The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, April 16, 1845, Image 2

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London, before several of -her works had become classics.—Anna 'Maria, the Second siiter, commenced tier admirable series of novels soon after the first celebrity of Jane’s works, and they wrote and passed the brightest years of their life together in a cottage retreat. The two sisters were singularly beautiful. Sir Thos. Lawrence was Jan unsuccess ful suitor to Anna Maria, and Jane, (said by Sir Martin Shee to have been the handsomest woman he ever saw,) was engaged to a young soldier who was kill ed in the Peninsula. She is a woman to have but one love in a life time. Her be trothed was killed when she was twenty years of age, and she has ever since worn mourning, and remained true to his memory. Jane is now the only survivor of herfamil}', her admirable mother and her sister having died some twelve or fourteen years since, and Sir Robert hav ing died lately, while re-visiting England, after many years’ diplomatic residence in Venezuela. Miss Porter is now near sixty. She ha3 suffered within the last two or three years from ill health, hut she is still erect, graceful and majestic in person, and still possessed of admirable beauty of counte nance. Her large dark eyes have a strik ing lambency of lustre, her smile inspires love in all who see her, and her habit of mind, up to the time we last saw her, (three or four years ago,) was that of re flecting the mode of others in conversa tion, thinking never of herself, and en deavoring only to make others shine, and ! alfthis with a tact, playfulness and sim plicity, an occasional unconscious briliian- j cy and penetration, which have made her, up to sixty years of age, a most interest ing, engaging, and lovely woman. A writer in an English magazine says: ‘We J had the good fortune .to pass several j months, at different times, under different hospitable roofs, with Jane Porter, and, considering the extent of her eltnrtn over old and young, titled and humble, mas ters and servants, we sincerely think we have never seen a woman so beloved and so fascinating. She is the idol of many different circles of very high rank, and passes her time in yielding, month after month, to pressing invitations from the friends who love her. The Dowager Queen Adelaide is one of her warmest friends, the highest families of nobility contend for her as a resident guest, dis tinguished and noble foreigners pay court to her invariably on arriving in England ; she has been ennobled by a decree of the King ot Prussia, and with all this weight of honor on her head, you might pass weeks with her, (ignorant of her history,) without suspecting her to be more than the loveliest of women past their prime, and born but to grace a contented medio crity of station.’ A Bold Depredator. —ln the year 1427, Stamati, a native of Candia conceived the bold idea of robbing the Cathedral of St. Mary of some of its precious treasures. Having succeeded in concealing himself in the church until the doors were closed at night, he contrived to enter the treasu ry, and abstract by degrees, its valuable contents, which he hid in a vault under neath the steps of the cathedral. In the morning he took advantage of the unlock ing of the doors to escape unobserved, amusing himself by wandering about the pity during the day, and returning towards evening, in lime to be locked in as before. This continued six nights, when, having added to his store of plunder the Doge’s cap, valued at 200,000 crowns, he prepar ed »o decamp with the boot}, but first, l. ijckily for himself, resolved on confid mc his secret to his friend Gerio, likewise ; a C inadian by birth. Having brought him privately into his apartment, whither bf had by this time, transported the spoil, i he proposed to share the whole with him.! Gerio, feigned compliance, and advised a speedy departure from Venice, and said that he would arrange his own affairs as quickly as possible, and rejoin him. In-i of this, he went straight to the n nff, either from fear of ■* f conscience, ,re- by '•ely 1 ? is .Tr ain -clifi -»ned its .need a man engaged in securing j/mcuis. Mr. Hull makes also, from sim ilar materials, a wash for external walls, See., which is impervious to water and protection from fire, and for this alone he was offered a very large sum. Thus is the civilized world not only to be made acquainted with a lost art, but is to be im mensely benefitted by an invention of an importance to society, of which we can 3’et form only a conjecture. Mr. Hull as serts, that he can manufacture pillars and columns of this material, of any reasona ble dimensions. Galvanism is employed in the process of manufacture. The Ilong Kong Register contains an extended notice of Shang-hai, one of the newly opened ports of China. It is situa ted about fourteen miles from the sea, and on the right bank of the Shang-hai river, which empties in the Yangtszekeang.