The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 07, 1895, Image 2

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THE MONITOR, Published Every Thursday. Mosaley & McGowan. Eds. and Props. eg! j‘ kt—.aauL... It now stems that ( ongreee is almost certain to adjourn without farther financial legislation. Every town and village in the South has a good location for one of the many New England cotton mills, which “they say” are com ing Smith. Tom Watson called the populist executive committee of the etate to' gethor laet week, but as tho meeting wsi a eeoret on#, nothing is known as to their intentions. ' Mr. Cleveland has expressed him self as not caring whether Congress does anything or not. lie say-it it with them, and that when the time ooaaes, if nothing else is done, ho jjuJlurosSfed Ag.issue Ibotids to pro W# hsTe mado ilisogennents to issne sri 8 page paper on March It. It will contain all the Washington news, alio the lust workings of this democratic coagrete, which expire# on March 4th. next. If you a e not a subscriber, an I want this issue of the paper snhsrihe now while you ean get the Monitor and Constit*. ta tien for 41 .25. The weather bureaus give out flie report to-dav that this would be the coldest spell of tin sen son. Tho thermometer in Wisconsin is reported * r >< degrees boh w, mid in several States from 20 to III) be low zero. This is. undoubtedly the coldest we have ever experienced, and many old people sav t hey never saw anything to equal it. Wo hope, however, that it will all soon he over so that we can begin work on tho crops for the present year. Tl;e Ihevniomoter registered the lowest hero this morning (Friday) it has been this winter, Atl) E Griffith• store it stood at JO de grees below zero. This is the coldest weather ever experienced here, and we do not care to see it repeated. What few oats and wheat was left from the two last freezes are now dead, ae this is 5 degrees coldrr than it was then. Some have not sown their onts yet. . and those are the only ones that are safe, in our opinion. Comer News, Rev. Chatman a I'ni versa list minister, preached the host sermon last Sunday we have heard in a long time,at the school house; also Rev Bowers preached Sunday night a sermon full of logic and reason. Our school ieoiifthoom nowand will continue as long as we keep our able and enthusiastic teachers. Miss Della Mathews, one of Co mers most intelligent young ladies has taken charge of her school at Tucson/ There will he monthly pronching by the Univorsnlist now; and a church will be erected in the near future, at this place. Miss Mai comer is to ho married soon. Mr. i.att iMor is much envied by one of "our town boys.” Mr Robert williford has improved enough to ho visiting our people again to the delight of his manv friends. erof (ireslmm and Miss Maude Birch more are preparing to have an entertainment on the Ist of March, which is to ho a grand success—come all and you will not regret it. The grand Valentine hall that takas place at the rtholston hall will be the most enjoyable of any of the preceding ones. The music will he the fihest we have ever had, the floorwill he well waxed ami the comini tee will have every thing fixed in first class order. All sober minded people are invited. QXIQXs. * “To illustrate: I know a farmer who lives less than sjO miles from Atlanta who determined to plant an acre in on ions instead of in cotton. The result amazed him. It is a fact that many of the commission men here know to' be true that he sold iu one year $.