The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, December 18, 1844, Image 4

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P O E T It Y. “MUCH VET EEMAIXS ISM SC.” THS I.C-81 DARLING. He was my idol— Ja? ai«J night to scan Tl* fine espam-ion iiis lorin— maik Tne wtrfidduig uiinU like a venal ruse hud start To sud JrU beamV, was JV V C4.S-I mugLt— T«» find Ins fatrv f.« is: ( -|> bowing an , it is land Upon try garments, i*r lip Close sealed to rr ; .e.—at..l in tlte watch of aigid, The quiet breath of innocence to led Soft ■ a try ei.f **, wes > tel; a Its., consent O! bjiptLCa, as none but rm*t!.c:s know. H s voice was fee some fry bans that yields To tire light fingered breeze, an-d : ' it heat Brief converse with hss !:**m. or k c.’.iy xsiliieJ His moameg ki.len. «»r w ni Conner! o’er thea!;>l abet—l n most o< ail Its lender cadence in ins t-vt-i... g prayer, TbrtfieJ on the ear .ke s . v tf.i rca. ’, Heard in sweet drear. Bn* ntuv akne I > . Musing on b an, and k-w 'fiih niundui tears Tl* b*l*e role', tliai mice with woman’* pi kit 1 ivw.ucist.--as if :! ert >3S a retd to deck A h;-u»g fitrnxv u beam, ul. I start, Hah tameyincnon I, s empty c ;i* tliere con*es An- '"' iti’J aunk, *- Hindi,hu->h, Wk.k . :e..•• M ] ‘ —lin n wet p As lliangb it wet, a xu i«i speak -;.e Whose hour* i- t,:ii li t angva*- Gone to Cod ! And yet I wish I i.a.l no? seen the pane * Tnat wiung hi< lea: ore*. —nor the gt*»>:!y white Seittine around his p* —I Wo„.J tisat heaven Ha : ■ la a..' sis h,ooa. an.: lied . ,-sk. — —Cone to Gtd ! Be still try !ieart! What b i.»s c-.suid a rootlser’s prayer, 111 a!i the Wildest ecs . ev of Hope, Ask liir us DAEList, ; ■ e the b'sss of Heaven? THE CREEK AND Tl RfOH V\. A nip-lit attack by Cot sani tse Pa a-oiogu., on a detached camp of Moliatsimcd 11, during die Mege of Constantinople. The TurcHi.nn lay beside the river; 'Die wind play'd loos* thro’ bow and quiver; The charger on the iwnk led free, Tl# shield bung g,titering Ironi the tree, The truntjse', sfiawn and atahal, Lay screened from dew by cloak and pal], For long and weary was she wav 'I he hordes had marched that hurtling day. Abuve them, on the skv of June, Broad a> a biicEcr p.oved the tin Kill — Flooding wills glory, vale and liiil. In siiver sprang the ountain rill, Tiie weeping shrub in silver lient, A pile of silver sin >d the tent ; All soundless, sweet tranquility— All beauty, lull, brock, tent, and tree. There came a sound—’t was like a push When night winds shake the rose’s hush! There came a sound—’t was like the tread Ol wolves alonp the valley’s bed! Tliere came a sound—’t was like the (low Os rivers, swoln with mellittg snow! There came a sound—’t was like the roar Os Ocean on its winter shoie! “ Death to the Turk!" up rose the veil— On tolled the cltarpe—a tintmler peal! ’The tartar arrows (t il like rain— ’4 hey clanked on helm, mid mail, and chain— In blood—in hate—in denth, were twined Savage and Creek, —mail—bleeding—Wind— And still, on (l ink, and front, and rear Kagcd, Constantine, thy thirstiest spear! Brassy and pale—a type of doom— Labored the moon throitph deep’ning gloom ! Down plunged her orb—’t was pitchy night! Now, 'Turcoman, turn thy reigns for (light ! On lushed their thousands in the dark ! Bat in llieit rump n ruddy spark Like an uncertain meteor reel’d— 'lhy hand, brave king, that fire-brand wheel’d ! Wild httrel the burning element, O’er man and courser, flood and tent 1 And, through the blaze the Creeks mi (sprang. Like tigers—bloody, foot and liirrg!— With dagger slab, and litkliion sweep, Delving the stunned and staggering heap— Till lav the slave, hv chief am] khan— And all was gone that once was man. 'There’s wailing on the Euxine shore— Her chivalry shall ride ore! There’s wailittp on thy hill’s Allai! For eliiels, the Grecian vulture’s prev— But, Bosphorus! thy silent wave Hears shouts (or ■ lie returning brave— For kingliest of a kiitply line— Lm there comes glorious Constantine ! Pueerty anti Virtue. —l confess that it is a painful and bitter tttsk to record the bu intliation, the wearing, petty, slinging hu miliation of poverty; to count the drops as they slowly fail, one by one, upon the fret ted and indignant heatl; to particularize, with the scrupulous and nice hand of in difference, the fractional and divided movements in the dial plate ol miser}*, to behold the delicacies of birth, the mascu line pride ol blood, tbe dignities of intel lect, the wealth of knowledge, the femina cies end graces of womanhood—all that ennoble and sofien the stony mass of com monplaces which is our lilc^fritiered into atoms, trampled into the dust and mire of the meanest thoroughfares of distress; life and