— Ships of the largest size can ascend the river and anchor in front of the city, though a pilot is indispensable. The city has a wall five or six miles in circuit. It has five entrances, each with two gates. — The streets are narrow and exceedingly filthy. The city contains about 300,000 inhabitants. It is the port of the city of Suchau, which is about one hundred and fifty miles distant, and is considered as the “paradise of their country.” The Regis ter says: “Those who have succeeded to an in ‘heritance, those who have obtained sud ‘den riches, in a word, those who wish to ‘spend some thousand dollars merrily, be ‘lake themselves to the Suchau. Here ‘are found the best hotels, the pleasure ‘boats are the most sumptuous, the most ‘pleasant gardens, the fairest ladies. The ‘fashions for the dresses and coiffure of the ‘fair sex change in China every three years, ‘and these fashions proceed from Suchau ‘and give law* even to the* ladies of the ‘court.” The river Yangtszekeang washes the shores of Nankin and several other provin cial capitals, and an immense number of inferior cities. Its navigation is very great. About I,GOO vessels come annual ly from the outer sea to Shang-hai, and the importation amounts to 300,0U0 tons. SYDNEY SMITH. i The death of this distinguished Writer and wit has taken away another of the connecting links between this age and the past. The school of philosophy and taste ol which the Edinburgh Review at its first establishment was the organ, and of which Sidney Smith was u disciple, still has its representatives and adherents; but the day of its supremacy has passed; it is becoming transfused more and more into all the "forms of literary develope ment. The poetry of Wordsworth, which was once the standing theme of ridicule for the wits ol the Edinburg, is now eu logised in that journal, and the name of the poet never mentioned but with respect and reverence. In the now deep and profound range of thought into which the human mind Tseems to be entering, as the epoch now opening upon the world goes on to unfold itself, a man like Sydney Smith would find himselfremoved from familiar ground. He was endowed with the exterior facul ties of intellect and fancy. His wit lay at his tongue’s end ; his power as a wri ter was in the tips of his fingers. The current events of the day were everything to him ; and upon them he could descant with a quick eye for abuses, a keen sense of the ludicrous, and a strong common sense which gave remarkable lbrce to his words, and which never deserted him. The ‘ London Spectator’ thus speaks of him :—Baltimore American. “ Much of the charm of Sydney Smith’s writings lay in the manner; but the mat ter was still more valuable. His views, it not strictly original, were in his day uncommon ; ami lie had made them his own. He did not merely repeat what dis coverers told him, he saw himself what they pointed out, and in his own way. He wrote only about what he thoroughly understood ; he was master of his sub ject, not mastered by it. He was thus enabled to play with bis theme—to insin uate truths playfully, from the severe enunciation ot which the public mind would have shrunk. A suggestive fancy, and rare patience of elaboration came to this self-possessed disposition. But his talents were always regulated by good sense, and kept in subordination by ear nestness of purpose. Even in bis wildest license of burlesque he never transgress ed the limits of good taste ; and there was always meaning and a useful aim in his jokes. Few have pioneered so effectual ly the cause of reform in education, the law, and our political institutions ; and of all the leaders of Liberal opinion, he a lone perhaps never stooped to conquer or compromise with the vulgai and mawkish cant of Exeter Hall.” A Pig Boy. —They have a boy, sixteen years old, at the American Museum in New York, who is over 7 feci three incit es. the ers.' Pa.,' tens j He the tlie use. n»a bes hts t [Ky.] Commonwealth. I OUTRAGES, the papers that Sena siana, in passing from had a slave decoyed nnati. The slave, af back to Mr. Johnson, , on arriving at Cincin *d he was a freeman Jhio, and he could not * to enjoy his rights of »ted Mr. Johnson most . begged him to bear his •owledgements also to Mrs. ,r their former kindness to him. „ent decision of the Supreme Court s(uo pronounces that a slave volunta ry brought by his master in Ohio, is, un der the laws of Ohio, free ; and there is no power under the laws of that State to compel him to servitude, if he claims his rights of freedom. The Constitution of the United States and the law of Congress on the subject, refer only to fugilivis, es caped from service where bound to ser vice ; the decision of the Ohio Court de nies that slaves voluntarily brought by their masters into Ohio, and escaping af ter being thus brought, arc such fugitives. There may be some plausible appear ance of soundness in this opinion ; but to ourtnind it is mere abstraction and techni cality, disregarding the obvious spirit and interpretation of the Constitution and laws. A master has an undoubted right, under the constitution and laws, to take a slave with him, in passing through the the Union; and the escape of a slave from his master while thus passing from point to point, through a free State, is, and ought to be construed to be, an escape from the lawful custody of his master and ought to be deemed a fugitive in the mean ing of the constitution and law, and, by consequence, should be delivered up by the civil authorities wherever found.