‘.00 worth of onions off" that acre. If anything, the labor of cultivation was less The cost of getting the sets was probably a little greater than the cost of cotton Reed, but look at the result. It is a good acre of laud that will produce a bale of cotton. It is the exception A bale of cotton isn’t worth more than #Bl’ This man with the very best re sults iu cotton would have received $470 less profit on his one acre if he had put >t in cotton. The onions can be plant ed close together iu rows, and tins rows JunHSt™T*‘ ir '•- bu-msre w^nW joant potatoes for the market. AMONG THE SCHOOL BOYB AND girls of the and. h. s. W* have good attendance not withet n * ing bad weather. The s< hoo! is on a boom, and still continurgfo increase. Mias Quinn had each member of the Rfa. toic . lass to writ* h*ralet i#r,’nd “The b#ys w,ote the loigevt etteis.’’ ( barley Griffith is #ut of school llii# w*ck. Tomtnia Grimes who bus been visiting relatives in Jackson Cos. lias retui #d and it. again with us in school. Miss Vlyrtie Sandeis visited her -Aunt in l!a last Sunday Miss Bonin Bullock is staving with h# sister, Mis G. iffeth wbi. going to school. Miss Vv illie Sonets attended the singing a t Mr. Crawford ■ lam. Swu day. Jeptha News. * We are sorry to learn Willie Dudley Dudley is quite sick at this writing.' We hope he will be out soon. Some of onr farmers are still picking cotton, It seems that the crop was a large one. Mrs. Quane and Mr. Carson Bruce, were visiting in this burg Sunday. Prof. J. M. Carson of near this place has started a fishery near Carringtons mill. The other day he was inquiring for a garden rake of some of his neighbors, and on being asked what he wanted with it, said he wanted it to rake the fish bones away from the door with. W bile W W Christian was shell ing corn the other day, one of little hoys got his hand caught in the shelter and wan badly hurt. Wo are sorry to learn that Uncle James Dudley is quite sick. Uncle James is one of the oldest men ih the county. He has cele brated his 91 birthday. We wish him a speedy recovery. • Mr. John Sinnnons of nea r Danielsville,.is blasting in D H Moons well this week. Dr. Edward Banks gave a cake and candy supper a few nights ago, and all report a nice time. Mr. David Wynn of Carlton, was up to see us Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J W King, visited J S Parham Sunday. Mr. J 0 Collins leaves for Tex as Tuesday, much to the regret o his ninny friends. FROM BOGGB. Someone stole D L Gordon’s rope and bucket from his well a few nights ago. This is the sth time someone has stolen the rope ami bucket from theßame well in the last few years. Your correspondent and better half, and several of the young peo ple, at Boggs have received au in vitation to attend the Ball at Co mer on the evening of the 14th. The young people enjoyed a nice dance nt Mr j m nentons last Satur day night. We learn there is over 80 eases on docket for the next term of our Jus tice court. Mrs. N. J, baa lost her little I’oolle dog. \ y information concerning him will ba tba kfu'ly received. Tha J iang people nt Boggs are talking of argauizitig * IR ging Society at Moona Gr*vs. Tber is aplenty of nutarial in this com munity to m ik it a sa eess of properly oanduoted. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ebeihart of Hartwell, ar-: vieitiug the family ef C. 8. Hunt thin week. Mr W, H, Pollock of Boggs vis ited hia eon nt turner laat Monday Mr. (t F. Boiyolle, we learn, will syon commence lire n*w residauc *. Fred is a stiniug young m.