soul, the energies and aims of mart, ground into one prostrating want, cramp ed into one levelling sympathy with the dregs and retuse ot this kind, blistered into a single galling and festering sore; this is, l own, a painful and bitter task; but it hath its redemption; a pride even in debasement, a pleasure even in wo; and it is therefore that while I have abridgt and, 1 have not shunned it. There are some whom the lightning of fortune blasts, only to render holy. Amid all that humbles am! scathes—amid all that shatters from their life its verdure smites to the dust the i pomp and summit of their pride, and in the very heart of existence writhe a sud 'den and “strange defeature,” they stand erect, —riven, not uprooted,—a monument less of pity than of awe! There are some 1 who, exalted by a spirit above all casual ty and wo, seem to throw over the most degrading circumstances the halo of an innate and consecrating power; the very things which, seen alone, are despicable and vile, associated with them become j almost venerable and divine; and some; portion, however dim and feeble, of that intense holiness which, in the Infant God, shed Majesty over the manger and the straw, not denied to those who, in the| depth of afllictiou, cherish the angel Vir tue at their hearts, flings over the meanest luajtjilios of earth aq emanation from the X Heaven!— Ihilwir. Catching Ya nines. —There is an old black woman at Havatina, known to almost eve ry one who frequents that port as a wash 'er of clothes, in which business she em ploys several slaves, having acquired a handsome property by it. •'he is partial to the Americans, having made the great er part of her money through them.— I When some of the British ships stopped there on their way to the coast of Louisi ana, site, as usual, boarded the ships in search of business—and having despatch ed that, she asked the captain of e**e of i he vessels, “ \Y lie re are you going,massar" who replied, ‘*\Ve are siting to catch \an koes at New Orleans. \Y e shall stop and sell a dozen or two, very cheap, for wash erwomen.” “Ah ha! you lielter lot ’e Yankee ’lone,” said she. “I tell ye let him ’lone!” Wlren ll»e same ship returned to Havanna, after the dreadful defeat of the Slh of January, the old woman again boarded, an I observing tlte captain, said. ••Well massa lcou>e to buy some Yankee!" Bat tlte joke was stale, aid tbe officer re fuse tl a reply—on which she added archly, •‘Did’ni I tell you, massa, better lei -A an kee ’lone.” At Apalachicola, three rogues broke from the jail, in which they had t>eencon futed, and took to tbe woods. After wan it ring about, for some davs, and being un able to procure the readv means of sub sistence, they returned to their old quar ters, and solicited the jailor to re-admit them into his custody. This was declined. “You thought to breakout,” said the turn key; **and now you mnv stay out; you don’t get in here again, 1 tell you!” J}*a tch es, Jewelr ij , AND FANCY GOODS. THF. suhscrilier begs leave to call the atten-. tion of the citizen* of Macon ami its vicin ity, to anew anil fashionable stuck of Watche*, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods: consisting of Fine Gold and Silver Watches, of various styles and prices; Chains. Keys, Breast Fins, Finger and Rings; Ladies’ Cold and Hair Bracelets; Hair Fins and Head ornaments; Gold, silver and steel Sjreciacles; Gold silver Pencil cases; Gold buttons, studs, bee. Sue. &.C., now opening at the store ad joining that of Mr. Geo. A. Kimberly, .Mulberry street. C. K. WENTWORTH. N. B.—C. K. W. will give bis entire and per sonal attention to the REPAIRING of Watches and Clocks of every description. Having a enm ylete anil superior stock of watch materials select ed bv himself, lie feels confident of giving satisliic tion to all who may entrust their work to his care. J E IVEL li Y of every kind repaired at the j shortest notice. Mai on, Niivemlter 2-2, IS I t. 6—ts IQRK. KIA \I’I)V, IIAS just returned from Charleston, with a ™ * choice assortment of articles of She has removed to the next door from the Com-j mercial Bank, and opposite Wrigley &. Heart’s I Cat riage Ware-House, where she will he happy to receive calls front Iter old friends and the public 1 generally. i Site lias carefully selected a choice assortment of Feathers, Parisian Flowers, Ribbons, Lace, Gimps, Gloves, ike. ; Also, Bonnet materials, which will be sold as I cheap as can be bad in this market. BONNETS, TABBS anil CAPS made to or • tier. Also, all kind of Embroider »/, Masonic and Odd Fellows' .dprons. Straws bleached and altered to tbe most fash ionable shapes. Oct. 25 2-1 f ~FANCY DRY GOODS. FJM HE undersigned will have a large quantity