— This is the obvious, common sense con struction, conforming to the spirit of the law and to the principles of comity and justice. No one can doubt that Abolitionists of Cincinnati pursuaded Mr. Johnson’s slave i toffee from his master. Possibly some; of those fanatics may have conscientious-j ly thought the}' were doing right, under the decision of the Court of Ohio ; but we cannot, under such a plea, excuse men of intelligence there who understand the constitution and laws. We deem those of Cincinnati and elsewhere, who thus decoy or pursuade“slaves to escape their masters, passing transiently through free States, little better in point ol morals and loyalty to the government, and cer tainly less bold and daring, than those who come into Kentucky and steal away slaves ; and these latter areas much worse than horse thieves than slaves are more valuable property than horses and as the peace of community is worth more than property. The Shell Explosion. —A correspondent of the Albany Evening Journal after vis iting the scene of Monday’s terrible disas ter, gives some particulars which have not appeared in any of the city journals. We therefore copy part of his letter.— iV. Y. Courier. Mr. Basterman, keeper of the light house at Sandy Hook, has been in the habit for some time past of raking the bay thereabout for old iron and bomb shells, which he has sold to Mr. Duvall, at S 1 a piece, to whom they were worth more than this as old iron to melt. On Satur day last Mr. B. brought a quantity of these bombs, among which was one, oblong in shape, IS inches by 10, called a square bomb, which contained in its centre a large quantity of percussion powder, and consequently unlike the common bombs, it would ignite by merecontacl or friction, while they require the application of fire. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Duvall was a bout weighing this petard, when he discov ered that it contained a quantity of pow der, and taking it out upon the sidewalk, he unscrewed the faucet, and commenced picking it with a pair of tongs, when a bout a pint of powder fell from it. At this instant Mr. Price rode up. Getting out of the vehicle, and leaving the horse by the walk, he approached Mr. D. say ing, “ You had better be careful of that powder—the boys will get it and do mis chief with it.” Duvall replied that the powder was too damp to be used, and and bail lost its strength, whereupon Mr. Hammond, one of the workmen, said he would try some of it, and taking up a handful, went into the shop and threw it upon a piece of hot iron upon an anvil. It instantly flashed, and Hammond came out saying that it was as strong as ever. D. added, “ Well, 1 should not have thought it, after it has been under water so long. Why, Basterman, told me he thought it was one of the Princeton’s ex periments ; however, I’ll empty the pow- dcr into the gutter, where the boys can’t gel it,” and suiting his action to his word, he stepped forward a few feet, ann then turning to Hammond, asked him ro get him a stick. Hammond accordingly went up to the alley near the shop and was returning with the stick, when Du vall, laying the tongs carefully on the walk, dropped the bomb i upon the curb stone, which exploded, killing Duvall, Price and Broderick instantly, and so se verely injuring Bennett, that he died be tween 3 and 4 o’clock this morning. Mr. Hammond, who was coming out of the alley at the moment of the explo sion, was thrown senseless upon the ground, probably by the force of the shock alone, as no bruises are apparent upon his body, though his right leg is as* black as a negro’s skin from the knee to the thigh, lie is unable to leave his bed to day, but the physician entertains no fears 1 of his situation. Luke Torboss, Jr., another workman, was standing within a tew feet of Mr. D. and was prostrated by the shock, hut he is quite recovered this morning, and to him 1 am indebted for these details. FARMER’S CONVENTION. Milledgeville, March 31, 1845. The Agricultural Convention of the State of Georgia assembled this day at 112 o’clock, M. at the Court house in this ! city. Delegates from the counties of Morgan, Cobb, Paulding, Putnam and Baldwin, appeared and took their seats; when, for the purpose of organization, on motion of Maj. Wtn. Y. Hansell, a delegate from the county of Cobb, Col. 1 Herschel Y r . Johnson, of Baldwin, was I called to the Chair. The Chairman having announced that he was prepared to receive any proposi tion which the Convention had to make, Mr. Turner, from the county of Putnam, offered the following resolution : Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor of the State of Georgia for the time being, be chosen President of “the Agricultural Association of the State of Georgia,”—which was adopted. It was resolved, on motion of Mr. Grant land, from Baldwin, that the Chair ap point a Committee to wait upon His Ex cellency, Gov. Crawford, and inform him ofhis appointment. Whereupon the Chairappninted Messrs. Gruntlarid, Turner and Harris that Com mittee. The Committee having informed Gov ernor Crawford of his appointment, and conducted him to the Chair, after a few remarks relative to the object of the Con vention, he