The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, January 08, 1845, Image 4

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i’O ET 11 Y. “ Hll H YET REMAINS UNSUNG.” [FOR THE REPUBLIC.] to miss . All canst lliou lake this shattered heart, Anti fold it It thine own. Am! make it deem itsell’a part, Os joys that you have known. Ah t••inst thou gaze upon my lace And read thy kingdom there. - ' Gaze on, and in each feature tiace, Tire tribute of a prayer. I would not that mv eve should take, All pk'Jgeoflove from thee. Or that my words should ever wake Thy wildest thoughts lor rue. No Ladv, I can n;.k no more Than what I can bestow A love whose first deep dream is o’er f » Cut not its deepest woe. I would not that iny name .should lie. Thy glory anil thv shame, Cut let it knit thv memory With some bright dream ol lame. The smallest star that shines a hove, Is made of million brains, And so are hearts that glow in love, Composed of many dreams. Ami at? beneath the silent skies, l umsed on many things, 1 saw the slmlight ol'ihii.e eyes, And heard thv spirit’s wings. If there arc realms beyond this land, t Wliere broken hearts can beat, Perchance by thee I then may stand, Our eyes in transport meet. NEW RECK I ITS. To destroy I louse Tiles. —Takuatt ounce of cobalt, which may be procured at any apolitical ies, pound it, and place it in plates mixed with spirit. The fumes will kill the llics if the room is kept closed, The room should he afterwards aired. JFhoyjnng Cough. —Twenty grains of salt of tailin', and ten grains of cochineal, with att ounce of refined sugar, disolved in water. Dose—lor a child 4or 5 years of age a teaspoon fu I tUreetimesn day,and a little every time the cough is trouble some. This has cured thousands; the relief is immediate, and the cure gencial y in four or live days. To via he Cologne IVufer. —To one pint il alcohol, add sixty drops of lavender, -ixty drops of bergamot, sixty drops of es »enceol lemon, and sixty drops of orange .vater. Let it be corked up and well sha ken. Age improves it. To perfume Clothes. —Take cloves, cedar and rhubarb, each one ounce, pulverize and sprinkle it in the chest or drawer. It will create a beautiful scent, and prevent mollis. Batter Pudding. —Heat up from four to six eggs with a quart of milk, and a little salt, and Hour enough to make il pour with use. Boil three quarters of an hour. Apple J'utlding. —Parc and stew three pints ol apples, mash them, and add four < gs one quurtcrofa pound of butter, su r and nutmeg, or grate and lemon. Bake on short crust. Cup Cos he. —Take one cupofbutler, two . ups of sugar, three cups of flour, and r eggs, well heat together, and bake in pans or cups. Bake 20 minutes. d.iiiif Cahe. —Take two pounds of Hour, oi!C half pound of sugar, one quarter j-ou-nd ofbutlcr, three eggs, one gil of milk i'tie half tea cup of sweet yeast, clove and nutmeg for spice. /V Cake. —Take foureups flour, three ups of sugar, threeeggs, one cup of but ter, ond cup of milk, one spoonful ol dis • Is cd pearlash. Flection Cahe. —Take four pounds of Hour, three quarters of a pound of butter, h'llr eggs, one pound of sugar, one pound i gurn ais or raisens, one half pint of guod yeast, wet it with milk, and mould it oiial iard. Lei it rise over night. A •af id bake three quarters of an hour. A 7 Cahe. —Take one pound of Hour, •tie quarter pound '•f butter same ofsugar yg arid spice to your taste. Sup • r Indian Corn. —Take two cups ; Indian meal, one table sjKjonliil of mo :.i.‘'i'.-, two cups of milk, a little salt, a Irjlulful ;>f'Hour,and a littlesaleratus, tnix :iiin, and j.ct»r it into a buttered bake [ran, ud 1;; ke Itali an hour. /i ..- rhread. —Melt a lea cup of butter, ud m \ it w ith a pint of molasses, a table '-p.ronfu! of ginger, a pint olllour, and two V. alert eggs, dissolve two tea sjioonfulsof ’-ainraius in half a pint or milk, and stir aio thee:ike, and add flour to make it i- <■ e.oper thickness. Bake it in deep ; a = half nii hour. Mujpns. —A quart of milk, two eggs, aio ■ •••)!? olyeast, two pounds of flour .. It mp of butter size of an egg, which is ,h: ui.iterl in the milk, and a little salt; •j-i-k • [ic wanned, and the ingtedi i. hi- raided. Let it rise,and then turn the ■ tire it l" buttered pans and hake to a light bn-wn. - —j—wxbv- wm'm—a £ jotjfl House* *dr\ IH F. connexion subsisting between Ihc i'Jjfc iniJer-'gin'll heretofore, under 1 tie firm of *”•*'!«. S. .SEWCOMII St GO., was dii-solved ■ 'ln.' !'».'h iii- 1. Tlie rlebis previously eoiitracteil t m ill be paid by If. S. Newcomb,and frwtii irghip of the Floyd House from ' .jvc slated,is vested in li. S. Nci\- n. s. newcomb, \VM. CB AFT, G. C. USHER. 