The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 03, 1895, Image 2

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WILL YOU HELP? f' In the great contest which ia to So-? fought Ijetw.cau now rind the next presidential election Ibr THE PEOPLE’S MONEY—Tin tites® tc!l Gc!i aril Siirsr, without discrimination, which lieanstfc* free coinage of both us opposed to the policy of eootnwttnp, whk-li is being dictated by I’higand, and which levies tribute on every product of the furin,xa vuluaiiona cl'all Limb and ou all conpeD§itib ibr labor. . .... .-Wf 'f • ' Th© Cf63t ISBU6 now * s the donlde standard nyemsf the,tingle cla’.ulard—the ric of Ixdh kpM. rti*i silver as standard money metals,' against the‘orgsnuoJTdfort loiiuld tho euriwncy of tic country -stpctly to the gold basis. . ... ? 0 . THE ATLANTA otncuLATiOM, ; WEEKLY esISTITOTON published at ATLANTA, GA., aud having A CIRCULATION OF MORS THAW IS6,OCG, chtefiyfanwun tfre farmers f tha country, and going to more hemes than aßy weekly newspaper publisher! W-JhaTace of girth ia The Leading Champion of the Pccfcle inthisaswcii they arc engaged against tho exaction* of monopoly. ; H j t • By special arrangement with The Constitution the paper publishing this announcement ia preparegltc make REMARKABLE CLUBBING OFFER, by which both this paper and T^pbeasfrtuließ v ' will l>e offered for one year at ahttoat the price of ayocifa subscription, to one paper. \ 1 S.QTH PypfciMß $1.25cil THB CONSTITUTION S* TKS BICCEST AWO BET * FwSWS ' *nik *PA PER published fo America, covering the news of the world, hawingccß^^^V in ovcr . v ty a| f, k 'lramra, and in the capitals of Europe, and reporting ia fit# the detail# ofmßßTn congress on • y till tp )L aJI |Uoßtions of -public interest. It is • • *4 I TWt SWEAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, and -as the sfjeot of southern . ft pi. ! i opinion nud the purveyor of southern news it bus no crpwi on the continent. ‘ Jr THE CONSTITUTION’S SPECIAL FEATURES ' ■ -■; [--- -- - - . ■ > *f\ X . ... ore such os are not tori** found ha aßy other paper ia America. THE FARM AND FARMER’S DEPARTMENT* | TUB WOMEN’S DEPARTMENT, & * TUB CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT , " are all under aide direction ami are specially attractive to those to whom these depertwettß are addressed. Under the editorial luauagemetncnttof Clark Howell, its special contributors are Writers a saefe world-wide reputation as Mark Twain, Bret fiarta, Frank R. Stockton, Jfll Chapter wris, and hnn dmls of others, wjiile it otters weekly service from such writers as BKI Aff, %ffO Ptouiteft, Wallace P. Reed, Frank L. Stanton, and Others, who give its literary features a veenliar Southern flavor that commends it to every fireside from VinctxiA to Texas:, from Mtwsecm t <Alh - orsxa. Oo Not Delay, but scud your uame now. If you arc already a subscriber to your lxffse paper, and you want The Cinstitution only, communicate with The Constitution direct, and send Qfi6 Doildf* for ono year’s subscription with your guess in the prise oontest. You can get youy lioue paper, however, publishing this, and The Coastltatioa, for almost the price of one, nrul remember [that all elabbing ■ubscriptions must be sent to this paper and not to The Constitution. * 'j