announced the body ready to proceed to business. On motion of Mr. Harris, it was Resolved, That Dr. John R. Colling, be appointed Corresponding Secretary, and Benjamin T. Bethune, Esq., Record ing Secretary of the Agricultural Asso ciation of the State of Georgia. On motion of Mr. Jones, of Paulding, it was Resolved, That the President appoint a Committee of five, whose duly it shall be to draft a Constitution for the Association, and to recommend to the Convention the various subjects which shall be appro priate for its consideration. The Com mittee named by the Chair, were Messrs. Jones, Turner, Johnson, Hansell, and Spear. The Convention then adjourned tijlfour o’clock, P. M. 4 o’clock, I\ M. Convention met pursuant to adjourn ment. Judge Jones, Chairman of the Com mittee to draft Constitution, &c., reported the following CONSTITUTION. Article I.—This Society shall be known by the name of the “ Agricultural Association of Gccggia,” and shall be com posed of the members of all Agricultural Societies or Associations, which are or shall be hereafter formed in this State; and its annual meetings, which shall be held on the second Mopdav of November of each year, in the city of Milledgeville, shall consist of a Convention of such dele gates as each of said societies shall send. Art. If.—lts officers shall consist of a President, who shall he the Governor of the State for the time being, and as many Vice Presidents as there shall be Agricul tural Societies or Associations in the State, the several Presidents of which shall be ex-officio Vice Presidents of this Association—recording and correspond ing Secretaries, the recording Secretary acting ex-officio as Treasurer. Art. lll.—The object of this Associa tion shall be, to promote, by all proper means, the advancement of the Agricul tural and domestic economy of the State in all the various departments. Art. IV. —At each annual meeting there shall be an Executive Committee of five, appointed to receive the reports of such committees as this Association may appoint, and such other matter as be re ferred to them through the Corresponding I Secretary, and to perform such duties as may be required of them, or as may pro i perly fall within their province. Art. V. —The funds of this Associa tion shall be composed of such monies as may be raised by voluntary contribution. Art. Vl. — This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of a majori ty of the members present at any annual meeting. Which report was received and adopt ed. The Committee further recommended the appointment of the following Com mittees : Ist. A Committee of to report to the next annual meeting on the subject of, the Agriculture of Georgia. 2d. A Committee of to report on Grains. 3J. A Committee of to report on Stock. 4th. ACommitteeof toreporton such plants as may be profitably introdu ced and which are not now cultivated. sth. A Committee of to report on Manures. The Convention approved of the re commendation of the Committee, and, on motion, it was rcsolccd, that the various blanks be filled by the Chair with the number of three. The President then stated, that as it was necessary that he should know the names of gentlemen composing the differ ent Agricultural Societies in the State, to enable him to make judicious appoint ments, the committees would not be ap pointed until the vrious societies had been heard from. Mr. Johnson offered the following re solution : llesolccd, That the Corresponding Se cretary write to the respective Agricul tural Societies of this State, informing them that their members are constituted members of this Association, and that their respective Presidents are ex-officio Vice Presidents of the same; and that he request the said societies to furnish him with a full catalogue of their members, to the end that (hey may be entered on the records of this Association, in the event of their being willing to become members thereof—which was adopted. The ‘ollowing resolution was also adopt ed : Resolved, That we recommend to the several societies of this State, to take into consideration the propriety of recommend ing to the next legislature an appropria tion for the purpose of procuring seed and grains of various kinds from different countries, for distribution among the va rious Agricultural Societies, and to report the result of such deliberation to the next annual meeting of this Association. The Association then adjourned sine die. GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Piesd’t. Benj. T. Bethune, Record. Sec. \\ ED\ ESI) AV, Al’ltllj to, 1845. COTTON MARKET. Our market for the week past has been quite active and continues so. Sales are readily effected at our quotations. Ex tremes a Principal sales sc. TO TIIE PATRONS OP TIIE REPUBLIC. My connexion with the Republic after the issue of the present number will cease. To those friends who have kindly aided me in the establishment of anew Demo cratic paper, I take this occasion to ten der to them my grateful recollections.