The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 11, 1895, Image 3

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Go to Brooks and Power, Comer, G a.and get you a suit of clothes at New York prices, fl> to l2l£layton street. Now is the time to get the Bargain of your life.] > * t - For the next two weeks we we offer to the trade the remaining stock of t * i Clothing at on the dollar straight through, 0 It is our intention to neveri carry over goods to a following season in this department.. >v. v , V j ** I . Our Near Clothing la baginning to arrive and we ’' tl "%%u ‘'ward; a sul If ■ f CHEAP now is time. lafe- ‘Come and see us. . Local Happenings, Items of Interst to ‘Tree State” People Picked UP by MONITOR REPORTERS And Handed Sat In Small MouthfHis to &i to Sasilj Digested---BMhs 1 Deaths, ferriages, Visiters, Etc. H B Mattox was in Oglethorpe this week. Eggs and Chickens wanted at L. E. Greens, Daniehville & Comer. A good many of thp old. soldiera are making their applieatioas now for pensions. Mr a. J FL Bond, who has been visiting relatives in Hartwell has returned home. Dr. R C Moseley and wife, of Royston, were visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Dr. Westbrooks and Mrs. H W White of Ila, wa* visiting in town Monday. D B Thompson, one of thecoun tys best farmers and citizens, was in town Monday. T W Long has been looking after liis fanning interests near Paoli for the past week. We will pay the highest market price for alt kinds of country pro duce. J T Baker & Cos. t omn. Ga. J F Shepperd, who has been at Royston and Biwersyille for some time in the interest of lu3 life insurance company, is here for awhile. Remember that you can get the Monitor and Con stitution for 1.2$ cash. Danielsville was visited by ft severe hailstorm Sunday. T!ie yards were filled • itb ice for some time. If you want your your home insured against loss by fire, call on Mossleyhfc McGowan, and they will fit you up. Wa^skd-*—lsooo pounds cotton seedfat once. // J. T. Baker &' Cos. . / Comer, Ga. Our jail has only two occupants, Crawford Arnold, tlie negro who sliot a young white man near Co mer, aud Henry Simmons, charged with stealing chickens. Two papers for the price of one—why not take them and be happy —you will never reet it. Madison county farmers are realizing the fact that it is cheap erto raise their stock thau to buy them. You can see two or three young colts in almost every pas ture. Thie is right, when you raise your own stock you know what they,are. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD E JI and W. F. DORSEY, Clayton street, Athens, Ga. The fruit crop in this section, ! except in ver v low places, is tmin kj tired , The late frosts were not heavy enough to-hurt much,though the hail storm Sunday evening did considerable damage, it left enough on the ties a for a good crop. We hope that there will be no heavy late frosts and that we will be blessed with a boun tiful fruit crop. On last Sunday* w# were visited with one of the severest hail etorxis .that ever visited this county with in our knowledge, 'ome of the stones were as large as pullet eggs, anu the ground was literally cov ered. 11 is wel 1 that vegetation'was no farther advanced, because it would have been almost ruined. After tin hail atorm we had a hard rain. We are requested to announce that the Methodist Sunday school will meat at the Methodist church here on next Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. All arc requested to come and m the exercises, H B Nelms representing the Oconee marble works of West Mins or, was here this week. He represents ft good company, and we would advise our readers to patronize him, ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Gaoi giu—Madison coaaty: In accordance with an order f:(m tha Conrt of Ordinary of Malison conaty, will be sold on the first TuesUx.