The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 21, 1895, Image 1

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THE DANIEOBVILLE MONITOR. BERRY T. MOSELEY, Editor. VOL. XII. Professional. DAVIDJY MEADOW, Attorney at Law. * Dajjihi.svii.le, Qa. Office on corner, west of Court House, opposite Masonic Corner V 111 practice in all the courts. All business 'promptly executed. jno. J. Strickland. Attorney. Athens - - - Ga, BERRY T. MOS ELY, Attorney at Law, Danielsville, Ga. Office en corner, west of Court House, opposite Masonic come. Will practice in all the Courts Business promptly executed. ' Geo. C Thomas, Attorney, Athens, Ga. J.K GORDON, Attorney at Law. Danielsville, Ga Will practice wherever de c ired prompt attrition to all business entrusted to his care. Office North of couai bouse. R. P. Sorrells, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Danielsville, Ga. Calls answered and prescriptions filled at all hours. Diseases of women and children a specialty > J. I. GRIFFITH. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Danielsville, Ga. Office south of court house. Calls answeaed and prescriptions filled promptly. J W Meader PHYSICIAN ANP DRGGUSIT. Five Fobks, Ga. Calls answftred and prescriptions filled day or night. W, C, MATTOX DENTIST, ELBERTON, GA. Will visit Carlton third Monday in each month and at Comer on Tuesday after. ''Do You See Spots 1 before you in the air ? That’s , ' your liver’s fault. Rheumatism, j. Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Head- < l ache and Billiousness are all ' your liver’s fault. 1 [ Symptoms of a Disordered Liver: V Pain in back, side and shoulders, a > bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, general drowsiness, diges- j I tion bad, fullness in the stomach, loss \ of appetite- sour and sick stomach, * habitual costiveness, dots before the i \ eyes, s in sallow, eyes yellow, ner- * \ vousness, pimples on the face, dry L cough, confused mind. J At the first appearance of ► these symptoms call on your * * merchant for a bottle of h^jCßocs [IWSc' F #anA^)euml^io f (UREr f it goes straight to work on the f liver. It cleanses this organ— I I makes it active again—purifies . f your blood and you ’re cured. l j Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For IL f CULLEN & NEWMAN, / Sole Proprietors, j Knoxville, Tenn. Two papers for the price of one—why not take them and be happy. You will never regret it. Legal Notices. NOTICE. Georgia— Madison county. Whereas it has beefi repiresent*d to me that J R Meadows, late of said county,Miod testate, and having no exuector now in life, ail persons are hereby notified to be at my of fiee on t he first Monday in Apri 1 to show why S C O'Kliey er some other fit and preper person should not bo appointed administrator with wi:l annexed of said deceased. This March 4th 1895. G C Daniel, Ord NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county. Whereas the road commissioners of the 438th Hist G M said county, having reported in lavor of a pub lie road beginning at. stole house near John Moon’s on R T Daniels land and H I* Sorrells land and Moses Smith and G W Dnifie land on by King Oar ring tons, J M v ' bites and into the Danielsville and Moores Ferry road near the J l 3 Gholston place. All persons are hereby noti fied to he at my office on the first Monday in April to show why said road should not be declared one of 2nd class public roads of saidcouu elass mark ’d out by slid eomuiiss" ioneis of said county. This starch 4th 1895. G. C‘. Daniel, Ord. SHERIFF SALE. Georgia—Madison county. Will be Sold on the first Tues day in April next at the Court house in said County within the le gal hours of sale to the highest bid der for cash the following property to-wit: All wines,liquors, beers and all ether spirituous and malt liquors together with all fixtures, furni tures and all appurtenances be longing to the barroom of said R L Ware in the town of < ’omer in said county. Said property levied on # as tl'.e property of R L Ware to satisfy a mortgage execution is sued from ’he superior court of said county in favor of James P 1 ’holstou against R L Ware. This March Bth 1895 L E Brooki Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE Georgia—Madison county. W>h h,-i sold on the first Tuesday in April n*x< at thp Court house i" Sii i Cour tv wthiv th<? Lgil hours of the h'ghet for et-h thd foi lowiag