of ibis new element, and breathed upon it. it is thus that your horse was created. 4. To make your heart inaccessible to fear, He look a piece ol‘steel, and said toil, Be llie heart of ihc Arab! lie was obeyed ! 5. Also, do yon see him ily lo llie pursuit of lhe enemies of God ! At the sound ol his steps llie Inlidcl has IremMed ! Al llie sound of liU voice lie has melted like lead. The song was ended : hut ere its deli cious echoes had died on the ears ol the two lovers, a terrible sound was indis tinctly heard, llassan, hitherto mute, entianced, now stretched out his hand to inijtosc silence. 1 Lis every sense seemed strained to discover whether his ears had not deceived him. Kaddour and the old man hold their breath; and Baia, pale and trembling, sought iclttgc under the folds of her father’s burnous. llassan, still doubtful as to the fatal sound, shook liis liaik from his brow, and placed liis ear to the ground, lie had not been deceived; the distant growl assured him tint the (beaded lion of Mount Kaikar was approaching the tent. 11 nt il a doubt ’of the approaching danger still lingered, it was dissipated by t lie instinct ol the horses attached by haliers lo the inner circumference ol that part ol the tent par titioned off ns a stable. By the trembling light of the lamp suspended over them, they were seen with outstretched necks, their cars thrown forward, their tails straight, their nostrils widely distended, j and their eyes straining, as if in ft vain i endeavor to distinguish an approaching j enemy. To the snorting of these horses j were soon added the mournful cries of camels, and the plaintive bleating ol sheep j as they approached to seek shelter nour! the tent. The great lion of Mount Knr- MACON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OUTOUEK 93, IHIi. kar, whose retreat had ns yet proved inaccessible to man, had chosen this night to ravage the encampment. Once assur ed of the approaching danger, Hassan and Kaddour nerved themselves to en counter it. While mentally devising means of resistance, they appeared culm; Inti it i was not so with the old man. At a dis tance from the tribe, placed, as it were, at the outpost of danger, he was thinking of Lis Irambling daughter, whose hand shook like a leaf in his own. The sole resource left to him was to confide in the j courage of his two guests. Hassan untied the long gun of Brahitn from the post which supported the camel hair covering of the tent, examined the lock, and renewed the powder, which had become damp from the dews of the even ing. Kaddour seized his pistols, and un sheathing his yataghan, stuck it into the earth by its point, to bo able the more readily to use it. Brahitn watched these preparations wiihjttlense interest. Sud denly a light seemed todarl into his mind. Ho clasped his daughter to his side, look ed eagerly at the two young men from one to the other, and like one inspired he ex claimed, ‘Glory to the Prophet! Hear me! Both of you love Bain. Danger approaches. Prove the strength of your love by the strength of your courage and lie who shall bring to me the skin of tlie Karkar lion shall be rewarded with her hand!’ On hearing th se words Baia ’raised her eyes to heaven, and uttered a prayer; then she cast a look at Hassan, w hich asked him lor the victory. Kad dour shuddered, and raised his hand itt slinctively to his pistol. Brahitn, having released Baia from his arms, she retreated according to his wish, into the interior of the lent.* Hardly had she disappeared, when the flocks commenced bleating in a most par ticular manner usual to them when their instinct reveals the approach of a wild beast. In the midst of these noises one louder, hoarser, more terrific was heard. Hassan raised his gun; Kaddour pointed his two pistols towards the entrance of the tent ; and Brahitn protected the asy lum of Baia. These precautions had not been taken for tin instant, ere a crash announced that the infuriated beast had chosen Brahim’s tent ti»r his attack. Deceived by the darkness of the night, and by the black covering of ihe lent, the lion had sprutig upon it as if on some hard substance. — The impetus of his fall broke the supports, and the beast, Iriglitenod tor a moment lo find his footing fail him, stopped to utter a fearful roar. Nothing separated him from the Arabs but the camel-hair cover ing of the tent, and this lie sought to tear w ith his claws. Hassan, still preserving his calmness, unsheathed his yataghan and glided to the spot where the lion was tiying to tear an opening. Making a few thrusts at hazard, he found at length that lie had wounded his enemy. The beast, now more infuriated, redoi tided his ellbrts; he made an opening in the lent, mid the destruction of ils inhabitants