ol *- Fancy Drv Goods in A/acon, selected from j their stock in New York, and to arrive about tbe middle of November, which will be sold for C.dSII .IT WHOLESALE A.YD RETAIL. The j stock will compiise a large quantity of A LPACCAB, I)ELA I \ FS, j BOJIffAZINES, SHAWLS, IIRE«S II Y N Dlt F K€H IEFS, « ft A V i TS, LA • CES, It I ISONS, ETC. ! All purchased at auction in New York, expressly for Southern markets, and will be liiund well wor * thy of attention of dealers. At intervals through -1 out tbe winter they will also receive Iresli supplies of such goods as may be found most desirable. Believing that an exhibition of their goods, with prices will he the best recommendation to favor, they earnestly entreat a call from all persons in the line of business. H. BERNHEI.VER & BROTHERS. Store on third Street, I .ate I>/ occupied by S. J. Ray & Cos. .Macon, Ga. Nov. B—4—ts. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. r|iHE undersigned would inform their friends -®- and the public, that they have taken tbe stand ' ii Cotton Avenue, one door below Messrs. Orr, and opposite Scott Sc Carbart, where they are pre pared to execute all Jobs in 1 lie above line; and they flatter themselves they will he able to give sa tisfaction. both in regard to fitting and workman ship, and solicit a share of public patronage. All , garments warranted to fit. PICKET Sc LYNN. Macon, Oct. 19. 1544. I —tl* tiun-Smithing. THE Subscriber continues to carry on the above business at tbe Old Post Office, where he is prepared to do all kinds of RIFLE, GUN aril PISTOL repairing in the best possible manner; DOOR and FRENCH Locks repaired, and Keys fitted on short notice. RIFLES made to order with all the improvements, and warranted. Otl hand for Sale. DOUBLE and single Barrelled GUNS. RI- I* LES, PISTOLS, Walker’s English caps; French riblied and split caps; Gun Locks ofall sizes; Pow der Flasks; Wad cotters; Shot Pouches; Baldwin’s Elastic Guii Wadding; Cleaning rods tor Double Guns, and all articles usually kept in tbe line. Powder in Kegs, Quarter Kegs, and Canisters, n( superior Brands, manufactured by Hazard, Denatow and Webster. Shot of all sizes by tbe Bag or single pound, verv low tor CASH. E. S. ROGERS. Macon, Dec. 4, 1844. 8 If TUf* T received, fancy silks, satins, Cashmere D,crape De Laities, ntouslin I)e La inns, Clius .ns, some new and beautiful styles for ladies’ ‘fress-s. S. J. RAY & CO. Nov. 8, 1844. FKEKIf UAKDLN SEEDS. 4 GENERAL assortment of WARRANTED Fresh Garden Seeds, with directions lor plan ting accompanying each paper. Merchants and others supplied in suitable quantities. J. H. &. W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue, Macon. Nov. 8,1844. Cloths andcassivi eres. j BJU PER extra black and blue black cloths and i ’ ~ cassiirieres, a large stock just rereived hv I M S. J. RAY & CO. ' Nov. Bth. 1«I4. B TO HIKE. Y the Month.a good Cook, Washer, and Iron er. Alsoa Girl 17 years old. Apply to . Nov. 22,1844.-4 J S. M. STRONG, j CLOTHING! MORE. Cotton Arenne, opposite II ashimw/.m I ltd.. PHILIPS VIEKIIITT A CO. HAVE recently received, ami wifi cmiimm* Hi receive weekly during die business season from tlie North, a 11, as'->ri-»eiit «>t KKJIM MADE CLOT MAH, n .. n .rturvd rcyrMk l">r them, tiigether with a large a«»wt»v»t«! Shut!, ' x Also on hand and receiving arc a-ss nw»t <*- Cloths, Casnnu. es and F<rfj»g*. «v F e cX. Ftg fisii and American miiiataciunr,» ng be la test ami most eh.wce ;»atterns, w eb : t>e {tiled to make to out, .acror.ii. g to . *.s sar. « tin peculiar tasie id'tlicir pMM ■ Particular atic'itsm given ' * tSr vn*i •nc an. IriOMHit of garnwnts (ttltHnl G* iKeb* Cate, by gentlemen turn sAg tbe;r ,*# r ?e-.»tw *i |*w> to suit tlte i Macon, November la. 1544- s-ts “JOHN L. JONI> A CO. Svtiirit ata nti MiattrkrM -otaw * MOM ti Ifcadif Made ( latsitig. Mauafiictured ' e ;vt't > v- -,*»r twt , irr ported gtvsis. by \\ m. T. J; ;,js k Co- wry lav.trabi v Len a as atoomg ?••< *• Drapers ami Ti ,>r» ■ S ■ A k. c-H.'is tng ot tit tot I '. rtvck tXstlS I'aaia ik (s teds l)trs> r«ats t'eaicr and Oilier ctxais. TmvedUtts coals. I. a files' ami gentlemen's ClmtLt. 1. r- il.r rtcw art- e*- ,s s y e-x : g. <r With a very riekr >« **c’4»«n U S Kami si* Sc f ars M ran Cts..u:tvik< H :v, Hj kore.‘,“ s. Dnners, Under YesJss t« <ves. - - ... - S- x . gag Youth 'sand Children's Clot h i ng, if&ct&o ator^rYP 1 , UMBRELLAS, sVo. v. g • r the system ..