The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 21, 1895, Image 4

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Danielsville High School. Spring Term, cpeiuKlaii. 7th and closes June 9th Thin m'lk ol is to l;c taught absolutely free f< r every child within thcfcclK-oi age for tin* term of One Hundred Days at and time in the f-ohool year of Parents will find it to their advantage to patronize this scmiL Hoard from SB,OO to 1,00 per month. Course of Study: Prin ary Grade: Spelling. Heading Writing, First Steps in cograph}’, and Primary Arithmetie. SI.OO Tuner mediate tirade: Spelling, lb itdine, Wi iting. (contin tird) Eli irentniy Geography’ Elementary Grammar, Interme diate Arithmetic Composition. SI,BO, Advance urnd©: Spelling, Writing, History, United States ui.d oeneral. Complete and I’hysicinl Geography, Advancs Arithmetic Complete orammer, Latin, Alge- > bra, Phy oligy ect., sl.ol* W. I) ’.HNY OHOLTON, Prim ipal. MISS WILLIE A. QUINN, Assistant. OUR -PREMIUM OFFER FRFFto _ EVERY PERSON SENDING —• One neweash Subscriber. SPECIAL NOTE TO OLD SUBSCRIBERS You ran obtain tills Handsome One Hollar Book, postage paid, by renewing now for one year. If your subsoriptlon does not expire for several weeks or months yet, semi In your renewal and the date on your paper will bo set forward one year — T HE contents of the art series of views ~ | A, above referred to consists of a seleo h|S Is t\ % tlon of sixty four pliotographlo 1L I ■ l# I l\Val ■ reproductions of the Columbian Kx v \ ..a - -wl position, and is invaluable as well as IJV| | lA?\f / |m I artistically beautiful. OLD SUBSCRIBERS NON SUBSCRIBERS SHOULD TAKE UP THIS OFFCN CORRESPONDENCE FROM AGENTS INVITED. Outfit, consisting of sample of book and sample paper, sent on receipt of tbc to pay cost of wrapping, nailing and prepayment. Fa Fa Fb PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes rf.arvelous Cures in Blood Poison fiiianmatism ' tied Scrofula V P P. iferUsa tba blood, baud* vp ♦ wa&k and Ualnltlatad. u iv* blranftk t wackarwh nerve* oipris db'**** |lvfajr the pat tent. haJth and wKc.a tlekncca, (Moaijr mil ir*3.i:ndo Srmt prevail**. *" •- primary se.>xdfirr and tcrtlury sr.-luMa, : v .r blood ) ji*oalnff. mwen -I•** 1 puli vn. nr. *rlr. dyawapct.*. and in bl>*od Hid fMil lilt **.>♦*, hkc p'r-pi*., < :<t Bronte altars, U’.Ur, at*.l<3 trM.l, t* is. *rvlp*l*a. • ttai*—w ea*. f vat of on!-wV.aUon,tkxl I . P. W .V4 ti e Von b' . vl parifiar I t tfca world, and ir.fAea rvMttlta. spaady and vickl cuix\ l:* >ll &m*. l4AlMVhoau;i. > *t i |>ulioft4 a* A iw* ijapurot md* %.-A4. ds.- aomous.nral lrrrrrl!*rtrtaa, arancwclUrly baaat*d by tVc rroa £*. *f*l voala rivl bivo*' al as!*u? rr*?p i\ r. P. -Pituviij Ata.rokt rot ui r>uuiuM.’x, uo.. lof. ;*.rt. i'**. la mikii Iks kl;t#M rai* rf 3v* xcdl4.\o fro* arr. >#n i Rtl \••• ! i**. 1 n **•..' •* •' k(4irt |!*'sr:i/ sad reenact!