The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, January 22, 1845, Image 4

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POETRY. ■ - -- ■=. - “ MUCH YET REMAINS UNSCNfc.” THE BRIDE. BY MRS. 1.. H. SIGOURNEY. I came but she ivas gone. Tliere lay her lute, Just at site touched it last, at the soft hour Os Summer's twilight, when the woodbine nips, Filling with dee|>er fragrance fondly press and Through the rais'd casement, uttering tender I thanks To her who trained them. On her favorite seat j Still lay her work box open, and the book That last she read, and careless near its page A note, whose cover her slight pen had traced With lines unconscious, while her Inver spake That dialect which brings forgetfulness Os all beside. It was the pleasant home Where, from her chilJhood, she had been the star Os hope and joy. I came, and rhe was gone. But this I knew, for I remember'd well Her parting look, when from the altar led, With silvery veil, but slightly swept aside, How ihe'young rose-leaf'deepened on her check, And on her brow a solemn beauty sat. Like one who gives a priceless gilt away. And there was silence. ’Mill that stranger throng. Even strangers, and the hard of heart, did draw Their breath supprest, to see the mother’s lip Turn ghastly pale, and the tall stately sire Bow with a secret sorrow, as he gave His darling to an untried guardianship, And to a far-offclime. Perchance his thought Travers’d the moss gr.nvn prairies, and the shores Os the cold lakes —or those o’er hanging clifTs And mighty mountain tops, that rose to bar Her long reared mansion front the anxious eye Os kindred and ol friend. Even triflers felt How strong and beautiful is woman's love, That, taking in its hand the joys of home, The tenderest melodies of tuneful years, Yea, and its own life, also, lays them all Meek and unblcnching on a mortal’s breast, Reserving naught save that unspoken hope Which hath its root in God. Mock not with mirth A scene like this—ye laughter-loving ones lienee with the hackney’d jest. The dancer’s hcell W hat doth it here ? Joy, serious and sublime, Sjicli as doth nerve the energies of prayer, .Should swell the bosom when a maiden’s hand, Fresh from its young flower gathering, girdeth on That harness which the minister of dentil Alone unlooselh; and whose power doth aid Or mar the journey of the soul to Heaven. We ask those sectarian preachers who are labor ing to prejudice the minds of American burn citi zens against their brethren hv adoption, to read the following lines, breathing the noble and truly Chris tian sentiments of a warm and generous heart, and an enlightened understanding : TIIE FATHERLAND. BY JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. Where is the true man’s fatherland ? Is it where he hv chance is born ? Doth not the yearning spirit scorn In such scant borders to be spanned ? O, yes! his fatherland must be As the blue heaven wide and free ! Is it alone where freedom is? \\ here God is God and man is man ? Doth he not claim a broader span For the soul’s love of home than this? O, ves! his fatherland must be As the blue heaven wide and free! Where’er a human heart doth wear Joys myrtle-wreath or sorrow’s gyres, Where'er a human spirit strives After a life more true and fair, There is the true man’s birth-place grand, His is a world-wide fatherland ! Where’er a single slave doth pine, .* W here’er one man may help another— Thank God for such a birthright, br.ither That S|K>t of earth is thine and mine! There is the true man’s birth pine? <rrnnd, Ills is a world-wide fatherland ! ODD FELLOWSHIP. “ One GoJ hath made us all the Scripture saith. Each child of Earth the same kind Father hath ; Then, as we’re Brothers of one family, We’ll cherish Friendship, Truth and Charity.” Wit in Choosing Texts. —A voting preacher, in the time of James I. being appointed to hold Ibrth before the Vice- Chancellor and heads of colleges of Ox ford, chose for his text, “ What, cannot ye watch one hour i"’ which carried a personal allusion, as the Vice Chancellor happened to be one of those heavy-head ed persons who cannot attend church without falling asleep. The preacher repeating his text in an emphatic man ner, at the end of every division of his discourse, the unfortunate Vice-Chancel lor as often awoke, and this happened so often, that at last all present could see the joke. The Vice-Chancellor was net tled at the disturbance he had met with, and the talk it occasioned, and he com plained to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who immediately sent for the young man to reprove him for what he had done.