The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 21, 1895, Image 1

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THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR EKRY TANARUS, MOSELEY, Editor. VOL. XII, NO. 1. LIQUOR LICENSE. B* *5 or<^*re d by the President and Council f Tow* of Coiner that pirituous, nl 01 intox oating liquor* may be *old by retail in'sab' town under license rrgu lary grar.Ud by a majority of the council provided said a pliesnt pay iuto the trea ury of said town a license fe* of Two Hundred Dollars, and provided all other inance# nfih* town oi Comer, on the subject of the sale of quor, shall be ob •rvod by said liciosee. NO. 2. PROHIBITION, No person elm 11 be allowed t- =ell, directly or indirectly, spirituous, vi nous or malt liquors, within the incorporate limits of Gomer, without a li cense. Anyone violating this Ordinance shall be arrested by the Marshall and brought before the council to bo dealt with according to law. „ NO. 3. CARD PLAYING. No person shall play at any game of cards within the incorporate lim its of Comer, except it be in a private dwelling house. Any person so offending shall pay a tine of not less than five nor more than ten" dollars. NO. 4. ‘INDECENT CONDUCT. Any person conducting him or hertelf in an indecent manner or bv hallowing so as to be boisterous, or using \ulgar or profane language ’within the incorporate limits of Comer, shall pay a fine of not more than tell nor less than one dollar, or work on the streets not less than one nor more than ten days, NO. 5. PEDDLERS. No itenerant peddler shall sell goods, wares or merchandise at retail in the incorporate limits of Comer, without first paying a tax of not less than five nor more than ten dollars, and obtaining a license from the town Couneil, which license shall last lor’l2 months and no longer; this how ever, does not refer to disabled soldiers of the last war, nor does it prohibit farmers or other persons from selling domestic produce in any quantity. Any one violating this Ordinance shall pay a fine of from five to ten dollars. NO. 6. SHOWS, ETC. No show shall be allowed to exhibit in the incorporate limits of Comer, for pay or profit, without first paving a tax of from five to fifty dollars. Anyone at tempting to violate this Ordinance shall be arrested anil dealt with as the couneil thinks right and proper. NO. 7. GAMING HOUSES. No person shall be abim fo keep n gaming houso of any kind within t-he incorporate limits of Coin; r, vis: Dice, chuck-luck', crack-aloe, etc., for moiiev. NO. 8. EXPLOSIVES. No person shall shoot ague, pistol or any other fir -arms iu the town of Co mer, except it be absolutely necessary to protect person or property; any person vi olating this ordinance shall pay a fine of not less tban one nor more than HO,OO. NO. 9. DRUNKENNESS. It shall be the duty of the Marshall to arrest all persons in any way dis turbing the peace of the town, and to arrest all intoxicated persons, or any one publicly drinking whiskey. Should the persons intoxicated be too drunk to care for themselves, it shall be the duty of the marshall to put such persons in (he calaboose and thereto keep them until sober or turned over to their friends, upon the payment of a fine of not less than one nor more than ten dollars. NO. 10. STOCKLAW. No horse, mule, cattle, goats, sheep or hogs, shall run loose or at large! with in the incorporate limits of Comer, and any horse, mule, sheep, goats or ho es running at large in said inc rporate limits, shall be taken by the marshal! aiT kept until redeemed by the owner. The owner may redeem the same by pavin" i flue of from onete five dodar and all eosts for keeping the same until redeemed, 'ibis Ordinance has no reference to persons diiving|such stock to and from pasture. NO. 11. SHADE TREES, Any person tieing, hitching or fastening any horse, tnuje or any other ani mal to any of the shade trees contiguous to the court house, or any shade or fruit tree contiguous to any dwelling, or to any paled fence or to any building of the th# town of Comer, shall