** icr* ►4 y**rt. *m w wt*Jbj tfcc Tr*bMl ekjUo'jsaa *a *r /at of lo r*. iri4 rsnnl; wUh cat taditf rltof. I kav *alv ik*a euo unit if yiwP. P. P., aa.U mb k••/folly say 11 ku and. no r vanra UuajrUUj 1 Uv< avcru.keo, 1 mi racoia ai4 your uaA.jlnwtQ *&jr*t-a of t* * abet* iu4 •*. MM M U. 7*4*7. ur***cvouuj. A HAMDSOME H him DOQN& VOLUME SELECTEE PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS SIXTY-FOUR PLATES. Size of page, 11 by 131* Inches. Elaborate Cover in Gold and Colors. Highly Enameled Paper. WORTH *I.OO. PISPIES, NOTCHES AND OLD SORES CATARRH, MAURIft. IIMt TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA M. aMUMMMak -rmrammmmmm Arm iwiotM fey P.P.R —prkkljr Aeh, Boot and I\ tos nti.u, the evoetoe. biuoU pnri#er aa eerU. Aiunrou'v, 0.. Jotr 21.1891. Matane Ut.vtv Bnoe., Suvan.iab, CJu. i !'** Ilta- I bought a bottle M year p. P‘ P. at But B|>r[n, Ark.aed It bu done mo mrro good thna tlirao ■sent*.' toaruu: Kt the Hoc SpMasa. peaii three boulra O. O. D. Koapaatfally w J/ti. U. NfIWTON, ▲bardaan, Ilrowß County, O. Cm ft. j. D. jrixu(ua Jb // vkotn <.* wry ronotr*.* I here by tooilfv *o th< Wv>:(vlcrftil ropvrtl vj of P. P. r. for erupt leas of the k'x. t ruaaro l for toverul years with ru tw olshtly %a*i dlsaxrcwabl* ornptlon oa rxy fao. 1 L-lcu ororr known rvaea dy Uw. tn vafn.tiutll P. P. P. was uO um now entirely cured. (SlfilU'd by) 4, P. .IOHNBTOIT. Currunah, Gj Cnr ode fbrfiarßy from Xkt ifayer/ f t rwt.n, T'rx., JoaivUT 14, I n r’M vs linos.. ;*svannah, Oa.. (•Vfttfcettfa-l hare tned year P. ]*. P. for o ii. oata of thu akin, uatwily kmown -a skm *iat.oor,of thirty years* standing. anl .ound fircut rellof: its pwrlAostho blood and rernovenallir ittaUoa from the scat v>f tho diaaaas and pro rants an? anroMdinjr of t>o 1 bar* taken lira or mx bottled feal eonCdont tkat nntHkar \rlr. effeot a t ura. U ha.s also rcliovod Aiu fn>n hti'j: jhon and a:, maoli kr'nbkife. Youratroiy, CAI'T W. M. RUST, AMOCUOy at lAXfm m oa CijKSOS LfftH fat DBUOQISTfe SELL IT. BROS. PEOPKIBTOM, Ltwnae't lee* >wfe, fie THE MONIIm... Pi'bmshed Every Thursday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Moseley & McGowan. Eds. and Props. We are informed that we cannot renew our con tract with the Constitution after the present one ex pires, so as to give you Doth papers for 1.2>. After the present contract ex pires the two papers will cost you l.)0. Subscribe now and save money, Larkin Items* On account of the inclemency of the weather, farmers are very much behind with their work. The ont crop is killed. Manv -vc -ov.c.l'over ' : • U M 0! anTljpr bo by-.: n (iniic sick, i- -.-i Jowly- i r,. 1 rov * ■ •• !('•<• ffan-'r i'ii *:• ii:ercbiint lice I l.s I:• i:i11 ufi r. Yi{ion to is store r< < m, Air. Neal V, < ods has moved kfs family to tie Georgia Factory. Several oilier families will 1, o e in a f< w weeks. Wheat is looking we’l. , 'ome say tl I) will be a good wheat yet*. “Yes. I will kill you to.” For further particulars apply to Quil la Carter. II > II II I was* at the 2nd Baptist church in Athens Sunday night, and I eard a sern o by Bro. Bennett, a young preacher. His text was 5 verse, 15th chapter of John. I think he preached fine of the best sermons 1 ever heard, from a young man. He is only 23 years old and a University student. Tho farnu-rs had a meet’ng last Saturday flight at the school house at. Union. Hodgson