- in May next, before tha coffrNiaiisv in the town Of Diolsvilio tuVjoliowing property to of land in said county oa of .1 \7U.tuyc=-tb. Cel il %V h;t werth, cobWio; buftdred fourteen i3T! I ,;one hun dred acres in cttltiration balance la f >ret and old floldjylne. Good dwVlliay and four tenant houses- Sold as thA property of Mildred B- Bulloch, d*c'd. kno - ; d for distribution. Terms cah: Xl'his April let 1895. JAB. M. IID CLOCK j Administrator. Special Grand OVfer Wall- Paper, SI.OO to SO.OO Per Room, lachid ing Borders. f We have made special arrange ments with J C Lawrence &Eo. the great Wall Paper Manufactmres of New YoVk, whereby we a/e _able toaffer our subscribers the/grsatest onpotunity to buy high g/ade wail papsr at about the cost 0/ produc tion. Samples and circular show ing how many pieces of paper a room requires and h ’air to hang paper, sent free on Application. #ee these prices: jjjfc. per roll; Golds, 12c. per rolfl; Embossed Golds, £sc,, formerly $1.25. La test styles used by tpe elite of New York/ As this offer only holds good for all mitedrtime, you slioud make your sdeclnona and purchase goodu at once. /orders sent*'. O, D. Address all communications to Th 6 Monitor, 7 DANIELSVILLE, - - - GA. 5 Forks- * pp Local Happening apound the Forks. s t inHKKS For the two last wooks farmers have been putting in -their licks. No idlers, or but very few., 1 . v : t' Prof, -i A CVoiwol! pulled theholl : cord over one of Mr. J M Jones > mules, hitched to a plow last. week. : T mean the mule wai hitched to : the plow. j Misses Ida and Susie Faulkner ! and Doxt Biflhwk. -three i c j sons beautiful and lovely young | ladies, were visiting Mrr. J U : Young ami her beautiful -sinter! Miss Mamie Hansford last Satur day and Sunday. Major It H Bullock one of Mad isons most honored citizen*-,, was in town last Friday as jovial as ever. Dr. Bradford of the Blade was with us a few minutes last Satur day. Mies Mattie Meadow wgs visi ting Mrs. Dr, Hampton last week. Capt. Johnson, bass of the con vict was in town last Saturday. One of the negro convict’s had both arms broken by the wheel of a flat car running over them. Dr. Ham pi on amputated one of them* and thinks ttis other-one wont bo o!' any service to him. I i Uncle Oiarly Bro cli don’t seem -Ito improve any Quite sick yet,. I ! Several tons of guano hauled;; from here Saturday. < - Too past week was corn-fijMl ing week. Those that did’nt hist week will finish up Mr. Tom Meadows ia at -Goatf/g’: and s'.me paiitring. Pc,-era! 1 ramps around 1; ' slsdge hammer for the , . v,-dc, In* I ping Mr. T (J Hitchcock. Had a little winter l&str' l *Sßß| considerably ice one )xiprfri|g4 Don’t, think the frnii as dam* Dr. h M Thompson was inti^iljß . last Saturday. > L E Brooks our acc&tamodJif|B sherif? was in town Monday oni#st^ra f‘lever Gorg Cunningham -oil Srnitbonia was Mp^tfajOTg Wade Glenn has gone to Cornell to look after J W Hardman’* Ijflpi mess. Prof. Landers school numbers, >0 yet. ' - - r!: \V A 1 •’ N 11 D. \ All persons ire hereby warned , under wonalty }>f the law, not to hire or'‘harbor/one Sally Mshster, ! col. a 4 she is/i;ui>rrrfaßt with me } for the year 9th j' : / Jerry Williamsoh. * In our Furniture Department, . v • * 'N* SP ■ sale ; * receive new goods daily, selected with the greatest care- We can a wft interest you in this Department. -V JMTftvUa&s PmiGturH in Oak, Mahogony, Curly Black and Walnut. r •‘Tv *.’# < X* complete lino of Baby Carriages just received. r - In fact wa hate everything to be found iu $ first cl.-'.ss Furniture House. aay Remember Our Prices are Roek Bottom. Ft, Lamar, Farmers ate taking a little rest now after the rain Sunday. • Aprilfools are all the go with the young folks at present, f We are sorry to sav that the fmeroharifof Ft. Lamar don’t think Mr. #V * v ilder will live long, 11 bat we think he is mistaken. RJf. • ■*- - ij Little Paul Tabor and Hassle !jßrown are verbs'; ok at this writing, L -Mr Sam Long of Madison • Springs, gave us a call Monday. • Come agaiu Sum. , .Fred- UdMurry and his charming sister Miss Pearl, visit'd their brother, Prof, McMurry , Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. G L Pittman is slaving with Ik>V daugnter Mrs. B L Parker this week. irof. A B Parker returned homo Friday -much to the delight of his little son. Mieses flora and EuU Hi teller son, Sally Parker and Vinuie Mo- Murry are progressing yery rapid 1 y in their music. Miss 'Wo Murry in one of the finest teacher* ,ve have ever see n, | MrsTR T Stephens accompanied bv her charming daughter mls Lillo, calls 1 on Mrs. C L Montgom ery List Friday. Messrs J M H itcherson and G L ; Pittman, two vary prominent. far | mere went to Royston, ou business - this week * |i “lam not Benjamin to night.” j For further information-cull ou syr. B E Payne. j Mr. Thomas Montgomery a very papular young man cf the Fori, fpnjly-n'dav for Macon, where he SiyibDathnid school awhile, much ;J|d th# fiegret-of the young ladies. id m>tbo without it under -"any ' A • * ——rr — | 1* s yon yrtmt to Urt th** m'w yoai RijMlibod pdstvkm that will p-ty you, rjpfc.vMccT y>u arc a good ts.