be fiued from one to five dollar*, and costs' for keeping the animal until redeemed. NO. 12. DEFUNCT ANIMALS. Any person owning or controlling a domestic animal in the town of Comer, and said deuiestic anima dies in said town of Coiner, the owner theieof •hall have such animal removed at onck beyond tha incorporate limits of said town. Any person refusing to move such animal shall he fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars, NO. 13. CLOSING DOORS. The barrooms doors shall not be opened beforeo A. M. and slml] he closed by IGoclockP. M in the incciporate liniita of Comer. Violators shall pay a fine of from ten to twenty-five dollars. W. L. Douglas $3 smOEJSJSfXKfe. cordovan; Am*- Tk FRENCH atMAKUED CALF. gyp v Fine CAU&KAfaAMa JS|||i=i|s|j§W *3.Bp POLICE, 3 SOLES. '%&^M7smstmSMX SEND FOR CAT AID CUE w '*— BfiOCKTOH,MA£j. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Doughs $3 & $4 Shoes All onrshoes are equally satisfactory They Rive the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities arc unsurpassed. ■ he prices are uniform,—-stamped on sole, i'rotn Si to $3 saved over other melees. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Daalors • very where. Wanted •gent to take exclusive sale in this vicinity. Write at once. JR, lT£2A£diß9s. I i^iL.4#! BLOOD BALM. J A household remedy for all Blood and j Shin diseases. Cures without fail, Scrof- S ul a, Urol'S, llbeuiastlsm,Catarrh, Salt lihenm g and every form of Blood Diseuee from the a simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty ■ years’ use with unvarying success, dem- g onstrates Its paramount healing, purify- 1 ing and building up virtues. One bottle H has more curative virtue than a dozen of g any other hind. It builds up the health i and strength from the flrst dose. ! tm UITf. for Uooh of Won-M ( dev fit l Cureu, aent free on appli ( cation. [ If not kept by your local druggist, send 3 ; 81.00 for a large bottle, or 85 00 for six bot- B i ties, and medicine will bo sent, freight 3 1 paid, by | I BLOOD CO., Atlanta, Ba. f rv ropy r ahv <• you are a? i ore -twt, w- fa nofV lug It '4 eetMßi "irj mtfV.TtFk I.IX ftfCYRH*. It will cure yoo, eleetue vonr (Tver, ,ud ed*e a seed a*Eitr,. FOR MADISON COUNTY AND TEH DEMOCRATIC PARTY. DANIELSVILLE, MADISON COUNTY, CA.. THURSDAY, FEB. 21st. 189?. SHERIFF SALE. Georgia—Madipou county: beiold on the first Tuesday in v.arch 189i., at the comt house door iu arid county within, the legal hours of sals to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing property to-wit: One certain lot of J* I*® 1 *® *“ tl '° Jow n of Dsnielsville. i D the *- ( Hh d*Ht (t M f.f said county adjoiniiz larms of IX B Mstfox on the north, east® west, and lands of Madisjn county on the south, bring the lot w jei cod Andrew Jack sen Strickland now resides, containing one acre more o i less. *1 here It a tenant house on tills lot, S-aid land levied on as . property of Andrew Jackson .Strickland to satisfy <* 8 f issue 1 front the Justice Court of the :-o , dit Ji said county in favor of K i, htrickiaudagc n-t Andrew Jackson Hticlcland and George the same bob g levied on by J A Gordon, L. C. and turned over to mo for advert se metit. Written notice gtv n tenant in possession. This Keb. 1 tit Ife'JS, L. Z. BJiOGKK, Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE. Georgia— Madison c#nly. I VV ill be sold before tbu coiift Ny 14. JUMPING FROM TRAINS, No person shall in niruin will i violators shall bo fic*.* ' A ‘ PikTa IN ft UF F ICE R . . j lofNTERFEREING WITH OFFICER. wav MtmnmJhm o mr^l^’ n ' i | h 1,18 ™ arrest, or in any nol less tlmn five noroi* n | < rel ‘' a " e a Pi'isoner. while under arrest, shall be fined less Ilian five oro,e than ten dollars, or impuonetl not less than five days. I-NO. 17. STREET WORK. Every male p*if>n in the incorporate liiuita of Comer, subnet to road duty, shall on or belof the Ist. -lay of March in this year, pay a Ux .f two dol ars or woj-k on for four days. After paying said tax or workiug sa.d number of days, fall not be subject to road duly this fear. Any on. failing or refusing to eomplyJrHli, this Ordinance, shall be fined not less than two nor ten day*' 1 dollftr 4 ol ' be wortotl on the streets not less than live nor more than 4*. 