— In the course of the conference which ensued between the archbishop and the preacher, the latter gave so many proofs of his wit and good sense, that his grace procured him the honor of preaching be fore the king. Here, also, he had his joke; he gave out his text in these words—“ James Ist and 6th, Waver not ,” which of course every body present saw to be a stroke at the indecisive character of the monarch. James, equally quick sighted, exclaimed, “ He is at me alrea dy but he was upon the whole so well pleased with his clerical wag, as to make him one of his chaplains in ordina ry. He afterwards went to Oxford, and | preached a farewell sermon on the text,) ‘ Sleep on now, and take your rest.’ Self-Conceit. —Those who either, Horn their own engagements and hurry ol business, or from indolence, or from conceit and vanity, have neglected look ing out of themselves, as far a3 my ex perience and observation reach, have from that time not only ceased to advance and improve in their performance, but have gone backward. They may be compared to men who have lived upon their principal till they are reduced to beggniy, and left without resources.— [Sir. J. Reynolds NILVEU FLITLI) AND B rittania Ware. JUST received bv the subscribe a tine lot of SILVER PL.iTED gp* nV IF.JRD, such as Fine Castors, Cake JIJlm Baskets, Candle Sticks, (with and without branches,) Snuffers and Trays. Tea Pots. &.c. &c. See., which together with : i his New Slock of Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy ! Goods, he offers at prices corresponding with the j j present low rates of cotton. Purchasers will find ( it to their advantage to give him a call before pur- : chasing elsewhere. Watches Repaired and Warranted at prices which shall give satisfaction. C. K. WI'NT WORTH. H atch .Maker and Jeweller, I Adjoining the store ofMr. G. A. Kimberly, Mul- j berry street, Macon, Georgia. January 15, 1815. Id ts .’ins. kb:\yi;i»y, MIAS just returned limn Charleston, with a choice assortment of articles of XKEEZtEMEBCZ- She has removed to the next door from the Com j mercial Bank, and opposite Wrigley & Heart's ( Carriage Ware-House, where she will be bappv to ; receive calls from her old friends and the public | generally. She has carefully selected a choice assortment o Feathers, Parisian Flowers, Ribbons, Lace, Gimps, Gloves, Ike. Also, Bonnet materials, which will be sold as; cheap as ran lie had in this market. BONNE IS, I'ABBS and CAPS made to or der. Also, all kind of Embroidery, .Masonic and Odd Fellows' .iprons. Straws bleached and altered to the most sash-! tunable shapes. Oct. 25 2—ts MRS. I'., OF PA Hi as, I MIL USER A SI) FA SHI OS ABL E j I* rests , linker, Store next door to .Messrs. Watts St . Moulton's, Commerce Row. ESPEC IT'L’LLY informs the Ladies of, -Macon and vicinity, that she has just arrived j from New Fork, with anew and well selected I stock of new OJ? VELVETS,SILK, STRAW, &, LEGHORNS which wili he sold very low. Old bonnets repair- J edat the shortest notice. A call is respectfully so- ! licited. December 11, 1844. 9 ts SLLLDiG OFF AT COST FOK C A S II . S WAVING a very large Stock of Goods on hand, ™ and being desirous of reducing it verv low by the spring, I am induced to offer my present STOCK AT COST FOR CASH. The Goods are new and bought in .Yete York for Cash. The stock consists of s>mit q o © « ? READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES AND BOOTS, SADDLERY II YRDWAItE, CROCKERY, 801/I'IM, CLOTHS, MILL SAWS, PAINTS.OIL, WINDOW GLASS, PETTY AC. AC. ' embracing every article usually kept in this Mar | KET. 1 Country Merchants, Peddlers, and other persons . wishing to buy, would do well to look at mv Goods 1 beliire Purchasing, as great bargains may iie hud. \VM. A. ROSS. Macon, December 11,1844. 9-:f Gun-Smithing. THE Subscriber continues to carry on the above business at the Old Post Office, where he is prepared to do all kinds of RIFLE, GUN aril PISTOL repairing in the best possible manner; DOOR and FR ENCH Locks repaired, and Keys fitted on short notice. RIFLES made to order with all the improvement*, and warranted. On hand so r Sa /c. DOUBLE and single Barrelled GUNS, Rl- V LES, PIS I'OLS, Walker’s English caps; French ribbed and split caps; Gun Locks of all sixes; Pow der Flasks; Wad cutters; Shot Pouches; Baldwin’s Elastic Gnn Wadding; Cleaning rods li*r Double ! Guns, and all articles usually kept in the line. Powder in Kegs, Quarter Kegs, and Canisters, ol superior Brands, manufactured by Hazard, Denslow and Webster. Shot of all sizes by the Bag or single pound, very low lor CASH. E. S. ROGERS. Macon, Dec. 4, 1844. 8 ts Fit i>ir<j arl> i; V v i: i: ds. A GENERAL assortment of WARRANTED Fresh Garden Seeds, with directions for plan ! tig accompanying each pa per. Merchants and I others supplied in suitable quantities. J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Colton Avenue, Macon. Nov. 8,1844. NOTICE. 