THE CONSTITUTION Is among tire few great newspapers publishing daily editkha on tfo side of the people against European Domination of our money system, and it trearijly advocates: Ist. The Free Coinage of Silver, ... I Believing that the establishment of acutgld gold standard will wreck the prosperity/of the great masses cf the people, though it may profit tho few who have already .grown rich by federal protection and federal subsidy. M g. £ ’ 2d. Tariff Reform, *ft Z Believing that by throwing our ports open to tha markets of the world and enough import duties to pay the actual expenses of the government, tho people will be better jjFca than by malting them pay double prices lor protection’s i-uk#. - y , 3d. An Income Tax, * • Believing that those who have much property should bear the burdcss of goysmaent ia die sane pro portion to those who have little.’ Would you li 5# p for $1.00? Would pi rife It lib for $3.00? It might be MORE or it might be less —in the first instance 2Qlbs. of cotton is represented, in s the 2nd. 60lbs of cotton. It would depend on* the size of the bill of Tinware, Crockery, Glassware, Knives and Forks, Lamps, buckets or other Housefurnishing Goods you wanted, The HUGGINS CHINA HOUSE on Broad street, Athens, have SIOOOO,OO worth above goods along with a fine line of X‘m*as Goods which they are offering regardless of cost. They must be sola in the next 3 weeks and we advise everyone who want X'mas goods at Hard-Pan, rockbottom prices to call and see us’ m mi's nun swi Broad street - - - - Athens, # ca. J. T. BAEIR, —•- J, H, MATS* ▼ Mathews ' COMER, GA. —W* KEEP ON HAND A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP General Merchandise DRY GOODS. Crockery, stoves and Tinware, WE AMO BHT COTTON AND COTTON SEED, AND SELL THE BEST G* AD EOF GUANOS. tafr DON l FORGET to vinit the establishment of Baker it Mathew* before purchasing elswhere. Wt* will make it to vour interest to do *o. Madison Springs. / Fio’U*. Punt* si.d Fight*. .] G Noo ha monad to hi* new •horn* in ll*rt email. J W Bind in T cco* last Wff*rk. V To* yt nag fo'k* enjoyed a aio* o uiable at W II DeenVtast Thur.dty night, ji 1 Chart** and D ck Dn wait in £l' bait eounty las 1 wash. Mr. Joseph Pallum, of £ibit oena ty, wit up to see na taH week. Marriek at tha r*sid*ao* of tba bride'* father, a last Sunday even - in/, Mr. Mas Booth to Mies F.ora Daen. M*o is an rxrraordinary youag naan, while Mi Ffera ip one ef Madiron’a fairest daughter*. We *Uh thia young oeuplo % lolg, happy, and proaperoua life... * CharletDaea visited frilnds near Tho r.psa-’a Mill last week. A W II I)jen wain Hartcolnty la*t . .. # \ *The f Ik* enjsyed a candy pulling at II A. MoK Tens last Than* day n ! ght. \ The O 'H pnap that haa j<i*t past Vi< the c 1 'e.t w# hare had for auwy year# —the aaen" rj hfirgS d*srea b*l. w r-r*', T* cold h*s exie, a* 1 all > T*rtb* o atitrr —hmp the c •ld**t i > ih* DaKi*a ar.d M/r --ro-.ot*. Tim* i>ircur *wn ting from 17 lis b or a ro the**. Much niff rii jj ami •***•- 1 death* ha* b-*et from fr.