-ilfsiiii.ii W 0 want liresmcrgct i.f,o canvas,h.-Ii -ingefdwt-liin.- ; Fufoapllr-ct If there is an agent UP'BHM II y oiir community we can elsewhere in a good sue rdf|“s§W fttrnieh a nice light.-run- Km, agent, l* luriush horse I*B and make a SVJJ. boad a good salary or coipinis-J under which a live iiiiatliiig man can males and y. Men of character and sap do well to Hcetir* w oi k louipUey, for if successful, nsinesa instrusted is h in rehly, they will ht promo- Dre responsible positions id reepousibility, with in inpeniitioo. Address J. B. Colman. i District Agent, Athens, Oa. *** ' '■! A*- f 'Sj9f'o4OM ‘a jt row J?,. •*. i .rjis %j£4Mp4* tu!-3 wA ari-wA rod Ulc ioO "•, Boggs News. ,T A Griffiths school closed last Friday. Will Parham is sick this week. G M Caritlmrs was visiting here last week. Mr. W 0 Griffith and Miss Icie Crawford, will be married to-day, (Wednesday) at the residouo# of .J B Crawford. II TI Tolbert, esq., will officiate. Mr. Griffith is one jof Madison county’s best young ; men, and Miss Icio is, one of our | brightest young ladies. May their | pathway ever be strewn with ! flowers, and as they grow older may (heir love grow stronger, ia the wish of their many friends. Bailiff J E Moon baa several milk cows to sell at Dowdy next court. The revenue officers carried Mr. Dozier Seng raves to Atlanta last week, charged with violating the revenue laws. This section was visited by a hvavy rain and hail storm lust Sunday. t * Sheriff Brooks, one of the best officers Madison county over had, was over here one day last wok on business. Mrs. L G Smith’s dwelling came near being destroyed by fire on last, Friday. Two small children were in the house alone at the time, and and would have perish ed in the flames. Vfr. R L Ware happened to be passing and extin guished the flames, and no deubt saved the lives of the children. C Y Daniel is over here this week, building frog ponds —3o ho says. Danielsville High School. e. A . Spring Term, opSjpJaii. 7th and closes June 9th this school is to be taught absolutely rutas for ovary child within fch?3 ;h)ol age for the tern >f Ota Hundred Days at and time Jin tho rth >ol yotrof 1335. Parent) will flu l it to their advantage to patronize thi3 Board from $3,00 to 1,09 per month. Course of Study: ' a mPriary Grade: Spelling, Reading Writing, First Step* in Geography, and Primary Arithmetic. $l,OOl Innermediate Grade : Spelling, Readme, Writing, (contin ued) Elementary Geography’ Blementary Grammar, Interme diate Arithmetic Composition. \ Advance orads: Spalling, Writing, Hietory, Unidt* States and General, omolotj und Physicial osography, Advance Arithmetic omplate Grammar, Latin, Alge bra, Pbyeoligy ect., I.W W. D ABNY GUOLSTON, Principal. MISS WILLIE A. QUINN, Assistant- OoDQsite Post Of.ce School Locals, Happenings of Interest Among the Pupils of the D H. S. Miss Iva White ws out of school* Wednesday. Master Ry Brookq ascjTnan i<ad byj his little cousin, visited school Wednesday. Garnett Chandler, of Planlej entered school-here here Monday. Miss Bouie Bullock was out ef sclieol Thursday and Friday. If you wish to hear some music call on Carlton Brooks and Wal ley Jones. Edgar Benton is out of school this week. Evice Threatt was absent one day this week. The Geography Haas has great improvement since they be gan to make rounds. Mian Ruby Scott is back in school again. All the girls have pretty bou quets o f wild violets. Last Friday was speaking day and all Jho scliob rs that spoke did well, Wo had a spelling nanteh Fri day afternoon . Eflis Gordon is out of sohool this week. Wonder why some of our girls like to read the girls notes?