•’•• S.ti3 : ; Ptofits ami Quick Retoms'’ is t#st suited l<» tiie times, they wit: nfler liietr Goods at |>rices tiial can not tail to t>e an inducement to purchasers. Macon. Nov. 8. t->44. N E W (i U« U S At Very l I'd need Frees For Cash. YST XI. AL .J{.Qs9 9 HAS just received, and now oilers lor sale T ■ large and well assorted slock ol DRA GOODS consisting in part of the billowing articles: Brown and Bleached Sheetings aud Shirtings, Calicoes of every description, Flannels, Sattiuetts, Kentucky Jeans, Negro Blankets, Kerseys, Linsevs, TIOISLIN DE LAIvES, VELVET#, Cloths,Cassimeres, Gloves Hosiery, Shawls, Silk laces, Ilnndkeiehiefs, Ac. ALSO, READY ,1/ADE CLOTHING, Bolling Cloths, Hats, Shoes, and Boots, Bonnets, Hardware and Cutlery, Blacksuiith Tools, Crock ery and Glassware, Paints, Oil, window glass, Put ty , &c. &.c. All of which will be sold very low lor Cash. Oci. 25—2—ts. C, CAJIPBELL A t «., AT i heir old siand opposite the Washington | Hall, offer lor sale at the lowest current prices* for casii, 75 bales heavy Ghnny Bagging, 250 pieces do Kentucky do 100 do do Russia do 50 do do Dundee do 1500 pounds good bagging twine 300 coils .Manilla rope, 100 do Kentucky do, 1500 sacks salt, 20 lons swede’s iron, 25 lilids St. Croix and Muscovado sugar, 250 bags Rio, Laguira, and Java coffee, With a general assortment of blankets, shoes, | staple dry goods, &c. Nov. Ist, 1844. 11. A J. COAVUiS, Hay E removed to tbe Brick Store, on Colton Avenue, one door below the Telegraph Ol fice, where they are now opening a general assort ment of Groceries, Shoes, Ifttreftrure, »Vr. together with a stock of STAPLE AJYJ) FAJYCY DR F GOODS, all of which will be sold low for Cash. Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly on hand. -Macon, Oct. 25, 1844. NEW VI'OKE AND NEW GOODS. TTIUE undersigned is receiving and -A- opening at his store on Cherry Street, nearly opposite .Messrs. Walls & .Moulton’s, and Martin Hall’s, a general assortment ol Seasonable Bonnets, St a pie an and Fancy Pry Goods, Hals, Shoes, Crockery, Glass IFare, etc. Also constantly on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISION'S, all of which will lie sold at tbe very lowest prices for CASH. His friends and the public are invited to give him a call. SA.M’L DAWSON. -Macon, Oct. 25 —2 —ts. J. KAY &. CO. have removed to the store a few doors south of the Washington Hall, adjoining the office ol'thc Georgia .Messenger, anil idler lor sale a large and general stock of FA V CYAMU STAPLE DRY GOODS, at UIIUSU- I ally low prices. Purchasers are invited to cal! and examine the stock ; great inducements will he 01-1 lered to buyers by the piece or otherwise Nov. 8, 1844. so hiici:. A BOY old enough to do good service about a v». House. Apply at this Office. Macon,October lit, 1844. 1-ts VIIEVILLG LOTS. fBIHE only tinimproved Lot, on which can he timnd, running Water, good Springs, and a fine situation lor Building, can be bad on good terms bv an early application at the office ol the Repub lican. The above described Lot, contains Six Acres, on I which there is Wood enough to last a small lain ilv front five to ten years. Macon, October 19, 1841. l-ts .4 PLANTATION, C CONTAINING Three Hundred Acres of pro / dttclive Land, within Three miles of Macon, j with One Hundred Acres cleared, and the balance j well timbered with Oak, Pine and Hickory, and all] of it under fence, cat) lie purchased on reasonable 1 terms by making an early application. Apply at ; this Office. Macon, Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts j FOB BALK. 4 VACANT Wood Lot, on the Knoxvilit jlloail, containing Ttven- WV" tv Acres of Land, —TwoJAcres Iron- j , iTk ting the road, and running Ten acres. back. j There is on the I.ot, a good situation (or Buil ding, and on the Lot adjoining a most excellent j Well of water. It will he sold low on one and two : years for good pajiers. Apply at the office of the Republican. Macon, October 19,1844 2-ts W ARE-H OUS E ntn tO.IMUSSIO If n ERCHAITB, Macon, Georgia. connection with the Ware j?. W/SB House, we have established a Store, <4> 1 where we shall be able to furnish our —I patrons and others, with HAG GIJYG, ROPE , GROCERIES, IROJY, and) other plantation supplies, at reasonable rates. MOULTRIE U CAMPBELL. October 19, 1814. 1-ts ' ,tVir i’all fiml Winter li O ODS. «f£o, .7/. £O£.I.V, Is now opening a large and extensive assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF I. INI A Gt.OTIIV FASHAIERES, CASH .HERE DECOKSE. C A#ll NI ERE DC LANCS, not KLIN DE LANES,FA NCY AND BLACK SILKS, w tth a variety of other new style of Goods for Ladies’ Dresses. Kit tl N ELVF.TK. CLOTHS, AND CASSI.UEHS, FOR CENTLEJIEN. NAMWARE, CROCKEUY, ASD GLASS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. Aw: . h (k* offers as low as any house in the South. 11c will be happy to set .-so wishing to purchase, call and examine his Stock. t\:. £->th, 1>44. tiooits. ' I'' eee ving and >*|K'iiing a N s rgt ami we; aeWcletl stock ol’ fam v and staple dry goods, list*. S\ vj **J Ready Made Clothing , Ac., at : ■ !’