and Pitner, of Athens, and Power & Williford of Harmony Grove-, were present and made bids on guano. The farmers, or most of them, will use Power & Williford‘s guano this year. P D Hardman has a beautiful line of Dry Goods now. Sunday school opened up Sun day. A large crowd out. The young people had a nice time at Mr. Eherhart’s Friday night. In i ; Poor [Health I J 1 means so much more than 1 lyou imagine—serious and’ rfatal diseases result from 1 r trifling ailments neglected. y Don’t play with Nature’s " greatest gift—health. , j If you arc feeling h [cut ot sorts, wea* , ITf 1 ami rcncrally ex* , tr usted, tie* vous,, ■, JJldv/115 begin at oncetak k Tr irtg the most relia* n IJe strengthening ’ [j h ft !• a medicine,which 3 ( JSLJi Uil II owns Iron Bit t % t* is. A few hot* ■yh * tics cute—benefit 2 fi comes from the & BITS PfQ I very first Hose-./ l J ft J C teeth, and it’s fa t| Inkusatil to take. | It Cures 4 Dyspepsia, KMr.ey and Liver •f Nct.-ralg’a, Trcub’-a, $ Constipation, End Blood y Malaria, Nervous r.iL-.ients 'i Women’s eocnplaints. Ctt only the r ermine- -it has red Jr tinea t.n the \vr All utbws sub stnutes Oil ic !'“<•( i\vo:c V will s :>1 svt * f i> BraoUi.J World's FIV.“ \ i Ui ;;K*l betsk- tiWK*. t BROWN CHEMICAL CO BALTIMORE, Mf A w jf' COCVWOHTSOt Bißij| CollegeC£sJfeSVtfs?^ Ctoapmat&Brat Busintss Cos Urge wthmWorM. sv-m: Cpr.^'“,'.JU,, TKjge_. pJ ...... ,M, t f% ST:*?* Tt/ewdlfef e feilx WIi.BUK 17 SMITH. LEXINCTON, KV- * Youth and beauty exercise their patent sway over all sensitive minds- Upon the alter of the NEW burns ever the incense of admiration. Mindfil of this, the inventive genius of the age is ever striving to surpass former efforts and by the beauty of the New Creations, to win the guerdons of popular ap plause. Our stock is absolutely fresh—the product of the now. Its beauty is unmarred by anything that suggests the days of Methuselah, The Latest Creations, This week will be the beginning of .our Spring Campaign—we have the • • greatest stock ever brought to Athens. Everybody Invited. Monday’s Specials. 500 Dress Vattems, best Indigo prints, 45u per pattern, 350 Patterns line printed Lawns, 350 per pattern, worth double, 30' 0 yards good Ginghams 5 Cents. 500. J yards Percales 5 cents. 2000 yards Silk liinished Striped Shirtings, yard wide, 8 12 cents worth 15 cents. 2000 yards printed Drill in stripes and checks, suitable I'br men’s shirts, boys waisto and pruts, last eolersß L 2 worth 15 cents. \ 1000 yards Limn Chamfrays, solid yinks blues and grays, 8 1-2 cents, worth 15 cents. 300 yards boy’s Cashmere, 25c pei yard, goed 10c quals ity One case Mora Led Satteens. 10 cents, worth 20 cents. One ease printed Ducks, hast, thing out for boy’s waist 8 12c, regular 15c, quality, colors strictly last. COTTON DdE'S GOODS 50 pieces printed Piques 12 1 2 cents, 20 cents grade, pieces printed Plisse 15 cents, worth 20 cents. ViO pieces fine Zephyr Ginghams 8 1-2 uts, Worth 12 1-2 cents -50 pieces fine Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, 12 cer.ts, worth 20 cents 25 pieces fine French Satteens, 15 cents, worth 25 coats. On case fine printed French Lawns host colors, lUe, worth double, 25 pieses fine prited Organdies Do, cant be mmtohed for 25 cents. SPECIAL lot small figured Lawns, Dimities and Organ-: dies for children, WHITE GOODB. 