*z ny, Uj* uonauai on v* On* kind o! w<athr i.i tb ruuny avuth, and we Lope the worst ia ov *r. . W C MATTOX' Dentist- ELBERTON, GEORGIA. Will visit Carlton Third Mon day of each month, and Comer on Tueaday. Twe fesaitrloiters in Cash Frizes! ■** . f To those who take adv:mt;tg3 of this clubbing offer Tha Constitution will distribute TWO Dollars hi CASH PRICES, by tl-.e following plan 4 : We have placed in a sealed envelbpe in ‘the keeping cf the Treasurer of the State of Georgia, and looked in the great vaults of "the State, a legal tender uok, which like all federal paper currency is numbered, each note of -every denomination i.-sued tv -tite government having its own number. The number on this particular nifte fe compose.'! of eight figures, and'ou t'lie arrangement of these figures as they appear On tlie flOte depends the tistrifctftion frf tliO two thousand dollars in prizes offered. TtoTdSlftwmg figures contuse X g O J 4 Cl the nsmbsr cf tho note: j ■■ w“ # “O though of -course they are not given here in the order in which they appear on the note. T® those who in sending with th'rr nubscriptierts a rearrangement of these figures so as to give the number'Oa it is on the note, we will distribute prizes as follows: St,OSD IN CASTI tn the person who gives the number of'the note. SSOO IN ‘CASH to the person who, not giving the mimfyep, comes nearaett-dgigg go. 8250 IN GASH to the person who comes second nearest. 8100 IN CASH to the person who comes third nearest. 850 IN'CASH to the person who comes fourth nearest. • , -i - f *"* "“‘ 4 — 330 IN CASH to the person who comes fifth nearest. SI 5 IN CASH to the person who comes sixth nearest. ; : ——**•■** " ■** * ■ 3 fr© IN to the person wlio comes seventh nearest. $5 IN CASH t the person coming eighth nearest S5 IN CASH to the person coming pi nth nearest. 05 IN CASH to the person corning tenth nearest 05 IN CASH to the .person elcveinh nearest. 85 IN OAHH to the pfeiv m c-oming twelfth nearest. 85 •IN CASH to the pg.r.oa coming thirteenth nearest. 85 IN CANH to tlie peri-tr; coming feurtegfltk nearest. 55 IN CASH to th-3 person coming fifteenth nearest. S5 IN CASH to the person coining sixteenth nearest. i { Each of these prizes will be delivered in cash, subject to the following conditions’: (Ist). Each guess • moot accompany a stubbing subscription te the paper publishing this irunotroeensent and The Constitution at ■the above announced clubbing rate, which must be in cash. (2d).. All clubbing subscriptions must bn seat through the paper making this publication and not to The Constitution. (Sd). This offer is to bn dosed on the first of Mtry, 1&95, •and .guesses received with subscriptions after that time wili net be •counter in the distribution of these prizes. (Ith). ,Sbould there beany ties iu the guesses, the prizes tvill be divided. (sth). Every new or renewal subscription to either of the two papers will be entitled tn ft guess with every subscription. —■ ■ ■ .’ THE COEaSTITUTiaU heartily advocates an EXPANSION OR THE CURRENCY Until there is enough of it in cirualatiea to do the legitimate business of the country. If you wish to help in shaping legislation to these ends, GIVE THE CONSTITUTION YOUR ASSIST ANCE, lend it a helping band in the fight, and remember that by so doing yon will help yourself, help your neighbors, and help your country! AS A NEWSPAPER: THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION has no equal k Amerieal Its news reports cover the world, and its correspondents and agents are to