.ore on svc4*ml street, a few doois south ol rA\. . . *g:,m Hal!. His slock will tie found to > aft i..e nn»st fashionable and desiralde styles *> g* ,v!s hi ..tieiriiiic. and will he sold at uniisii - err cash, by tlie {>iece or otherwise. I t* i.-.Kiw mg among other articles will lie lound in their stock: ** vr b ick, brown, blue, green and fancy AN;-- ot F.ugiand Cknhs. > >er French and Englisii Cassiineres ; Pjui and Fancy do. do. >aiin. \ e vei and Marseilles A'estings ; Buck in.l fancy Si.ks. Satins, Bombasines, Muus finc <le Lames, Cashmere d'Ecosse, Crape de L lines, 4sc. Ac ;, white, orange, blue and black Balzarines, tor evening dresses, anew and beautiful article; Ca h nere, Rob Roy and Tarlelon Shawls; American, English and French Prims; Aipaccas, Merinos, Chusans, anti Silk and Cot ton Hosiery, Gloves, and Handkerchiefs ; Brown and bleached Sheetings, Shirtings, Tick ings and Checks; Kerseys, Jeans, Flannels, Rose, Point ami Daffil Blaukeis; Bov’s and Men’s russet and kip Brogans, Shoes and Bools; Ladie’s, Misse’sand Children’s Shoes; Hals, Caps, Bonnets, &.c. &c.—all of which are offered at the lowest prices. SAMUEL J. RAA & CO. Macon, October 19, cm. I—ts WHITING & MIX, RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends and I he public generally, to their slock of BOOTS and SHOES, to which weekly additions will be made during the season. Our as sortment embraces the following descriptions: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans; 1000 “ Men’s second rate black Brogans; 1500 “ Men’s best russet Brogans; 700 “ Men’s second rate russet Brogans; 1000 “ Men’s best double sole black Brogans; I*2oo “ Boy’s best black and russet Brogans; 300 “ Youths’ “ “ “ “ 1000 “ Men’s best kip Brogans; tiOO “ Men’s second rale kip Brogans; 300 “ Men’s best double sole calf and kip Brogans; 500 “ Boy’s best kip Brogans; 800 “ Youths’ best kip Brogans; 1500 “ Ladies’ leather and seal Bri'gans ; 300 “ Ladies’ leather and seal Shoes; 300 “ Ladies’calf Brogans; 20 cas-es Men’s thick and kip Boots; 8 “ Boy’s thick and kip Boots; 5 “ Youths’ thick and kip Boots ; 100 pairs Gents’ fine French calf Boots; 75 “ Gent’s middling fine French Boots; 100 “ Gent’s double sole Calf Boots; 100 “ Gent’s stoui sole Calf Boots; 3 cases Gent’s and Ladies’ India Rubber Over Shoes. Als > —A general assortment of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Leather, Kid and Morocco Walk ing Shoes of all kinds and qualities; Ladies’, Mis ses’and Children's Gaiters and ball Gaiters, thick and thin soles of all descriptions—all of which will be sold at ihe lowest possible prices. Also —Call’ Skins, Sole Leather, Thread, Pegs of all sizes. Boots made and repaired in the best possible manner. Macon, October 19, 1844. 1-ts DREGS. A GENERAL STOCK OF DRUGS AND - » MEDICINES receiving, ol tbe best selec tion. All persons wishing to purchase will be supplied with superior articles on fair terms. A L SO—PA TE.YT ME DIC LYES , Rowand’s Tonic; Balsam of Liverwort; Bernard’s Cholera Remedy; Extract of Sarsa parilla; Tomato Pills; Peters’ Pills; Hull’s Pills. | Also—American Gentlemen's Shaving Soap; Itoussell’s superior Shaving Cream ; Superior old French Soap; Do. American; Pear lash, Potash, Salanatus, Vinegar, Starch, i &c. &c. For sale bv J! H. & W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue. Macon, October 19,1844. 1 —ts INSURANCE. THE CROTO.Y \MUTUAL] LYSURA.YCE COMPA.YY, Os the City of New Yofitc. 11H1S Company, according to tbe provisions of - its charter, is ready to insure ail kinds of Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire ' Risks, against loss or damage, at rates and terms moderate and liberal, and solicit tbe patronage of \ its friends aud tbe public at the Agency of the i Company. TRUSTEES. Abraham Van Nest, James Harper, William B. Cozzens, John B. Lasala, Charles L. \ r ose, John J. Boyd, Joseph B. Nones, Edward Richardson, John F. Butlerworth, James Phalen, SamucfSlierwood, John J. Herrick, Zadock Pratt, I George C. DeKay, Herman D. Gould, Theodore A. Mever, Joseph S. Smith, William P. Furniss, Elias T. Aldrich, ; John T. Gilchrist, Lawrence Hill, Luring Andrews, Thomas Monahan, | Cyrus Cheney, William H. Townsend, | George Whitaker, Amos Noyes, j James H. Suydam, John Breasted, George Palett, Leonartl Appleby, | William Burgovne, Silas M. Crandall. SAMUEL A. LAWRENCE, President. JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice President. Lewis Benton, Secretary. Capt. Samuel Candler, Marine Inspector. William Wells, Fire Surveyor. The undersigned is the authorised agent of the above company, to take either Marine or Fire risks in anv part of the State of Georgia, upon such liberal terms as may be agreed upon between the insured and the agent, who is vested with ample and discretionary powers. JERRY COWLES, Agent. Macon, October 19, 1844. 