*u and ag eat believer in tha mood. Mr. James Linsov is uo longor a citizen of He has moved to Pittrna i Dist. near Plans tor. Wa learn that Mr. G. H Allen hs a little boy very sick. Al o Mrs- J. 11. Hardeman is very sick. .""wieea l ajeiiwawaa———————— 9' < Ml V rOO 1 1 v .ivt ■ e t o. ..aiuau., ..i .tiUUlil Co’s, stables, A Strong Point Our January CLEAN OUT With the iew year cornea at* idea*. The a:itnulatiug affect of. theee bears manifest fruitage in the tremeadoiia money-making opportu nities we give our people this wait!. 1 heae are timea wheu words are weak for adequate exprcaaion,. aod that time with us is now. Lttr BARGAIN* TALK. Rexinants: These goods we have gathered from each department They, are on the Bargain Tables. JjKinds and prices e# arranged that vo oaa: eaiily inepect them They |go this week at half their xa.lue. Di.ess Gooi • NeVerin the Hi#-! torv of eur business were the pnsea •o low. W#are losing money off every dollar* wertb of Drea* G#otU we s#U, bat we are determined to rev due# the at#ck before our bay* leaves for market. Maltera n#t wb§ we lose the goods will be sold 25 ! per cent lowei th in any Clearance Sale, any Assignee's bale or an* 1 Sheriff Sale. hki Thie eale'will include eilkj • f all kinds. Solid lacks, a#lid Color* and Faueiee, sui'able lor Shirt Wait. Skirts, tresses, Fauuy Work and Trimmings, V, hite Goon# New lot of Lawns and.Check Muslin now on Sale, l-idißoiiij-i.ies:—N * t, jj *i '• ad qu* :#s an 3 t a $ }• * (*•'. S}.J i #of jj (, B v n E-Jg' it*. 1 000 v .,.-„ Rrmai t En b #-■ r s„*J Rl, iocs <>ii Barg .ii C *uj ,ra clearance <ale of C.tti>n diu<s. noons 712 c -• i J l . So ;c Gii gh no worth 12 l-2c Seta for Km.. Hatte n*. wrth tfe a '* f er Fine Ooting . loih‘ worth 50 c*d;*. 800 yards Fnt C'etcn# 10 o(it* • >th 26 c te. * OO y* r d* 8 l'aline 10 ceats w ib 20 cei t*. * pnc* Heavy Jeaca 16 cm's * ni 20 mu. 5 p’e'** Hrayy Jy*s all wo< 1 2 > c#m*, w rtb4o. *6O yin C inti, for El n & jl s#, wrth 60. 200 plirp Ex'ra weight ao 1 1g L SncohlH s 18c w<s. t’i 850 School Hoi* lor, 15j avd lie t HlecV. NOTTS. f hereby eeaaent for my wife, Wary Ana 'ooper to become a pablio or free deaUr, ae piso-i >ed by law. i bit Jan. 12tb 1894 Coopbii SHERIFF SALE. Geergia— Madison county. Mill be eold before the court boats door at IbiuieNville in Madi eon Ceuuty during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesbay iu March >895 to the highest bidder for cash following described property to wit: I—A tract of land locate*, in *; ( id County on the Harmon" Ciovc and Bragge Ferry road on the waters of •'ubbards Creek bounded on the neith l>y the Cob Carouth place; on the east by G. . Aaron, on the en the south by Dick Carutli; and oh th • west by G. W . Asro<j ai.d con tains sn hundred acre* move or and known ae the tephms plsce. This place has an it a sina.l dwell ing mid •utbmldings about I city acres in cult vatiou and the is main cr in old field au.l originil fortsl. 2 A tract of land located in said Comity of Madispn on the water* of Blue Slone Creek, bounded on ti e nortn by Mrs. P - C. Band place; on the east by lands of T J. JS.o.t and J- F. olbert on the south by lands •f J F Colbert; on the west by Ul.lh •f Thomas Bailey, known a tit? Queen place, and contains ouo bun' dred and eeveuty acres mor * or kss This place h .a on it a dwel ing ahd outhouses also a gnat Mill in fair condition, abautt forty acres in ent terratiau and the remainder in original forest. leth of said tr.-tcie of land levied ®> #e the propelly of G. VV. Aaron Uu der two fi fa one having issued G'oro the Superior Court of Madison ouiilr in favor of 1. 