'I t "'i N'iv. 15, 1814. X R. .Vt. Craft, I ltave the pleasure of saying ii !>'J to remaiu with me, and assist iii ||,e input o! ihc House. If. S. NEWCOMB. V ,v. 27: 3t H TO 111P.|7. y S. i a. Month, a good Cook, Washer, and Iron “- ■ • ( -117 Vest's old. Apply to I'.. i -u. ii 4k M. S' I'KQNG. If *a 1 1 he s, Jc tc clnj, AXD F ANCY CO ODS . rriHE subscriber begs leave to call the atten- I linn of the citizens of Macon and its vicin ity, to anew and fashions hit- stock of Watchco, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods: consisting of Fine Gold and Silver Watches, of various styles and prices; Chains, Keys, Breast Pins, Finger and Kings; J.adics’ Gold and Hair Bracelets; Hair Pins and Head ornaments; Gold, silver and steel Sjiectacles; Gold silver Pencil cases; Gold buttons, studs, Bi.c. &.C. &.C., now opening at the store ad joining that of Air. Geo. A. Kimberly, .Mulberry street. c. k. \v ent worth. N. SK.—C. K. AV. will give his entire and per onal attention to the REPAIRING <d" Watches and Clinks of every description. Having a cotn ylete and superior stock of watch materials select ed by [limself, lie feels confident of giving satisthc iioii to all who mav entrust their work to his care. .1 E ll' K I. R V of every kind repaired at the shortest notice. Moon. November 22,1844. 6—ts HI IKS. KERAEDY, HAS just returned liont Charleston, with a - choice assortment of articles of vx rz.rxz xtsj_Y. She has removed to tlie next door from the Com mercial Hank, and opposite Wrigley &. Heart’s Catriage Ware-House, where she vvili be happy to receive calls from tier old friends and the public j generally. Stir has carefully selected a choice assortment o i Feathers , Parisian Flowers, Ribbons, Face, (iimps, till)res, t*c. Also, Bonnil materials, which will lie sold as j cheap as ran be had in this market. BONNETS, TABBS and CAPS made to or der. Also, all kind of Embroidery, Masonic and Odd Fellows Aprons. Straws bleached and altered to the most liisli lonahie shapes. Oct. 25 2—II" SI! LI. I ft"4* OFF AT COST FOR C ASH. HAVING a very large Stock of Goods on huml, -and being desirousof reducing it very low hy the spring, I am induced to offer mv present STOCK AT COST FOR CASH. The Goods are new and bought in New York for Cash. The slock consists of X) R V C* Gon & 9 HEADY HAVE CLOTHING, HATS, SHOTS Aft IJ> HOOTS, SADDLUItV IIXSISHVAItC. CROCK EB V, ISOI.TIftG t 1.0 I lIS, j| 11,1, SAWS, FAINTS. O! 1,, WINDOW GLASS, nmr &c. .tc. embracing every article usually kept in this k E-r. Country Merchants, Peddlers, and other persons wishing to buy, would do well to look at my Goods before Purchasing, as great bargains may l>e had. \VM. A. ROSS. Macon, December 11,1844. 9-ts U an - Sm itlting. f JUIK Subscriber continues to carry on the above business at the Old Post Office, where lie is prepared to do all kinds of RIFLF,, GI N and PISTOI. repairing in the best possible : manner; DOOlt and FRENCH Locks repaired, and Keys fitted op short notice. RIFLES made to order with all the improvements,and warranted. O n hand Jo r Bale. DOUBLE and single Barrelled GUNS, Rl- FI.F.S, PISTOLS, Walker’s F.nglish caps; French t ribbed and split caps; Gun Locks of all sizes; Pow der Flasks; Wad cutlers; Shot Pouches; Baldwin’s '.Elastic Gun Wadding; Cleaning rods tor Double Guns, and all articles usually kept in the line. Powder in Ketrs, Quarter Kegs, and Canisters, of superior Brands, manufactured by Hazard, Denslow and Webster. Shot of all sizes by tlie Bag or single pound, verv low tor CASH. E. S. ROGERS. Macon, Dec. 4, 1844. 8 ts I I"ST received, fancy silks, satins, Cashmere D’Ecosse,crape De Laities, mottslin I)e Lai ties, Chusar.s, some new and beautiful styles for ladies’ dresses. S. J. RAY St CO. Nov. 8, 1844. FKCBU GARDEB MiCDS. A GENERAL assortment of WARRANTED i . •*- Fresh Garden Seeds, with directions lor plan i tig ace nnpanvin g each paper. Merchants and i others supplied in suitable quantities. .J. H. .V VV. S. ELLIS, Colton Avenue, Macon. j Nov. 8, 1844. C LOTUS Aft D € A SSI 711’ IK EsT tjjjiLPF.R extra black and blue black cloths and cassitncres, a huge stock just received bv S. J. RAY & CO. I Nov. Bth, 18 i L NOTICE. A LI, persons concerned,ate hereby notified that 'dm. | have filed in the the Clerk’s office of the Su perior Court of Crawford county, Ga., a copy as near as can he recollected, of an original Deed made to me by George S. Kennedy Sheriff of said county, tojlnt of Land number One Hundred and Thirty Three, (183) in the 3th district of original ly' Houston, now Crawford county, containing 202{ Acres more or less. 1 have also filed in said office, i circumstantial proof ol the substance ofsaid origi nal Deed, and of my title therein, and I intend at the next Term ofCravvlbrd Superior Court, to esta blish said copy Deed, in lieu of the lost original; pursuant loan act of the Legislature, assented to, December 24,1832, entitled, an Act to establish and admit to record, certain instruments which were destroyed with I lie county records, of the county of Crawford, by fire, and to make valid the same, which Act has been revived and continued 1 in force by subsequent Acts ofthe Legislature. JAMES A. EVERETT. November 15,1844. 