4LL persons concerned,ate hereby notified that jI have tiled in the the Clerk’s office of the Su perior Court of Crawford county, Ga., a copy as near as can be recollected, of an original Deed made to me by George S. Kennedy Sheriff of said ] county, to lot of Land number One Hundred and I Thirty Three, (133) in the Bth district of original \ Iv Houston, now Crawford county,containing 202 J I Acres more or less. I have also filed in said office, circumstantial proof ol the substance of said origi nal Deed, and of my title therein, and I intend at the next Term ofCrawford Superior Court, to esta blish said copy Deed, in lieu of the lost original; pursuant loan act of the Legislature, assented to, December 24,1832, entitled, an Act to establish and admit to record, certain instruments which j were destroyed with the county records, of the county of Crawford, by fire, and to make valid the | same, which Act has been revived and continued in force by subsequent Acts of the Legislature. JAMES A. EVERETT. November 15, 1844. 5-60 ADMINrSTRATRIX’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an order ofthe Inferior Court °fCrawford county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, will lie sold on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, beliire the court house door in Talbot* lon, Talbot county, within the legal hours of sale, the north ha If of lot of land No. (274) two hundred and seventy-four, containing one hundred, one and a quarter acres, more or less, lying and being in the 1 first district of oiiginallv .Muscogee, now Talbot ! county. Sold as the property of.Sherod Whitting ton, late of Crawford county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. LOVY WHITTINGTON, Adm’x. j November 15, 1844. 5-td R months after date application will be made to the lulerior Court of Macon county, when silling lor ordinary purposes, fiir leave tosell all the real estate belonging to C. L. Htinlev, late ol said county, deceased, ronnsting of one lot of land in the district, adjoining lands of Win. Felton and F. Baldwin. JOHN F. McLEOD, Adtn’r. October 25, 1844. 2 months after date spp) cation will he made to the honorable Ihe Court of Ordiuarv ofCrawford county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the real estate of Sinaiah Russel, late of said county, deceased. WM L. SANDERS, Adm’r. November 16,1544. 5 I^OUR MON THS after date application wil * be made to the honorable the Inferior Court ol Bibb county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the entire estate real, and per- ; sotial, of Henry Flanders late of said county de ceased. DAVID FLANDERS, Adm’r. December 18, 1844. jo EAST NOTICE. A LL persons who have given their notes lor Ihe l'' re Negroes belonging to the estate of Luke J. Morgan deceased, for the year 1844, will take notice, that they have been placed in the hands of Poe & Nisbet, and if not paid by the Bth of Februarv next, they will be surd. LEWIS S. BROWN, Adm'or. January 8, 1845. , 13-4 t IHTt.Wni; FACTORY PKIVI LECE. 1 ENTERPRISING Capitalists desirous of n:ak —l ing investments in the establishment of Fac ' torie* at the South can now Jo so upon the most favorable terms. My Mills are situated thirteen I miles north-west of Macon, upon the Tobesoiky ! Creek, which through summer and winter affords ! the most abundant water. In addition on the i banks of the stream there is located an extensive and inexhaustible granite quarry, from which my i Mills have been erected, that will be an additional ' privilege and inducement to builders. Gentlemen or chartered companies desirous of engaging in the business will have a first rale op . porluniiy of purchasing the privilege for a term of I veuis by applying'o the subscriber at his residence j ten .nil - ah >ve M icon on the Forsvth road. NEEDHAM MIMS. January 3, 1345. 13 6t < LOTIII.\G STOKE? j Cotton .leaner., opposite TFaihington Hall \ PIIILII*S, MERRITT A CO. U E recently received and will continue In receive weekly during the business season I from the N .rib a full assortment o fREADY .MADE CLOTHLYU, manufactured expressly I lor them, log-up ,;e ivoii a large assortment of Shirts ; Under-shirts, Searls, Hosiery, Umbrellas, &c. Also on hand and receiving a fine assortment o- ‘ Cloths, r\’tssiin-res and Vestings, of French, Eng j iisii and Americni m.uuufaclure, embracing the In-j test and must choice patterns, winch thev arc pre-, pared to make to order,according to fashion U r the ) peculiar taste of their patrons. Particular attention given to the makin< T and ' trimming of garments cmriisie,| t „ t |, P j r ca 7 e , hv ' gentlemen furnishing their own materials, at prices I to suit the times. Macon, November 15, 1844. 