The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 21, 1895, Image 3

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115 to 121 Clayton street. Now is the time to get the Bargain of your life. For the next two weeks we we offer io the trade the remaining stock of Clothing at £oc on the dollar straight through, It is our intention Jo never carry over goods to a following season in this depaptment. 'i ;. f i Our New Clothing is beginning to arrive and we must make room. If you want ift suit CHEAP now is time. ,C' Ift- Come and see us. jV K Th Wmb M . nIUM Ml FI 11 rt ikimlv. Th feiusre Ti p Oh. \K. jjy diuM a lr< ng will. groat ohern sad Urmnwi. Clerclr all tail la (E **[ Sjaunlatnl Type, lie *'.rn> oflfeflM ‘■rvjl of adras-c-ed Ideas an 6 bnsbaooo 43gl ailllity. Beth oi I boo Ijpea Molt jH M o> Wary man or wowa*; am Dawertrt’i Family Ea.iwdia* p 'Onl prm *oyWlT for suefc pertoat • Wbdo YOijJOO of BtW iCOna, COB- la a rms/1 tuaoii, so rhot tin 1 1 \’*\ 3 r*oord of lio whalo world's weak 11 I Sjk 3 for a em>pim xey fco rwo. to feaff a* •L J iy hoar. TANARUS(. (wl Trj* fadteotM W fe\ r6i>amcal, ralnrs. r-.'o a lot* o* r SCI mafic,, tM Aottan. A pone* WU villi liii typ of rtmmb will tbop. ‘-ja onjtbly Wijoy the literary tMmtisM •, j of iJoaoorwt'o isagaslno. TW AN .D M Typo ist.ikatco a lore at kb 2k ;M b ": v.r tad art, wbisb will ted rat* OS3 pls-raro ii tie !rufaldcoot otl-ptcl- L*S sa as* of r, K.; 4 zm iaefcaa, re pro. t'** Lotsprd, tbs moot Oflabr&k® reliv'd llrfir ffoaor peluliaal, wWh wil \ 1 W gt to orery mboeriW ta \ I m Dsnond'a Kajaalna for IM. Ikl V ! In oe* of tiiia taporu work a <t an wad Li , JSa ul tko icprodnctki* MS y fs age not ho dSaUnialthod freso tbo f 'J[Z iS original. Keo&ao this, an osqnlafM / E iff <1 or wrtor-ootor pteceni U p*b -1 £ -w bi>-A in i nob number of tko Jfagfr far \a -j also, sod tha art'.cloo m ae pro* 3 ftKoiyarol superbly lliaatratod that //Ttea ;4 tko ttaaxxiso is, hi twatity, a port. II I VSkil folio •* am works of tha bVfbset 111 w?V* T*o Phil.-oopkic Typo Hk * JV, 1 -a Utneb of tho tUakar and fnvantat a.y .Q of ifiocs, who will bo dropsy la tow ./{a' Jgj c::od In t-h'.-os (tornloriodl naatbhr L Fa Dottoriot’s KayridAt', in cwfli* ■ i&ffl oco of lie Doweroas drfn/ttßetim * which oortr hko ca!lo arttotta aal wr&L?* W'iwitiAe Arid. cAuwakteo evadf fort, fancy, and fad of On dQ P® pcvieroot'a is simply a Beawl t3 Frruily Kscarbie, and wap lottg aoo K orowaad 11 woof the Mootofite \\ Send hi yocu- ifibocrttrtlott; It wffl M p\ Oust oulr Sh.w. and yen will hate f Hi adooai Ffagaalaea fat oca. Addroed I til ml w. J nowiioo D :.aoßnor. PnfclinhaL / 3if host Hth Street, Mew TasE JkaS Ihoasli not a fashion Biagacfaac, 1# h C’jgf pfn rockloa pararmd ltaarUclod fpa on furnliy and doaoesttv laataen, win / FI hu of swjK'rlative latorcst to thoao I irfl poso-tti-g the Fsaaiaiao Type rw I Thamb. trltloh ladiaatcs in its ema| dPL eiae, slendernesa, soft Ball, fta* f nawoth, reaaded tip, tlioso traits Which belong oooonlinlly k> tha aooit** gew every rue of w oa should subscribe ta Wail imr’rlf ■ jrn~i - If yon are inßcquabitodwltu m aorlta, soiwl for a spoeUw* oops ffree), and 800 dr® admit that soolng thooo TKuU 116 has jsat ooa ia tho war of tairtag mocoy by Bi ting la ond emgjjthlag to satisfy lbs literary want* m j; *■ —-y ri -r t r rri 1 ; DURANG’S | IBheumatic Remedy! Km amnahMA I* Rsnitattsa ter U yvm 2 f Mae tha noe£ar4 will ter t* A s&MX lyaanail mn at SAattsa* C > tLn. Oaal, latiMar. aa.. In U !s 1 i U 4a eintoraed kf ahaeamrzai -A not. tf i Ta*lban emA FT V. f , ftrLr riijiMEfci® aMi, v; few* U>- | i *.