— My private interest, and the desire to en gage in pursuits more congenial to my tastes, habits, and feelings, induce this course. Some gentleman, I hope, better fitted to the task than myself, will soon be engaged in the conduct o/" the “Republic.” To him and to its present active and inde fatigable proprietor, Mr. H. C. Crosby, the public will hereafter, I trust extend the same patronage that it so kindly be stowed upon it when under my editorial charge. S. M. STRONG. Macon, April lGtli, 1545. Until other arrangements arc effected this paper will be under the editorial con trol of the undersigned, and will be issued regularly as usual every Wednesday morning. 11. C. CROSBY. O'?” The Democratic Parly of Bibb County are requested to assemble at the Court House, on Saturday, 19th inst., at 11 o’clock, A. M., for the purpose of ap pointing delegates to the Gubernatorial Convention to be held in Milledgeville, and for the transaction of other business. DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTION. We have but one word to say to our friends before the meeting of Saturday. Let our delegation be an able one. Let it be worthy ot the unconquered and un conquerable Democracy of Bibb. Let them go, unpledged to any man, free to exercise their own opinions, and at the same time willing to yield all personal predilections for trie general harmony anil success of the party. So far as we are individually concerned, and we believe that in this we coincide in opinion with a large majority of our party throughout the Slate, we care not upon whom the nomination for Governor be cast, provided he is a mat*of high talents, eloquence and tried derq§cralic principles ; one that has stood with us through good as well as evil report, and bided the fortunes of de feat as well as of triumph. A man of enlarged and statesmanlike views, who is in opinion, in habit and associations, a gentleman, and who might be considered as a fit impersonation of the great party he is to lead. If the convention will pro perly consult the interests of the party anil the dignity and fame of the Slate, as well as her influence and usefulness as a member of the confederacy, they will give the nomination to no other. Such a nomination will at once command the confidence of the people, and be hailed with enthusiasm by our party throughout the Stale. This is a time when we want no laggard politician. Give us a bold, frank and able leader, and we will in crease our November majority 2,000. — The ocean tide of Texas and the Tariff will sweep every thing before it if the standard is placed in proper hands. THE GLOBE AND TEXAS QUESTION. “ Out, damned spot.”— Macbeth. Since the passage of the joint resolu tions by the two Houses of Congress, for the annexation of Texas, that paper with the double purpose of covering its own past treachery to the Republican party, as well as palliating that of its friends, has been giving in a series of articles what it pretends to consider a true history of the Texas question! It assumes in these arti cles that great injustice has been done to several prominent men in the Democratic party, particularly Colonel Benton, Gov ernor Wright, and Senators Bagby and Allen. Nowit has never been, nor will it be our design to create the slightest breach in the Democratic party; for we deprecate as much as any one divisions in our own ranks, and abhor above all things, house hold quarrels, whether distracting the har mony of a great political parly, or cursing with their bitter waters the social and private relations of life. We would pre fer infinitely to heal, to assuage, and ex tinguish, rather than widen any such dif ferences; and we will never denounce any Republican, from the humblest to the highest in the land, unless we conceive that our principles as well as the imper ative injunctions of public duty, demand it at our hands. The course of the Globe, as well as Colonel Benton and others, on the Texas question during its jHogress through the two Houses of Congress, was well calcu lated to estrange and alienate forever from them the ieclings of every true Ro publican in the land. But as they hare since discovered some indications ot returning sense on this question, we would willingly ourselves let ‘by-gones be by gones,’ and welcome them back to tiie Republican ranks with as much cordiality as any one, if they would come impelled by the same motives which influences the minds of every honest Republican in die Union, viz. the duty of seiving their coun try at such an important crisis. But these men are not even willing to discharge a sim ple duty which every Republican feels he owes to his country, unless they can see in it some advantage to them selves personally. But what‘out-Herods Ilcrod’ himself in all this, is the fact that they after having thrown every pos sible obstacle in the way of annexa tion, and embarrassed the question to an extent that cannot now be easily estimat ed, but which may finally defeat it, should now claim for themselves at this stage ol the measure the credit of being the most efficient agents in securing the passage ot the annexation resolutions and harmo nizing the party, is indeed strange; and if any tiling could add to the contempt in which the great bulk of the Democratic party already holds them, this piece of audacity would certainly do it. The Globe does not stop here, however. It charges Mr. Tyler’s administration with attempting to subserve the institutions of slavery by the [imposed