seemed in evitable. At this juncture a second calamity hap pened. The lire in the brazier having been thrown on the ground, had commu nicated its Haines to the hoarded parti tion, and thence to the covering. The smoke and stench issuing from the latter nearly stifled llassan, and with a desper ate effort lie cut a passage with his dag ger through the burning mass, and rushed lorward to meet liis enemy lacc to face. Happily, however, the new misfortune averted for a time the greater one; the lion, alarmed by the flames, withdrew a few paces and extended himself on the ground, eagerly watching the prey which instinct told him must soon fall into liis fangs. Upon this llassan Hew to that part of the lent under which Baia was buried, and cutting open the tent cloth, extricated her senseless form, and placed it in the open air behind llie fire, which was now a protection Irom the attack of (lie lion. Braliim had already escaped— hut there was a third pci soil to he rescu ed from the flames. A violent struggle arose in Hassun’s breast. At this mo ment he could, by merely remaining in active, rid himself of a rival; hut the arm of that rival was necessary lo protect the life of Baia. Love overcame hatred and Kaddour was saved. All this time the lion was to be seen by the light of the flames, at a short distance stretched on the earth, and licking liis wounded foot. How to combat him ? 'l'lie Arabs had left their fire-arms under the wrecks of their asylum, and lour ex plosions now told them hut too truly that they were no longer of any use. The lire began to diminish. Would it last long enough to keep oil the terrible ani mal until they received succor? or must they recommence the combat with their yataghans? Suddenly hope was renew ed in the breasts of these unhappy beings. A confused sound ol human voices told them that fri nds were* approaching.— Awakened by the roarings of the lion, by the explosion of the fire-arms, and by the light of the conflagration, several Arabs advanced uttering the cry of combat. — The lion’s attention was (livened from the victims lie had been so closely watch ing. He raised his head, and turned liis glaring eyes towards llie approaching A • The tent* of the Aruhs l divided into two pans. Tito niilcrmiMl i-> «lc*ii'i»ed lor ihe men, mill it in there tlml *t ranger# it re received. The iilhcunoxl I, m'|Miraiod (ram llie former, goiivtimex liv liaii-'iM!’*, ul (illtert, by Immiil.i or main. This H llie a|>.i(tmtnt o| liie women. mo PATUA IT LEGIBUS. rahs. Hassan whispered to his compan ions that the danger laid passed. He was right. The rescuers fired upon the beast, and he, furiously lashing his sides, hound ed into lhe very midst of them. A cry of horror, which was succeeded by dread ful groans, announced that one of his new enemies had been fearfully disabled. But satisfied will) having lasted human blond, or afraid of longer facing so many antag onists, the lion of Mount Karkar bounded away toward his lair. The rescuers now assembled around the three Arabs and Baia, who had re covered her senses. I'hey extinguished the flames by covering them with sand. Anew tent was raised, and the dispersed flocks, and all that the tire had spared, were reassembled. Iti the midst of the tumult Baia approached Hassan, saying. ‘This night,w : fl l wait lor you under the three palm trees of Isser.’ The Arab pressed her hand, and an swered, ‘ I wil! be there.’ A complete calm soon reigned through out the camp. Each Aral) regained his tent; Brahim returned to that prepared for him, accompanied by bis daughter ; and Kaddour departed lor the Geafera, to prepare himself tor the hunlof the next day; while llassati immediately wended his way towards the three palm trees ol Isser. This spot, at some paces only from the Beni-Smiel, was shaded by olives, the brunches of which were entwined with garlands of the wild vine; enormous aloes and fig-trees concealed it from eve ry eye, whilst thousands of shrubs grew among the rocks and stones on the edges of the river, now almost dried up. On both sides arose the mountains of the Atlas. This was the rendezvous Baia had chosen. Hassan had to wait ;i long time ere Baia appeared, lie followed anxiously with his eye the movement of the stars, which announced to him the near appioach ot day. Exhausted with bodily fatigue,and by the emotions of the night, his eye was often upon the point of closing; hut the Arab soon shook off his torpor, aroused as he was by the me wings of the jackal, or by its passing through lire shrubs. In this state of drowsiness a hand fell upon his shoulder. He shuddered and raised his head; Baia stood upright before him. By the light of ibe stars, which, timing the summer in Africa, sparkle so magnifi cently, lie saw the young girl robed en tirely in while; she held in her hand a yataghan, and appeared like one ol .those apparitions in which the superstitious Arabs implicitly believe. ‘ You sleep, llassan ; oh, how happy are you! As for me, filial presages have not censed to assail me, and sleep has not once fallen on my eyelids. 