lie found in almost every baliwick in tie Southern and Western , States. • * AS A MAGAZINE: It prints more such matter as is ordinarily found iu the great magazines of the country than can be gotten wen from the best of them. • % ~ c '*' AS AN EDUCATOR: It is a school house within itself, and a year’s reading of THE CONSTITU TION is a liberal education to any one. * AS A FRIEND AND COMPANION: It brings cheer and comfort to the fireside every week, is eagerly sought by the children, contains valuable information for the mother, and is an enCYCIO . pffidia Of instruction for every member of the household. Blood aad Skin Diseased Always Cured. bDD BOTANIC BLOOD PALM never fills to cure all manner of Blood and 3!rin dis eases. It Is the groat Southern building up and purifying Hemcdy, and enres all manner of akin and bicod diseases. At a building up toulc it is without a rival, sad absolutely bayond somparUon with any other similar remedy aver offered to the public. It is a panacea for all Ills resulting from Impure blood, or an impoverished condition or the human system. A single bottle will demon strata Its paramount virtues. IdV MSt hr free book of Wendorfal Ceres. Price, (i.oo per large kettle; Ig.oo fer six bettlee. Tor sale by druggists; if not asnd to ns, and medicine will be sent freight prepaid on reoelpt of price. Address ; BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, da. : THE BTANDAR9. ► e • 1 e e * • • • | DURANG’S ißheumatic Remedv 1 tustslned its reputnttoi' fm 18 years * * iwiair t ie standard remedy lor tit.- ■ quick hu t permanent cure of Rheum* I ’ tiam. limit, estatfi*, etc., iu sii-it* forms ’ ‘t * eudora.vl by rheuj*n<is of Fhvni • clan.*. Pubiuhcrs and Pnlicnts It fc ■ purely redouble and hniTiis up fim the 1 first ijoso. It nevir fails to cure. > Price Ik one dollar a'boitle. or sis ’ bottle* for five dollars. Our 40-parro I’am pblcl sol.t Free hy Mail. Address, Durarig’s RhsHmatic Remedy Go, i?l6 L Sire?t,Washington, D. C. • t>HL~' cor iv tV > h*'-t rn 1 ?Arii, Tfc v sot with an ease thu ih**n n hou.sWtoM U *?'i jr. • FF.IJE ?3 CTS. PE i rr h B07?3 7^ ro: p us ty POSITIONS QUs^NTEED coder reason al l* O v . r?VT- 3$ pag ratßi*>guf wiil esideii* tv.ijr xeo afierd it. fraciicti Baste Ccllefo NASHVILLE, TENS, 1 Write ior ccuio*ua, 3 SeckkcepYShartkssd, Penminihip and Tete tnehjf. W 5 speed mete taecev iu the interest of 3ar Emp'eymeiuDepaiSESr.t than half thr Ranine** College*,skeinas tuition, 4 weeks by out method teaching heok-ceewtay is equal to )2 weeks by the old p!an. 11 teachers. 600 students past year, bo vacation; enter any ti*r. CitKsr Boiko. We hare reeetttly prepared hooks rapocially adapted te HOME STUOY. Sent rt SO dty* trial. Write ss and exelai* •yonr sranta.” N. B *-•W-ply S3. cash lor ail va cancies a* kook-keepers, stestaqranbers, teachers kstHS etc., reported to as, proriceßwe fit saqm for Haleru*, Liver Trou b3 4, or Indigestion, use FROWN'S BITIERS Fall and Winter KIIhIjIMEBV Tha attention of the lad*** of Madison county is called to oar Stock of Fall and Winter Millinery, now compUt* and offered for sale. It comprises all the new Hats for Ladias, Misses, and Children. A beautiful variety of Feathers, Laces, Braids, and all the new shades in Ribuoaa, etc. . Our prices are low, and we would be pleased to receive Patronage of onr Madison county friends, promising to giva them the best of satisfaction. Respectfully, Miasm . Bradhmry. P. P. P. FRICKLY ASH, POKE ROCT AND POTASSIUM iMss ■llarveiciis-Cures in. E‘®#^sca t.U 'Jvm’ ‘-. iEViia T X • * * * >** rs; w i fVx r v? In usd - a-a iYM-' ->■■ J V i\ IK.1 K . P.fwt '.Y* t.iii l*.sQfl. ?;.rk2s up 1 r.i u.s.niLnfcd, Xty v-p.