treaty of annex ation ; and justifies its own, and the op position of Colonel Benton to it, upon that ground, while we are perfectly willin'* that they should remain there. If they chose to do so, and doubt not that it would he more congenial to their views, we con tend that so far us the facts in the case go, they are not nor cannot justify themselves in their opposition by any such plea, because the treaty of Mr. Ty ler contained nothing on the subject ot slavery at all, but left it an open question entirely. And if the Globe and Colonel Benton bail no other reasons for opposing it, or cannot justify their opposition on other grounds, they will not succeed either in convincing the people of their present sincerity, or rescuing themselves from the pit and grave of infamy and insignifi cance into which they have fallen by their past treachery on the Texas question. Nei ther can they withall their dastardly envy, rob the real friends of Texas of the well earned fame that will always attend the patriotic efforts put forth in behalf of the country and Texas. The people will take care of that; and the Globe may go on till doomsday, to justify the treachery of his master, and cry, ‘out damned spot,’ but it will be of little ser vice either to himself or his patron the ;odium cannot be washed from the public mind; and the people will still regard Col. Benton decked though he be in the patriotic colors of the Globe, like the tin ! selled actor that struts and frets ujmn the ; boards —the counterfeit of the Brutus his co slume would bespeSS nim. APPEAL TO VIRGINIA. | We take tlie following able appeal ter the Republican l’arty of Virginia, from that staunch anil capital Democratic pa per the Boston Morning Post. It may be addressed with equal applicability to the public spirit anil principles of Georgians as well as Virginians, for Georgia like \ irginia has a deep stake in her approach ing elections. She too has to elect a United Slates Senator at the uexA session of the Legislature. Her principles, the spirit of her people, and the common glory of the State, all, all demand that she should consign Hon. J. M. Berrien, to that re tirement which his recusancy to her in terests so tichly merits. The great cause of Texas and the Tariff are still open questions before the people of the country, and are of themselves weighty and im portant enough to inspire every republi can voter in Georgia, with the noblest an imation in the contest which is approach ing. Let our friends organise, in every county in the State. Let the Democratic press urge it upon them, and let no local or secondary questions interfere with th® general issues. Let us be united and go into the contest with a determination that the Republican flag shall still wave in triumph from the Georgia citadel. From the Boston Post, 3d inst. THE OLD DOMINION: WHAT WIIL SHE DO? The result of the approaching election—lll* state officers and members of Congress—will lie looked for with great interest. New Hampshire has just recorded tier vote for the new democratic administration. There was in this election too much apathy on the part of the democracy; and local issues were suffered to draw off a portion of the democratic vote. This result has allowed the whigs to utter exulting language. We cannot be lieve that such will be the case in Virginia. The press seems alive with the note of preparation. Let the people patriotically respond to its faithful appeals, and we have no fears of the result. Virginia never had greater questions before ber than in the present campaign. Take the one that now stands most prominent before the country, the Texas issue, which is simply this. Congress have prevailed for the admission of as rich a terri tory to the Union as the sun ever shone upon. Though it will add security to the south, pour mil lions into the lap of the free industry ol the north, and benefit all parts of the nation, yet it threatens the federalists with a long ostracism from the hon ors and emoluments of office. Forty years ago, John Q.. Adams, from infinite knowledge of their leaders, described their policy Hi be either to rule or to run, and the experience of forty years hast lo * changed their nature. Like the Bourbons they learn nothing, they forget nothing. Their leaoe are as ready for ruin now as their political la- !tI were when Jefferson purchased Louisiana. **en their meeting in convention at Faneuif'Hall the identical individuals who delight ,0^| SCri u enoe federalconstitutionasacovenanl witbhetl. ** their violent resolves, in the .Massachusetts Le_- la lure, that this act of admission has nf> . n force whatever on the people. Hence their g» ering, in a patty convention, to indorse two 1 mous resolve. Hence the revolutionary * an f? . of their presses, calculated to drive the peopt* the verge or civil war. Now the question fhr Virginians ta art y* selves is, are we prepared to join with »}*** whig and abolition leaders, and kindle the fl * n . disunion, because the State «• Texas is opm-nP into the Union ? Again : British agent!WJ «" h and violent northern politicians arc wor _ det|-era. eene. gym the hope si.II »o <'clea t a°n«‘ y alion ; and ptHwldy, hv treaty, the one stales depend upon a single vote in the United