5-60 EXECUTORS’ SALE. |f Y permission from the Honorable Inferior j -*-®Court of Bibb county, when sitting for ordina ry purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in Asa. con, within the usual hours of sale, part of lot No- ' 95, in the .J/acon reserve, containing?!) acres, more or less—this lot is situated within three miles of j .Ifac.on, heavily timbered with pine and oak, and j the soil well adapted to the culture of corn and cot- | ton. The timber on the lot is estimated to be worth from 15 to 20 dollars per acre. Sold lor dis tribution among the heirs of fl'ilham Nixon, dec’d. Terms on day of sale. I’. NIXON, Ex’rx. J. I> H INN, Ex’r October 25, 1834. 2td j A D.M iNiST 1 1 AT ftlX'S SA L E7 ~ A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court; ■* ® of Crawford county, when sitting- for ordinary j purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb- j inary next, before the court house door in Talbot- | ton, Talbot county, w ithin the legal hours of sale. I the north halfof lot of land No. (274) two hundred | and seventy-four, containing one hundred, one and j a quarter acres, more or less,lying and being in the ! first district of originally .Tfuseogee, now Talbot county. Sold as the pro|ierlv of Shcrod Whitting- | ton, late of Crawford county, deceased, for the benefit of I be heirs and creditors. LOW W HITTINGTON, Adm’x. | November 15, 1844. 5-td \ months after date application will Ire nrade to the Interior Court of Macon couirtv, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to C. L. Hnnley, late of saiil county, deceased, consisting of one lot of land in (be district, adjoining lands of Win. Felton and F. Baldwin. JOHN F. McLEOD, Adm’r. , October 85, 1844. 2 j^OUR months alter dale application will bo made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary ‘‘ ol Crawford county, when sitting fiirordinary pur poses, lor leave to sell all the real estate of Sinaiah ! Russel, late of said countv, deceased. WM L. SANDERS, Adm’r. ! November 16,1844. 5 CLOTHING STOKE. Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hull. PHILIPS AILRKITT A CO. HAVE recently received, and will continue to receive weekly during the business season from the North, a full assortment of READY .MADE CLOTHUYU, manufactured expressly Ibr them, together with a large assortment of Shirts Under-shirts, Scarfs, Hosiery, Umbrellas, &.C. Also on hand ami receiving a fine assortment o- Cloths, c-assimeres and Testings, of French, Eng lisii and American manufacture, embracing tlie la test and most choice patterns, which they are pre pared to make to older, according to fashion or the peculiar taste of their patrons. Particular attention given to the making and trimming of garments entrusted to their care, hy gentlemen furnishing their own materials, at prices to suit the limes. Macon, November 15, 1844. 5-ts JOHN L. JOftl> S CO. Solicit attention to anew & extensive assortment ol / {ca(/if madc Clothi ns?, Manufactured the past summer, from recently im ported goods, hy Wm. T. Jennings &. Cos., very iiivorahly known as among the most fashionable Drapers and Tailors in the city of New York, consisting of Surtouts, Frock Coats, Panta oons, Vests, Dress coats, Coatees and Office coals, Travelling coats. i.enlit s' and gentlemen's Cloaks, In all the new and various styles, together with •i very choice selection of S'lk and satin Scarfs, f'ravats, Mohair and Cashmere do Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Drawers, Under Vests, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and inuslin shirts, Collars, Stocks, &.c., including a general stock of Youth ’ sand Children's Clothing, HE&U.O QZ.OTmZN UMBRELLAS, &c. Believing that the system of “ Small Profits and 1 | Quick Returns” is best suited to the times, they I will offer their Goods at prices that canuut fail to! he an inducement to purchasers. Macon, Nov. 8, 184 I. ft i: W Go « B> 8 At Very lieduccd Prices For Cash. wzt* <<*, now, HAS just received, and now offers for sale a large and well assorted stock ol DRY GOODS consisting in part ofthe following articles: Brown and Bleached Sheetings amt Shirtings, Calicoes