property to-wi'.; One lot cigars, one lot corn whiskey, one lot rye whiskey, one lot brandy., one lot gin, one lot wines, one case beer, one lot can goods, consisting of corn beef to matoes. oysters, salmon and sar dines, one lot coin in ear, one lot hell corn, one oil tank and oil, one lot jug ware, one lot bottles quarts and pints, one lot peas, one swinging lamp, one cash drawer, one water tank, one lot soda crackers, one lot bar fixtures, con sisting of bureaus, beer refrigera tors, decanters glasses and the other attachments, one slot ma chine, one lot measuring pots, al so bay mare 6 or 7 vears old said property levied on as the property of R L .Vare to satisfy a tax exe cution issued by E F Martin Tax collector for sawl couty for spec ify tax against R L Ware. This March 7th 1895. LE Brocks sheriff. W. L. Douglas $3 SMOErSrafJRKa 3. CORDOVAN, SW ' FRENCH XEMAKCLLEDCALT. P#*.. Fine Calf Mumm *3.®P POLICE, 3 SOLES. W *2- 5 - 092 • WORK,Ne^N3 \k HL -EXTRA FINE* BOVS'SCHBOLSttOa .ladies* ■vSfSfR-*' send rod catalogue: ll flleL>£#SSPW- LOO UGLAB' BROCKTON,MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Doug’as $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom ihoea in style and fit. ’'heir weering qualities are unsurpassed, he prices ere uniform,—-stamped on sole, i-’rom $i to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Dealers everywhere. Wantec pent to take exclusive sale in this vicinity. Write at once , Remember that you can get the Monitor and Con stitution for 1.2? cash. for Madison oaHky and the democratic party. DANIELSVILLE,. JWADISO-COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, March 21st. 189*. Local Happefalls, Items of Interst to if wee State” People Pl|fcS UP by MONITOR REPORTERS And Handel Out in Small I ai#> Be East!? Digested—Billis, Beat)#. Marriages, Visiters, Etc. t , Wanted— lsooo pounds seed at once. -fess&iaM ,T. T. Raker <fe COJpl Coiner, Gfe. Mrs. R G Williams has ! ®tm quite.sick this week. Capt. W AV Scott has been San-- gorouslv sick the past week. , Mrs: G C Daniel is visitingjpher danghter, Mrs. Pharr at McDon ough. Col. David W Meadow Jis in At ~hina this week attending the ses sion of the Uiyed States Court. 8 Mrs. Nelia Turner who has b|en visiting her {mother Mrs. Cynthia Bird here has returned to her hojme in Gainsville. • 'K" Jackson and Hart counties w£ill soon have a probation fight on thfeir hands. Mjps Nellie Colbert of Athens,as visiting her sister Mrs. D W Mead ow here t Everything going'cheap for caMh at J Tfßaker & Cos. Comer, Ga. | Miss Eva Sorrells, who is at tending the Lucy Cobb, was jK home this week, Mrs. A S Johuson, who has bejp spending sometime with her mot® er in Clarke county, has retumea home. F M Huff, whomoved with hi* family to Nervry, S. C. a few weeks ago, was in town this weekl He mav move his family feaofeMt# a short time. Spend your cash with J T|J Baker & Cos. and get your worth. Rpe change in ad. of E H nnd IX7 F Dorsey. in this issue, and take advantage of their < learance Sale. Oapt. Kidd wasin Hartwell this week. Miss Marinh Kidd who has heen visiting relatives in Hatrwell,has returned home. 'Last Sunday and Monday were gentle reminders that winter was still on deck. We will nay the highest market price for all kinds of country pro duce. J T Baker Cos. r omer, Ga. Last Sunday night the alarm of fire was given, and at first it was thought that Dr. R P Sorrells residence was on fire. It proved to 9 he nothing serious—only a chimney burning out. The sparks and burning sut made an ugly picture, and if it had been dry weather, might have proved disas trous. When it rains again, burn out your chimneys. It may save vour house. T will remain in Danielsville Bor 10 days longer. OalL at once and have vour photos, made. This March 20th 1895. J. A. HUFF, Photographer. If you don’t believe we sell the best 33c a pound chewing , tobacco on earth, just try a pound. J T Baker 4 f'o. Comar, Ga * The farmers of Ijjlbart County have decided to not decrease 'fcMd* acrage in cotton, hut to increase their acreage in corn Fast Living. The most remarkable instance of rapid growth is said to be recorded by the French academy in 1729. It was a hoy six years of age. 5 feet fl inches in height. At the age of five his voiefj changed, at six his beard had grown, and he appeared a Jinan of thirty. He possessed great phys ical strength, and could easily lift to his shoulders and carry bags of grain weighing two hundred pounds. His decline was as rapid as his grow th. At eight his hair and heard were gray; at ten he tot tered in his walk, teeth fell out, and his hands became palsied; at twelve he died with every outward sign of extreme old age.