1000 pieces fine Clue’-- MusliiLsc, regular 8c goods -8 1-2 cents for 121-2 cents Check Muslin, 10 cents for 15 cents Cheek Musli*. 15 cents ior 25 cents Check Muslin. Gieat values in plain white Lawns, Pique, Dimities and Cambrics. MILLI VERY. Miss Powell, after two month’s study of styles, will re turn to Athens in a few days. WOOL DRESS GOODS. 25 pieces fancy Woolen Mixtures, lovely spring shad itgs, 19 cents, worth 25 cents. 15 pieces pin Checks Stripes and Tw® Toned Effects, 25 cents. Can't be matohtxKmder 40 cents. 4Q pieces pure" Wool Seafch Mixtures, Tw® Tone Efs foots, 25 cents. Same quality sold last spring at s>c p*r yard. 15 pieces fine all wool Covert Cloth in lovely soft col orings for spring. 39 cents, worth 75 cents. SPECIAL—2O pieces all wool Serge, 30 inches wide > in all the new spring shadings, 29c, Same goods sold last season at 50 cents yer ya and. s'pieces all wool Satin Faced Ditches, best thing out for starts, 49 cents, worth 75 cents. 10 pieces Silk Warp Taffeta 75o,'worth $1.25. 15 pieoie Blackr Fancies, 25c, Best ever shown for the price. J > / .4VlM>.\ & LOWE. ; Clayton Street l $tN A.TXXBNS OEOi NEW THINGS. In Silk and Wool Taffetas, plain and fancy. Do Alma’s Tamise, Battisu Ilenncttas, Whip Cords, Diagonals* Serges, SSloriri Merges, shoVter proof Serges. Cievenetlee air i Crepous. Silk striped Challics in solid ami figured, guaranteed to wash, 25 cents, ie.>ular4o cents goods. New lot French C .allies, Cream, Black and Tinted Grounds, latest Parisian designs. CKEPONS! CREPONSI W’o have them in all the Newest ♦'* eaves from 75 cen (s to s3.* 0 per yard- Call and make your selection before the stock is broken. They are_very scarce. Importers can’t halt' supply the demand. Silks. 1,000 yards Kikia in pretty stripes for waist and Chih dren’s dresses, Monday 29 cents. 1,000 yards wash Silks 49 cents, worth 65 cents. 1.0 r ’o yards dark ground figured lndias 48c, worth 75c. New things in Grenadines, Plisse, Cjspons, add Corded Kikias. New lt Black White and Cream lndias from 35 cents to SI.OO per yard. HANDKERCHIEF SPECIALS 50 dozen Ladies fine Bheer Linen hemstitohsd hand> kerchiefs, Monday’s price 10 cents, actual value 15 cents, 56 dozen Gent’s line Cambric handkerchiefs sc, regular 15c quality. 15e fer pure Linen hand Embroidered handkerchiefs, worth 25 cents. VERY SPECIAL. 25 dozen fine I inen thread Cambric, hand embroidered, 85 cents, actual value $1.25. 25 dozen at SI.OO, eech worth $2.00. NEW NOVELTIES. In Purses, Card Receives, Bags, Belt Buckles, Belt Pins, Pins, Neck Buckles and Slides, Wind sor Ties, Side Combs. Hair Ornaments, Coloretts, Chein isetts Chiffons, plain and embroidered. New Veilings. ;SHIRT WAIST. We will plaee on sale Monday 100 dozen fina Maddiass Percale and French Lawn Waist at 75c. Goods that can't be matched under $1,25 sack. MATTINGS! MATTINGS! 200 rolls just received from $5.00 to SIO.OO per roll ef 40 yards, best value* shiwn in Athens,