5- t s NEW liOOI)$ At Wry Reduced Prices For Cash. BJTAS just received, and now offers for sale a " “ large and well assorted stock of DRY GOODS consisting in part of the following ankles: Brown and Bleached .sheetings and Shirtings, Calicoes of every description, I lniine's, Siittinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Negro Blankets, Kerseys, Linsevs, &&&& sr. MOFSHN HE LAI AES, VELVETS, Cloths,Cassimercs, Gloves Hosiery,Shawl*, Silk laces. Handkerchiefs, & c . ALSO, READY .WADE CLOTHING, Bolting Cloths, Hats, Shoes, and Roots, Bonnets, Hardware and Cutlery, Blacksmith Tools, Crock ery and Glassware, Paints, Oil, window glass. Put '.V, All of which will be sold very low for CASH. Oct. 25--2—tfi «’. c \ mpbiki.i. £ co., 4 I their old slain! opposite the Washington ■f* - Hall, offer lor sale at the lowest current prices lor cash, 75 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 250 pieces do* Kentucky do 100 do do Russia do 50 do do Dundee Ho 1500 pounds good bagging twine 300 coik. Van ilia rope, " 100 do Kentucky do, 1 500 sacks salt, 20 lons swede’s iron. 25 hluls St. Croixaud Muscovado sugar, 250 bags Rio, Laguira, and Java coffee, Willi a general assortment of blankets, shoes staple dry goods. Sic. Nov. Ist, 1844. H. A .1. COWLES, KIAV h removed to the Brick Store, on Colton Avenue, one door below the Telegraph Of fice, where they are now opening a general assort ment of Groceries, Sht/cs, Blartlteorv, *Vr. together with a stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, all of which will lie sold low fiir Cash. Our usual supply of CHEESE ki pt constantly on hand. -M icon, Pel. 25, 1844. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. rriUK unilersigneil is receiving and, -®- opening at his store on Cherry Street, nearly opposite .Vessrs. Watts & Aioullon’s, and Marlin Hall’s, a general assortment ol Seasonable Bonnets, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Crockery, Glass Ware, etc. Also constantly on baud a general assortment o. GROCERIES AUE PROVISION'S, all ot which will he soul at the verv lowest prices (or CASH. His friends and the public are invited to give him a call. SAJ/'L DAWSON. -Macon, Oct. 25—2—ts. REMOVAL. JkJA.I/ I. J. RA\ k CO. have removed to the store a few doors south of the Washington Hall, adjoining the office ofthe Georgia .Vessetiger, and offer lor sale a l arge and rrem ral stuck of F I Y CYA.YD STAPLE DRY GOODS, at unusu ally low prices. Purchasers are invited to cal! and examine the stock ; great inducements will be of fered to hovers by the piece or otherwise Nor. 8, 1844. TO in BE. 4 BO\ old enough to do good service about a House. Apply at litis Office. Macon, October 19, 1844. j_if VINEVILLE LOT*. npHF. only unimproved Lot, on which can he * found, running Water, good Sptings, and a fine situation lot Building, can he bad on good terms by an early application at the office ofthe Repub lican. The above described Lot, contains Six Acres, on which there is Wood enough to last a small lain ily from five to ten years. Macon, October 19, 1844. j_|f A PLANTATION, 4~'IONTAINING Three Hundred Acres of pro ductivc Land, within Three miles of Macon, with One Hundred Acres cleared, and the balance well timbered with Oak, Pine and Hickory, and all of it under fence, can be purchased on reasonable terms hv making an early application. Apply at this Office. Macon, Oct. 19, 1841. j- t s WARE-HOUSE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Macon, Georgia. IN connection with the Wnrc f *.. .MSaB House, we have established a Store, 'j|j 4> / where we shall be able to furnish our 1 patrons anil others, with BAG GI.YG, ROPE, GROCERIES, IRON’, an.) other plantation supplies, at reasonable rates MOULTRIE & CAMPBELL. Otobor 19. 1844. ]_ ( f NOTICE. • 4 LL persons are notified not to trade for a prom issorv Note, made payable to Peter E. Love, for Eighty Dollars, dated some time in January 1844, anil to become due on the first of January 1845, signed hy William Herrington. As the a bove mentioned Note was lost by me, on 'he 28th of December 1844, and the said William Herring ton is hereby notified not to pay said Note il pre sented to hint by anv other person thin the under signed. ' THO.VAS W. GURK. Perry, January 8, 1845 14 5t EXECTTOR'S SALE. •MW-ILL he sold at the Court House, in Macon, Bihb county, on the first Tuesday in .March next, Elsa, a Negro woman and her five Chil dren, sold for I lie benefit of the Heirs of Rebecca Davis, late of Bihh countv deceased. Terms Cash. ELISHA' DAVIS, > BKNJ. DAVIS, s Executors. January 2,1815. II J%*ew Wall and ffinler GOODS* r;/70. Ji. xocf.i.v, Is now opening a large and extensive assortment of PALL AND AVIATED GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF LANA ( LOTUS CASHMERES, CASII.MEKE D’ECOSSE. CASHMERE DE LANES, MOI SEIN DE LANES, FANCY AND BLACK SILKS, with a variety of other new style of Goods for Ladies’ Dresses. BICII VELVETS. CLOTHS, AND CASSIMERS,*FOB GENTLEMEN. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GLASS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. All of which he offers as low as any house in the South. He will be happy to see those wishing to purchase, call and examine his Stock. Oct. 25th, 1844. WE If GOO IPS. r £JMIE undersigned are receiving and opening a large and well selected stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hals, Shoes and Ready Made Clothing, kc., at their store on Second street, a lew (loots south ol the Washington Hall. His stock will be found to embtace the most fashionable and desirable styles utmost goods in their line, and will be sold at tin usu ally bnv prices for cash, by the piece or otherwise. The following among other articles will be found in their stock: Super black, brown, blue, green and fancy W i'st ol England Cloths. Super French and English Cassimeres; Piain and Fancy do. do. Satin, Velvet and Marseilles Vestings; Black and fancy Silks, Satins, Bombasines, Mous line de Laities, Cashmcic d’Ecosse, Crape de Laities, kc. &c ; Pmk, white, orange, blue and black Balzarines, ft.r evening dresses, anew and beautiful article; Cashmere, Rob Roy and Tarleton Shawls; American, English and French Prints; Alpaccas, Merinos, Chusans, and Silk and Cot ton Hosiery, Gloves,and Handkerchiefs; Brown and bleached Sheetings, Shirtings, Tick ings and Checks; Kerseys, Jeans, Flannels, Rose, Point and Daffil Blankets; Bov’s and Men’s russet and kip Brogans, Shoes and Boots; Ladie’s, Misse’s and Children’s Shoes; Hats, Caps, Bonnets, &e. kc.—all of -vhich are offered at the lowest prices. SAMUEL J. R.W k CO. Macon, October 19, 1344. I —ts Whiting & Mix, ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friemlsand the public generally, to their stock of BOOTS and SHOF.S, to which weekly additions will lie made during theseason. Our as sortment embraces the following descriptions: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans; 1000 “ Men’s second rate black Brogans; 1500 “ Men’s best russet Brogans; 700 “ Men’s second rate russet Brogans; 1000 “ Men’s best double sole black Brogans; 1200 “ Bov’s best black and russet Brogans ; 300 “ Youths’ “ “ “ “ 1000 “ Men’s best kip Brogans; COO “ Men’s second rate kip Brogans; 300 “ Men’s best double sole calf and kip Brogans ; 500 “ Bov’s best kip Brogans; 800 “ Youths’ best kip Brogans; 1500 “ Ladies’ leather and seal Brogans ; 300 “ Ladies’leather and seal Shoes; 300 “ Ladies’calf Brogans; 20 cases Men’s thick anti kip B tots; 8 “ Boy’s thick and kip Boots ; 5 “ Youths’thick and kip Bools; 100 pairs Gouts’ fine French calf Boots; 75 “ Gent’s middrrng fine French Boots; 100 “ (ient’s double sole Calf Bisits; * 100 “ Gent’s stout sole Call’Bools; 3 coses Gent’s and Ladies’ India Rubber Over Rimes. Ais i—A general assortment of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Leather, Kid and Morocco Walk ing Siloes of all kinds and qualities; Ladies’, Mis ses’and Children’s Gaiters and half (idlers, thick and thin soles ol* all descriptions—ad of which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Also—Calf Skins, Sole Leather, Thread, Pegs of all sizes. Boots made and repaired in the best possible manner. Macon. October 19, 1844. 1-ts I> R C G S. I A GENERAL STOCK OF DRUGS AND; MEDICINES receiving, ot the best selec tion. All persons wishing to purchase will be supplied with superior articles on fair terms. ALSU-PATENT MEDICINES. Rowand’s Tonic; Balsam of Liverwort; i Bernard’s Cholera Remedy; Extract of Sarsa parilla; Tomato Pills; Peters’Pills ; Hull’s Pills. Also—American Gentlemen’s Shaving Soap ; Roussell’s superior Shaving Cream ; Superior old French Soap; Do. American; Pearlash, Potash, Suite rat us, Vinegar, Starch, Stc. &c. For sale hv J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue. Macon, October 19, 1844. 1-tl • INSURANCE. THE CROTON {.MUTUAL) INSURANCE COMPANY, Or the City or New York. BBIHIS Company,according to ilie provisions of its charter, is ready to insure all kinds of Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire. Risks, against loss or damage, at rates and terms moderate and liberal, anti sofeit the patronage of its friends and the public at the Agency ol the Company.. TRUSTEES. Abraham Van Nest, James Harper, \\ illiam B. Cozzens, John B. Lasitla, Charles 1,. Vose, I John J. Bovd, Joseph B. Nones, i Edward Richardson, John F. Botlerworth, | James Phalen, Samuel Sherwood, John J. Herrick, Zailnck Pratt. George C. DeKay, Herman D. Gould, Theodore A. Meyer, Joseph S. Smith, William P. Furniss, Elias T. Aldrich, John T. Gilchrist, Lawrence Hill, Loring Andrews, Thomas Monahan, Cyrus Cheney, William H. 