18. OBSTRUCT'NG SIDEWALKS, It shall bo the mty of the Marshall to keep the streets and sidewalks open t lut parties may passjjhth aBo, nml any person reinsing to give way, when ordir.d by the xN.aishail so tofo, shall be gtu y of disorderly conduct and fined accordingly. NO. 19. NUISANCE. ! l ,>, u 1 n0t e b * W n] foran y l jsr * 0n or psrsoas or corpntation ’to er#ot any siy house kuog as a privy, on any of h. Ute.t* or alloys oF said town of Gomel, or oh an p*We lot or near the private dwelling or residence ef any persona of id 0, .f T’ rr IF r bli ° Ijlac *’ witbuHt ti,Ht h #ving conaent of the c uncil of town *f Command any person or peisons e r corporation so electing said house, upon "°'npla being made to the council, mid the same being deemed a musauce by said he the duty of.lh* eonncil, through the Marsha* thereof 10 give tlnee .fayknoCtce to the owner oi ewers thereof, to remove the same ami ts not removal within three days, it shall be the dly ef the town mar 5L.,11 t ‘ 'cnmve the same at the cost,or the owner or owne s thereof, and the owner Gmuld be find in addition, to the cost of moving the same, not less 'kin one Dollar tun more than ten Dollars. 1 rovided that the owner thereof shall have the right wulnu the three day* to submit evidence to the oonnc/1 that the same i* not a nui- Kailua, w NO. 20 NUISANCE. J K‘it on complaint of any person or persons or corporation in said town of Comer, being made to the council of said town Comer, or (lie said council of ]fs own motion; that any necessary house commonly known as a privy that 10 VV. W If‘*cctcd 1 f ‘* cctcd m the tovv 4 of;(?omer, on any of the streets or alleys or on any public Joe, or near the doling or residence of any person or persons or cor- I oration, is a nuisance and requesting the same (o be moved, it shall be thedutv cf the council, fhiough Hie Marshall, to give notice fo the owner or owners trenof, to remove the same within three days from the date of said notice, or r ‘ >K en l ce ‘]' ab the not a nmaance, which* issue shall he tried t v (.e i. ouncil. If the same is not moved or evidence net submitted within the i!i:e-i-‘la s, nt the expiration then of, the Marshall shall proceed to move tnc.m,. at the expense oc the o.vner or owners thereof, and in addition to inoc.M. 0l moving same, the owner or owners thereof shall be fined not k ■ s one nor more than ton dollar,-. NO, 21. MARSHALL’S DUTY, , 11 s ' ,;,in,c th dn, T of th* mnrehai to arrest all persons who violate any of , "L: °l"lnce% or for violation of any of the state laws for offenses commit cd with... the n.corpbmte limits of Comer, and bring said violator* I,.for* h- . nmiofl of said town for trial, or if said violators desire to plead guilty '"' hv ;l, .'usaiH)n, then to carry then, before any individual member of the non. wlm is empowered to impose :h. fine for said vi lat.on, or to md over to appear at the Superior court of said county, if for violat on ef L.y of the . mie Im- It is further the duty of the Marshall to attend all meetings .f stud Council, aud make reports of his actings and doings te same. * f J- P. OHOLSTON, M/ YOR. f A - M. SCARBOROUGH, Sjtcretary, J O. EBERIIARDT, P. 8. RICE, I J. B. CLARK, Commission sirs. huie dor at Dnuielsyille in Madi ■un Cuuaty daring the legal hours **'* 0,1 lirst Tuesisay in .March 1895 to thf hit/host Mddsi for oAih following ilcguribed property 10-wit: I—a tract ol land locatoo iu said County oil the llarssouv Giove and Rragfs ferry road on tbs waters #f I’uobsrds Creek bounded on the neith by the Cb Caroutk place; on trie east i>y G. . Aaron, on ills •ii lbs south by Dick Caruth; aud ou th west by G. . Aaroa and egn tams %ne hundred acres more or lesi and known a. tho nepben, place. 