of every description , Flannels, Saltiuctts, Kentucky Jeans, Negro Blankets, Kerseys, Linseys, mol’s LIN I>E I. A IVES, VELVETS, Cloths,Cassimeres, Gloves Hosiery, Shawls, Silk laces, Handkerchiefs, Ac. ALSO, READY .MADE. CLOTHING, Bolting Cloths, Hats, Shoes, and Boots, Bonnets, Hardware and Cutlery, Blacksmith Tools, Crock ery and Glassware, Paints, Oil, window glass, Put tv, &c. See. All of which will be sold very low sor 1 CASH. Oct. 25—2—ts. ~ C. CA7HPISEi.iI & CO., “ A T llitir old stand opposite the Washington j Hall, offer lor sale at the lowest current prices ■ for cash, 75 bales heavy Gimny /Jagging, 250 pieces do Kentucky do 100 do do Russia do 50 do do Dundee do 1500 pounds good bagging twine 300 coils .l/anilla rope, 100 do Kentucky do, I 500 sacks salt, 20 tons swede’s iron, 25 hhds St. Croix and Muscovado sugar, 250 hags Rio, Laguira, and Java coffee, With a general assortment of blankets, shoe* staple dry goods, &,c. Nov. Ist, 1844. 11. A J. COWLES, HAV E removed to the Brick Store, on Cotton Avenue, one door below the Telegraph Os- i lice, where they are now opening a general assort incut of (irorerics, Shoes, Miartltrarc, A'r. together with a slock of STAPI.E AJYD FA.VC Y DR V GOODS, all of which will be sold low for Cash. Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly i on hand. vV/acnn, Oct. 25, 1844. NEW STORE AND NEW «<>«»*. TTMIE undersigned is receiving and opening at his store on Cherry Street, nearly 1 opposite Afessrs. Watts & Jl/oulton’s, and Martin Hall’s, a general assortment of Seasonable Rounds, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hals, Shoes, Crockery, Glass Ware, etc. Also constantly on hand a general assortment o. CHOCERIES A/MU PROVISION'S. all of which will he sold at the very lowest prices for CASH. His friends and the public are invited to give fiim a call. SA.fTL DAWSON, j JV/acnn, Oct. 25—2—ts. REMOVAL. AjrL J. RAN &. CO. have removed to the store a lew doors south of the Washington : Hall, adjoining I lie office ofthe Georgia .Messenger, | and offer lor sale a large and general stock of FA V- C YA.XI) STAPLE DR Y GOODS, at unusu ally low prices. Purchasers are invited to cal! and examine the stock ; great inducements will be of fered to buyers hy tlie piece or otherwise Nov. 8, 1844. * 1«> HIRE. " A BOY" old enough to do good service about a House. Apply at this Office, Macon, October 19, 1844. l-ts VIfti:VILLE LOTS. only unimproved Lot, on which can he JL (bund, running Water, good Springs, and a fine situation for Building, can he had on good terms by an early application at the office ofthe Repub lican. The above described Lot, contains Six Acres, on which there is Wood enough to last a small film ilv from five to ten years. Macon, October 19, 1844. l-ts A PLANTATION^ CIONTAIN ING Three Hundred Acres of pro / ductive Land, within Three miles of Macon, with One Hundred Acres cleared, and the balance well timbered with Oak, Pine and Hickory, and all of it under fence, can be purchased on reasonable ; terms by making an early application. Apply at 4 tfiis Office. Macon, Oct. 19,1844. l-ts FOIK SALE. 4 Y ACANT Wood Lot, on the ffifjgßjSgy -* *- Knoxville Road,containingTwen tv Acres of Laird,- —Two Acres f'ron ting tlie road, and running Ten acres back. There is on the Lot, a good situation for Buil ding, and on the Lot adjoining a most excellent Well of water. It will be sold low on one and two vfears Ibr good papers. Apply at the office ofthe Republican. Macon, October 19, 1844 2-ts VVA KE -11 UUS 1* ~ AND COMMISSIOft MERCHANTS, Macon, Georgia. SSStf IN connec'ion with the Warc ;'i House, we have established a Store, W <&> jl where we shall be able to furnish our "6 patrons and others, with TiAG GIJYG, ROPE, GROCERIES , I ROM, and other plantation supplies, at reasonable rates. MOULTRIE & CAMPBELL. Otobcr 19, 1844. i-if .Yen Fall and ll'iiitri' GOODS. ano. .ii* i.oa Is now opening a large and extensive assortment of FALL AMI WINTER GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF LAJIA CLOTHS CASHMERES CASIIJIEKE D’ECOSSE. CASHJIEKE DE LANES JIOISLIft DE LANES, FAN CY AND IILACk SILKS, with a variety of other new style of Goods for Ladies’ Dresses. RICH VELVETS CLOTHS, AND CASSITIERS, FOR GENTLEMEN. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GLASS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. All of which be offers as low as any house in the South. He will he happy to see those wishing to purchase, call and examine his Stock. (Act. 25th, 1844. .VJS ll* uooos. r gllll£ undersigned are receiving and opening a -N. large and well selected stuck of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hats, Shoes and Ready Made Clothing, &c., at their store on Second street, a few doots south ol the Washington Hall. His stock will be found to embrace the most fashionable and desirable styles utmost goods in their line, and will be sold at unusu ally low prices for cash, by the piece or otherwise. Tlie following among other articles will be found in their stock: Super black, brown, blue, green and fancy West of England Clot Its. Super French and English Cassimeres; Plain and Fancy do. do. Satin, Y’elvel and Marseilles Y'estings ; Black and fancy Silks,Satins, Bombasines, Mous line de Laines, Cashmere d’Ecosse, Crape de Laines, &r. &c; Pink, white, orange, blue and black Balzarines, lor evening dresses, anew and beautiful article; Cashmere, Rob Roy and Tarleton Shawls; American, English and French Prints; j Alpaccas, Merinos, Chusans, and Silk and Cot -1 ton Hosiery, Gloves,and Handkerchiefs; Brown and bleached Sheetings, Shirtings, Tick ings and Checks; Kerseys, Jeans, Flannels, Rose, Point and Daffil Blankets; Bov’s and Men’s russet and kip Brogans, Shoes an I Boots; Ladie’s, Misse’s and Children’s Shoes ; Hals, Caps, Bonnets, &c. &c.—all of which are offered at the lowest prices. SAMUEL J. RAY St CO. Macon, October 19,1844. l If WHITING & MIX, RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, to their stock of BOOTS and SHOES, to which weekly additions will be made during Iheseason. Our as sortment embraces the following descriptions: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans; 1000 “ Men’s second rate black Brogans; 1500 “ Men’s best russet Brogans; 700 “ Men’s second rale russet Brogans; 1000 “ Men’s best double sole black Brogans; 1200 “ Boy’s best black and russet Brogans; 300 “ Youths’ “ “ “ “ 1000 “ Men’s best kip Brogans; 600 “ Men’s second rate kip Brogans; 300 “ Men’s best double sole call" and kip Brogans; 500 “ Boy’s best kip Brogans ; 800 “ Youths’ best kip Brogans; 1500 “ Ladies’leather and seal Brogans ; 300 “ Ladies’leather and seal Shoes; 300 “ Ladies’calf Brogans; 20 cases Men’s • hick ami kip Boots; 8 “ Buy’s thick and kip Boots; 5 “ Youths’thick and kip Boots; 100 pairs Gents’ fine French calf Boots; 75 “ Gent’s middling fine French Boots; 100 “ Gent’s double sole Calf Boots; 100 “ Gent’s stout sole Calf Boots; 3 cases Gent’s and Ladies’ India Rubber Over Shoes. Also—A general assortment of Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s Leather, Kid and Morocco Walk ing Shoes of all kinds and qualities; Ladies’, Mis ses’and Children’s'Gaiters and half Gaiter?, thick and thin soles of all descriptions—all of which will he sold at the lowest possible prices. Also—Calf Skins, Sole Leather, Thread, Pegs •of all sizes. Boots made and repaired in tlie best possible manner. I Macon, October 19, 1844. 1 -ts I> R l « S. A GENERAL S'l'OCK OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES receiving, ot the best selec tion. All persons wishing to purchase will be supplied with superior articles on fair terms. ALSO—PA TENT MEUUA.XLS. Rovvauil’s Tonic; Balsam of Liverwort; Bernard’s Cholera Remedy; Extract of Sarsa parilla; Tomato Pills; Peters' Pills; Hull’s Pills. Also—American Gentlemen's Shaving Soap; Roussell’s superior Shaving Cream ; Superior old French Soap; Do. American; Pearlash, Potash, Salteratus, V’inegar, Starch. &c. Sic. For sale bv j! 11. & Y\ T . S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue. Macon, October 19, 1844. 1-tl INSURANCE. THE CROTON" [MUTUAL] INSURANCE COMPANY, Os the City of New York. rail IIS Company, according to the provisions of its charter, is ready to insure all kinds of .Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Eire j Risks, against loss or damage, at rates and terms moderate anil liberal, and solicit the patronage of its friends and the public at the Agency ol the Company. I ‘ TRUSTEES. Abraham Van Nest, James Harper, William B. Cozzens, John B. Lasala, Charles L. Vose, John J. Boyd, Joseph B. Nones, Edward Richardson, John F. Biitlerwortb, James Phalcn, Samuel Sherwood, John J. Herrick, Zadock Pratt, George C. DeKay, Herman D. Gould, Theodore A. Meyer, Joseph S. Smith, William P. Furniss, Elias T. Aldrich, John T. Gilchrist, Lawrence Hill, Luring Andrews, Thomas Monahan, Cyrus Cheney, William H. Townsend, George Whitaker, Amos Noyes, Janies H. Suydain, John Breasted, ' George Palen, Leonard Appleby, William Burgovnc, Silas M. Crandall. SAMUEL A. LAWRENCE, Presklent. JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice President. Lewis Benton, Secretary. Capi. Samuel, .Marine Inspector. William Wells, Fire Surveyor. Tlie undersigned is the authorised agent of the above company, to take either Marine or Fire risks in anv part of the State of Georgia, upon such liberal terms as may be agreed upon between the insured and 1 lie agent, who is vested with ample and discretionary powers. JERRY COWLES, Agent. Macon, October 19, 1844. l-ts WARE-HOUSE AND €OJHII<iSIOM BUSINESS. Maj. William Hamilton hav yg . --"sS ing re* tired, the subscribers have as "e / socialed themselves in business, un ————« der the name and style of WINN &. RUMPH. They will occupy the Ware House on Cherry street, known as Hamilton & Winn’s. They are prepared to make advances on Cotton put in their stores, and to execute all orders that mav be confided to them in the line of their busi ness. J. I). WINN, J. V. RUMPH Macon, October 19, 1844. 