11. Goss against G. W. Aaron; and the other having isud from the Justice Court of the 264 Dial ,iu favor of W > Holman for the us# of II Goss [against Ba te r Scoti principal and G W Aaron •veurity. Keth places levied on after a de ed from I 11 Goss to G W Aaron oon- both have beeu recoord ed as rexmred by law. A riuon notice give >i G W Aaron tenaut iu pwsession as required by law. This January ‘26 1995. _ ___ L. K. Brooke, Sheriff, f s. a * ! 1 'ey bn wnas v’-Ja ror/ of Ite mu It.- Whew in wvd of med wiae remember HOOD’S CURE 9 SHERIFF SALE, G-'rgii—Mid ism c :unty: * ill be soli before tlin Court House door at Daniels,-idr liming the legal gala hours on the first Tues day in March 1895 to to the highest bidder for cash ths following • • ro) *- erly: A. tract of land located in the 382 District G. M. Madison County lying on the head wateis 'of Brushy ( reek, and boundeu as follows: Begining at a knot or. the north side and near the residence of J. T. Johnson thence N. 1.40 w. 87 <d:s. to center of Brushy Creek thence tip the meandering* of said Civek 4.t>B chs.: thence N.45. w. 75 00 ehs. to a stone. thence >S 39,15 w 14.50 chs. to a stone, tlienc\ '. ti l iv. 16.- 44 chs, to a Fweet Gum, ♦h. nee 3 E 4.28 chs. thence S 70.30 w. .10.33 chs to a hickory, theme S j 25.32 E - 7 50 chs to a knot, thence j' v 42,15 E 3.40 eh* to a slake, j thenoo S 47.30 E 11.19 ehs. to lie \ gluing corner, and contains One i * ! undr#d and fifty one 810 acres [more or less. Said land has on it I dwelling and necessary otithiiih'ing, > and about Seventy-five aeiesin cul ; livntion, tnd the remainder old freld and oiiglnal for.-st. i s’aid land levied on as .the prope.ty of Mrs. Elizabeth jObeatham to satissy *a fi fa issued •'from adison Superior Court in fas . vor of B, li. Williams against Fliz fbeth Cheatham and property !? pointed out in fi fa 1 Ihe levy made after record of deed , from L>. B. V iiliams to Elizabeth iCheatham, and wrilt-n notice given |fdrs, K‘ Cheatham the tenant in pos /■session as required by law, J I his January 26 1895. L. E- Brooks, Snt riff. f SHERIFF TUE. Georgia Madison county. WUbeso ton h- first T • * i i-t Mareli 1895 r.i h court li mg. i*. **id cmi j, vn i iti th*- b-jj-jl Oif* of *!** s g 8 . and i-r f>r ash th* f 1; or y rt t > wit: Gne certsir trc’ < f 1 .i-d lying and b*ir gin h c unty .f 31 and *or,s il 'S'te,‘o '.j i>g 50 noun* mo- 0 r W*-, acj iniEg lands • f G W B tlnden, n fb e sas?, W F P iHips on jibe S‘U’h. M*. o ( .h> lia Y<rhy and 41 DL Pi Unas- on the e-', C ; - i-cd Mdone at and \l D L Pi imn on •jorih. Tb©> is no d*tl it g y>n this if lace, but a got and oce bo ct , p Ip *m on srme S'il land Uv sd on *( tb proper!v ' f Da o Oglesby to ■G : fv a i*x x ,; c?it c>n i*n *1 by E f iDrt I', T, L\ for Ml'ii; ncounty, jin favor ■ f E F M inin a* Tax *■) st y fo —ssid-'g -ni H ivDjvis O l*by o his St> at <0 tv tax o* 1894. Levy mid o* J FMo , ttC ‘it i turned me' Id me for ‘d yeiftemont. W'ioen nio giv*n 'sn?iit i pt*pgi'iou as nqnired by law. Tics Ft b. 6 h 1895. L. E. BROOKS, St iff. SHERIFF SALE. Georgia—Madisou county: Will be sold oi Ist. in Ucli 1895 at the court bouse door in said eouotv. w'thin the ler-al hour* of s'e to the highest bidder for cash th following property to nit: One certain jot of lnd in the town of Panielsvillp, in the 204fh ilist G M of said county ndjoirreir lands of H B Mattox on tr* North. Tret and West, and' the lauds of Madison eountr on South, tha lot whereon Andrew .Taek y>n Ptrickland iVHv resides. eontnin’BSf fine acre more or We. Tlrere is a tenant house on this lot. Paid land levied on as the prop, rty of Andrew Jackson Strickland, Uf satisfy a fi fa is*u-d from the Justice Vbu’ tof the 20tth diet (1 M said county iti favor of K M Strickland aprsinst An [t r ow Jabkson Strickland aad Geo. Fowler, ’file same being levied on by J A Gordon L G and tvrned over to. me for ad'ertise jnetit. JVrittß notice given tenant in obsession. Thia’Feb. 7th lS9f>, E. Brooks, Sheriff. eJ *W 3E£3E&©'W P XST St SOBTB . 0 ~ * * • Ilousefurnishing Dejtot, L>. ’ , . : . / ■ ' ' ?• %-M ' 227 South Broad Street, Athens, Ga. - x e carry the largest and - ks selected stock op— . * ! Crockery, glassware lamps, oliiaa, dinner and tea 33’: And Fancy China in great Variety STOVES, 03ATES AND BANSBM, Tin; Wood and Willowware; Sllverplata Ware and Table C SSiT we are the largest jobbers in Athens. I. W. Brown & Sons* Fall and Winter 'h* attention of th® ladies of Madisou county ig called to onr Siocx of rah and Winter Millinery, now cosnplft# and t,ffmed for sal®. It comprises all the EewHats for Ladies, filisses, and Children. A beautiful varietv of Feathw#, Braids, and all.'th# new shades in Eibt obs, etc. Our prices Ate low, end wo would be pleased to receive th# Patronage of*ortr Madison county friends, promising tegiv# them the best of satßfHetion. Respectfully, Misses Bradberry, Athens, Ga J. T. BAKER and €O, COMEE, GA. — WS KEEP ON HAND A WELL AiBORrSD STOCK OF C e neral Merchandise O R Y GOODS Crockery, stoves and Tinw are t/ 7 WE ALSOL T T COT l ON AND COTTON tND SELLTHE BEM GRADE OFGITANO3. f FOR IE r tv visit t’n sib-v blishtnsilt. of Btksr & Muthew before purchasing elswhere. We will make it to your interest todo so.- Pi iPi -.- jiCTrr .-mgra* w CK'va'F.Kryxvs.-i' rxr v.. -cs PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM BV A Hh IY V '.J * t- e.v.-, - ■•;,*- h'-ngi p- '-r- <a> v ->f r g-v 1-5 m V* *; t- f. • - - •.•ri-.'-t,. rewO- A ' •- -V; f+j - ;V; • \ . >•; i UiSviiSS ■ t * . .. > c;; . -. " ' r • . . i re ■■ '■ • . i '3 ’"v ' . ;■ a -. • ....., . ' .*/: I■{ ..-J- .' . V~ .4- • 5 v;,.// : -.’.'Kf-Wi Coftgty* ii'-. PIIIPIES, BLOTCHES wtsv-***- •-—-**. ' ionap(",v.' Ataaeau —W •lit-fe-? w xws ".v- - tvoMBBO PLI/vr- Lf-l sofa .1 jr :h- 4 5.1 * ji fl 1- kui'suj s fIUiIGLCd B.' - —.raMn-^B-r-.stw-i*~,g-g.w^ mmk £ v-* * r.' rrjr- '.. ,-*r,f.■. * i•iJ.'SOTOS tiy -.'r l&z* jaco# f . ;• C*k c •-V-. r.vrz. O.a 3V&Y 21 ♦ It. :- S- M- LL7SA X 2309. , S i& < itSJXJt* ->:>re - v,R^h4-X fceutfh? ft ol -h.l ■.Y A*, fit r- *: w./ run S-jiv ft'eou jhaa fgii'U* "a- k- • C-..3* . - L.V.: . - 5 O. O. JX Vtfvsr*. c?>. u i\. r-t ktowu Ck.;^3ts , * J- S5- 3% iV.V v'fi i- ***? t h3SF9* I " " v VL < 'z-J-riil -r& AS - r , { .A ** .' a- ci : >,i t {.-. :• . i .(*? ■- •' :"•! y • risi; w& r.sf v.: * '.Ai ’ • vi* . \i 'j entpr?* L. '} v ci-'* c ; iKJOi'tt .C’fc-.-y* /•: - . .*, •-i.-tYC; T. r. 2*. , . • XOJ •■'•ifUC'. ' 7;,: '! Vi v'-f e. --- A tlf-T? -• S&Y3&UM&* VYa Av.-'- -’ '-**• & i -y *if s*.*&*■, "3-rui'/. *. Lr> f >:/.?< x ii ? -a.. fi:*v•? GM if mite* ! . Uvjr >; He y*. i>. Sol A a M’ tbfc nidi*, tfcfcrtgf T*$.T3P f.'.azt'.ri.i'.A Xft ii 04; rs r-~?:fA9* it* 7d\ is* • r fj’Gre .<-”i 'vt'Lw .if ef V V-i . X > S' baTI •>? ;jt2l b*>2siK s - • t-• r-r a & t-I*s : --.isr-v*A' • v .•*>. ?t bfta f.lao , a 31 j r* * rev'. i■■: <a £, Ciit '•-* .' -■..•i: r-raiy. C--VC. •/. ?s., as bmt* m >: !:i/ M/ RBt -- - . . rv;v;a QKUbitK. •k *&&&s&** mno% ;-a.Ai'HirtTCE3, a’s az<fit..v9*>c-