>r- bd'sT.*rrc^jc'i‘*iv • -s* *'ir. .i i.l •srl'rvo 1 :-"Vs 4fnC * i ?i* <1 ;;k-yu-:cU: " n r ■: 1 t *’l.v, I*? lts 1 ,*i - .'iMi.. . • a r ' v ••••--. *-. '‘r.n.. .r fti > i*i* • i i ?. • ' • . DkG 1 • J”’-* - .*♦ • ,<*-• *•■• T*l ; * S| I l , tr. r* J i , r... f • ?•- v■■ I’if*: vroi <• . •• ••••! • P i* ::‘;.t t. .*i ■: rn •- i:.*. and :.vaV-? > y c -Q-? .sw*iaOo vUr.s _ -- v.-y -rsr* - -;t <r * • . st:y ■ Ht'ii • ' -Mr t'Cki. '*i;' . tvr c* -s J, t .. i'.Lt jojpsasirjfvrnp* #• , ;n. * F. t*.-- 1- *: v>: cuC. 1 . i Mi;. *. . • caa.'k:-- r. . ■ vvt-j-3-jSuaiwnAw—gpcawssgWS * :1 ?.♦'*.• '•••-, f*ic., \s-r. 1-nu, 3 t 93. - T c'*x ?: ' ':a rhi fciglscac ?sm<a of 1 re in. rr*c*D;r r\fn-u-rsonsi ovvJfiw 7. 1 **a£c-t I7Thh.MW d‘:*€as6, I‘ic'jritjr r.r.d r;;.';*uiAi:2xr. icr Co:* v -r?, Vi; t r t.'w very b-^sS Ftvsiv'ir-rjf - -i Bundrcflsofl al ia: *•- r?y i'wvo roraofy vitU '-s I h.*T ccij taken CD OOCtio d? Tr>rrP. ?. ?., Will ora ciieerful’.r it hi dor 3 m.: Feed r&aoftaytltiagl LaTc oTartAfcea. rucoDiDpnd yoar medic 1 no to &U • of th 6 Footo dl3e.*vo. MU9. 11. M. YEAET, SpSugSoiu. Mo* Treasurer JfaMematf * Receipt. Atpa*TA, Ga„ a ugnst 1894. Reckived or TH® ATLANTA CONSTITUTION 4 sealed package, said to contain a legal tender note, which will lie subject to my keeping until the first of Nay, 1895, -when it will be opened in my presence, and a certificate given of the number of the note. PIMPLES, BLOTCHES AND OID SORES CATARRH, Mftlftßia. KIDNEY TROUBLES , ami DYSPEPSIA Ars entirely r€snc , ro!* >f P.P*P —Prickly Ah, Po3r9 Root and Potao rlnrrv. the ereafceat blood purifier OB car^ia O.. July 21,1891. TCrsr.r-s Bbo*. , Savoaaait* 01-, Dr-A ihiKs—l bought a bottle of y rP. P P. at- Hot 6prii*;r.itjrß. .and jt as .done mo nurs good thui Siu;tV?’ tre-rae2.tat nic Hot 3priag* gißiid Urco beetle* C. O. D, - "•' Aberdeen, crown Catsty, Ob C/a;*ti J. D. aTchnitosifi 5b rr7f rki&i it may conctrnt X hero* by test'.tr tr? she wondffot pronortirj cf P. P.P. -for om!)tiou of tho etiu. I t xiforod lor year* with an nn i.yh:;* 'tiid eruption od I.i* i rrtod cv -j:y ]:nov7u rm* <iyi : v c. :n Taift.DdCff P. PP. was asod* • Aud a2l .';OTr entire ; y ccrod* . luHfrioaVjj ' J. D. JOIINSTC3L v > SnvaaaaA* Ge ’•y . . SMn CtKrc*p Ont-ud* toesthaoityfrem t > J foyer of Styttin^TecK T *t., Jnnu t *'*7 14, ?9j>*^. M 2: e. Li.'. . -. .* ttzes.. Snvannns, Ger:ir>itn— l trii and yotSr P. •*P, P. fur a v.L.L-a3 ci -.oKi-.'.n. wulp ?known -s cUa thirty y#ftrs* ,Yt92uliaff, #id ouj2s3 groat rofief: it porifeetbebiood aod femovrsallir ritatlon from the toat. of the dlsenco and prcTonts coy of Eoraa. I hare tetin tiro or bottioa &ndfdyl confident tbatitiotUer course will efieot a care. It ha* sfoz retievod lino ft>-m 1 rulin' ction juad trouLiete cars truly. 04PT. vt. . Attorney ut Lus. M Sl-EKXXS KSESIS ipS FTs ALL DHUGGISTS SELL XT. PBOPBIETOM. ’ Lipjraaa'i Bi extk .K h rrii /#D%T