1-ts! THOMAS TAYLOR, (on cotton avenue and SECOND STREET,) I YVholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple Dr ts in ood s, CHOICE GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLER Y, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND SADDLERY, &c. &c- kc. "WM7OULD particularly invite Merchants and • n Planters to call and examine his extensive , and well selected stock before purchasing else- ! where, as he is determined to make pi ices corres pond Fully with the times. The following comprise a part of his stock: Affghan Satins, anew article Ibr diesses; Cashmere, Crape and super Mottslin de I.aines, new patterns; Alpaccas, Silk and Gimp Fringes; Ginghams, super Chene and genuine Scotch; Cambrics, plain, striped and checked; Muslins, Jaconet, book, &c; Laces, Quilling, Lisle, Edging, and Lace Neck Ties; Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers ; Cravats, Black Silk, Primed, and Fancy Plaid ; Handkerchiefs, a great variety; Shawls, GOO Plaid de I.aine, Chene, Prussian, Printed, Nett and Woolen Shawls and Comforters; Flannels, White, Red, and Yellow ; Brown Linen table Covers; Irish Linen ; Gloves, At ills, Suspenders, Garters and Night Caps; Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton and Linen Thread ; Corded Skirts, Corset Laces, Presses, Pins, Nee dles, Tapes, Thimbles, Tuck Quill, and Dress Combs; Kentucky Jeans, and super twill’d Kerseys': Negro Kerseys and Lindseys; * Packages brown and bleached Shirtinijs and Sheetings, Ticks, Checks and Stripes; 800 l’S AND SHOES, Ladies’, Men’s, Boy’s and Aliases; a laige supply. 200 pr. London dufiil Blankets; (100 Negro Blankets, twill’d and heavy; 4000 pr Negro Brogans, a superior article; 100 Ladies’, Men’s, and Boy’s Saddles; Bridles, Martingales, Whips and Collars; 1500 bleached sacks Salt, Inrirexize; 100 hales 46 inch Gunny Bagging, very heavy ; 300 ps 44 inch. Dundee and Russia do. 50 ps 44 inch. Gilroy’s superior 2 Hi. brand ; 300 coils three eight and one ball' inch Manilla bale Rope ; 2000 lbs. superior Ragging Twine; 50 doz. Piough Lines and bed cords; 20 Itlids. Cuba Molasses; 75 do. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars ; 20 bbls. Crushed and Powdered Sugar; 20 boxes standard Loaf and Havana Sugar; 350 bags old Java, Rio, Laguira, and Cuba Cuffee; 90 boxes Sperm Candles, sizes I’s, s’s, and 6’s; 20 “ Hull’s Patent Candles, assorted ; 25 “ Hull’s and Colgate’s Soap, No. I ; 30 “ Castile, Fancy and Variegated Soaps; 20 “ Coliratl’s Super Pear Slarcii; 600 “ Table Salt, a prime article ; 20 “ Tobacco, some very choice Ibr chew ing; 10,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, ass’d, f! it and square bar'; German, Blistered and Cast Steel; 150 Kegs Nails and Brads; 500 lbs. Waggon Boxes; 15000 “ Hollow Ware; 200 pr. Trace Chains; 12 doz. Coffee Mills; 12 “ Iron Wire Sillers; 30 “ Pad Locks; 20 “ Currv Combs; J2OO lbs. Bar Lead ; 50 doz. Blacking; 15 Boxes Cotton Cards; 500 lbs. Sail Irons; 50 doz. Tubs, Pails and Alats; 25 “ Halter Chains; 20 “ Shovels and Spades ; 20 “ Carolina Hoes; 10 “ Collin’s Axes; 20 “ Tea Kettles, No. 1,2 and 3 ; 150 Bags Patent Shot; 20 doz. Shoe and Horse Brushes; Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Knives, Knives and borks. Tea and Table Spoons, Scissors, Razors ami Straps, Shoe Knives and Rasps, Percussion Caps,Cut Tacks, and Segar Cases; 150 Reams Wrapping, Cap and Loiter Paper; 50 lbs. London Sealing Wax and Wafers, Blue and Black Ink ; 200 Kegs White Lend ; 75 Boxes Window Glass; 10 Casks London Porter ; 30 doz. Saratoga Water; 10 “ Bay Water; 10 Bbls. Cider Y’inegar; Copal Varnish, Spirits Tnrpetine, Spa'll. Brown, Madder. Blue Stone, Copperas, Brimstone, Indigo, Fig-Blue, Scotch and Macabov Snuff, Epsom Saits’ Salt Petre, Sal .'Eraltis, Mustard, Camphor,Oppn deldoc, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Magnesia, Cologne, Macaroni, Preston Salts, Lee’s Pills, Bateman’s Drops, British Oil, Tooth Powder and Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Imperial, Hyson and Pouchin TEAS, very choice; Extra FAMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT, and SODA BISCUIT,of superior quality, will be received Weekly throughout the season. also : 30,0000 SEGARS, Alanilla Cheroots, Planta tion Normas, Principes, Regalias, Y r ueltabagera and India Casadora Panetelas; all selected with care, and those fond of a choice article, will please call and examine Ibr themselves. Alacon, October 19, 1844. l-ts Bargains in prints, shirtings, tickings, .Yc, lIYHF, subscribers with the view ol reducing a Jaraje slock ofthe above articles, will sell prints shirtings, tickings, &c. at unusually low prices. S. J. RAY St CO. Nov. Bth, 1844. OX COIMOOIOT, {VI’ARD DU PRY & COS BRANDY, A. Seignette’s do. Swan Gin, One barrel best pure Old Holland Gin, Madeira wine, These liquors are of the first quality. H. &. j. COWLES. November Ist, 1844. 3-ts GEORGIA, Crawford county. 'WKTHEREAS John L. Williams, administrator on the estate of John Stovall, deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters of dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, : to he and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,! why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand, this 12th day of Novem. j her, 1844. JAMES J. RAY. c.c o. November 15, 1844. s—i»6m 1 KCW VOL LIME. T IE NENV MY KIKor OF LITERAT OBE AND ’ IB j * lN£ ARt Edited by G. „ MorriS a:U N ‘ Each JYp. contains <* beaalij Aeel E*^ Good as tlie Mirro, ’ edited enouoh to prosper) we h wi l n'^ ites built the walls of Jv ! lt| e i*, hand otherwise employed. , ie . j 1 <>f , ' enterprises are difficult—mor. of gtnnin» without capital—and the all. ntll,n of v’ u,e edit o has been occupied with the l * ,ani ?" e men t * °l ill machinery now in regular opei Wi,j| e it, other, till the concern should be p i compelled to labor diligently Ibr othe. * i One by one (to change the’figure,) the % ***'ideriP barnacles have l>een washed off our ket '* kv eoiP more rapidly ahead, and with the beginnj, I tlllri) volume, both editors will be entirely a 'kl tv jclusiyely devolv'd ,« the tfiP studding sails alow and aloll with the wind i sh aft, full and steady. Os course she wffi 1 1 a along ‘with a long bone in her mouth ’ as tP* gt/ , of a craft with the foam on her cntwaler •We live in the middle of this somewhat :.u > ited island of A/anliattan, and see most n 1 worth seeing,and hear most that is wurih I.■ ls Alter the newspajters have had their pickPr T news, we have a trick of making a spicy h.lh 'r the remainder, (gleaning many a choice bit bv way, which had been overlooked or sliirhted i ,e we undertake hereby, to keep the relders „f .Mirror up to the limes. Everv bodv reads n papers and gets the outline ofthe world’s cPP round—but we shall do just what the newsiS leave undone-fill „p the outline—tell vo,PT more,’ as the children say, pufin the' liol Jts "* snadows of tlie picture done by newspapers in t| r uigli. It is what we have tried to do in „ ur i/ ' e ters to the National Intelligencer,’ and as our fe,' ; 1 her editors seem to think we have succeeded •" will, (as we discontinue that correspoadenceT April,) in rather a more dashing and lighter vein resume these metropolitan sketches in t| ie y ’ We keean p eye in the bark of our head to 'Zi j and any Lx! is v likely to overtake us (and (rv p", trick before they come alongside.) and m kttp j lookout from both skies (from the salient balcP' jof our imagination) for any strange breczePP j novelty Ibr which it is possible to (run sail \*’ —m show our hand a little—we have hmrged Hu Koluk, a breeze or two which we shall reserve awtn v for comjietition l! nothing overhaul us we si, id | try our speed l»v and by, with sky scrapers anil a | —just to amuse the reader, and show „ur regard ' for bis respectable sixpence. Our plates by the way, we undertake to sa d.all be, from this dale, of twice the excellence at least, ol those heretofore given. Experience ail I inquiry, with a little more money, make more Ihf ; lerenee in the bettering of Ibis branch of our hr smess than ol most others. N. B.—ll' you wish to serve us, subscribe in : , l cases, bv letter to ourselves. Tlie postmasters w, i lorward it free ol pence. As to our extras, they are to booksellers, wimt the ‘manna’ must have been to the Jew bakers.— You don’t need coaxing to help yourself in any 'liing so cheap and heavenly. Take what lias lal ' b n, and he sure that more loaves, risp and satisfy. | ing, are bilked m tlie clouds. TERMS. stl per annum in advance. *#*Tbe first paper ofthe new year will be issued ■on tlie Gt Ii of April. This work is sent by mail to i all parts ofthe country Addresses fpovair,- f rce i MORRIS, WILLIS & CO. Editors aud Proprietors, No. 4, Ann street N. York. Dec. 25 ii .