1-ts W A R E 7H OUSE AND co.Ti.TiKssioii msm'.ss. ~ Maj. William Hamilton liav £ •, S-i ing retired, the subscrilters baveas ife" <v / sociated themselves in business, un ! f> tier the name and style of WINN & HUMPH. They will occupy the Ware House on Cherry street, known as Hamilton & Winn’s. They are prepared to make advances on Cotton put in" their stores, and to execute all orders that ntav be confided to them in the line of their busi ness. J. D. WINN, J. V. RUMPH. Macon, October 19, 1844. I—tl THOMAS TAYLOR, (OS COTTOS AVENUE AND SECOND STKEET,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple Ur y Cr ood s , CHOICE GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLER Y, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND SADDLERY, See. &c *.c. 'HDOULU particularly invite Merchants and VV Planters to call and examine his exteusivi and well selected slock heliire putchasing else where, as lit is determined to make pi ices corres pond fully with tbe times. The following comprise a part of bis stock: Atfglian Satins, anew nrticle lor diesses; Cashmere, Crape aud super Mouslin de Laities, new patterns; Aipaccas, Silk and Gimp Fringes; Ginghams, super Cliene and genuine Scotch; Cambrics, plain, sinped and checked ; Muslins, Jaconet, book, &.C ; Laces, Quilling, Lisle, Edging, and Lace Neck Ties; Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers; Cravats, Black Silk, Primed, am! Fancy Plaid ; Handkerchiefs, a great vaiiety; Shawls, tiOO Plaid de Lame, Clseue, Prussian, Printed, Nett and Woolen Shawls and Combiners; Flannels, White, Red, and Yellow ; Brown Linen Table Covers; Irish Linen ; Gloves, Mitts, Suspenders, Garters and Night Caps; Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton and Linen Thread; Corded Skirts, Corset L aces, Presses, Pi as, Nee dles, Papes, Thimbles, Tuck Quill, and Dress Combs ; Kentucky Jeans, and super (will’d Kerseys; Negro Kerseys ami Lindseys; i’aekages brown and bleached Shiriings and Sheetings, Ticks, Checks and Stripes; BOOI'S AND SHOES, Ladies’, Men’s, Boy’s and Misses; a large supply. 200 pr. London daffil Blankets;* 600 Negro Bankets, twill’d ami heavy; 4000 pr Negro Brogans, a superior article; 100 Ladies', Men’s, and Bov’s Saddles; Bridles, Martingales, AVhips and Collars; 1500 bleached sacks Salt, large size ; 100 bales 46 inch Gunny Bagging, very heavy; 300 ps 44 inch. Dundee and Russia do. 50 ps 44 inch. Gilroy’s superior 2 lb. brand ; 300 coils three eight and one half inch Manilla bale Rope ; 2000 lbs. superior Bagging Twine; 50 iloz. Plough Lilies and bed cords; 20 hhds. Cuba Molasses; 75 do. St Croix and Porto Rico Sugars ; 20 bbls. Crushed and Powdered Sugar; 20 boxes standard Loaf and Havana Sugar; 350 bags old Java, Rio, Liguira, and Cuba Coffee; 90 boxes Sperm Candles, sizes 4’s, s's, and 6’s; 20 “ Hull’s Patent Caudles, ass*tried ; 25 “ Hull’s and Colgate’s Soap, No. I ; 30 “ Castile, Fancy and Variegated Soaps; 20 “ Colgate’s Super Pear Starch ; 60(A “ Table Salt, a prime article ; 20 “ Tobacco, some very choice tor chew ing ; 40,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, ass’d, Hat and square bar; German, Blistered and Cast Sleel; 150 Kegs Nails and Brads; 500 lbs. Waggon Boxes; 15000 “ Hollow Ware; 200 pr. Trace Chains ; 1-2 doz. Coffee Mills; 1-2 “ Iron Wire Sifters; 30 “ Pad Locks; 20 “ Currv Combs; 1-200 lbs. Bar Lend ; 50 doz. Blacking; 15 Boxes Cotton Cards; 500 lbs. Sad Irons; 50 doz. Tubs, Pails and Mats; 25 ** Halter Chains; 20 “ Shovels and Spades ; 20 “ Carolina Hoes; 10 “ Collin’s Axes; 20 “ Tea Kettles, No. 1,2 and 3 ; 150 Bags Patent Shot ; 20 do/.. Shoe and Horse Brushes; Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Knives, Knives ami forks, Pea and I able Spoons, Scissors, Razors and Straps, Shoe Knives anil Rasps, Percussion Caps,Cut Tacks, and Scgar Cases; 150 Reams Wrapping, Cap and L-tter Paper; 50 lbs. London Scaling Wax amt Wafers, Blue and Black Ink ; 200 Kegs White Lead ; 75 Boxes Window Glass ; 10 Casks London Porter ; 30 do/.. Saratoga Water; 10 “ Water; 10 Bhis. Cider Vinegar ; Copal Varnish, Spirits Tnr|>etim\ Spa'll. Brown, Madder, Bine Stone, Copperas, Bi iuistotie, Indigo, Fig Bine, Scotch and Macahoy Snuff, Epsom Salts, Salt Pctrc, Sal .Era t us, Mustard, Camphor,Oppo deldoc, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Magnesia, Cologne, Macaroni, Preston Salts, Lee’s P.ils, Bateman's Drops, British Oil, Tooth Powder and Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Imperial, Hyson and Pouchin TEAS, very choice; Extra FAMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT, and SODA BISGUI P, ol superior quality, will be received Weekly throughout the season. a 30,0000 SEGARS, Manilla Cheroots, Planta tion Norntas, Priucipes, Regalias, Vuellabagcra and India Panetelas; all selected with care, and those fond of a choice article, will please call and examine lor themselves. Macon, October 19, 1844. l-ts Bargains in prints, shirtings, lirkings, A v. rjfHF. subscribers with the view ol reducing a large stock of I he above articles, will sell prints, i shirtings, tickings, &.c. at unnsualiv low prices. S. J. RAY Sc CO. Nov. Blb, 1844. Os OTARD DUPRY &. GO’S /(RANDY, A. Seignelle’s do. Swan Gin, One barrel best pure Old Holland Gin, Madeira wine, These liquors are of the first quality. H. St j. COWLE” November Ist, 1844. 3of GEORGIA, Crawford county. WHEREAS John L. Williams, administrator on the estate of John Stovall, deceased, late of said County, applies to me lor letters of dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given tinder my hand, this 12th day of Novem ber. 1844. JAMES J. RAY, c.c o. November 15, 1544. s—uiOui . . . NOTICE. \ ‘j , l*<smis concerned, ate hereby notified, that 1 have filed in ibe tbe Clerks office of the Su perior Court ol Crawtord county, Ga. a copy as near as can be recollected, ofan original Deed made to me by George S. Kennedy Sheriff Af said county, hilot of Land numbers One Hundred ami I lurty Three, (133) in the Bih district of original. I. v Houston, mnv Crawford count v,containing fO-’t Acres more or less. I have also filed in said office circumstantial proof ol t lie substance of said mil Deed, and ol my title therein, and I intend at the next Term of Crawliird Su|>erior Court, to esta blish said copy Deed, ill lieu of tbe lost original pursuant to an act of the Legislature, assented to' December 24, 183-2, entitled, an Aet to establish and admit to record, certain instruments which i were destroyed with the county teconls, of t| ie ; county ot Crawford, by fire, and to make valid the ! same, which Act has been revived and continued in force by subsequent Acts of the Legislature JAMES A. EV ERETT. . November 15, 1844. 5_(;o " EXECUTORS’ SALK. MJ*Y permission from tbe Honorable Inferior -■-•Ciwirl of Bibb county, when silling for ordina j ry purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, heliire the court house door in Mo. j con, within tbe usual hours of sale, part of lot No -95, in the .Macon reserve, contaiuing7o acres, more * or less—ibis lot is situated within three miles of .Vacua, heavily timbered with pine and oak, and tlie soil well adapted to the cullureof com anil cot ton. The limiter on Ibe lot is estimated to be worth from 15 to 20 dollars per acre. Sold for dis- Iribiitiun among tbe heirs of fPilliam Nixon, dec’J. Terms on day of sale. P. NIXON. F.x’rx. J. D. If INN, F.x’r October 25, 1834. 2td ~ ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE, - A GREEABLY to an order of the Interior Cmirt of Crawford county, when sitting tin ordinary purposes, vviil he sold on tbe first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the court house door in Tails>l lon, Talbot county, vvilhin tbe legal hours of sale, the north half of lot of land No. (274) two hundred and seventy-four, containing one hundred, one and a quarter acres, more or less, lying and lieing in the ! first district of migiually .Muscogee, now Talbot county. Sold as the property ofSberod Whitting ton, late of Crawtord county, deceased, for the benefit ol'llie heirs and creditors. LOW WHITTINGTON, Adm’x. November 15, 1844. s—ld JOKES SIJFEKIOIt CO I Rr, |KJ| ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, 2 RULE .YISL ns. / To foreclose RANSOM DF.F.SE. ) Mortgage. To the Honorable the Superior Court of said County: HE petition of Robert V. Hardeman rrsprcl “ fully sbewetb, that Ransom Dtcse, on tie eighth day of April, in tbe year eighteen hundred and forty three, made and delivered to your iieij tinner, his written mortgage deed on the lollowii.g descrilieil land, to wit: Two lots of land, number* tliirtv-lour and nineteen, lying aud being*in the sixth district of originally Baldwin, now Jones county, containing two hundred two and one half acres each, adjoining lands of Jacob Oswald and Thomas S. Humphris, the place whereon the said Ransom Deese then lived: And your petitioner fur llit'r sbewetb that said mortgage was given by the said Ransom Deese, to secure to your petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note made bv the said Ransom Deese to your petitioner, hearing even dates with tbe said mortgage, and