'Townsend, George Whitaker, Amos Noyes, James H. Suvdatn, John Breasted, George Palen, Leonard Appleby, | William Borgovne, Sila.s M. Crandall. SAMUEL A. LAWRENCE, President. JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice President. Lewis Benton. Secretary. | Capt. Samiei, Candler. Marine Inspector. William Wells, Fire Surveyor. The undersigned is the authorised agent of the ; above company, to lake either Marine or Fire j risks in anv part of the State of Georgia, upon | such liberal terms as may be agreed upon between 1 the insured and the agent, who is vested with ample and discretionary powers. JERRY COWLES, Agent. Macon, October 19, 1844. 1-ts ~ WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. Maj. William Hamilton hav ing retired, the subscribers have as jSf <v J sociated themselves in business, un- der the name and style of WINN & RUM PH. They will occupy the Ware House on Cherry street, known as Hamilton & Winn’s. They are prepared to make advances on Cotton put in their stores, and to execute all orders that tnav be confided to (hem in the line of their busi ness. J. D. WINN. J. V. RUM PH, Macon, October 19,1844. 1 Til. THOMAS TAYLOR, (on cotton avenue and second street,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple 1) rif (w oo(l s, CHOICE GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLER Y, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS. AND SADDLERY, kc. kc- xc.‘ TI’OULD particularly invite Merchants and » » Planters to call and examine his extensivi and well selected stock before purchasing else where, as be is determined to make pi ices corres pond fully with the limes. '1 he Pillowing comprise a part of his slock: Affghati Satins, anew article liir dtenses; Cashmere, Crape ami super Mnuslin de Laines, new patterns; Alpaccas, Silk and Gimp Fringe*; Ginghams, super Chene and genuine Scotch; Cambrics, plain, striped and checked ; Muslins, Jaconet, book, kc; Laces, Quilling, Lisle, Edging, and Lace Neck Ties; Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers; Cravats, Black Silk, Printed,ami Fancy PiaU ; Handkerchiefs, a great variety; Shawls, 600 Plaid de Lnine, Chene, Prussian, Printed, Nett and Woolen Shawls and Comforters; Flannels, While, Red, and Yellow; Brown Linen 1 aide Covers; Irish Linen; Gloves, .Mitts, Suspenders, Garters and Night Caps; , Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton and Linen Thread ;! Corded Shirts, Corset Laces, Presses, Pins, Nee- I dies, lapes, I liiuildes, Tuck Quill, and Dress j Combs; | Kentucky Jeans, and super twill'd Kerseys; Negro Kerseys and Lindseys; Packages brown and bleached Shirtings and ! Sheetings, Ticks, Checks and Stripes; 800 f S AND SHOES, Ladies’, Men’s, Boy’s and Misses; a large supply. 20U pr. London dttflil Blanket*; 600 Negro Blankets, twill’d and heavy ; 4000 pr Negro Brogans, a superior article; 100 Ladies’, .Men’s, and Bov’s Saddles; Bridies, Martingales, Whips and Collars; 1500 blenched sacks Salt, large size; 100 bales 46 inch Gunny Bagging, verv heavy; SOO p*44 inch. Dundee and Russia do. 50 ps 44 inch. Gilroy’s superior 2 lb. brand ; 300 c.oi.s three eight and one half inch Manilla bale Rope ; 2000 lbs. superior Bagging Twine; 50 doz. Plough Lines and hid cords; 20 bhds. Cuba Molasses; 75 do. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars ; 20 bids. Crushed and Powdered Sugar ; 20 boxes standard Loaf and Havana Sugar; 350 hags old Java, Rio, Laguira, and Cuba Coffee; 00 boxes Sperm Candles, sizes 4’s, s's, and 6\s; 20 Halls Patent Caudles,*assorteil; 25 “ Hull’s and Colgate's Soap, No. I ; 30 “ Castile, Fancy .and Variegated Soaps; 20 “ Colgate’s Super Pear Starch ; 600 “ Table Salt, a prime article ; 20 “ Tobacco, some very choice for chew ing; 40,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, ass and, flat and square bar; German, Blistered and Cast Steel; 150 Kegs Nails and Brads ; 500 ilis. Waggon Boxes; 15000 Hollow Ware; - 200 pr. Trace Chains; 1 ’ do/. Coflee Mills; 12 “ Iron W r ire Sifters; 80 “ Pad Locks; 20 “ Currv Combs; 1200 Ilis. Bar Lead ; 50 doz. Blacking; 15 Boxes Cotton Cards; 500 lbs. Sad Irons; 50 doz. Tubs, Pads and Mats; 25 *• Halter Chains; 20 “ Shovels and Spades ; 20 “ Carolina Hot-s; 10 “ Collin's Axes; •20 “ Tea Kellies, No. 1, 2 and J ; i 50 Bags Patent Shot ; 20 doz. Shoe and Horse Brushes; Pen, Pocket, and fancy Knives, Knives and forks, lea and I able Spoons, Scissors, Razors and Straps, Knives and Rasps, Percussion Caps,Cut Tacks, anil Segar Cases; 150 Reams W rapping, Cap soil Loiter Paper; 50 lbs. London Sealing Wax and Wafers, Blue and Blaek Ink ; 200 Kegs White Lead; 75 Boxes Window Glass ; 10 Casks London Porter; SO doz. Saratoga Water* 10 “ Bay W ale. ; 10 Bhls. Cider V inegar; Copal Varnish, Spirits Tiu pelinc, Spa’h. Brown, Madder, Bine Stone, Copperas, Brimstone, Indigo, Fig-Bine, Scotch and Macataiy Snuff, Epsom Sabs, Salt Petre, Sal -Era ins, Mustard, Camphor,Oppo deldoc, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil. Magnesia, Cologne, Macaroni, Preston Salts, Lee’s Pills, Bateman’s Drops, British Oil, Tooth Powder and Brushes, Spires of all kinds, Imperial, Hyson and Pouchin TEAS, very choice; Extra FAMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT, and SODA BISCUIT, of superior quality, will be received Weekly throughout the season. , also: SO,OOOO SEGARS, Manilla Cheroots, Planta tion Normas, Prme.ipes, Regalias, Vueltabagera and India Casadora Panetelas; all selected with care,and those find of a choice article, will please call and examine for themselves. Macon, October 19, 1844. j-ts Bargains in prints, shirtings, tickings, Arc. TI3HE subscribers with the view ol reducing a •* large stork ofthe above articles, will sell prims shirtings, tickings, kc. at unusually low prices. S. J. RAY &. CO. Nov. Blh, 1844. ON CONSIGNMENT, g"|TARD DUPRY & CO S BRANDY, A. Seignette’s do. Swan Gin, One barrel best pure Old Holland Gin, Madeira wine, These liquors are ofthe first quality. H. k j. COWLES. November Ist, 1844. S-ts GEORGI A, Crawford county. John L. Williams, administrator on the estate of John Stovall, deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters of dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred anil creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 12th dav of Novem ber, 1844. JAMES J. RAY, c. c o. Noveniher 15, 1844. 3—m*lm A NEW VOLUME. the new mirhok °1 LITERATURE AND the fine AIITs Edited by G. P. Morris and N. P.IViUU * Each „Vo. contains a beautiful steel *’" g r w^ Good as the Mirror has hitherto been , enough to prosper) we have edited it as tlx> ties built the walls of Jarusalem-with n'T hand otherwise employed. The beginning/of *u enterprises are difficult—more especially be£* n f without capital—and the attention of ms rJ.T has been occupied with the management T machinery now in regular operation, wfiju J* other, nil the concern should be nrtaneroi..* compelled to labor diligently for other One hyonetm change .be figure,) these barnacles have been waslied off our ke I hv more rapidly ahead, and with the begmnmg „t ! ",'t g third volume, both editors will be eolirelv «, '* clusively devoted to the Muror-equal sl”‘ studding sails alow and aloft with the wind j ? aft, full and steady. Os course rt* w7hWT along 'with a king lame in her mouth,’ as they » ol a craft with the limm on her cutwater ' We live in ihe middle of this somewhat ird„k .ted island of .Manhattan, and see most ,£f, worth seeing,and hear most that is worth lie.r^ 1 * Alter the newspaper* have had their pick „f m' news, we have a trick of making a spicy hash S' the remainder, (gleaning many a choice bit bv .k. way, winch had been overlooked or slighted ) .A we undertake hereby, to keep the readers nf n? •Mirror up to the times. Every body- reads neilt* papers and gets the outline of the world’s round but we shall do just ivliat the neivspL* leave undone—fill up the outline—tell von J, more,’ as the children say, pm in the lights .nd snadows ol the picture done bv newsuaner* o rough. It is what wc have tried to do i,, „ ur .r * ters to Ihe National Intelligencer,’ and a* m,r him. I her editors seem to think we have succeeded w . will, (as we discontinue that correspondence ! April,) m rather a more (limbing and lighter vei. j resume these metropolitan sketches in the Virrn ’ We keean p eye in the back of our head to J. ff any hod is y l.kcy to overtake us (ami try trick belore they come alongside,) and tve kern lookout from both sides (from the salient tinlcZiw of our imagination) iiu- any strange breezes ,j* novelty fiir which it is poswble to trim sail And —m show our hand a little—we have ba.rged like Eolus, a breeze or two which we shall reserve awhile lor competition || nothing overhaul us we aha I irv our sjaeeil by and by, with skv scrapers and ail —just to amuse tin* rentier, and'show our regard lor his respectable sixpence. • ” Our plates by the way, we undertake to »av ■’hull be, Irom this date, of twice the exceltencr at leas*, of those heretofore given. Experience ind inquiry, with a lrtile more mottev, make more tlif ferene.e in tin: bettering of this branch of our bu siness than ol most others. N. B.—lt you wish to serve us. subscribe in all r ises, bv let ter to ourselves. The postmasters will forward it free of expense. As to our extras, they are to booksellers, what the ‘mintin’ most have been to u,i Jew linkers.— You don’t need mixing to help vourselfto anv •hing so cheap ami heavenly. Take what haa la I len, and be sure that more liiaves, risj) ami satisfy, j ing, are baked in the clouds. TERMS. B>l per a t turn in advance. *,* The first paper ofthe new. year will he Is.iirJ on the 6lh of April. This work Is sent by mail t« ! all parts ofthe r mntrv Addresses (poslnge free » MORRIS, WILLIS & CO. Editors ami Proprietn**. No. 4, Ami street N. York. Dec. 25 ~ •ION IN *3 IMiKIUK fOI’RT, 1844. ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, ) RULE .YISI. w * > To foreclose RANSOM DEESE. S Mortgage. Lothe Honorable Ihe Superior Court of said County: r|NH K |M‘iition n| Roht-n V, Hardt man ti-sptri -N- fully shewtoh, that Kansim IXiw, on lie eighth day >d April, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-three, made and delivered to your pell* tinner, his written mortgage deed on the Infliitvirg describe I land, to wit: Two lot* of lam! thirly-bmr unit nineteen, lytt'g and being in tkr sixth tli»ltid ol oiiginallv Baldwin, now Jour* county, c 'iitaiuing two humlred two and one halt acres each, .irlj'imiiig lauds of Jacob Oswald and 1 Itoura.s S. Hiiniphris, the place whereon the said Ransom Dense then lived: And your peliliurerliir ther shelvel lt that said mortgage was given bv Ike said Ransom Dcesr, to secure to your pi titiuner the payment o! a ii-rlain protitissoiy note made try Ike said Ransom Dccse to your peltuoner, bearing run dales with the »anl mortgage, anil in said inortgag described; by winch said mile the said l«:■ nsnitt Deese promised on the first .'ay us DiriiiiUr lira next, to pay your pet’lioner, or bearer, seventy* three dollars lor value received : And ynm peti tioner further slit-wet It, that the said Ransom Detse, on the t weiity.iiintli day of April, in the year eiglt t eenbumlrcd and forty-tbree, n tide and delivered to your petitioner, Ids certain other mortgage deed on il.c lands helo e ilescrtlieil; and that said last mentioned mortgage was given bv tiie said Ran som to secure to your petiioner the I'ayntent of a certain nroniissory note made bv tie said Ransom Deese, due to your petitioner, bearing even date with sail! Inst mentioned mortgage, and in said mortgage described, by vvbieli said note the said Rinstim Deese |)tomiseil, on the twentieth day of April then next, to pay to your petitioner, or brsr er, thirty-three dollars and seventy-five cents, tor value received: And your petitioner furl her shew* etb that said mm of moneys are due to your peli* tinner,and that the same, and the interest due there on remains unpaid: Wheieupon your petitioner prays the court to grant unto your pelitiunet a rule directing Ihe said Ransom Deese to pay the princi pal ami interest aforesaid, and the cost of this pro ceeding, into court, on or before the first day of the next term of ibis court; and utiles.? the princi pal, interest and cost be so paitl, that a judgment be given by tin: court liir the amounts winch may he due on said mortgages; and that said nmrtgag* e I property he sold in such manner as is prescrib ed in case* of execution ; and that the equity ol redemption in and to said mortgaged premise*, be therein burred and foreclosed. ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, Petitioner .Jones Superior Court, April Term, 1544. On hearing the foreg >ing petition. It is ordered by the Court, that the mortgagor, Ransnnf Deese, do pay into the Clerk’s office of this court, the principal and interest due on said mortgage*, with the cost of this proceeding, on nr beliire the first day of ihe next term of this Court; and unit's* said sum of money he so paid, that a judgment will be give in favor of the said Robert V. Harden'*!* against the said Ransom Deese, lor said principal, interest and cost, on said mortgaged premises; and that said property will be ordered to he sold in such manner as is prescribed in rases ol execution: and that the equity of redemption in ami ***“ mortgaged premises, he therein barred and fore closed And it is further ordered, That a copy ol this rule be served on said Ransom Deese, or hi* special agent, personally, at least three month* previous to the term the money is directed to he paid; or published once a month fur four mont ■* in a public gazette of this Slate, previous to the next term of this court. A true extract Irom the minutes of Jonesv.upe rior court, April Term, 1844. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Clerk, June 25, 1844. Robert V. Hardeman, ) Rule Nisi to foreclose vs . 5 Mortgage. Rawsom Deese. ) April Term, 18 Jones Superior Court, October Term, l&M --IT appearing to the court that said Bute *"•' has no. been served. It is ordered by the Court, that said Rule Nisi lie enlarged; and *?*g**!j ihat said Rule Nisi be served on the said Ran o Deese, or his agent, personally,* three months previous to the next j*rm oi n, court, or be published once a monlhfor .our in a public gazette of this State, prev.ous «> next term of this court. A true extract Irom the minutes of Jones ,i„, Actchincs. a*. November 15.1841. (pr.f *“) 5-n*4