-—Times and Register. ' 5 Forks HALF COLUMN OF NEWS FROM THE FORKS. j _ Miss Naomi Sims, we are glad to learn, is improving. , 1 ncle Charley Broach, over in in Oglethorpe, about 4 miles from our town,a good old friend of the writer, has been quite rick lately. Dr. Hampton is treating him. , WJ Bolton mid Charley Glenn, col., fine and has him at work. ingrown Saturday, pin her wav to visit her sister, Mrs. D W Meadow, of Daniels ville . D H Waggoner went over to Wmrerviile last Saturday. Some attraction over there for Pee. Prof. Mark Gliol ton took him self over to Danielsville last Sat urday evening. Don’t, blame you Mark. John T Pittard of Winterville, was in town this week. W F Martin steps big and walks high, all account of anew arrival at his house—a boy. • Mrs. L E Glenn, of. near Win terville, fwas visiting relatives in and near 5 Forks last week, * Tom Meador of Douglas countv,' i's on a visit to his cousin Dr. J W Meador, Reuben McCalipin. the mer chant prince, nnd highly esteemed gentleman of Winterville, was in town Sunday. Mr. Akin passed' through town Saturday, with two prisoners from Danielsville, for Smith’s camp, Hon. J M Smith lost his gin house, togetger with 85 or 100 bales of cotton, by fire vest.erday, ifeMonday.) Don’t think that there was auy insurance. Martha Walden, of Texas. was Miss Williford, is jaa an extended visit to relatives nnd friends in this, her native countv. She left Madison county some 22 years ago, and this is her first vis it hack; She is a sister of Mrs. 01 Rose of Athens. Miss Mamie Hansford, a benu ful young Indy of Stephens, Ga. is on an extended visit to her sis ter, Mrs. J L Young, of our town. Hon. I F Colbert was in town Monday. B B Williams, of near Wintcr ville, was in town Monday. Mrs. Lizzie Evans of Athens is visiting her daughter Mrs. Wyley Thomson. Mrs. Walter Hitchcock has been quite sick for a few days, but is better at this writing. Mrs. Lettie Sanders is on the sick list. Several tons of guano hauled from here yesterday. Pittard Bros, selling for Smith instead of E F Martin. Proverbs. w T It is easier to break silence than to mend it. “ The church cannot help you to vrade tenement houses for heaven v mansions. ■>' . Practical wisdom avoids big irords. j There would Vie more murders if men hated person as ferociously as they do opinions. • Tomorrow’s advertising may be a day too late. Nature never hurries, never halls and never fails, i Folks are sometimes sorry to get xthat they pray for. The more laws the more petifog g?rs. •He that can reason with a child, £ in argue with a sage. • NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county. Whereas James H Bullock al -of Mildred B Rullock, dec’d has applied to me for leave o sell the land belonging to the estate of said deceased and 1 will pass upon the same at my office on the first mono ay in A pri 1 next. This March 4 1895 6. C. Daniel, C>rdy. Comer Column, A batch of Interesting News from our Rail road Metropolis. Mr. T H Railing and wife have moved to out town, and will make this their future home. Mr. and Mrs. J P Gholston left on 12th inst. for New York, in which plkce they will spend sever al days before returning. W D Beach am, one of the most popular young men that ever lived. oJTfurdaV. Mr. Beach am made many warm friends here, and all regret very .much- to give him up. Rev. B P Elliott preached quite an interesting and lengthy sermon at the Baptist church last Sunday. Charlie Meadow will open a confectionery store in Comer the Ist of April. Miss Ola Jackson spent last Saturday night with her friend and schoolmate Mias Essie lower. They returned Sunday morning, accompanid by Miss Leila Rey nolds, the accomplished teacher of Smithonia. We tiro sorry to chronicle the ill ness of little {Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. A J Thompson but • to know that he is impm\ ing. tr Willie Gholston made a business Bip to Athens lust Saturday. J R ullock made a similar one to Danielsville same day We are glad to .see Mr. HT Co mer able to he out again . Ho has been missed and needed very much at our Sabbath School. Misses Eliza and