in said mortgage described; by which said note the said Rnnsoin Deese promised on tbe first day of December then next, to pay your petitioner, or hearer, seventy three dollars lor value received : And vout peti tioner further sheweth, that the said Ransom Deese, on the twenty.ninth day of April, in tbe year eigh teen hundred and forty-three, made and deliveTed to your petitioner, his certain other mortgage deed on tbe lands heliire described; ami that said last mentioned mortgage was given bv the said Ran som to secure to your petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note made bv the said Ransom Deese, due to your petitioner, bearing even date with said last mentioned mortgage, and in said mortgage described, bv which said note the said Ransom Deese promised, on the twentieth dav of April then next, to pay to vnnr petitioner, or bear er, thirty-three dollars and seventy-five cents, Ibr value received: Ami votir |>e!ilioiier further shew eth that said sum of moneys are due to vour pet - tinner,and that the same, and the interest due then - remains unpaid: Whereupon your petition! t orays the court to grant unto voor |ietiliiitie> a ru e directing the said Ransom Diese to pav the princi pal and interest aforesaid, and tbe cost of this pro c.eeding, into court, on or heliire the first day of flip next term ol Ibis court; and unless the princi pal, interest ami c ist be so paid, that a judgment he given by tbe court for the amounts which nuiv lie due on said mortgages; and that said mortga;*- e 1 property he sold in such manner as is prescrib ed in cases of exeriilion; and that the equity ot redemption in and to said mortgaged premises, be therein barred and foreclosed. ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, Petitioner Jones Supnior Court, April Term, IS.JL On lie aring the liiregniug petition. It is ordered by flie Court, that the»e.»r. Ransom Deese, do pay into the Clerk’s office of this court, the principal and interest due on stud mortgages, with the cost of this proceeding, on or b "litre the first Idav of the next term of this court; and unless saul sum of money lie so paid, tfuit a judgment will be give in fitvor of the said Robert V. Hardeman against the said Ransom Deese, lor said principal, interest ami cost, on said mortgaged premises; and that saitl property will lie ordered to be sold in I such manner as is prescribed in cases of execution; and that the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged ptenusrs. be therein barred and fore closed : And it is further ordered. That a copv of this rule be served on saitl Ransom Deese, or bis special agent, personally, at least three months previous to the term tin; money is directed to he | paid ; or published once .a month for four months in a public gazette of this State, previous to the next term of this court. A true extract Irom the minutes of Jones Supe rior court, April Term. 1844. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Clerk. June 35, 1844. Robert V. Hardeman, i Rule .Yin to foreclose vs. > Mortgage. Ransom Deese. ) April Term, 1844. Juries Superior Cavil, Oclobtr Term, 1544. f’T appearin'! to the court that saitl Rule Nisi ■ has not been served. It is ordered by the Court, that said Rule Nisi be enlarged; and it is Ordered, that said Ru'e Nisi be served on the said Ransom Deese, or bis special agent, personally, at least three months previous to the next term of this court, or be'published once a month (or four months in a public gazelle of this State, previous to tlx next term of this court. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Supe rior court, November 9. 1844. ELBF.R T HUTCHINGS, Clerk. November 15, 1844. (pr.f $8) 5-m4m FOUR months after date application will be made to the Interior Court of Macon counfv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, forleave toseil all the real estate belonging to C. L. Hitnlev, of said county, deceased, consisting of one lot of land in the district, adjoining lands of Win. Felton and F. Baldwin. JOHN F. McLEOD, AdntV. October 25, 1844. - _ 17IOUR months after date application will be made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary ofCrawford county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the real estate of Sinaiah Russel, late of said countv, deceased. WM L. SANDERS, Adm’r. November lfi, 1844. ♦ NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate ol Smnian Russel, late of Crawford county, deceaseit, are hereby notified to come forward immediately ami make payment; and all persons holding de mands against saitl estate are hereby notified to tender their demands in terms of thylaw. WM L. ANDERS, Adm’r. November 15,1814.