1 tremble.’ ‘Say but one word and I shall conquer. Do you-love me ?’ Baia cast a tender hut reproachful look at the Arab. ‘ Does not my presence tell you enough? This night, even lint ii is now 100 late, 1 was going to reveal il all to my lather. I was going to tell him that it was you whom 1 loved; hut now that heaven has spoken by the mouth of my father, it is to you that l confide my fate. Take this weapon; 1 have brought it from the wrecks of our tent. It was formerly worn by Sidi-Chafi, the celebrated Marabout. With it will you emu pier. Remember, oil llassan!’ added she, ‘the words which l have spoken. Cos and may heaven pro tect you!’ In saying these words Baia disappeai cd amongst the shrubs as a shadow.— llassan regained his tent to take repose, so necessary to enable him to encounter the fatigues of the morning. The dawn of day found him on foot. lie saddled liis favorite horse, of a milky whiteness, its waving tail dyed with henna. He did not encumber himself uselessly with the long gun of the Arabs, hut suspended to his saddle a hatchet of steel, placing in liis belt liis trusty pistols and the blade which Baia had given him. Thus accou tred, Jie took the road to the Mount Kar kar, first seeking Brahim’s tent, to find the traces of the lion. Baia and her fath er were upon the threshold contemplating the disasters of the night. llassan ad vanced towards them, alighted from his courser, and respectfully kissed the old man’s hand. On raising his head he per ceived a tear in the eye of the maiden.— Braliim also saw it, and in u lender tone said, ‘Co, in}' son; 1 give you my bless ing.’ llassan departed to follow the bloody marks which the lion’s wounded fix>t had left upon the ground, assured that these traces would eventually conduct him to liis lair. After a long ride, lie arrived be tween two elevated mountains covered with hushes and bristling precipices, per fectly impenetrable to any other being than an Arabian horse. 1 Bissau's steed appeared to spoil with the difficulties of the ground. With a wonderful instinct lie felt the soil with the end of his hoof before he descended the almost perpen dicular path which led to a dark abyss; then, when lie felt a resistance, lie placed liis whole hoof on the ground, steadying it] be lore he brought his hind leg to make the same movement; this first step termi nated, he fixed his hinder hoofs firmly on the earth ere lie advanced liis lore loot a second time. By the more numerous traces ol blood, il was evident that the lion had begun on this spot to slacken his pore. But lias sun was far from having reached flic Kar kar, the hare and gray summit of which [Editur and Proprietor. raised itself like a giant in the midst ol the surrounding mountains. After a march of indescribable fatigue during several hours, llassati descended into a valley at the foot of the Karkar.— This valley like a great number in Alge ria, was full of enormous rocks, torn in the course of ages from the face of the mountains by the rains of winter; other rocks, being undermined, seemed to bang in the air, and threatened to fall at every moment, A little rivulet flowed some times noiselessly in its rocky bed, and at others bounded, to form a cascade, over tlie crag which opposed its passage.— Nature displayed all her magnificence in this place. Hassan alighted from bis horse, henceforth useless to him, to ascend! the mountain in the track of the wounded lion. He took a little water in the hollow \ of his hand, bathed the nostrils of his. steed with it belbre he allowed him to drink in the stream or withdraw the bri dle. The noble animal, seeing ihe pre-i parations for a halt, raised his forefoot,’ and presented it to his master; it being ihe custom to prevent horses from stray ing by attaching a cord from the knee to the hoof, which is thus prevented from touching the ground. But in this instance Hassan Ibrcbore to hobble his faithful steed; ‘for,’ lie said aloud, ‘should l not return, who will be here to release you?’ The adventurous Arab now took off his burnous, or outer garment, the long folds of which might embarrass bis fuluie movements, lightened his girdle, anrl grasping tin* axe, lie began to ascend the precipitous Karkar. Thai his approach might bo noiseless, he advanced bare Unit ed, gliding like a jackal amongst the arms of ihe cactus-trees, which cover the sides of the mountain. Occasionally he stop ped to listen, but nothing was audible in the death-like silence of the place but the beating of bis heart. After ascending tor more than half an hour, Hassan’s toils were rewarded; if, indeed, the sight of a monstrous lion, stretched at lull length at the mouth of a cave, can he looked upon as a reward. The beast raised bis bead, as if conscious tlint someone was approaching, and east a proud lookaiound; but Hassan, hidden under the broad leaves of a cactus, re mained unperceived and motionless.— Presently the lion again dropped his head between his fore-feel. A calm courage now took possession of the Arab’s heart, as lie contemplated the immensity of his danger. Armed with that cool intrepid ity which is inspired by the fatalism that forms the strongest part ot a Mohamme dan's creed, he advanced to the terrible attack, thinking of nothing but the will of God. Accustomed as he was to limiting wild beasls, he knew that, face to face, address,activity, and coolness, were pre ferable to arms—particularly fire-arms, which become dangerous when injudi ciously used. Thus did Hassan rely chiefly on his trusty hatchet to preserve his life. He waited to assure himself that the lion slept. He had already re joiced in his heart to find that the male, and not his partner, had remained to watch over the safety of their cubs—for the lioti-j css never sleeps on such occasions. Be- ing now convinced that his enemy slept,' he rose stealthily from his hiding place. For a moment he hesitated, and his firm ness partially forsook him; hut on turning his head to get a belter view of the sleep ing biute, anew stimulus to action was presented. To his astonishment lie be held an Arab ol the tribe of Geafera rap idly ascending the precipice, llassan no longer hesitated. With liis right hand lie grasped his hatchet, while with his left he held a pistol. Thus equipped, he step ped cautiously from stone to stone to the spot where the lion still si pt. Twice Jid lie brandish the hatchet in the air, and twice did it fall, each blow rendering a fore-foot powerless. Swill as lightning the assailant relicalcd, to leave the lion to exhaust his fury. The beast roared terrifically; and, rolling in anguish, scat tered about in every direction fragments of flint which he ground between his teeth. He endeavored to rise; hut the effort was useless, and only increased his pain. By this time llassan had ascend ed a projecting rock which overhung the grotto, and fired the heavy charges of liis pistols into llie monster’s flanks. Irrita ted by these new torments, the lion as sembled all liis remaining strength to spring upon his enemy. 11c reaied his wounded paws against the rock on which llassan was stationed, and with a despe rate effort hounded on the shelf, fixing himself there with liis teeth. Again the Arab raised liis axe, hut ere il had time lo fall, a gun was discharged by another hand, and the lion Icll dead al the en trance of liis lair. In another moment an Arab stood he-, side llassan. It was Kaddour; lor from him did the lion receive liis death-wound. ‘Bon of the Bem-Smiel!’ lie exclaimed, ‘ It was my misfortune to owe my life to you. You saved me from the flames which devoured the tent of Braliim. I have now saved you, and we are even.— This skin is mine!’ llassan, trembling with rage, replied, ‘You have not saved my file. Tin 1 beast was disabled by this arm. Like the vul ture, thou hast conic to least on the prey which the hunter hath slain. Away! for when the hunter appears, the vulture flies!’ ‘This sjxiil is mine,’ answered Kad dour; ‘cursed shall you lie if you dare to touch it!’ ‘Sun <>l the CJeafern, ’ replied Hassau, calmly, ‘let us not decide tliis here.- There me wise men in the tamp !><■ thou choose the sheik of lire Geafera, aiid 1 him of the Dcni-Smicl; they -hall judge between us.’ Kaddour replied, ‘Be it so; and Ikhli drawing their small poniards, dexterous ly stripped oil ihe skia of the lion. It ! was agreed that on .. ir way back each should carry the trophy in turn. They regained their steeds, and journeyed to the camp in moody silence. At the sight of them, Buia’s heart, agi tated Ik* tween fearand hope, beat violent ly, and her eye no longer distinguished the objects around her. The whole tribe went out to meet them, and surrounded them with cries of victory and joy. The reeking skin was placed .at ltie feet of Baia, and the whole tale was faithfully related by ils heroes to the old man. iAUMDER ;i. On the morrow the sheiks of the Cea fera and ot the Beni-Smiel, assembled under the tent of Brahitn, who was also present. The skin of the lion was placed Indore them. Nona other than Kaddour and Hassan were admitted to this council, //assnn related briefly what had taken place. The three judges conferred togeth er, and