- dmm. It BTr fail* te safe. f I Trim ta *m daite • haVJt, n stj 4 i *ttlaa tar tin Osr Ta ga- -h ■ mu 7m Isj jSi.n. itAiast, 7j> > L u. C. $ J stn trvaf: m \~*4Y Art wi ik ai omb &tem -f f VHP. m tfl ’Jit T*. v -te T r '* ’ii J ►'“TTsMa sup i i.. Sbd Ot sl/5 Up. - .rr* it " > ri, Iduzzitund Erch-lfa'sio3 -iurj*, luTlr-A And ximuU. of Bdtt ap prorod English ti.i Arri -i-ae /'.I! k'nds of epertir.g ioi>lwcitr.-Ui ai*H a ti tit* raqcfriti s.>■ pun :**f. Celt s l,rech-loadlnff Double Gtinn— im tbtfj’ -dirA r*t ?fitt •honriro. JOSEPH C. CRUBG & CO.. ’! Ntdret St. Phlladtlrsrli. 11“! i msn E. • H. and W.. F. DORSEY, Clayton street, Athens, Ga. * Local Happenings, Items of Interst to “Free State” People Picked UP bv MONITOR REPORTERS 'nd Handed Out in Small Mouthfuls so as to Be Easily Digested—Bi-ths, Deaths, Marriages, Visiters, Etc. W P itowc of Corner, was in I town this week. Uncls Dick Fertson we ars glsti te stats is teach better. I F Whit* an<i W S Sanders were in Athens last Tuesday, ill. J FL Bosd and wife ars in ngrtwell this week. Eggs and Chickens wanted at L. E. Greens, Danielsvilletfe Comer. Frankiin Sapsrior Oetirt' cenTenes at CarneSTills next Monday There is now war and rumors of war on all sides. J T Baker, of Comer, was up ts see his uncle, W W Scott, this week. Bring us vonr chickens, egge, butter and dry hides. J T Baker <fe Cos. Comer, Qa. Neal Chandler, of upper Madinon, Hnd one of our best farmers was in town this week. W W Kidd, tho popular clerk for Pittard Bros. Five Forks, was i** I town this week. I We have about 75 pairs of mens and womens ahoes in odd numbers that we will sell at factory prices. J T Baker A Cos. Comer, Ga. Joha T Pittard the lire merchant of Winterville, was with ps this ' week. A lot of mens fine and medimu hats st whole sale pries*. J T Ba ker & Cos. Comer, .Ga. Sheriff Broaks wsa in Senth Caro lina thit waek, nrned withs requi sition for T P Hoffman, formerly •f Carlton. We have the best selected stock of ladies trimed hate ever brought to Comer. J T Baker A Cos. Comer, Ga. J E Gordon has bought the' H J Hampton house and lot on Paoli St. and has moved thereto. . We will sell you a good oooking stove with 20 pieces any where from 7 to 9 dol!a< s, J T Baker A Cos. Comer Ga. J g King and J A Pitner of Athens was in town te-day. John C Eohqls has been to At lanta to consult Dr. Calhoun in, regard to his eye. He yet hire some hopes that it will get so that he can see with it again. / Bees wax wanted, at L E Greenes, Danielsville and Comer. / A Big Fire. Hen. J M Smith, lest by fir* last Monday, bin large gie hoes*, togeth er with tho machinery, 500 ton* of cotton seed meal, 125 bales *f cot ton in the teed, 225 bales ginned and yacked, and a oar lead ef bagging and tie?* Los* estimated at 125,000 or ?'3o*ooo, with no iusnraaee. On account of depression in business and the low price of everything, the falls heavily on Mr. Smith. Davison & Ltjwe. Davieoa & Lew* tar iir g eda ■tea of Athena greet yeu with an add of their apriag etoek that they are receiving. They have the latest atylee aad the ueweetgoode; with the lowest prices ever ofered before. They want yanr trade and will give you great bargaina to get it. Go a*d see them when yen are in Alheas, ae they will gave yeu tuoaey. t Cotfonseed Meal and Hulls I fcava a q ’.antity of ootton seed meal and hullsVth* bast oow feed on earth—wbioh\am selling oheap. Delivsred at chipped to any point on G C <k\N. G. W. B. KAJDEN, Hull, station. Deuigij, P. O. Hoffman Kills Himsbtf.v* We learn that T i Koffman, once the popular agent at Carlton, Ga., has committed suicide. He was indicted here at the last term of our court for for embezzlement, at the instance of the North American Guarantee ! company, and a requisition was ob tained for