1 his puce has eu it a s:na,| dwell ing and outbuildings about forty acres in clt eaiieu and the remain der in ob field and original forest. i A trset < f land I Seated in satd of .Madia.,, o the waters of Milt) btonc ( reek, bounded on t! e non,, by Mrs. P C. Rend place; on the east by lauds off J. Sselt and '• f* olbtrt on th* souili by lands i- "tl * ollK ' rl i 0,1 tli® west by lands •Ii nouns Bailey, known as tha Q *** n place,'arid contains one bun-* died and seventy acres mere or less. Thie place h,t oh it a dwelling ahd outbousee also a gnat Mill j n fair condition, abentt forty acres in 01-viati -viati on and the in original ferest, Reth of said tracts of land levied en as iht properly of G. ft. Aaron under twe fi fas ene having issued from the Superior Court ef lladisog ounty in faverof I. H. Goss again* G. vV. Aaron; aud the other havint issued from the .Justice Court of the 234 Dist., ia favor of W s Holman fer the use of II Goss against Ca ter Scett prineipal and G W Aaron security. Beth places levied ou after.a deed from I il Goss to G VF Aaren con veying bom have been recoorded as re xmred by law, >\ ritten notice given G W Aaron tenant in poseasion as required by law. This January 26 1995. L. K. Brooke. Fheriff. EDW. McSIOWAN, Bvsixii** Makasb. Local Happenings. Item* of to *>• State’’ Fop|® Pjoivd UP bv .11 MOHITOK REPORT % &*4 Mi*4*4 Ist !* {nail Ussiklslt sa as to Be Easily f ijcMed—Bi'tln, Beat**, Harrlaies, Viiltws, £te. ■ TTnftmtmn Snuders i‘s how xrach ing school at Veals acadamy. J. P. L( oney, the Mill district’s popular bailiff, was in town Mon day. In another column will be found the list of Juror* drawn for Ma*ch term of our Superior Court. Ex amine the list and see if yout name is on it. J. J. Meadow, Jr., of Comer, was up to the dance last Monday night. The young people had a delight ful ! op at the hospitable home of -I O Daniel, last Monday night. Several of our citizens look ad vantage of the recent heavy fall of snow to enjoy sleigh riding. Frm reports given from ah parts of the St-te,the cotton acreage re duction is receiving the cold shoul der. Fo:n the counties have gono into it, but the majority have not. lion. B N White, wia in Atlanta this week. Ron. T J Scott of Athens, wa* over to see us Monday. J R Bullock, of Corner, gave n* a Unit the tirt o' ;hs week. If the cold whither had not toppod when it di 1 we would havo needed a relief ceaimitie*. Wood and ration* were running short. We miped some of ear cerretpon 'tent* lt*f wsV. .W * ftippoie they w#re frozen op in <u w. It baa h wed now, md will look for hem. Kra*k 0. Shtokelf -l, a riving young attorney of At. nil , wa* iu i wn this week. 8 C O’KslUy, aoj L E Brook** a* in Athea* yeaterdai. Walt*r Qiiffeth, end wife cf Ooone# r oui ty,c*m over to thi marriage of their br<th*r, Dr. J I Griffeth thie week. Dr B M Tie mien cf Thorntons Mil l , w*i is t is-o this ir*ek. T A oillal t# 1 Jicki m connty to ths badald* .f h * sick brothf, GW G*ime , '<vm ,, .y of thi* couvty who has bsr etex f r >*!iiii*(>, on last Wdn.*di v . We l ope tint he fouad hi-u ba ig !)■ ROM ve!y sr and wife of Roya <o ' were orir Teurtday la*t. A crowd from kero went rabbit hautin* oa last Satnrlay morn ing, aad cun* back wi ll 23 rabbit* and one ’npomtim. CUford, Blackmon A Boston Boy’s Eyesight Saved-Perhaps His Lifts By Hood’* Sarsaparilla—Blood Bafts toned by Canker. Bead the following from a grateful methen *My little boy had Pcarlst Fever when 4 year* eld, and it lett Urn very weak ead ih blood paimmed with canker. Hla eyea beoaaae ao inflamed that hit tugeringt were tntenee, and tor seven weeks be Could Not Open His Eyss. I took him twice during that time to the lye and Kar Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow of good. I commenced giving him Hood’s Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him. I have sever doubted that it eared hie sight, eve* If net hie very life. You may use this tee- Hin miiU in any way you choose. 1 aaa always ready to socad the praise of Hood’s Sarsaparilla because of tlio wonderful good it dkl my sea." Apibis F. Blackman, 288S Washington Bt, Boston, Mass. Got KOOBSb HOOD’S PILLG Are hand made, and are yam to -se>eUlee, r-r'"* 1 — —I -mr —ig, . NO 33