pronounced their opinion in a loud voice, the eldest taking precedence. Each and all of them decreed that the victory belonged to /.assail; for the lion, said I they, in ihe state of feebleness to which he had been reduced, could only offer n vain and useless resistance. Kaddour departed, pale with rage and disappoint ment. Hassan went, alone, to lay his j trophy at the feet of Baia. Moment of j rapture! She was his! The old man, her father, smiled, and ordered ihe mar riage to be immediate. The portion hav ing been agreed to by Braliim, //assan conducted Baia before the sheik of the Beni-Smiel, u ho addressed to the maiden die usual question. ‘Baia, daughter of Brahim-bcn-Zaragout, now in presence of ihe witnesses assembled, do you consent to take 11 assnn for your spouse ?’ A sim ilar interrogation was put to//assan, and ihe union was finished in these terms— ‘ The marriage is accomplished ; may Al lah bless it!’ On the next day all the relations came to congratulate the new couple, and to of fer presents to them commensurate with their fortune. Baia, who stood at the threshold of the lent, gave lo each a hand ful of dried ftuits which she look from a basket placet 1 beside her. Among those who were present al 1 his ccrnmony was an Arab of the tribe of the Geafera. He made a sign to Hassan that he wished to speak to him; the latter approached. ‘Soil of the Beni Smicl,’ said the un known, ‘here is ihe nuptial present which Kaddour has < barged me to give to you.’ The Arab held in his hand a brass coin, which lie delivered to Hassan, saying, ‘By this pledge ol bis vengeance lie declares unto you eternal hatred. The fire is kin dled at the foot of the mountain. It is there that my master awaits you.’ Has san shuddered; for well he knew that the ceremony his enemy had prepared would ratify an oath of hatred never to he extin guished but by the death of one of i hem. To refuse the summons was impossible. That would have branded him with cow ardice; lienee he replied, ‘Let it be done, guide me to him. Hassan followed the messenger, ahd arrived al the appointed spot. There Kaddour was found stan ding nenrto a fire which he had kindled upon a hearth formed of three stones pla ced side by side. Kaddour instantly drew forth a coin exactly similarlo the one he had sent to his rival, and casting sonic dry herb into tiie flames, exclaimed ferocious ly, Where is the piece of money I sent thee ?’ ‘lt is here!’ replied llassan. Upon tnis cadi put his coin into the lire, and when it was heated drew it forth; Kad dour saying in a loud voice, ‘Hatred to the death !’ placed it on the hack of'Has , salt’s outstretched hand : Kaddour after wards submitted to the same ceremony, while llassan repealed tlie words lie had just spoken. The two Arabs now seated ithemselves, silently enduring the tor ture caused by the ied hot brass as il burnt its way into their flesh. Not a movement was made, not a muscle quivered, rio fea ture was allowed lo indicate the torment they were suffering. When the coin was cold each threw il from liis hand and , spreading some grains of gunpowder on the scared wound, spoke iiigruveanil sol emn tones —‘So long as this mark shall last, so long will Ibe your enemy.’ Al ter a ceremony of this kind—which the progress of civilization lias not yet done away with*amongst the Arabian tribes nothing is held harmless from tlu: ruth less destruction, the infliction of which future npportunities may offer to either party. Even wife, children, parents, are not exempt from the savage fury ol the sworn enemy. No lies or space of time can obliterate the vow of ven geance thus taken by the Arab. llassan returned to liis tent, determined to watch over his wife, and guaid her with untiring vigilance, from the machinations of Kaddour. He constantly wore arms during the day. and at night they were ne ver out of his reach : and on leaving his tent, lie invariably left Baia in charge of a trusty negro slave to wa'ch over and protect her. Mouths, however, passed away before anything occurred to awaken liis apprehensions. Hatred had either died within Kaddout’s heart, or he was plan ning some elalxvrate scheme of revenge; and llassan remained in a state of contin ual sus|K'iise; but at length liis suspense was ended. One evening on entering his lent, llassan perceived tin: follow iugwords in Arabic characters, traced on the sand : ‘I waited until you hoped to become a la ther.’ He entered his dwelling overwhel med by a terrific presentiment, which on Ix liolding liis wife, was in a measure ful filled. lie beheld her on her mat writh ing with pain, llassan divined the truth, and .i lew hasty questions but loibritileu dant confirmed it. A strange Arab had ptcsenlcd hitns< fl widt dales flu ..ale. Luirt