him, hfe at tfiat time living in South Carolina.) Sheriff j Brooks left last Sunday fy_r South j Carolina with the requisition pa papers, and Mr. Hoffman! was ar rested by a South Caroling Sheriff, and when he saw staring him in thOi.face, his prodd heart asserted itself, and he preferred death to disgrace. He shot himself with a pistol loaned him by his brother, while talking to the depot agent at Blythewood, S. C., near which , place his parents lived. ! This is a sad ending to f once bright, prosperous, uieful Wfe, and j should be a wariftQr ty?” young ! men to steer clewjn SSWriptations, less they go toghjece#y4i the rocks hidden surface. C&fjris and Caskets. % ■ s' k'?*' S Person* at a distance oan rely ou being u.;e l in Coffina and Caa kets at UanieUville. Stock ia uever abort. I hava them from tbe bom up. Term cast' or ored it to r<*4/sOßpiul partio- A. 8. JOHNSON. Tn our Furniture Department, We receive new goods daily, selected with the greatest care- We can al ways interest you in this Department. * * , 3 i We have Furniture in Oak, Mahogony, Curly Black and Walnut. A] complete line of Baby Carriages just received. In faot we have everything to bo found iifc a first class Furniture^House. y Remember Our Priees are Roek Bottom. Madison Springs. Fruit agents and foot peddlers are passing every day. Several of the hoys went to the Ware school house last Sunday. Mr. Milton Evans had the mis fortune to loose a fine milch cow a few days ago. Charlie Porterfield and Mr. Willis Crow, went out on a big fox hunt last week. **e haven't heard what luck they had. J W Dean was in Franklin county a few days ago. Uncle Jimmy McEwen is quite feeble at this writing. He is 88 or 84 years old. Mack Boothe visited relatives and friends in Elberton last Sun day. J B Daan was in Royeton laat week on busineaa. J W Beard was in Athens one day this week, looking after some important business. Preaching at Shiloh church rtoxt Sunday. F M Huff, of Senoca, S. C. was over to see us this week. Bailiff Moon of Harrison, was in Danielsville last Saturday.. A certain young man got water bVind last week, and could not (Spome, Madison Springs lias one of the .nbst string bands in the State. The hoys are sawing shingles fin a hurry now. Died on last, Monday night at 8 o’clock, the infant*cliild of Mrs. J L Berryman. It had been sick for ihime time. Our sympathies go out to the pa rents. C W Deen is on the sick list this week. Dock Dean is talking of go ing to Florida to spend, a few weeks. A dead -horse was neen going down the river during the recent high waters, It was a large black horse,and was supposed have to been drowned. . We will pay the highest market price for all kinds of country pro duce. J T Baker it Cos. f’omer. Ga. I will remain in Dai}!l&. Bor 10 days longer. Call at once and have your photos, made. This March 2@tli 1805. J. A. HUFF, Photographer. Remember that you can get the Monitor and Con stitution for I.# cash. If you don’t believe we sell the fysst 880 a pound chewing tobadco on earth, iilst try a poundy/J T Baker A' o. Corner, Ga / Ar-n fcr iw Boas -•'ii*. ,;!'i **. Kara enfmr tnniljr for b- :•*; ,• ! n ,|y J7| par wnMt . . .No expe* ritnee /*. 3 ‘V ’ aired.