*ON6> M IMIKKH! COURT, (Nil ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, i HULL .YISI. _ . B * - / To foreclose RANSOM DF.F.SE. S Mortgage. Pot h> Honorable the Superior Court ofsaid Coiinln: r |NJI.K pelbion ol Robert V, Hardeman iispin. a fully shewetli, that Ransom Deese, on the eighth day of April, in the year eighteen bumlriil ami fiirty-three, made and delivered to your [icii lioner, his written mortgage deed on the lollowir.g described land, to wit: i’wo lots of land, numbers I liirty-Ginr and nineteen, lying and Icing in the sixth district of originally Baldwin, now .Inin, county, containing two hundred two and one half acres each, adjoining lands of Jacob Oswald *i:d riiomas S. Ilmnpliris, the place whereon the said Ransom Deese then lived: And your pi titiarnba ther shewetli that said mortgage was given by tlie said Ransom Deese, to secure to your jietitionertk payment of a certain proioissoi v note made by tl>* sai I Ransom I terse to your pel it iont., heni iug evt a dates with the said mortgage, and in said mortgage described; hy which said note the said Hansom Deese promi.seti on the first day of December then next, to pay your petitioner, or bearer, seventy three dollars lor value received : And your peti tioner further shewetli, llidt the said Ransom Deese, on the twenty-ninth day of April, in tlie year eigh t eeiibiuidreii and forty-three, made and delivered to your petitioner, bis certain oilier mortgage deed on the lands hellee described; and that said last mentioned mortgage was given bv the said Ran som to secure to vour petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note made bv tlie said Ransom Deese, due to your petitioner, bearing even dale with said last mentioned mortgage, and in said mortgage described, by which said note the said Ransom Deese promised, on the twentieth day "I April then next, to pay to vour petitioner, or l>ear er, thirty*three dollars and seventy-five cents, Ibr value received: And your petitioner further shew eth that said sum of moneys are due to vour peti tioner,and that the same, and Ihc interest due there on remains unpaid: Whereupon your petitioner [nays the court to grant unto your petitioner a rule directing the said Ransom Deese to pay the princi pal and interest aforesaid, and the cost of this pro ceeding, into court, on or before the first day of the next term of this court; and unless the princi pal, interest and cost be so paid, that a judgment ho given by the court Ibr the amounts whidi may lie due on said mortgages; and that said mortgag e I property be sold in sitcb manner as is prescrib ed in eases of execution; and that the equity "I redemption in and to said mortgaged premises, If therein barred and foreclosed. ROBERT \\ HARDEMAN, Petitioner Jones Superior Court, April Term, UG- On bearing the foregoing petition, It is on!end blithe Court, that the mortgagor, Ransom Ih l 'G do pay into the Clerk’s office of Ibis emut, h principal and interest due on said mortgages, 'Villi the cost of this proceeding, on or before tlie first day of the next term of this court;. ami unless sam sum of money be so paid, that a judgment will hi give in favor of the said Robert V. Hardeman against the said Ransom Deese, for said princqMk interest and cost, on said mortgaged premises; at ll that said property will be ordered to be sold 111 sueli manner as is prescribed in eases of execution* and that the equity of redemption in and to mortgaged premises, be therein barred ami l ,llC closed : And it is further ordered. That a copy ' this rule be served on said Ransom Deese, < ir f special agent, personally, at least three mon ' previous to the term the money is directed 10 1 paid; or published once a month for lour mo" in a public gazette of this State, previous t" 11 next term of this court. .Kune A true extract Irom the minutes of Jones*- 1 rior court, April Term, 1844. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Clerk. June 25, 1844. Robert V. Hardeman, 1 Rulc]Nisi tofoiccio t vs. [ .tfmW- Ransom Deese. ) April Gn«, R Jones Superior Court, Oclobcr Lj IT appearing to the court that said " „ t . has not been served, It is ordered by the Cm. that said Rule Nisi lx- enlarged ; and it a dial said Rule Nisi be served on the said I Deese, or his special agent, personally, |j|js three months previous to the ne.\ f- montfm court, or be published once n month for in a public gazette ol this Slate, previous next term of this court. , „ „r InncsSopf- V true extract Irom the minutes or done November 15,1844. (pr.l 8“) J