Lula Bullock attended _di vine servises at the Bab tist church last Comer can now boast of having street lamps. When work on the streets is finished iff will then be in very good shape. Brocks and Power sold fort s tons of-guano last Monday. Mr. r D R Moseley, the' popular proprietor of the Moseley House, Danielsville. vvusj in town a short 'while Monday afternoon, iV P Rowe made a business trip to Smithonia last Monday. We are sorry that,..Misses Lillie Birchmore and Rosa Evans, have been kept out of school a day or two on accoonnt of sickness. This an age of progress. How can any young limn or young lady entertain a thought of growing up in this enlightt km) land with out an education. The facilities a;e so great that there is no excuse under the broad canopy of Heaven for them. Instruction ends with the school room, but education ends only with life. A enild is given in the universe to edu cate. SHERIFF SALE. GEORG!A —Madison county: One certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the coun ty of Madison said state, being a part of the John A Besrynian tract of land, the whole tract contain ing 800 acres more or less, j}oo acres being levied on and same being on the East side of said tract of 800 acres, and having the dwellings and out buildings there on, and bouded as follows: fiy land of Berryman on the North, on tbe East hy S A Ginn, On the South by Martha T IMniel, and on the West by lands of John A Berryman of this same tract, the tract levivd on containing 200 acres. The said land levied oh by virture of three Ei Fas issued fiom the Justices pourt of the 870th Dist. G M Franklin county said state one is favor of R M Tur ner against John A Berryman and in favor of s A Ginn, vs s IV Jordan and John A Berryman, an one in favor of s A Ginn vs S VV Jordan, J A Berryman, and M VV Berryman, said property levied on as property of John A Berry man. Evy made by C W Scar borough L C of 501st Dist G M Madison county, and turned over to me for advertisement written notice given tenant in posession as required law. This March 7th 1895. , E. E. Brooks, Sheriff. A FAIR TRIAL of Hood's Sat • saparilla guarantees a complete Cure- It is an honest medicine. honest \f advertised and it honestly CURES EDW. McGOW.'N, Bvsinim Vana*r, New Jurors, Drawn for the September Term 189*. James P Gholston, J Call ie Seagraves, Henry W White, William D Eberhart, \\ illis IT Gholston, -William Tl Thompson, John T Dav's, David N Patton, William J Glenu, O^rie'ltA John H Rice. Alexander S Johnson, Janies A Hart, Francis M Glenn, James May fie id Fowler, Janus N Griffith, James I Griffith, Francis M Bird John C Scott, James h Colbort, John it Bullock, U ill in in H Long. William M Caret: John R Gunnell ■ Kinchin D Sfrr !< Mm, Andrew' J Strickland? Robert ,1 Sorndls. Thomas M o’J'*|], \ TRAYFKSK,I4 ; Henry E Erwin' James \\ Brvant . *• Dnvid L Gordon, Geor ,r e \\ A egtl u’i • d's, Wisliingfcvhi'tv vh f,i(i‘ id, Pail S Rice John 8 • M "O. John IV 1(:'.-, Bennett 4tiv '.land Thonors J Morgan, Albert M Mekrbor Georg" v Minn, William A Sluts, V • Willis "I’riis, f ;,r Saniuui i F -man Asm 1> Ca ■ bi, >iineoii Bt ryman, Cliri-tnplier V\ Crow . Fi-him';. M !*• John '1 Seymi.w 'JlKpil H S \t ftf Jan* K Ah: • i V I'. i,■ . W a 1 11 11 • Fm i, Lutl"'i ( Bl'-i 1 ii ii, Go.i o'. W |hip. Edw,M.| I'll I hr. - Frank > Epr .1 * 'SO; 1 1 1 |' Dead w y'l el Richard T Rol’ 4. \\ A Kt'V'kli ' • 11 a i d"ma James A Hum. j William I) Poit-.imlu E F Ma il in, Richard B Toll i rt, A Boston Boy's Eyesight Baved~PQrhaps His Life By Hood’s Sarsaparilla—Blood Poi* Boned by Canker. Read the following from n. grateful mother* •My little boy hod Pearlot Fever when 4 yeus •M, and it letthb* Terr week and with blood poisoned with conker, ills eyes beoantq bo Inflamed that his sufferings wore Intense, lor seven weeks he Could Not Open His Eyes'* I took him twice during that time to tha Eye *nd Hat Infirmary on Charles street, but tbslp remedies failed to do him tho faintest shadow of good. I commenced giving him Hood’d Sarsaparilla and It soon eured him. I ban ■ever doubted th.'t it saved hla sight, crew y not hi* very life. You may use this tea* Smoniai in any way yon ciiooss. lam alwsfa *ady to sooad tbs pralso of Hood’s Sarsaparilla sssMise of tho wsnaertui good it dkt my sob." iim F. Blackman, xaaa Washington St, Boston, Mass. Got HOOD’S, HOOD'S PtL.LS are hud nth, sad am ps niai^ NO. 37*