• W jiv* r* V.,ri - e 41 g f. Kivmictiona. Wc *.ii '-I ill ■ "!0 diva eri ■ a ban) n r. w *b?u, r.iUaj.i|iiiia.i A2*y fkO School Locals, Happenings of Interest Among the Pupils of the D H. S. Miss Quinn continues to have fine order—all working for the prize. Some of eur scholars are pre paring their speeches for Friday afternoon. If anyone would like to know what “viz” is the abbreviation of should call on Edgar Benton. Get Miss Elize to pronounoe the word “electricity.,’ Someof our larger girls are now practicing waltzing. Walley Jones is particularly fond of “top spinning”, hut when ProL gets him on the stage he is equally an good. The grammar class is having a 12 months trial in tho parsing-tary. We are thinking of having the school photographed as soon, as the weather permits. The children nil met with bright fncßH Monday morning, /seeming to he delighted "That, the weather had opened up again, but their joy was short lived. A part of the Latin class are hammering away on Comparison of they pronounce it as being alwtruse, From what several of ovir boys say. they will stop soon and pull the bell cord over a mule. Charley Sanders is out of school this week. If he does not come, hack, what will Miss do? Some of our studeats have had their “beauty “struck”. On account of the bad weather our echool has not been very well attended for the la*t few day. The Complete Grammar has had some trouble in parJmg and analizing sentences. Friday is speaking day. tewpart of the students. W /*hJ i. J * *, At the home of the hr it tire lath er, E F Martin, jw-htet Tbwiiliiv evi ning, fyWiirt\f was married (YjijiluVick Mr. JVpdst master at aT'd m one of Thk MriSjiToaM staiNjthest friends, ftja most excellent lady an* / \as many attractions. Tsie Monitor extends its con gratulations. Two papers for the price of one^ —why not take them and be happy- You will never regret it. Opposite Post Office. Special Grand Offer IN Wall Paper. $l.OO to $O.OO Per Room, Includ ing Borders. We have made special arrange ments with J C Lawrence & Cos. the great Wall Paper Manufactures of New York, whereby we are able toaffer our subscribers the greatest oppotunity to buy high grade wall paper at about the cost of produc tion. Samples and circular show ing how many pieces of paper o room requires and how to hang paper, sent free on application. Woe these prices: Bc. u>r roll; Golds, 12c. per roll; Embused Golds,p}sc., formerly $1.26. La test stylos used by the elite of Now York. As this offer only holds good for a limited time, you shoud make your selections and purchase goodsjat once. Orders sent*. O. D. Address all communications to The Monitor. \ DANIELSVILLE, - - - GA. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD*"’SKIN DISEASES B. Be Be Botanic Blood Bab# 1* rirc SCROFULA, ULOBSS, SALT B Lures hhium. lezEMA, •ten farm f MOM CRUFTWN, te sl4*l bains alHonalant Is ton Inf as Mm •latan and raatarinf Mm wban ImiglMS fraa say rasas. "Ha *Jmat aaparnstuml healing yfoyafttse JaalKj j I* aiinataetns t ears, M tflrasilaaa are fallaasA senTaFbee SIAmmUR 90.. AMasta. S. AULTti NfopU. tU.-’I hi IWHhlutw it rw Era, 2*jßL nerve -4Ibj>*TREATMKIIT a 00A*Airr**D ermmu * f\ i l®( hxitaria, dlulDuw, ora. U KYaP iil(l(U,MnoHitunliU, #*w iodKkt, dnioii pnun- VM UTf . ttn. omm< hr alo<ih*l at m£ma f uibaooo, wakafulnixa. arr ajayy I . 'z&.nam twlteblDft, ibudial 4a {JL/U 1 zg’ iirtuloa, tuinalty, prama Lw/ te lure old ago. mitory, Aaaat addstb. IlliMtnnnlH MT-a MtUIMW. LOM M ft VOW** lu althar m. (U HI caated b> niMiirtlM IT*, n ladalfiae. or lIU-IVIH /AAyf/Tre\3B To BUTOKi ion nan / NJi7V a BOOS ui (bv- Solid OH / ft PM i iH tba Tlvor ol IM oonau* I GKA rv 5? toUeo aod rlTo that T alraUatr of aetlon u PIJ 1/ / Biiiob tdalißd I# -J’/vA Kirn 111 ano ■ ' vohuii w■**. it i* a aoverolgn mmate. V* OriUHTIA tlx bean to baud and cora tho warn oaaa* •f brokon down mon and womaa. Tbit la a ■omedv utad for yoart wltb raar-Aoua tunw by an Atlnfit (jyAHra. and It willly dlaappolnt you. Prtot. by mall, pro-paid,f, per box, or alx boxot for •>. Wlib ala bos*, wo tend our wrltton (uarantoo torofood tho aw WOWIWxv. MVSond stamp for alrrolars. tea PIIIp.VINNtUBK.Uf4O. atlaata Oa